


Note: page numbers in italic refer to illustrations or examples. The letter ‘t’ after a page number refers to a table. Where more than one page number is listed against a heading, page numbers in bold indicate significant treatment of a subject


abuse 80, 92, 167–8, 365, 373

bullying 29–30, 361–5, 396, 406

sexual 80, 92, 167–8, 373, 388–91

see also violence

acceptance 129–30, 347, 376, 487

activation systems 21–3, 35

active relaxation 133, 135, 246, 262

addictions 209, 269

adrenal glands 65

affection 39, 64, 80–1, 309, 378

aggressive behaviour 472, 473t, 474–6, 478, 486

alcohol 265, 269

‘alien for a day’ 137–8

all-or-nothing thinking 5, 219–21, 545

anger and 288

approval and 346, 347

assertiveness and 474

caring and 449

failure and 507

frustration and 220

guilt and 420, 426

identity and 353

‘it–me’ problems and 292–3

labelling and 306, 307

see also subordinate thinking

alone time 135–6, 263

anger 38, 77, 154, 172, 290, 433–5

acknowledging 449, 465–6, 475

all-or-nothing thinking and 288

avoidance 409, 460–5

blocks 257–8

bullying and 361–3

childhood/early life and 10, 64–5, 73–94, 409

compassion and 452, 466–7

conflict and 287–8

coping skills 441–70

envy and 444–5

evolution and 442

failure and 494–5

fear and 451

focusing and 449

forgiveness and 481–3

frustration and 442–3

guilt and 433–5

injury and 443–4

jealousy and 444–5

pain and 459–60

self-criticism and 293–5

self-help exercises 467–70

self-honesty and 321–2

sexual abuse and 390–1

shades of 446–7

shame and 380, 449–50, 453–4, 456, 476

sympathetic 445

triggers 442–5, 448, 451

women and 441

animals and depression 3, 15, 42

antidepressants 265, 448

anxiety 38, 40, 42, 99, 378–9, 512–16

anxious attachment 49–50

appreciation 138–40, 242–3

approval 217–19, 313, 343–7, 355, 358, 385

bullying and 361–3

caring and 407–8

giving 360–1

guilt and 407–8

ideals and 504

shame and 370, 384–5, 449–50

social needs and 356–7, 360–1

subordinate 345, 348, 349, 350, 360–1

archetypes 16

aromatherapy 134–5

aspirations 43–6

assertiveness 57, 398–9, 471–2, 473t, 474–81

self-help exercises 489–92


lack of 444

learning 121–3, 141, 142, 183

wandering thoughts 122, 125–7, 171

writing and 227

attitudes and beliefs 74–80, 84–5, 110–13, 115, 229–30, 460–6

automatic thoughts and feelings 96–8, 111, 115, 216


of anger 409, 460–5

of pain 46, 459–60

of rumination 457–9

of shame 393–6

of thoughts and feelings 208–13, 393–6


coping skills and 176–203

self-sacrifice 408–10

social comparisons 280–1

thoughts 176–203, 223–4, 312–13

behavioral experiments 147, 175, 249–52

behaviors 6

animals and humans 15–16

changing 34, 245–72

compassionate 184

non-assertive 472, 473t, 474–6

thoughts and 78, 103–5

beliefs and attitudes 74–80, 84–5, 110–13, 115, 229–30, 460–6

biological aspects 62–3

biopsychosocial approach 62

bipolar illness 9, 22, 64, 268

blaming 199t, 276–9, 283–8, 290, 363, 390, 455


anger and 257–8

change and 252–4, 255–8

compassionate behavior and 172, 255–64

grief and 428

revenge and 398

to becoming active 252–4

body shame 53, 373–6, 389, 393–4, 500–1

boredom 261–2

brain states 8, 13, 14, 60, 245, 524, 525

thoughts and 28, 29–31, 258

breaking up relationships 196t, 197–8, 206–7, 426–7

breathing 126, 127, 128, 130–2, 137, 150

self-help exercises 123–7, 253–4

brooding see rumination

bullying 29–30, 361–5, 396, 406

burdening others 313–16, 385, 413–15

burnout 22–3, 54–5, 245–6, 263–4, 409, 420


approval and 407–8

core beliefs and 84–5

guilt and 406, 407–8, 410–2, 414–15

parenting and 24–5

relationships and 24–5, 84–5, 449

catastrophizing 70

causes 14–36, 62, 93, 441

emotion systems 16, 17, 18–26

evolution and 15–16, 26–7

thoughts and the brain 28, 29–33, 258

CBT (cognitive behavior therapy) 73, 74, 75


behaviors and 34, 245–72

blocking 252–4, 255–8

fear of 200, 309

self-help ideas 326–39

values and 335–7

chasing rainbows 43–6

childbirth 279, 417, 517, 518t 519–20

childhood and early life 10, 64–5, 73–94, 409

anger and 483–4

core feelings and beliefs 74–80

ideals 517t, 518t, 519–20

self-blaming and 283–4, 287, 290

social comparison and 277–8

subordination and 472–4

trauma and 80–2

chill-out time 135–7, 184

coffee 269

cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) 73, 74, 75

color and compassion 147–8

commitments and goals 248–9

communication, non-verbal 358

comparison, social 55–6, 276–81, 345, 425, 520, 549


anger and 452, 466–7

behavior and 184

blocks and 172, 255–64

color and 147–8

coping skills and 144–75

criticism and 161, 182–3, 275–303

failure and 499–500

fear of 171–2

flow of 148–9

focusing and 212–13, 499–500, 501

health issues and 266

imagery and 147–8, 159–70, 174t, 530

letter-writing and 233–41, 482–3, 523

mind reading (projection) and 347–8

practice forms 173, 174t, 175t

qualities 148, 179–80, 181–3, 201

questioning thoughts 187–9

rationality and 179, 192–3t, 374–5t

reframing and 232

self-compassion 32, 33, 149–51, 153–5, 161, 182–3, 275–303

self-correction and 291t, 298–9

self-help exercises in 149–51, 152–8, 173, 174t, 175t, 530–1

skills and attributes 183–4, 185t, 186

thinking and 183–4, 185t, 186

training in 181–3, 526, 528–30, 539

‘under the duvet’ 151–2, 511–12, 530–1

weight issues and 374–5t, 376

compassionate cards 329–30

compensation and shame 393

competence and shame 377

competition 344–5, 495

concealment and shame 393–4

conclusions, jumping to 206–7, 545

confidence 257, 312, 355

conflict 56, 81, 355–7

anger and 287–8

guilt and 430

personality and 87–8

relationships and 191–3, 194t, 195, 198–200, 276

conformity, social 386, 445

connectedness 47–8

consciousness 121, 292

contentment 17, 23–4, 39, 420–1, 498

contrast thoughts 382–3

coping skills 73, 441

with anger 441–70

balancing 176–203

changing behaviors 245–72

developing helpful thinking 204–26, 330–1

kindness and compassion 144–75

mindfulness 119–143

worksheet 532–6

writing 105–7, 119, 201, 206–7, 227–44

core feelings and beliefs 74–80, 84–5

cortisol 65–6, 69

criticism, self 23, 32, 56, 371t

anger and 293–5

compassion and 161, 182–3, 275–303

fear and 281–3

frustration and 30–1, 505–7

‘it–me’ problems and 290–3

parenting and 290, 386–8, 476–7

punishment and 288–9

responsibility and 283–6

self-attacking and 293–5

self-blame and 286–8

self-hatred and 295–8

self-help exercises 300–3

social comparison and 276–81

crying 380–2, 396

death 427–9

decatastrophizing 501

defeat, feelings of 54–5, 56, 86–7

delusions 9–10


definition 3–13, 524

function of 42–58, 524–5

modern society and 23, 59, 89, 91, 136, 357, 504–5

as a physical problem 61

shame and 33–4, 71–2, 313, 314

statistics 3, 11

symptoms 8, 9t, 10–11, 68, 78–9

deserving, sense of 419–20, 424

diet 267

disappointment 220, 346, 384, 498, 504–5, 511–20

self-help exercises 521–2

disapproval 350–2, 366–7

disbelieving/discounting the positive 215–19, 474, 546–7

disgust 38, 295–8, 390

distrust 85–6

doing your best 496–500

domestic violence 363–4

dopamine 63

drugs 269

dwelling see rumination

egocentric thinking 222–3

emotional amplifiers 100–1

emotions 4–5

core beliefs and feelings and 75–7, 78

evolution and 37–42, 208–9

failure and 511–16

feel-good 20–1

identifying 331–2

memory and 386, 387–8, 420–1

morality and 406–7

negative 40–1, 471, 498

reasoning and 213–24

self-conscious 368

self-help exercises 210–13

systems 16, 17, 18, 20–6

tolerance and 213–14, 546

triggers 41–2

uses 37–41

empathy 182, 193–4, 406

empty self 308–13, 346, 411–12

endorphins 26, 63

enforced subordination 51, 57

enjoying life 420–1

entrapments 8, 57–8, 357, 411

relationships and 50, 59, 357, 359, 416–17

rumination and 419

subordinate approval and 348–50

envy and anger 444–5

escaping 417–18

evolution 15–16, 24, 26, 33, 37–60, 218, 343–4

anger and 442

causes of depression and 15–16, 26–7

emotions and 37–42, 208–9

function of depression and 43–58, 524–5

modern society and 59

shame and 383–4

excitement 39

exercise 23, 268

exercises, self-help

anger 467–70

assertiveness 489–92

breathing 123–7, 253–4

changing behaviors 271–2

compassion 149–51, 152–8, 173, 174t, 175t, 530–1

disappointment 521–2

disapproval/criticism 300–3, 366–7

flash/compassion cards 326–9, 330, 431, 450–1, 458, 550

guilt 438–40

imagery 159–70, 173, 174t, 175t

letter-writing 233–40, 244, 523

life scripts 337–9

mindfulness 142–3, 202–3

self-criticism 300–3

self-labelling 322–5

shame 400–2, 523

styles of thinking 225–6

sympathetic joy 158

tolerating emotions 210–13

in values 336, 337t

see also writing

exhaustion 22–3, 54–5, 245–6, 263–4, 409, 420

existential guilt 429

experiments, behavioral 147, 175, 249–52

exploitation 85–6, 444

externally-focused thoughts 109

failure 43–6, 54–5, 216, 251, 493–523

anger and 494–5

assertiveness and 479–81

compassion and 499–500

‘doing your best’ 496–500

fear and 497

feelings and 511–16

frustration 501–3

ideal self and 516–17

lost ideals 503–20

men and 505, 506t, 507

parenting and 517–20

perfectionism 495–501

personal pride 500–1

relationships and 45, 509–11

shoulds and oughts 494–5

spoiling 507–9

fakery 316–21, 415

fantasies 503–11


anger and 451

anxiety and 512–16

of change 200, 309

of compassion 171–2

enjoying life 420–1

failure and 497

guilt and 405

relationships and 362

self-blame and 281–3

self-criticism and 281–3, 371t

shame and 450, 502–3

feel-good emotions 20–1


automatic 96–8, 216

of being empty 308–13, 346, 411–12

being a nuisance/burden 313–16, 385, 413–15

childhood/early life 74–80

defeat 54–5, 56, 86–7

facts and 214t

failure and 511–16

flow of compassion 148–9

frustration and 511–16

giving meaning to 73, 74

helpful 255

identifying 331–2

of isolation 50, 91

losing capacity for 411–12

negative 305, 471

questioning 187–9

relationships and 84–5

shame and 378–82

thoughts and 95–9, 100, 101, 102–16

tolerance and avoidance 182, 208–13, 393–6

unhelpful 176–203

flash cards 326–9, 330, 431, 450–1, 458, 550


anger and 449

breathing 123–7

compassionate 212–13, 499–500, 501

mindful 126, 127, 128–9, 138–9, 141, 142, 152–3, 515, 529

on preferences 311–13, 346–7

on self-hatred 297–8, 549

sensory 133–4

shame and 55, 373–82

worksheet 532–6

forgiveness 241–2, 435–6, 481–3, 484–5


all-or-nothing thinking and 220

anger and 442–3

failure and 501–3

feelings and 511–16

self-criticism and 30–1, 505–7

tolerance and 442–3, 498, 501–3

future-focused thoughts 109

genetic factors 63–4

goals and commitments 248–9

goodbyes and guilt 426–7

grasshopper mind 122, 125–7, 171

gratitude 242–3

grief 40–1, 46–7, 48, 140, 240–1, 427–9, 459–60

grounding 134–55, 169–70

guilt 39

anger and 433–5

approval-seeking and 407–8

avoiding spreading 476–7

‘being better off than others’ 422–4

being a burden/nuisance 313–16, 385, 413–15

caring and 406, 407–8, 410–12, 414–15

conflict and 430

death and 427–9

dilemmas and traps 50, 416–17

escaping and 417

existential 429

fakery and 316–21

fear and 405

forgiveness and 435–6

goodbyes and 426–7

grief and 427–9

honesty and 418–19

inducing 430–2

men and 428–9

as moral emotion 406–7

parenting and 286, 411–12, 414–15, 417, 423–4, 427, 431–2, 486–7

psychotic depression and 10

relationships and 422–4, 430, 431–2, 433–5, 476–7

reputation and 407

responsibility and 418, 425–6

self-sacrifice and 408–10

self-help exercises 438–40

sense of deserving and 419–26

shame and 403–5, 433, 435

social needs and 409, 410, 420

survivors and 422

tolerating 432–3

happy and unhappy situations 83t

happy self 155–6

hatred 295–8, 455–7, 549

health issues 264–70

HeartMath 168

helpful thinking 204–26, 330–1


guilt and 418–19

with self 321–2, 363

human mind 15–16, 26–7

humiliation 397–8, 479–80

humor and shame 394

hypomania 9

ideals 48–9, 503–5, 506t, 507–9, 510t, 511–16, 517t, 518t, 519–20, 523

identity, loss of 352–5, 356–7

imagery 5–6, 144, 145–8, 162, 254–5, 334–5

compassionate 147–8, 159–70, 174t, 530

difficulties with 166–8

grounding and 169–70

mindfulness and 145–6

self-help exercises 159–70,173,174t,175t

inferiority 11, 457

social comparison 55–6, 277, 280–1, 345

social withdrawal 329–30

status and 86–7

subordinate thinking 50–4

infidelity 404–5

injury and anger 443–4

internally-focused thoughts 109, 112t

‘I must’ thinking 215–17, 468, 493, 494, 523, 546

‘in the moment’ 120, 121, 123, 128–9

irrationality 69–72

isolation, feelings of 50, 91

‘it–me problems’ 290–3, 522, 548

jealousy 444–5

journey journal 119, 140, 531

joy, sympathetic 158

jumping to conclusions 206–7, 545

kindness 23–6, 34–5, 161, 525

coping skills and 144–75

self-kindness 31–3, 184–5, 372

labelling 304–8, 328–9, 349–50, 396, 423, 474, 480, 548

letter-writing 233–41, 244, 482–3, 523

life scripts 337–9

limitations 263–4, 471–2

loneliness 135–6, 263, 312, 370, 396


of identity 352–5, 356–7

of positive relationships 509, 510t, 511

reactions to 46–9

lost ideals 48–9, 503–5, 506t, 512–15, 523

parenting and 517t, 518t, 519–20

relationships 509, 510t, 511, 518t, 519–20

self-attacking and 516, 517t

spoiling 507–9

love 39, 64

major depression 8

mania 9, 64

mantras 127, 169

medication 257, 265, 269, 448

meditation 120, 140, 151, 165–6, 175

memory, emotional 386, 387–8, 420–1

men 92, 207, 223, 441, 488

assertiveness and 479–81

failure and 505, 506t 507

guilt and 428–9

infidelity and 404–5

shame and 378, 379, 450

violence and 394

mind–body link 61–72

mind reading (projection) 207–8, 222–3, 279, 347–8, 395–6


breathing and 123–5, 126, 128, 130–2, 253–4

coping skills and 119–43

focusing and 126, 127, 128–9, 138–9, 141, 142, 152–3, 515, 529

imagery and 145–6

relaxation and 24, 123–7, 130–3, 135–8, 184, 246, 270

self-help exercises 142–3, 202–3

thinking and 114

modern society 23, 59, 89, 91, 136, 357, 504–5

monoamines 63

moods 52–3, 358

moral emotion and guilt 406–7

motivation 4, 17, 256

mudras 169–70

needs, social

approval and 356–7, 360–1

guilt and 409, 410, 420

recognition and 384–5

relationships and 83t, 84–91, 315–16, 353, 354, 379

negative emotions and feelings 40–1, 305, 471, 498

negative labels 305–7

negative thinking (threat and loss bias) 176–7, 204, 205, 276, 326, 405, 428, 547

neurotic depression 9

neurotransmitters 7, 62–3

non-assertive behavior 472, 473t, 474–6

non-verbal communication 358

noradrenaline 63

nuisance, feeling a 313–16, 385, 413–15

obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) 383

overgeneralization 221–2, 346, 474, 546

oxytocin (hormone) 26, 63

pain, avoiding 46, 459–60

painting 335


affection and 80–1, 309

caring and 24–5

childbirth 279, 412, 417, 517, 518t, 519–20

criticism and 290, 386–8, 476–7

disappointment and 517–20

failure and 517–20

guilt and 286, 411–12, 414–15, 417, 423–4, 427, 431–2, 486–7

loss of ideal other and 48–9, 459–60

loss of role 91

lost ideals 517t, 518t, 519–20

mind reading and 207

perfectionism and 410

‘rescuing heroes’ and 409

sexual abuse and 80

shame and 383–4, 395, 397–8

social comparison and 277–9

unpredictable/unreliable 81–2

passive aggression (sulking) 478, 486

perfectionism 82, 410, 495–501

personalization 284, 443, 548

personal pride 500–1

personal space 135–6, 263, 420

perspective 228, 234–8, 501

physiological sensitivity 20, 64–5

positive activities 260–1

positive emotion systems 21–6

prediction 208

preferences 311–13, 346–7

pride 500–1

projection (mind reading) 207–8, 222–3, 279, 347–8, 395–6

‘protest–despair’ response 47–8

psychotic depression 9–10

punishment 288–9

questioning thoughts and feelings 187–9

rationality 177–9, 187–8, 192–3t, 201, 347–8, 374–5t

reasoning 183–4, 213–24, 545

recognition 384–5

reconciliation 485–8

refocusing 177–9

reframing thoughts 232

regrets 104

relationships 7–8, 49–50, 56, 59, 263

breaking up 196t, 197–8, 206–7, 426–7

bullying and 361–5

caring and 24–5, 84–5, 449

conflict 191–3, 194t, 195, 198–200, 276

entrapments and 50, 59, 357, 359, 416–17

failure and 45, 509–11

fear and 62

forgiveness and 483–4

guilt and 422–4, 430, 431–2, 433–5, 476–7

jealousy and 445

lack of attention 444

loss of identity and 352–5, 356–7

loss of positive 509, 510t, 511

lost ideals and 509–11, 517–20

mind-reading (projection) and 207–8, 222–3

non-verbal communication and 358

parenting and 509, 510t, 511, 518t, 519–20

personal space and 263

reconciliation and 485–8

self-sacrifice and 408–10

shame and 378, 396, 435–7

social needs and 83t, 82–91, 315–16, 353, 354, 379

subordination and 360–1

violence and 363–4, 425

relaxation, mindful 24, 123–7, 130–3, 135–8, 184, 246, 262, 270

reputation 407–8

rescuer children 82

rescuing heroes 408–10, 416, 426

resentment 483–4


abuse and 363–4, 388–91

for changing behaviors 34

guilt and 418, 425–6

self-criticism and 283–6

taking too much 283–4, 285, 286–8, 418, 425–6

revenge 397–8, 479–80, 483–4

rumination (brooding/dwelling) 19, 26, 27, 183–4

avoiding 457–9

balancing thoughts 190–1, 223–4

blocked revenge 398

bullying and 364–5

entrapment and 419

negative thoughts 113–14, 115

spiralling and 68

sulking and 478

sadness 140–1

safe place imagery 146–7, 166

safety-seeking systems 18–19, 78

self-attacking 60, 291t, 293–5, 346, 355, 377, 428, 516, 517t, 547–9

self-awareness 27

self-beliefs 460–6

self-blaming 199t, 276–9, 281–8, 290, 363, 390, 548

self-comparison 55–6

self-compassion 32, 33, 149–51, 153–5, 275–303

self-conscious emotions 368

self-correction, compassionate 291t, 298–9

self-criticism 23, 32, 56, 371t

anger and 293–5

compassion and 161, 182–3, 275–303

fear and 281–3

frustration and 30–1, 505–7

‘it–me’ problems and 290–3

parenting and 290, 386–8, 476–7

punishment and 288–9

responsibility and 283–6

self-attacking and 293–5

self-blame and 281–3, 286–8

self-hatred and 295–8

self-help exercises 300–3

social comparison and 276–81

self-disgust 38, 295–8

self-esteem 32–3

self-forgiveness 484–5

self-harming 296

self-hatred 295–8, 549

self-help exercises

anger 467–70

assertiveness 489–92

breathing 123–7, 253–4

changing behaviors 271–2

compassion 149–51, 152–8, 173, 174t, 175t, 530–1

disappointment 521–2

disapproval/criticism 300–3, 366–7

flash/compassion cards 326–9, 330, 431, 450–1, 458, 550

guilt 438–40

imagery 159–70, 173, 174t, 175t

letter-writing 233–40, 244, 523

life scripts 337–9

mindfulness 142–3, 202–3

self-criticism 300–3

self-labelling 322–5

shame 400-2, 523

styles of thinking 225–6

sympathetic joy 158

tolerating emotions 210–13

in values 336, 337t

see also writing

self-help strategies 326–39, 526, 527–9

self-honesty 321–2, 363

self-identity 27, 352–5, 356–7, 504, 515–16

self-judgements 345–7

self-kindness 31–3, 184–5, 372

self-labelling 304–8, 328–9, 349–50, 423, 474, 480, 548

self-help exercises 322–5

self-sacrifice 408–10

sensitivity, physiological 20, 64–5

sensory focusing 133–4

serotonin 63

sexual abuse 80, 92, 167–8, 373, 388–91

sexual harassment 365

sexuality 379–80, 382, 395–6

shame 38–9, 368–402, 526–7

anger and 380, 449–50, 453–4, 456, 476

approval and 370, 384–5, 449–50

assertiveness and 479–81

avoidance and 393–6

being depressed and 33–4, 71–2, 313, 314

body and 53, 373–6, 376, 389, 393–4, 500–1

compassionate self–correction and 291t

compensation and 393

competence and 377

concealment and 393–4

dealing with 393–6

elements of 369–72

evolution and 383–4

fear and 450, 502–3

feelings and 378–82

focus for 55, 373–82

guilt and 403–5, 433, 435

humilation and revenge 397–8, 479–80

humour and 394

loneliness and 370

men and 378, 379, 450

origins of 383–91

parenting and 383–4, 395, 397–8

pride and 500–1

punishment and 288–9, 299

relationships and 378, 396, 435–7

self-help exercises 400–2, 523

sexual abuse and 388–91

sexuality and 379–80, 382, 395–6

shaming loop 391, 392, 393

thoughts and 381t, 382–3

violence and 386–8, 394–6

shoulds and oughts 454, 494–5, 523

sleep difficulties 264–5

social comparison 55–6, 276–81, 345, 425, 520, 549

social conformity 386, 445

social environment 88–9

social isolation 50, 91

social needs

approval and 356–7, 360–1

guilt and 409, 410, 420

recognition and 384–5

relationships and 83t, 84–91, 315–16, 353, 354, 379

social roles 90–1

soothing 24, 26, 123–5, 137

spiralling 68–9, 98–9, 100, 101, 115, 176, 204, 205, 453–4, 495

spoiling 507–9

states of mind, different 186

status 11, 50–4, 55–6, 86–7, 90–1, 280

stimulants and drugs 269

‘stop pursuing rainbows’ model 50

strength and fortitude 161

stress 50, 58, 65–8, 69, 70–2, 330–1

submissive behavior 472, 473t, 474–6

subordinate thinking 57, 77, 79, 92, 344, 345, 352–5, 480

approval and 348, 349, 350, 360–1

childhood/early years and 472–4

inferiority and 50–4

women and 352–5, 356–7

see also all-or-nothing thinking

suicide 413, 452, 476–7

sulking (passive aggression) 478, 486

survivor guilt 422

sympathy 158, 406, 445, 477

symptoms 8, 9t, 10–11, 68, 78–9

tasks 246–7, 254–5, 258–60

positive activities 260–1

tension 130–2


catching 227–8

compassion and 183–4, 185t, 186

egocentric 222–3

helpful 204–26, 330–1

‘I must’ 215–17, 468, 493, 494, 523, 546

mindfulness and 114

negativity and 113–14, 115, 176–7, 204, 205, 276, 326, 405, 428, 547

self-help exercises 225–6

styles of 204–26, 544–53

see also all-or-nothing thinking; subordinate thinking

thought forms 105–7, 228, 229t, 230, 231t, 232, 537–43


alternative 196t, 197–8, 222t, 284–6

automatic 96–8, 111, 115, 216

avoidance 208–13, 393–6

balancing 176–203, 223–4, 312–13

basic beliefs and 78

behaviors and 78, 103–5

brain states and 28, 29–31, 258

changing 231t

contrast thoughts 382–3

externally-focused 109

feelings and 95–9, 100, 101, 102–16

future-focused 109

giving meaning to 73, 74

identifying 107–10

internally-focused 109, 112t

questioning 187–9

rational and logical 177–9, 187–8, 192–3t, 201, 347–8, 374–5t

reframing 232

self-critical 371t

shame and 381t, 382–3

spiralling and 68–9, 98–9, 100, 101, 115, 176, 204, 205, 453–4, 495

tolerance 182, 208–13, 393–6

unhelpful 176–203

wandering 122, 125–7, 171

writing down 105–7, 228–32, 537–43

threat and loss (negative thinking) bias 113–14, 115, 176–7, 204, 205

threat-protection systems 17, 18–19, 20, 35, 40, 71, 75, 186, 289

tiredness 256–7


of emotions 210–14, 546

of frustration 442–3, 498, 501–3

of guilt 432–3

of thoughts and feelings 182, 208–13, 393–6

tranquillizers 269

traps 8, 57–8, 357, 411, 419

relationships and 50, 59, 357, 359, 416–17

subordinate approval and 348–50

trauma, childhood 80–2


anger 442–5, 448, 451

depression 20, 42–3, 47, 78

emotions 41–2

trust 26, 314, 474

unhelpful thoughts and feelings 176–203

unipolar depression 9

values, changing 335–7


men and 394

in relationships 363–4, 425

shame and 386–8, 394–6

see also abuse

vitamins and supplements 267, 268

wandering thoughts 122, 125–7, 171

warmth 161, 184–5, 189, 539

weight issues 267, 329, 335, 374–5t, 376, 500–1

‘What the Hell’ factor 501

wisdom 160–1

withdrawal, social 329–30

women 11, 53, 90, 92–3, 136, 207–8, 223, 262

anger and 441

childbirth and 279, 417, 517, 518t, 519–20

confidence and 355

ideals and 517t, 518t, 519–20

parenting and 412

responsibility and 425–6

self-sacrifice and 410

social comparison and 278, 279

subordination and 352–5, 356–7

violence and 363, 425

weight issues and 329, 335, 374–5t, 376


bullying at 364–5

status and 90–1

worksheets 529–30, 532–538

worry beads 134, 169


exercises 241–4

journey journal 119, 140, 531

letter writing 233–41, 482–3, 523

thought forms 105–7, 228, 229t, 230, 231t 232, 537–43

worksheets 529–30, 532–8

see also self-help exercises