
Page numbers from the print version of this index have been retained for linking purposes; they will take you to the appropriate content in the document.

Page numbers in bold refer to illustrations.


Abbott, Tony, 221

ABC (Australian Broadcasting Commission), 153, 197, 233, 234

Aboriginal people

arrival in Australia, 18

art, 16, 17, 2123, 22, 23, 261, 273

athletes, 243

constitutional referendum (1967), 174, 215

cricket team (1868), 234, 234

culture, 20, 21, 259

dance, 21, 21, 22, 23, 260, 274, 275, 275

Day of Mourning (1938), 173174, 174, 214

European diseases, 2021

and explorers, 26, 54, 58, 59, 60, 62, 64

firestick farming, 18, 19, 226

hunting, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 20

land rights, 214, 216

nature observation, 1819, 67, 224, 225

pathways and tracks, 53, 58

reconciliation, 219, 258259

resistance by, 3739, 38, 40, 41

ritual spearing, 19, 3738

Stolen Generations, 218220

voting rights, 116, 174

white settlement, 1921, 78, 259

Aborigines Progressive Association, 173

Academy Awards (Oscars), 277

ACSI (Advisory Council of Science and Industry), 154

Adelaide (SA), 4849

Admella (ship), 227

Advance Australia Fair, 211

aerial warfare, 140141, 175

Afghans, 103

agricultural inventions, 8283

agriculture, 7883, 154155

Agua Caliente Handicap, Mexico, 171

aircraft, 140141, 141, 160161, 178

Albany (King George Sound) (WA), 46, 4647, 59

Albert, Prince, 99

Allen, Peter, 262, 263

Allenby, Edmund, 142, 144

Amalgamated Shearers Union, 89

America (schooner), 246

American ‘Great White Fleet’, 114

America’s Cup, 246, 246247, 247

Anderson, Simon, 240

Angas, George French, 22

Antarctica, 122, 122123, 123

antiwar protests, 209, 209, 216218, 217

Anzac Day, 146, 149

Anzac legend, 125

Anzacs, 132, 181

Arbuthnot’s Range (Warrumbungles) (NSW), 54, 54

arc lighting, 104, 105

Argonauts Club, 153

Arkell, Douglas, 240

art, 16, 17, 2123, 22, 23, 261, 272, 272273

Arthur, George, 41

Atatürk (Mustafa Kemal), 145, 145

Atherden, Geoffrey, 219

athletics, 241243

Auralia (proposed colony), 111

Australasian Federation Conference (1890), 86, 110

Australasian Federation Conventions (1890s), 110, 111, 115, 119

Australia Day, 173

Australia II (yacht), 246247, 247

Australian Ballet Company, 275, 275

Australian Broadcasting Commission (ABC), 153, 197, 233, 234

Australian Cricket Board, 233

Australian Flying Corps, 140141, 141, 160

Australian Imperial Force (AIF), 136, 147, 179, 182183

Australian Labor Party, 89, 97, 147, 165, 202, 252

Australian Light Horse, 127, 129130, 134, 137, 142144, 143144

Australian Museum, Sydney, 10, 67

Australian Rules football, 244, 244245

Australian Women Pilots Association, 161

Australian Women’s Army Service (AWAS), 189

Australian Women’s Land Army (AWLA), 189190

Australian Workers Union (AWU), 252

Austro-Hungarian Empire, 128

aviation, 140141, 160161


Babakiueria (film), 219

Baker, Suzanne, 277

Ballarat (Vic.), 107, 241, 257, 257

Ballarat Reform League, 75

ballet, 275

Ballet Russes, 275

Bana, Eric, 277

Bandt, Lewis, 159

Bangarra Dance Theatre, 21, 21, 260, 275, 275

Banks, Joseph, 29, 39, 52, 66, 66, 214

banksias, 11, 59

Barak, William, 23

Bardon, Geoffrey, 273

Baret, Jeanne, 248

barracking, 245

Barrington, George, 266

Barton, Edmund, 112, 113, 252

Barwick, Garfield, 202

Base, Graeme, 269

basketball, 248

Bass, George, 30, 30

Batavia (ship), 27

Bathurst (NSW), 44, 53

Batman, John, 49

Battle of Beersheba (WWI), 142143

Battle of Hamel (WWI), 137138, 140

Battle of Messines (WWI), 139

Battle of Passchendaele (WWI), 124, 140

Battle of the Coral Sea (WWII), 183184

Battle of the Somme (WWII), 138

Batty, Robert Johnston, 37

Baudin, Nicolas, 31, 39, 46

Bauer, Ferdinand, 146

Baxter, John, 58

Baxter, Kirk, 277

Bayley, Ryan, 249

Beachley, Layne, 240

HMS Beagle (ship), 30, 31

Beale, Howard, 276

Beaurepaire, Frank, 238

Beazley, Kim, 221

Beckford, Elizabeth, 34, 35, 36

Bee Gees, 271, 271

Bell, Mrs Isa, 242

Bendigo (Vic.), 241, 241, 257

Bennett, George, 67

Bennett, James, 160

Bentley, James, 74

Bethell, Colonel, 140

bicycles, 104, 104, 249

Bigge, John, 45

Biggs, Mrs, 237

biodiversity, 13

Bird, Nancy (later Walton), 161

birds, 11, 29, 59, 59, 66

Birtles, Clive, 158

Birtles, Francis, 104, 104, 158, 158, 249

Bjelke-Petersen, Joh, 211

Black Caesar, 38, 8384

Blackburn, Elizabeth, 265

Blake, William, 54

Blanchett, Cate, 277

Bland, William, 37

Blaxland, Gregory, 53

Blériot, Louis, 140

Bligh, William, 42, 4243, 43

Blue Mountains (NSW), 52, 53, 53, 70

boat people, 254, 255

Boer War, 127, 134, 216

Boldrewood, Rolf, 266

Bond, Alan, 246

Bonegilla (Vic.), 197

Bonney, Charles, 58

Bonney, Lores, 161

Borovansky, Edouard, 275

botanists, 66

Botany Bay (NSW), 29, 34, 52

Botha, Wendy, 240

Bourke, Richard, 49, 94

Bowen, John, 39

Boxer Rebellion, China, 126

boxing, 243

Boyd, Arthur, 273

Brabham, Jack, 249

Bradbury, Steven, 249

Bradfield, John, 166167

Bradley, William, 274

Bradman, Donald, 172173, 173

Bragg, William Henry, 264

Bragg, William Lawrence, 264

Bridges, William Throsby, 136, 137

Bright, Torah, 249

Brisbane (Qld), 46, 47, 54, 225

British Empire, 126128, 128

Broken Hill (NSW), 270

Bronhill, June, 270

Brookes, Norman, 236

Broome (WA), 225

Brown, Robert, 66

Browne, Thomas Alexander, 266

Bruce, Stanley, 158

bubonic plague, 93

Bull, J.W., 83

The Bulletin, 86, 116, 152, 266, 269

Bungaree (Aboriginal man), 259

Bunton, Cleaver, 211

bunyips, 67, 67

Burke, Robert O’Hara, 50, 6264, 63

Burke and Wills Expedition, 38, 6264

Burma, 183

Burnet, Frank Macfarlane, 265

Burrow, Taj, 240

Bush, George W., 218

bushfires, 13, 223, 226, 226

bushrangers, 8384, 85

Buvelot, Louis, 273


Caldwell, William Hay, 67

Californian gold rush, 7071

Calwell, Arthur, 197, 253

Cambodia, 254

Cambrian period, 12

camels, 103104, 135, 135, 142, 142, 179

Campbell, David, 269

Campbell, Robert, 43

Canberra (ACT), 120122, 156, 156158, 226

Canowindra (NSW), 13, 224

capital city, federal, 120, 120122, 123, 150, 156158

carbon dating, 13, 18

Carey, Peter, 267

Carmichael, Jennings, 119

Carmody, Kev, 215, 259

Carnegie, David, 19

cars, 158160, 199200

Carter, Doris, 242

Carter, Henry, 266

Casey, Richard, 145, 191, 202

Cash, Pat, 236

cast-iron decoration, 87

Cataraqui (ship), 227

Catholics, 9697

Centennial Park, Sydney, 112, 112

Central Powers (WWI), 128129

chain migration, 256257

Charlton, ‘Boy’, 239

Chauvel, Harry (Henry), 136, 136137, 138, 142

USS Chicago (ship), 187188, 188

Chifley, Ben, 201

children’s books, 268269

China, 129, 193, 254

Chinese furniture, 118

Chinese gold diggers, 49, 224, 257

Chinese workers, 73, 117, 117, 118

Churchill, Winston, 114, 182, 182183

Chusan (ship), 102

cinemas, 276

city life (early settlement), 9293

Clark, Andrew Inglis, 111

Clarke, Marcus, 266

Clarke, Ron, 242

‘Clarke the Barber’, 59, 60

Clendinnen, Inga, 37, 274

coaches, 102, 103, 158

coastal mapping, 3031

Cobb & Co, 103

Collins, David, 3940, 44, 49, 266

Colombo Plan, 253

combine harvesters, 83

Commonwealth Games, 243, 248

Commonwealth Institute of Science and Industry, 154

Commonwealth War Book, 191

communications, 9799

communism, 192193, 201202, 208210, 216217, 254

Communist Party of Australia, 201202

computers, 155, 155

Conan Doyle, Arthur, 266

Conder, Charles, 272

Conner, Dennis, 247

conscription, 97, 147, 147, 209210

Constitution of Australia, 111112, 119

constitutional referendum (1967), 174, 215

continental drift, 10, 11

convicts, 33, 3437, 36, 40, 45, 46, 73

emancipists, 37

secondary offenders, 40, 46

ticket-of-leave, 37

Cooee March, 130

Cook, James, 29, 122, 259, 266

Cook, Joseph, 131, 148, 149, 157, 197

Cooper Creek (SA), 63, 64

corner shops, 203204, 204

Cornforth, John, 264, 265

Cornish people, 256

corroborees, 21, 22, 23, 274

Costello, Peter, 221

Cottee, Kay, 248

Cotter River, 122

Court, Margaret, 236

Crapp, Lorraine, 232, 239

Crean, Simon, 221

cricket, 153, 172, 172173, 228, 232, 232234, 233, 234

Crofts, Thomas, 35

croquet, 235

Crowe, Russell, 277

CSIR (Council for Scientific and Industrial Research), 154155, 191

CSIRAC (computer), 155, 155

CSIRO (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation), 155

Curnow, Thomas, 84

Curr, Edward, 23, 78, 81

Curtin, John, 182183, 183, 201

Cuthbert, Betty, 232, 242

Cuvier, Baron, 15

cycads (Macrozamia plants), 213

cycling, 104, 249

Cyclone Tracy, 225, 225

cyclones, 225


Daley, James, 70

Dalgety (NSW), 120121

Dampier, William, 14, 15, 20, 2829, 247248, 266

dams, 198199, 213

dance, 21, 21, 22, 23, 260, 274275, 275

Darcy, Les, 171

Darling, Ralph, 92

Darling River, 56, 60

Darwin, Charles, 30, 31, 66

Darwin (NT), 30, 185, 185186, 225, 225

Davis, David, 170, 171

Davis Cup, 235236

Daylesford (Vic.), 256

de Castella, Robert, 242, 242

De Groot, Francis, 167

Deakin, Alfred, 111, 112, 113, 114

Democratic Labor Party, 97, 202

Denman, Lady, 121, 122

d’Entrecasteaux, Bruny, 39

Department of Labour and National Service, 189190

Depression (1890s), 87

Depression (1930s), 162, 163, 163169, 168, 169

Derwent River (Tas.), 30, 39

Desert Mounted Corps (WWI), 140, 142

Devereaux, Ed, 276

D’Ewes, John, 75

Dickson, James, 113

Dickson, John, 100

dictation test for migrants, 118, 252, 253

diggers (WWI), 133, 144, 149

dinosaurs, 14

Diprotodon (giant wombat), 14, 66

dirigibles, 140

disasters, 223227

disease, 2021, 35, 57, 64, 65, 93

displaced persons (WWII), 196197

Dixon, James, 9697

Dobell, William, 273

Dobson, Rosemary, 269

dogs, 123, 174, 192, 241

Doherty, Peter, 265

Dombrovskis, Peter, 213

donkeys, 135

Donohoe, Jack, 84

Doohan, Mick, 249

droughts, 13, 223, 224, 224

Drysdale, Russell, 273

Duffy, Charles Gavan, 110

dugongs, 14, 15

Dunbar (ship), 227

Dunne, Clare, 276

Durack, Fanny, 238, 238

Dutch exploration, 2628, 27

Duyfken (ship), 26


Earle, Augustus, 66

Eccles, John, 265, 265

ecology, 198, 212213

Ediacara Hills (SA), 12

education, 81, 9495

Edward, Prince of Wales, 99, 104

Edward VII, King, 113

Edwards, Ross, 271

Eendracht (ship), 28

Egan, John, 75

Egypt, 126, 230231

El Alamein, Egypt, 181, 181

electric trams, 93, 106, 106

electrification, 104106

Elizabeth II, Queen, 113

Elkin, Peter, 174

Ellard, Frederick, 274

Elliott, Adam, 277

Elliott, Herb, 242

Ellis, M.H., 158

Emerson, Roy, 236

Empire Air Training Scheme, 178

HM Bark Endeavour (ship), 29, 66

environmental issues, 13, 198, 199, 212213

Eora people, 22, 38

Eureka flag, 75, 75

Eureka Stockade, 7475, 75

Evans, Cadel, 249

Evans, George, 53

Evans, Ivy, 242

Experiment (river boat), 102

explorers, 1415, 2531, 5165

Eyre, Edward John, 57, 5759, 60, 64, 214


Facey, Albert, 129, 132, 133, 135, 148

Fanning, Mick, 240

farming, 7883

Farrelly, Midget, 240

Farrer, William, 154

federal capital see national capital city

Federal Capital Territory, 122

Federal Parliament, 113114, 122, 157, 157158, 273

Federation, 109114

Ferguson, Ronald Munro, 131

Field, Albert, 211

Field, Barron, 266

film industry, 107, 262263, 276277

Finch, Peter, 276, 276, 277

firestick farming, 18, 19, 226

First Fleet, 34, 3435, 96, 100

First World War. see World War I

fish fossils, 13, 13, 224

Fisher, Andrew, 122, 148149, 220

Fisk, Ernest, 152

Fleming, John, 38

Fleurieu Peninsula (SA), 31

Flinders, Matthew, 30, 30, 31, 66

Flinders Ranges (SA), 12

floods, 52, 222, 224225, 227

Florey, Howard, 264, 264, 265

flour mills, 100

Flying Pieman (William Francis King), 241

Flynn, Errol, 276

food rationing, 191192

football, 244, 244245, 245

Ford Motor Company, 159, 200

foreign workers, 116118, 117, 252

Forrest, John, 111, 115116, 190

fossils, 9, 1115, 13, 14, 6667, 224

Fox, Mem, 269

France, 128, 181, 208, 209

Franklin, John, 122

Franklin, Miles, 266267

Franklin River (Tas.), 212

Fraser, Dawn, 232, 238

Fraser, Malcolm, 211, 221

freedom rides, 215, 243

Freeman, Cathy, 242, 243, 243, 250

French exploration, 31, 39, 46

Freycinet, Louis de, 46

Fromelles, France, 139

Frost, Henry, 200

Fuchida, Mitsuo, 186

Furphy, Joseph, 86

Fysh, Hudson, 160


Gainsford-Taylor, Melinda, 242, 250

Gallipoli campaign, 130, 132, 132135, 133, 149, 182

Game, Philip, 165, 167

Garden Palace, Sydney, 104, 105

Gardiner, Frank, 84

Gawler, George, 58

Gellert, Leon, 197

Genée, Adeline, 275

General Motors Holden (GMH), 200

Georges River (NSW), 30

German colonies, 127, 128, 128, 131

German place names, 146, 256

Germany, 128, 180, 181

Gerstäcker, Friedrich, 102, 104

giant animals, 1415

Gibb, Barry, 271, 271

Gibb, Robin & Maurice, 271

Gibbs, May, 125, 268

Gibson, Mel, 276, 277

Gibson, William, 107

Gilbert, John, 62

Gillard, Julia, 221, 221

Gilmore, Mary, 269

Gilmore, Stephanie, 240, 240

glaciers, 12

Glanville-Hicks, Peggy, 271

Glover, John, 272

Godley, Alexander, 133, 136

gold diggers, 49, 69, 7475, 75, 84, 224, 257

gold escorts, 84

gold prospectors (Great Depression), 169

gold rushes, 68, 69, 6975, 72, 84, 224

Gondwana, 11

Goolagong, Evonne, 236, 243

Gordon, Adam Lindsay, 269

Gordon-below-Franklin Dam, 213

Gordon, Charles, 126

Gordon, Jennifer, 264

Gordon River (Tas.), 213

Gorham, Kathleen, 275

Gorton, John, 205, 220221, 263, 276

Gough, June, 270

Goulburn (NSW), 117

Gould, John & Elizabeth, 66

Gould, Nat, 97, 99

Gould, Shane, 238239

Government House stables, Sydney, 44, 45, 45

Graham, Bob, 269

Grainger, Percy, 270, 271

Granville train derailment, 227

Gray, Charles, 64

Great Depression, 162, 163, 163169, 168, 169

Great War. see World War I

Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere, 186, 208

Greek people, 257, 258

Greenway, Francis, 44, 45, 166

Greenwood, Andrew, 216

Greer, Germaine, 263, 263

Greider, Carol, 265

Grenville, Kate, 267

Griffin, Marion Mahony, 122, 156, 156

Griffin, Walter Burley, 122, 136, 156, 156157

Griffith, Samuel, 110, 111

Gronn, Claus, 224

Grose, Francis, 42

Gulf Wars, 217218

Gundagai (NSW), 227

Gurrumul, 271


Hackett, Grant, 239

Hall, Ken, 277

Hammerman, Bernhard, 197

Hardman, Damian, 240

Hargraves, Edward, 71, 71

Harpur, Charles, 266

Harradine, Benn, 243

Harris, John, 53, 54, 55

Harsanyi, John, 264

Hartnett, Sonya, 269

Hartog, Dirk, 28, 29

harvesters (wheat), 82, 83

Hashemy (ship), 73

Hawdon, Joseph, 58

Hawke, Bob, 221, 247

Hawkesbury River (NSW), 30, 44, 52, 81, 224

Hayden, Bill, 221

Hayes, John, 39

Hayward, Elizabeth, 34, 35, 36

Healy, Cecil, 238

Heidelberg School, 272

Helpmann, Robert, 274, 275

Henricks, Jon, 232, 239

Henry, Jodie, 239

Henty, Thomas, 49

Henty family, 60, 60

Herman, Sali, 273

Hewitt, Lleyton, 236

Heysen, Hans, 273

High Court of Australia, 111, 202, 211, 213

Hindmarsh, John, 48

Hinkler, Bert, 160, 161

Hitler, Adolf, 193

Hoad, Lew, 236

Hobart (Tas.), 30, 40, 44, 48

Hobson, Percy, 243

hockey, 248, 249

Hodgkin, Alan Lloyd, 265

Hogan, Paul, 263, 276, 277

Holbrook (NSW), 146

Holden, Edward, 200

Holden, James Alexander, 200

Holmes, E.L., 158

Holt, Harold, 189, 220

Hoover, Herbert, 174

Hope, A.D., 269

Hopetoun, Lord, 112


Melbourne Olympics, 231

racing, 170, 170171

in transport, 102, 103

in war, 134, 134135, 138, 143, 144, 175

Hotham, Charles, 7475

Houtman, Frederik de, 28

Hovell, William, 98

Howard, John, 218, 219, 221

Howell, George, 100

Howitt, Alfred, 23

Hughes, Billy, 97, 122, 139, 147149, 149, 152, 160, 220

Hume, Fergus, 266

Hume, Hamilton, 5556, 66

Humphries, Barry, 262, 262263

Hungary, 230, 231, 232

Hunter, John, 42, 43

Hunter River (NSW), 81

Hussein, Saddam, 218

Huxley, Andrew, 265

Hyde, Miriam, 271

Hyde Park, Sydney, 93, 232, 244

hydro-electricity, 105, 106, 199, 213


ice ages, 12, 14

Illawarra Steam Packet Company, 239

immigration, 7374, 116118, 196197, 252258. see also migrants

Imperial Camel Corps, 135, 142, 142

Indian workers, 116117

Indochina, 208

Indonesia, 37, 209

Ingpen, Robert, 269

inland sea, 53, 57

HMS Investigator (ship), 30

Iraq, 217218

Irish people, 9697, 147, 258

irrigation, 101, 199

Italy, 129, 179


Jackson, Marjorie, 242

Jacky Jacky (Wiradjuri man), 227

James, Clive, 263

James, Harry, 158

Jandamarra (Bunuba man), 39

Janszoon, Willem, 26

Japan, 129, 175, 182188, 208, 252

Jardine, Douglas, 172

Joey (Cootachah) (Aboriginal man), 58

Johnson, Millard, 107

Johnston, Major, 43

Jones, Leisel, 239

Jones, Marilyn, 275

jumbucks, 78


Kahanamoku, Duke, 238, 239, 240

Kanakas, 116, 117118

kangaroos, 19, 66, 67, 67

Kats-Chernin, Elena, 271

Keating, Paul, 219, 221

Kekwick, William, 65

Kellow, Charles, 158

Kelly, Ned, 84, 84, 107, 273

Kelly, Paul, 207, 215, 259

Kelly family, 107

Kendall, Henry, 266

Keneally, Thomas, 267, 267

Kerr, Bill, 276

Kerr, John, 211

Kidman, Nicole, 277

Kienzle, Bert, 184

Kindur River, 59, 60

King, John, 64

King, Philip Gidley, 39, 42, 43, 97

King, Phillip Parker, 20, 31

King, William Francis, 241

King George Sound (Albany) (WA), 46, 4647, 59

Kingsford Smith, Charles, 160, 161, 161

Kingston, Charles, 113

Kisch, Egon, 252

Kitchen, Henry, 45

Klim, Michael, 239

Kngwarreye, Emily Kame, 273

koalas, 12, 12, 66, 268, 269

Kokoda Track, 175, 184, 184185

Komodo dragons, 15

Konrads, John & Ilsa, 239

Korean War, 193, 193, 216217

Krefft, Gerard, 67

Kuhlken, Captain, 131

HMAS Kuttabul (ferry), 188


La Trobe, Charles, 74

Labor Party.see Australian Labor Party

Lachlan River (NSW), 53, 60

Lady Nelson (ship), 54

Lady Penrhyn (ship), 34, 35

Lake Eyre (SA), 13, 225

lamps, 81

land clearing, 80

land rights, 214, 216

Landells, George, 64

Landy, John, 242

Lane, Frederick, 238

Lang, Jack, 161, 165, 167, 197

Lang, John Dunmore, 15

Larcombe, Jim, 169

The Last Wild River (film), 213

Latham, Mark, 221

Launceston (Tas.), 40, 105

Laver, Rod, 236

lawnmowers, 235

Lawrence, Thomas Edward, 142

Lawson, Henry, 266, 266

Lawson, William, 53

Leacock, James Freeland, 159

Lebanese people, 255

Ledger, Heath, 277

Leichhardt, Ludwig, 51, 60, 61, 6162, 274

Letham, Isabel, 240

Lewis, Tom, 211

Lexcen, Ben, 247

Liberal Party of Australia, 165, 201

Light, William, 4849

lighting, 81, 104106

Lightning (ship), 102

Lindsay, Norman, 268

Lingiari, Vincent, 215, 215, 216

Lipton, Thomas, 246

literature, 266269

Logan, Patrick, 46

Lovell, Pat, 276

luminescence (dating method), 18

lungfish, 67

Lynch, Barton, 240

Lyne, William, 96, 112, 119

Lyons, Enid, 116, 116

Lyons, Joseph, 153, 165, 165, 220


Mabo, Eddie Koiki, 216

Mabo case, 216

MacArthur, Douglas, 184, 193

Macarthur, Elizabeth, 45, 78, 79

Macarthur, James, 88

Macarthur, John, 43, 43, 44, 45, 78, 79

Macgillivray, John, 62

Mackay, Mr (contractor), 116

Mackellar, Dorothea, 224, 269

Macleay, William Sharp, 15, 37, 67

MacNamara, Francis, 46, 266

Macquarie, Elizabeth, 45

Macquarie, Lachlan, 4345, 44, 53, 232, 236

Macquarie River, 56

Macquarie Street precinct, Sydney, 44, 45

Macquarie towns, 44

Macrozamia plants (cycads), 213

Magellan, Ferdinand, 247

Major Mitchell’s cockatoos, 59, 59

Malouf, David, 267

Manly, Sydney, 239, 240

Mannix, Daniel, 147

Maori Wars, 126

Marconi, Guglielmo, 152

Maria Island (Tas.), 41

Marsden, Samuel, 78

Marsh, Stephen, 274

Marshall, Barry, 265

marsupials, 11, 67

Martens, Conrad, 22, 273

Martin, Jesse, 248

Martin (servant boy), 30, 30

Martindale, Captain, 103

Matthew, Daniel, 100101

Mawson, Douglas, 122123, 123

McCubbin, Frederick, 272

McDonnell, Richard, 65

McEntire, John, 3738

McEwen, John, 220

McEwen, Robbie, 249

McGinness, Paul, 160

McGregor family, 130

McKay, Heather, 249

McKay, H.V., 83

McMahon, William, 220

McRae, Tommy, 23

Meale, Richard, 271

Meares, Anna, 249

Medawar, Peter, 265

medical treatments, 8081, 93, 171, 203, 265

Meehan, James, 44

megafauna, 1415

Megalania prisca (giant monitor lizard), 15, 15

Meillon, John, 276

Melba, Nellie, 157158, 261, 269, 269270

Melbourne (Vic.), 241, 257

Federation, 113, 113114

first settlement, 48, 48, 49

Olympic Games (1956), 205, 229231, 230232

1880s, 86, 86, 87

Melbourne Cup, 170171, 171

Menzies, Robert, 165, 174175, 175, 178, 182, 182, 201, 201202, 220

Mermaid (ship), 54

Mertz, Xavier, 123

M’Gregor, Hugh, 70, 71

Mickey of Ulladulla, 23

midget submarines (WWII), 187, 187188

migrants, 73, 7374, 195, 196, 196197, 252258, 255, 256. see also immigration

milk supply (early settlement), 9293

milkmen, 93, 202, 204

Miller, George, 277

Minogue, Kylie, 270, 271

Mitchell, Elyne, 138

Mitchell, Helen ‘Nellie’ Porter. see Melba, Nellie

Mitchell, Thomas, 14, 37, 53, 5960, 66, 84

Molonglo River, 122

Monash, John, 136, 137138, 140

Moneghetti, Steve, 242

monotremes, 10, 67

Montez, Lola, 274

Moonta (SA), 256

Moran, Patrick, 96

Moreton Bay (Qld), 30, 46

Morgan, ‘Mad Dog’ Daniel, 83, 84

Morse, Samuel, 97

motor sports, 249

motor vehicles, 158160, 159, 199200

multiculturalism, 251259

Mundine, Anthony, 243

Mundine, Tony, 243

Mungo Man, 18

Murdoch, John Smith, 157

Murdoch, Rupert, 263, 263

Murphy, Graeme, 275

Murphy, Lionel, 211

Murray, Les, 269

Murray River, 57, 60, 81, 103, 104, 198199

Murrumbidgee River (NSW), 57, 60, 198199, 224

music, 269271

Myall Creek massacre, 38

Myall Lakes National Park, 213

myxomatosis, 168


Namatjira, Albert, 22, 23, 272273

Nasser, Gamal Abdel, 230

Nathan, Isaac, 271

national anthem, 211

national capital city, 120, 120122, 123, 150, 156158

National Gallery of Australia, Canberra, 273

Nauru, 131

netball, 248

Network (film), 276

New Caledonia, 208

New Guard movement, 165, 167

New Guinea, 28, 131

New South Wales Corps (Rum Corps), 4144

New South Wales Lancers, 127

New York Yacht Club (NYYC), 246247

New Zealand, 12, 110, 118119, 126, 131, 133134

Newcastle (NSW), 44, 46

Newcombe, John, 236

Newton-John, Olivia, 270

Niemeyer, Otto, 164165

Nimitz, Chester, 184

Ninnis, Belgrave, 123

Nobel Prize, 263265

Nolan, Sidney, 273

Norfolk (boat), 30

Norfolk Island, 40


Occhilupo, Mark, 240

O’Connor, Mark, 269

O’Donnell, Phyllis, 240

old age pensions, 118119

Old Parliament House, Canberra, 157, 157158

Olden, Harry, 142, 144

Oldfield, Bert, 172

Oliver, Alexander, 120

Olley, Margaret, 273

Olsen, John, 273

Olympic Games, 230, 238, 242, 243, 248, 249

Melbourne (1956), 205, 229231, 230232

Stockholm (1912), 237, 238

Sydney (2000), 232, 243

O’Malley, King, 119, 122

O’Neill, Susie, 239

opossums, 11

Opperman, Hubert, 249, 249, 252, 253

Otto 1, King, 230

Ottoman Empire, 128129

Overland Telegraph, 97, 98, 99

overlanders, 5758, 58, 60

Owen, Richard, 15, 67

Oxley, John, 5354, 55, 59, 66


Pacific Islanders, 116, 117118

Packer, Frank, 246

Packer, Kerry, 233234, 245

paddle-steamers, 81, 81, 104

Page, Earle, 220

Page, Stephen, 275

palaeontologists, 1112

Pangaea, 11, 11

Papua New Guinea, 14, 131, 183185

Papunya (NT), 273

Parer, Damien, 277

Park, Ruth, 268

Parkes, Henry, 73, 110

Parkes radio telescope (NSW), 155, 155

parliament, federal, 113114, 122, 157, 157158, 273

Parliament House, Canberra, 157, 273

Parramatta (NSW), 44, 52

patent medicines, 81, 93

Paterson, Banjo, 135, 141, 182, 266267

Paterson, William, 40

Patten, Jack, 173

Pavlova, Anna, 274, 275

Pawsey, Joe, 155

Peacock, Andrew, 221

pedal wireless, 151, 153

Peirce, Augustus Baker, 104

pelicans, 225

Pell, Morris, 103

Pemulwuy (Eora warrior), 38, 39, 83

penicillin, 264, 265

pensions, 118119

Pérec, Marie-José, 243

Peris-Kneebone, Nova, 243

Perkins, Charles, 243, 253

Perlmutter, Saul, 264

Perry, Joseph, 112, 116

Perth (WA), 37, 46

petrol rationing, 190191, 201

Pfalz, later Boorara (ship), 131, 131

Phar Lap (racehorse), 170, 170171

Phillip, Arthur, 35, 35, 3738, 4142, 266

Phillips, John, 70, 101

Picnic at Hanging Rock (film), 276, 277

pigs, 92

Piguenit, William, 273

Pinner, Gwen, 158

plate tectonics, 10

platypuses, 9, 10, 67

ploughs, 82, 82

P&O (shipping company), 102

Poland, 196

political leaders, 148149, 220221

pollen deposits, 18

Poo, Sam, 84

HMS Porpoise (ship), 43

Port Arthur (Tas.), 41, 227

Port Essington (NT), 60, 62

Port Fairy (Vic.), 237238

Port Macquarie (NSW), 54

Port Phillip (Vic.), 3940, 49, 60

Potter, Beatrix, 271

Powerhouse Museum, Sydney, 105, 106

Pozières, France, 139

Prasad, Nancy, 253

Prelog, Vladimir, 264

Preston, Margaret, 273

prickly pear, 154, 154, 155

prime ministers, 148149, 220221

Prince of Wales (ship), 182

Prokhorov, Aleksandr, 264

Prokopov, Valentin, 230

Proteaceae family, 10, 11

Protestants, 9697

public transport, 203


Qantas (Queensland and Northern Territory Aerial Services Ltd), 160

quarter-acre blocks, 202203


rabbits, 155, 168

radio, 131, 151, 152, 152153

radio astronomy, 155

Radojevic, Danilo, 275

Rafferty, Chips, 276

railways, 93, 103, 166

Raine, John, 100

Ranken, George, 15

ratites, 11

rats, 93

Rats of Tobruk, 180181

Read, Rudston, 173

Reconciliation Australia, 258, 259

recruitment posters (WWI & II), 125, 130, 146, 183

Red Baron, 141

Red Cross, 146, 148

Reddy, Helen, 270

Rede, Robert, 7475

‘reffos’, 197

refugees, 196197, 253255, 254, 255

Reid, George, 110111, 119

religion, 9697

Repulse (ship), 182

Reynolds, Maurice, 103, 160

Rice, Stephanie, 239

Richardson, Henry Handel (Ethel Florence), 267

Ridley, John, 83

Ridley strippers (wheat), 83

Riess, Adam, 264

Risdon (Tas.), 39, 40

river steamers, 81, 81, 104

Robe, Frederick, 88

Roberts, Tom, 272

Robinson, Captain, 131

Robinson, George Augustus, 41

Robinson’s Baths, Sydney, 237

rock art, 21, 22

Roman Catholics, 9697

Rommel, Erwin, 180, 181

‘roof rabbits’ (cats), 168

Rose, Lionel, 243

Rose, Murray, 232, 238

Ross, James Clark, 122

Rowell, Sydney, 184

Royal Air Force (RAF), 178

Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF), 140, 157158, 177, 178, 178

Royal Exhibition Building, Melbourne, 86, 114

Royal Military College, Duntroon, Canberra, 136

Rudd, Kevin, 218, 220, 221, 221

Rudd, Steele, 152

Rudder, Enoch, 71

rugby, 245

Rum Corps (New South Wales Corps), 4144

Rum Rebellion, 4143

rum trade, 42, 43

Rush, Geoffrey, 277

Ruskin, John, 87

Russell, Robert, 49

Russia, 128, 193, 196


sailing ships, 102

saltwater crocodile, 14

sandmining, 212, 213

Sarah Island (Tas.), 4041

sawmills, 101

SBS (Special Broadcasting Service), 205

Schmidt, Brian, 264

schools, 81, 94, 9495, 95

scientific research, 6667, 154155, 264265

Scobie, James, 74

Scottish people, 256, 258

Scrivener, Charles, 120, 122, 156

Scullin, James, 164, 165, 165

Sculthorpe, Peter, 271

scurvy, 35, 57, 64, 65

scythes, 83, 235

sea levels, 14, 18

Second World War. see World War II

selectors, 79

settlers, 7783

home remedies, 8081

shelter, 79, 7980, 80

Shackleton, Ernest, 122123

Shark Bay (WA), 12, 15, 28, 46, 248

shearers, 77, 78, 89, 89, 117

sheep, 38, 49, 7879

Sheffield, Earl of, 233

Sheffield Shield cricket, 233

shepherds, 38, 78

Shiers, Walter, 160

shipwrecks, 227

Simpson, John, 135

skating, 249

Slessor, Kenneth, 269

Slocum, Joshua, 248

Smart, Jeffrey, 273

Smith, Grace Cossington, 273, 273

Smith, Keith, 160, 161

Smith, Richard Bowyer, 8283

Smith, Ross, 160, 161

snowboarding, 249

Snowy Mountains Hydro-Electric Scheme, 106, 194, 198, 198199

Snowy River, 199

social welfare, 118119

soils, 1213, 52, 79, 166, 213

Solander, Daniel, 66

Sophia Jane (ship), 102

Southern Cross (aircraft), 161, 161

Soviet Union, 193, 230, 231

Spanish exploration, 26

Spence, Catherine, 115

Spielberg, Steven, 267

sports, 229249

squash, 249

squatters, 23, 73, 74, 79, 89

Stawell Gift (sprinting race), 242, 243

Stead, Christina, 267

steam engines, 100, 100101

steam mills, 100101, 101

steamships, 102

Stevens, Bertram, 268

stock-market crash (1929), 164

Stolen Generations, 218220

stomach ulcers, 265

Stoner, Casey, 249

The Story of the Kelly Gang (film), 107, 107, 276

Stow, Randolph, 267

Streeton, Arthur, 272

Strickland, Edward, 126

Strickland, Shirley, 232, 242

strikes, 201

stromatolites, 12

Stuart, John McDouall, 50, 62, 64, 6465, 65, 99

stump-jump ploughs, 82

Sturt, Charles, 50, 55, 5557, 59

suburbs, 202, 202204, 203

Sudan, 126, 216

Suez Canal, 126, 142, 181, 230

sugarcane, 117

supercontinents, 11

surfboards, 229, 239, 240

surfboats, 239, 239

surfing, 239240, 240

Sutherland, Joan, 270, 270

Sutton, Henry, 204

Swan River colony (WA), 37, 4647

swans, 29

swimming, 236239, 237, 238

Sydney (NSW), 90, 112, 126

first settlement, 3435, 48

World War II, 186188

Sydney Conservatorium of Music, 45, 45

Sydney Cove (NSW), 32, 34, 35, 52

Sydney Dance Company, 275

Sydney Harbour Bridge, 162, 166, 166167, 207, 219

Syria, 181

Szostak, Jack, 265


Tait family, 107

tallow (sheep fat), 79

Tamworth (NSW), 105

Tan, Shaun, 269, 277

Tank Stream, Sydney, 51, 92, 92, 93

tanks (WWI & II), 140, 140, 181

Tarwood, John, 37

Tasman, Abel, 28, 28

Tasmania. see Van Dieman’s Land

Taylor, P.G., 161

Taylor, Rod, 276

telegraph, 62, 65, 9799

television, 204205, 205, 212, 213, 217

Telford, Harry, 170

Tench, Watkin, 266

tennis, 235, 235236, 236

terra nullius, 214

Thargomindah (Qld), 105106

The Rocks, Sydney, 167, 257

Theile, David, 232

Theodore, Edward, 165

Therry, Roger, 94

They’re a Weird Mob (film), 276

Thiele, Colin, 269

Thomas, Captain, 75

Thomas, Petria, 239

Thomson, Herbert, 158

Thomson steam car, 158

Thorpe, Ian, 238

tillite, 123

Tingwell, Charles ‘Bud’, 276

Tjapaltjarri, Clifford Possum, 273, 273

Tobruk, Libya, 180181

Todd, Charles, 99, 264

Tom Thumb (boat), 30

Torres, Luis Váez de, 26

trains, 91, 93, 103, 166, 227

trams, 93, 106, 106

transit of Venus, 29

transport, 81, 93, 102104, 203

transportation of convicts, 33, 3437, 36, 40, 45, 46, 73

treadmills, 100

Trickett, Edward, 110

Trickett, Libby, 239

Triple Entente (WWI), 128

Trollope, Anthony, 47, 78

Truchanas, Olegas, 213

Truganini (Palawa woman), 41, 41

Turkey, 132134, 142145

Turner, Ethel, 268


Udet, Ernst, 141

Ulm, Charles, 161, 161

Ultimo Power Station, Sydney, 105, 106

Unaipon, David, 174

unemployment, 164, 168169


unions, 8889, 201, 252

United Australia Party (UAP), 165, 201, 220

United Nations, 213, 217, 218, 255

universities, 202, 211

USA (United States of America), 111, 129, 182, 183, 209

USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics), 193, 196, 230, 231

utility vehicle (ute), 159, 159


Van Diemen’s Land (Tasmania), 28, 30, 31, 33, 37, 3941, 44

van Praagh, Peggy, 275

Vesteys (pastoral company), 216

Victoria, Queen, 113, 114, 214

Victoria Cross medal, 127, 140, 146

Victorian Football League, 244

Vietnam War, 208210, 217, 254

Vietnamese people, 254, 254255

Vivas, Julie, 269

Vlamingh, Willem de, 2829, 46

volcanoes, 10, 12

Voluntary Aid Detachment (VAD), 188

von Guérard, Eugene, 272, 272

von Mueller, Ferdinand, 146

von Richthofen, Manfred, 141

voting rights, 115, 115116, 174


Wakefield, Edward Gibbon, 49

Walers (horses), 134, 134135, 138

Walker, Sam, 239

Wall, Dorothy, 268269

wallaby track (Great Depression), 163, 169, 169

waratahs, 9, 10, 11

Warren, Robin, 265

Warrumbungle Range (NSW), 54, 54

wartime censorship, 192

wartime rationing, 190192

waste disposal (early settlement), 92

water polo, 248

water supply, 92, 93, 120

waterwheels, 106

Watson, Jessica, 248, 248

Wave Hill Station (NT), 216

Weddell, James, 122

Weir, Peter, 276

Welch, Garth, 275

Wellington Caves (NSW), 14, 15, 59, 6667

Wells, H.G., 129

Wentworth, William, 53, 266

Westlake, Nigel, 271

wheat, 83, 154

White, Patrick, 263264

White Australia Policy, 118, 252, 252253

Whiteley, Brett, 273

Whitlam, Gough, 199, 210, 210211, 215, 216, 221, 263

Wickham, John, 30

Wik case, 216

Wilkes, Charles, 122

Williams, Fred, 272, 273

Williams, Ivor, 140

Williamson, J.C., 275

Wills, Tom, 244

Wills, William, 62, 64

Wills, William John, 6264, 63

Wilson, Woodrow, 149

Wimbow, John, 84

Wing, John Ian, 232

Winton, Tim, 267

Wiradjuri people, 224

wireless, pedal, 151, 153

Wiseman, Solomon, 37, 94

Wollemi pines, 9

wombats, 12, 12, 66


aviators, 161

sports women, 238, 240, 242

voting rights, 115, 115116

in war, 175, 188190, 189, 190

Women’s Auxiliary Army Corps (WAAC), 188

Women’s Auxiliary Australian Air Force (WAAAF), 188

Women’s Royal Australian Army Corps (WRAAC), 189

Women’s Royal Australian Naval Service (WRANS), 189, 190

Women’s Royal Naval Service (WRNS), 188

wool industry, 7879, 154, 193

Woolloomooloo, Sydney, 93, 237

workers, 8889, 116118, 201, 252

World War I (Great War), 125, 127149, 216

aerial warfare, 140141

animals at war, 134, 134135, 135, 142, 142

conscription, 97, 147, 147

desert campaign, 135, 137, 142144

diggers, 133, 144, 149

generals, 136138

home front, 146148, 152

maps, 128, 132

recruitment, 130, 130, 146

returned soldiers, 148

wartime leaders, 148149

Western Front, 124, 138140, 139

World War II, 175192, 216

aerial warfare, 175, 178

attack on Australia, 183188

maps, 176, 180, 186

North Africa, 179181

rationing, 190192

women, 175, 188190

Wright, Judith, 269

Wrightson, Patricia, 269

Wyatt, George, 101

Wybalenna, Flinders Island, 41

Wylie, Wilhelmina, 238

Wylie (Aboriginal man), 5859


yachting, 246248

Yagan (Noongar man), 39

Yarri (Wiradjuri man), 227

Yarry (Neramberein) (Aboriginal man), 58

York, Duchess of (1901), 113, 114

York, Duke and Duchess of (1927), 157, 158

York, Duke of (1901), 113, 113, 114, 166

Young, Cliff, 242

Young, Nat, 240, 240

Young, Simone, 271


Zador, Ervin, 230

Zappas, Evangelos, 230

Zinkernagel, Rolf, 265

zircons, 12

Zoological Society, London, 66