Concept definitions are shown in bold.
accountability 124, 134, 136, 151, 153, 175
Acton, Lord 70
Afghanistan 68
Africa see also individual countries
internet access 237
personal rule 159
ruling presidents 63
Algeria 300
anarchism 11
Arab Spring 51–2, 57, 60, 61, 62, 68, 159, 248–9
Argentina 278
Asia 14, 25, 28, 38, 75, 140, 177, 225, 237, 247 see also individual countries
assassination 221
assembly see legislature
bureaucracy 176
constitution 114
elections 272
federalism 187
gross national income (GNI) 16
head of state 156
Human Development Index 17
metropolitan governance 193
political culture 201
political parties 256
referendums 280
trade unions 315
authoritarian states 39, 57 see also China; hybrid regimes; Russia
electoral authoritarianism 300
elite political culture 206
executives 59–61, 62–3, 147–8, 158–9, 158–60, 338
patronage 61
political communication 234, 241–2, 247–9
political participation 228–31
rule of law 109
social movements 231
transition to democracy 51–2, 53
Bagehot, Walter 155
behaviouralism 82
bureaucracy 165
comparative political ranking 15
electoral system 146, 278, 301
gross national income (GNI) 16
Human Development Index 17
political participation 229
BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China) 28 see also individual countries
bureaucracy 163
accountability 175
administrative capacity 178
bureaucratic authoritarianism 177
crony capitalism 178
departmental recruitment 171, 173
new public management 174–6, 174
non-departmental public bodies 169–70
ombudsman 175
unified recruitment 171, 172–3
bureaucratic authoritarianism 177
Burundi 16
cabinet 150
cabinet government 151
cadre (elite) parties 252, 253
comparative political ranking 15
constitution 114
executive 151
gross national income (GNI) 16
head of state 156
Human Development Index 17
KOF Globalization Index 102
separatist movement 31
trade unions 315
women in the labour force 174
cartel parties 262
catch-all parties 253
checks and balances 45
Chile 278
ancient Chinese empire 20
comparative political ranking 16
constitution and courts 120, 124
electoral system 66
elite political culture 206
form of government 66
gross national income (GNI) 16
Human Development Index 17
judiciary 66
mass media 248
meritocracy 163
multinational corporations 34
party systems 255
political participation 229
political parties 66
public policy 340
social organizations 321
sub-national government 185, 197
Christian democracy 154, 253, 257, 276, 291
Churchill, Winston 38, 51, 160, 269, 292
cities, governance 193
citizens’ juries 223
citizens/citizenship 22–3, 22, 24
uninformed 223
civil law 122
civil liberties 44
civil service see bureaucracy
civil society 305
clientelism 229
coalition governments 12, 152, 153–4, 153
Cold War 14, 39, 51, 52, 68, 75, 210
collective decision-making 2, 6, 7, 217
Colombia 278
colonialism 21, 25, 29 see also de-colonialization; post-colonial states
committee-based legislature 130, 137–9, 137
communism 26
bureaucracy 178
elections 282
institutions 79
interest groups 320
party systems 255
political participation 229
voters 300
comparative method 91
comparative politics 2 see alsotheoretical approaches
classifying political systems 13–17
defined 12
concepts 2
conservatism 11
constitutional monarchy 155
constitutional courts 115–18 see also judiciary
constitutions 109–13, 114, 123–4 see also individual countries
codified constitution 110
uncodified constitutions 109–10, 110, 112, 113, 119
consumer politics 220
conventional political participation 217, 220
corporatism 310
cost-benefit analysis (CBA) 236
courts 113–18, 123–4 see also judiciary
supreme courts 115, 118–19, 120
crony capitalism 178
cult of personality 63
culture 201–2 see also political culture
decision-making approach 8
Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen 24
de-colonialization 20, 25, 29, 82 see also post-colonial states
decrees 142, 143, 156, 160, 179
democracy see also liberal democracy
constitutions 109
defined 38
degrees of 42
and the French revolution 24
military intervention and imposition of 52
numbers of 39
participatory 41
representative democracy 40, 41–3, 41–2
role of institutions 78
rule of law 109
use of terms left and right 11–12
waves of democratization 49–51, 49, 301
weaknesses 51
Democracy Index 14–16, 44–5, 51, 56
democratization 38, 49–54, 49, 301
Denmark 70, 165, 256, 261, 315 see also Scandinavia
despotism 60
developmental state 178
direct democracy see democracy Doing Business Index 337
due process 109
Duverger’s law 254
economic development
in authoritarian states 61
economic performance and voter choice 292–5
emerging economies 34
modernization and democracy 48–9, 48
role of governance 4
Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) 14–16
within bureaucracy 167, 168, 183
democracy and modernization 48
and political participation 218, 287, 289, 290, 291, 292
politics as 7
and post-materialist values 209
as slow-moving cause 106
comparative political ranking 16
constitution and courts 123
executive 316
form of government 316
gross national income (GNI) 16
Human Development Index 17
as hybrid regime 60
interest groups 317
judiciary 316
political culture 213
political participation 229
post-Arab Spring 159
Elazar, Daniel 202
elections 43
alternative vote (AV) 271, 272
distribution requirements 277
first-order elections 270
franchise 273
mandate 279
party lists 273
proportional representation 12, 271, 272–5, 272
recalls 282
regional government 186
second-order elections 270
electoral authoritarianism 300
electoral colleges 136, 149, 155, 275, 277
electoral formula 270
electoral systems 270 see also individual countries
electoral volatility 301–2, 301
elite political culture 205–6, 205
end of history 51
England see United Kingdom (UK)
corporatism 310
elections 270
elite political culture 205
major parties 258
post-materialism 207
voter behaviour 288
voter turnout 298
European Union (EU)
bureaucracy 166
confederation 190
electoral system 32
executives 32
expansion and democracies 39
form of government 32
gross national income (GNI) 16
judiciary 32
multilevel governance (MLG) 183
political parties 32
regional development program 186
system of governance 4
executives see also individual countries
authoritarian states 146–7, 158–60
coalition governments 153–4, 153
as formal institution 78
head of government 147
majority government 153
parliamentary 147, 148, 150–4, 150, 157
personal rule 158
semi-presidential 147, 154–8, 154
separation of powers 149
term limits 148
Failed States Index 35
fascism 11
federal systems 182, 186–92 see also individual countries
asymmetric federalism 188
confederations 190
cooperative federalism 188
dual federalism 188
federations 186
Fiji 68
Finland 151, 176, 261, 278, 315 see also Scandinavia
fourth estate 234
comparative political ranking 15
e-government 176
elections 194, 272, 277, 278, 301
gross national income (GNI) 16
Human Development Index 17
judiciary 194
KOF Globalization Index 102
military intervention and imposition of democracy 52
political parties 194
post-materialism 209
semi-presidential system 78, 157–8, 194, 195
social movements 319
sub-national government 185, 186
freedom of speech 44
French revolution 10, 11, 22, 24, 31
gendered institutions 225, 225 see also women
genocide 87
coalition governments 154
comparative political ranking 15
concept of the state 22
constitution (Basic Law) 113, 114, 151
democracy 50
elections 276
electoral system 208
executive (chancellor) 151, 152, 156, 208
Federal Constitutional Court (FCC) 116, 117–18, 120
gross national income (GNI) 16
Human Development Index 17
judiciary 208
KOF Globalization Index 102
partisan dealignment 289
political culture 209
women in the labour force 174
global cities 192
globalization 31–2, 34, 102–3, 241–3
metropolitan governance 193
multilevel governance (MLG) 182–3, 182
Aristotle’s classification of 14
checks and balances 45
as distinct from the state 21
limited government 43, 44, 148
self-government 2, 30, 38, 40, 41
sizes of 166
gross national income (GNI) 16–17, 16
Guinea 68
head of government 147
head of state 147
Hong Kong 6, 21, 115, 117, 193, 337
Human Development Index 17
human rights 123
Huntington, Samuel 49–51, 58, 210–12
hybrid regimes
as authoritarian state 57–9, 58, 60, 142
interest groups 321
legislature 58
political communication 234, 249
five major ideologies 11
left to right spectrum of 11–12
comparative political ranking 15
elections 272
electoral system 46
electoral volatility 301
executives 46
gross national income (GNI) 16
Human Development Index 17
judiciary 46
Nehru-Gandhi dynasty 140
political participation 229
political parties 46, 255, 258
state incomes 28
Indonesia 277
institutionalism 76
institutions 76
institutionalization 76
interest groups see also political participation
compared to social movements and political parties 318
defined 305
density 315
issue networks 311
protective groups 305–6, 306, 307
think-tanks 308
intergovernmental organizations (IGOs) 31–2, 33, 337
internet see also social media
citizen monitoring 33
and deconcentration 184
the echo chamber 41
e-democracy 41
interest groups 311
mass communication and social movements 319
political communication 234, 235, 238–9, 241–2, 246, 248, 249
political participation and 219, 221, 222
interpretive approach 85–8, 86
comparative political ranking 16
elections 283
electoral system 296
executives 296
form of government 296
gross national income (GNI) 16
Human Development Index 17
judiciary 296
legal system 124
media 61
political parties 296
presidential elections 278
voters 297
Iraq 30, 52, 60, 71, 211, 224, 302, 319
iron law of oligarchy 258
Islamic republics 68–9, 69, 212–13, 248
issue networks 311
issue voting 292
Italy 120, 132, 156, 185, 205, 261, 315
Jamaica 156
bureaucracy 165, 166, 173, 178
comparative political ranking 15
e-government 176
electoral system 172
elite political culture 206
form of government 172
gross national income (GNI) 16
head of state 156
Human Development Index 17
iron triangle 309
judiciary 172
as nation-state 31
pluralism 309
trade unions 315
women in the labour force 174
judicial restraint 118
judiciary 78, 82, 114–21 see also individual countries
abstract review 115
appellate jurisdiction 115
concrete review 115
supreme courts 115, 118–19, 120
juristocracy 114
Keynes, John Maynard 24
KOF Globalization Index 102
Kosovo 22
Latin America see also individual countries
bureaucratic authoritarianism 177, 179
constitution and courts 115, 122, 149
elections 272
federalism 191
interest groups 320
political communication 249
political participation 227, 249
presidential system 94, 103, 157
proportional representation 271, 272
referendum initiatives 282
state formation 25
unitary systems 184
law 121–3, 130–1 see also constitutions; judiciary
legislature 128 see also individual countries
authoritarian states 57, 142–3
committees 130, 131, 137–9, 137
and constitutional amendments 113, 114
hybrid regimes 58
parliamentary systems 132
plenary sessions 130
population and size of legislature 97–8
separation of powers 149
size of 135
term limits 141
unicameral and bicameral 131, 133–6, 133, 137
weak bicameralism 134
liberal democracy 44 see also democracy
civic culture 203
elite political culture 205
executives 147
political communication 234
political participation 217–18
promotional groups 307
women’s political participation 224
limited government 43, 44, 148
list system (PR) 227, 260, 271, 273
logic of appropriateness 80
logic of consequences 80
Luxembourg 26
Machiavelli, Niccolò 81
Marxism 11
mass media
newspapers 235, 238, 241, 244–6, 247, 248, 249
self-selection 238
meritocracy 163
methodology 91
metropolitan governance 193
comparative political ranking 15
democracy 54
electoral system 264
electoral volatility 301
executive 264
gross national income (GNI) 16
Human Development Index 17
interest groups 320
judiciary 264
law-making 131
legislature 135, 137, 141, 264
political participation 229
presidential elections 276, 278
trade unions 315
Middle East see also individual countries
Arab Spring 51–2, 57, 60, 61, 62, 159, 248–9
personal rule 159
migrants, international 22–3, 31
in authoritarian states 61, 65–8
military governments 62, 65–8, 160
Mill, John Stuart 30, 44, 75, 130, 223
ministerial government 152
modern 47
modernization 48
constitutional monarchy 155
European 62
and modern bureaucracies 163–4
multilevel governance (MLG) 182–3, 182
multinational corporations 34
multinational state 31
multi-party systems 254, 256–7
nationalism 30
nations 29
nation-states 31
bureaucracy 171
e-government 176
electoral volatility 301
executive 152
KOF Globalization Index 102
local government 192
political parties 261
trade unions 315
new institutionalism 79–80, 80
new public management 174–6, 174
New Zealand
comparative political ranking 15
corruption 70
e-government 176
gross national income (GNI) 16
Human Development Index 17
local government 192
trade unions 315
uncodified constitution 109–10, 113, 119
newspapers 235, 238, 241, 244–6, 247, 248, 249
niche parties 257
comparative political ranking 15
constitution 114
electoral system 4
government and politics 5
gross national income (GNI) 16
Human Development Index 17
lootocrats 61
military government 67
political participation 229
presidential elections 277
non-governmental organizations (NGOs) 34
North Korea
as communist state 69
corruption 71
cult of personality 64
human rights 123
Norway see also Scandinavia
bureaucracy 165
comparative political ranking 15
Human Development Index 17
local government 192
political parties 261
trade unions 315
oligarchies 14, 139, 179, 258, 284
Oman 62
ombudsman 175
opinion polls 222
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) 28, 174
outsourcing 165, 169, 170, 192–4
Paine, Thomas (The Rights of Man) 42
parliamentary government 150–4, 150, 157
parties see political parties
party systems 253–8, 254, 263–7
patronage 61
Peace of Westphalia 23
policy analysis 325
policy entrepreneurs 330
political communication 234
authoritarian states 241–2, 247–9
transmission model 237, 238–40
political culture 201
democracies 203
political economy 16
political generations 207
political leaders see also executives
cult of personality 63
political participation see also interest groups
deliberative opinion polls 223
mobilized participation 228
opinion polls 222
political exclusion 219
public opinion 10, 221–4, 221, 314
sample surveys 222
political parties see also individual countries
authoritarian states 252
cartel parties 262
catch-all parties 253
compared to social movements and interest groups 314, 318
defined 252
electoral volatility 301–2, 301
finance 262
as formal institution 78
iron law of oligarchy 258
mass parties 253
niche parties 257
safe district 259
selectorate 259
political systems 5, 13–17 see also individual countries
political trust 51, 203–5, 203, 298
post-colonial states 25–6, 213
see also de-colonialization post-communist states 26, 57, 62–3, 110, 111, 184
presidential government 148, 152–3, 157
prime ministerial government 151–2
propaganda 247
proportional representation 12, 271, 272–5, 272
protective groups 305–6, 306, 307
public opinion 10, 221–4, 221, 314
public policy
bottom-up implementation 331
cost-benefit analysis (CBA) 236
defined 325
garbage-can model 238, 326, 327–8
policy entrepreneurs 330
policy instruments 329
policy outputs 332
top-down implementation 331
Putin, Vladimir 159, 160, 197–8, 211, 212–13, 284
quasi-states 27
red tape 163
regional government 185–6, 186
regulatory agencies 169–71, 169
religion see also Islam; Islamic republics
conflict of civilizations thesis 210–12
secularization 292
representation (by legislature) 4
research methods 91
analytic narrative 103
comparative method 2, 9, 12–13, 91–2, 99–103
confirmation bias 101
correlation 97
counterfactuals 100
level of analysis 91
methodology 91
most different/similar systems design 96
outliers 98
process tracing 104
qualitative method 92, 93, 95–6, 95, 97
quantitative method 92, 93, 96–9, 97
slow-moving causes 106
survivorship bias 101
unit of analysis 91
value bias 101
variables 91
resource curse 339
comparative political ranking 16
cultural kinships 210
electoral system 226, 284, 301
federalism 187
form of government 226
gross national income (GNI) 16
Human Development Index 17
judicial appointments 120
judiciary 226
KOF Globalization Index 102
legal systems 125
legislature 135, 137, 143, 226
political communication 249
political participation 227, 229
presidential elections 62, 278
public policy 340
Scandinavia see also individual countries
bureaucracy 165
second-order elections 270
secularization 292
security state 34
semi-presidential government
separation of powers 149
single-member plurality (SMP) 271
single-party systems 255
social media 94, 111 see also internet
interest groups 311
political communication 236–7, 236, 241
social movements 231, 317, 318
South Africa
bureaucracy 165
comparative political ranking 15
constitution and courts 111, 117
electoral system 116
form of government 116
gross national income (GNI) 16
Human Development Index 17
judiciary 116
political participation 229
presidential elections 278
quasi-federation 190
South Korea 176
Soviet Union 26, 70, 206, 282 see also Russia
criticisms of 33
post-communist 26
quasi-states 27
security state 34
stateless nations 30
statute law 122
sub-national government 185, 196–8
subsidiarity 189
supreme courts 115, 118–19, 120
bureaucracy 165
committees 139
comparative political ranking 15
constitution 114
executive 334
form of government 334
gross national income (GNI) 16
head of state 156
Human Development Index 17
judiciary 334
KOF Globalization Index 102
local government 192
partisan dealignment 289
political culture (earlier ref?) 201
political parties 334
public policy 335
sub-national government 185
trade unions 315
women in the labour force 174
Switzerland 26, 29, 187, 280, 282
Taiwan 22
term limits 141
Thailand 15
theoretical approaches
empirical approaches 81
grand theory 72
new institutionalism 79–80, 80
normative approaches 81
rational 76
theory 74
think-tanks 308
Three Worlds system 14
total war 24
trade unions 104–5, 307–8, 315
transmission model (communication) 234
Tunisia 60
Turkey 15, 17, 165, 174, 210, 229
Tuvalu 16
two-party systems 256
Aristotelian 14
Three Worlds system 14
unitary systems 182, 184–6, 191–2
United Kingdom (UK)
civic culture 203
comparative political ranking 15
e-government 176
electoral system 138
electoral volatility 301
form of government 138
gross national income (GNI) 16
head of state 156
Human Development Index 17
KOF Globalization Index 102
legislature 130, 131, 135, 137–8, 139
lobbying 313
local government 192
military intervention and imposition of democracy 52
opinion polls 222
parliamentary government 153
political generations 209
political parties 138, 256, 257, 261
political trust 204
referendums 281
regulatory agencies 169
sub-national government 185
trade unions 315
uncodified constitution 110
women in the labour force 174
United States of America (USA)
American Revolution 24
bureaucracy 164, 165, 166, 168, 169, 173
civic culture 203
comparative political ranking 15
concept of the state 22
constitution 24, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114
cost-benefit analysis (CBA) 326
Declaration of Independence 24
e-government 176
electoral system 274
executive 148, 149–50, 159, 274
federalism 187, 188–9, 190, 274
gross national income (GNI) 16
Human Development Index 17
institutions 79
interest groups 315
judiciary 274
KOF Globalization Index 102
law-making 131
legislature 130, 132, 135, 137, 139–40, 141, 148, 274, 311–12
mayor-council system 196
military intervention and imposition of democracy 52
opinion polls 222
pluralism 309
political generations 209
political parties 256, 263, 274
political trust 204
presidential elections 277, 278
Supreme Court 115, 118–19, 120
trade unions 315
voter choice 288, 291, 293, 295
voter turnout 298
women in the labour force 174
comparative political ranking?? 15
constitution 179
executive 242
form of government 242
judiciary 242
legislature 242
political communication 243
political parties 242
von Clausewitz, Carl 7
vote of confidence 133
behaviour explanations 287
compulsory voting 299
issue voting 292
partisan dealignment 288–9, 288, 290
party identification 287–9, 288
rational choice 293
warlords 197
waves of democratization 49
Weber, Max
definition of the state 20
model of bureaucracy 164, 174–5
welfare state 24
Westphalian system 23
cultural differences and 211
gendered institutions 225, 225
political culture 212
Yemen 60
Zambia 266