AAMR (American Association on Mental Retardation), 118
Addison, Eileen, 107, 114, 131, 377
Aguirre, George, 305
Albritton, Mary Lee, 222–23, 385
ALI. See American Law Institute
Alito, Samuel, 278
in Baze and Bowling v. Rees, 278
in Kennedy v. Louisiana, 211, 217
American Law Institute, 332, 392–93
Amnesty International, 300, 378
Amsterdam, Anthony, 38, 40, 61, 63–64, 75
Angola State Penitentiary, 26, 214
Appelbaum, John, 142
Arcene, James, 140
Armstrong, Jeanette, 222–24, 385
Armstrong, Sampson, 222–23, 225–26, 400
Atkins, Daryl, 103, 109–12, 114, 125–29, 145, 160, 398
Atkins v. Virginia, Virginia Supreme Court decisions, 115–17, 119, 122, 126, 128
Auburn State Prison, 23
Baez, Joan, 79
Baird, Charlie, 315
Baker, Michael, 67–68, 81, 85, 397
Baker, Steven, 72, 74–75, 81, 339, 397
Baker, Tammy, 71
Banner, Stuart, 15, 48, 275, 369–71, 387
Baze, Ralph, 278
Baze v. Rees, 209, 383, 388, 395
Benitez, Judy, 213
Benjamin, Charlie, 133, 136–39, 141
Billington, John, 20
Blackmun, Harry A., 64–66, 80, 97, 99, 247, 262, 289, 296, 347–48, 350, 395, 402
on failure of death penalty, 349
in Herrera v. Collins, 296, 310
on “machinery of death,” 347
in McCleskey v. Kemp, 99
Booth v. Maryland, 237, 249–50, 253–54, 261, 263, 265, 267, 359, 385–86
Borger, Jack, 98
Bork, Robert H., 47–48, 154–56, 249, 337, 379
Bowman, Jeffrey H., 387
Brandeis, Louis, 253
Brennan, William, 11–12, 43, 63, 97, 99, 180, 200, 247, 261–62, 347, 369, 371, 383
on retribution, 200
in South Carolina v. Gathers, 253
Breyer, Stephen, 153, 156, 210–11, 390
Bricker, Phyllis, 241, 244, 387
Bricker, William, 268
Bright, Stephen B., 311–12, 325, 329, 342, 391–92, 394, 402
Brooks, Charles Jr., 28
Burger, Warren, 15, 41, 55, 64–65, 344
Burks, Craig, 313
Burns, George E., 245
Burton, Harold, 387
Carpenter, Pamela Mosely, 116
Carrisalez, Delia, 290, 389, 401
Castlewood State Park, 137
Chapman, Jay, 28, 277–78, 280, 388
Chapman-Deutsch formula, 277
Chicago-Kent College of Law, 372–73, 383
Christopher, Charisse, 254–56, 258, 260, 401
circumstances, aggravating v. mitigating, 46–47, 49, 55–56, 58, 60, 63–66, 73, 76, 84, 94, 114, 141, 157, 226, 245, 299, 328, 332, 343, 354–55, 357–58, 377
Clarke, James W., 230, 233, 385
Coker, Erlich, 204, 218–19, 400
Coker v. Georgia, 205, 210, 212, 225
Cole, Luther F., 172
Columbia Human Rights Law Review. See Los Tocayos Carlos
Commonwealth v. Atkins, 376
Cowans, Stephan, 301
Crook, Shirley, 133–34, 136–37, 142, 144, 158, 161, 398
Crosby, David, 143
D'Alemberte, Talbot (“Sandy”), 291–94, 389, 401
Darrow, Clarence, 335
de Becker, Gavin, 163, 180, 380, 382
de Blanc, Bertrand, 271
Death Penalty Information Center, 326, 370, 392–93
DeLuna, Carlos, 303, 305–10, 390, 401–402
Dennis, James, 184
Deutsch, Stanley, 28, 277–78, 370
Dickson, Del, 11, 369, 371, 387
Dixie Furniture store, 89
DNA testing, 195, 299, 302–303, 342–43, 394
Douglas, William O., 12, 39, 41, 43, 48, 369, 397
Duffy, Clinton T., 388
Dukakis, Michael, 339
Durkes, Herbert L. Jr., 167, 380
Eighth Amendment, 19, 39–41, 64, 104, 106, 124–25, 161, 217, 224, 266, 278–79, 391
and claim of innocence, 294, 310
and cruel and unusual punishment, 19, 33, 38–39, 47, 64, 116, 141, 145–46, 200, 205, 208–209, 218
and excessive and disproportionate punishment, 224
and ineffective assistance of counsel, 391–92
Ellis, Jim, 117–20, 130–31, 376, 398
Enmund, Earl, 222–25, 232, 400
Enmund v. Florida, 85, 221, 232, 374, 377, 385
evolving standards of decency, 7, 105–107, 109, 111, 113, 115, 117–21, 123, 125–27, 129, 131, 145–46, 156, 161, 344, 376
fair trial, Sixth Amendment right to, 125–26, 176, 206, 288, 291, 311, 324, 328–29, 377
Fierro v. Gomez, 374
Fifth Amendment
and double jeopardy, 380
and self-incrimination, 62–63, 288, 320
Florida State Prison in Starke, 224
Florida State University, 291
Fones, William H. D., 237
Ford, Alvin Bernard, 174–75, 184, 194
Ford v. Wainwright, 381
Forrester, Owen, 96
Foster, Allen, 275
Fourth Amendment, unreasonable search and seizure, 288
Francis, Willie, 184, 238, 244, 270–73, 387, 401
Frank, Daniel, 20
Frankfurter, Felix, 104, 272–73, 387
French Declaration of the Rights of Man, 157
Funderburg, Ellen, 321
Furman, William Henry, 35–37, 40, 52–53, 184, 397
Furman v. Georgia, 41–43, 46–49, 55–57, 61, 65–66, 73–74, 76, 100, 199, 209, 224, 342, 349, 353, 371–72, 383, 395
Gathers, Demetrius, 250–51, 253, 267, 386, 400
Georgia Death Penalty Statute, 8, 37, 50, 353, 355, 357
Georgia State Penitentiary, 50
Georgia State University, 398
Georgia Supreme Court, 37, 321, 324, 371, 391
Ginsburg, Ruth Bader, 120, 152–53, 156, 392
Goldberg, Arthur, 38–39, 41, 371
Gordon, Amalee, 196
Greenawalt, Randy, 227–30, 232–33, 400
Greenhouse, Linda, 216, 382, 395
Gregg, Troy, 44, 50, 52–53, 184, 397
Gregg v. Georgia, 44, 47, 49, 55, 61, 76–77, 94, 121, 123, 140, 197, 244, 332, 337, 353, 372, 383
Griswold, William, 72
“Gruesome Gertie” (Louisiana's electric chair), 26–27, 29, 270
habeas corpus, writ of, 146, 285, 289, 324, 331, 388–89
Harlan, John Marshall (II), 12, 14–15, 369, 397
Harris, Daniel, 73, 85–86, 397–98
Harris, Robert Alton, 68, 71–73, 75, 78, 80, 82, 85, 276, 339, 341, 397
Harrison, G. Hughel, 46
Hayes, Cheryl, 134, 141, 158–59, 377, 399
Hayes, Robert, 134
Haynes, Richard (Rev. Minister), 251–52
Hernandez, Carlos, 306–309, 402
Herrera, Leonel Torres, 281–85, 288–89, 291–93, 295–97, 301, 343, 388–90
Herrera v. Collins, 293, 295, 372, 389, 395
and Texas Court of Criminal Appeals, 285, 315–16, 328, 388, 390
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 246
Howard, Jacob, 39
Hymel, L. J., 173, 181–83, 382, 399
Jackson, Robert, 266
Jeffries, John, 100
Joan of Arc, 292
Jones, Jeffrey M., 393
Jones, William A., 109–12, 114, 127–29, 377, 398
Jurek v. Texas, 371
Justice Department, U.S., 216, 262
Justice Department statistics on characteristics of death row inmates, 84
Kelly, Jon, 308
Kemmler, William, 24–25, 271, 397
Kendall, George, 20
Kennedy, Anthony, 121, 153–56, 158, 189–97, 202–204, 206, 209–12, 214–18, 249–50, 253, 261, 293–95, 346, 378, 382–84, 400
Kennedy, Patrick, 189, 191–92, 202, 205, 207, 214, 216–18, 400
Kennedy v. Louisiana, 216, 382–84, 400
Kersey, Tom and Eunice, 221–23
Knight, Thomas Gates, 19
Koontz, Lawrence, 103, 115, 117
Kwan, Kenneth, 312
Layton, James, 152
LDF. See NAACP Legal Defense Fund
LeBlanc, Bertrand, 271
LeBlanc, Brian, 165–66, 170, 399
Lee, Robert, 167
Liebman, James S., 221, 224, 304, 390
Lockett, Sandra, 56–57, 60–61, 66–67, 85–88, 398
Lockett v. Ohio, 55–56, 76, 349, 372
Lopez, Wanda, 303, 305–306, 310
Louisiana Child Advocacy Center, 196
Louisiana State Penitentiary, Angola, 26, 29, 273
Louisiana v. Resweber. See Francis, Willie
Lyons, Troy, 41, 108, 112, 127, 377
Malvo, Lee Boyd, 151
Marshall, Thurgood, 13, 41, 43, 61, 63, 178, 200, 264–65, 328, 344, 347, 401
on the Court's about face-on victim impact statements, 263
Mauro, Tony, 384
Maxwell, William, 10–12, 15–16
McCleskey, Warren, 89–95, 97–102, 247, 375–76, 398
McFarland, George, 312–15, 326, 391, 402
McFarland v. State, 390
McFarland v. Texas, 391
McKenzie, Sam Phillips, 93, 95
Mike Burgess, 190
Miller v. Alabama, 380
Missouri Supreme Court, 145–48, 378
Mitchell, Aaron, 33
Mitchell, Pertie, 142–43, 161, 378, 398–99
Mitchum, Robert, 228
Moomey, Brian, 135–37, 142, 377
Moore, Wallace, 307
Mosely, Mark, 116
Mother Teresa, 79
Muhammad, John Allen, 151
NAACP Legal Defense Fund, 38–40, 61, 95–97, 373, 378
National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, 131, 213, 378, 384
National Law Journal, 131, 317, 384, 391
Nelson, Evan, 115–16, 326–27, 392
Nelson, Gary, 326–27, 392, 402
Nelson v. Zant, 392
Nesbitt, Becky, 307
Nesbitt, Eric, 108–109, 128, 398
Neufeld, Peter, 302
Nevada State Journal, 275, 387
New Hampshire Supreme Court, 261
Newton-John, Olivia, 163–64, 168, 176, 180
Nordykre, Keith B., 163, 178, 183
Northwestern University, 344
O'Dell, Joseph, 297–301, 389–90
O'Dell, Lori Urs, 301
O'Dell v. Commonwealth, 389
O'Dell v. Netherland, 297, 389
Ohio Supreme Court, 60
“Old Sparky” (Florida's electric chair), 224
Olive, Mark, 285–86, 288–89, 291
O'Malley, Martin, 267
Parker, Russell, 56–60, 93–94, 375
Patel, Marilyn, 82
Patterson, Timothy, 144
Patterson, Wayne, 33
Payne v. Tennessee, 237, 261–63, 347, 386
Penry v. Lynagh, 117, 145, 376
People v. John Zimmerman, 373
People v. Paul Roberts, 373
People v. Willie Thomas, 76, 373
Perry, Grace, 165–66, 170, 399
Perry, Michael Owen, 163–65, 167, 169–71, 173, 176, 180–81, 183–84, 399
Perry v. Louisiana, 168, 172–74, 184–85, 381
Planned Parenthood v. Casey, 154, 379
Postell, Charlie, 51
Prejean, Helen, 300–301, 389–90
Price, William Ray, 148
Proffitt v. Florida, 371
proportionality review in sentencing, 7, 55, 74, 76–78, 205, 225–26
Roberts v. Louisiana, 371
Roe v. Wade, 254
Romero, Mark, 171
Roper v. Simmons, 44–45, 134–40, 142–49, 151–54, 156–61, 299–301, 377–80, 389, 395, 399
Ross, Eddie Lee, 318, 320–22, 326, 391, 402
Rucker, David, 281–84, 286, 291, 401
Sabatier, Harold, 171
Saloman, Rene, 170
Scalia, Antonin, 66, 97–99, 119–21, 123–25, 141, 151–53, 157, 160, 178, 211, 217, 246, 248, 254, 265, 279, 294, 297, 300, 310, 335, 350–51, 372, 377, 379–80, 383, 386, 390, 398, 402
on Lockett v. Ohio, 66
on McCleskey v. Georgia, 98
Schartner, Helen, 298
Scheck, Barry, 302
Shaw, Bernard, 339
Simmons, Christopher, 133, 136–37, 145, 158–61, 299–300, 389, 394
Simmons v. South Carolina, 133, 136–37, 145, 158–61, 299–300, 389, 394
Smith, Frank Lee, 302
Smith, Fred, 275
Smith, John Eldon, 322–25, 391–92, 402
Soldierson, Susan, 88
Solicitor General, Office of U.S., 150, 153, 215–16, 278, 337
South Carolina v. Gathers, 386
Southern Center for Human Rights, 311–12, 325
Stanford v. Kentucky, 141, 145–48, 152, 157, 378
Stanley, Ivon Ray, 269
Stevens, John Paul, in defense of Trop v. Dulles, 160
Stinney, George, 140
Stuntz, William J., 395
Taney, Roger, 267
Teague v. Lane, 389
Tennessee Supreme Court, Booth controversy, 237, 261–62
Texas Court of Criminal Appeals and effective assistance of counsel, 285, 315–16, 328, 388, 390
Theriot, James, 387
Thomas, Marie, 89
Thompson, Wayne, 140
Thompson v. Virginia, 141, 377–78
Tison brothers, 85, 227–32, 234–35, 248, 374, 385, 400
Trop v. Dulles, 104, 118, 125, 160, 376, 386, 394
Tyson, Theresa, 227
Villareal, Hector, 286, 388, 401
Vinson, Fred, 272
Warren, Earl, 11–14, 106, 369, 397
Washington v. Harper, 179–80, 182–83
Washington v. Strickland, 328–29, 332, 392
Waxman, Seth, 153
Weisberg, Robert, 42
Wellington, Michael, 76–78, 397
Westinghouse, George, 23, 25, 370
White, Justice Byron, 13, 40, 66, 77, 97–98, 206, 209, 224, 232, 248, 253, 293, 296
Wilkerson v. Utah, 369
Willingham, Cameron, 302
Witherspoon v. Illinois, 12, 15, 37, 369, 394
Woodson v. North Carolina, 371
Wright, Ben, 93
Wright, J. Skelly, 271