Introduction: A House of Secrets
Chapter 1: The Road to the Death House
Chapter 2: The Death Penalty Lives Again
Chapter 3: Good Guy/Bad Guy? Same Guy?—Proportionality and the Death Penalty
Chapter 4: Black on White—Race and the Death Penalty
Chapter 5: Mental Incapacity and “Evolving Standards of Decency”
Chapter 6: Juvenile Killers—Should They Die?
Chapter 7: Medicate to Execute?
Chapter 8: Getting Even—Retribution and the Death Penalty
Chapter 9: Non-Triggermen—Just as Guilty?
Chapter 10: The Victims Left Behind—Do Their Opinions Count?
Chapter 11: The Mechanics of Death
Chapter 12: “Actual Innocence”
Chapter 13: Ineffective Assistance of Counsel—Worst Crimes?…or Just Worst Lawyers?
Appendix A: The Georgia Death-Penalty Statute