Themes to Study Index

The Bible speaks to numerous themes, as shown below. Studying the texts associated with a given issue will help you apply God’s Word to your life. To study a theme, refer to the articles listed under the entry for that theme. Within the articles you’ll also find references to additional helps, Bible texts, and related themes.


The Church


Ethics and Character





Knowing and Serving God



Personal Growth and Spiritual Development


Race and Ethnicity

The Roman World Transformed

Understanding the Bible

Urban Life

Wealth and Poverty

Witness and Missions





Four Types of Houses (Josh. 2:15)

The Palace Complex (1 Kin. 7:1)

Solomon’s Temple (2 Chr. 5:1)

A Place for God’s Presence (2 Chr. 6:18)

Public Works Projects in the Bible (Neh. 2:8)

The New Temple (Ezek. 40:6)

Building the Temple (John 2:19, 20)

Artistic Works in the Tabernacle

A Worship Center in the Wilderness (Ex. 25:8)

The Ark of the Covenant (Ex. 25:16)

The Table of Showbread (Ex. 25:23–30)

The Lampstand (Ex. 25:31–40)

The Altar of Burnt Offering (Ex. 27:1–8)

The Tabernacle (Ex. 27:9)

The Altar of Incense (Ex. 30:1–10)

The Bronze Laver (Ex. 30:17–21)

Artists in the Bible

Jabal, Jubal, and Tubal-Cain (Gen. 4:20–22)

Called by Name (Ex. 31:1–11)

Bezalel and Aholiab (Ex. 31:2–7)

Hannah’s Song: Praise for the Real King (1 Sam. 2:1–10)

Asaph (1 Chr. 15:17)

The Sons of Asaph (1 Chr. 25:2)

Heman (1 Chr. 25:5)

Composers of the Psalms (introduction to Psalms)

Musicians in the Bible (Ps. 147:1)

Literature and Story

Hebrew Poetry (Job 19:1)

An Artist’s Responsibility (Ps. 45:1)

North and South Winds (Song 4:16)

The Parables of Jeremiah (Jer. 18:1–10)

Parables Performed (Ezek. 4:1)

Ezekiel’s Brick (Ezek. 4:2, 3)

The Parables of Ezekiel (Ezek. 15:1–8)

The Parables of Zechariah (Zech. 5:1–4)

Pictures of the Kingdom (Matt. 13:1)

The Parables of Jesus (Luke 8:4)

See also the introductions to Job and Song of Solomon.


Hannah’s Song: Praise for the Real King (1 Sam. 2:1–10)

Songs of Praise and Faith (2 Sam. 22:2)

A Psalm of Psalms (1 Chr. 16:7)

David’s Psalms (introduction to Psalms)

The Psalms of Asaph (Ps. 73, heading)

Psalms of Pain (Ps. 73:21)

Psalms for Many Occasions (Ps. 100:1)

Psalms into Hymns (Ps. 103:1)

Acrostic Psalms (Ps. 112:1)

Passover Songs (Ps. 113:1)

Hope for the Heartbroken (Ps. 130:1)

Psalms for Children (Ps. 131:2)

A Song of Trust (Hab. 3:1–19)

Why Art?

Made in His Image (Gen. 1:27–30)

Renewal (Gen. 8:20–22)

Sacred Space (Gen. 28:22)

God and Art (Ex. 20:4–6)

Called by Name (Ex. 31:1–11)

The Value of Ritual (Num. 7:1–3)

Sparing No Expense (1 Kin. 5:5)

Dangerous Relics (2 Kin. 18:4)

Show and Tell (Jer. 19:1–15)

Native Talent and Supernatural Ability (Dan. 1:17)


The Bronze Serpent (Num. 21:8, 9)

The Church

The Character of the Church

The Mark of Love (John 13:31–35)

Christians Suing Christians (1 Cor. 6:1–11)

Uphold the Weak (1 Thess. 5:14)

Qualifications for Leadership (1 Tim. 3:1–13)

Playing Favorites (James 2:1–9)

Obedience Leads to Freedom (1 John 2:3–6)

Hold to the Truth (Jude 8–16)

The Church in the World

Faith for Modern Life

Faith Impacts the World (Mark 16:15, 16)

Inseparable Institutions: Family, State, and Church (Gen. 2:23)

The Gates of Hell (Matt. 16:18)

Lord of the Sacred and the Secular (Luke 6:1–5)

Whose Job Is Evangelism? (John 16:8)

Called Out and Into the World (John 17:18)

Connecting Sunday to Monday (Acts 2:46, 47)

Paul’s Urban Strategy (Acts 16:4)

The Ephesus Approach: How the Gospel Transformed a Community (Acts 19:8–41)

Truth Triggers Opposition (Acts 24:1–26)

Adapting Our Approach (Acts 26:1–32)

God’s Heart for the Whole World (Rom. 9:1)

The Straightforward Gospel (1 Thess. 2:5)

Quiet Living (1 Thess. 4:11)

The Church Scattered for Impact

Faith for Modern Life

Faith Impacts the World (Mark 16:15, 16)

To Every Nation (Matt. 28:19)

Priority People (Mark 5:21–43)

A Surprising First Message (Luke 4:16–27)

The Spirit of the Lord Is Upon Us (Luke 4:18)

Caring for the Underclass (Luke 7:20–23)

Discipleship Is a Process (Luke 9:1–62)

Whose Job Is Evangelism? (John 16:8)

Called Out and Into the World (John 17:18)

Connecting Sunday to Monday (Acts 2:46, 47)

The Ephesus Approach: How the Gospel Transformed a Community (Acts 19:8–41)

The Straightforward Gospel (1 Thess. 2:5)

The Right-Side-Up Church (1 Thess. 2:13, 14)

The Early Church

The Women Who Followed Jesus (Luke 8:1–3)

Welcoming Women into the Kingdom (Luke 23:49)

Families of the Early Church (Acts 16:31–34)

Not Many Mighty (Acts 18:7, 8)

The Church at the End of the First Century (Rev. 1:20)

The Seven Churches of Revelation (Rev. 3:1)


The Twelve (Matt. 10:2)

Unlikely Leaders (Matt. 26:35–74)

Discipleship Is a Process (Luke 9:1–62)

Leading to Serve (John 13:1–20)

I Have Not Coveted (Acts 20:33–38)

Professional Christian Workers (1 Cor. 9:1–23)

The Apostles (2 Cor. 11:5)

The Straightforward Gospel (1 Thess. 2:5)

The Right-Side-Up Church (1 Thess. 2:13, 14)

Qualifications for Leadership (1 Tim. 3:1–13)

Kingdom-Style Mentoring (2 Tim. 2:2)

United by God’s Work (Titus 3:12–15)

Fleecing the Flock (1 Pet. 5:2)

Making Disciples of All the Nations

From Babel to Pentecost: Scattering and Gathering (Gen. 11:8, 9)

Isaiah’s Vision and Our Mission (Is. 66:18–21)

Pluralism at Pentecost (Acts 2:5)

Good News for All (Acts 10:34)

Ethnic Walls Break Down (Acts 10:44, 45)

The Antioch Model (Acts 13:1–3)

Diverse Opportunities for a Diverse Church (Acts 15:22–35)

One People (Rom. 11:13–24)

Once an Enemy, Now a Friend (1 Cor. 16:9–20)

A Strong Rebuke (Gal. 3:1)

We Are Family (Gal. 3:28)

Breaking Down Walls (Eph. 2:14–18)

Community Worship (Ps. 122:1)

The Synagogue (Mark 1:21)

The Vine (John 15:1–10)

Connecting Sunday to Monday (Acts 2:46, 47)

Christ’s Community (Acts 4:32–35)

Barnabas: A Model of Mentoring (Acts 9:27)

Diverse Opportunities for a Diverse Church (Acts 15:22–35)

Women: Silent in the Church? (1 Cor. 14:34)

Work, Labor, and Patience (1 Thess. 1:3)

The Right-Side-Up Church (1 Thess. 2:13, 14)

Ways to Worship (1 Tim. 2:8–15)

Widows (1 Tim. 5:3)

Effective Care for the Needy (1 Tim. 5:3–16)

Kingdom-Style Mentoring (2 Tim. 2:2)

Celebrate (James 5:13)

Test the Spirits (1 John 4:1)

Hospitality and Discernment (2 John 7–11)

The Nature of the Church

Inseparable Institutions: Family, State, and Church (Gen. 2:23)

The King Declares His Kingdom (Matt. 4:17)

Significant Everyday People (Mark 2:3–17)

Lord of the Sacred and the Secular (Luke 6:1–5)

Called Alongside (John 14:16–18)

The Vine (John 15:1–10)

A New Name for a New Way (Acts 11:26)

A Community Temple (Eph. 2:19–22)

The Right-Side-Up Church (1 Thess. 2:13, 14)

From Refugee to Royalty (1 Pet. 2:9–12)

Worship or Wrath (Rev. 6:1–17)


Community Worship (Ps. 122:1)

Doing Good on the Sabbath (John 5:1–17)

Connecting Sunday to Monday (Acts 2:46, 47)

The Lord’s Day (Rom. 14:5–13)

The Sabbath (Heb. 4:1–13)

The Lord’s Day (Rev. 1:10)


God and the Environment

The Value of Life (Gen. 7:15)

Renewal (Gen. 8:20–22)

God’s Concern for the Land (Lev. 26:34, 35)

The Lord’s Voice in Creation (Ps. 29:3)

God and the Environment (Ps. 104:14–23, 35)

An Earth Full of Glory (Is. 6:3)

The Peaceable Kingdom (Is. 11:1–10)

Liberating Creation (Rom. 8:21, 22)

Ecology as a Tool of God’s Judgment

The Toil of Work (Gen. 3:17–19)

The Nile (Ex. 7:20)

An Ecological Disaster (Ex. 8:8–15)

The Ten Plagues (Ex. 11:4, 5)

A Spiritual Cause to a Natural Event (2 Sam. 21:1)

Seventy Years of Sabbaths (2 Chr. 36:21)

The Wasteland (Is. 24:1)

The Creation Mandate (Gen. 1:28—2:3)

The Birth of the City (Gen. 4:18)

The Sabbath Year (Lev. 25:2–8)

The Rules of War (Deut. 20:12–15)

Civic Responsibility (Deut. 22:23–29)

Sanitation and the Sacred (Deut. 23:12, 13)

Learning from Creation (Job 12:7–12)

God and the Environment (Ps. 104:14–23, 35)

The Wisdom That Built the World (Prov. 3:19, 20)

Wisdom at Work and Play (Prov. 8:30, 31)

Creation’s Quiet Wisdom (Prov. 30:24–28)

The Ruin of the Land (Is. 10:19)


Animal Rights (Prov. 12:10)

Faith and the Environment (Rev. 9:4)

Ethics and Character


Accountability (2 Kin. 12:6–8)

Public Accountability (1 Chr. 28:8)

Defending Against Desire (Job 31:1)

Seeing Ourselves Through God’s Eyes (Rom. 12:3)

The Ultimate Review (1 Cor. 3:13–15)

Advice and Counsel

Divine and Human Guidance (Num. 10:29–34)

Warnings Against Witchcraft (1 Sam. 28:7)

A Community of Wisdom (Prov. 24:6)

Watch Out for Bad Advice (Is. 8:16–22)

Behavior on the Job

See the articles in the “Work” section of this index.

Christlike Character

Excellence Works Anywhere (Gen. 39:20–23)

Giving God Our Best (Lev. 22:20–23)

Idolatry of the Heart (Ezek. 14:4–8)

Salvation by Proxy (Ezek. 14:14)

Holiness Is More Than a Place (Ezek. 45:1–5)

The Spirit of the Lord Is Upon Us (Luke 4:18)

The Cost of Following Jesus (Luke 14:25–33)

Breaking Sinful Habits (1 John 3:6)


A Promising Opportunity (Gen. 46:31–34)

Starting and Stopping (Num. 9:15–23)

Discovering God’s Will (Judg. 6:36–40)

Spirit-Filled Planning (1 Chr. 28:11–19)

Judge Not (Matt. 7:1–5)

Trick Questions (Matt. 22:23–33)

Double Standards (John 8:2–11)

Matters of Conscience (Rom. 14:1–23)

Judging All Things (1 Cor. 2:15)

Gray Areas (1 Cor. 8:1–13)

Dealing with Stress (2 Cor. 6:3–10)

Work in the Real World (Gen. 41:42–46)

Eli, the Failed Leader of Shiloh (1 Sam. 2:12)

Results at Any Price (1 Sam. 13:8–14)

Scandal and Cover-Up (2 Sam. 11:4, 5)

Ignoring the Law (1 Kin. 10:28—11:3)

Why Marriage Matters (1 Kin. 11:1–3)

Starting Strong, Ending Weak (1 Kin. 15:16–22)

Half-Hearted Devotion (2 Chr. 25:2)

The Wise Woman of Proverbs 31 (Prov. 31:10)

God Humbles the Proud (Is. 22:15–23)

Bowing to God Alone (Dan. 3:7)

Integrity Incites Jealousy (Dan. 6:1–5)


Twisting the Facts (Num. 16:13, 14)

Building a Circle of Trust (Prov. 29:12)

The Trouble with Lies (Jer. 28:15–17)

Stand for Truth (Ezek. 11:2, 3)

Led Astray by Lies (Amos 2:4)


The Humblest Man on the Face of the Earth (Num. 12:3)

Pride Goes Before a Fall (2 Chr. 26:16–21)

God Humbles the Proud (Is. 22:15–23)

The Power of Humility (Matt. 3:11)

The Way Up Is Down (Matt. 5:3)

Redefining Fear (Luke 12:4–7)

Leading to Serve (John 13:1–20)

Humility: The Scandalous Virtue (Phil. 2:3)


Putting Words into Action (Lev. 7:37, 38)

A Good or Bad Example (Lev. 10:3)

Be Holy, For I Am Holy (Lev. 11:44, 45)

Hold to Your Word (Lev. 24:13, 14)

Your Word Is Your Bond (Deut. 23:21–23)

Standing Strong (Josh. 1:6–9)

Keeping Promises (2 Sam. 9:1–13)

An Inventory of Integrity (Ps. 15:1)

Ethics and Character in Psalms (Ps. 37:27–29)

Talk Is Cheap (Prov. 18:2)

Models of Faith in Hostile Societies (Dan. 2:48, 49)

Integrity Incites Jealousy (Dan. 6:1–5)

Trick Questions (Matt. 22:23–33)

A Statement of Integrity (Luke 1:18, 19)

A Faith Like Abraham’s (Rom. 4:1, 16–25)

Matters of Conscience (Rom. 14:1–23)

Uncovering Sin (1 Cor. 5:1–13)

Integrity in the Face of Competition (2 Cor. 10:1)

New Creatures with New Character (Gal. 5:22, 23)

Codes of Conduct for the Christian Worker (Col. 3:22—4:1)

Finishing Well (2 Thess. 1:3–12)

Qualifications for Leadership (1 Tim. 3:1–13)


Making Restitution (Lev. 6:1–7)

The God of Mercy (Deut. 7:9)

Tough Love (Deut. 7:10)

Stealing Hearts in the Gates of Justice (2 Sam. 15:1–6)

No Excuses Allowed (Lam. 3:39)

Justice in the Gate (Amos 5:14, 15)

A Nation Sells Its Soul (Mic. 3:11)

Empty Stomachs for an Empty Ritual (Zech. 7:4–10)

Social Faith (Mal. 3:8–10)

An Eye for an Eye (Matt. 5:38–42)

Judge Not (Matt. 7:1–5)

The Unpardonable Sin (Matt. 12:31, 32)

Seventy Times Seven (Matt. 18:21–35)

Wages and Grace (Matt. 20:1–16)

A Surprising First Message (Luke 4:16–27)

Mercy for All (Luke 6:29)

Caring for the Underclass (Luke 7:20–23)

The Older Brother (Luke 15:25–30)

Just Forgive (Luke 17:5–10)

Double Standards (John 8:2–11)

Boundless Forgiveness (John 21:15–23)

New Rights (Gal. 4:1–18)

God Restrains Evil (Rev. 13:1–18)

Evil’s Final Reward (Rev. 20:1–5)


Excellence Starts at the Top (Ex. 40:16)

When a Leader Sins (Lev. 4:22–26)

See also the articles under “Power and Authority” in the Ethics and Character section of this index.


Love God, Love People (Deut. 5:6–21)

Love Is a Choice (Hos. 3:1–3)

What Kind of Love? (Matt. 22:34–40)

Loving Our Enemies (Luke 6:27–31)

Love Every Neighbor (Luke 10:27–37)

The Mark of Love (John 13:31–35)

New Creatures with New Character (Gal. 5:22, 23)

Apostles of Love (1 John 5:1–3)


You Shall Not Covet (Ex. 20:17)

No Amount of Money (Num. 24:10–13)

I Saw, I Wanted, I Took (Josh. 7:21)

Money Talks (Eccl. 9:16)

Living Within Limits (Matt. 16:22, 23)

Wages and Grace (Matt. 20:1–16)

The Widow’s Mites (Mark 12:41–44)

Mercy for All (Luke 6:29)

Caring for the Underclass (Luke 7:20–23)

Losing Everything (Luke 9:25)

Guard Against Greed (Luke 12:15)

Confused Value (Luke 15:1–31)

Startling Change (Luke 19:1–10)

Hold Lightly and Let Go (Acts 4:37—5:11)

Debt-Free Living (Rom. 13:7, 8)

Managing Commitments (1 Cor. 6:12)

Who Are the Poor? (2 Cor. 9:9, 10)

Finding Contentment (Phil. 4:10–13)

Uphold the Weak (1 Thess. 5:14)

Giving to Get (1 Tim. 6:3–6)

Christians and Money (1 Tim. 6:6–19)

Fleecing the Flock (1 Pet. 5:2)

The Delusions of Luxury (Rev. 18:1–24)


Sin and Redemption (Gen. 3:6, 7)

Building According to the Blueprints (1 Kin. 6:12)

An Inventory of Integrity (Ps. 15:1)

Hunted by Sin (Prov. 11:6)

Life With and Without God (Eccl. 1:13, 14)

Stand for Right (Dan. 1:8)

The Nature of Sin (Hos. 4:7)

The Morality of Christ (Matt. 5:17–48)

An Eye for an Eye (Matt. 5:38–42)

Jesus Confronts the Legalists (Luke 6:1–11)

The Letter and Spirit of the Law (Luke 14:1–6)

Double Standards (John 8:2–11)

The Law (Rom. 2:12)

Living with Original Sin (Rom. 7:21)

Matters of Conscience (Rom. 14:1–23)

Gray Areas (1 Cor. 8:1–13)

New Creatures with New Character (Gal. 5:22, 23)

Qualifications for Leadership (1 Tim. 3:1–13)

Ten Practical Commandments (James 2:8–13)

Obedience Leads to Freedom (1 John 2:3–6)


The Better Story (Num. 23:11, 12)

Peace at Any Price (Josh. 9:14, 15)

Security Comes from Honoring God (Is. 33:2–24)

Blowing the Whistle with Wisdom (Jer. 37:13, 14)

Power and Authority

Under Authority (Matt. 8:5–13)

The Power of Forgiveness (Matt. 9:4–8)

Servant-Leaders (Matt. 20:25–28)

A Humble Parade (Matt. 21:1–11)

Unlikely Leaders (Matt. 26:35–74)

Significant Everyday People (Mark 2:3–17)

Three Dangers of Power (Luke 3:14)

A Shrewd Manager (Luke 16:1–13)

Thriving Under Authority (John 12:49)

Leading to Serve (John 13:1–20)

Working Together (1 Cor. 3:5–8)

Qualifications for Leadership (1 Tim. 3:1–13)

Kingdom-Style Mentoring (2 Tim. 2:2)

Lessons in Leadership (Heb. 5:1–14)

Fleecing the Flock (1 Pet. 5:2)

Public Ethics

Faith for Modern Life

Faith Impacts the World (Mark 16:15, 16)

God and the Environment (Ps. 104:14–23, 35)

Excellence at Work (Prov. 22:29)

Bad Business (Is. 59:1–15)

Stand for Right (Dan. 1:8)

Agents of Conscience (Amos 3:10)

Life for the Faithful Few (Mic. 5:3)

Crimes of an Evil Nation (Hab. 2:5–19)

Corrupt Commerce Has Catastrophic Consequences (Zeph. 1:10, 11)

Private Complacency, Public Sin (Mal. 1:6)

Salt and Light (Matt. 5:13–16)

Public Faith (Matt. 14:13, 14)

Jesus and Taxation (Matt. 17:24–27)

Taxes (Mark 12:14)

A Surprising First Message (Luke 4:16–27)

The Leper’s Burden (Luke 5:12–15)

Caring for the Underclass (Luke 7:20–23)

Startling Change (Luke 19:1–10)

Free to Be Bold (Acts 23:1)

Governmental Authority (Rom. 13:1–7)

Christians Suing Christians (1 Cor. 6:1–11)

A Code of Ethics for Christian Witness (2 Cor. 4:2)

New Rights (Gal. 4:1–18)

Uphold the Weak (1 Thess. 5:14)

A Command to Work (2 Thess. 3:6–12)

Challenging Slavery (Philem. 16)

Right and Wrong

The Four Fools (Prov. 14:24)

The Way of Godly Wisdom (Eccl. 12:13, 14)

The Morality of Christ (Matt. 5:17–48)

Jesus Confronts the Legalists (Luke 6:1–11)

The Letter and Spirit of the Law (Luke 14:1–6)

Righteousness (Rom. 1:17)

Living with Original Sin (Rom. 7:21)

Sexual Purity

Guard Your Passion (Gen. 34:2)

Holy Sex (Ex. 19:15)


Praying for Success (Gen. 24:12–14)

Success and Prosperity (Josh. 1:8)

Survival, Success, and Salvation (Josh. 1:10)

Unsatisfied with Success (2 Chr. 1:1)

The Dangers of Success (Is. 5:8–10)

Quality, Not Quantity (Matt. 25:14–30)

A Kingdom Perspective (Mark 13:33)

Losing Everything (Luke 9:25)

Defining Success (John 3:30)

Working Together (1 Cor. 3:5–8)


Unexpected Good (Gen. 32:6)

Taking Sin Seriously (Lev. 1:3–5)

A Temptation to Trust in Numbers (2 Sam. 24:1)

Overcoming Obstacles (1 Chr. 28:20, 21)

Obeying Begins with Listening (2 Chr. 30:11, 12)

Running Away from Sin (Prov. 14:16)

Deadly Desires (Prov. 21:25, 26)

True Love Waits (Song 3:5)

Wealth’s Temptation (Matt. 4:8–10)

The Risk Outweighs the Reward (Luke 4:5–8)

Guard Against Greed (Luke 12:15)

Living with Original Sin (Rom. 7:21)

Escaping Temptation (1 Cor. 10:12, 13)

The Delusions of Luxury (Rev. 18:1–24)

Trustworthiness and Responsibility

Singleness of Heart (2 Chr. 30:12)

Blaming Satan (Job 1:6)

Shared Responsibility (Prov. 16:9)

A Good Friend (Prov. 18:24)

Blaming Parents (Ezek. 18:2)

Evaluating Our Self-Indulgence (Amos 6:3–7)

Here and Now (Hag. 2:3–5)

Your Workstyle (Titus 2:9–11)

Your Reputation and Legacy

Making Promises to God (Num. 30:2)

How We Will Be Remembered (2 Sam. 8:13, 14)

Two Paths (Ps. 1:1, 2)

The Strength of Scripture (Ps. 119:23)

Skeletons in the Closet (Ezek. 16:3)

Faithful Witnesses (Ezek. 20:9)


Breaking the Cycle of Sin (Gen. 27:41)

Sin Passed Through Generations (Gen. 37:11)

The Tongue: A Powerful Weapon (Prov. 10:18–21)

Letting Go of Laziness (Prov. 24:30–34)

Instant Gratification (Eccl. 2:17)

Partners with God (Eccl. 3:14)

Reason to Work (Is. 61:4–9)

An Empty Gesture (Jer. 34:8–11)

Grieving the Loss of a Child (Matt. 2:16–18)

The Blessed (Luke 11:27–28)

The Value of a Disabled Woman (Luke 13:10–17)

Holy Interruptions (Luke 18:35–43)

The Road Less Traveled (John 4:4–42)

Resolving Conflict (Acts 11:2–18)

Strength Through Weakness (2 Cor. 12:7–10)

Even Spiritual Giants Fall Short (Gal. 1:11–24)

The Wisdom of Experience (1 Tim. 4:1–16)

Knowing About God (Heb. 6:1–20)


Family Backgrounds

The Purpose of Genealogies (Gen. 5:1)

Breaking the Cycle of Sin (Gen. 27:41)

Sin Passed Through Generations (Gen. 37:11)

The Fate of Jacob’s Sons (Gen. 49:3–27)

Genealogies: Records of God’s Grace (1 Chr. 1:29)

Where We Belong (Ps. 127:1)

Jesus’ Family Tree (Matt. 1:1–16)

The Women in Jesus’ Genealogy (Matt. 1:3–6)

Jesus’ Family Line (Luke 3:23–38)

A Painful Inheritance (Luke 3:36–38)

Researching Your Religious Roots (Heb. 13:24)

The Family as an Institution

Inseparable Institutions: Family, State, and Church (Gen. 2:23)

Family Expectations (Gen. 42:36)

Family Responsibilities (Num. 27:4)

A Web of Technicalities (Ruth 2:1)

Work and Family (Ps. 128:2–4)

Wisdom Through Relationships (Prov. 13:20)

Respecting Your Parents (Prov. 15:20)

The Value of Teamwork (Eccl. 4:9–12)

The High Calling of Marriage (Is. 62:1–5)

Family Life in Bible Times

Barrenness (Gen. 18:11, 12)

Marriage Within Family (Gen. 24:3, 4)

Birthrights (Gen. 25:31)

Concubines (Gen. 30:3–13)

The Bride-Price (Ex. 22:16, 17)

The Redeeming Relative (Lev. 25:25)

Family Crisis, Leadership Crisis (Num. 12:2, 3)

Juvenile Delinquents (Deut. 21:18–21)

Four Types of Houses (Josh. 2:15)

The Tragedy of Jephthah’s Daughter (Judg. 11:30–40)

Political Marriages (2 Sam. 3:13, 14)

Interreligious Marriage (Ezra 9:2)

The Deed of Purchase (Jer. 32:7, 14, 15)

The Value of Children (Matt. 19:14)

Jewish Homemaking (Mark 1:29–31)

A Lowly Sacrifice for the Highest (Luke 2:22–24)

Family Life Today

Protect the Widows and Orphans (Ex. 22:22–24)

Marriage and Divorce (Deut. 24:1–4)

Overcoming a Rough Start (Judg. 11:2, 3)

Choice (2 Chr. 32:27—33:6)

Strong Women (Esth. 1:22)

Praying for Family (Job 10:18–22)

Fixing Broken Families (Ps. 38:11)

Estranged from Friend and Family (Ps. 88:18)

Interracial Marriage (Song 5:10)

Strength for the Weary (Is. 40:30, 31)

Honor Your Parents (Mark 7:9–13)

Burned Meals and Bad Smells (Mark 10:2–12)

Questions About Marriage (1 Cor. 7:1)

A New Perspective on Marriage (Eph. 5:21–29)

Self-Support (1 Thess. 2:9)

Effective Care for the Needy (1 Tim. 5:3–16)

Help for Families (Heb. 12:3–13)

Apostles of Love (1 John 5:1–3)

Families of the New Testament

The Gifts of the Magi (Matt. 2:11)

Hateful Herodias (Matt. 14:3)

Families of the Gospels (Luke 20:34)

Ananias and Sapphira (Acts 5:1)

The Herods (Acts 12:1, 2)

Families of the Early Church (Acts 16:31–34)

See also the Person Profiles index.

Families of the Old Testament

The Family of Adam and Eve (Gen. 5:3)

The Family of Noah (Gen. 5:32)

The Families of the Old Testament (Gen. 12:3)

The Family of Abraham (Gen. 15:4–6)

The Death of a Son (Gen. 22:2)

The Family of Jacob (Gen. 35:22–26)

The Family of Moses, Aaron, and Miriam (Ex. 6:20–25)

The Family of Ruth and Boaz (Ruth 4:13–22)

Giving Birth to Trouble (2 Sam. 3:1–5)

The Family of David (2 Sam. 3:2–5)

The Family of Solomon (2 Chr. 9:31)

Family Stories (Job 42:11, 12)

Lasting Scars (Job 42:13)

A Tale of Two Brothers (Obad. 10)

See also the Person Profiles index.

Family and Society

Inseparable Institutions: Family, State, and Church (Gen. 2:23)

New Laws for a New World (Num. 27:1–11)

Family and Community (Deut. 22:13–21)

Jesus’ Family

Jesus’ Family Tree (Matt. 1:1–16)

The Women in Jesus’ Genealogy (Matt. 1:3–6)

Jesus the Refugee (Matt. 2:13–15)

Jesus and Family (Mark 3:31–35)

Jesus the Carpenter (Mark 6:3)

Mary (Luke 1:26–56)

A Lowly Sacrifice for the Highest (Luke 2:22–24)

Jesus’ Family Line (Luke 3:23–38)

A Painful Inheritance (Luke 3:36–38)

James (James 1:1)


Growing Together in Marriage (Eccl. 4:11)

Couples in Love (Song 2:16)

Love Is as Strong as Death (Song 8:6)

Portrait of a Husband (Is. 54:5)

Prodigal Wife, Prodigal People (Hos. 2:2)

Love Is a Choice (Hos. 3:1–3)

Divorce and Spirituality (Mal. 2:14–16)

Headship (1 Cor. 11:3)


The Blessing (Gen. 49:28)

A Mother’s Influence (Ex. 2:8–10)

Remembering God’s Grace (Ex. 12:26, 27)

Advice Without Assurance (Lev. 10:1–3)

Finding Women in the Bible’s Family Trees (Num. 1:2)

The Faith of Our Children (Deut. 6:7–9)

At Home with the Faith (Deut. 11:19–21)

Eli, the Failed Leader of Shiloh (1 Sam. 2:12)

The Risks of Raising Children (1 Sam. 8:2)

Fathers and Sons in Conflict (2 Sam. 14:24)

A Father’s Anguish (2 Sam. 18:33)

The Final Charge (1 Kin. 2:1–9)

You Are Unique (Ps. 33:15)

Passing On the Blessing (Ps. 67:1, 2)

The Creator’s Craftsmanship (Ps. 139:13)

Wisdom for Men, Wisdom for Women (Prov. 1:8)

Learning at Home (Prov. 4:3, 4)

Rearing Children with the Rod (Prov. 19:18)

Clean Up Your Own Mess (Is. 39:8)

Prodigal Children (Jer. 31:20)

Godly Fathers with Troubled Sons (Jer. 37:1, 2)

Blaming Parents (Ezek. 18:2)

A Secular Education (Dan. 1:4)

Native Talent and Supernatural Ability (Dan. 1:17)

Old Age

Protect the Widows and Orphans (Ex. 22:22–24)

A Widow’s Worth (2 Kin. 4:2)

The Art of Growing Old (Ps. 92:14)

The Young Will Grow Old (Eccl. 12:1–8)

Widows (1 Tim. 5:3)


Holy Sex (Ex. 19:15)

Respecting the Gift of Human Sexuality (Lev. 18:6–30)

True Love Waits (Song 3:5)


Four Types of Houses (Josh. 2:15)

Psalms for Children (Ps. 131:2)

The Wise Woman of Proverbs 31 (Prov. 31:10)

The Gifts of the Magi (Matt. 2:11)

Grieving the Loss of a Child (Matt. 2:16–18)

Jewish Homemaking (Mark 1:29–31)

Betrothal (Luke 1:27)

A Woman in Labor (John 16:21, 22)

Once an Enemy, Now a Friend (1 Cor. 16:9–20)

We Are Family (Gal. 3:28)

A Perfect Inheritance (Eph. 1:18)

From Refugee to Royalty (1 Pet. 2:9–12)

Hope for the Family (Rev. 19:6–10)



A Second Census (Num. 26:2)

A Temptation to Trust in Numbers (2 Sam. 24:1)

Solomon’s Census (2 Chr. 2:17, 18)

A New Census (Ezra 2:64)

Government and God

Many Nations Under God (Gen. 10:32)

The Legacy of Sodom and Gomorrah (Gen. 19:29)

God Rescues the Oppressed (Ex. 3:7)

National Renewal (2 Chr. 7:14)

Benchmarks for Evil Kings (2 Chr. 33:2)

Even Rulers Are Subjects (Ps. 2:1)

No Authority Except from God (Ps. 2:4–6)

Human Kings and the Heavenly King (Ps. 2:7)

God the Avenger (Ps. 9:5)

God Is Our Strength (Ps. 33:16–22)

An Anthem for the King (Ps. 72:1)

Bowing to God Alone (Dan. 3:7)

God at Work for His People (Dan. 4:27)

Why Nineveh Repented (Jon. 3:7)

Shaking the Nations (Hag. 2:6, 7)

Great Among the Nations (Mal. 1:11)

Government and God’s People

Faith for Modern Life

Faith Impacts the World (Mark 16:15, 16)

Civil Disobedience (Ex. 1:15–21)

Obeying God Above Men (Acts 5:22–32)

Stephen’s Trial and Murder (Acts 6:12)

Not Many Mighty (Acts 18:7, 8)

The Ephesus Approach: How the Gospel Transformed a Community (Acts 19:8–41)

Government Officials and Employees of the New Testament

Political Parties of Jesus’ Day (Matt. 16:1)

Caiaphas (Matt. 26:3)

Augustus (Luke 2:1)

New Testament Rulers (Luke 3:1)

First-Century Roman Politics (Luke 22:25)

The Ethiopian Treasurer (Acts 8:27–39)

Cornelius (Acts 10:1)

Claudius (Acts 11:28)

The Herods (Acts 12:1, 2)

Sosthenes the Attorney (Acts 18:17)

Felix (Acts 23:24)

Festus (Acts 25:1)

Nero (Acts 25:12)

City Government

Cities of Refuge (Num. 35:11)

The Value of Community (Deut. 4:41)

Family and Community (Deut. 22:13–21)

Civic Responsibility (Deut. 22:23–29)

The Levitical Cities (Josh. 21:1–3)

Lord of the City (Ps. 24:1)

Government Officials and Employees of the Old Testament

The Pharaoh (Gen. 41:1)

Pharaoh’s Dilemma (Gen. 41:8)

Work in the Real World (Gen. 41:42–46)

The Judges (Judg. 2:16)

Twelve Heroes (Judg. 2:18)

A Shrewd Politician (Judg. 8:2)

The Man Who Would Be King (Judg. 9:2)

Eli, the Failed Leader of Shiloh (1 Sam. 2:12)

Faithful Service (1 Sam. 3:21)

The Kingmaker (1 Sam. 8:4–9)

David’s Cabinet (2 Sam. 8:16–18)

Solomon’s Cabinet (1 Kin. 4:1–6)

The Divided Kingdom: The North (1 Kin. 12:19)

The Divided Kingdom: The South (1 Kin. 14:30)

God’s People in Government (Ezra 7:1)

Daniel: Advisor to Kings (Dan. 1:19)

Models of Faith in Hostile Societies (Dan. 2:48, 49)

Third-in-Command (Dan. 5:7)

Government Employees in the Bible (Dan. 5:11, 12)

The Nature and Value of Government

The Creation Mandate (Gen. 1:28—2:3)

Inseparable Institutions: Family, State, and Church (Gen. 2:23)

The Birth of the City (Gen. 4:18)

The Birth of the Nations (Gen. 10:1)

Nimrod’s Legacy (Gen. 10:8–12)

The Basis of Government (Prov. 8:15, 16)

Two Branches, One Tree (Zech. 4:11–14)

Thriving Under Authority (John 12:49)

Governmental Authority (Rom. 13:1–7)

The Church at the End of the First Century (Rev. 1:20)

Babylon: A Symbol of Evil (Rev. 14:8)

Public Policy

When a Leader Sins (Lev. 4:22–26)

Making Restitution (Lev. 6:1–7)

Theology for the Marketplace (Lev. 19:35, 36)

A Law for Criminals—and Their Victims (Num. 5:7)

Leadership Changes (Num. 20:22–29)

National Prosperity (Deut. 11:13–17)

Criteria for a King (Deut. 17:14–20)

Sanitation and the Sacred (Deut. 23:12, 13)

The Stranger, the Fatherless, and the Widow (Deut. 24:19–22)

The Value of Symbols (Deut. 27:1–4)

Peace at Any Price (Josh. 9:14, 15)

The Outcome of Infighting (1 Kin. 1:5)

Prosperity and Tragedy (1 Kin. 4:21, 24)

Using Religion for Political Gain (1 Kin. 12:25–31)

Merciful Kings (1 Kin. 20:31)

Community Begins with Worship (Ezra 3:1–11)

Public Works Projects in the Bible (Neh. 2:8)

Start with the Wall (Neh. 2:18)

Institutionalized Injustice (Is. 10:1–4)

The Boiling City (Ezek. 24:3–5)

Leaders Who Care (Ezek. 34:1, 2)

Heaven Rules (Dan. 4:26, 27)

Some Major Governments in the Bible

The Egyptians (Ex. 11:7)

The Assyrians (2 Kin. 17:5, 6)

Solomon’s Empire (2 Chr. 9:26)

The Babylonians (2 Chr. 36:6)

The Persians (Ezra 1:8)


A Ten Percent Tax (Deut. 26:12–15)

A Tax Revolt Divides the Kingdom (1 Kin. 12:18, 19)

The Ten Percent Solution (Neh. 11:1, 2)


Feeding the World (Gen. 41:57)

Group Sin (Lev. 4:13, 14)

The Value of Listening (Josh. 22:11, 12)

Willing and Able to Lead (Judg. 5:2)

Corporate Solidarity (1 Sam. 17:8–10)

Civil War Between North and South (2 Sam. 2:9–20)

Political Marriages (2 Sam. 3:13, 14)

The Twelve Districts (1 Kin. 4:7–19)

Inconsistent Obedience (2 Kin. 14:7–10)

Palace Intrigue (2 Kin. 15:30)

Government in Psalms (Ps. 2:10–12)

Corporate Confession (Lam. 1:18)

A Nation Sells Its Soul (Mic. 3:11)

Life for the Faithful Few (Mic. 5:3)

Private Complacency, Public Sin (Mal. 1:6)


The Chosen People

God’s Plan Moves Forward (Gen. 11:10)

The Family of Abraham (Gen. 15:4–6)

Seeking Guidance Through the Urim and Thummim (Ex. 28:30)

God’s Chosen People (Ex. 34:11, 12)

Be Holy, For I Am Holy (Lev. 11:44, 45)

An Example of God’s Kindness (Ps. 117:1)

Cursing God’s People (Is. 37:23)

Israel (Rom. 10:1)

The New Covenant (1 Cor. 11:25)

Two Covenants Compared (Heb. 9:1–28)

See also the introduction to Jeremiah.

Customs, Traditions, and Life in Ancient Israel

Circumcision (Gen. 17:9–14)

Remembering God’s Grace (Ex. 12:26, 27)

Set Apart to the Lord (Ex. 13:11–16)

The Bride-Price (Ex. 22:16, 17)

The Year of Jubilee (Lev. 25:8–17)

The Redeeming Relative (Lev. 25:25)

The Hebrew Calendar (Num. 1:18)

The Nazirite Vow (Num. 6:2)

The Assembly (Num. 10:2, 3)

The Mixed Multitude (Num. 11:4)

Family Responsibilities (Num. 27:4)

The Jubilee Factor (Num. 36:4)

Four Types of Houses (Josh. 2:15)

A Web of Technicalities (Ruth 2:1)

Tax Collectors (Matt. 9:10)

Telling Time in the Ancient World (Matt. 14:25)

The Synagogue (Mark 1:21)

Taxes (Mark 12:14)

Betrothal (Luke 1:27)

Jewish Feasts (Luke 2:42)

Scribes (Luke 20:39)

Passover (Luke 22:7)

The Feast of Dedication (John 10:22)

Stoning (John 10:31)

Travel in the Ancient World (Acts 13:3, 4)

Ancient Burial Practices (1 Cor. 15:42)

Early History

Abram’s Journey (Gen. 11:31)

The World of Abraham (Gen. 12:4)

Abraham’s Kindness (Gen. 14:16)

The Fate of Jacob’s Sons (Gen. 49:3–27)

Famous Offspring of Israel (Gen. 49:8–12)

Crossing the Red Sea (Ex. 14:22)

The Hebrew Encampment (Num. 2:1–3)

The Bronze Serpent (Num. 21:8, 9)

Sustaining Life in the Wilderness (Num. 21:11)

The Journeys of Israel (Num. 33:1)

See also the introductions to Exodus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.

Exile, Return, and Dispersion

The Three Campaigns of the Assyrians (2 Kin. 15:29)

The Origin of the Samaritans (2 Kin. 17:24)

The Captivities of the Israelites (2 Chr. 36:20)

Seventy Years of Sabbaths (2 Chr. 36:21)

The Journey Back to Jerusalem (Ezra 2:1)

Jerusalem at the Time of Nehemiah (Neh. 2:11)

The Three Empires of Isaiah (Is. 45:1)

Scattered Among the Gentiles (Jer. 9:16)

The Three Campaigns of the Babylonians (Jer. 52:4–7)

The Dispersion of the Jews (Jer. 52:28–30)

Measuring the Exile (Ezek. 4:6)

A Little Sanctuary (Ezek. 11:16)

A Gift of the Exile (Ezek. 14:1)

What Happened Between the Old and New Testaments

The First Century A.D.

Political Parties of Jesus’ Day (Matt. 16:1)

Judea (Mark 1:5)

Galilee (Mark 1:14)

New Testament Rulers (Luke 3:1)

Jerusalem Surrounded (Luke 21:20)

First-Century Roman Politics (Luke 22:25)

Jews and Samaritans (John 4:9)

Stephen’s Trial and Murder (Acts 6:12)

The Herods (Acts 12:1, 2)

From the Conquest Through the Monarchy

Holy War (Deut. 20:16)

A Done Deal (Josh. 8:30–35)

Twelve Heroes (Judg. 2:18)

The Capture and Return of the Ark (1 Sam. 5:11)

Civil War Between North and South (2 Sam. 2:9–20)

The Divided Kingdom: The North (1 Kin. 12:19)

The Divided Kingdom: The South (1 Kin. 14:30)

The Lord Is God (1 Kin. 18:37—19:14)

The Ark’s Journey from Sinai to Jerusalem (1 Chr. 16:1)

The Phoenicians (2 Chr. 9:21)

Solomon’s Empire (2 Chr. 9:26)

The Divided Kingdom (2 Chr. 10:19)

Hezekiah’s Waterworks (2 Chr. 32:30)

An Age of Prosperity (Is. 2:7)

See also the introductions to 1 and 2 Samuel, and 1 and 2 Kings.

The Promised Land

A Name for the Land (Num. 34:2)

Cities of Refuge (Num. 35:11)

The Promised Land (Josh. 1:11)

The Levitical Cities (Josh. 21:1–3)

The Twelve Districts (1 Kin. 4:7–19)

Judah’s Prominence (1 Chr. 2:3)

See also the introduction to Joshua.

Religion and Worship

Atonement Money (Ex. 30:12–16)

Old Testament Sacrifices (Lev. 3:1)

Clean vs. Unclean (Lev. 11:29)

The Day of Atonement (Lev. 16:1–34)

Monotheism (Deut. 6:4)

Solomon’s Temple (2 Chr. 5:1)

Attracted to Israel’s God (2 Chr. 6:32, 33)

Three Worshipers (Ps. 118:2–4)

The Law (Rom. 2:12)

The Sabbath (Heb. 4:1–13)

See also the introduction to Leviticus.

See also the articles under “Artistic Works in the Tabernacle” in the “Art” section of this index.


The Edomites: Perpetual Enemies of Israel (Gen. 36:9)

God Rescues the Oppressed (Ex. 3:7)

Pharaoh’s Submission (Ex. 12:29)

The Palace Complex (1 Kin. 7:1)

The Cedar Trade (1 Kin. 7:2)

Three Leaders of Israel (1 Chr. 1:28)

The Queen of Sheba and International Trade (2 Chr. 9:1)

The Prophets of Judah (2 Chr. 12:15)

The Prophets of Israel (2 Chr. 18:7)

Swallowed by Pride (Is. 9:8–10)

The Servant of the Lord (Is. 42:1–4)

A Tale of Two Brothers (Obad. 10)

A World Without Walls (Zech. 2:4)

Hope for Jerusalem (Zech. 14:10, 11)

Jews, Gentiles, and Jesus (Matt. 15:24)

God’s Heart for the Whole World (Rom. 9:1)

The Circumcision (Gal. 2:12)

The Hall of Faith (Heb. 11:1–40)

The New Jerusalem (Rev. 21:1, 2)


Jesus’ Nature and Character

The Names of Jesus (Matt. 17:5)

Jesus and Family (Mark 3:31–35)

You Are the Christ (Mark 8:27–33)

Lord of the Sacred and the Secular (Luke 6:1–5)

God Became Man (John 8:52–59)

Leading to Serve (John 13:1–20)

The Cosmic Christ (Col. 1:15–18)

Christ Is Supreme (Heb. 1:5–14)

Jesus in the Old Testament

God’s Plan Moves Forward (Gen. 11:10)

Anticipating Christ (Ps. 22:1)

Jesus in the Old Testament (Ps. 24:7–10)

Prophecies of a Coming Messiah (Ps. 40:6–8)

A Month-Long Journey Awaiting the Messiah (Ps. 118:22)

Jesus the Son of David (Is. 9:7)

The Root of Jesse (Is. 11:10)

The Servant of the Lord (Is. 42:1–4)

Bethlehem’s Everlasting King (Mic. 5:2)

Zechariah’s Messianic Prophecies (Zech. 11:16, 17)

Jesus Our Example

Christ Cares About Communities (Neh. 2:20)

Jesus’ Urban Ministry (Matt. 9:35)

Jesus and Taxation (Matt. 17:24–27)

Wages and Grace (Matt. 20:1–16)

Trick Questions (Matt. 22:23–33)

Jesus the Carpenter (Mark 6:3)

The Gospel Is for Everyone (Luke 1:1–4)

Jesus the Student (Luke 2:46, 47)

A Painful Inheritance (Luke 3:36–38)

A Surprising First Message (Luke 4:16–27)

Jesus’ Last Words (Luke 24:45–49)

Leading to Serve (John 13:1–20)

Christ Became Poor (2 Cor. 8:8, 9)

Humility: The Scandalous Virtue (Phil. 2:3)

Jesus and People

Jesus’ Family Tree (Matt. 1:1–16)

A Savior for the Whole World (Matt. 8:10)

Jews, Gentiles, and Jesus (Matt. 15:24)

The Great Physician (Mark 1:32–34)

Jesus and Ethnicity (Mark 7:24–30)

The Miracles of Jesus (Mark 8:11, 12)

Herod Meets Jesus (Luke 23:8)

The Name of Jesus (Acts 3:1–9)

Stand Together in Grace (Eph. 2:1)

The Life and Work of Jesus

The Suffering Servant (Is. 52:13—53:12)

Death by Crucifixion (Is. 53:7)

Old Testament Prophets Mentioned by Jesus (Jon. 2:1)

Jesus and the Minor Prophets (Zech. 13:7)

A Month-Long Journey with Jesus (Matt. 1:18—2:23)

Jesus’ Family Tree (Matt. 1:1–16)

Jesus the Refugee (Matt. 2:13–15)

Jesus’ Galilean Ministry (Matt. 4:25)

Jesus’ Urban Ministry (Matt. 9:35)

Jesus the Carpenter (Mark 6:3)

The Miracles of Jesus (Mark 8:11, 12)

Jesus the Student (Luke 2:46, 47)

Jesus’ Family Line (Luke 3:23–38)

A Painful Inheritance (Luke 3:36–38)

A Surprising First Message (Luke 4:16–27)

Herod Meets Jesus (Luke 23:8)

Welcoming Women into the Kingdom (Luke 23:49)


The Parables of Jesus (Luke 8:4)

Knowing and Serving God

The Activity of God

God the Creator (Gen. 1:1–31)

God Limits Evil (Gen. 3:22–24)

Renewal (Gen. 8:20–22)

God’s Plan Moves Forward (Gen. 11:10)

God Speaks (Num. 1:1)

The God Who Gives Wealth and Treasures the Poor (Deut. 8:18)

The Commander (Josh. 5:13–15)

By Many or By Few (1 Sam. 14:6)

God the Shepherd (Ps. 23:1)

Protecting the Poor (Ps. 35:10)

God Rules All Nations (Ps. 47:7–9)

The Covenant-Keeping God (Ps. 89:3, 4)

God and the Environment (Ps. 104:14–23, 35)

The Creator’s Craftsmanship (Ps. 139:13)

Powerful Creator, Compassionate Savior (Ps. 146:2)

The Peaceable Kingdom (Is. 11:1–10)

The Arm of God (Is. 40:10, 11)

A Little Sanctuary (Ezek. 11:16)

Great Among the Nations (Mal. 1:11)

God: The Original Worker (John 5:17)

God Became Man (John 8:52–59)

Creation and Redemption (Rev. 4:11; 5:9, 10)

God Restrains Evil (Rev. 13:1–18)

God’s Nature and Character

God in Relationship (Gen. 1:26)

The Curse and God’s Care (Gen. 3:14–19)

The Value of Life (Gen. 7:15)

What Is God Like? (Ex. 15:6–13)

Encounters with God (Ex. 33:20)

Merciful and Just (Ex. 34:6, 7)

Be Holy, For I Am Holy (Lev. 11:44, 45)

God’s Concern for the Land (Lev. 26:34, 35)

How God Deals with Disobedience (Lev. 26:40–46)

Monotheism (Deut. 6:4)

The God of Mercy (Deut. 7:9)

Tough Love (Deut. 7:10)

God Responds to Worship (2 Chr. 5:13, 14)

The Glory of the Lord (2 Chr. 7:1)

Job’s Patience and God’s Kindness (Job 1:22)

God Is Fair (Job 27:13–23)

A God Who Hates? (Ps. 5:5)

Where Does God Live? (Ps. 11:4)

This Is God (Ps. 48:14)

God Looks Down from Heaven (Ps. 53:2)

The God of Psalms (Ps. 86:8)

Good to All (Ps. 145:9)

An Earth Full of Glory (Is. 6:3)

The Names of God (Is. 41:14)

Never Forsaken, Never Alone (Lam. 3:22–24)

God’s Throne Remains Forever (Lam. 5:19)

You Shall Know That I Am the Lord (Ezek. 6:7)

A Mark of Mercy (Ezek. 9:4)

Lord of the Land (Joel 2:18)

Slow to Anger, Great in Power (Nah. 1:3)

The Divine Partnership (John 1:1–3)

He Dwelt Among Us (John 1:1–14)

Boundless Forgiveness (John 21:15–23)

God’s Heart for the Whole World (Rom. 9:1)

Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (2 Thess. 2:13–17)

God Cannot Lie (Titus 1:2)


Pharaoh’s Submission (Ex. 12:29)

The Abominations of the Canaanites (Lev. 18:24–30)

The High Places (Deut. 12:2)

Do-It-Yourself Religion (Deut. 12:8–14)

The Seduction of Spirits (Deut. 18:9–14)

The Price of a Dog (Deut. 23:18)

The Gods of the Canaanites (Deut. 32:39)

The Valley of Hinnom (Josh. 18:16)

Ashtoreth the Fertility Goddess (Judg. 10:6)

Prostitutes in the Ancient World (Judg. 16:1)

A Battle of the Gods (1 Sam. 17:40–54)

The Lord Is God (1 Kin. 18:37—19:14)

Dangerous Relics (2 Kin. 18:4)

God Above All Gods (1 Chr. 16:23–30)

God and Gods (Ps. 82:1, 6)

Modern-Day Idols (Is. 46:5–10)

A God for Every City (Jer. 2:28)

The Worship of Work (Jer. 18:15)

Idolatry of the Heart (Ezek. 14:4–8)

A Competition of Gods (Dan. 5:23)

Magic and Sorcery (Rev. 18:23)


Miracles Do Not Happen Every Day (Ex. 14:21)

Dangerous Disobedience (Is. 37:36, 37)

Miracles and Creation (Is. 38:1–9)

The Miracles of Jesus (Mark 8:11, 12)


Praying for Success (Gen. 24:12–14)

Learning to Pray with Moses (Num. 27:15–17)

Confessions That Bring Healing (1 Sam. 15:24)

Turning Pain into Prayer (1 Chr. 4:9, 10)

Forgiveness Follows Repentance (2 Chr. 7:13–15)

Prayer Is More Than a Last Resort (2 Chr. 14:11)

Work and Prayer (2 Chr. 32:6–9)

Models for Prayer in the Bible (2 Chr. 33:13)

Nehemiah’s Prayer (Neh. 1:4–11)

Praying for Family (Job 10:18–22)

Where Is God? (Job 23:8, 9)

Bitter Prayers (Ps. 137:8–9)

Daniel: A Model of Prayer (Dan. 9:24, 25)

Leaning on the Lord (Mic. 7:2–7)

Where Is God? Who Is God? (Mic. 7:18)

The Prophet’s Complaints (Hab. 1:2–4; 1:12—2:1)

Persistent Prayer (Luke 11:5–13)

Pray Against Temptation (Luke 22:39–46)

Putting Life in God’s Perspective (Eph. 3:14–21)

Relating and Responding to God

Trusting God’s Promises (Gen. 31:1–20)

The Power of God’s Plans (Gen. 37:18–20)

Discovering God’s Purpose for You (Gen. 45:5–8)

The Fear of God (Ex. 1:21)

The Leading of the Lord (Ex. 13:21)

Seeking Guidance Through the Urim and Thummim (Ex. 28:30)

What It Takes to Serve God (Lev. 8:2, 3)

Be Holy, For I Am Holy (Lev. 11:44, 45)

Playing with Fire (Num. 31:15, 16)

Love God, Love People (Deut. 5:6–21)

Casting Lots (Josh. 18:8–10)

Discovering God’s Will (Judg. 6:36–40)

Life With and Without God (Eccl. 1:13, 14)

Knowing God (Jer. 22:15, 16)

Social Faith (Mal. 3:8–10)

Surprised by God (Matt. 28:6)

Knowing About God (Heb. 6:1–20)

Worshiping the Lord

Sacred Space (Gen. 28:22)

A Place to Meet God (Lev. 9:5)

Physical Limitations (Lev. 21:16–23)

Giving God Our Best (Lev. 22:20–23)

Attracted to Israel’s God (2 Chr. 6:32, 33)

Sacred Places Everywhere (John 1:51)


Seeing vs. Believing (Ex. 32:1–4)

Blasphemy (Lev. 24:11)

God’s Word Is Not a Mystery (Deut. 30:11–14)

Real Ownership (Josh. 24:13)

God’s Gifts Without God’s Blessing (Judg. 13:25)

Following God and Getting Nothing in Return (Job 1:9–11)

The Sons of God (Job 2:1)

Naked Before God (Job 26:6)

Knowing the Unknown (Job 42:1–6)

The Prisoner King (Eccl. 4:14)

Cursing God’s People (Is. 37:23)

The Holy Spirit in the Old Testament (Is. 42:1–9)

God’s Great Declaration (Is. 45:21, 22)

How Far Will God Go? (Lam. 2:6–9)

Storm Warning (Lam. 2:17)

Faithful Witnesses (Ezek. 20:9)

Angelic Mysteries (Dan. 10:13)

Skeptics Welcome (John 20:24–31)

No Other Name (Acts 4:12)


Callings and Careers

Career Paths (Ex. 4:29)

Called by Name (Ex. 31:1–11)

What It Takes to Serve God (Lev. 8:2, 3)

God’s Gifts Without God’s Blessing (Judg. 13:25)

Who Is Called? (1 Sam. 3:1–21)

You Are Unique (Ps. 33:15)

The Creator’s Craftsmanship (Ps. 139:13)

Finding Direction (Is. 6:8, 9)

Different Callings, Same Purpose (Ezek. 2:1–5)

Called Out and Into the World (John 17:18)

Working for God (1 Cor. 7:17–24)

The Gift of Loving Well (1 Cor. 12:28–31)

The Christian’s Calling (Heb. 3:1)

Laypeople and the Church

Connecting Sunday to Monday (Acts 2:46, 47)

Kingdom Mentoring (Acts 9:26–30)

The Apostles (2 Cor. 11:5)

Spiritual Authority (2 Cor. 13:10)

The Right-Side-Up Church (1 Thess. 2:13, 14)

Laypeople and the Community

Faith for Modern Life

Faith Impacts the World (Mark 16:15, 16)

God Rescues the Oppressed (Ex. 3:7)

A Good or Bad Example (Lev. 10:3)

Willing and Able to Lead (Judg. 5:2)

Let the Light Shine (Is. 49:6, 7)

Not One Righteous Person (Jer. 5:1)

God at Work for His People (Dan. 4:27)

The Ephesus Approach: How the Gospel Transformed a Community (Acts 19:8–41)

Quiet Living (1 Thess. 4:11)

Praying for Leaders (1 Tim. 2:1–7)

Laypeople and Work

The Toil of Work (Gen. 3:17–19)

The Spirit of God in the Workplace (Ex. 35:31—36:1)

A World of Talent (Ex. 37:1)

Theology for the Marketplace (Lev. 19:35, 36)

Bringing Plans into Action (2 Chr. 2:13, 14)

People at Work (Ps. 8:6)

Work and Family (Ps. 128:2–4)

Native Talent and Supernatural Ability (Dan. 1:17)

Government Employees in the Bible (Dan. 5:11, 12)

Pictures of the Kingdom (Matt. 13:1)

Workplace Myths (1 Cor. 3:9)

Witnessing at Work (Eph. 6:5–9)

A Command to Work (2 Thess. 3:6–12)

Ten Practical Commandments (James 2:8–13)

Models and Heroes

Work in the Real World (Gen. 41:42–46)

Moses Matures (Ex. 32:10)

The Judges (Judg. 2:16)

Twelve Heroes (Judg. 2:18)

God’s Simple Requirements (2 Kin. 5:13)

God’s People in Government (Ezra 7:1)

Baruch Behind the Scenes (Jer. 36:4–8)

Daniel: Advisor to Kings (Dan. 1:19)

Models of Faith in Hostile Societies (Dan. 2:48, 49)

The Twelve (Matt. 10:2)

Unlikely Leaders (Matt. 26:35–74)

Wealthy People in the New Testament (Matt. 27:57)

Significant Everyday People (Mark 2:3–17)

Barnabas: A Model of Mentoring (Acts 9:27)

Even Spiritual Giants Fall Short (Gal. 1:11–24)

See also the introduction to Joshua.


Clean vs. Unclean (Lev. 11:29)

God Speaks (Num. 1:1)

The Nazirite Vow (Num. 6:2)

The Assembly (Num. 10:2, 3)

Seeing Beyond the Hurdles (Num. 13:27–33)

A Friend in Need (Job 2:13)

Cursing God’s People (Is. 37:23)

Misplacing the Messiah (Is. 52:7)

Written on Their Hearts (Jer. 31:31–34)

A Kingdom Perspective (Mark 13:33)

Discipleship Is a Process (Luke 9:1–62)

Delegation and Affirmation (Luke 10:1)

Earthen Vessels (2 Cor. 4:7)

Even Spiritual Giants Fall Short (Gal. 1:11–24)

Kingdom-Style Mentoring (2 Tim. 2:2)

The Hall of Faith (Heb. 11:1–40)

From Refugee to Royalty (1 Pet. 2:9–12)


A Man’s Character

The Power of Anger (Gen. 49:6, 7)

Crises of Confidence (Ex. 3:11—4:17)

A Good or Bad Example (Lev. 10:3)

Standing Strong (Josh. 1:6–9)

Success and Prosperity (Josh. 1:8)

Attention and Respect (1 Sam. 25:32–35)

How We Will Be Remembered (2 Sam. 8:13, 14)

Keeping Promises (2 Sam. 9:1–13)

Scandal and Cover-Up (2 Sam. 11:4, 5)

Building According to the Blueprints (1 Kin. 6:12)

Defending Against Desire (Job 31:1)

An Inventory of Integrity (Ps. 15:1)

The Dangers of Alcohol Abuse (Prov. 23:29–35)

The Tears of Men (Lam. 2:11)

Love Is a Choice (Hos. 3:1–3)

Private Complacency, Public Sin (Mal. 1:6)

See also the articles in the “Ethics and Character” section of this index.

A Man and His Family

Marriage and Divorce (Deut. 24:1–4)

Fathers and Sons in Conflict (2 Sam. 14:24)

Choice (2 Chr. 32:27—33:6)

Strong Women (Esth. 1:22)

Praying for Family (Job 10:18–22)

Rearing Children with the Rod (Prov. 19:18)

Clean Up Your Own Mess (Is. 39:8)

Portrait of a Husband (Is. 54:5)

See also the articles in the “Family” section of this index.

A Man and His Work

A Year Off (Ex. 23:10, 11)

Called by Name (Ex. 31:1–11)

Lessons on Authority (Num. 12:13)

The Outcome of Infighting (1 Kin. 1:5)

Work and Prayer (2 Chr. 32:6–9)

The Art of Planning (Ps. 33:10, 11)

You Are Unique (Ps. 33:15)

Work and Family (Ps. 128:2–4)

The Creator’s Craftsmanship (Ps. 139:13)

Honoring God with Your Whole Paycheck (Prov. 3:9, 10)

Letting Go of Laziness (Prov. 24:30–34)

Possessed by Possessions (Eccl. 2:26)

Partners with God (Eccl. 3:14)

The Worship of Work (Jer. 18:15)

The Worthlessness of Wealth (Hag. 1:6)

See also the articles in the “Work” section of this index.

Friendship and Mentoring

Faithful Friends (1 Sam. 18:1)

Man-to-Man (1 Sam. 20:41)

The Final Charge (1 Kin. 2:1–9)

Estranged from Friend and Family (Ps. 88:18)

Wisdom for Men, Wisdom for Women (Prov. 1:8)

Wisdom Through Relationships (Prov. 13:20)

The Value of Teamwork (Eccl. 4:9–12)

Sharing the Story (Joel 1:3)

Barnabas: A Model of Mentoring (Acts 9:27)

See also the articles under “Mentoring” in the “Personal Growth and Spiritual Development” section of this index.

Jesus the Man

Jesus’ Family Tree (Matt. 1:1–16)

Jesus the Carpenter (Mark 6:3)

Jesus and Ethnicity (Mark 7:24–30)

Lord of the Sacred and the Secular (Luke 6:1–5)

Welcoming Women into the Kingdom (Luke 23:49)

God Became Man (John 8:52–59)

Leading to Serve (John 13:1–20)

The Measure of All Things (Heb. 2:6–8)

Men in the New Testament

Elijah in the New Testament (Mal. 4:5, 6)

The Twelve (Matt. 10:2)

The Religious Power Broker (Matt. 26:3–5)

Judas’s Betrayal (Matt. 26:14–16)

A Voice in the Wilderness (Mark 1:4)

The First Disciple (Mark 1:16–18)

Significant Everyday People (Mark 2:3–17)

Taking Risks (Mark 5:22, 23)

Jesus the Carpenter (Mark 6:3)

The Man Who Almost Had It All (Mark 10:17–27)

Simeon Sees (Luke 2:25–35)

Love Every Neighbor (Luke 10:27–37)

The Older Brother (Luke 15:25–30)

Families of the Gospels (Luke 20:34)

Andrew the Connector (John 1:35–42)

Skeptics Welcome (John 20:24–31)

Son of Encouragement (Acts 4:36, 37)

Stephen’s Trial and Murder (Acts 6:12)

Four Glimpses of Philip (Acts 8:5–13)

The Fruits of Obedience (Acts 9:10–18)

Paul (Acts 13:9)

Saul Becomes Paul (Acts 13:9)

A Second Chance (Acts 15:37–39)

Families of the Early Church (Acts 16:31–34)

Once an Enemy, Now a Friend (1 Cor. 16:9–20)

A Man to Count On (2 Cor. 7:6, 7)

Even Spiritual Giants Fall Short (Gal. 1:11–24)

An Extremist Transformed (Gal. 1:13–17)

The Gift of an Ethnic Heritage (Col. 4:10, 11)

The Hall of Faith (Heb. 11:1–40)

Contrasts of Faith (3 John 1–11)

See also the introductions to Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, and Acts.

Men in the Old Testament

Nimrod’s Legacy (Gen. 10:8–12)

Abraham’s Kindness (Gen. 14:16)

Work in the Real World (Gen. 41:42–46)

A Workaholic Intervention (Ex. 18:18)

Mapping the Life of Moses (Ex. 19:3)

Moses Matures (Ex. 32:10)

The Friend of God (Ex. 33:11)

Falling Short (Lev. 10:19)

The Humblest Man on the Face of the Earth (Num. 12:3)

A Better Way (Num. 16:12)

Kadesh: Backdrop to Death and Disaster (Num. 20:1)

Overcoming Impulses (Num. 20:10–13)

The Unscrupulous Prophet (Num. 22:6, 7)

Learning to Pray with Moses (Num. 27:15–17)

Caleb’s Mountain (Josh. 14:12)

Joshua and Paul: Profiles in Leadership (Josh. 23:2)

A Shrewd Politician (Judg. 8:2)

The Man Who Would Be King (Judg. 9:2)

Overcoming a Rough Start (Judg. 11:2, 3)

God’s Gifts Without God’s Blessing (Judg. 13:25)

Eli, the Failed Leader of Shiloh (1 Sam. 2:12)

Faithful Service (1 Sam. 3:21)

Samuel’s Wise Planning (1 Sam. 7:5–7)

Mapping the Life of Samuel (1 Sam. 7:15)

The Risks of Raising Children (1 Sam. 8:2)

The Kingmaker (1 Sam. 8:4–9)

Results at Any Price (1 Sam. 13:8–14)

The Cost of Tyranny (1 Sam. 14:24–26)

A Man After God’s Own Heart (1 Sam. 16:13)

King Saul’s Decline and Fall (1 Sam. 31:4)

David: Praiseworthy but Not Perfect (2 Sam. 7:18–22)

A Man Born to War (2 Sam. 10:7)

Stealing Hearts in the Gates of Justice (2 Sam. 15:1–6)

The Wise King (1 Kin. 10:24)

A Wasted Opportunity (1 Kin. 11:31–39)

Starting Strong, Ending Weak (1 Kin. 15:16–22)

Mapping the Life of Elijah (1 Kin. 18:1)

The Troubler and the Savior (1 Kin. 18:17, 18)

Moses and Elijah (1 Kin. 19:11)

Self-Seeking Servants (2 Kin. 5:20–27)

Mapping the Life of Elisha (2 Kin. 8:4)

Three Leaders of Israel (1 Chr. 1:28)

David’s Mighty Men (1 Chr. 11:10)

Mapping the Life of David (1 Chr. 17:1)

David’s Foolish Conquest (1 Chr. 20:1–3)

David’s Foolish Census (1 Chr. 21:2–8)

Unsatisfied with Success (2 Chr. 1:1)

Half-Hearted Devotion (2 Chr. 25:2)

Josiah’s Military Blunder (2 Chr. 35:22)

Cyrus’s Decree (Ezra 1:1)

God’s People in Government (Ezra 7:1)

Leadership Principles from Nehemiah (Neh. 1:1)

Nehemiah’s Prayer (Neh. 1:4–11)

A Friend in Need (Job 2:13)

The Life and Times of Isaiah (Is. 1:1)

King Hezekiah Heeds Isaiah (Is. 14:28–32)

God Humbles the Proud (Is. 22:15–23)

Never Too Young (Jer. 1:6–8)

The Fall of King Josiah (Jer. 22:10–15)

The Life and Times of Ezekiel (Ezek. 1:1)

Daniel: Advisor to Kings (Dan. 1:19)

Models of Faith in Hostile Societies (Dan. 2:48, 49)

The Reign of Nebuchadnezzar (Dan. 4:1)

Jonah and the Sailors (Jon. 1:5–16)


Prisoners for God (2 Chr. 16:10)

Singleness of Heart (2 Chr. 30:12)

Models for Prayer in the Bible (2 Chr. 33:13)

Too Little, Too Late (2 Chr. 33:14–17)

Following God and Getting Nothing in Return (Job 1:9–11)

The Four Fools (Prov. 14:24)

Personal Growth and Spiritual Development

Case Studies in Personal and Spiritual Development

A Workaholic Intervention (Ex. 18:18)

Moses Matures (Ex. 32:10)

God’s Gifts Without God’s Blessing (Judg. 13:25)

God Humbles the Proud (Is. 22:15–23)

Jonah and the Sailors (Jon. 1:5–16)


Sacred Space (Gen. 28:22)

Set Apart to the Lord (Ex. 13:11–16)

Keeping the Sabbath (Ex. 20:8–11)

Purified by Fire (Lev. 9:24)

Clean vs. Unclean (Lev. 11:29)

Be Holy, For I Am Holy (Lev. 11:44, 45)


Miracles Do Not Happen Every Day (Ex. 14:21)

Miracles and Creation (Is. 38:1–9)


The Blessing (Gen. 49:28)

The Value of Preparation (Ex. 2:11)

Faithful Friends (1 Sam. 18:1)

Man-to-Man (1 Sam. 20:41)

The Final Charge (1 Kin. 2:1–9)

Old Testament Mentors (2 Kin. 2:13)

Indispensable Role Models (2 Chr. 24:17–20)

Passing On the Blessing (Ps. 67:1, 2)

Estranged from Friend and Family (Ps. 88:18)

Wisdom for Men, Wisdom for Women (Prov. 1:8)

Famous Teachers in Scripture (Prov. 4:11–13)

Wisdom Through Relationships (Prov. 13:20)

A Community of Wisdom (Prov. 24:6)

The Value of Teamwork (Eccl. 4:9–12)

Prayer Partners (Dan. 2:17, 18)

Sharing the Story (Joel 1:3)

Barnabas: A Model of Mentoring (Acts 9:27)

Accountability (2 Cor. 2:5–11)

Kingdom-Style Mentoring (2 Tim. 2:2)

The Spiritual Dimension in Human Nature

Made in His Image (Gen. 1:27–30)

The Fear of God (Ex. 1:21)

Body and Soul (Lev. 12:6, 7)

Seeing Beyond the Hurdles (Num. 13:27–33)

Overcoming Impulses (Num. 20:10–13)

Knowing God (Jer. 22:15, 16)

Knowing About God (Heb. 6:1–20)

Spirituality in Everyday Life

The Creation Mandate (Gen. 1:28—2:3)

Inseparable Institutions: Family, State, and Church (Gen. 2:23)

You Shall Not Covet (Ex. 20:17)

Putting Words into Action (Lev. 7:37, 38)

What It Takes to Serve God (Lev. 8:2, 3)

Giving God Our Best (Lev. 22:20–23)

Staying Focused (Deut. 5:1)

Love God, Love People (Deut. 5:6–21)

A Good Risk (Josh. 19:49, 50)

Singleness of Heart (2 Chr. 30:12)

Work and Prayer (2 Chr. 32:6–9)

Three-Dimensional Spirituality (Mic. 6:8–12)

Living by Faith (Hab. 2:4)

Here and Now (Hag. 2:3–5)

Private Complacency, Public Sin (Mal. 1:6)

The Morality of Christ (Matt. 5:17–48)

The Challenge to Commit (Matt. 19:1–15)

Community Worship (Ps. 122:1)

The Cost of Following Jesus (Luke 14:25–33)

Let Us Give Thanks (Ps. 136:1)

New Creatures with New Character (Gal. 5:22, 23)

Staying on God’s Path (Prov. 4:25–27)

Humility: The Scandalous Virtue (Phil. 2:3)

Finding Contentment (Phil. 4:10–13)

Submission (James 4:1–7)

Taking Time for God

A Day of Rest (Gen. 2:1–3)

Taking a Break (Ex. 35:1–3)

A Habit of Worship (Num. 28:2)

Making Promises to God (Num. 30:2)

The Blessing of the Sabbath (Deut. 5:12)

God Responds to Worship (2 Chr. 5:13, 14)

Still Life (Job 37:14)

What’s the Hurry? (Is. 30:15)

The Lord’s Day (Rev. 1:10)

Walking According to Wisdom

An Understanding Heart (1 Kin. 3:6–14)

Building According to the Blueprints (1 Kin. 6:12)

Understanding the Times (1 Chr. 12:32)

Two Paths (Ps. 1:1, 2)

The Benefits of Obedience (Ps. 119:2)

Courting Wisdom (Prov. 4:8)

The Value of Wisdom (Prov. 8:10, 11)

Wisdom Through Relationships (Prov. 13:20)

The Way of Godly Wisdom (Eccl. 12:13, 14)

Reaching Forward (Jer. 7:23, 24)


See the articles under “Music” in the “Art” section of this index, and under “Worshiping the Lord” in the “Knowing and Serving God” section of this index.


Saved by Grace (Lev. 18:5)

The Nazirite Vow (Num. 6:2)

Blessings and Benedictions (Num. 6:24–26)

The Tragedy of Jephthah’s Daughter (Judg. 11:30–40)

Creeds and Confessions (2 Chr. 15:14, 15)

Blaming Satan (Job 1:6)

An Inventory of Integrity (Ps. 15:1)

Three Worshipers (Ps. 118:2–4)

Making Merry Instead of Mourning (Is. 22:12–14)

Written on Their Hearts (Jer. 31:31–34)

Idolatry of the Heart (Ezek. 14:4–8)

Faith in Context (Ezek. 22:15)

Native Talent and Supernatural Ability (Dan. 1:17)

The Promise of the Spirit (Joel 2:28, 29)

The Serenity of Trust (Mic. 4:1–7)

The New Covenant (1 Cor. 11:25)

Responding to God (Eph. 5:1–18)

A Spiritual Checkup (Heb. 12:14–29)



Accepting Authority (Ex. 32:7, 8)

When a Leader Sins (Lev. 4:22–26)

Absolute Truth (Lev. 20:6–8)

Exercising Authority (Lev. 26:3, 4)

Accountability (2 Kin. 12:6–8)

Public Accountability (1 Chr. 28:8)

Defending Against Desire (Job 31:1)

Judging All Things (1 Cor. 2:15)

Case Studies in Power

Nimrod’s Legacy (Gen. 10:8–12)

The Pharaoh (Gen. 41:1)

Work in the Real World (Gen. 41:42–46)

Moses as God (Ex. 7:1)

Priests as Physicians (Lev. 13:2)

Family Crisis, Leadership Crisis (Num. 12:2, 3)

Kadesh: Backdrop to Death and Disaster (Num. 20:1)

Overcoming Impulses (Num. 20:10–13)

The Unscrupulous Prophet (Num. 22:6, 7)

Caleb’s Mountain (Josh. 14:12)

Twelve Heroes (Judg. 2:18)

A Shrewd Politician (Judg. 8:2)

The Man Who Would Be King (Judg. 9:2)

Eli, the Failed Leader of Shiloh (1 Sam. 2:12)

The Kingmaker (1 Sam. 8:4–9)

Abner’s Outrage (2 Sam. 3:7)

Stealing Hearts in the Gates of Justice (2 Sam. 15:1–6)

The Wise King (1 Kin. 10:24)

A Tax Revolt Divides the Kingdom (1 Kin. 12:18, 19)

Using Religion for Political Gain (1 Kin. 12:25–31)

The Troubler and the Savior (1 Kin. 18:17, 18)

Three Leaders of Israel (1 Chr. 1:28)

Unsatisfied with Success (2 Chr. 1:1)

God-Fearing Judges (2 Chr. 19:5–11)

A Lack of Leadership Leads to Public Crisis (Is. 3:1–15)

Third-in-Command (Dan. 5:7)

Integrity Incites Jealousy (Dan. 6:1–5)

See also the introductions to 1 and 2 Samuel.

The Exercise of Power

A Promising Opportunity (Gen. 46:31–34)

The Power of Anger (Gen. 49:6, 7)

Civil Disobedience (Ex. 1:15–21)

God Rescues the Oppressed (Ex. 3:7)

Positive Authority (Ex. 6:13)

Lessons on Authority (Num. 12:13)

Empower, Not Overpower (Deut. 4:5, 6)

Criteria for a King (Deut. 17:14–20)

The Power of Humility (Matt. 3:11)

The Power of Forgiveness (Matt. 9:4–8)

Three Dangers of Power (Luke 3:14)

Seeing Behind Power (John 19:10, 11)

Foolishness to the Perishing (1 Cor. 1:18)

Working Together (1 Cor. 3:5–8)

Biblical Power (Rev. 11:17)

God’s Power

God Limits Evil (Gen. 3:22–24)

Giving Change a Chance (Ex. 11:1)

Pharaoh’s Submission (Ex. 12:29)

Merciful and Just (Ex. 34:6, 7)

The Commander (Josh. 5:13–15)

A Battle of the Gods (1 Sam. 17:40–54)

God Above All Gods (1 Chr. 16:23–30)

Goodness in a Global World (Job 2:6)

No Authority Except from God (Ps. 2:4–6)

Human Kings and the Heavenly King (Ps. 2:7)

A God Who Hates? (Ps. 5:5)

Opposing Evil (Ps. 10:18)

Protecting the Poor (Ps. 35:10)

God and Gods (Ps. 82:1, 6)

The Peaceable Kingdom (Is. 11:1–10)


Leadership Challenges (Ex. 17:2)

Practical Principles for Leadership (Ex. 18:13–23)

Accepting Authority (Ex. 32:7, 8)

Excellence Starts at the Top (Ex. 40:16)

A Good or Bad Example (Lev. 10:3)

Standing Strong (Josh. 1:6–9)

Joshua and Paul: Profiles in Leadership (Josh. 23:2)

Willing and Able to Lead (Judg. 5:2)

Faithful Service (1 Sam. 3:21)

Pledging Allegiance (1 Sam. 24:5, 6)

Attention and Respect (1 Sam. 25:32–35)

Starting Strong, Ending Weak (1 Kin. 15:16–22)

Who Do We Trust? (2 Kin. 18:19)

Spirit-Filled Planning (1 Chr. 28:11–19)

Leadership Principles from Nehemiah (Neh. 1:1)

The Art of Planning (Ps. 33:10, 11)

Government Office, Spiritual Leadership (Ps. 101:1)

Leaders Who Care (Ezek. 34:1, 2)

Daniel: Advisor to Kings (Dan. 1:19)

Under Authority (Matt. 8:5–13)

Servant-Leaders (Matt. 20:25–28)

A Humble Parade (Matt. 21:1–11)

Significant Everyday People (Mark 2:3–17)

A Shrewd Manager (Luke 16:1–13)

Leading to Serve (John 13:1–20)

Qualifications for Leadership (1 Tim. 3:1–13)

Fleecing the Flock (1 Pet. 5:2)

Managing People

Teamwork (Ex. 38:21–23)

Project Management (Num. 4:15)

A Better Way (Num. 16:12)

The Better Story (Num. 23:11, 12)

Problem People (Judg. 3:1–4)

Keeping Promises (2 Sam. 9:1–13)

Bringing Plans into Action (2 Chr. 2:13, 14)

Community Begins with Worship (Ezra 3:1–11)

Spiritual Power

Seeing Beyond the Hurdles (Num. 13:27–33)

God’s Gifts Without God’s Blessing (Judg. 13:25)

Prayer Is More Than a Last Resort (2 Chr. 14:11)

Not One Righteous Person (Jer. 5:1)

Angels and Demons (Matt. 8:29)

You Shall Receive Power (Acts 1:8)

The Illusion of Power (Acts 8:18, 19)

The Enemy (Eph. 6:10–13)

Systems and Symbols of Power

Inseparable Institutions: Family, State, and Church (Gen. 2:23)

The Responsibility of Authority (Ex. 39:14)

Leadership Changes (Num. 20:22–29)

The Value of Symbols (Deut. 27:1–4)

Signing Off on the Covenant (Deut. 27:11–13)

Political Marriages (2 Sam. 3:13, 14)

A Sign of Strength (2 Sam. 14:26)

Institutionalized Injustice (Is. 10:1–4)

Heaven Rules (Dan. 4:26, 27)

Full Pockets, Empty Hearts (Mic. 2:2)


Set Free to Serve (Ex. 8:1)

Results at Any Price (1 Sam. 13:8–14)

The Outcome of Infighting (1 Kin. 1:5)

Palace Intrigue (2 Kin. 15:30)

Even Rulers Are Subjects (Ps. 2:1)

Managing Commitments (1 Cor. 6:12)

Earthen Vessels (2 Cor. 4:7)

Strength Through Weakness (2 Cor. 12:7–10)

See also the introduction to Judges.

Race and Ethnicity

The Early Church Confronts Ethnic Barriers

The Spread of the Gospel (Acts 1:4)

A Good Start (Acts 2:1)

Pluralism at Pentecost (Acts 2:5)

The Nations of Pentecost (Acts 2:8–11)

Ethnic Prejudice Confronted (Acts 6:2–6)

A New View of History (Acts 7:1–53)

Converting Samaritans and Apostles (Acts 8:4–25)

Good News for All (Acts 10:34)

Ethnic Walls Break Down (Acts 10:44, 45)

The Gospel Spreads Beyond Palestine (Acts 11:19–26)

A New Name for a New Way (Acts 11:26)

Controversy in the Early Church (Acts 15:1–21)

Diverse Opportunities for a Diverse Church (Acts 15:22–35)

The Ephesus Approach: How the Gospel Transformed a Community (Acts 19:8–41)

Onward to Rome (Acts 19:21)

Roads to Rome—and Beyond (Acts 28:28)

Ethnic Relationships in the Old Testament

Abraham’s Kindness (Gen. 14:16)

Feeding the World (Gen. 41:57)

God Rescues the Oppressed (Ex. 3:7)

The Phoenicians (2 Chr. 9:21)

Cultural Assimilation (Esth. 9:26–28)

A Dark and Lovely Bride (Song 1:5, 6)

Interracial Marriage (Song 5:10)

Ethnic Tensions in the Old Testament

The Edomites: Perpetual Enemies of Israel (Gen. 36:9)

The Mixed Multitude (Num. 11:4)

Family Crisis, Leadership Crisis (Num. 12:2, 3)

Pain That Leads to Prejudice (Num. 20:14–21)

Good Out of Bad (Ruth 1:4)

How We Will Be Remembered (2 Sam. 8:13, 14)

Solomon’s Census (2 Chr. 2:17, 18)

Interreligious Marriage (Ezra 9:2)

Combatting Resistance (Neh. 4:7)

New Acquaintances, Old Enemies (Esth. 3:2–6)

A Tale of Two Brothers (Obad. 10)

God’s Love for All Peoples

Many Nations Under God (Gen. 10:32)

God’s Plan Moves Forward (Gen. 11:10)

A Promise and a Purpose (Gen. 15:16)

Many People (Gen. 50:20)

An International House of Prayer (1 Kin. 8:41–43)

Attracted to Israel’s God (2 Chr. 6:32, 33)

Followers After the Flood (Job 22:21)

Our Global God (Ps. 79:1)

God Rules All Nations (Ps. 47:7–9)

A Promise to Africa (Ps. 68:31)

God and Gods (Ps. 82:1, 6)

Three Worshipers (Ps. 118:2–4)

A Global Vision (Is. 2:1–5)

An Earth Full of Glory (Is. 6:3)

A Light to the Gentiles (Is. 9:2)

Gentiles Called by God’s Name (Amos 9:12)

Great Among the Nations (Mal. 1:11)

Israel the Chosen People

God’s Chosen People (Ex. 34:11, 12)

Jacob I Loved, Esau I Hated (Mal. 1:2, 3)

See also the articles under “The Chosen People” in the “Israel” section of this index.

Jesus and Ethnicity

Jesus’ Family Tree (Matt. 1:1–16)

Jesus the Refugee (Matt. 2:13–15)

A Savior for the Whole World (Matt. 8:10)

Jews, Gentiles, and Jesus (Matt. 15:24)

Jesus the Galilean (Mark 1:14)

Jesus and Ethnicity (Mark 7:24–30)

The Gospel Is for Everyone (Luke 1:1–4)

Jesus’ Family Line (Luke 3:23–38)

Jews and Samaritans (John 4:9)

Jesus and the Pharisees (John 8:48)

Living in the Minority

Scattered Among the Gentiles (Jer. 9:16)

Models of Faith in Hostile Societies (Dan. 2:48, 49)

God at Work for His People (Dan. 4:27)

Life for the Faithful Few (Mic. 5:3)

Rebukes Against Racism

No Better Than Gentiles (Mark 10:32–37)

Bypassing Samaria (Luke 9:51–56)

Love Every Neighbor (Luke 10:27–37)

Where Are the Others? (Luke 17:11–19)

One People (Rom. 11:13–24)

An Extremist Transformed (Gal. 1:13–17)

A Strong Rebuke (Gal. 3:1)

Challenging Slavery (Philem. 16)

The Unbounded Gospel

The Twelve (Matt. 10:2)

To Every Nation (Matt. 28:19)

The Gospel in a Divided World (John 3:21)

Samaria (John 4:4)

Called Out and Into the World (John 17:18)

The Ethiopian Treasurer (Acts 8:27–39)

Paul (Acts 13:9)

Saul Becomes Paul (Acts 13:9)

Lydia (Acts 16:14)

God’s Heart for the Whole World (Rom. 9:1)

God’s Rainbow (Rom. 15:7–12)

The Circumcision (Gal. 2:12)

We Are Family (Gal. 3:28)

Breaking Down Walls (Eph. 2:14–18)

No Place for Prejudice (Col. 3:11)

From Refugee to Royalty (1 Pet. 2:9–12)

Equality at Last (Rev. 5:9, 10)

A Global Multitude (Rev. 7:9)

See also the introductions to Luke and Acts.

Valuing Diversity

The Gift of an Ethnic Heritage (Col. 4:10, 11)

Teacher of the Gentiles (2 Tim. 1:3)

The Hall of Faith (Heb. 11:1–40)

Researching Your Religious Roots (Heb. 13:24)


The Garden of Eden (Gen. 2:10–14)

Cyrus’s Decree (Ezra 1:1)

God the Avenger (Ps. 9:5)

From Individuals to Community to the World (Ps. 102:20–22)

Cyrus: The Anointed Shepherd (Is. 44:28—45:1)

Isaiah’s Vision and Our Mission (Is. 66:18–21)

Africans in the Bible (Jer. 38:7)

No Excuses Allowed (Lam. 3:39)

Jonah and the Sailors (Jon. 1:5–16)

Shaking the Nations (Hag. 2:6, 7)

The Roman World Transformed

People Changed

Children were valued in a culture that devalued them. See …

The Value of Children (Matt. 19:14)

Hope for the Family (Rev. 19:6–10)

Humble people took center stage in importance and focus. See …

The Twelve (Matt. 10:2)

Significant Everyday People (Mark 2:3–17)

Mary of Magdala (Luke 8:2)

Mary of Bethany (John 11:1, 2)

The Hall of Faith (Heb. 11:1–40)

Rich and poor connected in new ways. See …

A Burial Fit for a King (Mark 15:42—16:1)

The Women Who Followed Jesus (Luke 8:1–3)

Son of Encouragement (Acts 4:36, 37)

Not Many Mighty (Acts 18:7, 8)

Women were affirmed in a culture that devalued them. See …

Welcoming Women into the Kingdom (Luke 23:49)

Welcoming All to Pray (Acts 1:14)

Tabitha (Acts 9:36)

Lydia (Acts 16:14)

Priscilla and Aquila (Rom. 16:3–5)

Women in the Early Church (Rom. 16:12)

Widows (1 Tim. 5:3)

Systems Changed

Competing religions and worldviews were challenged and displaced. See …

Answering the Intellectuals (Acts 17:15–34)

The Ephesus Approach: How the Gospel Transformed a Community (Acts 19:8–41)

Syncretism: A Dangerous Mix (Col. 2:1–23)

God Cannot Lie (Titus 1:2)

The Danger of Gnosticism (1 John 5:20)

Government was called to be more honorable. See …

Governmental Authority (Rom. 13:1–7)

Opponents, outcasts, and criminals were rehabilitated and became leaders. See …

Simon the Magician (Acts 8:9)

Paul (Acts 13:9)

Saul Becomes Paul (Acts 13:9)

Onesimus (Philem. 10)

• See also the introduction to Matthew.

People from different ethnic backgrounds were reconnected. See …

Ethnic Prejudice Confronted (Acts 6:2–6)

The Ethiopian Treasurer (Acts 8:27–39)

Ethnic Walls Break Down (Acts 10:44, 45)

Diverse Opportunities for a Diverse Church (Acts 15:22–35)

An Extremist Transformed (Gal. 1:13–17)

Rights were restructured. See …

New Rights (Gal. 4:1–18)

Challenging Slavery (Philem. 16)

Slavery was quietly but effectively challenged at its roots. See …

Codes of Conduct for the Christian Worker (Col. 3:22—4:1)

Onesimus (Philem. 10)

Philemon (Philem. 1)

Challenging Slavery (Philem. 16)

Slaves (Rom. 6:16)

Submissiveness and humility were urged in place of oppression and injustice. See …

The Way Up Is Down (Matt. 5:3)

Humility: The Scandalous Virtue (Phil. 2:3)

Codes of Conduct for the Christian Worker (Col. 3:22—4:1)

Submission (James 4:1–7)

Values Changed

Morality was redefined. See …

New Creatures with New Character (Gal. 5:22, 23)

Your Workstyle (Titus 2:9–11)

Ten Practical Commandments (James 2:8–13)

People were given new value. See …

Caring for the Underclass (Luke 7:20–23)

Kingdom-Style Mentoring (2 Tim. 2:2)

Possessions were seen as a call to stewardship. See …

Finding Contentment (Phil. 4:10–13)

Uphold the Weak (1 Thess. 5:14)

Wealth was reevaluated. See …

The Man Who Almost Had It All (Mark 10:17–27)

Hold Lightly and Let Go (Acts 4:37—5:11)

Christians and Money (1 Tim. 6:6–19)

Praying for Prosperity (3 John 2)