Page numbers in italics refer to maps.
Aaron, 64n, 224, 238, 246, 314, 331
death of sons of, 289–90, 326–28
Golden Calf incident and, 281–83, 315, 525
Korah’s jealousy of, 329
meaning of name of, 205
Aaronide priesthood, 64n, 289–90, 313–14, 314, 315
Abel, as foreshadowing of Jesus, 21, 127, 643
see also Cain and Abel narrative
Abigail, 501
Abijah, 327–28
Abishag the Shunammite, 499–501, 518
abortion, 266–69
Abot deR. Natan, 277, 338, 544
Abraham, 11–22, 25, 62, 90–106, 210, 216, 242, 298, 356, 358, 360, 361, 563, 655, 660, 676, 682
ancient interpreters and, 11–17, 90–95, 120–21, 122, 124–25, 490, 518
and binding of Isaac, 11–14, 20–21, 109, 121–28, 361
circumcision covenant, 146, 301, 649
covenant made with God, 39
David compared with, 501
departure from Mesopotamia of, 18–19, 30, 90–92, 96, 100, 101, 102, 113–14, 120, 648, 649–50
early Christian interpretation of binding of Isaac, 17, 20, 21, 37, 126–28
in Egypt, 120, 128–29, 132, 184
in encounters with angels, 110, 113–14
faithfulness of, 20, 121–23, 128, 649
as first monotheist, 17, 90, 92–96, 103, 121, 148, 518, 680
foreshadowed events of New Testament and, 20, 21, 37, 126–28, 278
genealogy of, 158
God’s call to, 90–92, 94, 649–50
grant of land to, 103–6
Hagar expelled by, 120, 121, 407
Jacob loved by, 138
largely absent from prophetic writings, 102
modern biblical scholars and, 96–103, 128–29
and search for wife for Isaac, 97, 153–54, 166
ten trials of, 11–13, 100, 119–32
see also Sarah
Abraham and offering of Isaac, 11–16, 109, 121–28, 361
early Christian interpretation of, 17, 20, 21
etiology and, 130–32, 146, 361, 666
as foreshadowing of crucifixion, 20, 21, 37, 126–28
Four Assumptions and, 14–16
as schematic narrative, 147
typological reading of, 20, 21, 126–28
written ambiguities and, 36–37
Abram, see Abraham
Absalom, 354, 460, 461, 494–500
Acts, 456
children of, 59, 60–61, 66, 70
death of, 49–50
as foreshadowing of Jesus, 21, 127, 643
’adam, ’adamah, 55
Adam and Eve narrative, 6, 48–57, 117, 360
ancient interpretations of, 51–52, 57
an etiological tale, 63, 146, 361
as “the Fall of Man,” 17, 51, 57
folklore motifs in, 56
hunter-gatherers vs. farmers and, 54–57
loss of immortality in, 50–52
modern biblical scholars’ interpretation of, 52–57
Adonijah, 499–500
adoption, 168
in Joseph story, 185–86
of wives in ancient Mesopotamia, 100, 102
adultery, 27, 257, 416, 488–91, 620
in Joseph story, 177, 179–80, 187–90, 194, 195
Afghanistan, 411
African Queen, The (movie), 181
Agag, Amalekite king, 450
Against Marcion (Tertullian), 236
Against the Heresies (Irenaeus), 525
Age of Interpretation, 8–10, 648–50, 656–59
agriculture, 41, 54–57, 409, 427, 518
the Bedouin and, 377–78
in Cain and Abel story, 59, 66
in Egypt, 184
laws concerning, 19, 309–10, 680
temple offerings and, 463–64
terrace farming in, 383–84, 409, 433
see also famine
Elijah as enemy of, 441, 526, 532, 535, 536
Ahasuerus (probably Xerxes I), Emperor of Persia, 645–46
Ahaz, King of Judah, 548–50, 552, 563
Isaiah’s warning to, 442, 548–49, 564, 567
Ahijah of Shiloh, 442
Akhenaten (Amenhotep IV), Pharaoh of Egypt, 378–79
Akiba, Rabbi, 341, 342, 352, 516–17
Akkadian language, 85, 86, 104, 183, 206, 353, 379, 441, 641
Ugaritic compared with, 422
Albright, William Foxwell, 97–102, 227, 339, 353, 377, 435, 663
Alexander the Great, 17, 204, 645, 650, 653
Alexandria, Jews of, 6, 17–19, 93–94, 214
allegorizing (interpretive technique), 18–19, 21, 22, 23, 31, 674
Abraham’s journey and, 18–19, 93–94
Dinah story and, 168
Allen, Woody, 553
Alps, 410–11
Alt, Albrecht, 377–78, 384, 421–22
altars, 85, 246, 281, 286, 306–9, 313, 434, 520, 652
Amalekites, 64, 234–37, 425, 427, 482
in Rephidim battle, 234–36, 281, 448
Amaziah (king of Judah), 370
Ambrose of Milan, 643
Amenemope, 664
American Schools of Oriental Research, 98
Ammon and Ammonites, 130, 148, 372, 402, 491, 584, 627
Amorites, 100, 151, 169–70, 209, 649
Joshua’s conquest of, 365–66
Amos, 7, 439, 453, 454, 477, 548, 623–26, 628, 632
as “minor prophet,” 539–40
oracles against the nations in, 626
traces of wisdom writing in, 624–25, 636
Amsterdam, Jews of, 33
anagogical (eschatological) sense of Scripture, 23
Anatolia, 399
ancient interpretations: xii–xv, 2, 8–22, 46, 666–74, 676, 678, 680, 684, 685, 687
Abraham narratives, 11–17, 90–95, 120–21, 122, 124–25, 490
Cain and Abel, 59, 60, 67, 68, 117, 671
Ecclesiastes, 514
on God’s attack on Moses, 218–19, 221
Golden Calf incident, 282–83
Isaiah, 15, 541, 543, 554–55, 567–68, 671
Israelite wanderings in wilderness, 234–37, 239–40
Jacob and Esau narratives, 137–42, 490, 671
Jacob’s ladder, vision of, 149
Joseph narrative, 178–81, 186–91, 196
Joshua, figure of, 366
Korah’s revolt, 330–33
Laban (Jacob’s uncle), 153
Moses, 199–201, 212–14, 218–19, 221, 226, 234–36
name changes in Bible, 159
Rahab the harlot, 373
Ruth the convert, 402–3
the Shema, 341–43
Solomon, 500–501
Song of the Sea, 226–27
Ten Commandments, 255–56, 343–44
Tower of Babel, 83–86
various laws, 262, 264–69, 275, 293–95, 319–20; see also laws
ancient interpreters, xii–xiv, 676, 678, 680, 684, 685, 687
Christian, 10, 17–22, 57, 187, 235, 36, 672, 681
connections to New Testament made by, 19–21, 127–28
feminist scholarship compared with, 408–9
Four Assumptions of, see Four Assumptions
fundamentalists preserve assumptions of, 673–74
models of God and, 117
modern biblical scholars compared with, xiii, 134–36, 161–62, 299–300, 360–63, 518, 666
transformed the Bible, 8–22, 46, 57, 68, 136–37, 148, 666–74
use of term, xii–xiii
at work, 10–14
ancient Near East, xv, 354, 463, 492, 581–82, 605, 645, 662–63, 674
connection of gods with specific places in, 65
consolation ritual in, 638–39
ideas of the divine in, 419
priests in, 242, 302, 326, 546
prophet-like figures in, 441, 570, 628
snake worship in, 56
temple cities in, 487
temples in, 284–88, 326, 521, 683
uniqueness of Saul’s time in, 447–48
And a Still, Small Voice (film), 531–32
Andorra, 411
Andromeda, 399
angelos (announcer; herald), 213–14
angel(s), 71, 86, 129, 200, 215, 283, 634, 656, 657
Balaam’s encounter with, 110, 115, 336
burning bush episode and, 213–14
Gideon’s encounter with, 389, 390, 412, 445
as intermediaries, 109–16
Jacob’s ladder and, 149
Jacob’s wrestling with, 110, 115, 160–62, 177, 211, 215, 236, 594–95
“moment of confusion” in encounters with, 111–12, 114–16
Samson’s birth announced by, 396–97, 400
Satan as, 60
seraphim as, 541
unrecognized, 110–14
Anglican Church, 35
clean, 77–78
killing and cutting up of, 104–5, 307
laws about, 263–64, 265, 268, 270, 309
pregnant, 268
sacrifice of, 78, 131–32, 245, 246, 268, 286–87, 299, 306–9, 310n, 313, 318, 323, 326, 434, 518, 606, 608, 625–26
Antiochus IV, Seleucid king, 651–54
‘apiru (low social class; outlaws or highwaymen), 206–8, 379–82
apocalyptic writing, 615, 655–57, 660, 670
apocrypha, 10, 124, 652n, 668, 684
Apostles’ Creed, 629
Apostolic Constitutions, 542
Arad, 288
in time of Saul and David, 447–48
Aramaic language, 36, 86, 93, 183, 227, 320, 338, 475, 479, 480, 641, 648, 653
Arauna, 520
Arberry, A. J., 95
archaeology, archaeologists, xi–xii, xiii, 44–45, 150, 269, 270, 431, 450, 526, 535, 613, 686–87
Abraham narrative and, 96–99
biblical, 98–99
Canaanite settlers and, 381–85, 409, 433
Exodus and, 204–5, 361, 381–82, 535
Ezekiel and, 604–5
Great Mother and, 405
Jacob and Esau and, 143
Jeremiah and, 581–82, 585, 587–88
Jericho conquest and, 373–74, 375, 377
Midianite hypothesis and, 426
temple footprints and, 287
Ten Commandments and, 255, 259
Ugarit discovery and, 422
“ark of God,” 196, 486–87, 503
Ark of the Covenant, 246, 247, 283, 312–13, 520, 524
Arpachshad, 72
Artapanus, 224
asceticism, 351–52
Asenath, 168
Ashdod, 399
asherah (sacred grove), 431, 434
Asher (tribe), xviii
Asshur, 575
of ancient vs. modern interpreters, 134–36
meaning and, 134–35
see also Four Assumptions
Assurbanipal, King of Assyria, 353
Assurnasirpal II, King of Assyria, 547n
Assyrian language, 86
Assyrians, Assyrian Empire, xx, 15, 84, 310, 357, 375, 547–50, 558, 561, 627
Babylon’s defeat of, 575, 583, 632
flood account of, 74
northern kingdom conquered by, 6, 309, 310, 346, 362, 524, 547–48, 559, 574, 611, 618, 655
suzerainty treaties of, 247, 249, 348–50, 353
in time of Saul and David, 447–48
astrology, 93
Astruc, Jean, 39
Atrahasis Epic, 74
Augustine, Saint (Augustine of Hippo), 20, 22, 24, 67, 122, 127, 623, 665
first encounter with Scripture, 476
on the resurrection, 623
Avaris, 184
’az (“that was when”), 220
Azariah (king of Judah) 370
Baal, 407, 423–24, 428–31, 526–30, 532, 560
Elijah’s fight against the forces of, 526–28, 530, 535, 620
prophets of, 441, 526–27, 530, 536
Psalms and, 423–24, 467, 468–69
Baal-gad, 375
Baal-hermon, 428
Baal Peor, 340
Baal-perazim, 428
Babylon and Babylonians, 62, 86, 147, 207, 558, 574–75, 583–91, 663, 664
conquered Judah, 6, 166, 191, 346, 348, 442, 583–91, 619, 632, 636–37, 655, 689
Daniel and, 652–53
fall of, 9, 191, 442, 559, 590, 591, 616, 637, 645, 655, 657
temple purification in, 326
as threat to Judah, 574–75, 578, 582, 608, 666
in time of Saul and David, 447–48
Tower of Babel and, 82–86, 88, 146
Babylonian Chronicle, 584
Babylonian exile of Judeans, 6, 8, 9, 10, 35, 85, 166, 249, 298, 303, 304, 307, 348, 362, 403, 421, 442, 460, 461, 470, 521, 559, 561–62, 563, 590–91, 604, 611, 614–15, 655, 663, 665–66, 667
Babylonian language, 86
Babylonian Talmud, 266, 269, 479, 491
Bacon, Francis, 29
Balaam, 64n, 110, 115, 336–40, 441, 490, 628, 642
modern scholarship and, 338–40
Balak, king of Moab, 336–40
Baruch (Jeremiah’s secretary), 577, 581, 588, 656
1 Baruch, 668
2 Baruch, 633
baru priests, 546
Basques, 410
bathing, of Bilhah, 188
Bathsheba, 188, 488–91, 499–500, 501
Bauer, Hans, 422
“BDB” dictionary, 3
Bede, the Venerable, 479
Beer Sheba, naming of, 39, 62, 311
ben-adam (son of man; little man or mere mortal), 599
Benaiah, 500
Benjamin (son of Rachel), 158, 159, 178–79, 182
Benjamin (tribe), xviii, 158, 375, 416, 443, 498
Levite and his concubine and, 412–13
Saul and, 443, 444–45, 446, 480
Ben-oni/Benjamin, 159
Ben Sira, 10, 293–94, 362, 534, 660–61, 668, 671
bĕrit (agreement), 103–4, 246, 621
Bernard of Clairvaux, 517
Bethel, 62, 153, 377, 378, 390, 428
Jacob’s chancing upon, 149–51, 521
temple in, 315, 524, 591, 623, 625–26
Beth-horon, battle of, 376
Bethlehem, 401–2, 451, 486, 594
origin of term, 6
see also Hebrew Bible; New Testament; Old Testament; Pentateuch; specific books and topics
Biblical Antiquities, Book of (Pseudo-Philo), 126, 139, 239, 322
Korah’s revolt in, 332
innocence of, 188–90
Reuben’s sin with, 187–90, 194, 195, 331, 357
Esau’s sale of, 140–41, 144, 187
Joseph’s double portion and, 185–87
bitumen, 84
“Blessed is the LORD’s glory from His place,” 602–3, 605
in Deuteronomy, 247, 345, 348, 357–58
by Jacob, 169, 171, 185–97, 357–58
by Moses, 357–58
Boaz, 401–4
Boethusians, 266
Bohemia, 26
Book of Biblical Antiquities (Pseudo-Philo), Books of Enoch, 276
Book of Common Prayer (Episcopal Church), 542
Book of the Wars of the LORD, 31, 231, 415
Book of Yashar, The, 231
Books of Enoch, 276
Booths (Sukkot), 321–25
Bouchard, Pierre, 202
Bracken, Bert, 531
“bridegroom of blood,” 220–21
bride price, 404
tribes and, 157–58
see also intermarriage
Briggs, Alanson, 2
Briggs, Charles Augustus, 40–45, 561, 663–64, 667, 686–87
heresy of, 2–5, 17, 42–45, 672
Briggs, Julie, 40
Briggs, Marvin, 42
Briggs, Millie, 2
Brown, Francis, 3
Browne, Sir Thomas, 45
Buber, Martin, 448
burning bush episode, 209–16, 221, 223–24, 365
Philo’s views on, 212–14
business practices, deceitful, 292–93
satanic birth of, 60–61, 68, 103
Cain and Abel narrative, 58–68, 109, 358
ancient interpreters and, 59, 60, 67, 68, 117, 671
as etiological tale, 62–66, 68, 86, 146, 361, 408, 427–28
great flood and, 70–71
in modern biblical scholarship, 62–63
as schematic narrative, 147
as tale of good and evil, 60–61, 68
typological reading of, 67
of Isaiah, 562, 608; see also “holy, holy, holy” vision
of Jeremiah, 575–76, 608, 630, 634
of Moses, 200–201, 209–16, 221, 223, 224, 571n
reluctance in, 211, 571n, 576, 623–24, 630
of Samuel, 438–39
Canaan, Canaanites, 41, 64n, 85, 178, 371–85
Abraham’s journey to, 30, 91–92, 93, 96, 100, 101, 102, 113–14, 120, 649
“are us,” 381–84
avoidance of intermarriage with, 166
destruction of Jericho in, 372–75, 377
Dinah story and, 164, 169, 170
Egyptian power in, 379–81, 383, 416
in El Amarna letters, 378–81
gods of, 150–51, 288, 338, 356, 420–24, 428–32, 441, 526–30, 665
Great Mother in, 405
highland settlement in, see highland settlement, in Canaan
Israelites’ arrival in, 226, 345, 360, 361, 366–68, 372–78, 381–83, 534, 655, 667, 682
Israelites’ journey to, 6, 283–84, 328–30, 336–40
Joseph’s story and, 181, 184, 185
language in, 379
Moses in, 306
spies sent to, 329–30, 365, 366–67, 369, 376
technological developments in, 383–84
Ugarit literature of, 150
Canaan (person), 64n
Canaanite shift, 87
canonical criticism, 678–79
canon law, 269
caravan routes, 427
Carmel, Mount, 307, 526–28, 530, 620
Catholic Church, Catholicism, 22, 25–28, 33, 267, 353, 525, 542, 672
papal authority and, 25–26, 27, 686
“Chaldean Account of the Deluge, The” (Smith), 74
Champollion, Jean-Francois, 202–3
“Change of Names, On the” (Philo of Alexandria), 159
throne chariot, 604, 605, 606, 614, 615
charismatic leadership, 388–90
Chebar valley, Ezekiel in, 600–601, 614
childbirth, 55, 56, 63, 268, 406
deferred punishment and, 610–11
Exodus instruction of, 319–20
parents honored by, 255–56, 292, 608, 609, 660
sacrifice of, 130–32, 147, 275, 311, 404, 407–8, 536; see also Abraham and offering of Isaac narrative
Childs, Brevard, 564–65
Chilion, 403
Christianity, Christians, xii, xiv, 5n, 16–26, 35–36, 86, 237, 243, 420, 429, 514, 521, 661, 671–79
as ancient interpreters, 10, 17–22, 57, 187, 235–36, 672, 681
biblical law in, 241, 269, 277–79
changes in God’s nature and, 418
David’s importance to, 454, 455–56
devotion to God of, 351–52
early, 6, 10, 17–22, 68, 93, 187, 226, 235–36, 241, 253, 366, 367–68, 455, 476–78, 555, 557, 593, 679, 686
Easter celebration in, 320
Gnostic, 406
and Judaism, 19, 21–22, 652n, 686
non-biblical books studied by, 475–79
pagan customs survived in, 430
scribal errors and, 596–97
Septuagint and, 594
typological reading and, see typological reading
see also Catholic Church, Catholicism; Deism; Jesus; New Testament; Protestantism; Protestant Reformation
Christmas, 430
christos (anointed one), 454
Chronicles, 6, 9–10, 454, 490, 633, 646, 657, 668
1 Chronicles, 63
2 Chronicles, 669
Chrysostom, John, 543
Cilicia, 407
circumcision, 242
Abraham’s second covenant and, 146, 301
“bridegroom of blood” and, 220–21
cities, Tower of Babel and, 82–85
City of God (Augustine of Hippo), 20, 67, 122, 127, 623
clay seals (bullae), 587–88
clay tablets, 97, 101, 104, 231
of El Amarna letters, 378–81
of Hittites, 243–44
1 Clement, 73
clothing, 52, 55, 56, 332–33, 397
Korah’s revolt and, 332–33
Cohen (Jewish last name), 300–301, 304
commonly paired items, in biblical poetry, 394
(1QS) Community Rule, 342, 670
Confessions (Augustine of Hippo), 476
conscience, 531–32
Constitution, U.S., 232
Copernicus, Nicholas, 29
Coptic language, 202
covenant(s), 151, 309, 621, 636, 686
of Abraham, 39, 103–6, 146, 301, 649
after great flood, 76–77
of letter vs. spirit, 21–22
at Mount Sinai, 240–49, 321, 350, 360, 366, 413–16, 591; see also Ten Commandments
new, in Ezekiel, 612
new, in Jeremiah, 591–93
ritual validation of and, 104–5, 245–46
use of term, 103
creation, in Genesis, 29, 48, 49–50, 52–55, 57, 63, 301, 345, 360, 649
Crete, 399
see also murder
Cross, Frank M., 215, 227–31, 288, 392
Midianite hypothesis and, 426, 427
of Jesus, see Jesus, crucifixion of
Rahab story and, 373
Roman use of, 140
Cyprus, 399
Cyrus, Emperor of Persia, 9, 559–60, 561, 637, 647
Nebuchadnezzar’s dream in, 652–53
Septuagint version of, 595
writing on the wall in, 653–54, 656
Dante Alighieri, 23–24
Darius, King of Persia, 646, 653
Darius the Mede, 653
David, King, 231, 354, 357, 437, 480–92, 494–503, 646
Abishag the Shunammite and, 499–501, 518
Absalom’s rebellion and, 491, 495–98
anointing of 451–54
author of Psalms, 4, 16, 17, 19, 454–55, 457, 459–62, 465, 482, 665–68
Bathsheba and, 188, 488–91, 499
biography of, 491–92
designation of successor of, 498–500
foreshadowing of Christ, 454
God’s promise to, 487–88
Goliath and, 452, 456, 480, 595
humanness of, 492
Jacob’s blessing and, 191, 192, 194, 197
Jerusalem captured by, 485–86, 491, 521
minimal, 484–85
musician and singer, 452, 454–55, 460
Nathan’s reproach of, 441, 442
the Penitent, 490–91
Philistine relations with, 400, 452, 480, 481
rise to power of, 371, 482–85, 492, 667
royal palace of, 487, 488, 496
rule of, 6, 31, 145, 158, 190–94, 196, 197, 231, 232, 247, 297, 340, 400, 428, 453, 482–88, 491–92, 495–99, 503, 655
as Saul’s rival, 451–52, 480–85, 667
song of, 229
threshing floor purchased by, 520, 521
tribe of Judah and, 190, 194, 196, 480–83
tribes united by, see United Monarchy
as warrior, 452, 456–57, 475, 480, 481, 485–86, 491
Davidic monarchy, 492
restoration of, 9–10, 442, 453–54, 611–12
day, thousand-year, 49–50
Day of Atonement, 321–22, 325–28
death of Nadab and Abihu and, 327–28
“Day of Trumpet Blasts” celebration, 322, 326
Dead Sea Scrolls, 10, 99, 268, 343, 454–55, 593, 668, 670, 684
Hebrew Bible manuscripts in, 595–96
True Teacher of, 275
“Dear Lord and Father of Mankind” (Whittier), 531
death, the dead, 639
in Adam and Eve narrative, 48–50, 56, 57
resurrection of, see resurrection
Debir, 377
Deborah, 387, 390–96, 404, 406, 407, 415, 416
palm of, 390
as prophetess, 439
Song of, 103, 229, 231, 392–96, 412, 416, 468, 632n
Decalogue, see Ten Commandments
Decalogue, On the (Philo), 256
Declaration of Independence, U.S., 34, 232
Deism, 33–34
Delilah, 390, 397–98, 400, 404
Demetrius III, King of Syria, as “raging lion,” 15
democracy, modern, 276
de Morgan, M. J., 270
Descartes, René, 29
Deutero-Isaiah (“second Isaiah”), 561, 564, 566, 567, 606, 666
Deuteronomistic historian(s), 371–76, 401, 446–47, 488, 525, 571n
on absence of king, 409
on Assyrian conquest, 524
on deferred punishment, 610
on Hezekiah, 553–54
prophecy and, 438
Solomon’s dream and, 502
Deuteronomy, 6, 30, 201, 241, 246–47, 306–14, 340–59, 438, 621, 631–32, 647, 685, 689–90
blessings in, 247, 345, 348, 357–58
covenant renewal in, 350–51
de Wette’s views on, 39–40, 307–8, 370
dire consequences of disobedience in, 345–48
foreign invasion in, 346–47
God of, 298, 312, 313, 353–55, 371, 606
internationalist perspective of, 311–12
Jeremiah and, 576, 577, 579–80, 581
Korah’s revolt and, 333
laws in, 39, 174, 241, 246, 248, 298, 306–11, 313, 340–45, 361, 362, 370, 371, 402, 432, 582, 592, 659, 669, 683
life of Torah in, 351–52
loving God in, 353–55
meaning of name, 340
Moses’s farewell in, 340–48, 355–58
Near Eastern treaties and, 246–47, 348–50
Song of Moses in, 355–57
stress on Moses in, 306, 308, 309, 340–48, 355–60
temple in, 488
Ten Commandments in, 343–45, 355
De Vita Contemplativa (Philo of Alexandria), 351
de Wette, W. M. L., 39–40, 307–8, 370, 524
Dhorme, Edouard, 422
Dialogue with Trypho (Justin Martyr), 50, 552
Diet of Worms, 26–27
birth of, 170–71
Dinah narrative, 164–75
ancient interpreters and, 164–68, 175
importation vs. invention of, 173–75
intermarriage and, 164, 166–68, 173, 275
modern scholars and, 169–75
Diodorus Sicilus, 206
disunity, dangers of, 412–13
divine, the, ancient belief in, 419–20
see also God; goddesses; gods
divine council, 545–46
Divino Afflante Spiritu, 353
Documentary Hypothesis, 41–42, 96, 297–316, 682
Adam and Eve and, 52–53
development of Israel’s religion and, 297
great flood and, 77–79
Gunkel’s views on, 62
Haupt as champion of, 98–99
Ten Commandments and, 257–58
Wellhausen’s views on, 41–42, 102–3, 297–300, 302–4, 306, 307, 662
see also D source; E source; H source; J source; P source
dominus (lord), 215
missing, 444
Donne, John, 572
Dor, 399
Daniel as interpreter of, 652–53
Freud’s views on, 161
of Jacob’s ladder, 148–51
of Jerome, 478–80
of Joseph (Mary’s husband), 551
Joseph as interpreter of, 177–78, 182, 183, 652, 656
of Solomon, 501–4
Driver, S. R., 3
drunkenness, 130, 290, 328, 495, 507–8
Dryden, John, 28
Documentary Hypothesis and, 41, 103, 297–300, 302–4, 306–14
identity mystery of, 308–10
P source compared with, 308, 312–14, 316
Ten Commandments and, 258
wisdom and, 310–13
Duhm, Bernhard, 561, 563, 577, 581
Ebal, Mount, 345
Ecclesiastes, 7, 312, 511–14, 637, 645–46
Koheleth as author of, 513–14, 645
Solomon as author of, 503, 511, 513–14
Eden, see Garden of Eden
Edom, Edomites, 159–60, 230, 312, 384, 424, 430, 448, 460, 632, 646
founding of, 63, 134, 137, 143, 144, 159
Israel’s poor relations with, 63, 144–46, 148, 336, 666
Edomite language, 143
education, biblical vs. non-biblical, 475–80, 653
Egypt, 159–60, 168, 312, 378–81, 477, 484, 523n, 558, 583, 645, 662
Abraham in, 120, 128–29, 132, 184
Babylon’s defeat of, 575
Canaan ruled by, 379–81, 383, 416
Hyksos control of, 184
hymns and prayers in, 463
Israelite exodus from, see Exodus (event)
Israelites in, xii, 6, 184–85, 199–200, 204, 206–9, 215, 224, 258, 281, 311, 329, 360, 648–49, 655
Judah’s alliance with, 584, 585
Midianite caravan route and, 427
Moses in, 198–216
plagues in, 203–4, 223, 224–25, 281, 323, 361
realm of the dead of, 613
sages in, 311–12, 504, 506–7, 509
Sea Peoples in, 399
Song of Songs compared with poetry of, 515, 516
writing system of, 202, 203, 379
Egyptian language, 183
Egyptian names, 205–6
birth of, 201–4
Ehud, 387
Eichhorn, J. G., 561
‘Ein Dara‘, temple excavation at, 287, 288, 521, 604–5, 665
Ekron, 399
El (Canaanite god), 356, 423–24, 430, 431, 528
in Deir Alla inscription, 338, 441
divine council of, 545
naming and, 150, 151, 160, 428, 429
tent shrine and, 288
Elaleh, 428
El Amarna letters, 207, 354, 378–81, 399
Elamites, 270
elegant variation, 394
Eliab, 451
Eliezer, Rabbi, 226
Eliezer (Abraham’s servant), 100, 428
Elijah, 27, 439, 442, 525–28, 530–35, 547n, 560
Ahab’s enemy, 441, 526, 532, 535, 536
on Mount Carmel, 307, 527–28, 530, 620
a non-writing prophet, 441n, 539
Elisha, 439, 442, 532–33, 536, 571
a non-writing prophet, 441n, 539
Elkanah, 437
‘elohim (name of God), 38–40, 52, 151, 421
Emar, 441
English, 26, 87, 303n, 320, 429
loan words in, 513
Enlightenment, 33–35
Enosh, 220
Ephraim (tribe), xviii, 158, 185, 191, 232, 376, 390, 427, 480, 548
Episcopal Church, Episcopalians, 542, 672
Erasmus, 26
Esarhaddon, King of Assyria, 590
as Edom, 159–60
hairiness of, 138–39, 141, 142, 144
wickedness of, 138–40
see also Jacob and Esau narratives
eschaton (end-time), 615
E source, 96, 128, 231, 361–62, 421, 664
burning bush and, 215–16
de Wette’s theory and, 40
Documentary Hypothesis and, 41, 102–3, 297–300, 302, 304, 311, 316
God of, 298
Jacob’s name change and, 160, 240
Joseph story and, 185
narrative tradition of, 396
Ten Commandments and, 258
etiology and etiological narratives, 129–32, 148, 169, 236, 311, 362, 377, 434, 676
and Abraham and Isaac, 130–32, 146, 361, 666
and Adam and Eve, 63, 146, 361
and Cain and Abel, 62–66, 68, 86, 146, 361, 408, 427–28
defined, 62–63
and Jacob and Esau, 143–46, 361, 408
and Jacob’s dream, 150
and Jacob’s wound, 161
and Lot and the Sodomites, 129–30, 146
of prophecy, 253–54
and Rahab story, 372–73
and Tower of Babel, 86, 88, 146
Eucharist, 287
Eucharistic Prayer, Sanctus (or Tersanctus) to, 542
European Union, 410
Eusebius, 224
evangelical Christians, 673, 674
children of, 59, 60–61, 66, 70
see also Adam and Eve narrative
evil, 168
see also good and evil
Ewald, Heinrich, 40
Exagoge (Ezekiel the Tragedian), 201
Exodus, book of, 108, 184, 198–249, 426, 438, 631–32, 689–90
Israelite desert wanderings in, 234–40
Jethro’s role in, 425
laws in, 241, 260–79, 308, 360, 362, 592–93, 659, 662, 669; see also Ten Commandments
Septuagint translation of, 266–67, 268
Vulgate translation of, 267, 268, 272
Exodus (event), xvii, 6, 64, 102, 201, 209–13, 217–32, 356, 360, 361, 416, 423, 671, 682
historicity of, 184, 204–6, 231–32, 361, 377, 427, 535, 667
Hyksos influence on tradition of, 184
miracles in, 204, 221–32, 236–40, 281, 360
Passover as commemoration of, 230, 318–20, 323, 325
Exodus Rabba, 200
eye for an eye law, 268–69, 680
Ezekiel, 7, 226, 297, 303, 314, 437, 571, 598–616, 619, 642
Ezekiel, book of:
deferred punishment in, 609–11
Deuteronomy compared with, 606
dry bones vision of, 611–12
Gog and Magog in, 615, 616, 670
in modern scholarship, 603–6, 614–16
opening vision of, 600–606
resurrection in, 613–14
Ezekiel the Tragedian, 201
apocalyptic writing attributed to, 655, 656
intermarriage opposed by, 166–67, 403
Ezra-Nehemiah, 6
fairy tales, 147
of Abraham, 20, 121–23, 128, 649
simple, 432–35
“Fall of Man,” 17, 51, 57, 103, 518
famine, 120, 121, 178, 184, 406, 682
fasting, 321
“feet of clay,” 652
feminist biblical criticism, 676
ancient interpreters compared with, 408–9
Book of Judges and, 404–9
“Festival of Ingathering,” 325
Festival of the Unleavened Bread, 318, 323–24
see also Passover
festivals and holidays, 8, 41, 298, 318–28, 463, 654
see also Passover, Weeks (Shavuot), Booths (Sukkot)
fetus, laws relating to, 265–68, 271–72
Finkelstein, Israel, 385
First Apology (Justin Martyr), 614
First Epistle of Clement, 368
Flaubert, Gustave, 147
flood narrative, 66, 69–80, 216, 360, 662
ancient interpreters and, 70–73, 79
Documentary Hypothesis and, 77–79, 301
in Mesopotamia, 74–80, 274, 676
for gods, 286
kosher, 161n
ritual purity and, 291
footprints, found at ancient temple, 287
Four Assumptions, 14–17, 19–20, 79, 165, 408, 671, 672, 676, 681
Bible as book of lessons, 15, 16, 21, 32, 79, 148, 525, 555, 673
Bible as cryptic text, xii–xiii, 14–15, 16, 21, 32, 673
Bible as perfect book, 15, 16, 21, 33, 124, 299, 319, 343, 542, 665, 669, 673
Bible as word of God, 3, 5, 15–16, 21, 33, 165, 274, 567, 673
Spinoza’s call for dismantling of, 32–33
fourfold interpretation, 22–25
Fourth Book of Ezra, 276
Fragment Targum, 125
France, 410
Frankfort, Henri, 412
Franklin, Benjamin, 34
Freedman, David N., 227–31, 392
fundamentalism, Protestant, 672–74, 681, 685
use of term, 673
Gad, 442
Galileo Galilei, 29
Garden of Eden, 48–53, 59, 108, 109, 289, 656
Gath, 399
Gemaryahu ben Shaphan, 588
genealogies, role of, 157–58
Genesis, 6, 47–106, 108, 117, 119–97, 212, 649–50, 659, 662, 670–71, 688
covenant stories in, 39, 76–77, 103–6, 146
creation in, 29, 48, 49–50, 52–55, 57, 63, 301, 345, 360, 649
double naming of Beer Sheba in, 39
intermittence of God in, 242
P source and, 54, 78, 128, 240, 301
schematic narratives in, 146–48, 153, 161, 181
Septuagint translation of, 72–73, 189, 192
traces of Deuteronomic editor in, 362
Genesis Rabba, 155
Geography (Strabo), 400
geography vs. genealogy, 158
geology, geologists, 76
Gerizim, Mount, 345
German Romanticism, 231, 576–77
Germany, xi, 4, 29, 38–40, 42–43, 547, 673
Gershom, 221
Geshur, 495–96
Gezer Calender, 433
Ghillany, F. W., 425
Gideon, 387, 389, 390, 412, 414, 571n
in encounter with angel, 389, 390, 412, 445
Glory of the Blessed Martyrs (Gregory of Tours), 479
Gnostic Christianity, 406
God, 15, 30, 120, 147, 157, 281–93, 318–34, 336–48, 662–63, 668, 682–90
anthropomorphism and, 109–10, 116–17, 298, 606
Bible as word of, 3, 5, 15–16, 21, 33, 165, 274, 567, 673
as cosmic sovereign vs. divine craftsman, 52, 53
covenant at Moab with, 350–51
covenant at Mount Sinai with, 240–49, 350, 360, 366, 413–16, 591
David’s promise from, 487–88
Deist view of, 33–34
of Deuteronomy, 298, 312, 313, 353–55, 371, 606
as divine warrior, 414–15
finiteness of, 108–9
glory of, 606
gods of Canaan and, 420–24, 428–32, 526–30, 532
heavenly throne of, 600–606, 614, 615
Hebrew used by, 86
hypostasis of, 223
in-a-fog encounters with, 115–18, 161
love of, 353–55
masculinity vs. femininity of, 406–7
Moses’s descriptions of, 32
names of, 38–40, 211, 214–16, 356, 421, 662; see also ’elohim; Tetragrammaton
new covenant with, 591–93, 612
of Old, 107–18, 210, 216, 298, 682–83, 685
omnipresence, omniscience, and omnipotence of, 108–9, 117, 210
originally based outside Canaan, 424–28
Pentateuch’s different views of, 41, 297, 298, 305–6, 312, 313, 316
prophets as messengers of, 439–40, 442
self-identification of, 245
serving, 683–87
tabernacle of, 284, 288–89, 327, 360
thousand-year day of, 49–50
throne chariot of, 604, 605, 606, 614, 615
trees or groves associated with, 113–14, 390, 431, 434
Ugarit’s gods compared with, 423–24
voice of, 251, 254, 298, 305, 343, 532, 571, 664
wisdom and, 223, 506, 510, 660, 671
women’s vows to, 404
as wrathful, 70
goddesses, 243, 284, 287, 420, 432, 651
Great Mother, 405–6
heavenly bodies and, 541
of Canaan, 150–51, 288, 338, 356, 420–24, 428–32, 441, 526–30, 665
divine council of, 545–46
El, 150, 151, 160, 288, 338, 356
God compared with, 288
as hidden causers, 419–20
kings identified with, 243, 411
place associations of, 65, 150, 151, 423–24
statues of, 285–86
temples of, 284–88
treaties and, 245
worshiping other, 91–92, 219, 241, 247, 259, 275, 309, 651
Golden Calf incident, 281–83, 315–16
sin of Jeroboam and, 315, 524–25, 591
good and evil:
in Adam and Eve narrative, 48–49, 51, 56
in Cain and Abel story, 60–61, 68
“good morning,” meanings of, 134
Goshen, 178
Gospels, 37, 278, 320, 551, 686
Göttingen, University of, 40, 472
grace, divine, 21, 22, 277, 593, 686
Graf, K. H., 41
Great Britain, xi, 27, 29, 429, 513
Great Mother goddess, 405–6
Greek language, 6, 22, 25, 26, 86, 93, 122–23, 454, 475, 514, 551, 651
Bible translated into, see Septuagint
Greeks, ancient, 6n, 17–18, 36, 184, 191, 202, 650–52
Philistine link with, 399, 400
poets of, 18, 467, 571–72, 573, 651
Gregory of Tours, 479
Grenoble, 202–3
Gressman, Hugo, 425
guardians of property:
biblical laws for, 263–65, 269, 270–71, 669, 680
Hammurabi’s law for, 270–71
Gulliver’s Travels (Swift), 135
Gunkel, Hermann, 62–63, 64n, 143, 146, 425, 562, 662, 663
Psalms and, 463–65
gymnasium, 650–51
Hagar, 110, 120, 121, 158, 407
Halak, Mount, 375
Ham, 77
Haman, 646
Hammurabi (Hammurapi), laws of, 242–43, 269–74, 664
as devil, 168
intermarriage proposal of, 164, 167, 173
Hanukkah, 654
Harvey, William, 29
Hattuša, 243
Haupt, Paul, 98–99
Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 130n
Heber the Kenite, 391
Hebraica veritas (“the Hebrew Truth”), 594
Hebrew language, 13n, 25, 26, 88, 110, 207, 338, 421, 423, 475, 480, 622
definite article in, 227, 550–51
Edomite similar to, 143
El Amarna letters and, 379
number seventy in, 590
phonemes of, 87
of Proverbs, 509
q in, 63n
of Song of Songs, 514
Tower of Babel and, 85–88
translation issues and, 370–71
Ugaritic and, 422
unexpressed vowels in writing of, 36–37, 125, 215
Hebrew Bible:
in biblical period, 7–8
Briggs’s expertise in, 3–5
Four Assumptions about, 14–17
textual criticism of, 594–97
tour of, 5–7; see also Bible; Old Testament
Hebrews, use of word, 206–7
Hebrew University, 302
Absalom’s trip to, 496
David in, 482–83
Hegel, Georg W. F., 41
Henry VIII, King of England, 513
Hepburn, Katharine, 181
Heracles (Hercules), 400
Herder, Johann Gottfried, 576–77, 665
herders, herding, 384, 427, 430, 433
Bedouin as, 377–78
in Cain and Abel narrative, 59, 67
erem (total annihilation of everyone and everything; “ban”), 174, 448–51, 480, 518, 676
heresy trial of C. A. Briggs, 2–5, 17, 42–45, 672
Hesiod, 475
Hezekiah, King, 308–9, 310, 466, 553–55, 633
highland settlement, in Canaan, 383–85, 416, 426–27, 430, 432–34
freedom of, 409–11
historical prologue (in covenants):
in ancient Near Eastern treaties, 244, 247, 348
historicity of biblical texts, 96–101, 377, 480, 648, 677–79, 686–87
Exodus and, 204–6, 231–32, 361, 377, 427, 535, 667
in apocalyptic writing, 655, 656
Deuteronomy’s view of, 311
as instruction, 671
mistakes and exaggerations and, 78–79, 96, 361
words of the Bible vs., 37–38
see also Chronicles; Ezra, Nehemiah; Joshua; Judges; Kings; Samuel, book of
Hittites, 151, 206, 209, 399, 649
breakup of empire of, 383
in time of Saul and David, 447–48
Hobab the Kenite, 159
see also Jethro
Hobbes, Thomas, 29, 30–31, 567
Holiness Code, 291–93, 302, 609
“holy, holy, holy” vision, 540–46, 564, 567–68, 571, 601, 602–3, 605
divine council and, 545–46
reason for three holies in, 542–44
Holy Spirit, 27, 35, 36, 456, 551
Horeb, Mount, 209–16, 221, 223–24, 359n, 365
Elijah’s flight to, 530–31
Moses at, 200, 209–16, 223, 224
secret top of, 359
see also Sinai, Mount
Horites, see Hurrians
Hosea, 297, 439, 548, 618–23, 632, 636
on altars, 309
antimonarchic element in, 446
on “calf of Samaria,” 524
Deuteronomy shares themes with, 312, 355
as “minor” prophet, 539–40
on Canaanite deities, 560
Ten Commandments and, 248, 355
see also Joshua
H source, 302, 304, 306, 316, 326, 362, 664
humans, life span of, 72
hunting, of Esau, 137, 138, 141, 142
disappearance of, 282–83
Hurrians (Horites; Hivites), 97, 151, 159, 170, 209, 416
wife adoption of, 100
Hus, Jan, 26
Hyksos, 184–85
hymns, 305
ibn Ezra, Abraham, 30, 31, 559
and iconography of Golden Calf, 281–83, 524–25
prohibition of making of, 258–59, 282, 292, 434, 610, 651
Iliad (Homer), 18
indulgences, sale of, 25
circumcision of, 146, 218–21, 652
Solomon’s wisdom judgment and, 505
stillborn, 268
intermarriage, 274–75, 303, 667
Dinah narrative and, 164, 166–68, 173, 275
Ezra’s opposition to, 166–67, 403
in Ruth, 401–3
Irenaeus, 525
Isaac, 100, 101, 120–28, 187, 360, 377, 400, 501, 655, 666
birth of, 120
Esau loved by, 137
as foreshadowing of Jesus, 20, 21, 37, 127, 278, 666
genealogy of, 158
Jacob’s blessing stolen from, 141–44
search for wife for, 97, 153–54, 166
see also Abraham and offering of Isaac
Isaiah (prophet), 7, 88, 226, 492, 619, 628, 630, 633
Ahaz warned by, 442, 548–49, 564, 567
a “major” prophet, 439
reluctance of, 211, 571n, 575, 630
saw seraphim and divine throne, 540–46, 564, 567–68, 571, 576, 602–3, 605
Isaiah, book of, 439, 441n, 538–68, 618, 636, 642, 664, 665
ancient interpreters and, 15, 541, 543, 554–55
Assyrian crisis and, 15, 547–50, 561, 563
foreshadowed events of New Testament, 19, 37, 127, 278, 539
multiple authors of, 88, 558–62, 671
stages of composition of, 562–68
suffering “servant of the Lord” in, 555–58
Syro-Ephraimite War in, 547–50, 563, 579
“a virgin shall bear a son” in, 37, 551–52
“the wolf shall dwell with the lamb” in, 552–53
“Isaiah apocalypse, the,” 561–62
’ish (man; angel), 60
Ishboshet (Ishbaal), 482, 483, 484
Ishmael, 120, 121, 158, 187, 428
Ishmael, R., 180
Islam, Muslims, 285, 411, 420, 521, 689
appearance of, 381
Jacob’s name changed to, 39, 115, 159, 160–61, 240
used in Dinah narrative, 173–74
Israel (people of), xviii, xix, 6, 7, 8, 31, 41, 161
archaeological evidence of, xii, 44–45, 484, 521
Assyrian conquest of northern kingdom of, 6, 309, 310, 346, 362, 524, 547–48, 559, 574, 611, 618, 655
Balaam blessed, 336–40
desert wanderings of, 102, 204–5, 226, 234–40, 284, 288, 311, 321, 329–30, 336–40, 356, 360, 361, 426, 534, 535, 671, 677, 680
Edom’s stormy relations with, 63, 144–46, 148, 336, 666
in Egypt, see Egypt, Israelites in
Exodus of, see Exodus (event)
founding of, 63, 134, 137, 143, 144
God’s covenant with, 240–43; see also covenant at Mount Sinai; Ten Commandments
Judah’s hoped-for reunion with, 619
Judah’s split with, 194, 315, 503, 523, 525
as “kingdom of priests,” 241, 242, 248, 251, 291, 360
Moab’s rebellion against, 535–36
northern kingdom of, 6, 158, 191, 231, 297, 303, 346, 482–85, 548
Persian rule over, 6, 9, 191, 513
twelve tribes of, xviii, 155, 157–58, 194
unification of tribes of, 448; see also United Monarchy
Italian Renaissance, 24–25
Jabbok ford, 160, 161, 164, 236, 594
Jabin, King of Canaan, 390–91
Jacob, 62, 100, 136–62, 242, 353, 361, 377, 563, 676, 682
blessing given by, 169, 171, 185–97, 357–58
Canaanite marriage avoided by, 166
chanced upon Bethel, 149–51, 521
Dinah narrative and, 164, 165, 167, 169–75
as foreshadowing of Jesus, 21, 127
goodness of, 136–38
Joseph’s sons adopted by, 185–86
in Joseph story, 177, 178, 181, 182, 185–97
lying and cheating of, 137, 141–46, 298, 518, 680
name change of, 39, 115, 159, 160–61, 240
“staying [or dwelling] in tents” of, 137–38, 147–48
stone pillar set up by, 150–51
wealth of, 156
wives and concubines of, 153–58, 360, 400
wrestled with an angel, 110, 115, 160–62, 177, 211, 215, 236, 594–95
a young scholar, 138
Jacob and Esau narratives, 63, 102, 136–51, 187, 666, 680
ancient interpreters and, 137–42, 490, 671
as etiological tales, 143–46, 361, 408
sale of birthright in, 140–41, 144, 187
as schematic narrative, 146–48
stolen blessing in, 141–46, 186
Jacob-El, 160
Sisera killed by, 391, 392, 395–96, 407
Japhet, 77
Jason, 651
jealousy, 329
of Joseph’s brothers, 177, 182
Jebusites, 151, 209, 485–86, 520, 521, 649
Jefferson, Thomas, 34
Jehoiada, 370
Jehoiakim, King of Judah, 580, 583–84, 588, 589
Jehoram, King of Israel, 535–36, 537n
Jehoshaphat, King of Judah, 535–36
“Jehovah,” vowels misconstrued in 38n–39n
Jehu, King of Israel, 547n
Jephthah, 387, 389, 404, 407–8
Jeremiah, 7, 297, 303, 329, 437, 546, 573–97, 619
call of, 575–76, 608, 630, 634
Ezekiel compared with, 599, 612