c. 13.7 Billion BCE Recombination Era
c. 13.5 Billion BCE First Stars
c. 4.6 Billion BCE Violent Proto-Sun
c. 4.6 Billion BCE Birth of the Sun
c. 4.5 Billion BCE Main Asteroid Belt
c. 4.5 Billion BCE Pluto and the Kuiper Belt
c. 4.5 Billion BCE Birth of the Moon
c. 4.1 Billion BCE Late Heavy Bombardment
c. 3.8 Billion BCE Life on Earth
550 Million BCE Cambrian Explosion
65 Million BCE Dinosaur-Killing Impact
Observing the Heavens
c. 5000 BCE Birth of Cosmology
c. 3000 BCE Ancient Observatories
c. 2500 BCE Egyptian Astronomy
c. 2100 BCE Astronomy in China
c. 280 BCE Sun-Centered Cosmos
c. 250 BCE Eratosthenes Measures the Earth
185 Chinese Observe “Guest Star”
c. 825 Early Islamic Astronomy
c. 1000 Experimental Astrophysics
c. 1260 Large Medieval Observatories
1543 Copernicus’s De Revolutionibus
1600 Bruno’s On the Infinite Universe and Worlds
c. 1608 First Astronomical Telescopes
1610 Galileo’s Starry Messenger
1610 Orion Nebula “Discovered”
1619 Three Laws of Planetary Motion
1650 Mizar-Alcor Sextuple System
1687 Newton’s Laws of Gravity and Motion
1794 Meteorites Come from Space
1866 Source of the Leonid Meteors
1893 Star Color = Star Temperature
1901 Pickering’s “Harvard Computers”
1905 Einstein’s “Miracle Year”
1906 Jupiter’s Trojan Asteroids
1908 Cepheid Variables and Standard Candles
1924 Eddington’s Mass-Luminosity Relation
1945 Geosynchronous Satellites
The Space Age
1958 NASA and the Deep Space Network
1964 Cosmic Microwave Background
1965 Hawking’s “Extreme Physics”
1970 Organic Molecules in Murchison Meteorite
1970 Lunar Robotic Sample Return
1977 Voyager “Grand Tour” Begins
1980 Cosmos: A Personal Voyage
1980, 1981 Voyager Saturn Encounters
1992 Mapping the Cosmic Microwave Background
1994 Comet SL-9 Slams into Jupiter
1995 Planets Around Other Suns
1998 International Space Station
1999 Torino Impact Hazard Scale
1999 Chandra X-ray Observatory
2001 Genesis Catches Solar Wind
2004 Spirit and Opportunity on Mars
2004–2017 Cassini Explores Saturn
2004 Stardust Encounters Wild-2
2010 Rosetta Flies by 21 Lutetia
2012 Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity Rover
2016 ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter
2017 North American Solar Eclipse
2017 Planets around TRAPPIST-1
2019 James Webb Space Telescope
Our Future
2020 Start of Mars Sample Return
2022 Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer
~2035–2050 First Humans on Mars?
~100 Million Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy Collision
~1 Billion Earth’s Oceans Evaporate
~3–5 Billion Collision with Andromeda