
Figures and notes are indicated by f and n following the page numbers.

AAUP (American Association of University Professors), 509, 519
Abbot, Edwin H., 81
Abbott, Lawrence, 193
Abbott, Robert, 585
Absolute Idealism, 154155
Abstractionism, 871
Acanthus Club, 246
Achille, Louis T., 645647, 829
Acton, Harold, 45
Adams, Henry, 46, 188
Adams, John, 531
Adams, Samuel, 531
Addams, Jane, 806
Addis, Dansey Aetates, 167170, 194
Addis, Philip Aetates, 167
Aden, Alonzo, 783, 805
Adjer, Mr., 227
Adler, Felix, 36, 216, 803
Adler, Mortimer J., 803
Adult education movement, 660, 670693, 698, 700, 706708, 723, 733734, 743, 758759, 771, 780784, 790791, 805, 841842, 851, 872
Aeschylus, 60, 75
Aesthetic movement, 1112, 2947, 57, 7177, 94, 181, 201202, 482, 552, 666, 753. See also Black aesthetics
Africa. See also specific countries
art from, 217, 398, 420428, 438439, 542556, 575577, 584594, 639, 649, 666, 671, 678, 687, 691, 696703, 706, 717719, 726, 728, 756, 761, 764, 777778, 782, 801, 807, 867870
cultures in, 10, 375376, 386, 470471, 549, 551, 583, 594596
Diaspora, 827828, 869
imperialism in, 558, 599, 602, 605
African Americans. See also headings starting with “Black” and “Negro”
culture of, 153, 165, 330, 471, 547, 594595, 727, 751
literature of, 414, 538, 585, 751, 844, 847
African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church, 3334, 84, 192, 249
African Union Society, 143, 149151
AfriCoba Movement, 870
Aiken, Conrad, 275
ALA (American Library Association), 661662
Alexander, Lewis, 510, 536, 635
Alexander, Sadie T., 34, 37, 634
Allen, James, 430, 775
Allen, Richard, 16
Alston, Charles, 724, 731, 764, 779
American Association for Adult Education (AAAE), 670671, 680684, 696698, 706708, 733734, 758, 771, 780781, 784, 790, 805, 841, 842
American Association of University Professors (AAUP), 509, 519
American Foreign Born (organization), 793, 795
American Institute of Negro Letters, 406
American Library Association (ALA), 660, 661662
American Medical Bureau (Spain), 785786
American Missionary Association, 105, 499
American Negro Exposition (Chicago), 784
American Negro Historical Society, 226
Amoah (King), 594, 607, 827
Amsterdam, 185, 255, 702
Ancient Greece, 74, 690
Anderson, Marian, 778, 794, 820
Anderson, Regina, 408
Anderson, Sherwood, 528
Andrews, C. F., 606607
Andrews, Regina, 461
Anthropology, 151, 153, 223, 265, 472, 559, 742, 788, 790
Anti-Semitism, 219, 267, 327, 456, 500, 607, 710, 796
Apollinaire, Guillaume, 398, 403
Armstead, William, 32
Armstrong, Hercules, 779780
Arnold, Matthew, 8081, 150, 239, 523524
Culture and Anarchy, 80, 334
Art deco, 472
Art history studies, 702, 726, 729
Art Institute (Chicago), 575, 783
Ashburton Mansion, 215
Ashleigh, Charlie, 366
Associated Negro Press, 781782
Athens, Greece, 379, 677, 683, 687688, 694, 724
Atkinson, Eddie, 820
Atlanta, Georgia, 65, 94, 183, 295, 500, 667, 671672, 680, 684, 782, 791
Atlanta Baptist College, 234
Austria, 259, 267, 664665, 849850
Babbitt, Irving, 94, 96, 478
Baber, Zonia 606
Baha’ism, 290, 381, 383, 542
Baker, George Pierce, 252, 276, 277, 302
Baker, Josephine, 529
Baker, Newton D., 287, 291, 292, 293, 532
Baldwin, James, 856
Baldwin, Roger, 792
Balliol College, 103, 121122, 125126, 130, 139, 153, 204
Baltimore, Maryland, 226, 644, 734, 775, 779, 848, 861
Baltimore Museum of Art, 773776, 785, 788, 801, 826
Contemporary Negro Art exhibition (1939), 775777, 776f
Banco, Ramon, 824
Bannarn, Henry, 764
Baring, T. C., 119
Barnes, Albert, 397398, 403, 411, 414, 420429, 431439, 445, 462, 475, 507, 550553, 559, 604, 697, 742, 845
Barnes Foundation, 397398, 420429, 465, 507, 550
Barnett, Claude, 781784, 805
Barthé, Richmond, 584, 593594, 607608, 611, 653654, 657, 775, 846, 852853, 860
Locke sculpture, 654, 656f
Torso, 654, 655f
Barthes, Roland, 809
Battle, Kathleen, 372
Battle, Thomas, 869
in art, 412, 546, 644, 702
Blackness and, 455, 459, 475476, 482, 502, 638, 650
in drama, 323, 325
Keats on, 74
Locke’s pursuit of, 175176, 181, 186, 217, 875878
New Negro and, 450, 452
propaganda vs., 521543
racial conceptions of, 652654
Santayana on, 94
spiritual nature of, 74, 94
subjectivization via, 89
truth of, 709
value of, 284
Becker, John, 823
Beckhard, Bruno, 5758, 63
Behl, C. F. W.: Sakrament der Erde, 326
Belgium, 185, 257, 283
Bement, Alan, 638, 651652
Benedict, Ruth, 791
Benjamin, Walter, 693
Bennett, Arnold, 281
Bennett, Gwendolyn, 408, 411, 413415, 417, 559, 675, 764, 779
Bercovici, Konrad, 470471
Berenson, Bernard, 188, 219
Bergson, Henri, 173, 182, 301
Berlin, Germany, 1011, 115, 195198, 202204, 207217, 222227, 230, 236, 253257, 262264, 269, 273, 278, 288, 300, 321, 325331, 366370, 373, 375, 396, 425, 427, 436, 533, 642, 665, 683, 765, 821. See also University of Berlin
Bermuda, 252
Bethon, M., 355356
Bethune, Mary, 785
Béton, Isaac, 399, 540
Biddle, Francis, 774, 793, 795, 862
Biggers, John, 728, 762
Bird, Crystal, 742
Biske, Roman, 171
Black aesthetics, 3347, 277278, 396, 406, 556, 634, 753, 870872
Black Arts Movement, 535, 869
Black bourgeoisie, 37, 109, 225, 251252, 306, 320, 324, 334, 340, 342, 346, 350, 400, 417, 482, 505, 535536, 562
Black Brahmins, 23, 385
Blackburn, Bob, 764
Black Cosmopolitanism, 135, 137, 139, 141, 143, 145, 147, 149, 151, 153, 155, 157, 159
Black culture, 59, 8889, 220, 268, 304, 325, 344, 393, 398399, 406407, 436, 450, 491, 500, 506, 556, 583, 586, 597, 615, 750
Black intellectuals, 190, 220, 227, 230, 235, 267, 306, 346, 371, 443, 448, 471, 535, 543, 617, 633, 716, 748, 759, 792, 840
Black Marxism, 658, 872
Black middle class, 18, 24, 36, 334, 393, 461, 482, 486, 582, 663. See also Middle class
Black nationalisms, 367368, 652653, 670
Black Victorianism, 9, 18, 21, 36, 4243, 51, 61, 68, 91, 144, 152, 177, 206, 288, 299, 307, 365, 376, 393, 395, 413, 446, 457, 481, 494, 505, 523, 524, 573, 580, 582, 671, 756757, 876, 878
Blondiau Collection, 550, 552553, 559
Blount, Marcellus, 84
Blyden, Edward, 375
Christianity, Islam and the Negro Race, 270
Glimpses of the Ages, 270
Boas, Franz, 217, 265, 358, 437, 439, 470, 567, 615616, 708, 791
“Instability of Human Types,” 217218, 265
Bolivar, William C., 226
Bond, Bili, 760, 836f, 848, 864
Boni, Albert, 483485, 582
Bontemps, Aran, 902n5
Book of American Negro Poetry (ed. Johnson), 412, 511
Booth, Benton, 515
Bosanquet, Bernard, 279
Boston, 18, 49, 52, 5758, 71, 85, 96, 109, 113, 155, 251, 274, 281282, 287, 290, 300, 454, 493, 597, 638, 651, 763. See also Harvard College
Boston Globe on Locke’s Rhodes Scholarship, 112
Boston Herald on Locke’s Rhodes Scholarship, 113
Bowditch Scholarship, 64
Bowdoin Prize, 73, 81
Bowers, Henrietta, 16
Bowman, Dr., 644
Bowser, Audrey, 53, 112
Boyd, Ernest, 518, 616
Boyer, Philip, 44, 45, 47
Boykin, Cloyd L., 648649
Boylston Prize for Elocution, 66
Brady, Mary Beattie, 608, 638639, 641, 648, 650653, 657, 660, 697698, 701, 723724, 731733, 773775, 779, 782783
Braithwaite, William, 272f, 274278, 282, 287, 295, 300, 305
Anthology of American Verse, 526
The House of Falling Leaves, 275
Lyrics of Life and Love, 275
Branch, Anna, 276
Brandes, George, 219
Brandt, Francis, 41, 60, 69
Brawley, Benjamin, 244, 301, 407, 567, 661662, 706, 746, 747748
Brazilian Black Front (Frente Negra Brasileira), 834
Brecht, Bertolt, 328
Briggs, LeBaron, 49, 60, 62, 94, 98, 102
Brooks, Van Wyck, 46, 57, 98, 282, 323
The Flowering of New England, 323
Broun, Heywood, 538
Brown, Alonzo H., 490, 516517
Brown, Charles R., 490, 492, 496, 508, 514
Brown, Lawrence, 558
Brown, Lonsdale, 235
Brown, Rollo, 49
Brown, Sara W., 514
Brown, Sterling, 584, 676, 678679, 682, 721, 742, 748, 750, 757, 824, 828, 845
Brown, William Wells, 409
Brown v. Board of Education (1954), 872
Browning, Elizabeth, 177
Browning, Robert, 82, 94
Bruce, Blanche K., 53
Bruce, Clara B., 276
Bruce, John E., 226, 229231, 249, 256, 258, 262, 267, 389
Bruce, Richard, 9, 536, 540, 563, 609, 622, 635
Bruce, Roscoe Conkling, 5354, 58, 65, 94, 247, 250251, 299, 354, 455
Brummel, Beau, 51
Bryson, Lyman, 672, 698, 712715, 734, 743, 765, 803
Buell, Raymond, 592, 601, 603, 605, 631632, 704
The Native Problem in Africa, 601
Bullard, Eugene, 440
Bunche, Ralph, 593, 629633, 644648, 645647f, 654, 658, 669670, 682683, 699, 703704, 713714, 743, 828, 842
Buolo Restaurant, 144, 152
Burchardt, D. B., 142
Burge, Luis, 794
Burleigh, Harry T., 304
Burrill, Mary, 307, 312
Burroughs, Margaret, 805, 806, 807
Busey, DeReath Irene, 302
Bush, Mr., 35, 148, 195196
Butcher, Harriett, 299
Butcher, Margaret, 851852, 859, 862, 868, 870
Butler, Nicholas, 194
Cahill, Holger, 731, 764, 813
Cairo, Egypt, 198, 384386, 388389, 391394, 403, 454
California Committee on Un-American Activities, 860
Calverton, V. F., 410, 525, 661
Camagy, Elwood, 238
Camp Dix (New Jersey), 293, 295
Caribbean, 796, 826829, 832833, 842, 849. See also specific countries
Carman, Harry J., 803
Carnegie, Andrew, 190
Carnegie Corporation, 649, 670671, 695696, 698, 701, 706707, 715, 772, 781, 784
Carnegie Library, 264265, 268, 514
Carpenter, Edward: Iolaus: An Anthology of Friendship, 338
Carrington, Glenn, 487
Carritt, E. F., 151
Carroll, Lewis, 168
Carter, Elmer, 596, 749
Carter, Howard, 348, 354, 376, 390392, 394, 407, 648, 749
Carter, Leslie, 46
Cartwright, Morse, 670671, 680682, 684, 695, 698, 713, 733734, 739, 771, 780782
Catholicism, 78, 178, 180, 185186, 210212, 386, 593
Celtic literature, 59, 80
Césaire, Aimé, 365, 375
Discourse on Colonialism, 364
History of African Civilization, 375
Chapin, Cornelia, 663
Chapin, Katherine Graham, 547, 793795, 797
Charles S. Close School (Philadelphia), 38
Chestnutt, Charles, 409
Chicago, 8, 232, 289290, 297, 345, 407, 449, 454, 489, 533, 536, 575, 583584, 590, 593, 597, 606607, 613, 638, 670, 674, 685, 688689, 758, 781782, 784, 791, 803, 805810, 838, 865
Chicago Defender on Eleanor Roosevelt visit to Chicago, 808, 808f, 810812
Chicago race riot (1919), 366, 456
Chicago South Side Community Art Center dedication, 814
City University of New York, 843
Civic Club, 409, 411, 414, 416417, 422423, 435, 467, 675
Civil Rights Bill of 1875, 2223
Civil Service Law of 1883, 24
Claphan, Arthur W., 148, 320
Claphan, Isabella, 314
Clark, Kenneth, 634, 653
Clarke, Thomas, 122, 623624
Class conflicts, 21, 262, 266, 417, 830. See also Middle class
Claybrooks, Robert E., 853854
Clifford, Carrie W., 276
Clough, Inez, 529
Cobleigh, Role, 514
Coblentz, Germany, 361
Cole, Grace Carter, 807
Coleridge-Taylor, Samuel, 304
Collier, John, 140, 678, 703
Colonialism. See Imperialism
Comiskey, Charles, 807
Committee of Negro Men (Howard University), 287
Communism, 326, 727, 729, 767, 793, 815, 817818
Communist Party, 727, 729, 740, 742, 750, 767, 792, 816817
Congo, 460, 545, 548, 559, 573, 702
Conklin, Edwin, 803
Connelly, Marc, 649
class, 7, 55
double, 149, 222, 320, 531
racial, 9, 51, 95, 129, 217218, 227230, 267268, 271, 365, 383, 601, 742, 753, 832
self-consciousness, 95, 187, 217, 219220, 223, 323
sexual, 38
spiritual, 383
value theory and, 199201
Cook, Dean, 270, 489
Cook, Thomas, 185, 190, 325
Cooper, Anna J., 276, 531
Cooper, Opal, 529
Cooper, William, 851
Copeland, Charles T., 49, 94, 9798
Coppin, Levi, 226
Coptic Museum, 386387
Coptics, 386389, 394, 402
Cosmopolitan Club, 142144, 150, 152, 157158, 161162, 164165, 167, 170171, 175, 178, 187188, 192, 196
Cosmopolitanism, 36, 49, 130, 149, 155157, 164, 171, 219, 239241, 268, 364, 446, 789. See also Black Cosmopolitanism
Costello, Harry, 705
Costurier, Lucie, 502
Counts, George, 790
Coussey, Anne, 433
Covarrubias, Miguel, 507, 513, 540
Cowl, Jane, 343
Craft, Mary, 312
Cret, Paul, 425
Crisis, publication of Locke’s mother’s obituary in, 6, 7, 11
Crite, Allan, 651
Cromwell, John W., 21, 106, 226, 229231, 247, 249, 262, 531
Crummel, Alexander, 227, 267
Cruse, Harold, 454, 728
The Crisis of the Negro Intellectual, 359360
Cuba, 564, 826
Cubism, 10, 426, 428, 638, 702
Culbertson, Howard, 530
Culin, Stewart, 397398, 423
Cullen, Countee, 11, 314, 336344, 346, 351353, 383, 395, 408, 411, 416, 417, 431, 432434, 437, 439, 442, 446, 462, 465467, 472, 481, 504, 525, 527, 534536, 564, 567, 571, 590, 634635, 642, 744, 797799, 877
Color, 525
Cullen, Frederick A., 336
in Africa, 10, 375376, 386, 470471, 549, 551, 583, 594596
Black culture, 59, 8889, 153, 165, 220, 268, 304, 324, 325, 330, 344, 393, 398399, 406407, 436, 450, 471, 491, 500, 505, 506, 517, 547, 556, 583, 586, 594597, 615, 727, 741, 747, 750, 751, 803, 834
cultural identity, 221222, 372, 556
cultural nationalism, 96, 221, 375
cultural pluralism, 95, 128, 141, 239, 362, 472, 727, 777, 789, 837, 849, 871
cultural renaissance, 142, 152, 467468, 736, 805. See also Harlem Renaissance
in Europe, 75, 77, 152, 164, 365, 367, 594
folk culture, 12, 450, 556, 574, 588, 676, 741
Cunard, Nancy, 757
Curtis, L. S., 509
Dadaists, 327
Daniels, Jimmy, 759, 846
David Foy School, 3738
Davis, Allison, 540541, 556
Davis, Arthur P., 244, 631
Davis, Charles, 810
Davis, Frank Marshall, 721
Davis, John A., 750, 786787
Davis, John P., 667, 740741, 872
Davis, Thadious, 415
Dayal, Har, 164165, 171
“Obstacles to Cosmopolitanism,” 164
De Carava, Roy, 764
De Fonseka, Lionel, 130, 144145, 171172, 176180, 208209, 214217, 220223, 238, 247249, 282, 325, 335, 427, 766, 768, 853
On the Truth of Decorative Art, 208f, 221, 222, 248, 335
De Heredia, Jose Maria, 85
Democracy, 8, 297, 299, 435, 470, 647, 665, 705, 776, 785786, 795796, 803, 806, 823825, 829, 832834, 838, 840
Democratic Party, 24, 262
Dessoir, Max, 203
Dett, Nathaniel, 304
Dewey, John, 34, 279, 297, 420, 426, 672, 688, 703
Deyber, Victor B., 514
Dicey, Elinor, 122, 125126, 132, 139
Dickerman, Charles (Carl), 5759, 63, 67, 8081, 83, 91, 95, 113, 238, 251, 281282, 319, 332333, 427, 757
Dill, Augustus, 437, 540
Diton, Carl, 235
Dixon, Roland, 357358
The Racial History of Man, 357
Dodson, Owen, 820, 848
Donaldson, Jeff, 870
Donawa, Arnold B., 786
Dorsey, Tommy, 693
Double consciousness, 149, 222, 320, 531
Dougherty, Michelle, 866867, 912n5
Douglas, Aaron, 424, 485, 495, 507, 513, 536, 540, 559, 575, 609, 624, 641, 663, 678, 731, 783, 902n5
Douglas, Alfred, 847
Douglas, Georgia, 299300
Douglass, Frederick, 25, 409, 531, 664, 706, 765, 767768, 802
Dover, Cedric, 789
Downes, Carl, 113, 116118, 127, 129131, 135139, 141149, 158159, 167, 175176, 178, 241
Driskell, David, 774
Du Bois, W. E. B., 78, 11, 51, 65, 183184, 213, 219220, 226237, 249251, 261262, 267, 297, 299, 303306, 320, 322, 332333, 340343, 355357, 364, 397402, 407418, 427428, 434436, 440441, 498, 504507, 510, 521545, 556558, 587590, 595597, 605, 682, 704705, 711715, 756758, 844845, 864, 875877
“The African Roots of the War,” 261
“The Conservation of the Races,” 200, 267
“Imperialism: The Highest Stage of Capitalism,” 262
“A Negro Art Renaissance,” 510
“The Social Origins of American Negro Art,” 510
Souls of Black Folk, 86, 228, 320
Du Bois, Yolanda, 340, 504, 590, 799
Duff, Donald, 339, 353
Dumas, Alexandre, 85, 87, 228, 514
Dumas, M. O., 514
Dunbar, Paul Laurence, 83, 85, 8791, 171, 241, 398, 400, 405, 525526, 648
Duncan, Todd, 819
Dunham, Albert, 297, 583, 608609, 611614, 635, 674675, 906n7
Dunham, Katherine, 819, 828
Durkee, Stanley, 295, 300, 348, 349, 403, 486, 489, 491497, 499, 509, 514516, 519520, 539, 612, 624, 845
Dyer, Louis, 121122, 125126, 139
Dyett, Thomas, 515, 594, 866
Eastman, George, 406407
Eastman, Max, 680
Eawkins, John R., 514
Eboué, Felix, 824
Edman, Irwin, 705
Edmonds, Franklin Spencer, 101
Edwards, Jayston, 211
Edwards, Thyra, 785786, 872
Effendi, Shoghi, 380382
Egypt, 162163, 204, 223, 348, 351, 354355, 357, 359, 361, 363, 365, 367371, 373379, 384389, 391394, 398, 402, 438, 442, 444, 484, 685686
Ehrenfels, Christian von, 154, 173, 198
Einstein, Albert, 729, 803
Einstein, Carl, 423
El Alaily, Hamid, 150, 155, 162164, 171, 179, 183, 222
Elbert, S. G., 231232
Eliot, Charles W., 49, 6263, 80, 8283, 141, 144, 333, 495
Eliot, Samuel Ely, 141
Eliot, T. S., 80
Ellington, Duke, 345, 693
Ellison, Ralph, 371, 717
Embree, Edwin, 632
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 81, 85, 579, 596597
Erdmann, Benno, 203
Ethical Culture Society, 36, 46, 63, 99, 216
Ethiopia, 384385, 388, 786
Euripides, 60
Europe. See also specific countries
artists in, 426, 428, 503, 546, 550, 638, 697, 773, 802
culture in, 75, 77, 152, 164, 365, 367, 594
Locke in, 176191, 354378, 567578
modernism in, 404, 428, 575, 717, 719
Evans, Ernestine, 664
Faulkner, William, 409, 752
Fauset, Arthur, 417, 421, 424, 510, 548, 575, 615, 740741, 765, 768, 843, 859, 862, 864866, 872
“American Negro Folk Literature,” 510
“Brer Buzzard,” 510
“T’appin,” 510
Fauset, Jessie, 207, 263, 333, 342, 351, 411, 414419, 431, 434, 437, 441, 445, 504506, 524, 528, 660, 675, 845, 876
Comedy, American Style, 414
“The Gift of Laughter,” 505
There Is Confusion, 416417
Fax, Elton, 764
Federal Art Project (FAP), 731, 805807, 810
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 815835, 845, 860861, 873
Federal Employment Practices Commission (FEPC), 822
Fennell, Robert, 3334, 755, 760, 844, 851, 865, 867, 870
Fernandis, Sarah, 773
Fieldler, H. G., 142, 151
Fine, H. B., 108
Finkelstein, Louis R., 803
Fisher, Rudolph, 435, 676, 902n5, 906n7
Fisk University, 51, 235, 295, 480, 489, 497, 500, 558, 579586, 592, 606, 669, 790
Fitch, A. Parker, 222
Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 409410
Fledt, Gustaf R. West, 102
Fleetwood, Christian, 246247
Flemister, Frederick, 783
Florida Times-Union on Booker T. Washington, 233
Folk culture, 12, 450, 556, 574, 588, 676, 741
Ford, James, 740
Foreign Policy Association (FPA), 558, 592, 599605, 631, 703704
Forten, James, 16
Fortune, Thomas, 183
Foucart, George, 392, 403, 438, 442
Fouillee, Alfred, 217218, 220, 223
Fraiser, Georgia, 276
France, 128, 131, 136137, 144, 159, 162, 172, 176, 181, 215, 257, 267, 283, 355, 358366, 441444, 569, 591592, 602, 605, 632, 650, 761, 766, 796, 826. See also Paris
Francis, Hugh R., 53
Frankfurter, Felix, 294
Franklin, Sydney, 167170, 172, 176, 178, 189, 194195, 552, 669
Franklin Institute, 36
Frazier, E. Franklin, 244, 486, 593, 658, 670, 703, 705, 715, 723, 725726, 734, 737739, 746, 753, 828, 840
Freedmen’s Bureau, 2021
French Institute, 392
Frente Negra Brasileira (Brazilian Black Front), 834
Freud, Sigmund, 281, 376, 729, 839
Ego and Id, 376
Group Psychology and the Analysis of the Ego, 376
Totem and Taboo, 376
Frobenius, Leo, 375376
Froebel, Friedrich, 3738
Frost, Robert, 276
Fry, Roger, 422423, 427
Fuertes, Eusebio, 645647f, 646647
Fuller, Meta Warrick, 282
Fuller, Solomon, 282
Gardner, Isabella Stewart, 70
Garvey, Marcus, 7, 348, 356, 368, 399402, 436, 455, 591592, 604, 728, 827
Gay community, 11, 441, 504, 634. See also Homosexuality; Sexual identity
General Education Board (GEB), 715, 790791
Genet, Jean, 515
Geneva, Switzerland, 185186, 388, 558, 564, 570571, 591, 605606, 645646
Genovese, Eugene, 604
George, John, 315
George, Stefan, 214
George, Waldeman, 427
George, William Crusor, 313320, 325, 341, 352, 353, 431, 866
George Washington Carver School, 860
George Washington University, 269
Gerard, James, 255257, 262
Germany, 5, 5960, 64, 116, 151, 154, 166, 172, 185186, 196198, 206207, 211212, 222, 235, 253259, 261263, 283, 326, 328331, 338, 352, 355, 361362, 364365, 368, 372, 375, 420, 436, 590591, 599, 601602, 664665, 683, 703, 722, 726727, 786, 800, 822, 824, 835. See also Berlin
Giacometti, Alberto, 545
Gilpin, Charles S., 303, 322, 529, 666
Glenn, Laura, 276
Gloster, Hugh, 855
Goldwater, Robert, 696697, 701702, 717, 786
Gordon, Eugene, 540
Goss, Bernard, 803, 807
Grady, Henry, 233
Granville, Augustus, 529
Great Depression, 548, 618, 633, 635636, 649, 657, 659, 661662, 700, 705, 717, 721, 723, 737, 740, 749, 775, 783, 807, 822, 827
Great Migration, 299, 473, 572, 659, 752753, 814, 822
Great War. See World War I
Greece, 74, 374, 379, 687690, 694695, 724
Green, Martin, 45, 880n10
Green, Paul, 530
Greenberg, Clement, 841
Greenwich Village, 460, 505, 843844
Gregory, Francis, 272f
Gregory, Louis, 290, 380382
Gregory, Montgomery, 245, 252, 275277, 287, 291293, 295, 301306, 322, 324, 385, 409, 486, 507, 509, 581
“For a Negro Theatre,” 304
Griffin, Donald, 405
Grimke, Angelina, 276, 530
Grimke, Archibald, 276
Grossley, Helen B., 321
Grosz, George, 328, 367368, 744
The Guardian on Locke’s Rhodes Scholarship, 112, 113
Guillaume, Paul, 397398, 403, 422423, 433, 439, 550
Gurdjieff, George Ivanovich, 383
Haas, John, 101
Haiti, 815, 817, 819, 821, 823, 825835, 839, 860
Hall, George C., 232
Halpert, Edith, 814
Hampton University, 295, 489, 498, 728, 762763
Hansberry, William Leo, 348349, 355, 402, 428, 489490
Haring, Chester, 174
Harlem Art Center, 738, 753, 764, 812
Harlem Artists Guild, 729730, 732734, 764, 777, 779
Harlem Communist Party, 767
Harlem Community Art Center, 738, 814
Harlem Cultural Center, 723, 726
Harlem Hospital, 738, 764, 786
Harlem Museum of African Art, 548, 552, 554556, 575, 577, 584, 589, 593, 639, 671, 678, 687, 717, 719, 807
Harlem Race Riot (1935), 723, 734, 834
Harlem Renaissance, 9, 11, 74, 82, 330, 408, 415, 451, 454, 556, 572573, 587, 644, 663, 675, 725, 827, 859, 873, 877
Harleston, Edwin, 639, 641
Harley, James, 6669, 72, 84, 93, 127, 143144, 159, 205
Harmon, William E., 641, 649, 651, 653, 654, 730, 732, 841
Harmon Exhibition of Contemporary Negro Art, 653
Harmon Foundation, 606, 608, 637639, 641, 648, 650652, 654, 657, 678, 696698, 701, 729733, 759, 774775, 777, 779, 784, 801
Harper, Francis, 409
Harreld, Kemper, 256257
Harris, Abram, 658, 669, 670, 700, 787, 828, 838
Harrison, Hazel, 256, 370, 525
Harrison, Helen, 371
Harrison, Hubert, 7, 436
Harrison, William, 99, 101102, 184
Hart, Albert Bushnell, 514
Harvard College, 6, 7, 4174, 78, 8081, 91, 93105, 109133, 139140, 153155, 158, 202207, 222, 224, 243244, 247, 253, 271, 273288, 294297, 301, 304, 331, 333, 346, 496, 613, 622, 629631, 647648, 703, 705, 848, 849
Hastie, William, 792
Hawkins, Ross Baker, 35, 106, 321
Hawkins, Sarah Shorter, 22
Hawkins, Varick, 35, 254255
Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 853
Haydens, Palmer, 783
Hayes, Donald, 635
Hayes, George E. C., 866867
Hayes, Roland, 247, 369374, 406, 460, 467, 468, 472474, 510, 548, 561562, 804
Haynes, George, 464
Hedges, M. H., 333334
Hegel, G. W. F., 154, 170
Hemingway, Ernest, 409410
Heroui, Belata, 388, 402, 441
Herring, Donald Grant, 108
Herring, James V., 697, 761, 763, 773774, 782783, 805, 867
Herskovits, Melville, 358, 437, 439, 469472
Hertford College, 103104, 118119, 129, 141, 144, 159, 165, 166, 172, 184, 193, 202, 204
Hertz, F.: Moderne Rassenprobleme, 270
Heyward, DuBose, 527
Hill, Arnold, 758
Hinduism, 833
Hinkemann, Eugene, 326327
Hirschfeld, Magnus, 328
Hitler, Adolf, 665, 683, 727, 765, 828, 830
Hobson, John A.: “The Opening of New Markets,” 220
Hocking, William E., 695
Hodges, Dean, 67, 72
Hoernle, Alfred, 279282, 294
Hogan, Ernest, 506
Holcombe, A. N., 570571, 631632
Holland, 185186, 255256, 796, 826
Holmes, Eugene, 111, 298, 838
Homosexuality, 8, 7879, 129, 169, 198, 263, 314, 320, 336, 338340, 348, 415, 417, 452, 454, 481, 494, 497, 536, 558, 562, 573, 584, 590, 611, 633634, 641, 654, 674, 676, 756, 765, 767, 815, 818, 848849, 861, 868, 876877. See also Sexual identity
Hone, Harold, 598
Hook, Sidney, 705
Hoover, Edgar, 817
Hope, John, 234
Hopper, Franklin, 553, 684
House Un-American Activities Committee, 860
Houston, Charles, 792
Houston, David, 301
Howard Players, 252, 277, 301305, 323, 407, 562, 567
Howard University, 45, 236239, 242249, 251253, 255, 263265, 271275, 289292, 294302, 304308, 320321, 323325, 348349, 388389, 392393, 402403, 432433, 443444, 507509, 513516, 519520, 532533, 538540, 567, 580581, 587, 589593, 608609, 611, 613614, 628631, 638, 640, 645646, 655656, 669671, 673674, 679, 694697, 699701, 737739, 761764, 838, 843845, 850852, 858860, 865870
Art Department, 773774, 869
College of Arts and Sciences, 244, 252, 265, 271, 273, 300, 489
Dramatic Club, 301, 324
Gallery, 585, 590, 774, 783
Glee Club and Choral Society, 491
Law School, 21, 23, 66, 792
New Negro and, 477503
Howard Welfare League, 493, 519
Howells, William Dean, 89
Huggins, Nathan, 129
Hughes, Langston, 6, 11, 21, 227, 284, 301, 341344, 350352, 395, 408, 415418, 430446, 430f, 449450, 452, 453, 457, 466467, 481, 527, 534537, 540541, 547548, 552577, 584591, 606621, 623, 625, 629630, 634635, 637, 639, 642, 648, 659, 664, 668, 674, 678679, 687, 721, 742744, 748, 757, 761, 798799, 849, 872, 877
Danse Variations, 437
Fine Clothes for the Jew, 537
“Those Bad New Negroes: A Critique on Critics,” 537
Hunton, William, 355, 860
Hurlbut, Byron, 59, 6769, 100, 113
Hurok, Sol, 330
Hurst, Fannie, 486
Hurst, John, 514
Hurston, Zora Neale, 417, 446, 510, 534, 536, 567, 569, 571574, 575, 577, 578, 578f, 581582, 584589, 594596, 607611, 614625, 629, 636, 642, 648, 659, 668, 678, 679, 748749, 757, 828, 877878
“How It Feels to Be Colored Me,” 903n31
Mule Bone, 904n39
Toomer’s influence on, 902n5
ICUL (International Colored Unity League), 7
Idealism, 203, 383, 542
Absolute Idealism, 154155
cultural, 221222, 372, 451452, 556, 728729
double consciousness and, 149, 222, 320, 531
group, 387, 745
Locke’s, 29, 31, 383, 748
of New Negro, 51, 542, 640, 793
racial, 86, 200, 219, 377
sexual, 38, 40, 4445, 320, 433, 452, 537, 848
Imperial Institute (Paris), 217
Imperialism, 18, 132, 144, 153, 155, 157158, 162, 165, 171, 216, 220, 257262, 266, 270, 358360, 363365, 384, 478, 601, 606, 631, 647648, 718, 720, 788, 829, 834
Ingraham, Rex, 722
Institute of Colored Youth, 1617, 1922, 35, 41, 70, 237, 392, 407
International Colored Unity League (ICUL), 7
Ireland, 80, 83, 86, 88, 518, 743
Irvin, Helen, 184186, 263, 302, 313, 319320, 325, 340, 354, 368, 375, 533, 563
Isaacs, Edith, 529, 545546, 547, 552553, 584585, 604, 701
Italian Renaissance, 324, 403, 436, 452, 478, 538, 552, 612, 616, 654, 702, 801
Italy, 158, 176177, 179, 181, 189, 198, 366, 368, 374, 440443, 446, 478, 690, 786, 822. See also Rome
Ivory Coast, 585, 593
Jackman, Harold, 434, 462, 481, 902n5
Jackson, Michael, 877
Jackson, Walter A., 471
Jacovleff, Alexandre, 640
Jamaica, 368, 833, 846, 852853
James, Henry, 46, 94, 188, 240
James, William, 49, 52, 61, 70, 153156, 198199, 202, 278, 296, 570, 710
“On a Certain Blindness in Human Beings,” 156
Pragmatism: A New Name for Some Old Ways of Thinking, 95
Principles of Psychology, 155, 182, 198, 280
Japan, 240, 259, 484, 822
Jayathaka, D. B., 220
Jazz, 407, 450, 463, 511, 535536, 541, 691, 871, 876
Jefferson, Thomas, 325, 531
Jellife, Rowena, 620
Jenner, William E., 861
Jewett, Henry, 281
Jews, 52, 127, 219, 267, 327, 330, 518, 537, 540, 567, 588, 607, 703, 786, 793, 796, 821. See also Anti-Semitism
Jim Crow era, 232, 251, 449, 513, 703, 751, 758, 771
Johnson, Charles Spurgeon, 302, 345, 349, 395, 397398, 405, 408, 415, 416, 418, 421, 423, 434, 457, 469, 486, 501, 510, 512, 525, 538, 540, 589, 675, 680, 744, 749, 790, 864
Ebony and Topaz: A Collectanea, 538
Johnson, Georgia Douglas, 910, 11, 305306, 312, 314, 325, 332333, 336, 341, 408409, 441, 528, 669
An Autumn Love Cycle, 10
Bronze, 306
The Heart of a Woman, 305
Johnson, Helene, 615
Johnson, James Weldon, 233, 300, 337, 407, 409, 412, 422, 424, 437, 479, 511, 525526, 535, 540, 637, 658, 742, 764765, 768, 824
Along This Way, 233
Johnson, Malvin Gray, 638, 652
Johnson, Mordecai, 533, 592, 606607, 622, 624, 629630, 679, 704, 786, 845
Johnson, Sargent, 641, 801
Johnston, Mary, 409
Jones, Absalom, 16
Jones, Brutus, 529530
Jones, Dick, 760
Jones, Eugene Kinckle, 347, 349, 395, 398, 589, 681, 698, 700
Jones, Jesse, 490
Jones, Kirkland, 571
Jones, Löis Mailou, 763764, 774, 828
Negro Musician, 763, 763f
Jones, Thomas Jesse, 331, 514
Just, Ernest, 276, 301
Kahn Fellowship, 194, 234235, 238
Kallen, Horace Meyer, 94, 9596, 99, 113, 121123, 125129, 138, 141, 143146, 149, 153155, 158, 165, 175, 222, 241, 278, 421, 422, 694695, 705, 708, 838, 842843, 851
Karnak Temple (Egypt), 389390
Karpman, Benjamin, 460, 464, 674
Kaskeline, Egon, 824
Keats, John, 7374, 77, 275, 533
“Ode on a Grecian Urn,” 275
Kellogg, Paul, 398, 434439, 450, 453454, 456462, 466469, 472476, 479480, 483485, 490, 498, 507509, 517, 518, 529, 558, 603, 679, 725726, 734, 737739, 821, 822, 823, 825, 835
Kennedy, Henry, 312
Keppel, Frederick, 671, 680681, 683, 698, 707, 715, 772773, 780781, 800
Kerlin, Robert
Negro Poets and Their Poems, 397
Voice of the Negro, 397398
Kipling, Rudyard, 180
Knobloch, Edward, 281
Knopf, Alfred, 858859
Konigstein, Germany, 361
Krause, Rudolph, 352354, 366, 373, 433
Kronberg, Louis, 139, 145, 147
Kuklick, Bruce, 62
Kunitz, Joshua, 705
Lacy, Benjamin, 104
La Guardia, Fiorello, 723, 725, 737, 739, 764
Lane, Winthrop: “The Grim Side of Harlem,” 479
Langston, John Mercer, 21, 22, 25
Larsen, Nella, 417, 902n5
Lasker, Bruno, 464
Lasswell, Henry, 790
Lawrence, Jacob, 752, 753, 754f, 764, 775, 779, 814, 826
Leach, Henry G., 349
League of American Writers, 792793
League of Nations, 5, 361, 388, 558, 590, 594, 599600, 603, 631
Lechner, Rae, 843
Lee, Arthur, 180
Lee, Ulysses, 750
Leger, Ferdinand, 545
Lemmonier, Camille, 283
Lenin, Vladimir, 262, 531
Leroy, Beaulieu: De la colonisation chez les peuples modernes, 270
Lescot, Elie, 829, 831832, 834
Leuschner, A. O., 509
Levy, David M., 754
Lewis, Cugo, 510
Lewis, Harold, 593, 669, 696, 737
Lewis, Norman, 231, 237, 274, 613, 669
Lewis, W. H., 231
Lewis, William, 274, 278
Liberia, 192, 282, 331
Library of the Free African Society, 16
Lieber, Herman, 406
Lieberman, Max, 214
Lincoln Congregational Tabernacle, 785786
Lions Club, 838840
Lippmann, Walter, 282
“Public Opinion?,” 347
Lipschitz, Jacque, 427
Liveright, Horace, 411, 416
Lloyd Company, 120
Lochard, Metz T. P., 6, 25, 311, 490, 515517, 538
Locke, Alain. See also Locke, Alain, works of
adult education movement and, 660, 670693, 698, 700, 706708, 723, 733734, 743, 758759, 771, 780784, 790791, 805, 841842, 851, 872
Barnes Foundation battles with, 420430
birth of, 2425, 879n1
Black Cosmopolitanism and, 135160, 226242
Bronze Booklet Series, 669693
Bunche and, 629656
burial of, 870
Cullen’s influence on, 336345
as curator, 545566
death of, 863, 864865
early life and childhood, 1532
education of, 3308
in Egypt, 379394
Emerson’s influence on, 579598
in Europe, 176191, 354378, 567578. See also Europe
FBI investigation of, 815825
in Haiti, 826835
in Harlem, 395407, 453476. See also Harlem Renaissance
at Harvard (1904–1905), 4872
at Harvard (1916–1917), 273288. See also Harvard College
health of, 845847, 850
at Howard, 243272, 477503, 898n16, 898n28. See also Howard University
intellectual awakening (1905–1907), 7391
in Italy, 176191
love relationships, 158, 431452. See also specific individuals
metamorphosis of, 629863
mother’s death, 1112, 19, 311314, 319, 331, 333, 344, 381, 478, 520, 561, 625
at Oxford, 115134, 161175. See also Oxford University
photographs of, 242f, 272f, 598f, 645647f, 689f, 770f, 813f, 836f, 874f
realism and, 657668
Rhodes Scholarship, 92114
Toomer’s influence on, 332336
in Washington, D.C., 289305
will of, 320, 865868
Locke, Alain, works of
“The American Temperament,” 187, 222
“Art as a Catharsis,” 77
“The Art of Auguste Mambour,” 501
Bronze Booklet Series, 669, 671, 673, 675, 677, 679683, 685, 687, 689, 691, 693, 696, 698700, 706, 711, 714715, 725726, 739, 743, 747, 755, 757, 759, 765, 772, 780782, 791, 805, 826, 828, 842, 849, 869
“Cosmopolitanism and Culture,” 239, 241
“The Drama of Negro Life,” 530
“Epilogue,” 155156, 165, 239
Four Negro Poets, 599
“The Great Disillusionment,” 258260
“Impressions of Dante,” 97
“A Miraculous Draught,” 241
“More of the Negro in Art,” 501, 502
“The Negro and a Race Tradition,” 239, 261, 296
The Negro in Art, 801802
The New Negro: An Interpretation (Locke), 504520, 526, 540, 551, 599, 601
“Oxford Contrasts,” 131133, 156, 191, 564, 583
“The Problem of Classification in the Theory of Value,” 293294
“The Prometheus Myth,” 7377
“The Role of the Talented Tenth,” 296
“The Romantic Movement as Expressed by John Keats,” 7374, 77
“Some Aspects of Modernism,” 210212
“Steps Toward the Negro Theatre,” 322, 324
“Tennyson and His Literary Heritage,” 8081, 112
“Wisdom De Profundis” (Locke), 837863
Locke, Arthur (brother), 28
Locke, Harry (uncle), 35, 106107
Locke, Lizzie (aunt), 35, 106
Locke, Mary Hawkins (mother)
Alain’s childhood and, 3337, 40
death of, 56, 1112, 19, 311314, 319, 331, 333, 344, 381, 478, 520, 561, 625
Harvard years and, 54, 56, 63, 6768, 274, 278, 288
Howard University years and, 236, 243, 246247, 252255, 257, 290291, 298, 311316, 321
marriage to Pliny, 1532
Oxford years and, 135, 137138, 146, 148, 158159, 161, 193, 195196, 207, 222, 226
photographs of, 4f, 242f
Rhodes Scholarship and, 93, 100101, 106, 109, 110, 112
Locke, Pliny Ishmael (father), 5, 1532, 32f, 35, 226, 246, 321
Locke, Roy, 73, 105, 120, 231232, 294, 501
Loeb, Ralph, 338
Logan, Rayford W., 33, 601, 715, 858
The Operation of the Mandate System in Africa, 601
Lomax, Alan, 588
London, 18, 102, 116120, 131, 135, 138139, 145151, 159, 163, 171176, 181, 185, 192198, 215223, 227, 238, 241, 254257, 300, 321325, 340, 349, 355, 366, 373, 438, 590, 623624, 758
Long, Richard, 634, 774, 784
Loos, Alfred, 372
Lovejoy, Arthur, 279
Lowell, Abbott Lawrence, 278, 331
Public Opinion in War and Peace, 346
Lowell, Amy, 276, 283
Lowenfeld, Viktor, 728
Lowenthal, Marvin, 703, 705
Lynchings, 219, 233234, 658, 665, 667, 731, 786, 793795, 797, 804
MacDowell, Edward, 141
MacIver, Robert M., 803
Mackaye, Percy, 305
MacLeish, Norman, 813
Mambour, Auguste, 482, 501, 502, 638
Mandates System, 599, 601602, 604605, 631
Mann, Heinrich, 328
Mann, Natalie, 312, 334
Mann, Thomas: Death in Venice, 443
Maran, Rene, 358360, 363366, 439, 445, 569, 582583
Batouala, 359
Marcuse, Herbert: The Aesthetic Dimension, 360
Marcuse, Ludwig: Der Kampf ums Theater, 327
Marian, Roger, 552
Maritain, Jacques, 803
Martin, Robert, 755756, 758, 845, 859
Marx, Karl, 154, 171, 262, 266, 693, 729, 788
Marxism, 262, 630, 658, 727, 729
Masculinity, 512, 654
Mason, Charlotte, 546595, 565f, 599, 603625, 629, 632, 636, 639, 641645, 648, 657, 659, 662668, 672, 674, 678688, 690, 700, 703, 706, 716, 722725, 733, 736, 748, 758, 765, 767, 773, 781, 786, 793801, 830, 843, 872
Masters, Edgar Lee, 275276
Maternalism, 572, 599625, 652, 659. See also Locke, Mary Hawkins
Matthews, Albert, 81
Matthews, William Clarence, 53, 56, 112
Matthiessen, F. O., 849
Mayence, Germany, 361
Maynadier, Dr., 64, 77
Maynor, Dorothy, 804
Mays, Benjamin E., 703
McAllister, William, 838, 865
McClendon, Rose, 529
McDougald, Elise Johnson, 461462, 480, 483, 484, 512, 527
McKay, Claude, 305, 307, 321, 366368, 431, 453, 455459, 467468, 534, 564, 565, 584, 589, 597, 662, 679680, 732733, 744746
Harlem Shadows, 366
“If We Must Die,” 307
Spring in New Hampshire, 305
McKenzie, Fayette, 479
Mead, Margaret, 265, 849
Mearns, Hugh, 43, 64, 765
Mehring, Walter, 327
Die Schuld der Juden am Weltkrieg, der Revolution und den nivellierenden Witterungsverhaltnissen, 327
Meinong, Alexius, 154
Melville, Herman, 395
Mencken, H. L., 409, 422, 424, 429, 511, 525, 538, 540
Mexican Renaissance, 451, 513
Michelangelo, 179, 506, 538, 654, 779
Middle class, 1718, 24, 3436, 53, 117, 277, 299, 334, 393, 461, 482, 486, 526, 582, 663, 676
Middle East, 188, 374, 379, 591
Milholland, John E., 216
Miller, E. Ethelbert, 870
Miller, Glenn, 693
Miller, Henry, 687
Miller, Jamie, 281
Miller, Kelly, 5, 236, 237, 244, 252, 263265, 271, 275, 291, 301, 456, 464, 489, 515, 539, 899n19
Miller, Loren, 742743
Mills, Florence, 529
Mims, Edwin, 581
Miner, Lydia Gibson, 531
Minton, Martha, 35
Mitchell, Abbie, 529
Mitchell, Arthur, 493, 495496, 519, 538, 689
Modernism, 10, 59, 83, 149, 201, 210212, 214, 239, 275, 283284, 325, 327, 331, 335, 403, 405, 410, 417, 425427, 454, 468, 473, 513, 640641, 697, 702, 729
Moody, Ronald, 775, 779
Moore, George, 743
Moore, Lewis B., 237, 244246, 247
Moore, Marie, 807
Moorland, Jesse E., 263, 348349, 478, 488489, 492, 514515, 519, 539540, 545, 868
Moorland Collection, 263264
Morality, 213, 216, 381, 464, 523524
More, Paul E., 81
Morgan State College, 861, 865
Morris, Lenwood, 820
Morris, Susan, 807
Moton, Robert, 485, 507, 512
Mukerjea, Satya, 130, 142, 150, 152, 155, 159, 171, 179
Munro, Thomas, 550, 552, 559
Munsterberg, Hugo, 62, 94, 203, 278
The Eternal Values, 203
Murray, Nicholas, 235
Museum of Modern Art, 701, 754, 801802, 814, 819, 856
African Negro Art exhibition (1935), 718, 718f
Mu-So-Lit Club, 271
Mussell, A., 284285
Myrdal, Gunnar, 823824, 840
Nadal, Jane, 569, 827
Nail, John E., 480, 553
Nameh, Farid, 155
Napier, James C., 232234, 514
Nashville, 234, 558, 578581, 596597, 678
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), 67, 10, 184, 190, 204, 216, 226, 234, 250, 264, 276, 294, 299, 323, 356, 402, 405, 412, 421, 424, 480, 517, 524, 533, 658, 790, 877
National Conference on Adult Education, 851
Nationalism, 80, 162, 164, 217, 220, 240241, 255, 368, 384, 442, 484, 711, 778, 832, 857
National Negro Business League, 232
National Negro Congress (NNC), 740742, 743, 749, 767, 792, 816, 822, 860
National Urban League, 345, 347, 397, 405, 533, 641, 681, 700, 758
Native Americans, 460, 513, 548549, 573
Nearing, Scott, 611
Negro art, 404, 406, 414, 423424, 428, 522523, 526, 532533, 542, 551, 554555, 641, 649653, 678, 682, 697698, 706, 715, 718, 721, 730, 742, 749, 751, 757, 759, 761762, 764, 772778, 780781, 783784, 802, 805, 814, 826, 864. See also specific artists
Negro culture, 324, 505, 517, 586, 595597, 741, 747, 803, 834
Negro in Art Week, 606
Negro literature, 86, 284, 359, 398, 408409, 411416, 418, 470, 486, 517, 522, 523, 526, 528, 530, 541, 584, 596, 597, 637, 657, 660, 675676, 682, 700, 741, 765, 787, 844, 855857. See also specific authors
Negro music, 407, 586, 682, 691692, 706, 742
Negro Renaissance, 308, 322, 332, 340, 379, 418, 436, 451, 462, 478, 483, 485, 522524, 529, 535, 537538, 541, 547, 555, 561, 567, 595596, 599, 608, 619, 622, 634, 638, 662, 677, 700701, 719, 740, 744745, 748, 751, 786, 856
Negro Student Army Association, 296
Nelson, Stewart, 612
Nelson, William, 490
New Deal era, 678, 682, 688, 703705, 758, 764, 807, 809, 822, 825
New England Renaissance, 49, 273
New Jersey, 1617, 20, 22, 34, 98, 108, 148, 195, 238, 253, 296, 548, 609, 615
New Negro
conception of, 431452
in Harlem, 453476
Howard University and, 477503
New Negro Alliance, 667668, 700, 740
New Negro Renaissance, 457, 520, 524, 538, 680, 748, 787
New York City, 113, 190, 225228, 230, 235, 254, 256257, 277, 279, 289290, 303, 305307, 336, 338, 341345, 395, 397, 404408, 434435, 451453, 485, 545, 568569, 575, 584, 607, 612, 617639, 658, 683, 695, 718, 738739, 764766, 782, 797799, 818, 820821, 826827, 834835, 843845, 849851, 860862, 865866, 870871. See also Harlem Renaissance
New York Public Library, 671, 724
New York Times
on Emperor Jones, 303
on Locke’s Rhodes Scholarship, 102
New York University, 336, 696, 703, 765
Medical Center, 818
New York World on Harlem, 479
Niagara Movement, 143
Nietzsche, Friedrich, 284, 343
Thus Spake Zarathustra, 284
Norris, Weldon, 869
North Africa, 374376, 386. See also specific countries
North American Review, 187188, 190, 222, 239, 258, 282
Norton, Charles Eliot, 49, 78, 454
Norway, 142, 194195
Nugent, Bruce, 563, 634635, 643, 677, 721, 760761, 768, 848, 877
Oberammergau Players, 330
Odets, Clifford, 722, 751
O’Higgins, Myron, 865866
O’Neill, Eugene, 302, 303, 305, 344, 530, 545
All God’s Chillun Got Wings, 530
Emperor Jones, 303
Oppenheim, James, 276
Orlik, Emil, 328
Otto, Max C., 837
Overstreet, Harry, 705
Ovington, Mary White, 583, 661
Oxford Cosmopolitan Club, 130, 132, 134f, 142143, 152, 163, 257, 262, 264, 384
Oxford University, 7, 31, 6667, 9293, 96, 102104, 108109, 112113, 115225, 227230, 237, 243, 248, 262, 267, 273, 280, 282, 287, 299, 307, 315, 321, 380, 383, 390, 427, 443, 448, 501, 571, 603, 642, 756, 857
Pach, Walter, 802
Palestine, 379380, 383, 796, 827
Palmer, George Herbert, 49, 6466, 94
Pan African Congress, 297, 333, 355356, 364, 540
Pan-American Conference of Women, 5
Pan-Slavic movements, 268
Paris, 10, 34, 115, 131, 137, 145148, 151, 159, 164, 172174, 176, 178, 181182, 185186, 196198, 210, 217, 300, 321322, 325, 355, 358, 366, 370, 373, 398399, 403, 420, 423, 433434, 438440, 443444, 467, 533534, 569, 590, 593, 619, 624, 645647, 724725, 775
Park, Robert E., 204, 271, 345, 705
Parker, George, 508
Parkin, George, 101103, 118, 119, 121, 132, 173, 174, 184, 189
Pater, Walter, 79, 98, 334, 374, 523, 538
Studies of the History of the Renaissance, 98
Patronage relationships, 570, 573, 588, 609610, 617618, 620, 625, 629, 659
Peabody, George Foster, 475, 484485, 490, 532, 553
Peelle, Stanton J., 514
Pennybacher, Ruth, 570
Perkins, Maxwell, 484
Perry, Christopher J., 19, 24
Perry, Ralph Barton, 6263, 279282, 293297, 613
The Present Conflict of Ideals during World War I, 294
Peterkin, Julia, 658, 676
Peterson, Dorothy, 902n5
Pfromm, David A., 5758, 9091, 139, 207, 251, 281
Phi Beta Kappa, 99, 139, 857859
Philadelphia, 67, 12, 1422, 24, 30, 32, 3436, 38, 42, 45, 4748, 51, 57, 64, 71, 80, 9899, 102, 105, 131, 147, 158, 189190, 193, 207, 216, 226, 230231, 234, 244, 246247, 252, 257, 285, 288, 290, 298, 300, 369, 374, 417421, 634635, 654, 663, 794795, 818820, 856, 865, 868, 870
Philadelphia Negro Improvement Association, 32
Philadelphia Tribune on Hughes, 537
Philip, Percy J., 160, 167
Philosophy studies. See also Value theory
Bronze Booklet Series and, 673, 675, 677, 694695
in Egypt, 383
in Europe, 368, 849
at Harvard, 7, 49, 6062, 6466, 94, 96, 110, 112, 278280, 285
at Howard University, 244246, 271, 294, 297, 300301, 629, 838840
New Negro conception and, 431, 477, 490, 496, 499, 526, 599
at Oxford, 144, 151153, 155, 165, 198, 202, 204205, 213
race cosmopolitanism and, 226
Pickens, William, 204, 589, 785
Pierce, U. G. B., 514
Pinchback, P. B. S., 246
Pincio, Monte, 690
Pippin, Horace, 856857
Pittsburgh Courier
on Hughes, 537
on The New Negro, 517
Plato, 110, 228, 240, 672, 677, 695
Poetry, 6, 10, 8182, 8889, 275276, 283284, 302, 305307, 312313, 319, 327, 329, 332333, 336, 339, 341, 343, 345, 350, 397398, 409, 411413, 417, 435, 437, 454459, 462, 465468, 476, 511, 513, 525526, 532533, 535537, 540541, 564, 567569, 572, 587588, 638, 642, 662663, 678, 709, 780, 793795, 823824, 869, 873, 878. See also specific poets
Pollack, Peter, 782, 805807, 809810, 812813
Pollak, Mrs., 731
Pope, C. H., 514
Popular Front, 669670, 750751, 767
Porter, Dorothy, 868869
Porter, James A., 696698, 761763, 774, 802, 825, 841
Post Telegram on Locke’s Rhodes Scholarship, 107, 108
Potter, Richard, 233
Pound, Ezra, 333
Powell, Georgette, 801
Prescott, Annabelle Carey, 809810, 812
Prescott, Patrick B., 809, 812
Price Greenleaf Scholarship, 60, 62
Primitivism, 472
Princeton University, 95, 98, 108
Progressive Education Association (PEA), 788792, 800
Propaganda, 11, 231, 277, 408, 481, 497, 521543, 596, 650, 672, 747, 750, 780, 844, 864, 876877
Protest art and literature, 456, 523, 721, 747, 761, 764, 788
Proust, Marcel, 854
Prudhomme, Charles, 521, 522, 524
Purvis, Robert, 16
Pushkin, Alexander, 85, 87
Quashie, Kevin: The Sovereignty of Quiet, 890n7
Race conflicts, 136, 214, 262, 266, 526, 789
Race consciousness, 9, 51, 95, 129, 217218, 227230, 267268, 271, 365, 383, 601, 742, 753, 832
Race riots, 299, 366, 456, 723, 734, 834
Racism, 12, 155, 267268, 276, 324, 335, 364365, 371, 451, 652, 750, 792, 800. See also Segregation
Rampersad, Arnold, 343, 415, 439440
Randolph, Philip, 497, 740741, 764, 822, 860
Rankin Chapel, 304, 858
Ransom, Llewellyn, 339340
Raphaelson, Samuel, 721
Rationalists Club, 187
Realism, 657, 659, 661, 663, 665, 667
Reddick, Lawrence, 825, 846, 855
Redefer, Frederick, 814
Reed, Pauline Kigh, 809810, 812
Reid, Ira De, 680681
Adult Education and the Negro, 758
Reid, Whitelaw, 173
Reinhardt, Max, 327, 403405, 429, 507, 582
The Miracle, 403404
Reiss, Winold, 438, 460462, 473, 475, 476, 480486, 495, 501503, 505, 512, 536, 638, 725, 822
Remey, Charles Mason, 383
cultural renaissance, 142, 152, 467468, 736, 805. See also Harlem Renaissance
Harlem Renaissance, 9, 11, 74, 82, 330, 408, 415, 451, 454, 556, 572573, 587, 644, 663, 675, 725, 827, 859, 873, 877
Italian Renaissance, 324, 403, 436, 452, 478, 538, 552, 612, 616, 654, 702, 801
Mexican Renaissance, 451, 513
Negro Renaissance, 308, 322, 332, 340, 379, 418, 436, 451, 462, 478, 483, 485, 522524, 529, 535, 537538, 541, 547, 555, 561, 567, 595596, 599, 608, 619, 622, 634, 638, 662, 677, 700701, 719, 740, 744745, 748, 751, 786, 856
New England Renaissance, 49, 273
New Negro Renaissance, 457, 520, 524, 538, 680, 748, 787
Rhoden, John, 846
Rhodes, Cecil, 92
Rhodes Scholarship, 6, 32, 92114, 116, 118119, 121, 124125, 132, 140141, 144, 147, 153, 166, 172174, 184, 189, 191, 205, 206, 255, 336, 371, 374, 496, 870. See also Oxford University
Rich, Daniel, 783
Richardson, Willis, 302, 345, 530
Chip Woman’s Fortune, 345
Richmond Barthé, 583, 593, 624, 638, 655657, 824, 846
Rilke, Ranier, 214
Roberts, Marsh, 170171
Robeson, Paul, 345, 409, 462, 474, 513, 529, 554, 555, 558559, 561, 642, 666, 785, 786, 794, 799, 803, 820, 840, 860, 864
Robespierre, Maximilien, 531
Robinson, Bill, 529
Robinson, Cedric, 262
Black Marxism, 262
Robinson, Edgar Arlington, 275276
Robinson, Ethel, 245
Rockefeller, John D., 790
Rodzinski, Artur, 794795, 800
Rogers, J. A., 435, 462, 463464, 773774
Rohm, Ernst, 683
Roll, Jordan, 304
Rolland, Romain, 282
Romanticism, 7374, 77, 80
Rome, 115, 172, 178180, 187, 368, 650, 690
Roosevelt, Eleanor, 807814, 813f
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 665, 667, 792, 809
Roosevelt, Theodore, 183184, 249, 666
Rose, Ernestine, 480, 486, 724
Rosenfeld, Solomon, 695
Rosenwald, Julius, 806
Rosenwald Foundation, 632, 681
Roth, Joseph, 328
Royce, Josiah, 36, 49, 51, 52, 6062, 6465, 94, 110, 154, 165, 253, 271, 278279, 301, 418, 695, 710
Ruskin, John, 79, 443
Russell, Bertrand, 141, 205, 279, 559
Russell, Maurice V., 818821, 831, 847851, 853854, 864
Russia, 258, 664, 683, 686687, 737. See also Soviet Union
Salome, Lou, 214, 343
Sandburg, Carl, 275
Sanders, Stanley, 870
San Remo, Italy, 444446, 448450, 452453
Santayana, George, 46, 49, 9495, 127, 279, 857858
The Life of Reason, 94
The Sense of Beauty, 94
Sartre, Jean Paul, 33
Savage, Augusta, 724, 730731, 738, 761, 764, 777, 779, 805
Savannah Morning News on Harlem, 479480
Scarborough, Dorothy, 486
Schapiro, Meyer, 697, 726729, 744
Schiller, F. C. S., 113, 141, 151, 153155, 158, 166, 172173, 182, 186, 189, 205
Schmoke, Kurt, 870
Schmoller, Gustav, 213, 214
Scholes, Theophilis, 118
Schomburg, Arthur A., 229, 249, 285, 354, 386, 395, 435, 462463, 486, 648, 680, 732, 765, 768, 842
School of Pedagogy (Philadelphia), 4246, 79
Schuyler, George S., 525, 534, 540, 902n5
Scott, Emmett J., 183, 233234, 292295, 298, 477478, 489490, 514, 519, 538
Sculpture, 172, 367, 386387, 428, 550, 586, 640, 648, 652654, 657, 718, 728, 757, 764, 775777, 779, 800, 824
Sebree, Charles, 797, 799, 805, 807
Seeger, Charles, 57
Segregation, 3334, 57, 92, 108, 132, 182, 217, 251, 269, 271, 291, 297298, 356, 361362, 370, 374, 450, 454, 469, 501, 570, 581, 595, 597, 605, 644, 663, 667, 672, 675, 681, 684, 703, 711, 726, 733734, 768, 771, 786787, 800, 805, 810, 840, 842, 872. See also Racism
Segy, Ladislas, 729
Selassie, Haile, 441
Self-criticism, 855857
Self-determination, 12, 163, 165, 297, 358, 362, 384, 447, 450, 484, 487, 501502, 506, 520, 532, 560, 592, 647, 661, 712, 731
Self-expression, 456, 506, 541
Seme, Isaka, 118, 143144, 148150, 152, 159, 161, 163, 166167, 171172, 174175, 181, 183, 189, 192, 194, 222, 340, 351
Senghor, Leopold, 376
Sexual identity, 38, 40, 4445, 320, 433, 452, 537, 848
Shakespeare, William, 46, 88, 228, 240, 322, 324325, 328, 343
Shaw, Albert, 484
Shaw, George Bernard, 743
Sheffer, Henry M., 279, 281, 294
Sheldon, Edward: “The Nigger,” 277
Shelley, Percy, 7576, 275, 533
Prometheus Unbound, 76
Shepard, J. E., 898899n16
Sherburne, John H., 514
Shorter, Charles, 16
Shorter, Sarah, 28
Simmel, Georg, 213214, 223, 283
The Philosophy of Money, 213
Simonson, Lee, 282
Sinclair, William A., 216, 265, 270
Singleton, Frankie, 807
Sissle, Noble, 344
Slavery, 6, 85, 106, 219, 228, 232, 238, 267268, 312, 400, 425, 436, 491, 528, 562, 588, 605, 609, 631632, 640, 693, 728, 750, 767768, 787, 826, 829830, 833, 842, 852
Slegot, Max, 328
Slove, Lucy, 307
Smith, Albert, 783
Smith, Bessie, 345
Smith, Charles, 760
Smith, Emory, 494
Smith, Geddes, 464, 470
Smith, J. A., 151
Smith, T. V., 688690, 689f, 694695, 705, 708, 757
Smith College, 590
Smut, Jan, 591
Socrates, 259, 635, 677
South Africa, 118, 143, 149, 189, 194, 340, 351, 591, 602603, 778
South Chester School, 24
Southern Negro Congress, 860
South Side Community Art Center (Chicago), 808812, 814
Soviet Union, 366, 686, 693, 704, 727, 735737, 792. See also Russia
Spain, 356, 785787, 826
Spencer, Anne, 11
Lady, Lady, 459
Spender, Stephen, 328
Spero, Sterling, 700
Spingarn, Amy, 572, 619
Spingarn, Arthur, 868
Spingarn, Joel, 475
Stafford, Douglas, 6, 37, 39, 40, 159, 848, 850, 861862
Staley, Gregory R., 655
Stalin, Joseph, 531
Stanley, William, 275
Stearns, Harold, 282, 511
Civilization in the United States, 511
Stern, Bernhard, 788, 789, 791, 799800, 814
Stevens, Helen, 35
Stewart, Gilchrist, 256
Still, William Grant, 622, 693, 793, 804
Stolberg, Benjamin, 746747
Strauss, Richard, 180
The Stylus (Howard University), 252, 306, 567, 611
Subjectivity, 479, 523, 625, 802, 826, 842
Sudan, 389390
Sullivan, Mae Miller, 5
Survey Graphic on New Negro, 472475, 474f
Swann, David, 853
Sweeney, James, 701, 717, 719
Switzerland, 176, 185186, 197, 388, 558, 564, 570571, 591, 605606, 645646
Symonds, John Addington, 178
Taffari, Ras, 441
Tanner, Henry O., 147, 650, 761
Tanner, Mary Louise, 34
Taunenbaum, A. A., 453
Teachers College (Howard University), 237, 244, 246, 249, 271, 301, 489
Tennessee, 2022, 578579, 581, 678
Tennyson, Alfred, 64, 8083, 85, 88, 9293, 111112, 139, 525
Idylls of the King, 83
Terrell, Mary Church, 150, 204
Terrell, Robert, 246
Tessner, Leopold, 328
Texas Centennial Exposition, 729730
Tharand, Jean & Jerome: Samba Diouf’s Adventure, 359
Tharud, Jean, 397
Third Pan African Congress (1923), 399, 401
Thirkield, Wilbur, 244
Thomas, Alma, 871
Thompson, Louise, 616617, 620
Thompson, R. R., 289290
Thompson, Robert, 4142
Thoreau, Henry David, 142
Thornton, Orlando C., 490, 496, 517
Thorp, George, 813
Thurman, Wallace, 537, 542, 608, 611, 614, 634, 636, 641, 643, 721, 761, 877, 902n5, 906n7
Toller, Ernst, 326
“Hinkemann,” 326
“Requiem,” 326
Tonnies, Ferdinand, 213
Toomer, Jean, 9, 306307, 312313, 332337, 342, 346, 351, 383, 408, 411, 413, 513, 534, 564, 569, 579, 635, 678, 751, 877
Cane, 312, 335, 511
Torrence, Ridgely, 302, 305
“Simon, the Cyrenian,” 304, 305
Treasury Department, 2223, 246, 249
Troeltsch, Ernst, 213
Trotter, William Monroe, 85, 143
Truth, Sojourner, 765
Tulane University, 102
Turner, J. M. W., 178
Turner, Thomas W., 899n19
Tuskegee University, 55, 65, 143, 190, 231, 233234, 237, 292, 295, 489, 498, 782, 791
Tylor, Edward B., 151153
Primitive Culture, 152
Tyson, Edwin, 53, 70, 112
United Arts Club, 172
Universalism, 80, 82, 240, 383, 495, 803, 833, 839
Universal Negro Improvement Association, 7, 436
Universal Races Congress, 218, 223, 227, 253, 264
University of Berlin, 7, 202204, 213, 217, 223, 253255, 264, 278, 427
University of Wisconsin, 837840, 843844
Valley Forge Hospital, 851, 862863
Value theory, 154155, 172173, 181, 198199, 201, 218, 280281, 285, 293, 602, 612613, 675, 694, 705, 709710, 839
Vandercook, J. W., 597
Van Doren, Carl, 409, 411412, 414, 417
Vandross, Luther, 877
Van Vechten, Carl, 525526, 535537, 540, 541, 547548, 555, 567, 569, 593, 614, 618, 623, 636, 766
Nigger Heaven, 526527, 535
Vaudeville, 405, 505
Venice, 177178, 376, 440, 442443, 446, 450
Verhaeren, Emile, 283284, 300, 306, 322
Les Campagnes Hallucinees, 283
Les Falmandes, 283
La Multiple Splendeur, 283
Les Villes Tentaculaires, 283
Vienna, 369370, 373376, 665, 724725
Villard, Oswald Garrison, 250
Virginia Union, 500
Von Luschan, Felix, 217, 220, 223
Voss, F. H. P. von, 196198, 209
Walker, Margaret, 245, 824
Walker, W. H., 188, 323
Walrond, Eric, 408, 410, 414417, 431432, 435, 481, 486, 504, 547, 725
Walters, Alexander, 192, 249251, 262, 286287, 389
Walters, Lelia, 285
Wanger, George, 99
Ward, Theodore, 803
War Department, 287, 291292, 294295
Wardlaw, Alvia, 728
Washington, Booker T., 45, 85, 143, 173, 182183, 189190, 193194, 216, 219, 226, 231, 235, 244, 270271, 345, 348, 397, 402, 436, 455, 521, 579, 728
Washington, Jonah Booker, 231
Washington, Madison, 511
Washington Bee
on Howard University administration, 489
on race riots, 299
Washington Committee for Democratic Action, 816
Waters, Ethel, 529, 812813, 813f
Webb, Helen I., 302
Weiss, Paul, 705
Weitzenkorn, Louis, 415
Weldon, James, 300
Wells, H. G.: Future in America, 97
Wells, Ida B., 190, 809
Wendell, Barrett, 49, 64, 7072, 74, 78, 8081, 91, 9596, 99100, 121, 123, 125, 127, 132, 241, 454, 478
Wesley, Charles, 244
West, Rebecca, 435
Wheatland, M. F., 514
Wheatley, Phyllis, 526
Wheelock, John Hall, 57
Whipple, J. P., 518
Whipple, Leon, 525
White, Charles, 783, 805, 807
White, John H., 60
White, John W., 94
White, Walter, 364, 405408, 421425, 429, 437, 451, 525, 537
Whitman, Herbert, 552
Whitman, Walt, 45, 343
Leaves of Grass, 284
Wiesbaden, Germany, 361
Wilberforce University, 237, 295, 500
Wilde, Oscar, 7779, 82, 171, 248, 847, 849
“The Critic as Artist,” 82
“The Decay of Lying,” 221
Wilkerson, Doxey, 513
Williams, Bert, 505506, 529
Williams, E. C., 276, 312
Williams, Edgar, 122
Williams, Eric, 826, 828, 832, 849
Williams, Rev., 166, 184, 205
Williams, Stewart, 153
Williamson, Etta, 109
Wilson, Cook, 166, 172173, 182, 186, 189, 198199, 204205, 280
Wilson, Woodrow, 108, 249251, 261, 262, 287, 356, 506, 599, 602
Winlock, Arthur, 391
Winston, Michael, 869
Wolffe, Dr., 851, 863
Wolo, Plenyano Gbe, 282, 331
Wolters, Raymond, 493
Women writers, 418, 574, 675676. See also specific writers
Wood, Clement, 409
Woodson, Carter G., 244, 285, 298, 300301, 354355, 397, 399, 402, 407, 446, 494, 497, 509, 648, 661, 666, 682683, 705708, 713, 790, 802, 840, 842, 910n23
Journal of Negro History, 285, 300, 301
Works Progress Administration (WPA), 588, 731732, 738, 753, 760, 779, 806, 809, 872
World’s Fair (New York), 777779
World War I, 8, 257261, 266, 287, 294, 447, 558, 605, 823
World War II, 633, 793, 809, 814, 824, 831, 837838
Wormley, C. Sumner, 514
Worthington, Bishop, 125126
Wright, Arthur, 831, 847848
Wright, Richard, 721, 748752, 786788, 803, 872
Wylie, Francis, 102104, 118119, 122, 124, 174
Yeats, William Butler, 59, 83, 88, 97, 518, 743
Yergen, Max, 792, 860
Yonkers Historical Society, 262
Yonkers Negro Society for Historical Research in New York, 228
Zangwill, Israel, 219220, 223
Zanucchi, Umberto, 180
Zoeller, Jack, 870
Zola, Émile, 283