NOTE: Page numbers followed by f and t indicate figures and tables.


Abadie sign, 383

abdominal muscles, strength testing of, 235–236

abdominal reflexes, eliciting of, technique for, 277–278, 277f


of fingers, 234, 235f

of thigh, 236

abductor pollicis brevis, method for testing, 386, 387f


chromatic, 145, 145f

spherical, 145, 145f

abortive clonus, 259

accommodation, 146–151. See also refraction

accommodation reflex, 146, 146f, 146t

aceruloplasminemia, 4

acetylcholine, movements and, 3

acrobrachycephaly, 24–25, 24f, 25t

acromegaly, 8

action potential, 47

acuity, visual

of retina, 93

tests of, 99

acute bacterial meningitis, CSF in, 541

acute motor neuropathies, neurologic signs in, time of onset of, 260t

acute retrobulbar neuritis, differential diagnosis of, 113–114, 113f

acute spinal cord transection, paralysis and sensory deficits immediately after, 281–282

adduct, 120

ADHD. See attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder

Adie pupils, differential diagnosis of, 152t

Adie tonic pupil syndrome, 152t, 158

affect, alterations in, 453

affective responses, 425–426

affective status, in conversion disorder, 563–564

afferent axons, dispersion of, 50, 50f

afferent neurons, 47, 50, 50f


to cerebellum, 81, 311

from eye to brain, 91

of trigeminal nerve, functions of, 373–375, 373f, 374f

age, pupil size and, 7

ageusia (loss of taste). See also taste

testing for, technique of, 346–347


clinical features of, 453

mental status in, features of, 448–455

neurologic signs in, 453–455, 454t

primitive reflexes in, 452–453, 453f, 454t


association circuit vs. sensory pathways, 406

auditory, 440f, 442

concept of, 404–405, 405f

definition of, 428

diagnostic value of, 447–448

localization of, review of, 431

nomenclature of, 405

tactile, vs. stereognosis, 406–407

tactile finger, 429

testing for, technique of, 429

types of, 428

word, 441–442

agonist-antagonist contraction, in plantar reflex, 269f, 270–271

agraphognosia (agraphesthesia), 428

air-bone conduction test of Rinne, in hearing screening, 352–353

akathisia, 297

alcoholic use disorder, 9

alexia, 441–442

alopecia, 9

alternating heterotropia, cover-uncover test in, analysis of, 137f, 138

amacrine neurons, 46, 46f

amblyopia, suppression, 105, 140–141

amblyopia ex anopsia, 105, 140–141


organic, types of, 579

psychogenic, 579

transient global, 579

ampullary crista, 356–357, 357f

Amsler grid, in central vision screening, 99, 100f

amyoplasia, 253

anal wink, 278

anesthesia dolorosa, 370

aneurysms, 16


of CNS, 556

with CT, 545f, 546

anisocoria, 7, 8f, 152

ankle movements, strength testing of, 236–237

ankle reflex

with patient sitting, 247f

with patient supine, 247f

annulus of Zinn, 126, 126f, 128–129


causes of, 343

definition of, 339

differential diagnosis of, 343, 344f

anosognosia, 430

antalgic gait, 330

anterior interosseous neuropathy (Kiloh-Nevin syndrome), 387

anterior lobe, 310

anterograde degeneration, 112

anteropulsion, 330

antigravity muscle principle, 231–232, 232f

antigravity muscle system, 232

antihelix, 9f

antimongoloid slant, 5, 5f

antitragus, 9f

apallic syndrome, 466

Apgar score, 462

aphasias, 206, 209t

Broca, 440–441, 440f

classification of, 439, 439t

clinical testing for, 438–439

definition of, 437–438

dementia vs., clinical findings in, 451–452

expressive, 438

fluent, 440f, 441

general classification of, 439, 439t

global, 440f, 442, 442f

lesions causing, general localization of, 440, 440f

motor, 438, 440–441, 440f

neurologic findings associated with, review of, 442–443

nonfluent, 440–441, 440f

overview of, 428

receptive, 438, 440f, 441

sensory, 438

Wernicke, 440f, 441

aphonia, 437

aplasia, 253

apnea, testing for, in brain-death protocol, 505–506


arm, testing for, technique of, 433

Bruns, testing for, technique of, 433

constructional. See constructional apraxia

definition of, 432

diagnostic value of, 447–448

dressing. See dressing apraxia

face-tongue, testing for, technique of, 432

gait, testing for, technique of, 433

global, in children, testing for, technique of, 433

motor deficits vs., 432

oculomotor, Cogan syndrome of, 171

overview of, 428

testing for, technique of, 432–433

writing and speaking, testing for, technique of, 433

apraxic gait, 331

ARAS. See ascending reticular activating system

Archimedes spiral, in movement disorders assessment, 297

arcus cornealis, 4

arcus senilis, 4, 107

areflexia, after interruption of reflex arc, clinical and EMG signs of, 251–257

Argyll Robertson pupil

differential diagnosis of, 152t

tabes dorsalis with, 152t, 158

arm apraxia, testing for, technique of, 433

arm dorsal column, 396f, 397

arm dystaxia, clinical tests for, 315–316, 316f, 317f

overshooting and checking of, 316–318, 317f, 318f

arm muscles, upper arm, strength testing of, 231f, 234

arm-dropping test, in hemiplegia detection in unconscious patient, 486, 486f

arm-pull tests

double-crossed, for psychogenic arm monoparesis, 567, 568f

for overshooting of arms, 318, 318f


monoparesis of

Monrad-Krohn cough test for, 567

psychogenic, double-crossed arm pull test for, 567, 568f

reversed hands test for, 568, 569f

radicular pain in, 394

arteries. See also specific arteries

palpation of, 16

arteriography, of CNS, 556

arteriovenous malformations or fistulae, 16

arthropod borne viruses, in CSF, 541


phonation vs., 204–205

of speech, 204–206, 205t

ascending reticular activating system (ARAS), 467

asomatognosia, 429

associated movements, 7

association circuit, sensory pathways vs., 406

association cortex, 43f, 45

association nuclei, of thalamus, 72, 78t

association pathways, 73f, 74

astasia-abasia, 332

features of, 565–566


definition of, 406

examination for, 406–407

asterixis, tremor vs., 291–292

asthenia, cerebellar dysfunction and, 313

astigmatism, 145, 145f

asymmetric tonic neck reflex (ATNR), 176–177, 176f


Bruns, 331

Bruns, testing for, technique of, 433

cerebellar dysfunction and, 81, 313–314

definition of, 313

truncal, 324–325

ataxic gaits, cerebellar, 330

ataxic tremor, clinical characteristics of, 287f, 288

athetosis, 294

ATNR. See asymmetric tonic neck reflex


definition of, 253

denervation, of muscle, 253

disuse, of muscle, 253

with LMN lesion, 193

myopathic, 253

optic. See optic atrophy

atropine, 7

attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), 297–298

attention span, in sensorium examination, 425

attitude, in neurologic examination, 35–36

auditopalpebral reflex, testing of

in hearing screening, 353

in unconscious patient, 497

auditory agnosia, 440f, 442

auditory canals, external, caloric irrigation of, vestibular nystagmus due to, 359–360

auditory dysfunction, laboratory tests for, 354

auditory pathway, integrity of, clinical and laboratory tests in establishing, 572

auditory receptive cortex, 43f, 45

autism, head size and, 31

automatic breathing, volitional breathing and, Ondine curse and dichotomy between, 221–222, 221f

automatic speech, 438

autonomic motor axons, interruption of, deficit and release phenomena after, 285

autonomic nerves, 41

autonomic system, transtentorial herniation effects on, 478–479, 479f

autotopagnosia (asomatognosia), 429

axial rotation, of eyeballs

law of, 184

model of, 123–124, 124f

axonal degeneration, pathogenesis of, 112–113

axonal pathways, in spinal cord, 57–58, 57f

axons, 46, 46f

afferent, dispersion of, 50, 50f

autonomic motor, interruption of, deficit and release phenomena after, 285

functional types of, 63t

nonvisual, 94

peripheral, pain and temperature sensations in relation to types of, 380–381, 382f

in spinal nerves, 49, 49f

visual, 94, 94f, 95f, 96f


Babinski sign, 266–267, 271, 272f

back, large muscles of, strength testing of, 236

back pain

low. See low back pain

lumbar puncture and, 532

back pain posture, 330

backache syndrome, 389

backward displacement test, for psychogenic foot drop, 569

bacterial meningitis, acute, CSF in, 541

BAERs. See brainstem auditory evoked responses

ballottement, 19

basal ganglia, 42, 82

basal motor connections, lesions of, deficit and release phenomena after, 295

basal motor nuclei

components of, 82, 83f

connections of, and laterality of clinical signs, 83–84, 83f

gaits, 331

laterality of, 82–84, 83f, 84t

lesions of, clinical signs of, 82–83

movement disorders and, clinicopathologic correlations between, 293t

basilar syndrome, 175

basis, of brainstem, 58, 59f

basis medullae, 58

basis mesencephali, 58

basis pontis, 58, 60, 60f, 61t

beard, inspection of, 9

bedside screening tests

for cognitive deficits in dementia, 448–450, 449t, 450f

for pathologic fatigability of cranial nerve muscles, 217

behavioral mannerisms, stereotyped, 298


definition of, 1

corollaries of, 3

neurologic examination as standardized assessment of, 1–3

Bell palsy, 172

Bell phenomenon, 171–172

bella donna, 7

bellows, for speech, 204

benign fasciculations, 254, 286

benign paroxysmal positioning vertigo (BPPV), 355, 361–362

bent-knee leg-raising test (Kernig sign), 390, 392

in nuchal rigidity testing, in unconscious patient, 492

Bernard-Horner syndrome, 156–157, 156f

biceps reflex, 244f

bilateral foot-drop gait, 329

bilateral transtentorial herniation, 475, 476f

binocular fixation, 120, 120f

Biot breathing, 478

bleeding, lumbar puncture and, 532

blepharoptosis, 158–159

blepharospasm, 198, 564

blind person’s gait, 330

blind spot

papilledema and, 101

physiologic, mapping of, 100–101, 101f

quantitative mapping of, 104, 104f


anatomic basis of, 94f

causes of, 148–149

cortical, neuro-ophthalmologic findings in, 105–106

psychogenic, 571–572

word, 441–442


rate of, 7

in unconscious patient, 483


in CSF, 537

intravascular, brain herniation and, 470–471

blood pressure, measurement of, with suspected cerebrovascular disease, 17

blurred vision, 148

causes of, 149

nystagmus and, 178

bobbing, ocular, nystagmus and, 181

body contours

inspection of, 229–230

in neurologic examination, 1

body scheme

agnosias of, testing for, technique of, 429–430

concept of, 429

body surface, inspection of, 9

bones, of skull. See also specific bones

anterior fontanel and intracranial pressure changes, 22

enlargement of, 22–23, 22f

functional arthrology of, 21, 21f

origin of, 20, 20f

suture and fontanel closure, 23, 23t

synarthroses pliancy of infant’s cranium, 21–22

Borrelia burgdorferi, in CSF, 542

botulism, 252

BPPV. See benign paroxysmal positioning vertigo

brachial plexus, extremity nerves of

motor distribution of, 55

motor innervation of, mnemonic for, 56

brachioradialis reflex, 244f

brachium conjunctivum, 311, 311f

brachycephaly, 23–25, 24f, 25t

bradykinesia, 291


afferents from eye to

optic nerve in, 91

trigeminal nerve in, 91

behavior and, 3

cranial nerves attachment to, mnemonic for, 65f, 67–68

cutting and separating from brainstem, 42, 42f

cutting and separating from spinal cord, 41, 42f

definition of, 41, 42f

embryonic, horizontal section of, 73f

facial malformation syndromes and, 9–10

functions of, localization of, dynamic techniques for, 553

impairment of, “soft” signs of, examples of, 592t

intracranial partitions and compartments of, anatomy of, 469, 470f

lesions in, localization of, dynamic techniques for, 553

sagittal section of, 465f

sensorium within, location of, 424

size of

determinants of, 28, 28t

hydrocephalus and, 31–32, 31f

relation to head size, 30–31, 30f

brain death

causes of, 505

definition of, vs. definition of death, 503–504

diagnosis of

minimum criteria in, 506, 507f

neurologic examination in, 503–508, 509t

pitfalls and precautions in, 508

ethical considerations in, 504, 504t

protocol for. See brain-death protocol

brain disease, diffuse

clinical features of, 453

neurologic signs in, 453–455, 454t

brain edema, 32, 32f

brain herniations

clinical signs of, 479, 480t

consciousness effects of, 472–473

critique of, 480–481, 480t

fluid pools of intracranial space responses to increased pressure, 470–472, 471f

internal, causes and consequences of, 469

transfalcine, anatomy of, 471f, 472

transforaminal. See transforaminal herniation

transtentorial. See transtentorial herniation

vascular complications of, 479, 480t

brain-death protocol, 504, 504t

apnea testing in, 505–506

assumptions underlying, 504–505

confirmatory tests for, 506

criteria for, 504, 504t

in infants and children, 506

initiation of, 505

neurologic specialist role in, 504t, 505

brain-impaired persons, chronic dysfunction of sensorium in, testing for, 422–423, 423t


anatomic organization of, 58, 59f–60f, 61t

basis of, 58, 60f, 61t

cranial nerve nuclei of, 61t

cross-sectional organization of, 59, 59f–60f

cutting and separating from rest of brain, 41–42, 42f

lesions of, localizing diagnosticon for, 223, 223f

longitudinal subdivisions of, 58, 59f

neurons of, functional significance of, 61–62

tracts of, 61t

functional significance of, 61–62

transverse subdivisions of, 58, 59f

union of lemnisci in, 77f, 78–79

white matter of, 59f, 60f, 61, 61t

brainstem auditory evoked responses (BAERs), 354

branchial arch sector

in embryogenesis, 10, 10f, 11f

malformations of, 11

branchial cleft cysts, 10

branchial cranial nerves, 64, 64f, 66–67, 67t

distribution of, “elimination” mnemonic for, 69–70, 69t

breath-holding spells, 511f, 514–515


automatic, 220, 221f

and volitional breathing, Ondine curse and dichotomy between, 221–222, 221f

Biot, 478

Cheyne-Stokes, 478, 479f

drive for, origin of, 220

emotional, 220

Kussmaul, 478

neuroanatomy of, 220–221, 221f, 222f

neurology of, 219–222

psychogenic dysfunctions of, 565

in unconscious patient, 483

volitional, 220

and automatic breathing, Ondine curse and dichotomy between, 221–222, 221f

breathing apparatus, functions of, 219–220

breech delivery, spinal cord transection in infant during, 220, 222f

Brissaud reflex, 272

broad-based gait, 315

broad-based stance, 315

Broca aphasia, 440–441, 440f

Brudzinski signs, in nuchal rigidity testing, in unconscious patient, 492

bruits, auscultation of head and neck for, 16–17, 17f

Bruns ataxia, 331

testing for, technique of, 433

bulbar paralysis, 218

bulbocavernosus reflexes, 278


café-au-lait spots, 9

calcarine cortex, dual banks of, 94–95, 94f, 95f

calcarine sulcus, 43f, 44

calculation, in sensorium examination, 425

caloric irrigation

of external auditory canals, vestibular nystagmus due to, 359

results of, 360

technique for, 360

in unconscious patient, 497–498

camptocormia, 332

canthal compression, self-production of pathologic diplopia by, 121–123, 122f, 123f


distances between, 6, 6f

dystopia, 5–6, 5f, 6f, 8f


apex of, 3, 4f

limbus relation to, 5

palpebral fissure and, 5, 5f


anatomic variations of, 5–6, 5f, 6f

apex of, 3, 4f

limbus relation to, 5

palpebral fissure and, 5, 5f

caput succedaneum, 27

cardiac dysrhythmia syncope, 511f, 516–517

carotid artery stenosis, 4

carotid bruits, 17, 17f

carotid sinus hypersensitivity, reflexogenic syncope and, 511f, 515–516, 515t

carotid sinus massage test, 515–516

carotid sinus syncope, mechanisms of, 515, 515t

carotid sympathetic nerve, 150

carotid transient ischemic attacks, 514f, 516

carpal tunnel syndrome, 386–387, 386f

carphologia, 484

cartilaginous connective tissue, 21

caruncles, 4, 4f

limbus relation to, 5

cataracts, 149

cat’s cry syndrome, 208

caudal vermis syndrome, 323t, 325–326

causalgia, 370

CCAS. See cerebellar cognitive affective syndrome

cell body, of neuron, 46, 46f

cell count, of CSF, 539f, 540

central circular macula, 93, 93f

central field of vision

color vision in, 97

self-demonstration of, 96–97

testing of, 97, 590

central nervous system (CNS). See also neuraxis

angiography of, 556

arteriography of, 556

conjunctions of cranial nerves with, 160, 160f

infections of, increased intracranial pressure due to, 530

parts of, 41

sensorimotor decussations of, 85t

venography of, 556

central ocular motor systems, 91

cortical pathway, for vertical eye movements, 171–172

examination of

asymmetric tonic neck reflex, 176–177, 176f

bilateral destruction of frontal corticotegmental pathway for horizontal gaze, 171

corticopontine pathway for voluntary conjugate horizontal eye movements, 168f, 170–171

destructive cerebral lesions, 174, 174f

eye movement systems tested by neurologic examination, 167–170, 168f, 168t

eye speed, 167

head- and eye-centering center, concept of, 173–174, 174f

irritative cerebral lesions, 174, 174f

LMN, internuclear, and UMN lesion comparison, 172

rostral midbrain syndrome, 175, 175t

nystagmus. See nystagmus

central olfactory pathways, 341–342, 342f

central retinal artery occlusion, 109t

central retinal vein occlusion, 109t

central scotomas, 98, 102

central sensory pathways, lesions of, negative and positive sensory phenomena related to, 369–370

central sulcus, 43, 43f

central vision, clinical testing of, 99–102, 100f, 101f

with Amsler grid, 99, 100f

location of lesions causing scotomas or quadrantic/hemianopic field defects, 102

mapping physiologic blind spot in, 100–101, 101f

tangent screen testing in, 100, 100f

of visual acuity, 99

centrocecal scotomas, 98, 102

cephalohematoma, 27

cephalon, 30

cerebellar ataxia, 81

cerebellar ataxic gaits, 330

cerebellar cognitive affective syndrome (CCAS), 307

cerebellar disease, motor function in, testing of, 209

cerebellar dystaxia, sensory dystaxia vs., 401–402, 402t

cerebellar hemisphere syndrome, 322, 323t, 325–326

cerebellar lesions. See cerebellum, disease, dysfunction, or lesions of

cerebellar pathways, 61

cerebellar signs, laterality of, 81, 82f

cerebellopontine angle, 348


afferents to, 81

anatomy of, 309–313

circuits of, 312

extrinsic, 312–313, 313f

intrinsic, 312, 312f

cutting and separating from rest of brain, 42, 42f

disease, dysfunction, or lesions of, 307

arm dystaxia, clinical tests for, 315–316, 316f, 317f

clinical signs of, 313–319, 323f

clinical tests for, 315–319, 320f

decomposition of movement, 318

detection of, 313–314

dystaxia of station and gait, clinical tests for, 315

endurance effects of, 319

eye movement effects, 314–315

hypotonia, clinical tests for, 319

laterality of clinical signs of, 81, 82f

leg dystaxia, clinical tests for, 318

localization of, circuitry for, 319, 321f

overshooting and checking tests of arms, 316–318, 317f, 318f

speech effects of, 314

strength effects of, 319

efferents from, 81, 82f

functions of, 307–308

lobes of, 309, 309f, 310f

motor cortex and, 81, 82f

peduncles of, 310–311, 311f

recapitulation of, 311–312

phylogenesis of, 309–310, 310t, 323t

syndromes of

case examples, 319–326, 321t, 323f, 323t, 324f, 325f

etiologic implications of, 326

types of, 323t

white matter of, pathways in, 74

cerebral aqueduct, 530

cerebral cortex, 42

functional localization in, 43f, 45

cerebral death, 506, 507f

cerebral disconnection syndromes, 74

cerebral dysfunction, auditory tests for, 353–354

cerebral gaits, 331–332

cerebral lesions, destructive, effects on head and eye position, 174, 174f

cerebral lobes, boundaries of, 43f, 44

cerebral localization

clinicopathologic correlation in, 445–447

lobes of cerebrum, 445

localization and clinicopathologic correlation in, 446f, 447f

of memory, 447, 447f

cerebral palsy, speech with, 208

cerebral ptosis, 159

cerebral shock, hypotonia due to, 265

cerebro–cerebello–cerebral circuit, 81, 82f

cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)

abnormal proteins in, identification of, 539f, 540

in acute bacterial meningitis, 541

appearance of, 536

blood in, 537

brain herniation and, 470–471

cell content of, 539f, 540

circulation of, 526, 527f

cloudiness of, 536–537

collection of, 536

composition of, 527, 528t, 529f

flow of, cessation of, during lumbar puncture, 536, 536t

formation of, 525–526

functions of, 526–527

glucose content of, 538–540, 539f

hydrocephaly and, 31–32

infectious agents in, identification of, 541–542

laboratory examination of, 538–541, 539f

location of, 525

lumbar puncture for. See lumbar puncture

neoplastic cells in, identification of, 539f, 540

origin of, 525

pressure of

increased, 529–530

low, syndrome of, 530–531

manometry registration of increased, 535–536, 535f

normal, 527–529, 528t, 529f

profiles in normal persons and diseases, 528t

in viral meningitis, 541

xanthochromia in, 537–538

cerebrovascular disease, blood pressure measurement in patients with suspected, 17


connections of, 73f

cortical connections of, 72–74

cutting and separating from diencephalon, 42

definition of, 42

fissures and sulci of, 43–44, 43f

inferomedial temporo-occipital region of, 10

lobes of, 445

sagittal section of, 73f

transtentorial herniation of, anatomy of, 471f, 472, 473f

white matter of, 74

cervical cord injury, positioning of unconscious patient with, 492

cervical cord lesions, lumbar puncture in, contraindications to, 531

cervical plexus, motor distribution of, 54

cervical rigidity, testing of, technique for, 489, 491f

Chaddock maneuver, 267


difficulty in, case example, 194

functional anatomy of, 191–192, 192f

trigeminal nerve and, 191

Cheyne-Stokes breathing, 478, 479f

chiasm, optic, 64, 65f, 75f


brain-death protocol in, 506

global apraxia in, testing for, technique of, 433

hyperactive, 297–298


embryogenesis of, 10, 10f

inspection of, 8

choline, 551

chorea, 294

choreiform gait, 331

chromatic aberration, 145, 145f

chronic hydrocephalus, 332

ciliary ganglia, 153

ciliary muscle, 65, 146, 154

ciliospinal center of Budge, 156

circumflex nerve, 55

clasp-knife spasticity, 261–262, 262f

cleft lip, 10–11


abortive, 259

clinical interpretation of, 259

definition of, 259

eliciting of, technique for, 258, 259f

mechanism of, 259, 259f

tremor vs., 291

cloture (closure)

concept of, 594, 594f

of neurologic examination, 603–604

club-foot gait, 329

CNS. See central nervous system

coagulopathies, lumbar puncture in, contraindications to, 531

cochlea, components of, 349, 350f

cochlear division, of vestibulocochlear nerve, 349–350, 350f, 351f

cochlear ganglion, 350

cochlear nerve, 349–350, 350f

central connections of, 350, 351f

lesions of, symptoms and causes of, 351

peripheral course of, 350

Cogan syndrome of oculomotor apraxia, 171

cognitive cerebellum, 307

cognitive deficits, in dementia, bedside screening tests for, 448–450, 449t, 450f

cogwheel phenomenon, 262

cold, response to, in unconscious patient, testing of, 498

color vision, 93, 97


consciousness and, 461–462

definition of, 462

neurologic examination in, 509t

comatose patient, neurologic examination in, inspection in, 483

comfort, of patient, in neurologic examination, 604

commands, in neurologic examination, 1

commissural pathways, 74

common peroneal nerve, 56

common peroneal nerve palsy, 388, 388f

compression neuropathy of, 276, 276f

foot drop and, 276


by language, 438

neurons in, 46

complete bitemporal hemianopia, 94f

complete homonymous hemianopia, 94f

complete nasal hemianopia, 94f

complete temporal hemianopia, 98

complex behaviors, in neurologic examination, 1

complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), 370


canthal, self-production of pathologic diplopia by, 121–123, 122f, 123f

nerve root

from herniation of intervertebral disc, clinical findings in, 392–394, 393f

leg-raising tests for, 390–392, 391f

compression damage to, 275, 276f

compression neuropathy, of common peroneal nerve, 275, 276f

computed tomography (CT)

angiography with, 545f, 546

indications for, 544–546, 546f

magnetic resonance myelography and, 550

MRI vs., 545t, 546–547, 547f, 548f

risks associated with, 546

structures visualized by, 544, 545f, 545t

concha, 9f

concussion, acute dysfunction of sensorium after, testing for, 421–422, 422t

conduction hearing loss, 352

neurosensory hearing loss vs., analysis of patients for, 353

cone receptors, 93

confrontation testing, of peripheral visual fields

positioning of examiner and patient in, 103, 103f

quantitative mapping of visual fields and blind spot in, 104, 104f

technical pointers for, 103–104, 104f

conjugate ocular fixation and conjugate movement, law of, 185


brain herniations and. See brain herniations

definitions of, 461


FOUR score in tracking, 462, 463t

Glasgow Coma Scale in tracking, 462, 463f

evaluation of, 461–464

intermittent disturbances of. See also syncope

medical history in, 512

neurologic examination in, 510–518

minimally conscious state, neurologic examination in, 509t

neuraxis in, 463–466, 465f

operations establishing, 461

pathologic alterations in levels of, 461–462

pathways for

operational demonstration of, 467, 467f

thalamocortical, 467–468, 468f, 468t

in sensorium examination, 425

consensual light reflex, 152

consonants, voiceless, 206

constructional apraxia

identification of, patient analysis for

clinical deficits, 435

medical history in, 433

motor examination in, 433, 433f

neurologic signs, 435

neuropathologic considerations, 436–437, 437f

principle of parsimony, 435–436, 436f

sensory examination in, 433–434, 434f

test battery for, 434–435, 434f

left-sided, identification of, patient analysis for, localizing significance of, 435

testing for, technique of, 433


agonist-antagonist, in plantar reflex, 269f, 270–271

myotatic, 249

contralateral cerebral sensorimotor innervation, law of, 177

contralateral deficits, 74

contralateral law, in decussations of, sensory and motor pathways, 77f, 84, 85t


of pathway for volitional movements, 79–81, 80f

of sensory pathways, 74–79

of somatosensory pathways, 76–77, 77f

in visual fields, 73f, 74–76, 75f, 76f

conus medullaris distribution, 408, 409f

convergence, 146

convergence spasm, 564

convergent lens, 148

conversion disorder

affective status in, 563–564

clinical features of, 561–564, 562t, 563t

definition of, 561, 562t

diagnosis of, 563, 563t

factitious disorder vs., 562–563

malingering vs., 562–563

medical history in, 563

primary gain in, 561–562

secondary gain in, 561–562

symptoms and signs of, 562t

coordination, 307–308

corectasia, 8f

corectopia, 7

cormiosis, 7, 8f, 146, 154

cornea, 4

rings of, 4

size of, 7

corneal light reflection test (Hirschberg test), in ocular malalignment evaluation, 133–134, 133f

corneal reflex

anatomy of, 376

clinical interpretation of, 376

in sensory function testing of trigeminal nerve in unconscious patient, 496–497

technique for, 376, 376f

Cornelia de Lange syndrome, 13f, 15

corneomandibular reflex (von Sölder phenomenon), 376–377

corpus striatum, subdivisions of, 83f


association, 43f, 45

auditory receptive, 43f, 45

calcarine, dual banks of, 94–95, 94f, 95f

cerebral, 42

functional localization in, 43f, 45

limbic, 43f, 45

motor, cerebellum and, 81, 82f

sensory receptive, 43f, 45

somatomotor, 43f, 45

vestibular, 358

visual, 43f, 45

cortical blindness, neuro-ophthalmologic findings in, 105–106

cortical connections, ontogeny of, 72–74, 73f

cortical degeneration syndromes

asymmetrical, 444

focal, 444

cortical pathway, for vertical eye movements, 171–172, 172f

cortical-subcortical gait, 332

corticobulbar component, of pyramidal tract, 79, 80f

corticofugal motor tracts, 58, 61

corticopontine tract/pathway, 58, 61, 74

for voluntary conjugate horizontal eye movements, 168f, 170–171

corticospinal component, of pyramidal tract, 79, 80f

corticostriatal pathway, 74

corticothalamic pathway, 74

cough syncope, 511f, 514

cough test, Monrad-Krohn, for arm monoparesis, 567

coughing, 220–221

counter-rolling law, 186

counter-rolling system of eyes

self-demonstration of, 169

testing of

by neurologic examination, 168t, 169

technique for, 497

for vestibulo-ocular reflex, in unconscious patient, 497

cover-uncover test, in ocular malalignment evaluation, 135–136, 135f

for alternating heterotropia, 137f, 138

for latent ocular deviations, 137f, 138–139

for monocular heterotropia, 137–138, 137f

for neuromuscular heterotropia, 139–140

cramps, 254

cranial nerves (CrNs), 41

I. See olfactory nerve

II. See optic nerve

V. See trigeminal nerve

VIII. See vestibulocochlear nerve

IX. See glossopharyngeal nerve

X. See vagus nerve

XI. See spinal accessory nerve

XII. See hypoglossal nerve

anatomic review of, 62–70

attachment to brain, mnemonic for, 65f, 67–68

branchial, 64, 64f, 66–67, 67t

distribution of, “elimination” mnemonic for, 69–70, 69t

conjunction syndromes of

case examples, 161–162, 161f

with CNS pathways, 160, 160f

eponymic, 160, 160f

examination of, 601, 603

fate of, 65–66

function of, 62, 63t

functional components of, 62, 63t

mnemonic classification of, 63t, 64, 64f

motor. See motor cranial nerves

muscles of, fatigability of, bedside tests for, 217

name of, 62, 62t, 63t

nuclei of, 59f, 60

of brainstem, 61t

location of, 68–69, 68t

number of, 62, 62t, 63t

palsies, multiple, signs and symptoms of, 217

somite (somatic set) of, 63t, 64–66, 66f

nerve components of, 66t

in speech. See speech

SSSS of, 63t, 64, 65f, 66f, 75f

craniosynostoses, 24–25, 24f, 25t

craniosynostotic plagiocephaly, 26f, 27

cranium. See skull

creatine, 551

cremasteric reflexes, eliciting of, technique for, 277–278, 277f

CrNs. See cranial nerves

crossed knee peroneal palsy, 276

CRPS. See complex regional pain syndrome

cruising gaits, 328

crus helix, 9f

Cryptococcus spp., in CSF, 541

CSF. See cerebrospinal fluid

CT. See computed tomography

cubital tunnel syndrome, 386f, 387


dancing bear gait, 332

DaTscan, 554

deaf mutism, 206


delayed speech related to, 354

psychogenic, 573

word, 440f, 442


brain. See brain death

cerebral, 506, 507f

definition of, 503

decerebrate rigidity, 232

description of, 475–476, 475f

muscle tone in, 475f, 476

pathophysiologic explanation of, 476, 476t, 477f

posture in, 475, 475f, 476t

decorticate posture vs., 475f, 477–478, 478f

deviation of, comparative strength of, 476, 476t

vestibular system in, 477

declarative speech, 438

decomposition of movement, 318

decorticate posture, decerebrate posture vs., 475f, 477–478, 479f

decussated somatosensory (GSA) pathway, 78


in neuraxis, 73f, 74, 75f, 76f

of pyramidal tract, 81, 82f

of sensory and motor pathways

of CNS, 85t

contralateral law of, 77f, 84, 85t

of somatosensory pathways, 73f, 75f, 76, 77f

de-efferented state, neurologic examination in, 500. See also locked-in syndrome

deep pain perception, 383

deep reflexes, superficial reflexes vs., 266

deep sensory modalities, 58

deep white matter, 42

deficit and release phenomena

after interruption of autonomic motor axons, 285

after lesions of basal motor connections, 295

after lesions of motor pathways, 284–285

after lesions of somatomotor axons, 370–371

after lesions of somatomotor neurons, 371

after lesions of somatosensory axons, 371

after lesions of visceral motor neurons, 371

after lesions of visceromotor neurons, 371

after LMN lesions, 284–285

pathophysiology of, 284

theory of, 284

after UMN lesions, 280t, 284

deficit phenomena, 369


ipsilateral, 74

motor, vs. apraxia, 432

deformational plagiocephaly, 26, 26f


anterograde, 112

axonal, pathogenesis of, 112–113

EMG of, 254, 255f

retrograde, 112–113

Wallerian, 112–113, 254, 255f

déjà pensée, 342

déjà vu, 342

Dejerine syndrome, 322

delayed pain, testing for, 383


consciousness and, 461–462

definition of, 461–462

dementia vs., 455

mania vs., 455

delirium tremens, 462

delusions, 426


aphasia vs., clinical findings in, 451–452

assessment of, 450, 451f

chronic dysfunction of sensorium in, testing for, 422–423, 423t

clinical features of, 453

cognitive deficits in, bedside screening tests for, 448–450, 449t, 450f

delirium vs., 455

diagnosis of, algorithm for, 451f

mania vs., 455

mental status in, features of, 448–455

neurologic signs in, 453–455, 454t

primitive reflexes in, 452–453, 453f, 454t

dendrites, 46–47, 46f

denervation atrophy, of muscle, 253

denticulate ligaments, 487, 488f

depolarization, 47

dermatomal dislocations, limb development and, 51, 52f

dermatomal distributions

mnemonic for, 51, 52f

review of, 407

dermatomes, 49

of foot, 268, 268f

sensory innervation areas by, 51, 52f

Descemet membrane, 4

developmental gaits, 328–329

diabetic retinopathy, 109t

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5)

on conversion disorder diagnosis, 563, 563t

on distinction among conversion disorder, factitious disorder, and malingering, 562–563

diarthroses, 21

diaschisis, 265

diencephalon, 71–72, 78t

cutting and separating from cerebrum, 42

embryonic, transverse section of, 71f

nuclear subdivisions of, 71, 71f

diffuse brain disease

clinical features of, 453

neurologic signs in, 453–455, 454t

diffuse symmetrical polyneuropathies, 384, 385f

diffusion weighted imaging, 550

diffusion weighted magnetic resonance imaging, 550

digital position sense, testing of, technique for, 398–399, 398f, 399f

digits, of hand, muscles acting on, 56

dilation lag, 152, 152t, 157

diplegia, spastic, 281

diplegic gait, spastic, 330–331

diplopia, 170

clinical analysis of, 142–144, 142f

laws of, 142–143, 142f

monocular, 572

ocular alignment and, 119–122, 120f, 121f, 122f, 123f

pathologic, self-production of, by canthal compression, 121–123, 122f, 123f

physiologic, self-production of, 121, 121f

direct light reflex, 152, 154–155

directional scratch test, in dorsal column function evaluation, 402–403

disability, intellectual, delayed speech related to, 354

discriminative sensory modalities, loss of, review of, 431


intervertebral, herniation of, nerve root compression from, clinical findings in, 392–394, 393f

optic, 93, 93f

anomalies of, papilledema confused with, 110, 110t

blurred, causes of, 115f

dislocations, dermatomal, limb development and, 51, 52f

distortions, perceptual, 426–427

disuse atrophy, of muscle, 253

divergent lens, 148

dizziness, 355–356. See also vertigo

hyperventilation and, 363

workup for patient with, 363, 363t

dolichocephaly, 23–24, 24f, 25t

doll’s eye maneuver, 169

dorsal column gait, 329

dorsal columns

arm, 396f, 397

dysfunction of, tests for

directional scratch test, 402–403

stereognosis, 403

two-point discrimination, 403

general concept of, 397–398

leg, 396f, 397

lesions of, 400

in proprioception, 397–398

dorsal root ganglia, 49–50, 49f

dorsolateral tract of Lissauer, 57f, 58

double hemianopia, neuro-ophthalmologic findings in, 105–106

double hemiplegia, 281

double stimulation, 105

double vision, lumbar puncture and, 532

double-crossed arm pull test, for psychogenic arm monoparesis, 567, 568f

Down syndrome, 9, 12, 12f

dragging monoplegic gait, psychogenic, 566

dressing apraxia

identification of, patient analysis for

clinical deficits, 435

localizing significance of, 435

medical history in, 433

motor examination in, 433, 433f

neurologic signs, 435

neuropathologic considerations, 436–437, 437f

principle of parsimony, 435–436, 436f

sensory examination in, 433–434, 434f

test battery for, 435

testing for, technique of, 433

dromedary gait, 331


extrapyramidal movement syndromes due to, tardive dyskinesias and, 295

tremor due to, clinical characteristics of, 291

DSM-5. See Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition

ductions, definition of, 125

dysarthria, 206, 209–210, 209t, 215–216, 314, 437

dysdiadochokinesia, 316

dysesthesias, 370

dyskinesias, tardive, drug-induced extrapyramidal movement syndromes and, 295

dyslexia, 441–442

dysmetria rapid alternating-movements tests for, 316, 316f, 317f

dysmodulation, clinical effect of, factors in determination of, 81

dysphagia, 209–210

psychogenic, 565

dysphasia, 437

dysphonia, 206, 209–210, 209t, 437

spasmodic, 565

dysprosody, 206, 208, 209t, 437, 441

differential diagnosis of, 443

expressive, 443

global, 443

receptive, 443

testing for, 443


finger-tapping test for, 316

respiratory, 565


arm, clinical tests for, 315–316, 316f, 317f

cerebellar, vs. sensory, 401–402, 402t

cerebellum dysfunction and, 313–314

finger-to-nose test for, 315–316

leg, clinical tests for, 318

rapid alternating-movements tests for, 316, 316f, 317f

of station and gait, clinical tests for, 315

dystonia, 294

focal, 294

dystonic equinovarus gait, 331

dystopia, canthus, 5–6, 5f, 6f, 8f



anatomy of, 8, 9f

embryogenesis of, 10, 10f

inspection of, 8

echolalia, 209t


brain, 32, 32f


detection of, with pitting test, 19

in infants, 27

Edinger-Westphal nucleus, 153

EEG. See electroencephalogram

effector integrity, in sensory testing of unconscious patient, 495


efferent neuron activation of, 47

types of, 1–3

efferent neurons, 47, 50–51

efferents, from cerebellum, 81, 82f, 311

Ekbom syndrome, 297

elbow, flexion/extension of, strength testing of, 231f, 234

elective mutism, 206

electrical tests, for pathologic fatigability in myasthenia gravis, 218

electromyographic syndrome of LMN lesions, 256

electromyography (EMG)

in areflexia, after interruption of reflex arc, 251–257

of degeneration, 254, 255f

in hyporeflexia, after interruption of reflex arc, 251–257

in latencies of muscle stretch reflexes, 248

motor units and, 254, 255f

electronystagmography, 182

emboli, 109t

embryogenesis, of face, 10, 10f

EMG. See electromyography

emmetropic eye, 145f

emotional breathing, 220

emotional tremor, clinical characteristics of, 290

electroencephalogram (EEG), in operational demonstration of pathways for consciousness, 467, 467f

encephalon, 30

encephalopathies, metabolic, increased intracranial pressure due to, 530

endochondral bones, 20, 20f

endurance, cerebellar lesions effects on, 319

engagement principle, 232

enhanced ptosis, 159

enophthalmos, 7

enteroviruses, in CSF, 541

entrapment neuropathies, examination of, 384–385

special features in, 385–388, 386f, 387f, 388f

EOMs. See extraocular muscles

epicanthal fold, 6, 6f

epidermoid tumors, implantation of, in lumbosacral canal, lumbar puncture and, 532

epilepsia partialis continua, 292


definition of, 298

partial continual, tremor vs., 292

syncope vs., 517, 518t

epileptic seizures, psychogenic seizures vs., 577, 578t

episcleral ganglia, 153

epithalamus, 71–72, 71f

eponymic conjunction syndromes of cranial nerves, 160, 160f

Epstein-Barr virus, in CSF, 541

erythrochromia, 537

erythrophagocytosis, 537

esophoria, 147

esotropia, 136, 137f, 147

essential palatal tremor, symptomatic palatal tremor vs., 290

essential (familial) tremor, clinical characteristics of, 290


in brain death considerations, 504, 504t

in neurologic examination, 35–36

ethmoid bone, 20f

exaggerated overreaction, in psychogenic disorders of somatic sensation, 576

excitatory neurotransmitters, 47

exclamatory speech, 438

exophoria, 148

exophthalmos, 7, 8f

exotropia, 136, 137f, 148

expressive aphasia, 438

expressive dysprosody, 443

extensor nerves, 56

extensor plantar response, 271, 272f

extensor toe signs, 271, 272f

absence of, in patients with UMN lesions, reasons for, 275–276, 276f

eliciting of, 273–274, 274f

external auditory canals, caloric irrigation of, vestibular nystagmus due to, 359–360

external occipital protuberance, 16

exteroception, 338

extraocular muscles (EOMs). See also specific muscles

actions of, 123, 131t, 133

axial rotation model of, 124, 124f

eyeball rotation model of, 125, 125f, 126f

of medial and lateral rectus muscles, 125–126, 126f

classification of, 149, 150f

oblique muscles

inferior oblique muscle, 130

superior oblique muscle, 128–129, 129f

on-center/off-center pull of, law of, 184

peripheral innervation of, 149–151, 150t

positive tonic oppositional innervation of, law of, 184–185

pull of, eyeball rotation model demonstrating, 125, 125f, 126f

rectus muscles

inferior rectus muscle, 126f, 128

lateral rectus muscle, 125–126, 126f

medial rectus muscle, 125–126, 126f

superior rectus muscle, 126–128, 127f, 128f

tonic innervation of, 132

extrapyramidal movement syndromes, drug-induced, tardive dyskinesias and, 295

extrapyramidal system, 80, 82, 83f

extremities. See also arms; legs

circumferential measurement of, in muscle size determination, 253

random spontaneous symmetrical movements of, in unconscious patient, 483

somatosensory functions of, examination of, 380–383

temperature sensation from, testing of, 377f, 380

eye movements

central, clinical tests for, 186t

cerebellar lesions effects on, 314–315

control of, central systems for, laws governing, 185–186

horizontal, vs. vertical eye movements, different pathways for, law of, 185

non-nystagmoid repetitive, uncommon, nystagmus and, 181–182

range of, evaluation of, technique for, 134–135, 134f, 135f

reflex control of, vs. volitional control of, law of, 186

speed of, 167

systems tested by neurologic examination

counter-rolling system of eyes, 168t, 169

fixation (position holding) system, 168, 168t

ocular fixation system, 169

proprioceptive system, 169

saccadic system, 167–168, 168f, 168t

smooth pursuit system, 168t, 169

vergence system, 168t, 169

types of, 125


cortical pathway for, 171–172, 172f

vs. horizontal eye movements, different pathways for, law of, 185

volitional control of, vs. reflex control of, law of, 186

voluntary conjugate horizontal, corticopontine tract/pathway for, 168f, 170–171


anatomy of, 92f

axial rotation of

law of, 184

model of, 123–124, 124f

intraocular muscles of, 153–154

protrusion of, 7

rotation model demonstrating pull of extraocular muscles, 125, 125f, 126f

size of, 7

eyebrows, inspection of, 9

eyelid-release test, in hemiplegia detection in unconscious patient, 485–486, 485f


blinking of, 7

in unconscious patient, 483

drooping of, 7

elevation of, clinical evaluation of, 158, 159t

embryogenesis of, 10, 10f

eyeball rotation and, 7

iris relation to margin of, 3–5, 4f, 5f

relation to limbus, initial inspection of, 133

tonic closure of, in unconscious patient, 483

eyes. See also pupils; vision

afferents to brain, 91

counter-rolling system of, 168t, 169

drifting to sides, in unconscious patient, 483

emmetropic, 145f

examination of, 3

ancillary tests, 187t

eyelid margin and iris relation, 3–5, 4f, 5f

intercanthal and interorbital distances, 6, 6f

medial canthus anatomic variations, 5–6, 5f, 6f

palpebral fissure height, 7, 8f

pupillary size, 7

rehearsal of, 187, 187t

external, nomenclature of, 3–4, 4f

fundus of, 93, 93f

movements of. See eye movements

normal, refraction by, 145f, 146

optic nerve in, 91

position of

destructive cerebral lesions effects on, 174, 174f

irritative lesions effects on, 174, 174f

vectors determining, origin of, 173

primary position of, 119, 120f

syndrome of parasympathetic paralysis of, 155–156

syndrome of sympathetic paralysis of, 156–157, 156f

trigeminal nerve in, 91


FABER test, 388


branchial arch sector of, 10, 10f, 11f

embryogenesis of, 10, 10f

frontonasal process sector of, 10, 10f, 11f

initial examination of, 36

inspection of

for facial malformation syndromes, 9–12, 10f, 11f

test panel for, 12, 12f–14f

movements of. See facial movements

muscles of. See facial muscles

syndrome of sympathetic paralysis of, 156–157, 156f

transverse sectors of, 11, 11f

UMN paralysis of, 197–198, 198t

face-tongue apraxia, testing for, technique of, 432

facial angiofibromas, 9

facial gestalt, 11

facial hemangiomas, 9

facial malformation syndromes

inspection of, 9–12, 10f, 11f

ocular anomalies in, 7, 8f

facial movements

functional anatomy of, 194–195, 194f, 195t

unilaterality of, tests for, 197–198, 198t

facial muscles

facial nerve in innervation of, 195, 195t

functions of, 195

facial nerve (CrN VII)

functions of

mnemonics for, 196, 196f

intra- and extra-axial anatomy of, 195–197, 195f, 196f, 197f

motor functions of, 194–200

clinical testing of, 198–199

review of, 346

UMN innervation of, 197–198, 198t

facial palsy, 199–200, 199f, 200f

testing of taste in, 347–348

facial sensation, loss of, differentiation of, 378–379, 378f

facial weakness, analysis of patients with, 199–201, 199f, 200f

faciociliary reflex, 157

factitious disorder

conversion disorder vs., 562–563

imposed on another, psychogenic disorders vs., 582

malingering vs., 562–563

psychogenic disorders vs., 582

factitious fevers, 579

“false” localizing signs

causes of, 593–594

concept of, 593

familial cortical myoclonic tremor and epilepsy (FCMTE), 292

familial tremor, clinical characteristics of, 290

farsighted, 146


benign, 254, 286

definition of, 256

motor units and, 253

fasciculi gracilis, 57f, 58

FCMTE. See familial cortical myoclonic tremor and epilepsy

femoral nerve, 56

festinating gait, 331

fetuses, pain in, 383

fevers, factitious, 579

fibrillations, 254–255, 255f

definition of, 256

fibrous connective tissue, 21

finger flexion reflex

Hoffman method, 245f

Tromner method, 245f

finger muscles, strength testing of, 234–235, 235f

finger test, in temperature discrimination testing, 377, 377f


abduction-adduction of, 234, 235f

extension of, 235

flexion of, 235

strength testing of, 234–235, 235f

finger-tapping speed, in movement disorders assessment, 296, 296f

finger-tapping test, for dysrhythmia, 316

finger-to-nose test

postural tremor during, 315–316

tremor of arms during, 315–316


of cerebrum, 43–44, 43f

palpebral, 3, 4f

angle of, 5, 5f

fixation (position holding) system, testing of, by neurologic examination, 168, 168t

flaccidity. See hypotonia

flail-foot gait, 329

flexion reflex

in plantar stimulus, 271

triple, 271

flexor nerves, 56

flipping-hand gait, 330

nocturnal, 330

floccillation, 484

flocculonodular lobe, 310

flocculonodular lobe syndrome, 325

fluent aphasia, 440f, 441

flutter, ocular, nystagmus and, 181

fMRI. See functional magnetic resonance imaging

focal dystonia, 294

focal neuropathies, 384–385, 385f

fontanels, 21, 21f

closure of, 23, 23t

intracranial pressure and, 22, 24

pliancy of infant, 21–22


dermatomes of, 268, 268f

sole of, 266–267, 266f

foot drop

common peroneal palsy and, 276

psychogenic, backward displacement test for, 569

foot-drop gait, 329

bilateral, 329

foramen magnum, 20f

forced-choice sensory tests, yes or no, 399–400

forearm muscles, strength testing of, 232f, 234

forebrain, in control of volitional and emotional breathing, 220

FOUR score. See Full Outline of UnResponsiveness score

four-glance, instant screening, in neurologic examination of unconscious patient, 483–484

fovea centralis, 93f, 108

foveate, 119, 120f

free movement, 233

free will, notion of, 285

fricatives, 206

Froment maneuver, 290

frontal corticotegmental pathway, for horizontal gaze, bilateral destruction of, 171

frontal gait, 331–332

frontonasal dysplasia, 12, 13f

frontonasal process sector

in embryogenesis, 10, 10f, 11f

malformations of, 11

frontoparietal tegmental pathway, in saccades control, law of, 185

fronto-tegmental corticobulbar pathways, 167, 168f

Full Outline of UnResponsiveness (FOUR) score, 462, 463t

functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), 553–554

functional neurologic symptom disorder. See conversion disorder

fund of information, in sensorium examination, 425

fundus, of right eye, 93, 93f

funduscopy, vascular lesions disclosed by, 109t


gadolinium, MRI with, 548f, 550

gag reflex, 208

gait apraxia, testing for, technique of, 433


alterations in, in diffuse brain disease, aging, and dementia, 453

antalgic, 330

apraxic, 331


cerebellar, 330

sensory, 329

basal motor nuclei, 331

blind person’s, 330

broad-based, 315

cerebral, 331–332

choreiform, 331

club-foot, 329

cortical-subcortical, 332

cruising, 328

dancing bear, 332

developmental, 328–329

diplegic, spastic, 330–331

dorsal column, 329

dromedary, 331

dystaxia of, clinical tests for, 315

dystonic equinovarus, 331

examination for, importance of, 328

festinating, 331

flail-foot, 329

flipping-hand, 330

nocturnal, 330

foot-drop, 329

bilateral, 329

frontal, 331–332

heel-drop, 329

hemiparetic, psychogenic, 566

hemiplegic, 330

psychogenic, 566

hyperesthetic, 330

ignition failure, 332

inspection of, 230

in-toed, 329

lordotic waddling, 329

magnetic, 332

marche à petit pas, 331, 333

mature, 328

monoplegic, dragging, psychogenic, 566

neuromuscular, 329

painful sole, 330

paraplegic, 331

parkinsonian, 331

pigeon-toed, 329

primary progressive freezing, 331–332

psychogenic, 332–333

psychogenic disturbances of, 565–567, 566t

scissors, 331

sensory, 329–330

spastic, 330–331

spastic diplegic, 330–331

crouch, 331

spastic-ataxic, 331

spastic-athetoid, 331

steppage, 329

tabetic, 329

toddler’s, 328

toe-drop, 329

toe-walking, 329


basal, 42, 82

cochlear, 350

dorsal root, 49–50, 49f

of peripheral nervous system, 41

sensory, 50


horizontal, frontal corticotegmental pathway for, bilateral destruction of, 171

supranuclear paralysis of, 171

GBS. See Guillain–Barré syndrome

GCS. See Glasgow Coma Scale

Gegenhalten. See paratonia

general somatic efferent (GSE), 49, 49f

general somatosensory afferents (GSAs), 49, 49f

general visceral efferent (GVE), 49, 49f

general viscerosensory afferents (GVAs), 49, 49f

geniculocalcarine tract, 94, 94f, 95f, 96f

genioglossus muscle, action of, 213–214, 214f

genu recurvatum, 264

Gerstmann syndrome, 443–444

giant polyphasic motor units, 256

glabellar tap reflex, 377


neuron communication with, 46

secretions of, 1

Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS), 462, 463f

glaucoma, 149

global aphasia, 440f, 442, 442f

global apraxia, in children, testing for, technique of, 433

global dysprosody, 443

globus hystericus, 565

glossopharyngeal nerve (CrN IX)

LMN innervation of pharynx and larynx by, 201–202, 201f

motor functions of, 201–205

testing of, 207–209, 208f, 209t

peripheral distribution of, 201f

testing of, in unconscious patient, 498

UMN innervation of, 204

glossopharyngeal syncope, 511f, 515

glucose, in CSF, examination of, 538–540, 539f

gnosias, 405

Goldman test, 104

Gower sign, 329

granulations, Pacchionian, 530

grasps, pincer, 125

gray matter, tegmental, 59f, 60, 60f, 61t

growth curve, for occipitofrontal circumference, 28, 28f

GSA pathway. See decussated somatosensory pathway

GSAs. See general somatosensory afferents

GSE. See general somatic efferent

Guillain–Barré syndrome (GBS), 197

gustation. See taste

GVAs. See general viscerosensory afferents

GVE. See general visceral efferent


habenula, 71f, 72

hair, inspection of, 9

hallucinations, 426

localizing significance of, 427

hammers, percussion, in eliciting muscle stretch reflex, 242–243, 242f

hamstring muscles, strength testing of, 236

hamstring nerve, 56


digits of, muscles acting on, 56

infant’s discovery of, 176–177, 176f

paralysis of, psychogenic, reversed hands test for, 568, 569f

Hardikar syndrome, 4

harelip, 10


auscultation of, for bruits, 16–17, 17f

examination of, 590, 601, 603

initial, 36


asymmetrical, 25–27, 26f

craniosynostoses, 24–25, 24f, 25t

in neonates, 27

MRI of, 546–550, 547f, 548f, 549t, 550f

palpation of, 16

shapes of, 25t

size of

abnormal, successive plots of, 29, 29f

brain size relation to, 30–31, 30f

determinants of, 28, 28t

hydrocephalus and, 31–32, 31f

intelligence and, 30–31

measuring of, 28–29, 28f

transillumination of infant’s

causes of, 19–20, 20t

purpose of, 18, 18f

results of, 19, 19f

technique of, 19

head and eye position

destructive cerebral lesions effects on, 174, 174f

irritative lesions effects on, 174, 174f

vectors determining, origin of, 173

head- and eye-centering center, concept of, 173–174, 174f

head- and eye-centering mechanism, law of, 185

head- and eye-centering tendency, self-demonstration of, 173

head drop, 332

head injuries

acute sensorial dysfunction after, detection of, 421–422, 422t

olfactory-related consequences of, 342–343, 343f

head ptosis, 332


intermittent disturbances of, 512

lumbar puncture and, 532

organic, signs of, definable lesions and, 580


loss of. See hearing loss

pathways of, 77

receptor for, 349, 350f

testing of

air-bone conduction test of Rinne in, 352–353

auditopalpebral reflex/startle response to sound in, 353

in cerebral dysfunction evaluation, 353–354

otoscopy in, 351–352

sound-lateralizing test of Weber in, 353

technique for, 351–353

threshold/sensitivity in, 351

in unconscious patient, 497–498

vibrating tuning fork in, 352

tinnitus and, 354

vestibulocochlear nerve (CrN VIII) in, 349

cochlear division of, anatomy of, 349–350, 350f, 351f

hearing loss

conduction, 352

vs. neurosensory, analysis of patients for, 353

laboratory tests for, 354

neurosensory, 352

vs. conduction, analysis of patients for, 353


inadequate return of blood to, mechanical/hypovolemic syncope due to, 511f, 513–514, 514f

sensorium within, location of, 423–424

heel-drop gait, 329

heel-tapping tests, for leg dystaxia, 318

heel-to-shin test, for leg dystaxia, 318

helix, 9f

hemianopia, 98

complete bitemporal, 94f

complete homonymous, 94f

complete nasal, 94f

complete temporal, 98

detection of, 105

double, neuro-ophthalmologic findings in, 105–106

head shape with, 25

hemianopic field defects, lesions causing, location of, 102

hemiballismus, 294

hemifacial spasm, 198

hemiparalysis, 79

hemiparesis, 79

hemiparetic gait, psychogenic, 566

hemiplegia, 79

double, 281

head shape with, 25

hypoventilation in, 222

paradoxical, 475

in unconscious patient, detection of

arm-dropping test in, 486, 486f

eyelid-release test in, 485–486, 485f

flaccidity of cheek in, 485

inspection in, 484

leg-dropping test in, 486, 487f

limb-dropping test in, 486–487, 486f, 487f

wrist-dropping test in, 486, 486f

hemiplegic distribution, standard, 280–281

hemiplegic gait, 330

psychogenic, 566

hemisensory distribution, 409, 412f

hemispatial inattention, left-side, 429–430

hemorrhage, subgaleal, 27

Hering law, 132, 139–140

of equal innervation of corresponding extraocular muscles, 185


brain. See brain herniations

herniation transtentorial. See transtentorial herniation

of intervertebral disc, nerve root compression from, clinical findings in, 392–394, 393f

transfalcine, 471f, 472

transforaminal. See transforaminal herniation

herpes simplex virus, in CSF, 541


definition of, 138

refractive errors in relation to, 147–148


alternating, cover-uncover test in, analysis of, 137f, 138

clinical classification of, 139–141

concomitant, vs. paralytic heterotropias, 141–142, 142t

cover-uncover test in, for latent ocular deviations, 137f, 138–139

definition of, 136

monocular, cover-uncover test in, analysis of, 137–138, 137f

naming of, 136, 137f

neuromuscular, clinical tests for, cover-uncover test, 139–140

non-paralytic, vs. paralytic heterotropias, 141–142, 142t

paralytic, vs. non-paralytic heterotropias, 139–141, 142t

refractive errors in relation to, 147–148

high achiever syndrome, 563–564

hip girdle, strength testing of, 236

hippus, 152


extension of, 236

flexion of, 236

Hirschberg test, in ocular malalignment evaluation, 133–134, 133f

histrionic underreaction, in psychogenic disorders of somatic sensation, 576

HIV, in CSF, 541

hoarseness, motor function of, testing of, 208

Holmes tremor, 288

holoprosencephaly, 9, 12, 13f

homonymous, definition of, 98

homunculus, sensorimotor, in paracentral regions, inversion of, 76, 76f

Hoover test, for psychogenic leg monoparesis, 569–570, 569f

horizontal eye movements, vertical eye movements vs., different pathways for, law of, 185

horizontal gaze

frontal corticotegmental pathway for, bilateral destruction of, 171

pathway, interruption of, 170

Horner syndrome, 156–157, 156f

Hurler syndrome, 14f, 15

hydrocephalus (hydrocephaly)

chronic, 332

definition of, 31

head and brain size and, 31–32, 31f

normal pressure, 332

transillumination of, 19, 19f

hydrocephalus ex vacuo, 32

hydrocephaly. See hydrocephalus

hygiene, personal, alterations in, 453

hyperactivity, in children, 297–298

hyperacusis, 195, 348

hyperalgesia, 369–370

hypercupremia, 4

hyperdynamic circulatory states, 16

hyperekplexia, neonatal, 260

hyperesthesias, 267, 369–370

neurophysiologic mechanisms of, 370

hyperesthetic gait, 330

hyperexplexia, 294


named types of, continuum between, 295

non-tremor types of, 293–295, 293t

hypernasal speech, 207

hyperopia, 146–147, 147f

hyperpathia, 370

hyperpolarization, 47


causes of, 258, 258f

clinical analysis of, 258–260, 258f, 259f

hypersensitivity, carotid sinus, reflexogenic syncope and, 511f, 515–516, 515t

hypertensive retinopathy, 109t

hyperthermesthesia, 369–370


blinking and, 7

lid lag and, 7

hypertonia, 261–263, 262f

definition of, 261

hypertrophy, use, 253

hypertropia, definition of, 136, 137f


dizziness due to, 363

indications for, 363

normal results of, 363

technique for, 363

hypoglossal nerve (CrN XII)

clinical testing of, 215–216

LMN lesions of, 214, 214f

motor functions of, 213–216

UMN innervation of, 214, 214f

hypokinesia, 291

Hypomelanosis of Ito, 9

hyponasal speech, 206–207

hypopigmented whorls, 9

hypoplasia, 253

hyporeflexia, after interruption of reflex arc, clinical and EMG signs of, 251–257

hypotension, orthostatic, 511f, 514

hypothalamus, 71–72, 71f


eyebrows in, 9

muscle stretch reflexes in, eliciting of, quadriceps reflex, 248

voice effects of, 209

hypotonia (flaccidity), 12, 12f

causes of, 263f

central, 263f, 265

peripheral, differentiation of, 257t, 265

cerebellar dysfunction and, 313–314

cerebral or spinal shock and, 265

clinical tests for, 319

definition of, 261, 264

inspection for, 319

hypotropia, definition of, 136, 137f

hypoventilation, in hemiplegia, 222

hysteria, visual field constriction with, 102

hysterical mutism, 206


iatrogenic infection, lumbar puncture and, 532

ice-bag test, in ptosis evaluation, 159

ictal phase, 512

ignition failure gait, 332

illusions, 426

immunopathies, CSF findings in, 539f, 540


to double simultaneous cutaneous stimuli, 430

hemispatial, left-side, 429–430

incontinentia pigmenti, 9


brain-death protocol in, 506

hand discovery by, 176–177, 176f

head of, OFC of, 28, 28f

neuromuscular heterotropia and vision of, 140–141

pain in, 383

plantar responses in, 273

scalp edema in, 27

spinal cord transection in, during breech delivery, 220, 222f

synarthroses pliancy in, 21–22

transillumination of head of

causes of, 19–20, 20t

purpose of, 18, 18f

results of, 19, 19f

technique of, 19

infectious agents, in CSF, identification of, 541–542

inferior oblique muscle, action of, 130

inferior rectus muscle, action of, 126f, 128

inferomedial temporo-occipital region of cerebrum, 10

inhibitory transmitters, 47

innervation. See also specific types

of ocular muscles, 149–151, 150f, 150t, 151f, 156f

original, law of, 51, 52f, 53t–54t


of muscles, 53t–54t

of spinal reflexes, 51, 54t

tonic, of extraocular muscles, 132

insight, in sensorium examination, 425

inspections. See also specific areas

of body contours, 229–230

of comatose patient, 483

in establishing consciousness, 461

of eyes, 3–7, 4f, 5f, 6f, 8f

of facial malformation syndromes, 9–12, 10f, 11f

of gait, 230

of hair of scalp, eyebrows, and beard, 9

importance of, 3

in neurologic examination, 1

of nose, mouth, chin, and ears, 8, 9f

of skin of face and general body surface, 9

of station, 230

of trigeminal nerve motor function, 193

intellectual disability, delayed speech related to, 354

intelligence, head size and, 30–31

intention tremor, clinical characteristics of, 287f, 288

intercalary neurons, 51, 51f

intercanthal distance, 6

in facial malformation syndromes, 7

interdigital nerve entrapment (Morton metatarsalgia), 388

interhemispheric fissure, 43

intermediolateral horn, 49, 57f

internal ophthalmoplegia, examination of, 155–156

internuclear lesions, of ocular pathways, 172

internuncial neurons, 50–51, 50f

interoception, 338

interorbital distance, 6

in facial malformation syndromes, 7

interventricular foramen of Monro, increased intracranial pressure due to, 530

intervertebral disc, herniation of, nerve root compression from, clinical findings in, 392–394, 393f

in-toed gait, 329

intorsion, definition of, 128, 128f

intracranial pressure

anterior fontanel and, 22

craniosynostoses and, 24–25

increased, 529–530

causes of, 530

lumbar puncture in, contraindications to, 531–532

Pascal law and, 530

signs of, 530

symptoms of, 529

suture closure and, 23

intracranial space, fluid pools of, responses to increased pressure, 470–472, 471f

intralaminar nuclei, of thalamus, 72, 78t

intraocular muscles

classification of, 149, 150f

of eyeball, 153–154

positive tonic oppositional innervation of, law of, 184–185

intravascular blood, brain herniation and, 470–471

involuntary movement disorders. See also specific types

akathisia, 297

attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, 297–298

case example, 299, 299f

deficit and release phenomena after lesions of basal motor connections, 295

drug-induced extrapyramidal movement syndromes, tardive dyskinesias and, 295

epilepsy, 298

evaluation of, general tests in, 296–297, 296f

hyperactivity, 297–298

hyperkinesias, 295

introduction to, 285

non-tremor types of hyperkinesias, 293–295, 293t

by operational definition, 299–300

psychogenic vs. other motility disturbances, 298–299

rating scales for, 295

restless-legs syndrome, 297

self-mutilation, 298

stereotyped behavioral mannerisms, 298

tremors. See tremors

involuntary movements

definition of, 285–286

examples of, 286

identification of, clinical operations for, 286

ipsilateral deficits, 74


eyelid margins and relation to, 3–5, 4f, 5f

location of, 5–6, 5f

irritative lesions, effects on head and eye position, 174, 174f

Isaacs syndrome, 254

isocoria, 7



closure of

in chewing, 191

weakness of, testing for, 193–194

lateral movement of, in chewing, 191–192, 192f

jaw reflex, 243f

Jendrassik maneuver, for reinforcing muscle stretch reflex, 248–249

jerk nystagmus, 178–180

direction of, 359

jerks, myoclonic, 286

judgment, in sensorium examination, 425


karyon, 46, 46f

Kayser-Fleischer ring, 4, 107

Kernig sign, 390, 392

in nuchal rigidity testing, in unconscious patient, 492

Kiloh-Nevin syndrome, 387

kinetic tremor, clinical characteristics of, 287f, 288

Kinnier Wilson pupil, 7

Klippel-Trenaunay-Weber syndrome, 9

knee reflex

counterpressure method for, 246f

in hypothyroidism, 248

with patient sitting, 245f

with patient supine, 245f

pull method (of Jendrassik) for reinforcing, 246f


extensors of, 236

flexors of, 236

knuckle rub tests, for pain response, in unconscious patient, 498

Korsakoff syndrome, 579

Kussmaul breathing, 478

kymographic records, of tremors, 288–289, 289f


labial sounds, 205, 205t

labyrinth, orientation of, 357f

lacrimal glands, 69

lacrimal punctum, canthus dystopia and, 6

lactate, 551

lamina cribrosa, 93

landmark sulci, 43, 43f


communication by, 438

right hemisphere in, 443


LMN innervation of

glossopharyngeal nerve in, 201–202, 201f

vagus nerve in, 201–202, 202f

neurologic examination of, 207–208, 208f

Lasègue sign, 390–391, 391f

latent nystagmus, 179

lateral canthus, apex of, 3, 4f

lateral cleft lip, 10–11

lateral femoral cutaneous nerve, 387–388, 388f

lateral fissure, 43, 43f

lateral lemniscus, 78

lateral medullary syndrome, 322

lateral medullary wedge syndrome of Wallenberg, 409, 411f, 411t

lateral pterygoid muscles, weakness of, testing for, 193–194

lateral rectus muscles, action of, 125–126, 126f

lateral ventricles, 42


of cerebellar signs, 81, 82f

of clinical signs of lesions of basal motor nuclei, 82–84, 83f, 84t

lateropulsion, 330

law of Bell and Magendie, 49

law of contralateral cerebral sensorimotor innervation, 177

law of contralateral hemispheric sensory and motor connections, 77f, 84, 85t

law of diplopia, 142–143, 142f

law of original innervation, 51, 52f, 53t–54t

law of projection of the visual image, 92

law of respect, for unconscious patient, 499–500

law of sensation, 92

law of the prism, 145, 145f

lead-pipe rigidity, 262

left-side hemispatial inattention, 429–430

leg dorsal column, 396f, 397

leg monoparesis, psychogenic

Hoover test for, 569–570, 569f

Raimiste leg adduction-abduction synkinesis for, 570–571, 570f

leg-dropping test, in hemiplegia detection in unconscious patient, 486, 487f

leg-raising tests, for nerve root compression, 390–392, 391f


dystaxia of, clinical tests for, 318

elevation of, pain and limitations of, 391–392

origin of, localization of, 390, 390f

pain radiating down

case example, 389–390

examination techniques in, 390–394

lemnisci, 59f, 60f, 61, 61t, 78

origins and names of, 380t

spinal, 77, 77f

thalamus and, 78, 78t

union of, in brainstem, 77f, 78–79

length–strength principle, 230–231, 231f


convergent, 148

divergent, 148

negative and positive, refraction by, 145, 145f

thickening of, 146

lesions. See also specific types

aphasias due to, general localization of, 440, 440f

of basal motor connections, deficit and release phenomena after, 295

of basal motor nuclei, clinical signs of, laterality of, 82–84, 83f, 84t

brain, localization of, dynamic techniques for, 553

brainstem, localizing diagnosticon for, 223, 223f

cerebellar, 307. See also cerebellum, disease, dysfunction, or lesions of

cerebral, destructive, effects on head and eye position, 174, 174f

cervical cord, lumbar puncture in, contraindications to, 531

cochlear nerve, lesions of, 351

definable, organic headaches associated with, signs of, 580

detection of, in neurologic examination, 594–595, 594t, 596f

optimum diagnostic management, 595t, 596–597

optimum preventative management, 595t, 598

optimum therapeutic management, 595t, 598

site of, 594t, 595–596, 597f–601f

type of lesion, 595t, 596, 602f

expanding, increased intracranial pressure due to, 530

irritative, effects on head and eye position, 174, 174f

LMN. See lower motoneuron lesions

of motor pathways, deficit and release phenomena after, 284–285

obstructive, increased intracranial pressure due to, 530

of ocular pathways

internuclear, 172

LMN, 172

UMN, 172

peripheral nerve

analysis of, general anatomico-physiologic principles in, 370–372

autonomic release of irritation phenomena after, 285

quadrantic/hemianopic field defects due to, location of, 102

scotomas due to, location of, 102

of sensory pathways, negative and positive sensory phenomena related to, 369–370

UMN. See upper motoneuron lesions

unilateral vagal, motor function of, testing of, 208

levator palpebrae muscle, 158

Lhermitte sign, 492

lid lag, hyperthyroidism and, 7

ligaments. Seespecific types

light reflex, 154–155

light touch sensation, testing of, 380, 380t

limb-dropping test, in hemiplegia detection in unconscious patient, 486–487, 486f, 487f

limbic cerebellum, 307

limbic cortex, 43f, 45

limbic lobes, 44, 45f

limbic nuclei, of thalamus, 72, 78t

limbs, development of, dermatomal dislocations related to, 51, 52f

limbus, 4, 4f, 44

canthi and caruncle relation to, 5

medial canthus relation to, 5–6, 5f, 6f

relation to eyelid, initial inspection of, 133

lingual sounds, 205, 205t


embryogenesis of, 10, 10f

inspection of, 8

LMNs. See lower motoneurons

lobes. Seespecific lobes

lobule, 9f

locked-in syndrome, 281

clinical features of, 500

neurologic examination in, 500, 509t

longitudinal subdivisions, of brainstem, 58, 59f

lordotic waddling gait, 329

low back pain

backache syndromes, 389

differential diagnosis of, 394

examination techniques in

ancillary studies in, 394

case example, 389–390

organic, signs of, 580

low cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) volume (pressure) syndrome, 530–531

lumbar puncture and, 532

lower motoneuron (LMN) lesions

case example, 282–283

clinical syndrome of, 256

deficit and release phenomena after, 284–285

EMG syndrome of, 256

of hypoglossal nerve, 214, 214f

muscle stretch reflexes in relation to, warning about presence or absence of, 281

muscular paralysis due to, synonyms for, 219t

of ocular pathways, 172

of trigeminal nerve, 193

lower motoneuron (LMN) paralysis, vs. UMN paralysis, 80–81

lower motoneurons (LMNs), 50–51, 50f

definition of, 80

in innervation of pharynx and larynx, glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves in, 201–202, 201f, 202f

pyramidal tract and concept of, 80

in tongue weakness, 216

lumbar puncture, 531–535

collection and appearance of CSF during, 536

complications of, 532

contraindications to, 531–532

CSF flow during, cessation of, 536, 536t

indications for, 531

preparation for, 533

psychological, 533

technique for

fluctuations in meniscus in manometer, 534–535, 534f

needle insertions and manometry, 533–534

patient positioning, 529f, 533

lumbar skin, infection of, lumbar puncture in, contraindications to, 531

lumbosacral canal, implantation of epidermoid tumors in, lumbar puncture and, 532

lumbosacral plexus, motor distribution of, 56

Lyme disease, in CSF, 542


macrencephaly, 30

macrocephaly, 29, 29f

macrocornea, 7, 8f

macrognathia, 8

macrophthalmia, 7

macrostomia, 8

macula lutea, 93f


central circular, 93, 93f

otoliths of, 356–357

macular degeneration, 149

magnetic gait, 332

magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)

CT vs., 545t, 546–547, 547f, 548f

diffusion weighted, 550

functional, 553–554

gadolinium with, 548f, 550

indications for, 547–550, 548f, 550f

risks associated with, 550

types of, 547, 549t

magnetic resonance myelography, CT and, 550

magnetic resonance spectroscopy, 551–552, 551f

Magnus-deKleijn reflex, 176–177, 176f

make-a-fist test, for psychogenic wrist drop, 568, 568f


conversion disorder vs., 562–563

factitious disorder vs., 562–563

visual field constriction with, 102

mandibular process, 10, 10f

mandibular test, for pain response, in unconscious patient, 498

maneuvers, in neurologic examination, 1


delirium vs., 455

dementia vs., 455

mannerisms, behavioral, stereotypes, 298

manometers, fluctuations in meniscus in, during lumbar puncture, 534–535, 534f

manometry, in lumbar puncture, 533–534

fluctuations in meniscus in manometer during, 534–535, 534f

increased pressure registered by, clinical evaluation of, 535–536, 535f

marche à petit pas, 331, 333

Mask of Trigeminus, 373–374, 373f

masked facies, 198

masseter, 191

mastoiditis, 18

mature gait, 328

maxillary process, 10, 10f

mechanical/hypovolemic syncope, inadequate return of blood to heart and, 511f, 513–514, 514f

medial canthus, apex of, 3, 4f

medial lemniscus, 57f, 58

medial longitudinal fasciculus (MLF), 59f, 60f, 61, 168f, 170

interruption of, effects of, 170–171

syndrome, signs and symptoms of, 171

medial medullary infarction, 322

medial rectus muscles, action of, 125–126, 126f, 146

median cleft face syndrome, 12, 13f

median cleft lip, 10

median labial tubercle, 8

median nerve, 55

median nerve entrapment, at wrist, 386–387, 386f

medulla, 58, 59f, 60

cutting and separation of, 42, 42f

medulla oblongata, transverse section of, 58, 59f

medullocervical junction, 41

megalencephaly, 30, 32f

megalocephaly, 30

causes of, 32, 32f

head size and, 29, 29f

neurologic examination in patient with, 32–33

membranous bones, 20


cerebral localization of, 447, 447f

in sensorium examination, 425

Memory Impairment Scale, 449

meningeal irritation

absence of meningeal irritation signs in presence of, 492

in unconscious patient, signs of, 487–488, 489f, 492


bacterial, acute, CSF in, 541

tuberculous, CSF in, 542

viral, CSF in, 541

meningoceles, 27

meningoencephaloceles, 27

mental image, projection of, by mind, 91–92, 92f

mental status

aging and, features of, 448–455

in dementia, features of, 448–455

mental status examination

categories of, 420, 420t

deriving information from, 419

interview technique in, 419

in neurologic examination, 601

sensorium in, 420–421, 421f. See also sensorium

mental symptoms, in neurologic examination, 2f

meralgia paresthetica, 387–388, 388f

mesencephalon. See midbrain

metabolic encephalopathies, increased intracranial pressure due to, 530

metatarsalgia, Morton, 388

micrencephaly, 29f, 30–31

microcephaly, 24, 30–31

head size and, 29, 29f

neurologic examination in patient with, 32–33

microcornea, 7

microencephalon, 30, 30f

micrognathia, 8

microphthalmia, 7

microstomia, 8

micturition syncope, 511f, 514

midbrain (mesencephalon), 58, 60, 60f, 61t

coronal section of, 465f

cutting and separation of, 42, 42f

lesions of, decerebrate rigidity and, 475–477, 475f, 476t, 477f

transverse section of, 58, 60f

midline nuclei, of thalamus, 72, 78t

mild intellectual developmental disorder, 12, 13f

minimally conscious state, 502

neurologic examination in, 509t

Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE), 449–450, 449t, 450f

miosis, 7, 8f

mixed tremors, clinical characteristics of, 287f, 288

MLF. See medial longitudinal fasciculus

MMSE. See Mini-Mental State Examination

MOCA. See Montreal Cognitive Assessment

modulate, 81

mongoloid slant, 5, 5f

monocular diplopia, 572

monocular heterotropia, cover-uncover test in, analysis of, 137–138, 137f

mononeuropathies, 384–385



Monrad-Krohn cough test for, 567

psychogenic, double-crossed arm pull test for, 567, 568f

reversed hands test for, 568, 569f

leg, psychogenic

Hoover test for, 569–570, 569f

Raimiste leg adduction-abduction synkinesis for, 570–571, 570f

monoplegia, 281

monoplegic gait, dragging, psychogenic, 566

Monrad-Krohn cough test, for arm monoparesis, 567

Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MOCA), 449

Morton metatarsalgia, 388

motility disturbances, psychogenic vs. other, 298–299

motion detection, 93

motoneuron, 50, 50f

motor aphasia, 438, 440–441, 440f

motor blocks, 332

motor cortex, cerebellum and, 81, 82f

motor cranial nerves

facial nerve (CrN VII). See facial nerve

glossopharyngeal nerve (CrN IX). See glossopharyngeal nerve

hypoglossal nerve (CrN XII). See hypoglossal nerve

sequential screening examination of, 224, 224t

spinal accessory nerve (CrN XI). See spinal accessory

trigeminal (CrN V). See trigeminal nerve

vagus nerve (CrN X). See vagus nerve

motor deficits, apraxia vs., 432

motor function

alterations in, in diffuse brain disease, aging, and dementia, 454t, 455

general tests for, 296–297, 296f

psychogenic disorders of, 564–571

oculomotor signs of, 564–565

range of, 564

transtentorial herniation effects on, 474

motor neurons

lower. See lower motoneurons

upper. See upper motoneurons

motor neuropathy, 252

acute, neurologic signs in, time of onset of, 260t

motor pathways, lesions of, deficit and release phenomena after, 284–285

motor symptoms, in neurologic examination, 2f

motor systems

central ocular. See central ocular motor systems

examination of, 603

in constructional and dressing apraxia identification, 433, 433f

peripheral ocular, 91

somatic, examination of, 229–306

motor units

definition of, 253, 254f

EMG and, 254, 255f

fasciculations and, 253

giant polyphasic, 256

mouth, inspection of, 8

movement disorders

evaluation of, general tests in, 296–297, 296f

involuntary. See involuntary movement disorders

lesions of basal motor nuclei and, clinicopathologic correlations between, 293t

psychogenic vs. other, 298–299


decomposition of, 318

involuntary. See involuntary movements

peripheral nerves and, 3

resistance to, in unconscious patient, 487–489, 488f, 489f

sensation as basis of, 79


definition of, 285

identification of, clinical operations for, 286

MRI. See magnetic resonance imaging

MSRs. See muscle stretch reflexes

mucous glands, 69

Muller muscle, 150, 158

multiple sclerosis, CSF findings in, 539f, 540

multiple tic syndrome of Gilles de la Tourette, 295

Munchausen syndrome. See factitious disorder

muscle cells, 2–3

neuron communication with, 46

muscle contraction myotonia, 239

muscle spindles, 240

effects of stretch on, 240–241, 240f

innervation of, 241

muscle stretch reflexes (MSRs)

absence of, 248

alterations in, in diffuse brain disease, aging, and dementia, 455

definition of, 241

eliciting of

clinical problem in, analysis of, 248–249

failure of, responses to, 248

in hypothyroidism, 248

in neurologic examination, 243–248, 243f–247f

percussion hammer in, 242–243, 242f

reinforcement in, 248

technique for, 242–243, 242f

grading of, 249t

hyperactive (hyperreflexia), clinical analysis of, 258–260, 258f, 259f

hypotonic, 319

latencies of, recording of, 248

nomenclature for, 245f, 247f, 249

pendulous, 319

physiology of, 240–241, 240f

range of motion of, testing of, 265–266

in relation to UMN and LMN lesions, warning about presence or absence of, 281

scaling and recording, stick figure in, 249–250, 249t, 250f

superficial reflexes. See superficial reflexes

in unconscious patient, 499

muscle tone

definition of, 261

disorders of, 260–266

origin of, 261

self-demonstration of, 261

muscles. See also specific muscles

aplasia of, 253

atrophy of, 253

denervation atrophy of, 253

disuse atrophy of, 253

hypoplasia of, 253

percussion of, results of, 238–239

segmental innervation of, 53t–54t

size of

determination of, circumferential measurement of extremities in, 253

neuromuscular disease effects on, 253

strength testing of

abdominal muscles, 235–236

ankle movements, 236–237

back muscles, 236

finger muscles, 234–235, 235f

forearm muscles, 232f, 234

hip girdle, 236

neck flexors and extensors, 233

recording examination findings, 237, 237t

rostrocaudal sequence in, 233

during routine physical examination vs. complete examination, 237

shoulder girdle muscles, 233–234, 234t

thigh muscles, 236

toe movements, 236–237

upper arm muscles, 231f, 234

use hypertrophy of, 253

muscular dystrophy, head size and, 31

musculocutaneous nerve, 55

mutism, 206, 209–210, 209t, 437

psychogenic, 565

myasthenia gravis, 252

fatigability in, electrical tests for, 218

mydriasis, 8f, 152, 152t, 154

mydriatics, 154

myelography, magnetic resonance, CT and, 550

myoclonic jerks, 286


palatal, 290

rhythmic, tremor vs., 292

tremor vs., 292

myoedema, percussion, 238–239

myo-inositol, 551

myokymia, 254

myopathic atrophy, 253

myopathic ptosis, 159

myopia, 146–147, 147f

myotatic contractions, 249

myotomes, 49

migration of, 51


muscle contraction, 239

percussion, 239

myotonic dystrophy, 14f, 15