
Please note that index links point to page beginnings from the print edition. Locations are approximate in e-readers, and you may need to page down one or more times after clicking a link to get to the indexed material.


Absolute value (complex), 12

Abelian group, 405

Adjoint, classical, 273

operator, 379, 386

Algebraic multiplicity, 300

Alternating mappings, 278, 362, 401

Angle between vectors, 6, 232

Annihilator, 332, 353, 356

Associate, 408

Associated homogeneous system, 83

Associative, 176, 405

Augmented matrix, 59


Back-substitution, 63, 65, 67

Basis, 82, 124, 142

change of, 201, 213

dual, 352, 354

orthogonal, 245

orthonormal, 245

second dual, 369

standard, 125

usual, 125

Basis-finding algorithm, 127

Bessel inequality, 254

Bijective mapping, 168

Bilinear form, 361, 398

alternating, 278

matrix representation of, 362

polar form of, 365

real symmetric, 365

symmetric, 363

Bilinear mapping, 361, 398

Block matrix, 39, 50

determinants, 419

Jordan, 345

square, 40

Bounded, 158


Cancellation law, 113

Canonical forms, 207, 327

Jordan, 331, 338

rational, 333

row, 74

triangular, 327

Casting-out algorithm, 128

Cauchy–Schwarz inequality, 5, 231, 242

Cayley–Hamilton theorem, 296, 310

Cells, 39, 417

Change of basis, 201, 213

Change-of-basis (transition) matrix, 201

Change-of-coordinate matrix, 223

Characteristic polynomial, 296, 307

value, 298

Classical adjoint, 273

Coefficient, 57, 58, 413

Fourier, 235, 246

matrix, 59

Cofactor, 271

Column, 27

matrix, 27

operations, 89

space, 120

vector, 3

Colsp(A), column space, 126

Commutative law, 405

group, 113

Commuting (diagram), 398

Companion matrix, 306

Complement, orthogonal, 244

Complementary minor, 275

Completing the square, 395


conjugate, 13

inner product, 241

matrix, 38, 49

n-space, 13

numbers, 1, 11, 13

plane, 12

Complexity, 88

Components, 2

Composition of mappings, 167

Congruent matrices, 362

diagonalization, 61


complex, 12

linearity, 241

matrix, 38

symmetric, 241

Consistent system, 59

Constant term, 57, 58

Convex set, 195

Coordinates, 2, 130

vector, 130

Coset, 184, 334, 405

Cramer’s rule, 274

Cross product, 10

Curves, 8

Cyclic subspaces, 332, 344

group, 410


Δij, Kronecker delta function, 33

Decomposable, 329


direct-sum, 129

primary, 240

Degenerate, 362

bilinear form, 362

linear equations, 59

Dependence, linear, 133

Derivative, 170

Determinant, 63, 265, 269

computation of, 66, 272

linear operator, 277

order, 3, 268

Diagonal, 32

blocks, 40

matrix, 35, 47

quadratic form, 304

Diagonal (of a matrix), 10

Diagonalizable, 205, 294, 298


algorithm, 301

in inner product space, 384

Dimension of solution spaces, 82

Dimension of vector spaces, 82, 141

finite, 124

infinite, 124

subspaces, 126

Direct sum, 129, 329

decomposition, 329

Directed line segment, 7

Distance, 5, 243

Divides, 414

Division algorithm, 414

Domain, 166, 408

Dot product, 4


basis, 352, 354

space, 351, 354



form, 65, 72

matrices, 70

Eigenline, 298

Eigenspace, 301

Eigenvalue, 298, 300, 314

Eigenvector, 298, 300, 314

Elementary divisors, 333

Elementary matrix, 84

Elementary operations, 61

column, 86

row, 72, 120

Elimination, Gaussian, 67

Empty set, θ, 112


functions, 166

matrices, 27

vectors, 2

Equations (See Linear equations)


classes, 418

matrix, 87

relation, 73, 417

row, 72

Equivalent systems, 61

Euclidean n-space, 5, 230

Exterior product, 403


Field of scalars, 11, 408

Finite dimension, 124


bilinear, 361

linear, 351

quadratic, 365

Forward elimination 63, 67, 73

Fourier coefficient, 81, 235

series, 235

Free variable, 65, 66

Full rank, 41

factorization, 419

Function, 156

space F(X ), 114

Functional, linear, 351

Fundamental Theorem of Algebra, 416


Gaussian elimination, 61, 67, 73

Gaussian integer, 411

Gauss–Jordan algorithm, 74

General solution, 58

Geometric multiplicity, 300

Gram–Schmidt orthogonalization, 237

Graph, 166

Greatest common divisor, 415

Group, 113, 405



form, 366

matrix, 38, 49

quadratic form, 366

Hilbert space, 331

Homogeneous system, 58, 81

Homomorphism, 173, 406, 409

Hom(V, U ), 175

Hyperplane, 7, 360


i, imaginary, 12

Ideal, 407


mapping, 168, 170

matrix, 33

ijk notation, 9

Image, 166, 171, 172

Imaginary part, 12

Im F, image, 171

Im z, imaginary part, 12

Inclusion mapping, 192

Inconsistent systems, 59

Independence, linear, 133

Index, 30

Index of nilpotency, 330

Inertia, Law of, 366

Infinite dimension, 124

Infinity-norm, 243

Injective mapping, 168

Inner product, 4

complex, 241

Inner product spaces, 228

linear operators on, 379

Integral, 170

domain, 408

Invariance, 226

Invariant subspaces, 226, 328, 334

direct-sum, 329

Inverse image, 166

Inverse mapping, 166

Inverse matrix, 34, 46, 85

computing, 85

inversion, 269


matrices, 34, 46

Irreducible, 408

Isometry, 383

Isomorphic vector spaces, 171, 406



block, 306

canonical form, 331, 338


Ker F, kernel, 171

Kernel, 171, 172

Kronecker delta function δij, 33


l2-space, 231

Laplace expansion, 272

Law of inertia, 365


coefficient, 60

nonzero element, 70

unknown, 60

Least square solution, 135

Legendre polynomial, 239

Length, 5, 229

Limits (summation), 30

Line, 8, 194


combination, 3, 29, 60, 79, 115

dependence, 121

form, 351

functional, 351

independence, 121

span, 119

Linear equation, 57

Linear equations (system), 58

consistent, 59

echelon form, 65

triangular form, 64

Linear mapping (function), 166, 169

image, 166, 171

kernel, 171

nullity, 173

rank, 173

Linear operator:

adjoint, 379

characteristic polynomial, 306

determinant, 277

on inner product spaces, 379

invertible, 177

matrix representation, 197

Linear transformation (See linear mappings), 169

Located vectors, 7

LU decomposition, 87, 106


Mm,n, matrix vector space, 114

Mappings (maps), 166

bilinear, 361, 398

composition of, 167

linear, 169

matrix, 170


congruent, 362

equivalent, 87

similar, 205

Matrix, 27

augmented, 59

change-of-basis, 201

coefficient, 59

companion, 306

diagonal, 35

echelon, 65, 70

elementary, 84

equivalence, 87

Hermitian, 38, 49

identity, 33

invertible, 34

nonsingular, 34

normal, 38

orthogonal, 239

positive definite, 240

rank, 72, 87

space, Mm,n, 114

square root, 298

triangular, 36

Matrix mapping, 167

Matrix multiplication, 30

Matrix representation, 197, 240, 362

adjoint operator, 379, 386

bilinear form, 361

change of basis, 201

linear mapping, 197

Metric space, 243

Minimal polynomial, 305, 307

Minkowski’s inequality, 5

Minor, 271, 275

principle, 275

Module, 409

Monic polynomial 305, 413

Moore–Penrose inverse, 134

Multilinearity, 278, 401

Multiplicity, 300

Multiplier, 67, 73, 87


n-linear, 278

n-space, 2

complex, 13

real, 2

Natural mapping, 353

New basis, 201

Nilpotent, 330, 338

Nonnegative semideflnite, 228

Nonsingular, 112

linear maps, 174

matrices, 34

Norm, 5, 229, 243

Normal, 7

matrix, 38

operator, 382, 385

Normalized, 229

Normalizing, 5, 229, 235

Normed vector space, 243

Nullity, 173

nullsp(A), 172

Null space, 172


Old basis, 201

One-norm, 243


correspondence, 168

mapping, 168

Onto mapping (function), 168

Operators (See Linear operators)

Order, n:

determinant, 266

of a group, 410

Orthogonal, 4, 37, 80

basis, 233

complement, 233

matrix, 239

operator, 382

projection, 386

substitution, 304

Orthogonalization, Gram–Schmidt, 237

Orthogonally equivalent, 382

Orthonormal, 235

Outer product, 10


Parameter, 64

form, 65

Particular solution, 58

Partition, 418

Permutations, 8, 269

Perpendicular, 4

Pivot, 67, 71

row reduction, 94

variables, 65

Pivoting (row reduction), 94

Polar form, 365

Polynomial, 413

characteristic, 296, 307

minimum, 305

space, Pn(t), 114

Positive definite, 228

matrices, 240, 366

operators, 338, 384

Positive operators, 228

square root, 393

Primary decomposition theorem, 330

Prime ideal, 412

Principle ideal ring, 408

Principle minor, 275


exterior, 403

inner, 4

tensor, 398

Projections, 169, 236, 346, 386

orthogonal, 386

Proper value, 298

vector, 298

Pythagorean theorem, 235


Q, rational numbers, 11

Quadratic form, 303, 316, 365


group, 405

ring, 408

spaces, 334, 418


R, real numbers, 1, 12

Rn, real n-space, 2

Range, 166, 171

Rank, 72, 87, 128, 173, 366


canonical form, 333

numbers, Q, 11


numbers, R, 1

part (complex number), 12

Real symmetric bilinear form, 365

Reduce, 73

Relation, 417

Representatives, 418

Restriction mapping, 194

Right-handed system, 11

Right inverse, 191

Ring, 407

quotient, 408

Root, 295

Rotation, 171

Row, 27

canonical form, 72

equivalence, 72

operations, 72

rank, 72

reduce, 73

reduced echelon form, 73

space, 120


Sn, symmetric group, 269, 406

Scalar, 1, 12

matrix, 33

multiplication, 33

product, 27

Scaling factor, 298

Schwarz inequality, 5, 231, 242

(See Cauchy–Schwarz inequality)

Second dual space, 352

Self-adjoint operator, 382

Sign of permutation, 269

Signature, 366

Similar, 205, 226

Similarity transformation, 205

Singular, 173

Size (matrix), 27

Skew-adjoint operator, 382

Skew-Hermitian, 38

Skew-symmetric, 362

matrix, 36, 48

Solution, (linear equations), 57

zero, 121

Spatial vectors, 9

Span, 115

Spanning sets, 115

Spectral theorem, 385


matrix, 32, 44

system of linear equations, 58, 72

Square root of a matrix, 393


basis, 125

form, 57, 401

inner product, 230

Subdiagonal, 306

Subgroup, 405

Subset, 112

Subspace, 117, 133

Sum of vector spaces, 131

Summation symbol, 29

Superdiagonal, 306

Surjective map, 168

Sylvester’s theorem, 366


bilinear form, 363

matrices, 4, 36

Systems of linear equations, 58


Tangent vector, T(t), 9

Target set, 166

Tensor product, 398

Time complexity, 88

Top-down, 73

Trace, 33

Transformation (linear), 169

Transition matrix, 201


linear functional (dual space), 353

matrix, 32

Triangle inequality, 232

Triangular form, 64

Triangular matrix, 36, 47

block, 40

Triple product, 11

Two-norm, 243


Unique factorization domain, 408, 416

Unit vector, 5, 229

matrix, 33

Unitary, 38, 49, 382

Universal mapping principle (UMP), 398


basis, 125

inner product, 230


Vandermonde determinant, 292

Variable, free, 65

Vector, 2

coordinates, 130

located, 7

product, 10

spatial, 9

Vector space, 112, 228

basis, 124

dimension, 124

Volume, 276


Wedge (exterior) product, 403


Z, integers, 408


mapping, 128, 170, 175

matrix, 27

polynomial, 413

solution, 121

vector, 2