italic = illustration
bold = chart
A-Frame Bean and Pea Support, 47–48
cutting and construction, 48, 48
storing, 48
Adirondack-Style Lawn Chair, 109–13
cutting the lumber, 110, 110–11
Arbor, Welcoming, 73–77
Bench, Garden, 94—97
Bench, Handy Lightweight, 98—101
Berry Box, 86—87
cutting and construction, 87, 87
Birdhouse, Hinged Roof, 130—32
Birdhouse, Pitched-Roof, 125—29
siting birdhouses, 128
birds. See also Nesting Platform, Feeders
blades, 10
building tips, 14
cedar, 12
Chair, Adirondack-Style, 109–113
cutting the lumber, 110, 110–11
Chair, Westport, 114–18
Cold Frame, Window Sash, 18–21
cutting diagram, 20
temperature adjustments, 18
Compost Bin, Classic, 28–31
turning the pile, 28
Compost Box, New Zealand, 32–35
composting materials, 32
countersinking screws and bolts, 14
cypress, 12
fasteners, 11
Feeder, Platform, 136-37
cutting and construction, 137, 137
Feeder, Single-Sided Hopper, 138-40
Feeder, Two-Sided Hopper, 141—43
Feeder, Weather Vane, 144—47
locating and maintaining, 144
finishes for lumber, 12
Flower Press, 148—49
constructing and usage, 149, 149
Garden Bench, 94–97
Garden Swing, 119–124
cutting the lumber, 120, 120–21
hanging the swing, 124
Gate, Garden, 78–80
cutting, construction, and installation, 80, 80
Gate, Latch, 81–83
cutting and construction, 82, 83
Handy House, 51–54
cutting the lumber, 52, 53
uses for, 52
Hanging Planter, 63–65
cutting and construction, 65
pointers for using planter, 63
hardware, 11
hinges, 11
ipê, 12
Lattice Shade Cover, 61–62
cutting and construction, 62, 62
locust, 12
options and finishes, 12
rounding off edges, 14
standard sizes, 14
measuring and marking, 14
predrilling, 14
vs. screws, 11
Nesting Platform, 133–35
oak, 12
Picnic Table, 104–8
Plant Support, Circle, 41–42, 42
plant supports. See also T-Pea
Tower, Tomato Cage,
Tomato Support, A-Frame
Planter, Hanging, 63–65
cutting and construction, 65
pointers for using planter, 63
Planter, Square, 69–72
Planter, Window Box, 66–68
four different looks, 13
Potting Bench, 58–60
cutting and construction, 59, 59
Raised Bed, Deep, 25–27
construction diagrams, 27
Raised Bed, Shallow, 22–24
cutting and construction, 24, 24
preparing the bed, 22
redwood, 12
router, 14
safety, 11
sanding block, 14
saws, 10
allowing for waste, 14
countersinking, 14
predrilling, 14
Shade Cover, Lattice, 61–62
cutting and construction, 62, 62
Sifter, Large, 38–40
Sifter, Small, 36–37
cutting and construction, 37, 37
Solar Dryer, 88–90
cutting and construction, 90, 90
squares, 10
Storage Bin, Outdoor, 91–93
Swing, Garden, 119–24
cutting the lumber, 120, 120–21
hanging the swing, 124
T-Pea Tower, 49–50
planting tips, 50
Table, Picnic, 104–8
Tomato Cage, Cylindrical, 45–46
construction and installation, 46, 46
Tomato Support, Horizontal, 43–44
cutting and construction, 44, 44
Tool Rack, 55–57
cutting, drilling, and construction, 57, 57
tools, 10–11
varnish, 12
Westport Chair, 114–18
Window Box Planter, 66–68
four different looks, 13
Window Sash Cold Frame, 18–21
cutting diagram, 20
wood plane, 14
wood preservatives, 12–13
wood, choosing the right, 12