
Abbott, Joe, 10

Abram Lewis House, 78, 88

Adams Creek, 34, 35, 36

Adkins, E. H., 274

Adkins-Ruark House, 266, 274

Africa, 82, 213, 227

Airlie, 215–48

Airlie Gardens, 179, 214, 215–18

Airlie Oak, 217

Alaska, 252

Albemarle, 145

Albemarle Sound, 58

Alderman, Edwin A., 212

Alexander House, 54, 64

Alexander Sprunt & Son, 211

Algonquin Indians, 139

Alice G. Hoffman Nature Trail, 98

Allen Davis House, 54, 68

All Saints Chapel, 122

Alston-Charlotte House, 122

Alston, Joseph, 287–88

Alston, Theodosia Burr, 267, 287–89

Alton F. Lennon Federal Building, 176, 195

American Medical Association, 307

Amos and Andrew, 179

Anderson, Edwin Alexander, 211

Anderson, Joseph Reid, 262

Anderson, Marian, 209

Angola Bay Game Land, 157, 167

Anne Greene Lane House, 122

Ann Street Methodist Church, 54, 64

Apothecary Shop/Doctor’s Office, 56

Appomattox, Virginia, 240

Arizona, 250

Armistead, Lewis Addison, 121

Armstrong, Louis, 224

Aronson, Stuart, 143

Arrangement in Gray and Black No. 1, 331

Asbury, Francis, 262

Ashe, John, 270

Astor, John Jacob, 208

Atlanta, Georgia, 240

Atlantic, 3, 14–16, 34, 35, 48, 50–51

Atlantic Academy, 50

Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad, 80

Atlantic Beach, 76, 77, 89–96, 99, 101

Atlantic Beach Hotel, 96

Atlantic City, New Jersey, 101, 230, 283

Atlantic Coast Line Railroad, 138, 193, 203, 216

Atlantic Company, 123

Atlantic Trust and Banking Company Building, 210

Attmore-Oliver House, 123

Attmore-Oliver Museum, 104, 123

Attmore-Wadsworth House, 123

Aunt Nora, 169–70

Austin, Junius, 10

Ayllon, Luis Vazquez de, 282–83

Azores, 21

Babb, Marian Gray, 8, 1 3

Babies Hospital, 226

Back Bay, 53

Back Sound, 2, 16, 27, 34, 36, 39, 40, 41

Bacon, Francis, 203

Bacon, Henry, Jr., 183, 202, 203, 205–16

Bacon, Henry, Sr., 203, 244

Bahamas, 62, 73, 297

Bald Head Creek, 282

Bald Head Island, 266, 267, 269, 279–91, 293

Bald Head Island, Ltd., 279

Bald Head Lighthouse, 267, 269, 280–82

Bald Headed Men of America Club, 87

Bald Headed Men’s Convention, 87–88

Baldwin, Joe, 317, 324–26

Balestier, Carolina, 206

Ballou, Bill, 86

Baltimore, Maryland, 206

Bank of the Arts, 113

Banks Channel, 218, 219, 221, 226

Barbados, 285

Barden, Hap, 26–27

Barden Inlet, 2, 16, 19, 20, 22, 25, 27, 33

Barnholm, Denmark, 235

Barrow, John W., 200

Barry, John D., 183

Barrymore, Maurice, 208

Bartram, John, 148, 322–23

Bartram’s Lake, 329

Bartram, William, 148, 329

Basic Instinct, 179

Bath, 108

Batterial, 326

Battery Buchanan, 239, 244–45

Battery Island, 269

Battle Acre, 238

Battlefield Trail, 175

Battle of Elizabethtown, 330

Battle of Jumpin’ Run, 226–27

Battle of Lexington, 158, 261, 314

Battle of Leyte Gulf, 251

Battle of Moores Creek Bridge, 172–75, 302

Battle of New Bern, 105, 126–27

Battle Rial, 326

Battle Royal, 317, 326

Battleship Memorial Museum, 252

Battleship North Carolina Memorial, 246, 247–53

Baxter Clock, 104, 111

Bayonne, New Jersey, 251

Bazel Hawkins House, 144, 149

B. Cameron Langston Bridge, 76, 102–3

Beacon Island, 7

Bear Creek, 151

Bear Inlet, 151, 153

Bear Island, 150–53

Beast of Bladenboro, 317, 332–33

Beaufort: description of, 55–75; historic structures of, 54–57, 61-66, 68, 72–75; history of, 57–59; map of, 54

Beaufort County, 57, 82

Beaufort Historical Association, 56, 59

Beaufort Inlet, 23, 25, 58, 92, 103

Beauregard, 235

Beck, Vester, 313

Beery, Benjamin, 183

Belanger. J. J., 198

Bellamy, Ellen Douglas, 189

Bellamy, John D., 188, 189

Bellamy, John D., Jr., 182

Bellamy Mansion, 176, 177, 188–90, 199

Bellamy Mansion, Inc., 189

Bellamy Mansion of History and Design Arts, 190

Bell Building, 130

Bell’s Island, 30

Belville, 247, 255

Bendigo, 299

Benjamin Ellis House, 104, 111

Benjamin, Judah, 211

Benjamin Smith House, 104, 114

Bennett College, 335

Ben Riles Graveyard, 31

Bermuda, 213, 312

Bernard, Simon, 90

Bern-on-the-Neuse, 107

Bern, Switzerland, 107, 111

Betsy’s Wedding, 179

Bettie, 34, 35, 37, 44

Beveridge House, 54, 63

Beveridge, John T., 63

Bicentennial Park (New Bern), 133

Bicentennial Park (Swansboro), 145

Big Cat, The, 332

Big Davis Canal, 296

Big Hill, 6, 14

Big Lake, 264–65

Bijou Theatre, 211

Billy Bathgate, 179

Bird Island, 311, 312

Bird Shoal, 69, 70

Blackbeard, 73–74, 143, 151, 159, 163, 284, 285

Blackbeard’s Revenge, 143

Black River, 172, 173

Bladenboro, 316, 317, 332–33

Bladen County, 253, 326–33

Bladen County Courthouse, 330

Bladen Lakes State Forest, 316, 317, 327–28

Blair House, 259

Blakely, Johnston, 211

Blockade Runner Museum, 186

Blockade Runner Resort Hotel, 221

Blount, John Gray, 11–12

Blue Velvet, 179

Bluff Island, 280

Bodie Island Lighthouse, 18, 289

Bogue, 148

Bogue Banks, 89–103

Bogue Inlet, 25, 103, 148, 158

Bogue, Joseph, 97

Bogue Sound, 76, 79, 88, 89, 92, 95, 100, 102, 134, 143

Boiling Springs Lakes, 246, 247, 264–65, 266

Bolivia, 271

Bolton, 324

Bombeck, Erma, 88

Bonhomme Richard, 22

Bonnet’s Creek, 278, 279

Bonnet, Stede, 159, 163, 267, 273, 284–86

Boone, Daniel, 11, 151

Borneo, 179

Boston, 99, 125, 179, 185

Boston Tea Party, 261

Bouncing Log Spring, 265

Boundary House, 293, 314–15

Boyd Hotel, 284

Boyd, James, 259

Boyd, Thomas Franklin, 284

Bradham, Caleb D., 105, 111–12, 132

Bradley Creek, 224

“Brad’s Drink,” 112

Bragg, Braxton, 227

Bragg, Hallis, 8

Brain Surgeon, 152

Branch, Lawrence O., 126

Breakers, The, 233

Brice, David A., 279

Bridgers, Elizabeth Eagles Haywood, 202–3

Bridgers House, 176, 202–3

Bridgers, Rufus, 203

Bridgetown, Barbados, 285

Brinkley, David, 184, 186–87

Brinson House, 132

Bristol, England, 247

Britt’s Donuts, 230

Brock Mill Pond, 136–37

Brooklyn Navy Yard, 249

Brown’s Island, 150, 153, 154

Brown, Thomas, 198

Brunswick County, 170, 235, 247, 253, 254–65, 267–305, 307–8, 324–26

Brunswick County Airport, 293

Brunswick County Courthouse (former), 266, 276

Brunswick Inn, 266, 276–77

Brunswick Nuclear Plant, 265

Brunswick Pond, 263–64

Brunswick River, 247, 254–55

Brunswick Town, 58, 115, 172, 201, 229, 247, 260–64

Brunswick Town Nature Trail, 263–64

Brunswick Town State Historic Site, 246, 247, 260, 262–64

Brunswick Town State Historic Site Visitor Center, 263

Bryan House, 104, 114

Bryan, John Heritage, 114

Bryan Jones House, 122

Bryan, William Jennings, 196, 209

Buffalo Bill, 209

Bunnell, Rufus, 188

Burgwin, John, 199

Burgwin-Wright House, 176, 177, 199–200, 201

Burnside, Ambrose, 68, 90, 91, 95, 126, 132

Burns, Otway, 23, 37, 65, 145–46

Burnsville, 37

Burnt Mill Creek, 179

Burr, Aaron, 287

Burrington, George, 185

Burris, B. M., 247

Butt, Archibald, 196

Button Company, 123

Buzzard’s Creek, 242

Ca’e Bankers, 21, 42, 88

Cain, H. L., 204

Calabash, 292, 293, 312, 313–14

Calabash River, 313

Calico Jack’s Marina, 16, 25

California, 132, 160, 179

Calhoun, John C., 127

Calloway, Cab, 224

Camp Davis, 157, 160, 165–66, 167

Camp Glenn, 79

Camp Lejeune Marine Corps Base, 83, 134, 135, 153–54, 155, 156

Canada, 64, 306, 313, 334

Cape Canaveral, Florida, 160

Cape Carteret, 101, 134, 135, 143

Cape Fear, 267, 280, 283, 284, 285, 289, 290–91

Cape Fear Club, 210

Cape Fear Lighthouse, 289

Cape Fear Memorial Bridge, 194

Cape Fear Museum, 176, 177, 184–86

Cape Fear Pilots Association, 272

Cape Fear River: at Bald Head Island, 281, 282, 285, 289; at Belville, 255; at Brunswick Town, 201, 261; at Carvers, 326; at Oak Island, 293, 300; at Orton, 257; at Pleasure Island, 228, 230, 235, 238; at Rocky Point, 171; at Town Creek, 256; at Wilmington, 176, 185, 194, 200; description of, 253–54; northeast portion of, 156, 253; northwest portion of, 253

Cape Fear River Ferry, 317, 326

Cape Hatteras, 254

Cape Hatteras Lighthouse, 17, 18, 19, 289

Cape Hatteras National Seashore, 27

Cape Hatteras (research vessel), 84

Cape Henry, Virginia, 287

Capel House, 297

Cape Lookout (the cape), 16, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 82, 89

Cape Lookout Bight, 20, 21, 23–24, 27, 44

Cape Lookout Development Company, 24

Cape Lookout (former village), 20, 31

Cape Lookout Lighthouse, 2, 3, 1720, 22, 27, 40, 289

Cape Lookout National Seashore, 333, 40, 42

Cape Lookout National Seashore Visitor Center, 16, 40

Cape Point, 20, 22, 23

Capps, John, 87

Captain Bill’s Restaurant, 85

Captain Charlie’s Complex, 289–90

Captain Elijah Willis House, 132

Captain J. N. Maffitt, 194

Captain Thomas, 285

Capt. Winner, 231

Carolco Pictures, 179

Carolco Studios, 177–79

Carolina bays, 138, 139, 140, 166, 321–22, 323, 330

Carolina Beach, 89, 186, 214, 215, 228–32, 236, 242

Carolina Beach Boardwalk, 215, 230

Carolina Beach Fishing Pier, 232

Carolina Beach Inlet, 232

Carolina Beach State Park, 215, 228–30

Carolina Beach Yacht Basin, 232

Carolina City, 79–80

Carolina Exploration Company, 163

Carolina Power and Light Company, 267

Carolina Yacht Club, 221

Carrere and Hastings, 190

Carrot Island, 55, 56, 59, 69–71, 72; wild horses of, 55, 56, 71

Carruthers-Forbes House, 104, 121

Carteret Academy, 54, 72

Carteret County: Cape Lookout portion of, 2–33; Beaufort portion of, 57–75; Bogue Banks portion of, 89–103; Down East portion of, 34–55; Morehead City portion of, 77–89; White Oak River portion of, 142–43

Carteret County Courthouse, 54, 55

Carteret County Courthouse of 1786, 56

Carteret County Historical Society, 79

Carteret County Jail (former), 57

Carteret County Museum of History, 77, 78, 79

Carteret County Parks and Recreation Department, 39

Cart Island, 69

Carvers, 316

Casino, The, 221

Cassatt, Mary, 198

Caswell Beach, 292, 293, 299–302

Caswell, Richard, 116, 117, 173, 273, 302

Catfish Lake, 134, 135, 140–41

Cedar Grove Cemetery, 130

Cedar Island, 2, 3, 16, 34, 35, 45, 48, 51–53

Cedar Island National Wildlife Refuge, 35, 51

Cedar Island-Ocracoke Ferry, 2, 16, 35

Cedar Point Tideland Trail, 139, 143

Centenary United Methodist Church, 128

Central School, 130

Chadwick House, 54, 63

Chadwick, Mary, 63

Chadwick, Mary Frances, 18

Chadwick, Robert, 63

Challenger, 68

Chandler’s Wharf, 176, 195–96

Channing, Edward, 174

Chapel Hill, 191

Charles V, 283

Charles Slover House, 104, 132

Charleston, 58, 62, 82, 109, 158, 178, 285, 286

Charles Towne, 255

Charlie, the alligator, 253

Chase, H. M., 219

Chatham County, 253

Chattawka, 107, 108

Chautauqua, New York, 108

Chermont, 105

Cherry, Gregg, 117

Chester B’nai Sholom Synagogue, 104, 128

Chiang Kai-shek, Mrs., 63

Chicago, Illinois, 179

China, 63

Christ Episcopal Church, 104, 105, 112–13, 122, 131

Church of Christian Science, 211

City Hall (Wilmington), 208

City Pier, 269

Civil War: at Bald Head Island, 279, 282; at Beaufort, 59, 68, 70, 72, 74; at Bogue Banks, 90–91, 94, 95–96; at Cape Lookout, 18, 23; at Carolina Beach, 229; at Catfish Lake, 141; at Fort Anderson, 260, 262; at Fort Fisher, 182, 186, 202, 229, 237–40, 243; at Hampstead, 168; at Harkers Island, 41; at Morehead City 81; at New Bern, 105, 121, 126–27, 131–32; at Oak Island, 294, 299; at Portsmouth Island, 7–8; at Scotts Hill, 169; at Southport, 271, 276; at Sunset Beach, 312; at Swansboro, 145, 147, 149; at Topsail Island, 160; at Wilmington, 179, 186, 188–89, 192–93, 201, 202, 226–27; at Wrightsville Beach, 222; monuments to, 131, 182, 202

Civilian Conservation Corps, 327

Clarendon Plantation, 247, 255–56

Clarke, Mary Bayard Devereux, 133

Clarkton, 316, 317, 331–32

Clay, Henry, 196

Clemmons, Lloyd, 332

Cleveland, Grover, 325

Cliffhanger, 179

Clubfoot/Harlowe Canal, 36

Clyde River, 299

Coast Line Convention Center, 193

Coca-Cola, 112

Coleman, Lucy, 313–14

Collett map of 1770, 142, 294

Colonial Assembly, 11

Colonial Records of North Carolina, 151

Colonial Road, 258

Colonial Williamsburg, 118, 186–87

Columbus, Christopher, 282

Columbus County, 317, 318–24, 333–35

Columbus County Courthouse, 333

Colwell, John, 174

Commission (Lehman-Duffy) House, 119

Community Cemetery (Portsmouth), 9

Compton, Spencer, 185

Coney Island, 230

Consolidated Railway Light and Power Company, 223

Continental Congress, 174

Coolidge, Charles E., 132

Coor-Bishop House, 104, 127

Coor-Cook House, 129

Coor-Gaston House, 104, 127, 128

Coor, James, 127, 129

coquina outcrops, 240

Corbett, Albert, 216–17

Corbett, Bertha Barefoot, 216–17

Corbetts Ferry, 172, 173

Core Banks, 16–25

Core Creek, 59

Core Creek Canal, 36

Coree Indians, 40, 43, 69

Core Sound, 53, 43–44

Core Sound Decoy Carvers Guild, 40

Core Sound Decoy Festival, 40

Core-Sounder, 44

Core Sound Waterfowl Museum, 40

Corncake Inlet, 280

Cornwallis, Charles, 58, 185–86, 199, 200

Corolla, 289

Cotton Exchange, 211

Council Bluff, 127

Cox-Stewart House, 104, 127

Crane Island, 41

Craney Island, 41

Craven County, 57, 106–33, 139, 140

Craven County Arts Council, 104, 113

Craven County Courthouse, 104, 124, 125

Crimes of the Heart, 274

Crimes of the Heart House, 266, 273–74


Croatan National Forest, 52, 76, 134, 135, 138–41


Cross Creek, 172

Cross Point, 138

Crow, The, 179

Cruizer, 270

Crusoe, Ben, 321

Crusoe Island, 316, 317, 319–21, 326

Crusoe, Robinson, 320

Crystal Beach, 329

Crystal Coast, 76–103

Crystal Coast Amphitheater, 79, 143

Crystal Coast Civic Center, 77, 78

Crystal Coast Visitors Center, 78

Crystal Pier, 222

Cumberland County, 253

Currie, 156, 157, 171

Currituck Lighthouse, 18, 19, 289

Cushing, William B., 145

Cutter, Carrie E., 131–32

Cutting-Allen House, 130

Cypress Natural Area, 138

Dallas, 252

Dance, Robert B., 60

Daniels, Charlie, 211

Date With An Angel, 179

Daughters of the American Revolution, 168

Davers Island, 41

David, David, 206

Davis, 3, 25, 34, 35, 44, 45–47

Davis, George, 183, 201, 261–62, 290

Davis, James, 124

Davis, Jefferson, 239

Davis, Mose, 46

Davis, Pearson, 166

Davis, Sallie Pasteur, 64

Davis, Sammy, Sr., 211

Davis, William, 45

Dawson-Clark (Louisiana) House, 133

DeCambray, Le Chevalier, 21

Declaration of Independence, 211, 261

DeCottineau, Denis, 21, 22

Deep Hole Creek, 43

Deep River, 253

Defoe, Daniel, 321

DeGraffenried, Christophe, 106, 107–08, 111, 126, 127

DEG Studios, 178–79

DeLaurentiis, Dino, 178

Delco, 316, 324, 326

Delmar Beach, 159, 162

DeRosset, Annie, 181

DeRosset, Armand J., 181, 199

DeRosset House, 176, 199

Detroit, 179

Diamond City, 3, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 42

Diamond Shoals, 19

Dickens, Charles, 209

Dickinson, James H., 182

Dixon Cemetery, 13

Dixon, Elma, 9, 13

Dobbs, Arthur, 21, 23, 115–46, 199, 263

Dobbs, Justina Davis, 115

Doctors Creek, 6, 10, 12

Donald MacRae House, 202

Dorsey, Tommy, 224

Dow Chemical Company, 233–34

Down East Carteret, 16, 35–75

Drain, The, 27, 29

Drane, Robert B., 182

Drum Inlet, 2, 4, 14

DuBois, Peter, 187

Dudley, Edward B., 183, 192, 196

Duke University, 49, 63, 84

Duke University Marine Laboratory, 84

Duke University/University of North Carolina Consortium, 84

Duncan House, 54, 62

Duplin County, 167

Durante, Jimmy, 314

Dwight Morrow, 254

Eagles Island, 203, 246, 247, 248, 251, 253, 254

Eagles, Richard, 203, 247

East Beach, 280

Easton House, 54, 61

Easton, John, 61

East Pond Overlook, 98

Ecce Homo, 201

Eddy, Mary Baker, 211

Edenton, 108, 146

Edward I, 120

Edward R. Stanly House, 104, 113

Ehringhaus, J. C. B., 91

Eli Smallwood House, 133

Elizabeth, 299

Elizabeth I, 330

Elizabeth City, 10, 235, 287

Elizabeth River, 294

Elizabeth Thomas House, 122

Elizabethtown, 316, 317, 329, 330–31

Ellerbrook, William A., 183

Elliott Coues Natural Trail, 94

Elliott, J. A., 287

Ellis, John W., 90, 271

Elma Dixon House, 6, 13

El Salvadore, 164

Elwell’s Ferry, 316, 326, 327

Emerald Isle, 76, 77, 101–2, 143

Emmett, Edward, 157

England, John, 128

English Channel, 300

Ethyl Corporation, 233–34

Ethyl-Dow Chemical Corporation, 215, 234

Evans, Herbert, 167

Faith of Our Fathers, 206

Falmouth, Massachusetts, 148

Fanny and Jenny, 222

Farmers Turnout, 324

Farragut, David, 133

Fayetteville, 113, 172, 194, 326

Federal Building (New Bern), 128

Federal Paper Board Company, 317

Federal Point, 244

Federal Point Peninsula, 228

Ferber, Edna, 249

Ferdinando, Simon, 283

Fernwood, 82

Figure Eight Island, 157, 170–71

Figure Eight Yacht Club, 170

Firestarter, 178, 259

Fisher, Charles, 239

Fishtown, 57

First Baptist Church (New Bern), 104, 113

First Baptist Church (Wilmington), 182, 191–92

First Presbyterian Church (New Bern), 104, 105, 129

First Presbyterian Church (Wilmington), 176, 203–4

First Provincial Congress, 124

Five Nations, 108

Five Power Treaty, 249

Flagler, Henry Morrison, 191

Flagler, Mary Lily Kenan, 191

Flemington, 323

Fletcher, Inglis, 180, 256

Florida, 83, 191, 232, 235, 270, 302, 304, 318, 322, 323

Florida, 222

Folly Hill, 297

Fondrie, Ellis, 52

Ford, John T., 208

Ford’s Theatre, 208

Forks, The, 253

FormyDuvall, Jean, 319

Fort Anderson, 247, 260, 262, 263

Fort Bragg, 325

Fort Campbell, 294

Fort Caswell, 90, 269, 293, 294, 301–2

Fort Dobbs, 94

Fort Fisher (fort): blockade running at, 237; Civil War battles at, 237–40; erosion at, 223, 240, 241; monuments at, 238; preservation of, 237–38

Fort Fisher Air Force Base, 236

Fort Fisher hermit, 215, 241–43

Fort Fisher Monument, 238, 240

Fort Fisher (resort village), 236

Fort Fisher-Southport Ferry, 237, 243

Fort Fisher State Historic Site, 215, 236, 237–40

Fort Fisher State Recreational Area, 236–37, 240

Fort Granville, 5, 7

Fort Hampton, 94

Fort Hancock, 22

Fort, Henry K., 101–2

Fort Holmes, 279, 282

Fort Huggins, 145

Fort Johnston, 90, 266, 267, 269–70, 271, 275

Fort Macon, 43, 77, 81, 90–96, 301

Fort Macon Coast Guard Station, 94–95

Fort Macon State Park, 76, 77, 89–94

Fort Marion, 94

Fort Moultrie, 301

Fort Shaw, 294

Fort St. Philip, 262

Fort Sumter, 301

Fort Washington, 7

“Four Sisters,” 275

Foy Island, 171

Foy, James, 171

Foy, James, Jr., 168

Foy, Joseph, 168, 169

Francis I, 225

Franklin Square, 275–76

Franklin Square Gallery, 275

Fred the Horse, 124

Freeman, 324

French, Charles, 66–68

French, Nancy Manney, 55, 66–68

French Revolution, 319

Frying Pan Lightship, 275

Frying Pan Shoals, 282, 289, 290

Furman, Richard, 113

Furman University, 113

Gabriel, Roman, 184

Gale, Christopher, 107

Gallows Hill, 188

Gander Hall, 228

Garner, Ted, 86

Garner, Ted, Jr., 86

Gaskins, Rosie, 8

Gaston County, 128

Gaston, William, 128, 131

Gause Family Cemetery, 310

Gause, John Julius, 311

Gause Landing, 293, 310–11

Gause, William, Sr., 310

George II, 45, 112, 113

George Davis Statue, 201

George Hills, 14

Georgetown, South Carolina, 287, 318

Georgia, 254, 323

Gettysburg, 121

Ghost Fleet of Wilmington, 247, 254–55

Gibbons, James, 196, 206

Gibbs House, 54, 72, 73

Gibraltar of America, 239

Gibson, Althea, 212

Gloucester, 34, 35, 38, 42, 43, 44

Godfrey, Thomas, 207

Goldsboro, 80, 192

Goldston’s Beach, 329

Gore, Mannon, 311

Governor Dudley Mansion, 176, 177, 196–97

Governor’s Mansion, 191

Grace Episcopal Church, 136

Grace Family Cemetery, 10

Grady Monument, 175

Grand Strand, 309

Granston Lake, 329

Great Depression, 24, 139, 149, 284, 302, 306, 327

Greater Wilmington Chamber of Commerce, 193

Great Lake, 134, 135, 140

Greene, Nathanael, 120, 133, 186

Greenfield Gardens, 177, 212

Greenfield Lake, 212

Greenfield Park, 212

Green, Grace, 148

Green Grass, 15–16

Greenhow, Rose O’Neal, 183

Green, John, 317

Green, Jonathan, 148

Greenock, Scotland, 224

Green, Paul, 64

Green Swamp, 304, 316, 317–21, 326

Green Swamp Preserve, 317

Greenville Swamp, 225, 228

Green-Wade House, 121

Greenwich Village, 49

Grove, The, 267, 275

Guadalcanal, 251

Guilford Courthouse, 186

Gulf Stream, 82

Gull Harbor, 133

Guthrie, Kilby, 88

Hall of Fame of American Trees, 133

Hallsboro, 316

Hamburg, Germany, 183

Hamilton, Alexander, 49, 287

Hammock House, 54, 55, 73–74

Hammocks Beach State Park, 134, 135, 150–53, 154

Hampstead, 156, 157, 163, 167–68, 171

Hampstead Spot Festival, 168

Hampton, Lionel, 224

Hampton Mariner’s Museum, 60

Hampton Roads, 250

Hancock, Enoch, 22

Harbor Channel, 85

Harbor Island (Carteret County), 53

Harbor Island (New Hanover County), 219, 220, 221, 226

Harker, Ebenezer, 41

Harkers Island: boatbuilding industry of, 39–40, 44; description of, 39–42; ferry to Cape Lookout National Seashore, 16, 25; history of, 40–42; refugees from Cape Lookout 32, 42; size of, 39

Harlem Globetrotters, 212

Harlowe Creek, 36

Harnett, Cornelius, 171, 192, 261, 270

Harnett County, 253

Harnett Obelisk, 192

Harrell, Robert Edward, 241–43

Harvey Mansion, 104, 110

Harvey W. Smith Watercraft Center, 54, 61

Hatch-Washington House, 104, 111

Hatteras Inlet, 7

Hatteras Island, 44

Haulover Point, 3, 4, 16

Haulover Road, 5, 9

Haw River, 253

Hawkins, Francis L., 284

Hawkins House, 144, 149

Hawks, Francis, 130

Hawks House, 104, 130, 131

Hawks, John, 116, 118, 120

Hawley, Joseph, 189

Haywood, John, 203

Haywood Landing, 139, 141

Heady, Daniel, 151

Heady’s Beach, 151

Hemenway, Mary Tileston, 205

Hemingway, Ernest, 242

Henrietta II, 194–95

Henry Babb House, 5, 6

Henry, Jacob, 61

Henry, Patrick, 317

Henry Pigott House, 6, 10

Herman, Woody, 224

High Point, 279

Hill, Daniel Harvey, 126

Hilton, William, 229

Hispaniola, 283

Historic Preservation Foundation of North Carolina, Inc., 190

Historic Wilmington Foundation, 186

History Trail, 175

Hobucken, 94

Hodges, Luther, 210

Hoffman, Alice, 99–101

Hofmann Forest, 134, 135, 138

Hofmann, Julius V., 138

Hog Island, 52, 53

Hoke, Robert F., 126–27, 226–27, 229

Holden Beach, 292, 293, 294, 298, 299, 304–08

Holden, Benjamin, 305

Holden, John F., 306

Holden, John, Jr., 305

“Holiday Inlet,” 220

Holly Ridge, 156, 157, 160, 165–66

Holly Shelter Game Land, 156, 157, 166–67

Hollywood Kennel Club, 77

Holmes, Theophilus H., 282

Hooper, William, 113, 211

Horse Island (Beaufort waterfront), 69

Horse Island (northeast Core Sound), 53

Howe, Robert, 255, 273

Hubert, 134

Hudson River, 254

Hudsucker Proxy, The, 179

Hufham, Joseph, 307

Huggins Island, 145

Hughes Gallery, 198

Hunting Quarters, 50

Hurricane David, 298

Hurricane Diane, 161

Hurricane Donna, 161

Hurricane Hazel: at Carolina Beach, 230–31, 233; at Holden Beach, 305, 306; at Kure Beach, 236; at Long Beach, 296–98; at Ocean Isle Beach, 309; at Southport, 272; at Sunset Beach, 311; at Topsail Island, 160–61; at Wrightsville Beach, 221

Hurricane Hugo, 295

Hurst, Gertrude, 152

Hurst, John, 152

Huske, Joseph, 113

Hyde County, 41, 72

Indiana, 203

Indian Beach, 76, 77, 99, 101

Indian Trail Tree, 266, 274–75

Inlet Island, 83

Institute of Marine Sciences, 78, 79

Intracoastal Waterway, 36, 68, 82, 159, 162, 168, 214, 218, 227, 271, 292, 305

Iron Age, 299

Iron Steamer Fishing Pier, 98

Isaac Taylor House, 104, 110

Island Chandler, 280, 282

Island Marsh, 70

Jackson, Stonewall, 182

Jacksonville, 135, 153, 155

Jacksonville, Florida, 193

Jacob’s Run, 200–201

James Lewis House, 78, 88

Japan, 82, 250

Jarrett Bay, 45

Jefferson Hotel, 78, 81

Jefferson Memorial, 216

Jefferson, Thomas, 90

Jerkins-Duffy House, 132

John A. Taylor House, 176, 184, 192

John Boyce, 254

John Chadwick House, 121

John D. Flanner House, 132

John H. Jones House, 122

John Horner Hill House, 121

John Lawson, map of 1709, 142

Johns Hopkins University, 161

Johnson C. Smith University, 335

Johnston, Gabriel, 185, 270

John Taxis, 196

John Wright Stanly House, 105, 119–21

Jolly Roger Fishing Pier, 162

Jolly Roger Motel, 165

Jonathan Green, Jr. House, 144, 147, 149

Jones, Charles, 63

Jones County, 135–42

Jones County Courthouse, 136

Jones, Harvey, 163

Jones House, 104, 121

Jones-Jarvis House, 133

Jones, John Paul, 21–22

Jones Lake, 316, 328, 329–30

Jones Lake State Park, 317, 329–30

Jones, Pembroke, 196, 215, 217

Jordan, Michael, 186

Joseph Bell House, 56

Joseph L. Rhem House, 122

Josiah Bell House, 56

Jubilee Park, 230

Jurgenson, Sonny, 184

Justice House, 104, 111

Justice, John, 111

Keaton, Diane, 273

Kellenberger, Mrs. John A., 118

Kenan Fountain, 176, 190–91

Kenansville, 191

Kenan, William Rand, Jr., 190–91, 197

Kendall, 255

Kennedy, John F., 127

Kentucky, 11

Keziah, Bill, 265

Kidd, William, 224–25

Kilby Guthrie House, 88

Kill Devil Hill, 47

Kill Devil Hills, 31

King, Duncan, 333–34

King Kong Lives, 179

King, Lydia Fosque, 334

Kings Business College, 334

King’s Chapel, 112

King, Stephen, 178, 259

King, William Rufus, 334

Kipling, Rudyard, 206

Knight, Tobias, 151

Kuhns, 142–43

Kuhns, William, 142

Kurault, Charles, 211

Kure Beach, 214, 215, 233–36

Kure Beach Fishing Pier, 236

Kure, Hans, 235–36

Kure, L. C., 236

Kyser, Kay, 224

Lafayette, Marquis de, 120

Lake Phelps, 238

Lakeside Park, 212

Lake Waccamaw (lake), 316, 317, 318, 320, 322–24, 328

Lake Waccamaw (town), 322–23

Lake Waccamaw State Park, 323–24

Lamb, William, 239

Landmark, The, 230

Lange, Jessica, 273

Lassiter, Luther “Wimpy,” 212

Latham, Maude Moore, 117–18

Latimer, Zebulon, 204

Lawson, John, 5, 106–8, 137

Ledgett, Connie, 297–98

Lee County, 253

Lee, Henry, 186

Lee, Robert E., 90, 94, 182, 222, 239, 240

Leitner, J. F., 333

Lejeune, Eugenia, 154

Lejeune, John Archer, 154

Lemon, Meadowlark, 212

Lenoir County, 57

Leonard, Sugar Ray, 211

Leon, Ponce de, 307

Lewis Creek, 52

“Lifeline of the Confederacy,” 193, 201, 271

lightering, 5

Lillington, Alexander, 173

Lilliput, 255

Lincoln, Abraham, 59, 90, 126, 334

Lincoln Memorial, 202, 216

Litchfield, Connecticut, 129

Loan of a Lover, The, 208

Lockwoods Folly Inlet, 292, 293, 298–99, 305

Lockwoods Folly River, 292, 299, 303

Lola, 34, 52, 53

Lombardo, Guy, 224

London, England, 66, 116

Long Beach, 292, 293, 294, 295–99

Long Beach Scenic Walkway, 299

Lookout Shoals, 23

Loose Cannons, 179

Lords Proprietors, 57, 107, 109, 273

Loring, William Wing, 211

Lost Colonists of Roanoke, 319

Lost Colony of Roanoke, 41, 52, 326

Lost Colony, The (outdoor drama), 64

Louisiana, 133

Louis Poisson House, 197

Louvre, 332

Lower Cape Fear Historical Society, 205

Lower Ferry, 157

Lumina Steel Pier, 222

Lumina, The, 215, 223–24

Luola’s Chapel, 259

Lupton, 53

Lusty Wind For Carolina, 256

MacDonald, Donald, 172–73

Maco, 317, 324–26

Maco Light, 324–26

Macon, Nathaniel, 90

MacRae, Alexander, 183

Mad Inlet, 311, 312

Maffitt, John Newland, 183, 194

Maine, 227, 304

Manassas, Virginia, 180, 239

Manteo (Indian), 41

Manteo (town), 98

Marching On, 259

Marian Gray Babb House, 6, 13

Marie, 179

Marine Biomedical Center, 84

Marion, Francis, 314

Marion, Isaac, 314

Marker Island, 41

Marshallberg, 34, 35, 43–44

Marshall, Matt, 43

Marshall, Peter, 204

Martin, Josiah, 113, 116, 172, 270

Maryland, 148, 300

Mashburn, Carl, 194

Masonboro Inlet, 214, 218

Masonboro Island, 214, 225–26

Masonboro State Park, 229

Masonic Lodge (Southport), 276

Mason Inlet, 214, 218

Masontown, 34, 48

Massachusetts, 43, 131, 132

Matlock, 179, 220, 221

Matteau, 227

Mattie King Davis Library, 56

Maude Moore Latham Garden, 118

Maultsbury, John, 185

Maulstby, Josiah, 323

Maximum Overdrive, 179

Maynard, Robert, 73–74

Maysville, 134, 135, 138, 141

McArthur, Douglas, 239

McCoy, Jabe, 334

McCoy, Mille-Christine, 317, 334–35

McIlhenny’s Mill Pond, 212

McKinlay-Daves-Duffy House, 121

McKoy, James H., 198

McLeod, Donald, 172–73

McLin-Hancock House, 104, 128

McRae-Beery House, 197

Melvin Beach, 329

Melvin, Ralph, 329

Meredith College, 113

Meredith, Thomas, 113

Merrimac, 215

Merrimon, 34, 35, 36

Michel, Franz Ludwig, 107

Middens Creek, 44

Middle Island, 280

Middle Marsh, 69

Middleton, E. F., 294, 295

Milney, George, 44

Miracle at Davis, 35, 46

Miss North Carolina Pageant, 77

Mitchell, George W., 157

Mitchell, Kent, 279

Mitchell-Stevenson House, 132

Mohave Desert, 160

Money Island, 215, 224–25

Money Island Beach, 95

Monkey Junction, 227

Monroe, James, 127, 128

Montvale, New Jersey, 317

Moore, Alfred, 263

Moore, Elizabeth, 172

Moorehead, Agnes, 209

Moore, James, 170, 172–73, 257, 273

Moore, “King” Roger, 257–58, 260

Moore, Mary Dorothy Vail, 105

Moore, Maurice, 256, 257

Moore, Nathaniel, 257

Moores Creek, 172, 173

Moores Creek Bridge, 173, 174, 185

Moores Creek National Military Park, 156, 171–75

Moore’s Inlet, 219, 220

Morehead City: description of, 77–89; historic structures of, 77, 79, 81; history of, 77, 79–82, 85–86, 88; map of, 78; marine research facilities at, 79; port facilities at, 81–83; waterfront, 84–87

Morehead City Municipal Building, 78, 88

Morehead City Port Commission, 82

Morehead, John Motley, 79–80, 82

Morris, Don, 14–16

Morris Marina, 15

Moseley, map of 1733, 98, 142

“Mrs. Calabash,” 293, 314

Mt. Lebanon Chapel, 217

Mullet Pond, 30

Mullet Shore, 30

Murchison-First Union Building, 210

Murchison, Kenneth M., 258

Myrtle Beach, 295

Myrtle Grove Junction, 227

Myrtle Grove Sound, 232

Nags Head, 89, 287

Nash, Abner, 105, 116

Nathan Tisdale House, 122

National Archives Building, 216

National Estuarine Research Reserve System, 225

National Football League, 184

National Gallery of Art, 216

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), 84

National Park Service, 3–4, 9–10, 15, 16–17, 19–20, 24, 25–26

National Science Foundation, 84

Nelson Bay, 48

Neuse River, 2, 34, 36, 47, 104, 106, 108, 126, 137, 139

Neuse River Council of Governments, 113

Neuse River Recreation Area, 139

New Bern: cemeteries of, 105, 112, 131–32; Civil War history of, 113, 114, 121, 126–27, 130, 131–32; description of, 105–33; founding of, 106–9; historic structures of, 104, 110–13; map of, 104; museums of, 105, 114, 115–18, 123

New Bern Academy, 117, 129–30

New Bern Academy Museum, 104, 105, 129–30

New Bern City Hall, 104, 105, 110–11

New Bern Civil War Museum, 104, 114

New Bern Firemen’s Museum, 104, 105, 123–24

New Bern Historical Society, 122, 123

New Bern Historic District, 110

New Bern National Cemetery, 105, 131–32

New England, 21, 44, 148, 172, 224, 261

New Farmers of America, 153

New Hanover County, 177–245, 247–54

New Hanover Courthouse, 176, 184, 207

New Hanover High School, 184

New Inlet, 171, 239, 240

New Jersey, 101, 112, 131, 136, 322

New Jersey (United States battleship), 253

New Liverpool, 185

New Orleans, 179

Newport River, 34, 36, 57, 76, 77, 78, 80, 81

Newport River Bridge, 78, 83

Newport River Park, 78, 83

New River, 134, 154–55, 156, 157

New River Ferry, 157

New River Marine Base, 154

Newsome, Ken, 86

New Town, 148

New Voyage to Carolina, A, 107

New York (city), 49, 50, 100, 113, 163, 178, 179, 235, 249

New York (state), 179, 200, 254, 287

New York Opera House, 208

New York Public Library, 191

New York Times, 313

Nimitz, Chester, 250

Nixon, Pat, 119

Norcum House, 54, 72

Norfolk, Virginia, 48, 82, 249, 287

Norfolk-Western Railroad, 23

Normandy, France, 320

North Carolina (nineteenth-century battleship), 248

North Carolina (United States battleship), 194, 203, 247–53

North Carolina Aquarium at Fort Fisher, 98, 215, 237, 240–43

North Carolina Aquarium at Pine Knoll Shores, 77, 98

North Carolina Baptist Convention, 302

North Carolina Division of Archives and History, 238, 255, 282

North Carolina Division of Coastal Management, 225, 284

North Carolina Division of Marine Fisheries, 84

North Carolina Division of Parks and Recreation, 284

North Carolina Fourth of July Festival, 275

North Carolina General Assembly, 61, 127, 148, 172

North Carolina Maritime Museum, 54, 55, 60–61, 70

North Carolina Military Historical Society, 237

North Carolina Military History Museum, 237

North Carolina Nature Conservancy, 70, 317

North Carolina Seafood Festival, 87

North Carolina Shipbuilding Company, 254

North Carolina State Archives, 12

North Carolina State Port at Morehead City, 77, 78, 81–83

North Carolina State Port at Wilmington, 177, 213

North Carolina State Ports Authority, 83, 273

North Carolina State University School of Forestry, 138

North Carolina State University Seafood Laboratory, 84

North Carolina Supreme Court, 128, 130

North Carolina Teachers Association, 152

North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission, 138, 167, 260

North River, 2, 34, 36, 37, 38, 39, 45, 57

North River Channel, 69

North Topsail Shores, 159

Nova Scotia, 84

Nuclear Visitor Center, 267–68

Oakdale Cemetery, 177, 179, 180–84, 207

Oak Forest Plantation, 331

Oak Island, 95, 269, 271, 289, 292, 293–302

Oak Island Coast Guard Station, 300

Oak Island Lighthouse, 269, 281, 293, 300

Ocean Highway, 167, 308

Oceanic Hotel, 221, 224

Oceanic Pier, 222

Ocean Isle Beach, 292, 293, 306, 308–9, 311

Ocean Isle Museum of Coastal Carolina, 308–9

Ocean View, 220

Ocracoke Inlet, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 106

Ocracoke Island, 1, 3, 5, 12, 48, 49, 74

Ocracoke village, 3, 7, 10, 12, 16

Ogilby, map of 1671, 298

Old Baldy, 267, 269, 280–82

Old Baldy Foundation, 282

Old Brick Road, 5

Old Burying Ground, 54, 55, 64–68

Old City Hall, 21

Old Dock, 316, 317, 318–19, 321

Old Drum Inlet, 21

Old Man and the Boy, The, 184, 274

Old Man’s Boy Grows Older, The, 184

“Old North State, The,” 128

Old Pirate Ship Treasure Pit, 164

Old Quawk, 77, 87

Old Rock, 11

Old Smithville Burying Ground, 266, 277–78

Old Southport Yacht Basin, 266, 272

Old Spanish Galleon Treasure Hunt, 164

Old Town Plantation, 247, 256

Old Town Restoration Complex, 54, 55, 56–57, 65

O’Neill, James, 208, 209

Onslow Beach, 154

Onslow County, 142, 145–55, 159–62, 165–66

Open Ground, 34, 35–36

Open Ground Prairie Swamp, 35

Open Grounds Farm, 35–36

Open Land, 35

Operation Bumblebee, 157, 160, 161–62, 165

Operation Desert Shield, 83

Operation Desert Storm, 83

Oregon Inlet, 7

Oriental, 36

Orton Plantation, 170, 178, 246, 255, 257–60, 262, 264, 310

Orton Pond, 246

Osceola, 323

Osgood Cottage, 122

Otway, 34, 35, 37, 38, 44

Outer Banks, 4, 7, 17, 18, 29, 31, 60, 72, 87, 89, 90, 97, 99, 158, 287

“Over Creek People,” 326

Owen Hill, 327

Oyster Creek, 45, 46, 47

Packer, F. H., 202

Palmer-Tisdale House, 130

Palmetto Island, 284

Pamlico County, 41

Pamlico Sound, 4, 5, 6, 11, 34, 44, 47, 51, 53, 126

Panama Canal, 82, 250

Panama Canal Zone, 250

Paquinette House, 54, 61

Paris, France, 100, 249, 332

Parke, John G., 91

Parris Island, 154

Pasteur, Louis, 64

Patrick Gordon House, 104, 114

Patriot Monument, 175

Patriot, The, 287–88

Paul, William Luther, 47

Pea Landing, 313

Pearl Harbor, 91, 165, 249, 250, 302

Pender County, 159, 160, 162–65, 166–75

Pendleton House, 122

Pennsylvania Gazette, 308

People’s Republic of China, 63

Pep Kola, 112

Pepsi-Cola, 111–12, 132

Perry, Matthew C., 248

Perry, William G., 118

Peterhoff, 238

Petersburg, Virginia, 127

Philadelphia, 66, 101, 125, 174, 207, 322

Pickett Bay, 144

Pickett, George E., 121, 127

Pier Number One, 80

Pigott, Emeline, 121

Pigott, Henry, 9, 10, 13

Pigott, Lizzie, 10, 13

Pilot Life Insurance Company, 86

Pilots’ Association, 271

Pine Knoll Shores, 76, 77, 96, 97–99, 100, 101

Pine Valley Estates Subdivision, 214, 226–27

Piney Point, 47

Piver, Bannister, 32

Piver’s Island, 60, 77, 78, 84

Pleasant Oaks, 247, 256–57

Pleasure Island, 214, 215, 225, 227, 228–45

Pleistocene era, 322

Plymouth, 72, 127

Point, The, 298–99

Pollock, Cullen, 109

Pollock, George, 127

Pollocksville, 134, 135, 137–38

Pollock, Thomas, 108, 109

Pond Pine Area, 138

Pontiac, 46–47

Pool, William G., 287

Poor No More, 184

Pope, John Russell, 215–16

Poplar Grove Foundation, Inc., 168

Poplar Grove Plantation, 168–70, 171

Porter, John, 21

Portsmouth Coast Guard Station, former, 6, 13

Portsmouth Island, 2, 3–16, 25, 49, 65

Portsmouth Methodist Church, 10, 12, 13

Portsmouth Post Office, former, 6, 8, 9, 11

Portsmouth School, former, 6, 11

Portsmouth (village), 3, 4–14, 17, 20

Post, James F., 188, 208

Powell, John, 323

Power, Tyrone, 210

Prevensey, 98

Price’s Creek Lighthouse, 278

Prichard, John L., 182

Prince of Parthia, The, 207

Princeton University, 126, 196

Prometheus, 146

Prouty, W. F., 322

Providence, Rhode Island, 284

Public Works Administration, 82, 185

Quantico, Virginia, 154

Rachel Carson National Marine Estuarine Sanctuary, 55, 69–71

Radio Island, 78, 83, 84

Rains, George Washington, 132

Rains, James G., 132

Raleigh, 12, 152, 191, 202, 277, 332

Raleigh, Walter, 20, 23, 41, 216, 283

Rambo, 179

Randall, Robert R., 49

Rand McNally, 268

Ranger, 299

Rebecca, 261

Red and Eve’s, 230

Red Springs, 102

Revenge, The, 285

Reverend Jones House, 64, 75

Revolutionary War: at Beaufort, 58; at Brunswick Town, 260, 261–62; at Elizabethtown, 330; at Gloucester, 43; at Moores Creek Bridge, 171–75, 185; at New Bern, 117, 120, 133; at Southport, 270; at Wilmington, 186, 199–200, 201

Rhett, William, 273, 285, 286

Rhode Island, 11, 130, 131

Rice Path, 99

Richmond, Virginia, 206, 239

“Rime of the Ancient Mariner,” 60

“Ripley’s Believe It Or Not,” 92, 274

Ritter and Company, 107

Ritter, George, 107

Riverfront Park, 177, 194, 195

River Pilots Tower, 266, 272

River View, 319–21

Roanoke Island, 41, 90, 126

Robert Spence McLean Store, 144, 146–47

Rockefeller, John, 191

Rocks, The, 171, 215, 237, 244–45

Rocky Point, 156, 157, 171

Roe, 34, 53

Roosevelt, Franklin, 152

Rose, Charlie, 30–31

Royal Canadian Air Force, 252

Royal James, 285

Royal, John A., 99, 101

R. Rustell House, 56

Ruark, Robert, 184, 197, 274

Russell, Lillian, 209

Russell, Mrs. Joseph R., 204

Russells Island, 145

Ruth, Babe, 139

Said, Omar Ibm, 327

Sailor’s Snug Harbor, 35, 49–50

Saline Water Research Station, 226

Salter Path, 76, 77, 97, 99–101

Salters Lake, 316, 330

Salters, Sallie, 330

Salters, Walter, 330

Samuel W. Smallwood House, 133

Sam Windsor’s Lump, 30

San Ceriaco, 47

Sandy, Uriah, 129

Sanford, Terry, 27

San Francisco, 250

Sanitary Fish Market and Restaurant, 85

Sauthier, C. J., 129

Savage-Bacon House, 203

Savannah River, 254, 283

Scotland, 57, 63, 215, 247

Scotts Hill, 156, 157, 168–70

Sea Island, 42

Sea Level, 3, 34, 35, 47, 48–50

Sea Level Hospital, 48–49

Sea Level Inn, 49

Seamon, Jesse Lee, 86

Seashore Hotel, 221

Seaside Amusement Park, 2

Sea Side Park Hotel, 215

Seminole Indians, 318, 323

“Seneca Guns,” 303

Serapis, 22

Shacklefoot Island, 153

Shackleford Banks: controversy over, 25–26; description of, 25–33; former communities of, 29–33, 36, 40; wild horses on, 25–26

Shackleford, John, 20–21

Shallotte, 167, 292, 293, 305, 308, 316, 317

Shallotte Inlet, 292, 293, 305, 306–7, 308

Shallotte River, 306, 308

Sharpe, William, 152–53

Shaw University, 335

Sheep Island, 11

Shelby, 241, 242, 243

Shell Castle Island, 3, 7, 11–12

Shell Island, 219

Shell Point, 35, 40–41, 52

Shelote, 308

Shepard, Sam, 274

Shepard’s Point, 80

Shepard’s Point Land Company, 80

Sherman, William T., 196

Shine, Elizabeth, 133

Shingle Point, 24

Shober, James F., 212

Showboat, The, 249, 250, 251

Sidbury, J. Buren, 226

Sikorsky, Igor, 47

Silver Bullet, 179

Silver Lake, 3

Singletary Lake, 317, 328

Singletary Lake State Park, 317, 328

Skyliner, 230

Slave Canal, 36

Sleeping With The Enemy, 179

Sleepy Creek, 43

Sloan and Balderson, 124

Sloan, Samuel, 191

Slocumb, Ezekial, 174–75

Slocumb, Mary “Polly” Hooks, 174–75

Small Boat Harbor, 273

Smith-Anderson House, 176–97

Smith, Benjamin, 114, 256, 270

Smithfield, 102

Smith Island, 280

Smith, Michael, 68

Smith, Pearson, 334

Smithville, 114, 270, 271

Smunar Creek, 44

Smyrna, 34, 35, 44

Snap Dragon, 23, 65

Sneads Ferry, 156, 157–58

Sneads, Robert W., 157–58

Snow Hill, 108

Snows Cut, 228, 229, 230

Snows Cut Park, 228

Somerset, Henry, 57

Sons of Liberty, 261

Soong Yao-jo, 63

Sousa, John Philip, 209

South America, 82, 83, 87, 213, 227

South Beach, 283

South Carolina, 24, 174, 200, 203, 285, 287, 288, 312, 314, 315, 318

Southern Realty and Development Company, 231

South Mills, 167

Southport: description of, 267–79; historic structures of, 266, 267, 268–69, 272–78; history of, 270–71; map of, 266

Southport-Fort Fisher Ferry, 278, 279

Southport Historic District, 266, 267

Southport Marina, 273

Southport Maritime Museum, 266, 275

South River (Down East village), 34, 35, 36

South River (waterway), 34, 36

South Shell Island, 219

South, Stanley, 145

Spacek, Sissy, 273

Spaight Family Cemetery, 105

Spaight, Richard Dobbs, 105, 117, 120, 121, 123, 158

Spaight, Richard Dobbs, Jr., 105

Spanish-American War, 91

Sparrow House, 104, 111

Sparrow, Thomas, 41

Spotswood, Alexander, 108

Sprunt, James, 196, 197, 258

Sprunt, James Laurence, 196, 258

Sprunt, Luola Murchison, 258

Stacy, 34, 35, 47–48

Stamp Act, 192, 261

Stanbury, 292

Stanly, Ann, 121

Stanly County, 121

Stanly, John, 120, 123

Stanly, John Wright, 120, 121

Stanton, Edwin M., 59

Starr Methodist Church, 38–39

Staten Island, 49–50

Station One, 221

Statue of Liberty, 22

St. Augustine, Florida, 92

St. Elmo’s Fire, 325

Stephens, Alexander H., 240

Stevenson House, 118–19

Stevenson, Thomas G., 145

St. James Episcopal Church, 176, 177, 182, 201–2

St. James Episcopal Church Cemetery, 176, 177, 207

St. John’s Masonic Lodge (Wilmington), 197–98

St. John’s Masonic Lodge and Theater (New Bern), 128

St. John’s Museum of Art, 176, 177, 197–98

St. John’s Tavern, 198

St. Joseph, 231

St. Mary’s Catholic Church, 206

St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church, 198

St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, 54, 63–64

St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, 176, 187–88

St. Paul’s Roman Catholic Church, 104, 128

St. Philips Church, 262, 263

St. Philips Episcopal Church, 276

Straits, 34, 35, 38–39, 42, 44

Straits Fishing Pier, 39

Straits, The, 37, 39, 43

Strange Seafood Exhibition, 61

St. Thomas the Apostle Church, 182

Sturtevant, Robert Swan, 260

Styron Bay, 51

Sudan Shrine Temple, 104, 126

Suffolk, Virginia, 158

Sugar Loaf, 229

Sugar Loaf Trail, 229

Sullivan’s Island, South Carolina, 174

Sunny Point Military Ocean Terminal, 247, 255, 264, 265, 270, 303

Sunset Beach, 292, 293, 311–12

Sunset Beach Bridge, 311

Sun Yat-sen, Mrs., 63

Super Mario Brothers, 179

Supply, 292, 303–4

Surf City, 157, 160, 163–64, 165

“Swamp Fox,” 314

Swan, Charles Norton, 289

Swan Island, 47

Swann, Samuel, 148

Swannsborough, 148

Swansboro, 94, 134, 135, 143, 144, 145–50

Swash Inlet, 14

Swift, Joseph Gardner, 211

Taft, William, 196

Taiwan, 63

Tandy, Jessica, 209–10

Tarheel Trail, 175

Taylor, Alfred, 48

Taylor, Daniel, 48

Taylor Foundation, 49

Taylor, Isaac, 110

Taylor, John Lewis, 130

Taylor, Leslie, 48

Taylor, Nathaniel, 64

Taylors Creek, 57, 59, 68, 69, 70, 73

Taylor, William, 48

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, 179

Temple of Israel, 206–7

Texas, 235

Texasgulf, Inc., 82

Thalian Association, 208

Thalian Hall, 176, 177, 196, 207–10

Theodore Roosevelt State Natural Area, 77, 98

Thomas and Son, 113

Thomas Cottage, 122

Thomas Jerkins House, 132

Thorofare Bay, 34, 51

Thumb, Tom, 209

Tileston Normal School, 205

Tileston School, 176, 205

Timberlake, Bob, 290

Times Square, 178

Titanic, 196

T. M. Thompson House, 266, 275

Tony the Ghost, 267, 277

Toppel, R. A., 216

Toppel tree, 216

Topsail Beach, 156, 157, 164–65

Topsail Island, 156, 157, 158–65

Topsail Sound, 163, 168

Tory Hole Park, 330

Total Recall, 179

Tote-Em-In-Zoo, 227

Town Creek, 246, 256, 257, 310

Town Marsh, 69, 70

Traditional Wooden Boat Show, 61

Tregembo, George, 227

Trent, 136

Trent Bridge, 137

Trenton, 134, 135–37, 138

Trent River: at New Bern, 104, 105, 106, 107, 114, 116, 133, description of, 137; in Jones County, 134, 135, 136, 137

Trimble, John, 208

Trinity College, 63

Trinity Methodist Church, 330–31

Trumpeter Swamp, 166

Tryon Palace, 114–18, 122, 127, 129, 130

Tryon Palace Commission, 117

Tryon Palace Restoration, 105, 114–18, 130

Tryon, William, 115–16, 118, 255, 263

Tubbs Inlet, 311, 312

Turner, Robert, 57

Tuscarora Indians, 108, 148

Tyrant in Every Home, A, 123

Udall, Stewart, 27

Ulysses S. Mace House, 104, 123

Underwater Archaeology Laboratory, 238

Union Carbide Company, 191

Union Point, 104, 106, 116

Union Point Park, 106, 109

United Daughters of the Confederacy, 184

United States Army Corps of Engineers, 27, 70, 83, 232, 244, 245, 264

United States Capitol, 201

United States Coast Guard, 8, 22, 94–95, 154, 176, 194, 288, 300, 302

United States Coast Guard Docks, 176, 194

United States Department of the Interior, 317

United States Fish and Wildlife Service, 60

United States Lifesaving Service, 60, 88, 301

United States Marine Corps, 83, 153, 154

United States Marine Laboratory, 72

United States Treasury Building, 195

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 79, 191, 322

Upjohn, Hobart, 204

Valentine, William, 65

Vance, Zebulon B., 126

Vanderbilt University, 63

Varnum, 292, 293, 304

Vatican, 206

Venus’ flytrap, 175, 229, 328

Vermont, 131

Verrazano, Giovanni da, 97, 225, 282

Vesta, 312

Vicksburg, Mississippi, 240

Victoria (queen of England), 334

Virginia, 24, 127, 148, 193, 300, 323

Vought Aeronautical Company, 252

Vought Kingfisher, 252

Waccamaw Indians, 318

Waccamaw River, 316, 318–19, 321, 324

Wade House, 104, 110

Wade’s Hammock, 30

Wade’s Shore, 30, 88

Wade Thomas, 86

Wait, Samuel, 113

Wake Forest University, 113

Walker-Cowan House, 197

Walker-Pyke House, 266, 276

Wallace Cemetery, 11

Wallace, John, 11–12

Walters, Henry H., 216

Walters, Thomas U., 201

Ward Enoch, 21

Wareiock, 57

War of 1812, 56, 65, 113, 301

War of Jenkins Ear, 261

Warzaristan, 82

Washington, 11, 48

Washington, D.C., 195, 208, 216, 235, 259

Washington, George: visit to Gause Landing, 310; visit to Hampstead, 168; visit to New Bern, 120; visit to Trenton, 136

Washington Tree, 168

Waterfront Park, 266, 267, 268–69

Waters, A. A., 113

Watson, Alfred, 202

Watson, John, 185

Webb, Silas, 80

Webster, Daniel, 196

Week’s Point, 148

Weeks, Theophilus, 148

Week’s Wharf, 146, 148

Weetock, 142

Weitock, 142

Welches Creek Community Cemetery, 334–35

Wells-Brown-Lord House, 196

West Bay, 2

West Indies, 11, 62, 63, 283

West Onslow Beach, 157, 159, 161

Wetmore, James, 195

Whale Creek, 30

whaling industry, 21, 30

Whistler, Anna Matilda McNeill, 211, 244, 317, 331–32

Whistler, James, 211, 331–32

“Whistler’s Mother,” 332

Whit, 48

White, James B., 333

White, John, 41, 283

White Lake, 316, 317, 328–29

White, Moses, 91, 93

White Oak River, 76, 135, 138, 139, 140, 143, 144, 145, 148

Whiteville, 307, 316, 317, 320, 333, 334

Whiting, W. H. C., 183, 211, 239

Whittler’s Bench, 266, 269

Widow Moores Creek, 172

Wilde, Oscar, 208

William, earl of Craven, 109

William Hollister House, 122

William Jones Price House, 176, 177, 188

William Pugh Ferrand Store, 144, 145

William Rand Kenan House, 176, 197

Williamsburg, Virginia, 108

Williamson, Odell, 309

Willis, Alger, 25

Willis, John, 4

Williston, 34, 35, 44, 45, 47

Williston Creek, 45

Wilmington: cemeteries of, 176, 177, 179–84, 207, 226–27; Civil War history of, 179, 184, 186, 188–89, 192–93, 201; description of, 177–212; founding of, 185; historic structures of, 176, 177, 182–84, 186–211; map of, 176; museums of, 176, 177, 184–85, 190, 192–93, 197–98; Revolutionary War history of, 185–86, 199–200, 201

Wilmington and Raleigh Railroad, 192

Wilmington and Weldon Railroad, 192–93, 196

Wilmington Beach, 215, 232–33, 235

Wilmington Beach Corporation, 232

Wilmington Herald, 224

Wilmington High School, 205

Wilmington Historic District, 177, 186–87, 196

Wilmington International Airport, 178

Wilmington Light Infantry Building, 184, 192

Wilmington National Cemetery, 177, 179–80

Wilmington Railroad Museum, 176, 177, 192–93

Wilson, Joseph R., 204

Wilson, Woodrow, 196, 204, 205

Wimble, James, 185

Winchell, Walter, 249

Windy Point, 306

Winner, Joseph L., 231

Winslow, John Ancrum, 211

Wise, Isaac Mayer, 206

Woman’s Club Building, 106

Wood-Notes, 133

Woods Beach, 171

World War I, 24, 79, 91, 112, 154, 249, 302

World War II: at Atlantic, 51; at Bogue Banks, 91; at Cape Lookout, 22–23; at Camp Lejeune, 154; at Holly Ridge, 165–166; at Holly Shelter, 167; at Kure Beach, 235; at Oak Island, 294, 302; at Topsail Island, 160; service of battleship North Carolina, 249–51; reserve fleet of cargo ships, 254–55.

Worthy Is The Lamb, 143

Wren, Christopher, 129

Wright brothers, 47

Wrightsville, 220

Wrightsville Beach, 89, 95, 214, 215, 218–24, 226

Wrightsville Beach Coast Guard Station, 224

Wrightsville Beach Holiday Inn, 219–20, 221

Wrightsville Sound, 215

Wrightsville Sound Causeway, 221

Wright, Thomas H., 200

Wright, Wilbur, 31

Yaupon Beach, 292, 293, 294, 295, 296, 299, 302

Yaupon Beach Pier, 295

Year of the Dragon, 179

Yeatman, Georgiana, 35

Yorktown, Virginia, 58, 186

Young Indiana Jones Chronicles, The, 179

Zebulon Latimer House, 176, 177, 204–5

Zekes Island, 244