

AA (Auto-Aperture) mode, 148149 , 150 , 174 , 177

accent light, 205

accessories. See also lighting studies

batteries, 98102

close-up kits, 97 , 106109 , 259260

packing, 227

product photo, 245247

supplemental battery packs, 103

TTL remote cords, 104105

types of, 97

action shots, 233239 , 347369

Bike Rider study, 358362

capturing motion, 236238 , 239 , 347 , 369

flash power needed for, 236

freezing motion, 3738 , 234236 , 267269

Golf Swing study, 348352

Karate Kick study, 363368

Soccer Kick study, 353357

Speedlights for, 233 , 239

Strawberry Splash study, 372376

using multiple flashes, 236

Advanced Wireless Lighting. See AWL

AF-Assist Illuminator, 161162

alkaline batteries, 99

ambient light

evaluating for portraits, 222

intensity of, 6

measuring, 3032

reducing effect of, 279283 , 333

shutter speeds for capturing, 38 , 39

using flash with, 319

working with setting sun, 350

angle of incidence, 251 , 252

angle of reflection, 251 , 252

Aperture Priority (A) mode, 45 , 46 , 48

aperture settings

about, 36

f-stops for, 38 , 4042

maximum, 4142

variable aperture zoom lenses, 42

zoom lenses with constant and variable, 42

Attachment Ring SX-1, 106

Auto-Focus assist lamp, 161

AWL (Advanced Wireless Lighting), 56 , 165183

about, 165 , 183

controlling Commander and Remote flash modes, 174175

firing groups of remote flashes, 170 , 185 , 186188

Quick Wireless Control mode, 181182

Repeating Flash Commander mode, 178180

selecting Commander or Remote mode, 166167

Speedlights using, 67 , 72

used by close-up kits, 106

using Speedlights in Remote mode, 167170

wireless triggering sensor for, 69


backdrops, 275 , 287 , 288 , 289


black seamless paper for, 364

bright ambient light as, 292294

changing color of product, 262263

how much light hits, 243244

setting up backdrop as, 275

stand kit for, 275 , 299

background light, 205

backlighting, 9

barn doors, 122 , 366

batteries, 98102

care of, 100101

cost of, 98 , 101

flash recycle time and, 66

packing, 227

rechargeable, 100 , 220

single-use, 99

supplemental battery pack, 103

tips to avoid damaging Speedlights, 102

types of, 98101

battery chargers, 99 , 101 , 227

battery packs, 103

Beverage Bottle lighting study, 391394

Bike Rider lighting study, 358362

black seamless paper, 364

booms, 139 , 364 , 372 , 386

bounce cards, 113114 , 378 , 379 , 386 , 389 , 390

brackets, 140142

broad and short lighting, 210211

built-in flashes

for enthusiast cameras, 5962

models unable to use as Commander, 171

remote group power settings for, 176

using as Commander, 166 , 173 , 175

butterfly lighting, 208


C-stands, 138139

Camera Body lighting study, 386390


adjusting metering mode for, 26

checklist for packing, 226

CLS for all, 5556

dynamic range of sensors, 2425

enthusiast, 5962

entry-level, 6263

Exposure Compensation feature, 4648

exposure modes for, 4546

Flash Compensation settings, 4950

ISO settings for, 42

models unable to use built-in flash as Commander, 171

professional-level, 5657

releasing shutter of, 35

capacitor, 66

capturing motion, 236238 , 239 , 347 , 369

casters for light stands, 138

Center-Weighted metering mode, 2829

channel settings, 168

clamps, 229 , 245

cleaning items before shooting, 248249

close-up kits, 97 , 106109 , 259260

close-ups of products, 257260

cloth surfaces, 253

CLS. See Nikon Creative Lighting System

Cody’s lighting studies, 287290 , 309313 , 336340

cold shoes, 141 , 299

color. See also gels

flash, 1415

of light, 1112

modifying temperature of, 123125

reflection and surface, 254

reflector, 127

white balance settings for, 14

color correction gels, 123125 , 331 , 335

color temperature. See temperature

color wash, 125126

Commander mode. See also specific Speedlights

adjusting remote group settings, 175

channel settings for, 168

choosing Remote or, 166167

controlling flash in, 174175

setting up, 171173

constant aperture zoom lenses, 42

cost of batteries, 98 , 101

Creative Lighting System (CLS). See Nikon Creative Lighting System

CTB (color temperature blue) gels, 124 , 125

CTO (color temperature orange) gels, 124125


Dancer lighting studies, 274278 , 298301 , 322327

depth of field, 40 , 258259

diffuse reflection, 252

diffusers, 115116

diffusion dome, 274 , 276 , 278 , 309 , 310

diffusion panel, 118120

direction of light, 7

down lighting, 910

DSLR cameras. See cameras

Dugout lighting studies, 279283 , 302305 , 328330

DX sensors, 58 , 6162


electronics, 250251

enthusiast cameras, 55 , 5962

entry-level Nikon cameras, 55 , 6263

environmental portraits, 218225

defined, 218219

headshots, 225

preparing for, 219221

taking, 222224

ExpoImaging flash tools, 130131

exposure, 3551

about, 35 , 51

aperture settings controlling, 3842

combined Exposure and Flash Compensation settings, 5051

combining speed, aperture and ISO settings for, 42 , 44

controlling brightness and shadows with, 25

Flash Compensation, 4950

ISO and, 42

Nikon exposure modes, 4546

setting for Strawberry Splash, 373374

shutter speed settings and, 3638 , 39

using Exposure Compensation, 4648

Exposure Compensation feature, 4648 , 5051

exposure modes, 4546

exposure value (EV), 46

eyes, 2425 , 157



illustrated, 40

measuring aperture in, 38 , 4042

understanding stops, 43

falloff of light, 17

fast lenses, 4142

fill light, 205

flags, 120 , 122 , 255256 , 363 , 366

flash brackets, 104105

flash color, 1415

Flash Color Information Communication feature, 162163

Flash Compensation feature, 4951

flash illumination patterns, 114115

flash modes

about, 148149

Auto-Aperture mode, 148149 , 150 , 174 , 177

available in SU-4 mode, 195

controlling for Commander and remote flashes, 174175

GN mode, 150151

Manual, 45 , 46 , 152153 , 174 , 176177

Repeating, 153154

TTL mode, 149

flash stands, 134135

Flash Value Lock. See FV Lock

flashes. See also flash modes ; off-camera flash triggers ; Speedlights

adjusting remote group settings, 175177

cameras with built-in, 5962

components of, 66

firing groups of remote, 170 , 183 , 185 , 186188 , 367

flash compensation for, 4950

light falloff for, 17

Manual mode and, 152

measuring light from, 3032

planning for location shots, 219

power needed for action shots, 236

provided by batteries, 9899

recycle time for, 66 , 152

shutter speeds with, 3738

sync speed for, 38 , 234

fluorescent lighting, 13


AF-Assist Illuminator for, 161162

setting for Strawberry Splash, 373374

tight focus for flash light, 279283

freezing motion, 3738 , 234236 , 267269

front lighting, 8

full cut, 124

FV (Flash Value) Lock, 153157

about, 153

avoiding eye blinking, 157

locking lighting consistency with, 157

recomposing images with, 155157

FX sensors, 58 , 5960


gaffer tape, 279 , 280 , 364


about, 14 , 123

color correction, 123125 , 331 , 335

color wash for, 125126

cut of, 124

illustrated, 15

packing, 227

glass surfaces, 252253 , 396397

glasses, fast, 4142

glowing computer screen photo, 331335

glycerin, 391

GN mode, 150151

gobos, 122123 , 255256

Golf Swing lighting study, 348352

grids, 120 , 121122 , 130 , 228 , 229 , 273 , 279283

Guide Numbers (GNs), 148


half cut, 124

hard light

controlling in product photos, 243

creating, 328330

defined, 16

shadows and, 212215

headshots, 225

High-Speed Sync, 159161 , 234235 , 239

Highlight-Weighted metering mode, 2728

Honl modifiers, 229

Honl Photo flag, 122

Honl Photo light shapers, 129

hot shoes, cold shoes vs., 141


incandescent lighting, 13

incident light meter, 22 , 23

intelligent TTL. See TTL modes

intensity of light, 6

Inverse Square Law, 17


about, 36 , 42

combining with aperture and shutter speed, 42 , 44

setting, 46 , 152


jewelry, 249

Joe McNally Signature line, 128129

Justin clamp, 135136 , 227 , 228 , 314 , 315


Karate Kick lighting study, 363368

Kelvin scale, 12

Kids lighting studies, 284286 , 306308 , 331335

Knife Set lighting study, 380385


labeling Speedlight groups, 187

Lasolite McNally TriGrip, 348 , 349

Lastolite accessories, 128


choosing for close-up photos, 257258

fast, 4142

macro, 97 , 106107 , 259260

packing, 226227

zoom, 42

Librarian lighting studies, 291294 , 314317 , 341344 , 345

light meters, 2223 . See also metering modes

light modifiers, 111131 . See also gels

about gels, 14 , 123

adjusting tilt and rotation of flash, 113

bounce cards, 113114

diffusers, 115116

diffusion panel, 118120

ExpoImaging flash tools, 130131

flags, 120 , 122 , 255256 , 363 , 366

flash illumination patterns, 114115

gobos, 122123 , 255256

grids, 120 , 121122 , 130 , 228 , 229 , 273 , 279283

Honl Photo light shapers, 129

Joe McNally Signature line, 128129

Lastolite accessories, 128

LumiQuest modifiers, 129

reflectors, 127 , 230231 , 284 , 285 , 286 , 287290

snoots, 120121 , 223 , 291 , 292 , 293 , 382 , 383

softboxes, 117118 , 129 , 131 , 189 , 206211 , 230 , 298

types of, 111112 , 131

umbrellas, 116117 , 230 , 298 , 299 , 300 , 322 , 324 , 325 , 337338 , 349 , 351 , 352

wide-angle diffuser panel, 112113

zooming flash head, 112

light spill, 303 , 330 , 366 , 382383

light stands, 137138 , 230 , 231

lighting. See also action shots ; portrait shoots ; product photography

about, 5

backlighting, 9

bright ambient background, 292294

broad and short, 210211

butterfly, 208

color and temperature of, 1112

conflicting sources of, 286

direction of, 7

down, 910

flash color, 1415

focusing tight flash, 279283

front, 8

hard and soft, 16 , 212215 , 243

how camera sees, 2425

intensity of, 6

Inverse Square Law, 17

loop, 207

off computer screen, 331335

packing list for, 226231

portrait, 205

reflections of, 251256

Rembrandt, 205206

replicating natural source of, 284286

sidelighting, 9

up, 10

white balance, 1314

lighting studies

Beverage Bottle, 391394

Bike Rider, 358362

Camera Body, 386390

Cody, 287290 , 309313 , 336340

Dancer, 274278 , 298301 , 322327

Dugout, 279283 , 302305 , 328330

Golf Swing, 348352

Karate Kick, 363368

Kids, 284286 , 306308 , 331335

Knife Set, 380385

Librarian, 291294 , 314317 , 341344 , 345

Soccer Kick study, 353357

Strawberry Splash, 372376

Sunglasses and Watch, 377380

Wine Pour, 395398


Beverage Bottle study, 391394

drops, splashes, and pours, 267269

Strawberry Splash study, 372376

Wine Pour study, 395398

lithium batteries, 99

locking lighting consistency, 157

loop lighting, 207

low-discharge NiMH, 9899 , 100

LumiQuest modifiers, 129


macro photography, 97 , 106107 , 257260

mAh (milliampere-hour), 100

Maha MH-C801D charger, 101

main light, 205

Manual (M) mode, 45 , 46 , 152153 , 174 , 176177

Master Flash, 167 . See also Commander mode

Matrix metering mode, 2930

measuring light

ambient and flash, 3032

light meters for, 2223

metering modes, 2629

TTL technology, 22

memory cards, 227

metal surfaces, 252

metering modes

about, 26 , 32

Center-Weighted, 2829

getting proper exposure with, 23

Highlight-Weighted, 2728

Matrix, 2930

Spot, 2627

misfires with SU-4 mode, 196

modes. See metering modes ; flash modes ; Remote mode


SB-300, 68

SB-500, 69 , 70

SB-700, 72

SB-800, 87 , 88

SB-900, 91 , 92

SB-910, 76 , 77

SB-R200, 80

SU-800 Commander, 81 , 82 , 103

mounting devices, 133142

about, 133 , 142

booms, 139

brackets, 140142

C-stands, 138139

flash stands, 134135

Justin clamp, 135136 , 227 , 228

light stands, 137138

multiple flash brackets, 141142 , 236

multiple off-camera flashes, 321345

about, 321 , 344

adding extra light with, 322327

adding harder light with, 328330

mimicking light off computer screen, 331335

multiple Speedlights. See also multiple off-camera flashes

environmental portrait with, 223

headshots using, 225

portrait lighting with, 215216

product photos using, 264266

three or more lights, 217

using multiple flash bracket for, 141142 , 236


Nikon Creative Lighting System (CLS). See also AWL ; FV Lock

about, 56 , 147 , 163

AF-Assist Illuminator, 161162

components of, 53 , 55

Flash Color Information Communication feature, 162163

Flash Compensation settings in, 4950

flash modes, 148149

Guide Numbers, 148

professional cameras in, 5657

radio triggers vs., 189

sync speed and high-speed sync, 159161

TTL technology for, 21 , 149 , 158159

Nikon metering modes, 2629

NiMH rechargeable batteries, 9899 , 100


---(Off) mode, 174

off-camera flash triggers, 185199 . See also multiple off-camera flashes ; single off-camera flashes

mixing radio and line-of-sight triggers, 196199

radio triggers, 189192

SU-4 mode, 192196

using groups of, 185 , 186188

working with remote flashes, 186188

older Speedlight models, 8394

outdoor Speedlight firing, 196


packing for shoot, 220

paper surfaces, 253254

Paramount lighting, 208

photo studies. See lighting studies

planning for location shots, 219 , 220221

plastic surfaces, 253

PocketWizard, 189191 , 197

pop-up flash, blocking light from, 97

portrait shoots, 203231 . See also multiple off-camera flashes ; single-flash portrait shoots ; single off-camera flash shots

about, 203 , 231

action, 233

avoiding eye blinking, 157

broad and short lighting, 210211

butterfly lighting, 208

controlling shadows with, 204205

diffusion panels for, 118120

headshots, 225

loop lighting, 207

one and two lights for, 215216

packing for locations, 226231

Rembrandt lighting, 205206

shooting environmental portraits, 218225

soft light vs. hard light, 212215

softboxes for, 118 , 206 , 207

split lighting, 209

three or more lights for, 217


remote flash, 314317 , 361 , 362

shots with off-camera flash, 302305

power. See also batteries

adjusting remote group power settings, 175177

battery, 98

needed for action shots, 236

pre-flash, 3031

product photography, 241269 , 371399

basics of, 242244

Beverage Bottle study, 391394

Camera Body study, 386390

close-ups for, 257260

drops, splashes, and pours, 267269

Knife Set study, 380385

multiple Speedlights for, 264266

preparing items for, 248251

reflections, 251256

setting up, 244247

Speedlights for, 371 , 399

Strawberry Splash study, 372376

Sunglasses and Watch study, 377380

using one Speedlight, 260263

Wine Pour study, 395398

professional Nikon cameras, 55 , 5657

Program Auto (P) mode, 45 , 46


quarter cut, 124

Quick Wireless Control mode, 181182


radio triggers, 189192

mixing with line of sight, 196199

pros and cons of, 189191

TTL for, 192

using, 191192

RadioPopper, 189

Rear-Curtain Sync, 233 , 237 , 238 , 239

rechargeable batteries

chargers for, 101

compatibility with chargers, 99

NiMH, 9899 , 100

planning use of, 101102

recomposing images with FV Lock, 155157

reflected light meter, 22 , 23

reflections, 251256

adjusting light for different reflective surfaces, 386390

angle of, 251 , 252

diffuse, 252

reducing on product photos, 377385

specular, 251 , 252

using gobos and flags, 255256

reflectors, 127 , 230231 , 284 , 285 , 286 , 287290

Rembrandt lighting, 205206

remote flash groups

adjusting output ratios for, 181182

combining radio and line-of-sight triggers, 196199

controlling flash modes for Commander and, 174175

firing, 170 , 183 , 185 , 186188 , 367

illustrated, 186 , 187

lighting with, 186188 , 297 , 326 , 329 , 333 , 335 , 339 , 344 , 393

power settings for, 175177

testing, 187188

TTL modes for, 176

Remote mode. See also single off-camera flash shots

channel settings for, 168

SB-500 in, 70 , 167

SB-600, 86 , 167 , 168

SB-700, 70 , 74 , 157

SB-800, 90 , 167 , 169

SB-900 in, 94

SB-910 in, 79 , 168 , 169

SB-R200 always in, 7980

unavailable for SB-300, 68

using Speedlights in, 167170

Repeating Flash Commander mode, 178180

Repeating (RPT) flash mode, 153154

Rogue FlashBender, 130 , 131 , 228 , 229 , 274278 , 291 , 292

Rogue Grid, 121122 , 130 , 228 , 229 , 273 , 279283

Rogue Universal gels, 126 , 130


sandbag, 349 , 354

SB-300 Speedlight, 6768

SB-400 Speedlight, 83

SB-500 Speedlight

about, 67

Commander mode, 6869 , 70 , 171

features, 6870

Remote mode for, 70 , 167

SB-600 Speedlight, 70 , 71 , 8386 , 167 , 168

SB-700 Speedlight

about, 67

Commander mode, 70 , 74 , 167 , 172 , 174

features of, 7174

Quick Wireless Control mode, 181

remote group power settings, 175

Remote mode, 70 , 74 , 157

SU-4 mode settings, 193

SB-800 Speedlight, 83 , 8690

close-up work for, 107

Commander mode, 89 , 172 , 173 , 174 , 175

remote group power settings, 175

Remote mode, 90 , 167 , 169

Repeating Flash Commander mode, 178 , 179 , 180

SU-4 mode settings, 193

SB-900 Speedlight, 9094 , 168 , 172 , 175

Commander mode, 94 , 175

remote group power settings, 175

Repeating Flash Commander mode, 178

SU-4 mode settings, 194

SB-910 Speedlight

about, 67

Commander mode, 7879 , 172173 , 175

features of, 7578

GN mode for, 151

remote group power settings, 175

Remote mode, 79 , 168 , 169

Repeating Flash Commander mode, 154 , 178 , 179

SU-4 mode settings, 194

TTL and Auto-Aperture mode for, 149150

SB-R200 Speedlight, 7980 , 108 , 109 , 169170


covering Speedlight, 196

FX and DX format for, 58

rotating toward SU-800 signal, 349


basic lighting addressing, 205211

controlling portraits, 204205

diffusion dome dispersing hard, 274278

with hard and soft light, 212215


cleaning items before, 248249

environmental portraits, 218225

organizing Speedlight groups for, 186188

packing for, 220

shoots, product photo accessories for, 245247

short lighting, 210211

shutter release button, 35

shutter speed

calculating for action shots, 356 , 360

combining with aperture and ISO, 42 , 44

controlling exposure with, 3638 , 39

High-Speed Sync with fast, 159161 , 233 , 234235 , 239

Shutter Speed Priority (S) mode, 45 , 46

sidelighting, 9

single-flash portrait shoots, 273295

about, 274 , 295

creating white poster board reflector for, 287290

dispersing hard shadows, 274278

focusing tight light with, 279283

library location shoot, 291294

replicating natural light source with, 284286

single-flash product photos, 260263

single off-camera flash shots, 297318

about, 297 , 318

changing shooting positions with, 302305

creating soft light for, 298301

illuminating entire scene with, 306308

improving control over light in, 309312

positioning remote flash for, 314317

single-use batteries, 99

Slave Flash, 167

snoots, 120121 , 223 , 291 , 292 , 293 , 382 , 383

Soccer Kick lighting study, 353357

soft light

creating with single off-camera flash, 298301

Dancer lighting studies in, 274278 , 298301 , 322327

defined, 16

distance between product and source of, 243 , 244

working with, 212213 , 214

softboxes, 117118 , 129 , 131 , 189 , 206211 , 230 , 298

specular reflection, 251 , 252

Speedlights. See also accessories ; light modifiers ; mounting devices ; multiple Speedlights ; and specific flashes

adjusting to camera sensors, 58

battery use with, 102

checklist for packing, 226 , 228

Commander mode, 70 , 166167 , 171173

compatibility of all, 95

components of, 66

firing remote groups, 170 , 183 , 185 , 186188 , 367

flash illumination patterns for, 114115

flash modes, 148149

flash stands for, 134 , 135

flashing through umbrellas, 116117

gels for, 123

Guide Numbers for, 148

labeling groups of, 187

locking flash output consistency, 157

mixing radio and line-of-sight triggers for, 196199

multiple, 215216 , 217 , 264266

older and discontinued, 8394

part of CLS, 53 , 55

product photography with, 260263

Remote mode for, 70 , 166167

SB-300, 6768

SB-400, 83

SB-500, 67 , 6870

SB-600, 70 , 71 , 8386 , 167 , 168

SB-700, 67 , 7074

SB-800, 83 , 8690 , 172 , 173 , 174

SB-900, 9094 , 168 , 175

SB-910, 67 , 7579 , 172173

SB-R200, 7980 , 108 , 109 , 169170

shooting outdoors with, 196

softboxes, 117118 , 129 , 131

SU-800 Commander, 8182 , 103

tilt and rotation of, 113

TTL mode with, 66

types of, 67

using with professional-level cameras, 5657

wide-angle diffuser panels, 113

zoom controls for, 112

splashes, 267269 , 372376

split lighting, 209

Spot metering modes, 2627

story telling in portraits, 219

studio examples. See product photography ; portrait shoots ; lighting studies

SU-4 mode, 192196

SU-800 Speedlight

as Commander, 8182 , 103 , 173

Quick Wireless Control mode, 181182

remote group power settings for, 175


avoiding blinking, 157

distance between light and, 243244

giving role to play, 318

knowing, 219

photographing multiple, 284

Sunglasses and Watch lighting study, 377380

sunlight, 13 , 350

supplemental battery pack, 103

sync speed

defined, 38 , 234

events for, 159160

setting up, 161



gels for color, 123125

light, 12

white balance settings for, 14

testing remote flash groups, 187188

Think Tank Photo Shape Shifter backpack, 358

triggers. See off-camera flash triggers ; radio triggers

TTL modes

about, 55

about TTL, 21 , 158159

adjusting Flash Compensation in, 49

adjusting power by remote groups in, 176

Auto-Aperture mode vs., 174 , 177

flash modes with, 174

radio triggers using, 192

Speedlights in, 66

types of, 159

using with Close-up mode, 107

TTL remote cords, 104105 , 226 , 228 , 261 , 342343 , 344


umbrella brackets, 140141 , 229

umbrellas, 116117 , 230 , 298 , 299 , 300 , 322 , 324 , 325 , 337338 , 349 , 351 , 352

up lighting, 10


variable aperture zoom lenses, 42


Westcott Rapid Box, 309 , 310 , 312 , 353 , 354 , 363

Westcott softboxes, 131 , 189 , 230

white balance, 1314 , 15

wide-angle diffuser panel, 112113

Wine Pour lighting study, 395398


zoom lenses, 42

zooming flash head, 112