
Page numbers in italics indicate illustrations


Abner (Country Mouse character), 9192, 93

ACA (Animated Cartoon Associates), 210, 211, 232

Academy Awards ceremonies, 49, 68, 101102, 133, 171

action analysis. See live-action references

Adelquist, Harold “Hal,” 103, 166, 186, 235, 236, 237

and Art Babbitt, 82, 95, 102, 127, 174175, 238, 241

Aesop’s Film Fables (1926), 16, 16

AFL (American Federation of Labor), 151, 156, 165, 176178, 183, 195, 216218, 225

Alice short comedies, 20

Alice’s Wonderland (1923), 1718

Allied Printing Trades, 206

American Federation of Labor (AFL), 151, 156, 165, 176178, 183, 195, 216218, 225

American Federation of Musicians (AFM), 26

American Society of Equity, 56

American Society of Screen Cartoonists (ASSC), 183, 184, 186, 210

Animated Cartoon Associates (ACA), 210, 211, 232

animation, 13, 1517, 60, 79. See also cutout animation; live-action references; personality animation

Appeal to Reason (newspaper), 7, 8

art education program, 50, 51, 8183, 8889, 95, 128, 197

auto workers strike, 104105


Babbitt, Art, 48, 5051, 96, 129, 249

assignments given to, 4447, 5557, 80, 9093, 118, 136, 141142, 145, 158, 172, 238, 245

business cards, 36, 37

celebrity lifestyle of, 7476

compensation and contracts, 67, 94, 95, 98, 131, 141, 177

and Disney management, 165

early career, 3641

employment at Warner Bros, 240241

and Federation of Screen Cartoonists, 119121, 137, 150

friendship with Tytla, 41, 42, 59, 60, 6768, 7376, 79, 125, 187, 240

and Gunter Lessing, 78, 109, 119120, 168169, 187, 238, 241

hirings, promotions, and terminations from Disney, 128, 187, 235, 238240, 244245

lawsuits filed by, 7778, 239244

marriages, 38, 102, 246

military service, 240, 243, 244

negotiation efforts, 217218, 229230

photographs and illustrations, 41, 43, 46, 54, 75, 93, 103, 111, 147, 189, 192, 202, 250

principles and temperament, 69, 89, 100, 148, 150, 174175, 176

scene padding by, 71, 80, 96, 99101

and Screen Cartoonists Guild, 168170, 185187

strike activities, 191, 201202, 207209, 223

and unionization, 109110, 160161, 174176, 180181, 183, 194

and use of movie camera, 81, 8283, 101102

and Walt Disney, 42, 45, 56, 6061, 71, 80, 9293, 134, 139140, 142, 143, 146, 148, 170, 172, 180181, 201, 207, 236, 242

and Willie Bioff, 218

See also Babitzky, Arthur Harold; live-action references; personality animation

Babbitt, Barbara Perry, 246, 249

Babbitt, Dina Gottliebova, 135n, 246

Babbitt, Irving “Ike,” 28, 3031, 34

Babbitt, Marge Belcher, 1, 103, 111, 126, 140141. See also Belcher, Marjorie “Marge”

Babbitt, Rose Cohen, 37, 38, 42

Babitzky, Arthur Harold, 2836, 29. See also Babbitt, Art

Babitzky, Solomon, 2834, 29, 90

Babitzky, Zelda, 2831, 29, 32, 34

Baggage Buster (1941), 149

Balaban, Barney, 65

Balaban and Katz Theater Corporation, 65

Bambi (1942), 143, 182, 188, 239

Bank of America, 80, 95, 107, 191

Barks, Carl, 197

Belcher, Ernest, 7374

Belcher, Marjorie “Marge,” 7374, 82, 83, 94, 99, 102. See also Babbitt, Marge Belcher

Bell, Carl, 246

Big Bad Wolf (character), 5556, 57

Bioff, Willie, 6466, 65, 8487, 106, 109, 130, 153155, 214221, 224225, 247248

Blair, Aubrey, 163, 163, 183, 208, 216217, 224

Blair, Lee, 197

Blix, Lew, 203

Bodle, George, 147, 163, 172, 183, 193, 209, 212, 217, 225. See also Screen Cartoonists Guild

Bodrero, James, 211

Bounds, Lillian. See Disney, Lillian Bounds

boycotts and boycott threats, 165, 169, 173, 203206, 227

Brotherhood of Set Painters and Scene Decorators, 152. See also Painters Union

Browne, George, 6466, 65, 84, 8687, 106, 153, 155, 215, 216, 247248

Bryan, William Jennings, 3

Burbank, studio in, 135, 137, 139140

Buzzell, J. W., 203205, 203, 232


Cagney, Jeanne, 75

Canemaker, John, 247

Cannon, Johnny, 25, 144

Capra, Frank, 63

cartoon-character acting. See personality animation

Casey, Pat, 206

Cauger, A. Vern, 14

chalk-talk pickets, 194195

China Shop, The (1933), 6061, 69

Churchill, Frank, 51, 52, 55, 70

CIO (Congress of Industrial Organizations), 151, 156, 224, 227

Circella, Nick, 64, 66, 86

Clampett, Robert “Bob,” 241

Clark, Leslie “Les,” 21, 48, 75, 83, 91, 92, 111, 134, 174, 191, 248

Clerc, Adrienne le, 8990, 95, 125, 202

Cochran, Nora, 191

Cohen, Rose. See Babbitt, Rose Cohen

Collins, Eddie, 83

Columbia Pictures, strike against, 63, 86, 165

Colvig, Vance DeBar “Pinto,” 51, 54, 55, 81, 95, 99, 102103

comic strips, 13, 206

Committee of 21, 208209, 209, 212, 227

“Concert Feature, The.” See Fantasia

Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO), 151, 156, 224, 227

Control Girls, 166

Correa, Mathias F., 214216

Couch, Chuck, 46, 51

Country Cousin, The (1936), 88, 9193, 93, 96, 97, 98, 101102

cutout animation, 14, 15


Debs, Eugene Victor, 4, 9, 10, 11

del Río, Dolores, 116117, 117

del Rio, Jaime, 116

Dewey, James F., 232234, 233, 236, 238

Dies, Martin (senator), 155

Dippy Dawg (character), 51, 52, 69. See also Goofy

Disney, Elias, 37, 910, 12, 14, 1516, 131132

Disney, Flora, 4, 5, 1516, 131132

Disney, Herb, 6, 15

Disney, Lillian Bounds, 20, 23, 24, 110, 127

Disney, Ray, 6

Disney, Robert, 4, 18

Disney, Roy E. (nephew), 249

Disney, Roy O., 129, 144, 193, 235, 239

and Art Babbitt, 67

bonuses and profit-sharing, 128

and Federation of Screen Cartoonists, 137

handling of layoffs, 237

negotiation efforts, 216, 218219, 224, 232233

and RKO Pictures, 210, 212

and Walt Disney, 610, 18, 20, 2223, 26

See also Walt Disney Productions

Disney, Walt, 15, 48, 56, 131132, 164, 248

accusations against, 247

and Art Babbitt, 42, 45, 56, 6061, 71, 80, 9293, 134, 139140, 142, 143, 146, 148, 170, 172, 180181, 201, 207, 236, 242

and art education program, 5051, 8889, 128, 248

birth and early life, 414

branding and merchandising, 51, 68

and Charles Mintz, 1923

creative vision, 76, 108, 149

early business ideas, 1527

as an employer, 2023, 7879, 98, 103, 125127, 134135, 139140

and Gunter Lessing, 116, 165166

Latin American project, 226, 236237

negotiation efforts, 178179, 180, 203206, 209, 211, 213, 216221, 226, 236237

photographs and illustrations, x, 12

and Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, 70, 79, 82, 102, 133

and strikers, 193

strive for perfectionism, 49, 90, 122

and Three Little Pigs, 55, 5759, 68

and unionization, 159161, 163, 166168, 186187, 192

and Willie Bioff, 216, 224

See also Walt Disney Productions

Disney Brothers Cartoon Studio, 18, 1920

Donald Duck (character), 68, 69

Donald Duck (comic strip), 195

Dopey (character), 90, 99101

Drake, George, 92

Dumbo (1941), 143, 158, 171172, 182, 209

Dyer, Bonar, 245


Eduarde, Carl, 26

Educational Alliance Art School, 3536

El Capitan Theatre, 195

engineers strike, 143

Extras Advisory Council, 197


Fables Pictures, 16

“Fair Enough” (Bioff), 154

Fair Labor and Standards Act (1938), 158, 176177

Fantasia (1940), 138, 141142, 164, 171, 197, 243, 249

Fantasound, 164

Farmers Holiday Association strike, 44

Federal Building (Chicago) bombing, 11

Federation of Motion Picture Crafts (FMPC), 106107, 153

Federation of Screen Cartoonists, 119123, 130131, 136, 137, 143, 150, 158163, 165, 178179, 180, 183

Feild, Robert D., 156

Ferguson, Norm “Fergie,” 42, 54, 54, 55, 69, 90, 117, 124, 134, 162, 164, 191, 211, 230, 248

Film Ad. See Kansas City Film Ad Company

Film Daily (newspaper), 133

Fine, Susan, 29

Fleischer, Max, 13

Fleischer Studios, 107, 141

Fleury, Eugene, 210

“flying squadrons,” 195, 196

FMPC (Federation of Motion Picture Crafts), 106107, 153

follow-through, 77

Foul Hunting (1947), 245

Fox Film Corporation, 18

Freleng, Isadore, 17, 21


Gallopin’ Gaucho (1928), 25

Garfield, John, 211

Garity, Bill, 109, 144, 164, 218219, 224

General Motors strike, 104105

Geppetto (character), 118, 127, 134

Giannini, Amadeo “Doc,” 80

Gill, Florence, 68

Gillett, Burt, 51, 52, 56, 68

Goofy (character), 69, 7172, 77, 9091, 95, 99, 102, 118, 149, 245. See also Dippy Dawg

Goofy and Wilbur (1939), 136

Gottliebova, Dina, 135n, 246

Graham, Donald W., 51, 70, 8182, 92, 95, 197

Gramatky, Hardie, 50, 51, 95

Grant, Joe, 57, 125

Guenther, Betty Ann (inker), 121

Gulliver’s Travels (1939), 141

Gummerman, Marge, 235236


Hand, David, 49, 7980, 82, 95, 99101, 128, 131, 176, 242

Harman, Hugh, 17

Harris, Richard A., 76

Hawaiian Holiday (1937), 99

Haywood, William D., 4, 11

Hearst, William Randolph, 85

Hee, T., 54

Hilberman, Dave, 109, 146148, 147, 157, 168, 180, 192, 241

Hop Low (character), 142

House Un-American Activities Committee, 146

Hurtz, Bill, 131, 134, 142, 148, 186


inbetweeners, 39, 45, 121, 158, 190

Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), 4, 9, 10, 11

Ink & Paint Department, 138, 169, 176

inkers, 39, 121, 158, 177, 190, 206

International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE), 6364, 86, 106107, 122123, 130, 136, 150151, 217, 225. See also Bioff, Willie; Browne, George; Smith, Harold V.

International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW), 63

International Brotherhood of Painters, Decorators & Paperhangers Local 644. See Painters Union

Ising, Rudy, 17, 171

Ives, Eugene S., 116

Iwerks, Ub, 14, 17, 21, 2325, 26

IWW (Industrial Workers of the World), 4, 9, 10, 11

Iwwerks, Ubbe. See Iwerks, Ub


Jackson, Wilfred, 25, 47, 51, 52, 54, 68, 82, 134, 172, 230, 242

James, Laurel L, 246

Janofsky, Leonard, 119120, 130131, 137, 140, 159

John Reed Club, 146

Johnston, Ollie, 135, 248

Jones, Chuck, 136, 183184, 192, 201, 210, 212, 241


Kahl, Milt, 73, 134, 202, 238, 248

Kansas City Film Ad Company, 14

Kelly, Walt, 191

Ketcham, Hank, 201

Kimball, Ward, 73, 102, 124, 134, 144, 158, 171, 191, 230, 239, 248

King, Jack, 197

King Neptune (1932), 46

Kinney, Jack, 145, 149, 242

Koko the Clown (character), 13


Laboratory Technicians Union, 227228

Lake Norconian Club, 125

Lamb, Herbert, 78, 137, 145, 212, 240

Landis, Kenesaw Mountain, 11

Lantz, Walter, 168

Larson, Eric, 134, 239, 248

Laugh-O-Gram Films, 17

Laugh-O-Grams, 15

Laurel and Hardy (characters), 80

layoffs, 122, 144145, 185, 236238, 239

Lessing, Gunter, 111, 117, 130131, 248

and arbitration settlement, 229, 232, 233234, 236

and Art Babbitt, 78, 109, 119120, 168169, 187, 238, 241

effigy of, 201, 206

and Federation of Screen Cartoonists, 109110, 129130, 150

negotiation efforts, 177180, 185, 195, 203205, 216219, 221, 224225

pre-Disney employment activities, 115117

and strike threats, 143, 169173, 193

Lessing, Loula, 116117, 117

Lindbergh, Charles, 22

Littlejohn, Bill, 156, 157, 169, 186, 192, 193, 195, 199, 221, 225, 232234

live-action references, 13, 8183, 95, 124, 134, 149

Loew’s, 86, 106

Los Angeles, CA, 44

Los Angeles Central Labor Council, 184, 186, 203206, 232

Los Angeles Herald Express, 206

Lounsberry, John, 248

Lundy, Dick, 53, 54, 55, 69, 70, 122, 136, 149, 238, 242, 248


Machinists Union, 227

Mad Doctor (character), 49

Madison, Noel, 147

Maloy, Tommy, 84

marching-band club, 51, 99

McCay, Winsor, 13

Merry-Go-Round (magazine), 42, 43

MGM (Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer), 86, 154, 156158

Mickey Mouse (character), 27, 49, 53

Mickey’s Amateurs (1937), 9495, 102

Mickey’s Fire Brigade (1935), 77

Mickey’s Gala Premiere (1933), 57

Mickey’s Polo Team (1935), 7980

Mickey’s Service Station (1935), 7071

Mintz, Charles, 1923

Monkey Meat (1930), 40, 40

Monty (City Mouse character), 91, 92

Moore, Fred, 52, 54, 177, 187, 211, 238, 248

assignments, 53, 55, 90, 158, 171

depressive personality habits, 124, 127, 143, 171172

and squash & stretch, 57

Morgan, Frank, 211

Morkovin, Boris V., 81, 8889

Moser, Frank, 39, 41

motion picture unions, 6265, 8487, 106, 151, See also specific unions

“Mouse Trap Café” (luncheonette), 77

Moving Day (1936), 81, 90, 95

Moviola machine, 39, 46, 46

Mr. Magoo (character), 246

Mr. Stork (character), 158

Mutual Film Corporation, 115


Nash, Clarence, 68

National Industrial Recovery Act (1933), 62, 85

National Labor Relations Act (1935), 85, 105, 160, 162, 225, 244

National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), 63, 119, 130131, 136, 154, 165, 173, 182, 195, 238, 240, 244

National Recovery Administration, 62, 85

New Adventures of Henry Dubb, The, 78, 8

New York Times, 213

Newman Theater (Kansas City), 15

Nicolaides, Kimon, 50

Nine Old Men (animators), 248, 249

Nine Old Men (Supreme Court), 85, 105, 244

Nitti, Frank, 66, 248

NLRB. See National Labor Relations Board (NLRB)


On Ice (1935), 77

On the Line (newsletter), 200, 200, 202203, 206, 209

O’Rourke, Anthony, 164165, 239

Osterberg, Clyde, 84

Oswald the Lucky Rabbit, 21, 22, 23, 24

Out of the Inkwell, 13

O-Zell, 7, 910, 14


Painter, Howard, 169, 180

Painters Union, 106, 107, 151, 153, 156, 232. See also Sorrell, Herbert K.

Paramount Pictures, 18, 86

Parker, Dorothy, 155, 167

Patin, Ray, 157, 177

Peg-Leg Pete (character), 69

Pegler, Westbrook, 85, 110, 115, 154, 236

pencil tests, 46

personality animation, 47, 57, 6972, 77, 9093, 96, 118, 127, 142

picket lines, 106, 143, 153, 188, 189, 190, 193194, 210211, 221222, 222, 228

Pinocchio (1940), 118, 122, 127128, 134135, 141, 144, 168, 171

Pinocchio (character), 118, 129, 134

Plane Crazy (1928), 2425

Plummer, Elmer, 142

Pluto (character), 47, 69

Pomerance, William, 237

“Poverty Row,” 19, 25

Powers, Pat, 2526

Pressley, Hugh, 159

“Primer of the Disney Strike,” 230232

Pyle, Willis, 126


Quartet Films, 246

Queen (Snow White character), 90, 102

Quinterno, Dante, 240


Radio Life (magazine), 208

Reitherman, Wolfgang “Woolie,” 68, 77, 90, 99, 118, 134, 136, 145, 248

Reluctant Dragon, The (1941), 149, 164, 182, 197198, 212, 221223, 222, 223, 228

Reluctant Dragon strike signs, 221222, 226

Rickard, Dick, 8889, 91

Rio, Frank “Frankie,” 66

RKO Pictures, 86, 106, 197198, 210, 212

Roberts, Bill, 137, 143144, 150, 159, 161, 162, 172, 242

Roosevelt, Franklin D., 42, 62, 85, 105

Rosenberg, Joe, 107108

Rub, Christian, 127, 134

Ruiz, Pepe, 156, 192

Ruohomaa, Kosti, 222, 226


SAG (Screen Actors Guild), 62, 147, 211, 221, 227

Sarka, Charles, 41

Schenck, Joseph M., 130, 214

Schenck, Nicholas, 86

Schlesinger, Leon, 183185, 193, 201

Schwartz, Zach, 148

Screen Actors Guild (SAG), 62, 147, 211, 221, 227

Screen Cartoon Guild, 107, 122, 129130, 131, 146, 154

Screen Cartoonists Guild, 156159, 162165, 172173, 176180, 185186, 191192, 197, 208210, 217, 225, 229, 237239. See also Spreckels, Walter P.

screen credits, 111, 217

Screen Gems, 165

Screen Office Employees Guild (SOEG), 163, 195

Screen Writers Guild, 62, 121, 167, 195, 197

Sears, Ted, 55, 91, 126

Shafer, Carolyn, 42, 45

Sharpsteen, Ben, 4647, 50, 52, 68, 71, 8182, 91, 99, 172

Sherman, Harry, 203

Shields, Jerry, 39, 41

Sibley, John, 238

Simmonds, Harold W., 35

Sito, Tom, 247

Skeleton Dance, The (1929), 38

slowness, in animation, 61

Smith, Harold V., 209, 210

Snow White (character), 74, 83

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937), 70, 110111, 133134

box-office gross and bonuses, 125, 128129, 136

financing, 8081, 95, 107108, 125

production, 7677, 82, 90, 92, 9899, 102, 108

staff parties, 123, 125127, 126

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs float, 1

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs mural, 135n

Society of Motion Picture Film Editors (SMPFE), 177, 197

SOEG (Screen Office Employees Guild), 163, 195

Sorcerer’s Apprentice, The (short), 129

Sorrell, Herbert K., 52, 106, 147, 151154, 155, 192, 212

accusations against, 165166, 173, 227

and Disney strike, 190, 192, 195, 197198, 199, 217218, 220, 224225

and Hollywood animators, 156157

organizing efforts at Disney, 162163, 178179

and Warner Bros negotiations, 183185

Soyer, Raphael, 36

Spreckels, Walter P., 179, 179, 182, 183

squash & stretch, 57

Stalling, Carl, 17

Stanwyck, Barbara, 195

Stark, Sändra, 75, 89

Steamboat Willie (1928), 2527

Steelman, John R., 229, 232

Stewart, Donald Ogden, 155, 167

Stokowski, Leopold, 129

Stone, Harlan Fiske, 244

Studio Utilities Employees Union, 106

sweatbox sessions, 49


Tashlin, Frank, 241

Taylor, Robert, 195

Technicolor, 195, 227

Temple, Shirley, 133

Terry, Irma, 41

Terry, John, 3940

Terry, Paul, 16, 3839, 41, 67

Terrytoons, 3841, 41

Thomas, Frank, 73, 78, 90, 99, 118, 134, 248, 249

Thompson, Leslie, 86

Thomson, Kenneth, 147

Three Little Pigs (1933), 5559, 58, 68

Three Little Pigs (characters), 56, 57

Totten, Bob, 228

Trumbo, Dalton, 199

20th Century-Fox, 86, 214

21 Club, 208209, 209, 212, 227

Tytla, Adrienne le Clerc, 8990, 95, 125, 202

Tytla, Vladimir

and Adrienne le Clerc, 8990, 95, 125, 202

animation assignments, 77, 122, 127, 134, 158

and criticism, 124

death, 248

friendship with Art Babbitt, 42, 59, 60, 6768, 7376, 79, 125, 187, 211, 240

photographs, 41, 147

as striker, 41, 192, 202, 230


Unfair/Do Not Patronize list. See boycotts and boycott threats

United Artists, 18

United Auto Workers, 104, 105

United Productions of America (UPA), 246

Universal Film Manufacturing Company. See Universal Pictures

Universal Pictures, 18, 21, 23, 27

UPA (United Productions of America), 246

US Office of Inter-American Affairs, 226


Van Beuren, Amadee, 16

Variety, 59, 155, 215, 218219. See also Weekly Variety


Wages and Hours Act, 158, 176177

Wagner Act. See National Labor Relations Act

Walker, Ryan, 7, 8

Walsh, William, 119, 179180, 193

Walt Disney Productions, 171

Academy Awards won by, 49, 68, 92, 101102, 133

annex location, 88

arbitration rejection by, 229

bonuses and profit-sharing, 76, 94, 98, 108, 125129, 136

boycotts and boycott threats against, 165, 169, 173, 203206, 227

branding and merchandising, 27, 51, 59

building sale by, 182183

company meeting, 167170

corporate culture, 20, 45, 48, 7879, 166

debt, 107, 125

efficiency experts at, 173174

finances, 5960, 80, 95, 107, 125, 128, 144145, 149, 164, 166, 176, 182183, 191

flowchart, 112

handling of strikers, 216, 233234

hiring sprees and layoffs, 68, 81, 92, 122, 144145, 185, 209, 236239

and National Labor Relations Act, 244

and National Labor Relations Board, 182, 185

production processes, 4546, 5152, 55, 80

salaries at, 143144, 148, 150, 158, 176, 190

stalled projects, 149, 239

stock offerings, 141, 144

unfair labor practice charges, 165, 177, 225, 240

and Wages and Hours Act, 158

working conditions, 45, 47, 108

Walter Lantz Employee Association, 168

Warner Bros. animators, 201, 206, 210, 212

Warner Bros. Pictures, 22, 58, 86, 95, 107, 137, 165, 183185

Weekly Variety, 216, 222

White, Stanley, 226, 229, 234

Who Framed Roger Rabbit (1988), 247

“Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?” (song), 58

Wicked Queen (Snow White character), 90, 102

Williams, Richard, 246247

Winchell, Walter, 144

Winkler, George, 19, 20, 22

Winkler, Margaret, 1718, 19

Wise Little Hen, The (1934), 68

Wolf, Berny, 174

Women’s Auxiliary, 202, 210

World War II, 137, 144145, 167168


Yager, George, 172, 193

Ye Olden Days (1933), 5152


Zuta, Jack, 64