Note: Page numbers in bold indicate an in-depth discussion. Recipe titles are in italics.
Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 71–72
accelerometer-type fitness tracker, 210
acid, 126
Activity/Inactivity Record, 209–210, 281
advanced glycation end products (AGEs), 126
AED (automated external defibrillator), 202
aerobic activity, 189–191, 193–194
African-American population, 7
age, 7
airport security, 263
American Academy of Sleep Medicine, 216
American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), 197
American Council on Exercise (ACE), 197
American Diabetes Association (ADA)
alcohol recommendation, 63
dairy recommendation, 109
diet plan, 14
eating pattern, 46
exercise recommendation, 189
fat recommendation, 51
health assessment, 8
metformin therapy, 15
My Food Advisor, 93
nonnutritive sweetener, 111
sedentary lifestyle, 208
American fare, 48–49, 177, 179
American Heart Association (AHA), 109
American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR), 70
America’s Test Kitchen Cooking School, 123
animal product, 49, 51, 126. See also meat
Apricot-Cherry Almond Balls, 166–167
artificial sweetener, 111
Asian American population, 7, 69–70
Asian fare, 178–179
automated external defibrillator (AED), 202
Avocado Cream Dressing or Sauce, 158–159
bagel, 131
balance exercise, 192–193
bariatric surgery, 89
barley, 58
basal metabolic rate, 76
basil, 150–151
bean-based pasta, 118
behavior, 17, 21, 23–24, 27, 239–252
belly fat, 69
beverage, 82–84, 87, 120–121, 175, 256
β-glucan, 58
Bittman, Mark
How to Cook Everything, 123–124
How to Cook Everything Vegetarian, 124
blender, 133–134
blood glucose, 6
blood glucose level, 4, 9, 58, 62, 186
blood pressure, 11, 15, 48, 60, 122. See also high blood pressure
blood sugar. See blood glucose
blood vessel, 7
The Blue Zones (Buettner, Dan), 57
body mass index (BMI), 68–69, 89
body temperature, 220
body weight, 206–208
borderline diabetes, 5
bowel movement, 85
bread, 114–115
breadcrumb, 128
breakfast, 115, 168, 179–180, 260
breast-feeding, 112
Buettner, Dan (The Blue Zones), 57
burrito, 96
butter-like spread, 110
cafestol, 63
California Olive Oil Council, 119
beverage, 175
burn, 195
frozen meal, 113
grocery shopping, 107–109
gut bacteria, 54
low-fat dairy and meat, 126
low-fat diet, 50
nut, 60
Nutrition Facts label, 105
restaurant, 173
whole grain, 114–115
canned food, 115–116
canola oil, 118
carbohydrate, 49–51, 59, 61–62, 72–74, 85, 105
cardiorespiratory exercise, 189
cardiovascular exercise, 189–190
cardiovascular risk, 15
Cauliflower Couscous, 146–147
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 68, 189, 195, 216
cereal, 114–115
Chinese fare, 178–179
Chocolate Walnut Date Balls, 164–165
cholesterol, 11, 13, 15, 58, 105, 110, 208
chronic inflammation, 11
Chunky Gazpacho, 138–139
cinnamon, 62
circadian rhythms, 219–221
Citrus and Herb Chicken Thighs, 142–143
colon, 58
condiment, 119
continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), 219
convenience, 35
cookbook, 123
cooking, 122–135
Cooking Light Way to Cook, 123
Cooking Light Way to Cook Vegetarian, 123
cooking oil, 118–119, 130, 173
Cook’s Illustrated, 124
couscous, 146–147
crock-pot, 133
Daily Victories Report, 246, 251, 284
DASH diet, 48–49
deli case, 110–111
dementia, 48
dessert, 113
destructive thought, 224–225
Detailed Weekly Menu Planner, 274–275
diabetes, 3–6, 9–12, 45, 56–64, 218. See also under specific type
Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP), 11–12, 14–15, 51, 65, 70, 186
Diabetes Weight Loss: Week by Week, 136
diagnosis, 4
Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension. See DASH diet
dietary supplement, 88
diet quiz, 55–56
dinner, 169
Dornenburg, Andrew (The Flavor Bible), 124
downward spiral, 224–225, 227, 251–252
dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry, 68
Duhigg, Charles (Power of Habit), 30
eating behavior, 46–52, 255–256
EatingWell, 93
Eat Out, Eat Well (Warshaw, Hope), 177
egg, 110
emotion, 223–237
emotional eating, 232–233
exercise, 14, 21, 32, 77, 185–203, 221, 248, 255–256. See also physical activity
extra-virgin olive oil, 118–119
family, 7, 92–93, 254, 260–261
fast food, 177
fatty acid, 58
fatty liver, 69
FIIT principles, 195–196
Finnish Diabetes Prevention Study, 11
FitBit Flex, 201
fitness tracker, 201
The Flavor Bible (Page and Dornenburg), 124
flaxseed oil, 119
flexibility exercise, 192
flexible omnivore diet, 51
flour, 128
food, 56–64
acceptance, 92
canned, 115–116
children, 256
freezer, 113
grain-free, 45
jail, 248–249
label, 77–79, 102–106, 111, 113
natural, 102
organic, 102
packaged, 115–116
processor, 134
record, 86–87
scale, 79
treat, 234–235
unhealthy, 247
workplace, 261
Food Record, 273
freezer food, 113
fruit, 62, 106–107, 113, 117, 131, 173, 247. See also under specific type
fruit juice, 120–121
gastric emptying system, 90
gender, 7
gene, 53
genetic disposition, 9
ghrelin, 218
gluten, 102–103
Goal-Tracker, 23, 27–28, 35, 269
Goldstein, Elisha (Now Effect), 226–227
grain-free food, 45
Greek Salad Dressing, 160–161
grocery shopping, 101–122
growth hormone, 218
gym, 201–202
habit loop, 30–33
health care provider, 4, 15–16, 68, 90, 187–188, 190, 193, 221, 233, 254
Healthy Dining Finder, 172
healthy eating plan, 173
healthy strategy, 246–247
heart attack, 48
heart disease
alcohol, 63
American fare, 47
insulin resistance, 10
lifestyle intervention, 15
metabolic syndrome, 12–13
oats, 58
prediabetes, 3
risk factor, 7–8
saturated fat, 112
sleep, 218
trans fat, 74
unsaturated fat, 61
heart rate, 194–195
heart rate monitor, 201
herb, 62, 107, 120, 122, 142–143
herbal supplement, 88
Hibiscus tea, 121–122
high-amylose maize resistant starch, 59
high-intensity interval training (HIIT), 190
How to Cook Everything (Bittman, Mark), 123–124
How to Cook Everything Vegetarian (Bittman, Mark), 124
Hunger Ruler, 82
HURDLE method, 38–41, 241, 243, 251, 259
HURDLE Method to Overcoming Obstacles, 270–271
hypoglycemia, 187
if-then statement, 35
immersion blender, 133
immune system, 216
impaired fasting glucose (IFG), 5–6
impaired glucose tolerance (IGT), 5–6
Indian fare, 180–181
inflammation, 54, 68, 118, 126
insomnia, 221
Instant Pot, 133
insulin resistance, 8–10, 54, 112, 126, 189
insulin sensitivity, 9, 13–14, 57, 65, 218–219
International Olive Oil Council, 119
intestinal microbe, 53
Italian fare, 181–182
Japanese fare, 178–179
Joslin Diabetes Center, 70
juicer, 134
kahweol, 63
kale, 115
kindness mentality, 228–229
kitchen tools, 133–134
labor-saving device, 205–206
lacto-ovo vegetarian, 49
lacto-vegetarian, 49
Latino population, 7
Lemon Basil Sauce for Fish, 150–151
lemon/lemon juice, 142–143, 150–151, 160–161
Lentil and Sweet Potato Chili, 148–149
leptin, 218
Levine, James, 207
lifestyle, 1–3, 8, 10–12, 14–15, 17–41, 67, 249–252
light, 219–220
lime, 158–159
liquid meal replacement, 97
liraglutide, 89
live active culture, 109
loin cut, 112
Look AHEAD (Action for Health in Diabetes) trial, 75
LoseIt, 77
low-added-sugar, 109
low-carbohydrate diet, 50–51, 72, 85
low-fat, 45, 50–51, 107, 109, 126
lunch, 168–169
lutein, 60
macaroni and cheese, 152–153
macronutrient, 72–73
“made with” claim, 104
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), 68
marinade, 130
marinara sauce, 140–141
Mason Jar Salad, 155
meat, 110–112, 116, 126, 173, 177, 247
medical weight loss treatment, 88–89
medication, 14–15, 89, 122, 187
Mediterranean-style diet, 47–48, 61
melatonin, 220
Menu Planner template, 279–280
metabolic rate, 76–77
metabolic surgery, 89
metabolic syndrome, 12–13, 47–48
metformin, 14–15
Mexican fare, 182
mg/dL (milligrams glucose per deciliter of blood), 6
Middle Eastern fare, 182–183
milk, 109
mindful eating, 235–236
Mix-and-Match Weekly Menu Planner template, 95, 279–280
Mixed Berry Frozen Yogurt, 162–163
mmol/L (millimoles of glucose per liter blood), 6
moist heat, 126
monounsaturated fat, 61, 73, 105, 118
muscle-strengthening activity, 189–192
music, 201
National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM), 197
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI), 48, 68, 70
National Sleep Foundation, 216–217, 220
Native American population, 7
natural food, 102
negative language, 255
negative thought, 224–225, 227, 230, 233
nicotine, 221
noise, 220
non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT), 207, 211
non-food coping skill, 234
nonnutritive sweetener, 111
non-REM sleep, 216–217
non-scale victory, 245–246
Nourish Meal Bowl, 156–157
Now Effect (Goldstein, Elisha), 226–227
nut/nut butter, 59–60, 117. See also under specific type
nutrient-dense food, 45, 102–103, 106, 111
Nutrition Facts label, 103–106, 109, 115, 118
obesity, 7–8, 15, 47, 54, 69, 88–89, 217–218, 254
Obesity Action Coalition, 89
Obesity Society, 8
obstructive sleep apnea, 219
oil, 130
Oldways, 48
omega-3 fatty acid, 60, 112, 118
omnivore diet, 51–52
oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT), 4–6
orange/orange juice, 120, 142–143
organic food, 102
orlistat, 89
overweight, 7, 11, 47, 69, 254
ovo vegetarian, 49
Pacific Islander population, 7
packaged food, 115–116
Page, Karen (The Flavor Bible), 124
Panera Bread, 78
partially hydrogenated oil, 104
party, 261–262
pea, 58–59
peanut, 60
% Dailey Value, 105
The Perfect Diabetes Comfort Food Collection (Webb, Robyn), 123
perfectionism, 229
personal trainer, 197–198
pescatarian, 49
physical activity, 2, 7, 12, 14, 77, 185–203, 206–213, 221, 255. See also exercise
phytochemical, 45
phytonutrient, 45, 56–57, 62, 106, 118, 120–121
pistachio, 60
Plate Method dinner template, 94
polycystic ovary syndrome, 7
polyunsaturated fat, 61, 73, 105
portion, 79–81, 172, 175. See also serving size
positive thought, 230
potato, 136–137
Power of Habit (Duhigg, Charles), 30
prediabetes, 3–16
pressure cooker, 133
probiotic, 61
Pro/Con Balance Tool, 241–243, 282
produce, 106–107
Progress Report, 245–246, 251, 283
pulses, 58–59
race, 7
raisin, 164–165
random plasma glucose, 4
range of motion, 192
rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, 216–217, 221
reduced-fat cheese, 109–110
registered dietitian (RD), 2, 36, 71–72, 254
registered dietitian nutritionist (RDN), 2, 16, 36, 71–72, 197, 254
resistance exercise, 190–192
resistant starch, 58–59
restaurant, 77–78, 171–183, 263
rice, 132–133
risk assessment, 8
ritual, 234
Roasted Vegetables, 154
Roubxe online cooking school, 123
salad dressing, 119, 127, 158–161
salmon, 74
salsa, 119
sandwich, 177–178
sardine, 116
saturated fat
cooking oil, 118
dairy, 109–110
DASH diet, 48
Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP), 12
frozen meal, 113
heart disease, 61
macronutrient, 73–74
meat, 112
Mediterranean-style diet, 48
Nutrition Facts label, 105
poultry skin, 126
salad dressing, 119
shopping, 107
schedule, 92
seafood, 112–113
sedentary lifestyle, 205–213
seltzer water, 121
serving size, 78, 105, 115. See also portion
shoe, 248
shopping, 101–122
side dish, 95
skinfold thickness measurement, 68
sleep apnea, 219
slow cooker, 133
SMART goal, 24–25, 35, 171, 193, 195–196, 210, 241, 244
SMART Goals Worksheet, 25, 268
smoking, 7
snack, 21, 33, 97–99, 114–115, 132, 174, 248, 263
snow pea, 136–137
social comparison, 231
sodium, 48, 85, 104–105, 111, 113, 115–120
sour cream, 127
Southwestern Macaroni and Cheese, 152–153
soymilk, 109
special occasion, 172
sriracha, 119
stew, 131
stress, 223–237
stretching exercise, 192
substitution, 127–132
alternative sweetener vs., 111
beverage, 120–121
carbohydrate, 51
cereal, 115
condiment, 119
dairy, 109
health-boosting diet, 44
macronutrient, 73
Nutrition Facts label, 105
shopping, 107
substitution, 127
sugar-free food, 45
supportive environment, 255, 260–261
sweetener, 111
sweet potato, 148–149
tai chi, 192–193
talk-sing test, 193–194
Thai fare, 178–179
thermic effect of food (TEF), 76, 97
thought, 223–237
3-Month Behavioral Goals, 21
3-Month Behavioral Goals sheet, 21, 23, 267
Three-Step HOP, 227–228
time-saving device, 205–206
To Change or Stay the Same: A Pro/Con Balance Tool, 282
tomato, 116–117, 138–139, 144–145
trainer, 197–198
trans fat, 12, 61, 74, 104–105, 113
travel, 262–263
treadmill desk, 212
trigger, 37–38
triglyceride level, 7, 11, 13, 208
Turkey Taco Soup, 144–145
2015–2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 46, 52
2015 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee, 60
type 2 diabetes, 3, 8–10, 12–13, 48–49, 186, 191, 208, 254
unsaturated fat, 12, 48, 61, 74, 119
urination, 221
U.S. Department of Agriculture’s SuperTracker, 75, 77
U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 59, 89, 102, 104–105, 111
vacation, 262–263
value, 175–176
vegan diet, 49
vegetable. See also under specific type
canned, 116–117
frozen, 113
healthy strategies, 247
Plate Method, 52
recipe strategy, 125
restaurant, 173
Roasted Vegetables, 154
shopping, 106–108
soup, 177
Veggie-Heavy Spaghetti Sauce, 140–141
Veggie-Packed Potato Salad, 136–137
vegetable juice, 121, 138–139, 148–149
vegetarian diet, 49–50
The Vegetarian Flavor Bible (Page, Karen), 124
The Vegetarian Resource Group, 50
Veggie-Heavy Spaghetti Sauce, 140–141
Veggie-Packed Potato Salad, 136–137
visceral fat, 69
waist circumference, 13, 69–70
walnut oil, 119
Warshaw, Hope (Eat Out, Eat Well), 177
Webb, Robyn (The Perfect Diabetes Comfort Food Collection), 123
Weekly Menu Planner, 274–275
Weekly Plate Method Planner, 276–278
weight loss, 12–13, 15, 50, 66–67, 70–72, 88–90
weight loss supplement, 77
Weight-Tracker, 272
wellness vision, 18–22, 235, 241, 266
whole grain, 58, 60–61, 114, 117–118
Whole Grain Council, 114
Whole Grain Stamp, 114
willpower, 91
wine, 63
workplace, 261
yoga, 192–193
zucchini, 140–141