- Abalones, 362
- A-bands, 189
- Abdomen, of insects, 365
- Abiotic, 275
- ABO blood group, 229–230
- Abscisic acid, 139
- Abscission layers, 138
- Absorption spectrum, 108
- Acetate, 94
- Acetylcholine, 172
- Acetyl-CoA, 91, 92, 94, 95, 97
- Acoela (acoelomates), 358
- Acorn worms (Hemichordata), 367
- ACTH. See Adrenocorticotropic hormone
- Actin, 190, 191
- Actinomycetes, 315
- Action potential, 168
- Activation energy, 87, 89
- Active transport, 16, 19–20
- Actomyosin complex, 190
- Adenohypophysis (anterior lobe of pituitary), 146
- Adenosine diphosphate (ADP), 92, 94, 96, 112–113, 286
- Adenosine triphosphate (ATP), 19, 27, 87, 91–94, 96, 97, 106, 112–115, 188, 190, 202
- ADH. See Antidiuretic hormone
- Adhesive cells, 358
- ADP. See Adenosine diphosphate
- Adrenal cortex, 144
- Adrenal glands, 144
- Adrenal medulla, 144
- Adrenalin (epinephrine), 144
- Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), 146
- Aerobic bacteria, 316
- Aerobic respiration, 94
- Agglutinogenic proteins, 229
- Agnatha (agnathans, lampreys, and hagfish), 368
- AIDS, 303
- Alcohol group, 244
- Aldehyde group, 244
- Algae, 322, 335, 340, 341
- Algal cells, 123–124
- Aliens, 270
- Allergies, 143
- Alligators, 371
- Alpine tundra, 281
- Alternation-of-generation, 71–75, 338
- Alveoli, 217
- American cockroach, 365
- Amino acids, 5, 18, 97, 220, 242–244
- Ammonia, 3, 129–131, 242, 286, 316
- Amnion, 370
- Amoebas (Sarcodina), 322
- Amoeboid cells, 356
- Amphibians (Amphibia), 368–369
- closed circulatory system of, 211
- gray matter of, 162
- heart of, 215
- osmoregulation by, 130
- Amphineura, 362
- Amphioxus, 368
- Amylase, 246
- Amyloplasts, 29
- Anabolic steroids, 149, 254
- Anaerobic bacteria, 316
- Anaerobic fermentation, 93–94
- Anaerobic glycolysis, 94
- Anaerobic respiration, 87, 90
- Anaphase, 53
- Anaphase I, 58
- Anaphase II, 58
- Androgens, 144
- Anemia/anemic, 229
- Angiosperms, 336, 346–347
- Angiotonin (hypertensin), 144
- Animal behavior, 288
- Animal cells
- cell structure of, 32
- centrioles in, 33
- homeostasis in, 123–124
- Animalia (animal kingdom)
- Chordata, 164, 367–373
- higher invertebrates, 361–367
- lower invertebrates, 355–361
- Animals. See also specific types
- camouflage of, 290–291
- circulatory system of, 211–220
- hormones of, 140–149
- phosphorus cycle and, 287
- proteins for, 244
- sex of, 78–79
- Annelida (annelids), 164, 211, 362–363
- Annular secondary cell wall, 201
- Antagonistic action, of muscles, 186–187
- Anterior lobe of pituitary (adenohypophysis), 146
- Anterior vena cava, 217
- Anther, 348
- Antheridia, 337, 339
- Anthocyanins, 105
- Anthophyta (anthophytes, flowering plants), 346–347
- Anthozoa, 357
- Antibiotics, 314
- Antibodies, 229, 244
- Antidiuretic hormone (ADH, vasopressin), 147–148
- Antigen-antibody reaction, 232
- Antigens, 229
- Antihistamines, 143
- Anura (frogs), 369, 370
- Anus, 75, 247, 359, 366
- Aorta, 217
- Aortic semilunar valve, 217
- Apoda (salamanders), 369
- Aposematic coloration, 290
- Arachnids (Arachnida), 365
- Arachnoid, 159–160
- Archaebacteria, 309, 315
- Archaeopteryx, 372
- Archegonia, 337–339
- Archenteron, 359
- Argon, 2
- Arrhenius, Svante, 7
- Arteries, 214
- Arterioles, 214
- Arthropods (Arthropoda), 364–366
- Aschelminthes (sac worms), 360–361
- Asci, 328
- Ascomycota (sac fungi), 327–328
- Ascospores, 328
- Asexual budding, 356
- Asexual reproduction, 67–68
- of annelids, 363
- of Ascomycota, 327–328
- of sponges, 356
- Association neurons (interneurons), 165, 173
- Asteroidea (sea stars), 366
- Asters, 52
- Atherosclerosis, 253
- Athlete's foot, 330
- Atmospheric cycles, 287
- Atmospheric gases, 2–3
- Atmospheric pressure, 203, 287
- Atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP), 286–287
- ATP. See Adenosine triphosphate
- Atrioventricular node (A-V node), 187, 234–235
- Atrium, 215
- ATRP. See Atom transfer radical polymerization
- Aurornisxui, 372
- Autonomic nervous system, 173–174
- Autotrophic nutrition, oxidation in, 316
- Autotrophs, 105, 274
- Auxins, 137–138
- A-V node. See Atrioventricular node
- Ave. See Birds
- Avogadro's Number, 112
- Axons, 163
- B cells, 232
- Bacilli, 315
- Backbone (vertebral column), 184
- Bacteria. See also Blue-green algae
- aerobic, 316
- anaerobic, 316
- antibiotics from, 314
- cell division of, 309
- cell walls of, 21, 310
- chemosynthesis by, 274, 315–316
- as decomposers, 309
- fossils of, 6
- heterotrophic, 314–315
- lactic acid from, 92
- nitrifying, 286
- nitrogen cycle and, 286
- panspermia and, 7
- plasma membrane of, 312
- as prokaryotes, 35, 310
- reproduction of, 312–313
- as single-celled organisms, 13
- Bacteriophages (bacterial virus), 31, 301, 313
- Bark, 199
- Barnacles, 365
- Basal bodies, 33
- Basidia, 328
- Basidiomycota (club fungi), 328–329
- Basidiospores, 328
- Basophils, 231
- Batesian mimicry, 291
- Bats, 287
- Behavioral biology (ecology), 288–290
- Bernal, J. Desmond, 4
- Bicarbonate, 233, 284
- Bicuspid valve (mitral valve), 217
- Bilateral symmetry, 164, 358
- Bile, 143
- Binary fission, 49, 55, 312, 315
- Biodiversity, 276
- Biogeochemical cycles, 284–288
- Biomass, 275
- Biomes, 277–282
- Biopsychology, 288
- Biotic potential, 267–268
- Birds (Ave), 372
- cerebral cortex of, 162–163
- closed circulatory system of, 211
- in estuaries, 283
- guano from, 287
- heart of, 216
- osmoregulation by, 132
- skeleton of, 186
- Birth
- Birth canal (vagina), 77
- Bivalvia (bivalves), 362
- Black-crowned night heron, 372
- Bladder, 129
- Blastophores, 359
- Blastula, 355
- Blood, 227–235
- erythrocytes of, 227–229
- inorganic ions in, 233–234
- of insects, 213–214
- leukocytes in, 230–232
- platelets in, 227, 232–233
- proteins in, 233–234, 244
- salts in, 233–234
- of vertebrates, 214
- Blood clotting, 233
- Blood pressure, 235, 252
- Blood test, 232
- Blood transfusions, 229
- Blood types, 229–230
- Bloodsuckers (leeches), 164, 363
- Blue-green algae (cyanobacteria), 4, 35, 107, 286, 310, 315, 330
- Body temperature, 89, 145, 227, 372
- Bones, 183–187, 256, 372
- Bony fish (Osteichthyes), 130, 368
- Boreal forests (taiga), 281
- Botulism, 315
- Bowman's capsule, 127–129
- Brachiopoda (brachiopods), 361
- Brain
- membranes of, 159–160
- subviruses of, 304
- of vertebrates, 160–163
- white matter of, 167
- Brittle stars, 366
- Brown algae (Phaeophyta), 335
- Bryophyta (bryophytes, mosses, liverworts, and hornworts), 198, 336–339
- Bryozoa, 361
- Bubonic plague, 315
- Budding, 55, 67
- Buds, 137, 138
- Bundle of His, 235
- Bundles, of skeletal muscle fibers, 187
- Butter, 253
- Cairns-Smith, A. G., 5
- Calcareous spines and plates, 366
- Calcitonin (thyrocalcitonin), 145
- Calcium, for bones, 256
- Calcium carbonate, 183, 356, 372
- Calcium ions, 191, 203, 232, 233
- Calcium phosphate, 183
- Calories, 241
- Calvin, Melvin, 4
- Calyx, 347
- Cambium (lateral meristematic tissue), 199
- Camouflage, 290–291
- Capillaries, 214, 218
- Capillary beds, 217
- Carbohydrate synthesis, 114
- Carbohydrates, 97, 129, 145, 198, 245, 251, 316
- Carbon, 106, 243, 246
- Carbon cycle, 284–285
- Carbon dioxide, 2, 4, 88, 131, 198, 294–295
- Carbon fixation, 114
- Carboxyl group (-COOH), 242, 244, 252
- Cardiac (heart) muscle, 187
- Cardiovascular system, 214
- Carnivores (predators), 275, 289
- Carotenoids, 29, 104
- Carpals, 185
- Carpels, 347
- Carrier molecules, 18
- Carrying capacity, 271
- Cartilage, 183
- Catalysts, 245
- Caudal vertebrae, 184
- Cell body, 165, 166, 172
- Cell division, 49–58
- of bacteria, 309
- cellular reproduction, 51–53
- meiosis, 56–57
- meiosis I, 57–58
- meiosis II, 58
- mitosis, 51–53
- sex and, 55–56
- Cell membrane. See Plasma membrane
- Cell plate, 55
- Cell sap, 29
- Cell structure, 11–13
- of animal cells, 32
- cell size and, 14–15
- cytoplasm of, 15
- internal, 23–35
- nucleoplasm of, 15
- of plant cells, 31
- Cell theory, 14
- Cell walls, 13, 21, 310
- Cellular respiration, 87–98
- Cellulose, 21, 246, 250–251
- Cellulose microfibrils, 21
- Centipedes (Chilopoda), 366
- Central (middle) lamella, 21
- Central nervous system, 163
- Centrioles, 33–34, 51, 322
- Centromeres, 52
- Cephalization, 358
- Cephalochordata (lancelets), 367–368
- Cephalopoda, 164, 362
- Cerebellum, 160
- Cerebral cortex, 162–163
- Cerebrospinal fluid, 160
- Cerebrum, 160, 162
- Cervical vertebrae, 184
- Cervix, 77
- Cestoda (tapeworms), 358–360
- Chambers, of heart, 215
- Chaparral (temperate shrubland), 280
- Chelonia (turtles), 371
- Chemical defense, 289–290
- Chemical evolution, 6
- Chemical homeostasis, 16
- Chemoreceptors, 358
- Chemosynthesis, 274
- of bacteria, 315–316
- of carbohydrates, 316
- Chilopoda (centipedes), 366
- Chimeras, 368
- Chitin, 364
- Chitons, 362
- Chloride ions, 168, 233
- Chlorine, 256
- Chlorophyll, 29, 35, 103, 104, 107–110, 256
- Chlorophyta (chlorophytes, green algae), 330, 335, 340
- Chloroplasts, 29, 30, 104, 106–107, 322
- Choanocytes, 356
- Cholecystokinin (pancreozymin), 143
- Cholesterol, 253
- Chondrichthyes, 368
- Chordata, 164, 367–373
- Chromatids, 51–52, 54
- Chromoplasts, 29
- Chromosomes, 23, 31, 50, 51
- Chrysophyta, 322
- Cilia (ciliated), 32–33, 78, 356, 358, 361
- Ciliates (Ciliophora), 322
- Circulatory system, 211–220
- of humans, 217–218
- lymphatic system, 218–220
- of mollusks, 362
- of vertebrates, 214–218
- Clams, 362
- Clavicle, 184
- Clay, for origin of life, 4–5
- Cleavage furrow, 55
- Cleavages, 355, 360
- Climate, 266
- Climate change, 278
- Climax communities, 271–273
- Clitoris, 77
- Clones, 55, 67
- Closed circulatory system, 211
- Club fungi (Basidiomycota), 328–329
- Club mosses, 336
- Club mosses (Lycophyta), 340–341
- Clumped spacing, of population, 267
- Clusters of regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR), 313
- Cnidaria (Coelenterata), 163–165, 283, 356–357
- Cnidoblasts, 357
- CoA. See Coenzyme A
- Cobalt, 256
- Coccyx, 184
- Coelenterata (coelenterates, Cnidaria), 163–165, 283, 356–357
- Coelenteron (gastrovascular cavity), 198, 357, 359
- Coelom, 358, 360
- Coenocytes, 55
- Coenocytic (multinuclear) mass, 325
- Coenocytic muscle fibers, 187
- Coenzyme A (CoA), 94
- Coenzymes, 254
- Cohesion theory (transpiration theory), 202–203
- Cohn, Zanvil, 146
- Coitus (sexual intercourse), 78
- Cold sores, 303
- Cold viruses, 301
- Collagen fibers, 183
- Collar cells, 356
- Collecting duct, 129
- Collenchyma, 199
- Colloid, 15–17
- Colon (large intestine), 247
- Colonial hydrozoans, 357
- Comb jellyfish (Ctenophora), 357–358
- Combs, 358
- Commensalism, 288, 289
- Communities, 267, 271–273
- Compact bone, 183
- Competition, in ecology, 270
- Competitive exclusion principle, 270
- Complete flowers, 347
- Composting, 291
- Concealing camouflage, 290
- Concentration gradient, 16
- Conchs, 362
- Condensation reaction, 242
- Conducting tissues, 200–201
- Cones, 344
- Conidia, 327–328
- Conidiospores, 327–328
- Coniferophyta (conifers), 345–346
- Conjugation, 56, 313
- Contact X-ray microscopy, 12
- Contest competition, 270
- Continental shelves, 283–284
- Contractile vacuoles, 29, 125–126
- Contraction period, of muscle contraction, 188
- Copper, 214
- Coral, 164, 356–357
- Cork, 199, 200
- Cork cambium, 199, 200
- Corolla, 348
- Corpus luteum, 79, 148
- Corpuscles, 227
- Cortex
- adrenal, 144
- cerebral, 162–163
- of plants, 199
- Cortical hormones, 144
- Cortisone, 253
- Cotyledon, 349
- Countershading, 290
- Covalent bonds, 242
- Cowper's glands, 75
- Crabs, 365
- Cranial nerves, 173
- Cranium, 159, 184
- Crayfish, 365
- Creationists, 1
- Creutzfeld-Jakob disease, 304
- Crick, Francis, 7
- Crinoidea (crinoids, sea lilies, and feather stars), 366
- CRISPR. See Clusters of regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats
- Cristae, 27
- Crocodilia (crocodiles and alligators), 371
- Crossing over, 57
- Crossover, 57
- Crustacea (crustaceans), 365
- Cryptic camouflage, 290
- Ctenophora (comb jellyfish), 357–358
- Cuttlefish, 362
- Cyanobacteria. See Blue-green algae
- Cycadophyta (cycads), 344
- Cycads, 343
- Cyclic photophosphorylation, 114
- Cytochrome system, 94–97
- Cytochromes, 96
- Cytokinesis, 55
- Cytokinins, 139
- Cytologists, 11
- Cytoplasm, 15
- in eggs, 70
- ER in, 24
- glycolysis in, 90
- ribosomes in, 15
- Cytoplasmic streaming, 30, 198, 203
- Darwin, Charles, 1
- Daughter cells, 49, 50
- Day-neutral plants, 140
- Deamination, 97, 130, 242
- Death rates, 273
- Decomposers, 274, 275, 309
- Dehydration, 130, 131, 242, 249
- Dendrites, 165
- Dendritic cells, of thymus, 146
- Denitrifying bacteria, 286
- Density, of population, 267, 271
- Density dependent, 271
- Density independent, 271
- Deoxygenated blood, 214
- Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), 7, 23, 27, 51, 107
- in plastids, 28
- prokaryotic cells and, 35, 312
- in viruses, 300
- Depolarization, 168, 170
- in muscle contraction, 191
- Deserts, 279
- Desmosomes, 22
- Deuterostomia (deuterostomes), 359–360
- Diabetes, 143–144
- Diaphragm, 373
- Diastole, 235
- Diatoms, 322
- Dicotyledonae, 349
- Differential count, 232
- Diffusion, 16, 17
- facilitated, 19
- of inorganic ions in plants, 204
- internal transport by, 197–198
- Digestion, 241, 246–247
- Dikaryons, 328
- Dinoflagellates (Pyrrophyta), 322
- Dioecious organisms, 343, 356
- Diphtheria, 315
- Diploids, 56, 69, 72, 338
- Diplopoda (millipedes), 366
- Directed movement, 164–165
- Disaccharide, 249
- Disguise, 290
- Dispersion, of population, 267
- Disruptive camouflage, 290
- Dissecting microscopes, 11, 12
- Distal convoluted tubule, 129
- DNA. See Deoxyribonucleic acid
- Dominance, 289
- Dopamine, 172
- Dorsal hollow nerve cord, 367
- Dorsal longitudinal vessel, 213
- Dorsal-root ganglia, 172
- Duodenum, 143, 246
- Duplication, 49
- Dura mater, 159
- Earthworms, 362
- Eastern chipmunk, 373
- Echinodermata (echinoderms), 366–367
- Echinoidea, 366–367
- Ecological homeostasis, 269
- Ecology, 265–291
- behavioral biology and, 288–290
- biochemical cycles in, 284–288
- biomes in, 277–282
- camouflage and, 290–291
- carrying capacity in, 271
- communities in, 267, 271–273
- competition in, 270
- ecosystems in, 274–286
- habitat in, 266–267
- marine communities of, 282–284
- mimicry and, 291
- niche in, 266–267, 270
- population growth in, 267–268
- populations in, 267
- reproductive strategy in, 273–274
- species diversity in, 268–269
- species turnover and recruitment in, 269–270
- succession in, 271–273
- water treatment, recycling, and composting and, 291
- Ecosystem collapse, 276
- Ecosystems, 274–296
- Ectoderm, 356, 358, 360
- Ectoparasites, 289
- Ectoprocta (ectoprocts), 361
- Effector cells, 163
- Eggs, 56, 67, 69, 70, 77–78
- of amphibians, 369
- of birds, 372
- of conifers, 346
- of reptiles, 370
- of vascular plants, 340
- Ejaculation, 75
- Electrocardiogram (EKG), 235
- Electron acceptor Q, 112
- Electron microscope (EM), 11
- Electron transport chain, 96
- EM. See Electron microscope
- Embryo, 70, 183
- Embryophyta (emphyophytes), 336, 337
- Encapsulation, by haemocytes, 213
- Encyst, 359
- Endocrine glands, 137, 140, 146
- Endocrine system, 137
- Endocytosis, 21
- Endoderm, 356, 358
- Endodermal tissue, 202
- Endometrium, 148–149
- Endoparasites, 289
- Endoplasmic reticulum (ER), 24–25, 34, 108, 322
- Endoskeleton, 191
- Endosperm, 349
- Endosymbionts, 314
- Endothelial cells, 218
- Endothelium, 218
- Engelmann, T. W., 103–104
- Enterogastrone, 143
- Enzymes, 171, 245, 330
- Eosinophils, 231
- Epidermal cells, 356
- Epidermis, 199
- Epididymis, 75
- Epinephrine (adrenalin), 144
- Episomes, 314
- Epstein-Barr virus, 303
- Equilibrium, 17
- Equisetum, 341
- ER. See Endoplasmic reticulum
- Erections, 75
- Erythroblastosis fetalis, 230
- Erythrocytes (red blood cells), 227–229
- Erythropoietin, 144
- Escherichia coli (E. coli), 314
- Esophagus, 246
- Essential amino acids, 242
- Ester group, 244
- Estrogen, 144
- in birth, 149
- in menstrual cycle, 79
- as steroid, 253
- Estrus, 79
- Estuaries, 282–283
- Ethology, 288
- Ethylene, 139
- Eubacteria, 309, 315
- Euglenophyta (euglenoids), 322
- Eukaryotic algae, 335
- Eukaryotic cells, 34–35
- Eukaryotic DNA, 312
- Excretion, 129
- Exocrine glands, 140
- Exocytosis, 21
- Exoskeleton, 191–192, 364
- Extirpation, 270
- Extracellular fluid, 124
- Facilitated diffusion, 19
- FAD. See Flavin adenine dinucleotide
- FADH 2, 96
- Fallopian tubes, 77
- Fat droplets, 27
- Fatigue, of muscles, 188
- Fats, 129, 252
- from glucose, 247
- hormones from, 143
- respiration of, 97–98
- Fat-soluble (lipid-soluble) substances, 18
- Fatty acids, 251, 252
- Feather stars (Crinoidea), 366
- Feathers, 372
- Feces, 247
- Female reproductive organs, 75–79, 336
- Femurs, 185–186
- Fermentation, 93–94, 189
- Ferns (Pterophyta), 336, 341–353
- Ferredoxin, 111–112
- Fertile, 78
- Fertilization, 56, 74
- Fiber, 256
- Fibrils, 322
- Fibrin, 233
- Fibrinogen, 233
- Fibrous cells, 356
- Fibula, 186
- Fifth disease, 301
- Fight-or-flight response, 144
- Filament, 348
- First polar body, 69
- Fish (Pisces), 368, 369
- cartilage of, 183
- closed circulatory system of, 211
- in estuaries, 283
- gray matter of, 162
- heart of, 215
- osmoregulation by, 130
- Fission, binary, 49, 55, 312, 315
- Fission zones, of annelids, 363
- Flagella, 32–33, 312
- Flagellated gametes, 325
- Flagellates (Mastigophora), 322
- Flame cell excretory system, 360
- Flame cells, 126, 358
- Flatworms, 164, 358–360
- Flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD), 94
- Florigen, 140
- Flowering plants (Anthophyta), 346–347
- Flowers, 347–349
- Flukes (Trematoda), 358–359
- Follicles, 69, 79
- Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), 146, 148, 149
- Follicle-stimulating hormone-releasing factor (FSHRF), 148
- Food chain, 275
- Food vacuoles, 198
- Food webs, 275
- Foot, of mollusks, 362
- Forebrain, 160–161
- Fossils, 6, 7, 316, 339, 344, 372
- Fox, Sydney, 5
- Fragmentation, 67, 331, 363
- Free radicals, 109
- Free-living flatworms (Turbellaria), 358–359
- Freshwater wetlands, 282
- Frogs (Anura), 369, 370
- Fructose, 249, 250
- Fruiting bodies, 325, 328
- FSH. See Follicle-stimulating hormone
- FSHRF. See Follicle-stimulating hormone-releasing factor
- Functional groups, nutrition from, 243, 244
- Fundamental niche, 270
- Fungi, 286, 314, 325–331
- Fur, 373
- Galactose, 249, 250
- Gallbladder, 143, 246
- Gametes, 56, 69, 72, 73, 75, 325, 337
- Gametogenesis, 56–57, 69, 70
- Gametophyte generation, 338
- Gametophytes, 345, 348
- Gamma-aminobutyric acid, 172
- Ganglia, 164–165, 358
- Gap (nexus) junctions, 22–23
- Garter snake, 371
- Gastric glands, 141
- Gastric juice, 141, 246
- Gastrin, 141–143
- Gastrointestinal tract, 141–143
- Gastropoda, 362
- Gastrovascular cavity (coelenteron), 198, 357, 359
- Gastrula, 355
- Gel state, 15
- Generalist species, 269
- Genes, 23, 304
- Genetic recombination, 56, 57, 72, 313
- Genetically modified organisms (GMOs), 313
- Geometric isomers, 247–248
- Geotropism, 138
- Germ cells, 69
- Gibberellins, 138–139
- Gill slits, 367
- Gills, 362
- Ginkgo biloba, 344
- Ginkgoes, 343
- Ginkgophyta (ginkgo), 344–345
- Glial cells, 163
- Global cooling, 285
- Global warming, 278
- Glomerulus, 127
- Glucagon, 144, 247
- Glucocorticoids, 144
- Gluconeogenesis, 92
- Glucose, 19, 87–91, 115, 143, 247, 249, 250
- Glutamate, 172
- Glycerol, 252, 253
- Glycogen, 189, 247, 250, 251
- Glycolysis, 87–92
- Glycoproteins, 26
- Glycosaminoglycan, 26
- GMOs. See Genetically modified organisms
- Gnetophytes, 343
- Golgi apparatus (body), 26, 34, 322
- Gonadocorticoids, 144
- Gonadotropic hormones, 148
- Gonads, 148. See also Ovaries; Testes
- Gonorrhea, 315
- Grana, 29, 106
- Granuoles, 322
- Grasses, 343
- Gray matter, 162
- Green algae (Chlorophyta), 330, 335, 340, 341
- Green frog, 370
- Greenhouse effect, 285, 287
- Greenhouse gases, 3, 287
- Griffiths, Lynn, 6
- Gross primary productivity, 275
- Growth hormone, 146
- Growth rings, 13, 199
- Guano, 287
- Gymnosperms, 336, 343
- Habitat, 266–267
- Haemocoel, 213
- Haemocytes, 213–214
- Haemolymph, 213–214
- Hagfish, 368
- Hair, 373
- Haldane, J. B. S., 4
- Halley's Comet, 5–6
- Haploids, 56, 69, 72, 338
- Haversian canals, 183
- HDL. See High-density lipoprotein
- Head, of insects, 365
- Heart
- of amphibians, 215
- of birds, 216, 372
- in closed circulatory system, 211
- of fish, 215
- of humans, 217–218
- of insects, 214
- of mammals, 216
- nodes in, 234
- pacemaker of, 187, 234
- of reptiles, 216
- Heart chambers, 215
- Heart (cardiac) muscle, 187
- Heartbeat, 162, 187, 234–235
- Helium, 2
- Hematocrit value, 228–229
- Hemichordata (acorn worms), 367
- Hemocoel, 365
- Hemocyanin, 214
- Hemoglobin, 214, 228, 255
- Hemolymph, 365
- Hemolysis, 230
- Hepatitis, 303
- Herbaceous plants, 199
- Herbivores (primary consumers), 275
- Hermaphroditic organisms, 56, 363
- Herpes virus, 303
- Heterospory, 340
- Heterotrophic bacteria, 314–315
- Heterotrophs, 105
- Hexoses, 246
- High-density lipoprotein (HDL), 253
- Hindbrain, 160, 162–163
- Hirudin, 363
- Hirudinea, 363
- Histamine, 143, 172
- HIV. See Human immunodeficiency virus
- Holothurioidea (sea cucumbers), 366, 367
- Home range, 288
- Homeostasis
- in animal cells, 123–124
- chemical, 16
- invertebrate excretion and, 125–131
- osmoregulation and, 130–132
- in plant cells, 123–124
- Homeothermic, 372
- Homologous chromosomes, 53
- Homologs, 53
- Homospory, 339
- Hooke, Robert, 13
- Hormones
- of animals, 140–149
- facilitated diffusion of, 19
- of humans, 141, 142
- in menstrual cycle, 79
- neural impulse and, 167
- of plants, 137–140
- Hornworts, 198, 336–339
- Horsetails (Sphenophyta), 336, 341
- HPVs. See Human papillomaviruses
- Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), 313
- Humans
- bones of, 184–187
- circulatory system of, 217–218
- cranial nerves of, 173
- erythrocytes of, 227–229
- heart of, 217–218
- hormones of, 141, 142
- neurons of, 164
- reproduction of, 75–80
- Humerus, 185, 186
- Humidity, 266, 287, 288
- Hunger, 162
- Hydra, 198, 356–357
- Hydrogen, 88, 106, 251
- Hydrogenation, 252–253
- Hydrolysis, 97, 250
- Hydrostatic pressure, 129
- Hydrozoa, 357
- Hymen, 77
- Hyperosmotic solution, 17, 124
- Hyperparathyroidism, 145
- Hypertensin (angiotonin), 144
- Hyperthyroidism, 145
- Hypertonic solution, 17, 125
- Hyphae, 326
- Hypoosmotic solution, 17, 124, 130
- Hypoparathyroidism, 145
- Hypophysis (pituitary), 146–148, 160
- Hypothalamus, 148
- Hypothyroidism, 145
- Hypotonic solution, 17, 125
- H-zone, 190
- I-bands, 190
- ICSH. See Interstitial cell-stimulating hormone
- Immune system, 231
- Imperfect fungi, 329–330
- Incomplete flowers, 347
- Influenza virus, 301
- Infundibulum, 146
- Ingen-Housz, Jan, 103
- Inhibitors, 139
- Inner labia, 75
- Inner membrane, 29
- Inorganic ions, 129, 203–204, 233–234
- Inorganic molecules, 243
- Insects (Insecta), 364–366
- blood of, 213–214
- flowering plants and, 347
- heart of, 214
- muscles of, 187
- open circulatory system of, 212–213
- Insertion, of muscle to bone, 186
- Insulin, 19, 143, 247
- Insulin shock, 143
- Intercellular diffusion, 198
- Interkineses, 58
- Internal digestive cavity, 358
- Internal fertilization, 370, 372
- Internal transport
- in multicellular organisms, 197–198
- in plants, 198–204
- Interneurons (association neurons), 165, 173
- Interphase, 51
- Interspecific dynamics, 270
- Interstitial cell-stimulating hormone (ICSH), 148, 149
- Interstitial fluids, 214
- Intraspecific dynamics, 270
- Invertebrates
- brain of, 159
- in estuaries, 283
- excretion by, 125–131
- higher, 361–367
- lower, 355–361
- Iodine, 256
- Iron, 214, 228, 255
- Islet cells (islets of Langerhans), 143
- Isomers, 247–251
- Isosmotic solution, 17, 124
- Isotonic solution, 17
- Karyokinesis, of eukaryotic cells, 49–51
- Kelps, 322
- Keto group, 244
- Kidneys
- adrenal glands and, 144
- in invertebrate excretion, 127–129
- Kilogram-calories, 241
- Knee, 186
- Kneecap (patella), 186
- Krebs, Hans, 94
- Krebs cycle, 88, 90, 94, 95, 98
- Kwashiorkor, 245
- Kymograph, 188, 189
- Labia majora, 75
- Labia minora, 75
- Lactic acid, 92, 188–189
- Lakes, 282
- Lamellae, 29, 106
- Lampreys, 368
- Lancelets (Cephalochordata), 367–368
- Large intestine (colon), 247
- Larger collecting ducts, 129
- Larvae, 360
- Latent period, of muscle contraction, 188
- Lateral meristematic tissue (cambium), 199
- LDL. See Low-density lipoprotein
- Leaves
- of bryophytes, 338
- photosynthesis in, 115–116
- Leeches (bloodsuckers), 164, 363
- Left atrium, 215
- Left ventricle, 217
- Leucoplasts, 29
- Leukocytes, 230–232
- LH. See Luteinizing hormone
- LHRF. See Luteinizing hormone-releasing factor
- Lichens, 330–331
- Life. See Origin of life
- Life tables, 268
- Ligaments, 186
- Light microscope, 11, 12
- Lightning, 286
- Lignin, 21
- Limnologists, 282
- Lipids
- in cell membrane, 15, 18
- in microspheres, 5
- nutrition from, 251–254
- Lipid-soluble (fat-soluble) substances, plasma membrane and, 18
- Lipopolysaccharide, 310
- Lipoproteins, 253
- Littoral zone, 283
- Liver, 247
- Liverworts, 198, 336–339
- Lizards, 371
- Lobsters, 365
- Logistic curve, 271
- Long-day plants, 140
- Longevity, 273
- Loop of Henle, 129
- Lophophorates, 361
- Low-density lipoprotein (LDL), 253
- Lumbar vertebrae, 184
- Lumen, 218
- Lungs, 215
- Luteinizing hormone (LH), 146
- Luteinizing hormone-releasing factor (LHRF), 148
- Lycophyta (club mosses), 340–341
- Lymph, 219, 227
- Lymph nodes, 220
- Lymphatic system, 218–220
- Lymphatics, 219
- Lymphocytes (white blood cells), 220, 227, 230–232
- Lysosomes, 26–27
- Mad cow disease, 304
- Magnesium, 255
- Magnesium ions, 233
- Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), 12
- Magnification, 11
- Male reproductive organs, 75, 76
- Malpighian tubules, 127, 214, 365
- Mammals (Mammalia), 372–373
- cerebral cortex of, 162–163
- closed circulatory system of, 211
- heart of, 216
- hemoglobin of, 228
- osmoregulation by, 131–132
- Mammary glands, 373
- Mandible, 184
- Manganese, 256
- Mantle, of mollusks, 362
- Margarine, 253
- Marine bristle worms (Polychaeta), 362
- Marine communities, 282–284
- Marrow, 183
- Mass extinctions, 276
- Mass-flow hypothesis, 204
- Mastigophora (flagellates), 322
- Matrix
- of blood, 227
- of mitochondria, 27
- Maximal stimulus, 188
- McClintock, Barbara, 57
- Measles, 301
- Medulla oblongata, 160, 162
- Medusae, 356
- Megaspores, 341
- Megasporophylls, 344
- Meiosis, 56–57, 69
- centrioles and, 33
- Protists and, 322
- Meiosis I, 57–58, 68
- Meiosis II, 58, 68
- Melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH), 146
- Membrane potential, 167, 170
- Menarche, 149
- Meninges, 159
- Menopause, 77–78, 149
- Menses, 79, 149
- Menstrual cycle, 79–80
- first, 149
- FSHRF and LHRF and, 148
- Meristematic cells, 201
- Mesoderm, 356, 360
- Mesodermal muscles, 357–358
- Mesoglea, 356
- Mesosomes, 35, 312
- Messenger RNA (mRNA), 312
- Metabolic processes, 92
- Metabolism, 92
- Metabolites, 92
- Metacarpals, 185
- Metamorphosis, 364
- Metaphase, 53
- Metaphase I, 57
- Metaphase II, 58
- Metatarsals, 186
- Methane, 2
- Methanogens, 315
- Methyl group, 244
- Microclimates, 266
- Microfilaments, 30
- Micropyle, 344, 345
- Microscopes, 11–13
- Microspheres, 5
- Microspores, 341, 344
- Microtubules, 31–34
- Midbrain, 160, 162, 163
- Middle (central) lamella, 21
- Milk, 373
- Miller, Stanley, 4
- Millipedes (Diplopoda), 366
- Mimic, 291
- Mimicry, 291
- Mineralocorticoids, 144
- Minerals, 255–256
- Mites ticks, 365
- Mitochondria, 27, 34, 94, 322
- Mitosis, 33, 51–53, 322
- Mitral valve (bicuspid valve), 217
- Model, in mimicry, 291
- Mollusca (mollusks), 361–362
- Molting, 364
- Monera, 309–316. See also Bacteria; Blue-green algae
- Monocotyledonae, 349
- Monocytes, 231
- Monoecious organisms, 56, 356
- Monomers, 243–245
- Monoploids, 56, 69
- Monosaccharides, 245, 250
- Monotremes, 373
- Montlivault, Sales-Guyon de, 6
- Morphogenesis, 355
- Morula, 355
- Mosses, 198, 336–339
- Motor neurons, 165
- MRI. See Magnetic resonance imaging
- mRNA. See Messenger RNA
- MSH. See Melanocyte-stimulating hormone
- Mucocomplex, 310
- Mucopolysaccharides, 26
- Mucosal lining, of vagina, 77
- Mullerian mimicry, 291
- Multicellular organisms, 13
- in animal kingdom, 355
- internal transport in, 197–198
- Multinuclear (coenocytic) mass, 325
- Mumps, 301
- Muscle cells, 187
- Muscle fibers, 187
- Muscle twitch, 188
- Muscles
- bones and, 186–187
- contraction of, 188–191, 220
- Mushrooms, 328–329
- Mussels, 362
- Mutations, 313
- Mutualism, 288, 289
- Mycelium, 202, 326
- Mycoplasmas, 309, 315
- Mycorrhizae, 202, 330
- Mycorrhizal associations, 326, 330
- Myelin sheathing, 165
- Myofibers, 187
- Myofibrils, 190
- Myoglobin, 188
- Myosin, 190, 191
- NAD, 93
- NADH, 96
- NADH 2, 87, 93, 94
- NADPH 2, 112–115
- Natural selection, 67, 273, 288
- Nautiluses, 362
- Nectaries, 347
- Nekton, 284
- Nematocysts, 357
- Nematoda (nematodes, roundworms), 164, 360
- Nemertea (nemerteans, nemertines, and acoelomates), 358
- Neocortex, 162
- Neon, 2
- Nephridia, 126–127, 362, 364
- Nephrons, 127–129
- Nerve cords, 358
- Nerve net, 164, 357
- Nerves, 165
- Nervous impulse, 167–171
- Nervous system, 163–165
- evolution of, 164–165
- of mollusks, 362
- organization of, 173–174
- Net productivity, 275
- Neural impulse, 167
- Neuroglia, 165
- Neurohypophysis (posterior lobe of pituitary), 146–148
- Neuromuscular junction, 191
- Neurons, 163–167
- Neurotransmitters, 168, 171, 172
- Neutrophils, 231
- Nexus (gap) junctions, 22–23
- Niche, 266–267, 270
- Nitrate, 286
- Nitric oxide, 172
- Nitrification, 316
- Nitrifying bacteria, 286
- Nitrogen, 2, 106
- Nitrogen cycle, 285–286
- Nitrogen fixation (fixers), 316
- Nitrogen-fixing microorganisms, 286
- Nitrous oxide, 2
- Nodal tissue, 234
- Nodes, in heart, 234
- Nodes of Ranvier, 165
- Noncyclic photophosphorylation, 113
- Noradrenalin (norepinephrine), 144, 172
- Nuclear membrane, 23–24
- Nucleic acids, 23, 250
- Nucleoid, 35
- Nucleolar organizer, 23
- Nucleolus, 23
- Nucleoplasm, 15
- Nucleotides, 23
- Nucleus, 23–24
- Nudibranchs, 362
- Nutrition (nutrients), 241–256
- from carbohydrates, 245
- from carbon, 243
- with fiber, 256
- from functional groups, 243, 244
- from lipids, 251–254
- from minerals, 255–256
- from monomers, 243–245
- for photosynthesis, 105–106
- from polymers, 243–245
- from proteins, 242–245
- from simple sugars, 245–251
- from vitamins, 254–255
- Ocelli, 357
- Octopuses, 164, 361–362
- Olfactory lobes, 160, 162
- Oligochaeta (terrestrial bristle worms), 362
- Omnivores, 275
- Onychophora (velvet worms, peripatus), 363–364
- Oogametes, 337
- Oogamous, 337
- Oogenesis, 69–71
- Oomycota (water molds), 326–327
- Ootid, 69
- Oparin, S. I., 4, 5
- Open circulatory system
- of insects, 212–213
- of mollusks, 362
- Open ocean, 283–284
- Ophiuroidea, 366
- Optic lobes, 160
- Optic nerves, 162
- Optical isomers, 248
- Organelles, 23, 25
- chlorophyll and, 108
- in eukaryotic cells, 34
- ribosomes as, 15
- Organic molecules, 243
- Orgel, Leslie, 7
- Origin, of muscle to bone, 186
- Origin of life
- clues from space for, 5–6
- conditions for, 2–4
- experimental search on, 4–5
- panspermia and, 6–7
- spontaneous generation of, 1–2
- Osculum, 356
- Osmoregulation, 130–132
- Osmosis, 16–18, 125
- Osmotic pressure, 17, 124
- Osseous tissue, 183
- Osteichthyes (bony fish), 130, 368
- Ostia, 213
- Outer labia, 75
- Outer membrane, of plastids, 29
- Ovarian cycle, 79
- Ovaries, 77–78, 148–149
- Oviducts, 77
- Ovulate cones, 344
- Ovulation, 78, 149
- Ovules, 346, 348
- Ovum, 69
- Oxidation, 87–91
- in autotrophic nutrition, 316
- in redox reactions, 111
- Oxidative phosphorylation, 96
- Oxygen, 2, 4
- in bacteria, 310
- in blood, 214
- in erythrocytes, 227–228
- free radicals of, 109
- in insect blood, 213
- in muscles, 188
- for photosynthesis, 106
- Oxygen debt, 189
- Oxygenated blood, 214
- Oxytocin, 147–149
- Oysters, 362
- P680, 111
- P700, 111
- Pacemaker, 187, 234
- Pancreas, 143–144, 246
- Pancreatic juice, 143
- Pancreozymin (cholecystokinin), 143
- Panspermia, 6–7
- Papillomaviruses, 303
- Parapodia, 362
- Parasites (parasitism), 288, 289
- in flukes, 359
- fungi as, 325–326
- Parasympathetic system, 173–174
- Parathormone (PTH), 145
- Parathyroids, 145
- Parenchyma, 199
- Parthenogenesis, 67
- Parvovirus, 301
- Passive transport, 16, 19
- Pasteur, Louis, 2, 310
- Patella (kneecap), 186
- Pathogens, 314
- Pecking orders, 289
- Pectin, 21
- Pelvis, 184
- Penis, 75
- Pentaradial symmetry, 366
- Pentoses, 246
- Peptide bonds, 242
- Perianth, 348
- Periods, 79
- Peripatus (Onychophora), 363–364
- Peripheral nervous system, 173
- Peristalsis, 188, 246
- Permafrost, 281
- Permeability, of plasma membrane, 18
- Permeable skin, 369
- Peroxisomes, 27
- Petals, 347–348
- PGA. See Phosphoglyceric acid
- PGAL. See Phosphoglyceraldehyde
- Phaeophyta (brown algae), 335
- Phagocytosis, 21, 26, 29, 130, 213
- Phalanges, 185
- Phloem, 197, 198, 200–201, 342
- Phoronida (phoronids), 361
- Phosphate, 233, 287
- Phosphate group, 244
- Phosphglycerate, 94
- Phosphoenolpyruvate, 94
- Phosphoglyceraldehyde (PGAL), 92, 97, 114–115
- Phosphoglyceric acid (PGA, 3PG), 114
- Phospholipids, 15, 251, 253
- Phosphoric acid, 253
- Phosphorus, 256
- Phosphorus cycle, 286–287
- Photoperiodism, 139–140
- Photoreceptor cells, 167
- Photosynthesis, 103–116
- carbohydrate synthesis in, 114, 245
- carbon fixation in, 114
- cyclic photophosphorylation in, 114
- electron passing in, 111–113
- in leaves, 115–116
- light absorption in, 111
- noncyclic photophosphorylation in, 113
- nutrients for, 105–106
- photosynthetic autotrophs for, 105
- primary productivity of, 275
- by Protists, 322
- Photosynthetic autotrophs, 105
- Photosynthetic phosphorylation, 114
- Photosynthetic pigments, 104–105, 107–110
- Photosystem I, 111
- Photosystem II, 111–113
- Photosystems, 111
- Phototropic response, 137
- Phycobilins, 109
- Physical defense, 289
- Phytochrome, 140
- Pia mater, 160
- Pill bugs, 365
- Pine cone scales, 345
- Pines, 345
- Pinocytosis, 21, 26, 218
- Pisces. See Fish
- Pith, 199
- Pituitary (hypophysis), 146–148, 160
- Planaria, 198
- Plankton, 284
- Plant cells
- cell structure of, 31
- homeostasis in, 123–124
- plasma membrane of, 55
- plastids in, 28–29
- Plantae (plant kingdom), 335–349
- angiosperms, 336, 346–357
- Bryophyta, 337–339
- Coniferophyta, 345–346
- Cycadophyta, 344
- Ginkgophyta, 344–345
- gymnosperms, 336, 343
- Lycophyta, 340–341
- move to land, 336–337
- Psilophyta, 340
- Pterophyta, 341–353
- Sphenophyta, 341
- vascular plants, 339–340
- Plants. See also Photosynthesis
- alternation-of-generation in, 72–75
- camouflage of, 290–291
- cell walls of, 21
- chemical defenses of, 290
- conducting tissues in, 200–201
- flowers of, 347–349
- hormones of, 137–140
- inorganic ions in, 203–204
- internal transport in, 198–204
- minerals for, 256
- mycorrhizae and, 330
- phosphorus cycle and, 287
- as producers, 274
- roots of, 201–203
- starch in, 250
- stems of, 199–200
- Planulae, 357
- Plasma, 227, 233
- Plasma membrane (cell membrane), 13, 15–21
- of bacteria, 312
- desmosomes of, 22
- of eukaryotic cells, 35
- permeability of, 18
- of plant cells, 55
- Plasmids, 314–315
- Plasmodesmata, 22–23, 198
- Plasmodium, 325
- Plasmolysis, 124
- Plastids, 27–29
- Platelets (thrombocytes), 227, 232–233
- Platyhelminthes (platyhelminths), 358–360
- Platypus, 373
- Pollen, 344, 348
- Pollen grains, 345
- Pollen-bearing cones, 344
- Polychaeta (marine bristle worms), 362
- Polymerization, 250
- Polymers, 243–245
- Polypeptides, 5, 243
- Polyps, 356
- Polyribosomes, 26
- Polysaccharides, 18, 21, 246, 250
- Polysomes, 26
- Ponds, 282
- Population, 267
- Population density, 267, 271
- Population growth, 267–268
- Porifera (sponges), 163, 355–356
- Posterior lobe of pituitary (neurohypophysis), 146–148
- Posterior vena cava, 217
- Postovulatory phase, of menstrual cycle, 149
- Potassium, 256
- Potassium ions, 168, 191, 233
- Predators (carnivores), 275, 289
- Preovulatory phase, of menstrual cycle, 149
- Pressure flow, 204
- Priestley, Joseph, 103
- Primary cell wall, 21
- Primary consumers (herbivores), 275
- Primary oocytes, 69
- Primary production, 275
- Primary productivity, 275
- Primary spermatocytes, 69
- Prions, 304
- Proboscis, 358
- Proboscis worms, 358
- Producers, 274
- Progesterone, 148
- in birth, 149
- in menstrual cycle, 79
- as steroid, 253
- Proglottids, 359
- Prokaryotes, 35
- bacteria as, 310
- Monera as, 309
- mutations in, 313
- Prokaryotic cells, 35
- Prokaryotic DNA, 312
- Prolactin, 146
- Prophase, 51–53
- Prophase I, 57
- Prophase II, 58
- Prostate gland, 75
- Proteinaceous fibers, 356
- Proteins
- in blood, 233–234, 244
- cell membrane of, 15
- nutrition from, 242–245
- plasma membrane and, 18
- respiration of, 97–98
- in subviruses, 304
- in viruses, 300
- Prothrombin, 233
- Protista, 321–323
- Protoctista, 323
- Protostomia (protostomes), 359–360
- Protozoa, 13, 322
- Proximal convoluted tubule, 129
- Pseudocoelomates, 360
- Pseudoplasmodium, 325
- Psilophyta (psilophytes), 340
- Psilopsids (vascular plants), 336
- Psuedomonadales, 315
- Ptatyhelminthes, 164
- Pterophyta (pterophytes, ferns), 336, 341–353
- PTH. See Parathormone
- Puberty, 75, 79, 148
- Pulmonary artery, 215
- Pulmonary circulatory system, 217
- Pulmonary semilunar valve, 217
- Pulmonary veins, 217
- Pulse rate, 235
- Pus, 233
- Pyloric sphincter, 143, 246
- Pyrrophyta (dinoflagellates), 322
- Pyruvate, 90, 92–94
- Quaternary consumers, 275
- Rabies, 303
- Radial symmetry, 164, 356
- Radiate phyla, 360
- Radius, 185
- Rainfall, 266, 277–279
- Random spacing, of population, 267
- Rays, 183, 368
- RDA. See Recommended Dietary Allowance
- Realized niche, 270
- Receptacle, 347–348
- Receptor sites, 163
- Receptor-conductor cells, 163
- Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA), 245
- Recruitment, 269–270
- Rectum, 247
- Recycling, 291
- Red algae (Rhodophyta), 335
- Red blood cells (erythrocytes), 227–229
- Redi, Francesco, 2
- Redox reactions, 111
- Reduction, in redox reactions, 111
- Reflex arc, 172–173
- Refractory period, 168
- Regeneration, 67
- Relaxation period, of muscle contraction, 188
- Relaxin, 149
- Releasing factors, 148
- Renal artery, 127
- Renin, 144
- Replication, 49
- Repolarization, 191
- Reproduction. See also Asexual reproduction; Sexual reproduction
- alternation-of-generation, 71–75
- asexual, 67–68
- of bacteria, 312–313
- human, 75–80
- sexual, 68–71
- Reproductive strategy, 273–274
- Reptiles (Reptilia), 369–371
- closed circulatory system of, 211
- heart of, 216
- neocortex of, 162
- osmoregulation by, 132
- Residue, 249
- Resolution, of microscopes, 11
- Retroviruses, 303
- Rh system, 230
- Rhinoviruses, 301
- Rhizoids, 338
- Rhodophyta (red algae), 335
- Rhynchocephalia, 371
- Ribbon worms, 358
- Ribonucleic acid (RNA), 23
- in mitochondria, 27
- mRNA, 312
- phosphorus cycle and, 287
- in plastids, 28
- in ribosomes, 15
- rRNA, 26
- subviruses and, 304
- tRNA, 315
- in viruses, 300–301
- Ribose, 250
- Ribosomal RNA (rRNA), 26
- Ribosomes, 24–28, 35, 107, 312
- Ribs, 184
- Ribulose biphosphate, 114–115
- Richter, H. E., 6
- Rickettsias, 315
- Right atrium, 215
- Right ventricle, 216–217
- Ringworm, 330
- Rivers, 281–282
- RNA. See Ribonucleic acid
- Root hairs, 202, 330, 340
- Root pressure, 202
- Roots, 201–203, 339
- Rotifera (rotifers), 361
- Rough endoplasmic reticulum, 24–25
- Roundworms (Nematoda), 164, 360
- rRNA. See Ribosomal RNA
- Rubella, 301
- Rushes, 343
- S-A node. See Sinoatrial node
- Sac fungi (Ascomycota), 327–328
- Sac worms (aschelminthes), 360–361
- Sacrum, 184
- Salamanders (Apoda), 369
- Saliva, 246
- Salt balance, 129–131
- Salts, in blood, 233–234
- Sand dollars, 366–367
- Saprophytes, 325
- Sarcodina (amoebas), 322
- Sarcomere, 190, 191
- Satellite viruses, 304
- Saturated fatty acids, 252–253
- Saussure, Nicolas-Théodore de, 103
- Scallops, 362
- Scanning electron microscope (SEM), 12
- Scanning tunneling microscope, 12
- Scapulas, 184
- Schleiden, Matthias, 14
- Schwann, Theodor, 14
- Schwann cells, 165, 166
- Scientific method, 1
- Scientists, 1
- Scolex, 359
- Scorpions, 365
- Scramble competition, 270
- Scrapie, 304
- Scrotum, 75
- Scyphozoa, 357
- Sea anemones, 163, 164, 356–357
- Sea cucumbers (Holothurioidea), 366, 367
- Sea fans, 357
- Sea lilies (Crinoidea), 366
- Sea squirts, 367
- Sea stars (Asteroidea), 366
- Sea urchins, 366–367
- Second polar bodies, 69
- Secondary consumers, 275
- Secondary oocytes, 69
- Secondary wall, 21
- Secretin, 143
- Secretory glands, 365
- Sedentary (sessile), 356
- Sedges, 343
- Sedimentary cycle, 287
- Seed ferns, 343
- Seed plants, 336
- Seeds, 340, 346
- SEM. See Scanning electron microscope
- Semen, 75
- Seminal vesicles, 75
- Seminiferous tubules, 69, 149
- Semipermeable membrane, 16–17, 125
- Senebier, Jean, 103
- Sensory nerve endings, 163
- Sensory neurons, 165
- Sepals, 347
- Septa, 326, 362
- Serotonin, 172
- Serpent stars, 366
- Serum, 227
- Sessile (sedentary), 356
- Sex, 55–56
- Sex cells, 56
- Sexual intercourse (coitus), 78
- Sexual reproduction, 68–71
- Sexual union, 55
- Sexuality, 55–56
- Sharks, 131, 183, 368
- Shell, of mollusks, 362
- Shelled eggs, 370
- Short-day plants, 140
- Shrimp, 365
- Sieve elements, 200
- Sieve plates, 200
- Sieve tubes, 200–201, 203–204
- Silica, 356
- Simple sugars, 18, 29, 245–251
- Single-celled organisms, 13, 197
- Sinoatrial node (S-A node), 187, 234
- Skates, 368
- Skeletal muscle, 187
- Skeletal system, 183
- Skull, 159
- Sliding-filament theory, for muscle contraction, 189–191
- Slime molds, 325
- Slugs, 362
- Small intestine, 143, 246
- Smooth endoplasmic reticulum, 24–25
- Smooth (visceral) muscle, 187–188
- Snails, 362
- Snakes, 371
- Snapping turtle, 371
- Society, 289
- Sodium, 256
- Sodium chloride, 233
- Sodium ions, 168, 170, 233
- Sodium-potassium pump, 168
- Sol state, 15
- Solute, 17, 124, 198
- Solution, 15–18, 124, 198
- Solvent, 17, 124
- Somatic nervous system, 173
- Somatotrophic hormone (STH), 146
- Spartina, 282–283
- Specialist species, 269
- Species diversity, 268–269
- Species turnover, 269–270
- Sperm, 56, 67, 69, 75
- of reptiles, 370
- of vascular plants, 339–340
- Sperm cells, 68
- Sperm duct, 75
- Spermatogenesis, 69–71
- Spermatophyta, 343
- Spermatozoa, 69
- Sphenophyta (horsetails), 336, 341
- Sphincter muscle, 77
- Sphygmomanometer, 235
- Spicules, 356
- Spiders, 365
- Spinal cord
- nerves of, 173
- reflex arcs of, 172
- white matter of, 167
- Spindle fibers, 52, 53
- Spindles, 33–34, 52, 53
- Spiny anteater, 373
- Spiracles, 365
- Spiral secondary cell wall, 201
- Spirilla, 315
- Spirochaetes, 315
- Spleen, 220
- Sponges (Porifera), 163, 355–356
- Spongocoel, 356
- Spongy bone, 183
- Spontaneous generation, 1–2
- Sporangia, 345–346
- Spores, 67, 74, 313–314, 325, 340
- Sporophylls, 341, 343
- Sporophyte generation, 338
- Sporophytes, 343, 346
- Sporozoa, 322
- Squamata (lizards and snakes), 371
- Squid, 362
- Stalk, 338
- Stamens, 347
- Staminate cones, 344
- Standing crop, 276
- Starch, 29, 246, 250–251
- Starfish, 366
- Statocysts, 357
- Steinman, Ralph, 146
- Stems, 199–200
- Stereomicroscopes, 11, 12
- Sternum, 184
- Steroids
- from adrenal cortex, 144
- anabolic, 149, 254
- cell membrane of, 15
- as lipids, 251, 253–254
- STH. See Somatotrophic hormone
- Stigma, 348
- Stimulus, 167
- Stomach, 143
- Streams, 281–282
- Striated muscles, 187
- Strobili, 341
- Stroma, 106, 107, 112
- Structural isomers, 247
- Style, 348
- Sublittoral zone, 283–284
- Subviruses (subviral infectious agents, subviral agents), 304
- Succession, in ecology, 271–273
- Succulents, 279
- Sucrose, 115
- Sulfate, in blood, 223
- Summation, of muscle contraction, 188
- Survivorship curves, 273–274
- Sutures, 186
- Symbionts, 314
- Symbiosis, 288
- of lichens, 330
- of mitochondria, 27
- Sympathetic system, 173–174
- Synapse, 168, 171, 172
- Synapsis, 57
- Syncytia, 55
- Syphilis, 315
- Systemic circulatory system, 217
- Systole, 235
- T cells, 232
- Taiga (boreal forests), 281
- Tapeworms (Cestoda), 358–360
- Tarsals, 186
- Teeth, 184, 246
- Telomeres, 50
- Telophase, 55
- Telophase I, 58
- Telophase II, 58
- TEM. See Transmission electron microscope
- Temperate deciduous forests, 279
- Temperate deserts, 281
- Temperate evergreen forests, 279
- Temperate forests, 279
- Temperate grasslands, 280–281
- Temperate rain forests, 279
- Temperate shrubland (chaparral), 280
- Temperate woodland, 279–280
- Temperature, 266
- Tendons, 186
- Tentacles, 357
- Termites, 314
- Terrestrial bristle worms (Oligochaeta), 362
- Territory, 288–289
- Tertiary consumers, 275
- Testes, 68, 149
- Testosterone, 149
- Tetanus, 315
- of muscle contraction, 188
- Tetrads, 57
- Tetroses, 246
- TF. See Tissue factor
- Thalamus, 160, 162
- Thallophytes, 335
- Thallus, 335
- Thermoacidophiles, 315
- Thirst, 162
- Thoracic vertebrae, 184
- Thorax, of insects, 365
- Threshold, 168
- Thrombin, 233
- Thrombocytes (platelets), 227, 232–233
- Thromboplastins, 232–233
- Thylakoids, 106–107
- Thymosin, 145
- Thymus gland, 145–146
- Thyrocalcitonin (calcitonin), 145
- Thyroid gland, 144–145
- Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), 148
- Thyrotropin (thyrotropic hormone), 146
- Thyroxin, 144–145
- Tibia, 186
- Tidal marshes, 282–283
- Timberline, 281
- Tissue, 234
- Tissue factor (TF), 233
- Tonoplasts, 29
- Tonsils, 220
- Toxins, 314
- TPN. See Triphosphopyridine nucleotide
- Trachea, of insects, 365
- Tracheal system, 213, 363–364
- Tracheids, 201
- Tracheophyta (tracheophytes, vascular plants), 336, 339–340
- Transduction, 56
- in bacterial reproduction, 313
- Transfer RNA (tRNA), 315
- Transformation, 56
- in bacterial reproduction, 312
- Transmission electron microscope (TEM), 11–12
- Transpiration, 202
- Transpiration theory (cohesion theory), 202–203
- Trans-unsaturated fatty acids (trans fats, trans fatty acids), 253
- Trematoda (flukes), 358–359
- Tricuspid valve, 217
- Triglycerides, 251, 252
- Triglycerol, 252
- Triiodothyronin, 145
- Trioses, 246
- Triphosphopyridine nucleotide (TPN), 112
- Triploid nucleus, 349
- tRNA. See Transfer RNA
- Trophic level, 275
- Tropical rain forest, 277–276
- Tropical savannas, 278
- Tropical seasonal forest, 278
- Tropical thornwood, 279
- Tropisms, 138
- TSH. See Thyroid-stimulating hormone
- Tuatara, 371
- Tubular excretory system, 358
- Tundra, 281
- Tunicates (Urochordata), 367
- Turbellaria (free-living flatworms), 358–359
- Turgor, 204
- Turtles (Chelonia), 371
- Ulna, 185
- Unicellular organisms, 13
- Uniform spacing, of population, 267
- Universal donors, 229
- Unsaturated fatty acids, 252–253
- Urban ecosystems, 280
- Urea
- in invertebrate excretion, 129
- in sharks, 131
- Ureter, 129
- Urethra, 77, 129
- Uric acid, 129
- Uric acid crystals, 127
- Urinary meatus, 75, 77
- Urine, 127
- Urochordata (tunicates), 367
- Uterine cycle, 79
- Uterus, 77, 79, 148–149
- V-A node. See Atrioventricular node
- Vacuolar membrane, 29
- Vacuoles, 322
- Vagina (birth canal), 77
- Valves, 211
- van Leeuwenhoek, Antonie, 11
- Vascular cambium, 199, 200, 341
- Vascular plants (tracheophytes), 336, 339–340
- Vascular rays, 201
- Vascular tissue, 338
- Vasopressin. See Antidiuretic hormone
- Vegetative reproduction, 67
- Veins, 214
- Velvet worms (Onychophora), 363–364
- Ventricles
- of brain, 160
- of heart, 215–217
- Venules, 214
- Vertebrae, 184
- Vertebral column (backbone), 184
- Vertebrates (Vertebrata), 368–373. See also Amphibians; Birds; Fish; Mammals; Reptiles
- brain of, 160–163
- cartilage of, 183
- circulatory system of, 214–218
- closed circulatory system of, 211
- Vessel elements, 201
- Villi, 246
- Viral capsid, 300
- Virchow, Rudolf, 14
- Virinos, 304
- Virogenes, 304
- Viroids, 304
- Viruses, 299–303
- Virusoids, 304
- Visceral (smooth) muscle, 187–188
- Viscosity, of plasma, 233
- Vital force (principle), 2
- Vitalist doctrine, 2
- Vitamins, 254–255
- Vulva, 75
- Water balance, 162
- in invertebrate excretion, 129–131
- lipids and, 251
- Water cycle, 287–288
- Water fleas, 365
- Water molds (Oomycota), 326–327
- Water vapor
- in atmosphere, 2
- from transpiration, 202
- water cycle and, 287
- Water vascular system, 366
- Watson, James, 7
- Waxy cuticular layer, 339
- Weather, 266
- Weiss, A., 5
- Whelks, 362
- White blood cells (lymphocytes), 220, 227, 230–232
- White matter, 167
- Womb, 75
- Wood, 199
- Wood lice, 365
- Yellow-brown algae, 322
- Yellow-green algae, 322
- Zinc, 256
- Z-line, 190
- Zygomycota, 327
- Zygote, 56, 72, 325, 336, 338, 343, 346