More OMG Classics!
Title Page
Who’s Who
- Gaia and Uranus -
- Kronos and Rhea -
- Zeus, the Titans, and Every1 Else -
- Athena and Zeus -
- Gods of Mount Olympus -
- Aphrodite -
- Leto and Niobe -
- Artemis -
- Otis and Ephialtes -
- Orion -
- Persephone -
- King Midas -
- Echo -
- Narcissus -
- Medusa and Perseus -
- Tantalus and Pelops - (or How the Olympics Came to Be)
- Oedipus -
- Prometheus -
- Daedalus and Icarus -
The 411 for Those Not in the Know
Some Emotions You Might Find in This Book
About the Author