1. Of the Letters and Vowels in General
7. Of Masculine and Feminine Gender
8. Of the Construct Case of Nouns
9. Of the Twofold Use of the Noun
10. Of the Preposition and the Adverb
17. Of Passive Intensive Verbs
18. Of the Derivative Active Verb
19. Of the Derivative Passive Verb
20. Of the Active Reflexive Verbs
21. Of the Passive Reflexive Verb
22. Of Verbs of the Second Conjugation
23. Of Verbs of the Third Conjugation
24. Verbs of the Fourth Conjugation
25. Verbs of the Fifth Conjugation
27. Verbs of the Sixth Conjugation
28. Verbs of the Seventh Conjugation
29. Verbs of the Eighth Conjugation