List of figures

1.1   The 7 Rs of information management

1.2   Inputs and outputs in the 7 Rs of information management

2.1   Found on the Web: one person’s way of organizing everyday information

2.2   Bibliographic database

2.3   Catalogue database. 1: OPAC search screen

2.4   Catalogue database. 2: Search menu (helpscreen)

2.5   Catalogue database. 3: OPAC subject search

2.6   Catalogue database. 4: Search results

2.7   Referral database

2.8   Multimedia source database

2.9   Two simple relations

2.10   Forms of presentation and arrangement in documents

2.11   ERIC publication types

2.12   Frame for understanding and summarizing disasters

2.13   A simple SGML document

2.14   A simple HTML document

2.15   Dublin Core metadata

3.1   Citation: The Harvard (name and date) system

3.2   Citation: The Numeric (Vancouver) system

3.3   Examples of different types of abstract

3.4   Citation with abstract

3.5   Full-text record

3.6   Descriptive cataloguing examples: Level 2

3.7   Descriptive cataloguing examples: Level 1

3.8   Record in UKMARC format

4.1   Briefsearch

4.2   Building blocks strategy

4.3   Successive facets strategy

4.4   Pairwise facets strategy

4.5   Citation pearl growing

4.6   Development of a search strategy in a GUI

4.7   Web-based interface

5.1   Comparing uncontrolled and controlled indexing languages

5.2   Levels of exhaustivity within a single work

5.3   Indexing at different levels of exhaustivity

5.4   Examples of fundamental categories

5.5   Thesaurus record showing relationships

5.6   Thesaurus display: rotated display

5.7   Thesaurus display: subject group display

5.8   Thesaurus display: hierarchical term display

5.9   Thesaurus display: systematic display

5.10   Thesaurus display: graphic display

6.1   Citation order

6.2   Summary of pre-coordination and post-coordination

6.3   LCSH heading with its references

6.4   Articulated subject index

6.5   PRECIS worked example

6.6   Subject index by chain procedure

6.7   Chain indexing applied to a DDC classified catalogue

7.1   Principles of division

7.2   Enumerative classification 1

7.3   Enumerative classification 2

7.4   Enumerative and faceted classifications compared

7.5   Order of main classes in BC2

7.6   Citation order and filing order

7.7   Retroactive notation in BC2

7.8   Non-hierarchical notation in BC2

8.1   DDC Main Classes

8.2   Facet structure and centred headings in DDC class 624.1

8.3   Subfacets in DDC class 305 Social groups

8.4   Synthesis by means of ‘add’ instructions

8.5   DDC Relative index

8.6   LCC main classes

8.7   LCC sample topic: Vendettas

8.8   Principal differences between DDC and UDC schedules

8.9   UDC Common auxiliary tables

8.10   BC2’s hierarchy for Vendettas

8.11   Order of main classes in BC2

8.12   Principal subfacets for social groups (KLM-KV) in BC2

8.13   Adapting BC2 as a thesaurus

9.1   Sample catalogue entry

9.2   MARC record from which the catalogue entry in Figure 9.1 was derived

9.3   Author/title catalogue

9.4   Direct and collocative catalogues

9.5   The ‘cases’ approach to catalogue code compilation

9.6   Citations, catalogue entries and metadata

10.1   Different types of systems contexts for knowledge organization

10.2   Some examples of integrated information solutions

10.3   Range of databases offered by some of the major search services

10.4   Comparing CD-ROM and online search services

10.5   library management systems by generation

10.6   Features available in BLCMP TALIS

11.1   Comparing Internet resources and traditional online and CD-ROM databases

11.2   Some examples of Internet search tools

11.3   Yahoo! search page: search specification

11.4   Yahoo! search page: search results

11.5   Search results from Lycos

11.6   Comparing search facilities in search tools

11.7   Phases of the Internet document management and publishing process

11.8   Some document management and publishing systems

12.1   KWIC index

12.2   Filing values of subject headings

12.3   Comprehensive punctuation and filing in the author index

12.4   Comprehensive punctuation and filing in the title index

13.1   Recall and precision ratios

13.2   Index language devices influencing recall

13.3   Index language devices influencing precision

13.4   Low recall in search results

13.5   Low precision in search results

13.6   Summary of stages in systems analysis and design

13.7   Relationship types in knowledge networks

13.8   Document types covered by knowledge networks

13.9   Stakeholder roles in the electronic information market-place

13.10   Summary of OCLC services

13.11   BLAISE Bibliographic Files

13.12   Australian Bibliographic Network and the National library of Australia