
A note on the digital index

A link in an index entry is displayed as the section title in which that entry appears. Because some sections have multiple index markers, it is not unusual for an entry to have several links to the same section. Clicking on any link will take you directly to the place in the text in which the marker appears.


abalone data set, Extended Example: A Measure of Association, Extended Example: Recoding an Abalone Data Set, Extended Example: Back to the Abalone Data
recoding, Extended Example: A Measure of Association
using lapply() function, Extended Example: Back to the Abalone Data
abline() graphics function, Functions Are Objects
abs() math function, Doing Math and Simulations in R
accessing, Extended Example: Text Concordance, Creating Data Frames, Creating Data Frames, Accessing the Keyboard and Monitor, Accessing the Keyboard and Monitor, Using the scan() Function, Using the scan() Function, Extended Example: Reading PUMS Census Files, Accessing the Internet, Overview of TCP/IP, Overview of TCP/IP, Sockets in R
data frames, Creating Data Frames
files on remote machines via URLs, Extended Example: Reading PUMS Census Files
Internet, Accessing the Internet, Overview of TCP/IP, Overview of TCP/IP, Sockets in R
implementing parallel R example, Sockets in R
sockets, Overview of TCP/IP
TCP/IP, Overview of TCP/IP
keyboard and monitor, Accessing the Keyboard and Monitor, Accessing the Keyboard and Monitor, Using the scan() Function, Using the scan() Function
using print() function, Using the scan() Function
using readline() function, Using the scan() Function
using scan() function, Accessing the Keyboard and Monitor
list components and values, Extended Example: Text Concordance
actual argument, Introduction to Functions
adding, Extended Example: Finding Outliers, Adding and Deleting List Elements, Adding Lines: The abline() Function, Extended Example: More on the Polynomial Regression Example, Adding Points: The points() Function, Adding Points: The points() Function, Adding Points: The points() Function
legends to graphs with legend() function, Adding Points: The points() Function
lines with abline() function, Adding Lines: The abline() Function
list elements, Adding and Deleting List Elements
matrix rows and columns, Extended Example: Finding Outliers
points to graphs with points() function, Extended Example: More on the Polynomial Regression Example
text to graphs with text() function, Adding Points: The points() Function
addmargins() function, Matrix/Array-Like Operations on Tables
adjacency matrix, The Mutual Outlinks Problem
aggregate() function, Extended Example: Finding the Largest Cells in a Table
all() function, Using all() and any()
analogous operations, resizing matrices, Changing the Size of a Matrix
anonymous functions, Extended Example: Back to the Abalone Data, The edit() Function
antibugging, Antibugging
any() function, Using all() and any()
application-specific functions, Extended Example: Discrete-Event Simulation in R
apply() function, Extended Example: Generating a Covariance Matrix, Extended Example: Generating a Covariance Matrix, Using the rbind() and cbind() Functions and Alternatives, Matrix/Array-Like Operations on Tables
applying functions to matrix rows and columns, Extended Example: Generating a Covariance Matrix
matrix-like operations, Using the rbind() and cbind() Functions and Alternatives
obtaining variable marginal values, Matrix/Array-Like Operations on Tables
arguments. See also specific argument by name, Introduction to Functions, Introduction to Functions, Introduction to Functions, Default Arguments, Arithmetic and Boolean Operators and Values
actual, Introduction to Functions
default, Default Arguments
default values for, Arithmetic and Boolean Operators and Values
formal, Introduction to Functions
arithmetic operations, Recycling, Arithmetic and Boolean Operators and Values
array() function, Extended Example: Extracting a Subtable
arrays, Matrices and Arrays as Vectors, Naming Matrix Rows and Columns, Higher-Dimensional Arrays
as vectors, Matrices and Arrays as Vectors
higher-dimensional arrays, Naming Matrix Rows and Columns
as.matrix() function, Avoiding Unintended Dimension Reduction
aspell() function, Finding the Implementations of Generic Methods
assign() function, Extended Example: A Salary Study, Extended Example: A Salary Study, Writing to Nonlocals with assign()
variables, Extended Example: A Salary Study
writing nonlocals with, Writing to Nonlocals with assign()
atomic pragma, OpenMP Code Analysis
atomic vectors, Lists
attr() function, Finding the Implementations of Generic Methods


batch mode, Getting Started, Interactive Mode, Help for Other Topics
help feature, Help for Other Topics
running R in, Interactive Mode
Bernoulli sequence, Simulation Programming in R
biglm package, Chunking
bigmemory package, Chunking
binary files, Reading Text Files
binary search tree, Extended Example: A Binary Search Tree
body() function, Returning Complex Objects, Functions Are Objects
Boolean operators, Arithmetic and Boolean Operators and Values
braces, if-else
brackets, List Indexing
Bravington, Mark, Debugging Finding City Pairs
break statement, Loops
breakpoints, setting, Using Browser Commands, Using Browser Commands, Calling browser() Directly
calling browser() function directly, Using Browser Commands
using setbreakpoint() function, Calling browser() Directly
breaks component, hist() function, Lists
browser commands, Using Browser Commands
browser() function, Why Use a Debugging Tool?, Using Browser Commands, Calling browser() Directly
setting breakpoints, Calling browser() Directly
single-stepping through code, Why Use a Debugging Tool?
by() function, The split() Function
byrow argument, matrix() function, Creating Matrices, Reading a Data Frame or Matrix from a File
byte code compilation, Byte Code Compilation


c %in% y set operation, Set Operations
c browser command, Using Browser Commands
c() function, Vector Element Names
C-style looping, Loops
cache, Shared-Memory Machines
calculus, Calculus
categorical variables, Factors and Tables
cbind() function, Matrices, Changing the Size of a Matrix, More on Treatment of NA Values
cdf (cumulative distribution function), Calculus
ceiling() math function, Math Functions
cell counts, changing to proportions, Working with Tables
cex option, changing graph character sizes with, Pinpointing Locations: The locator() Function
Chambers, John, Implementing a Generic Function on an S4 Class
character strings, Character Strings, String Manipulation, An Overview of String-Manipulation Functions, grep(), grep(), nchar(), paste(), paste(), paste(), paste(), Regular Expressions, Regular Expressions, Regular Expressions, Extended Example: Testing a Filename for a Given Suffix, Extended Example: Forming Filenames
defined, Character Strings
regular expressions, Regular Expressions, Regular Expressions, Extended Example: Testing a Filename for a Given Suffix
forming filenames example, Extended Example: Testing a Filename for a Given Suffix
testing filename for given suffix example, Regular Expressions
string-manipulation functions, An Overview of String-Manipulation Functions, grep(), grep(), nchar(), paste(), paste(), paste(), paste(), Regular Expressions
gregexpr(), Regular Expressions
grep(), grep()
nchar(), nchar()
paste(), grep()
regexpr(), paste()
sprintf(), paste()
strsplit(), paste()
substr(), paste()
use of string utilities in edtdbg debugging tool, Extended Example: Forming Filenames
chi-square distribution, Functions for Statistical Distributions
child nodes, binary search tree, A Quicksort Implementation
Chinese dialects, aids for learning, Extended Example: Applying Logistic Regression Models
chol() linear algebra function, Linear Algebra Operations on Vectors and Matrices
choose() set operation, Set Operations
chunking memory, Byte Code Compilation
class() function, Finding the Implementations of Generic Methods
cleaner code, When Should You Use Global Variables?
client/server model, Overview of TCP/IP
closures, Functions Are Objects, When Should You Use Global Variables?
cloud() function, Creating Three-Dimensional Plots
cluster, snow package, Introducing the snow Package
clusterApply() function, snow package, Using the apply() Function, Analyzing the snow Code, Extended Example: K-Means Clustering
code files, Interactive Mode
code safety, Vector In, Vector Out
col() function, Filtering on Matrices
: (colon operator), Vector Indexing
colon operator (:), Vector Indexing
color images, Matrix Indexing
column-major order, matrix storage, Matrices and Arrays, Creating Matrices
combinatorial simulation, Built-In Random Variate Generators
combn() function, Set Operations
comdat$countabsamecomm component, Extended Example: A Combinatorial Simulation
comdat$numabchosen component, Extended Example: A Combinatorial Simulation
comdat$whosleft component, Extended Example: A Combinatorial Simulation
comma-separated value (CSV) files, Extended Example: Regression Analysis of Exam Grades Continued
comments, Batch Mode
complete.cases() function, More on Treatment of NA Values
Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN), Help on the Internet, Calculus, Downloading R from CRAN
computed mean, saving in variable, A First R Session
concatenating, vectors, A First R Session
connections, Reading Text Files
constructors, Extended Example: A Class for Storing Upper-Triangular Matrices
contingency tables, Working with Tables, “What Is This?”
control statements, Control Statements, Loops, Looping Over Nonvector Sets, Looping Over Nonvector Sets
if-else function, Looping Over Nonvector Sets
looping over nonvector sets, Looping Over Nonvector Sets
loops, Loops
copy-on-change policy, Functional Programming and Memory Issues
cos() math function, Math Functions
counter() function, Closures
counts component, Lists, Lists, Extended Example: Aids for Learning Chinese Dialects
hist() function, Lists
mapsound() function, Extended Example: Aids for Learning Chinese Dialects
covariance matrix, generating, Filtering on Matrices
CRAN (Comprehensive R Archive Network), Help for Other Topics, Calculus, Installing R
critical section, OpenMP, Other OpenMP Pragmas
cross-validation, Extended Example: A Procedure for Polynomial Regression, Extended Example: A Procedure for Polynomial Regression
crossprod() function, Sorting
CSV (comma-separated value) files, Accessing Data Frames
ct.dat file, Working with Tables
cumprod() math function, Math Functions, Extended Example: Calculating a Probability
cumsum() math function, Extended Example: Predicting Discrete-Valued Time Series, Math Functions
cumulative distribution function (cdf), Functions for Statistical Distributions
cumulative sums and products, Cumulative Sums and Products
curve() function, Graphing Explicit Functions
customizing graphs, Pinpointing Locations: The locator() Function, Pinpointing Locations: The locator() Function, Changing Character Sizes: The cex Option, Adding a Polygon: The polygon() Function, Smoothing Points: The lowess() and loess() Functions, Smoothing Points: The lowess() and loess() Functions, Graphing Explicit Functions
adding polygons with polygon() function, Adding a Polygon: The polygon() Function
changing character sizes with cex option, Pinpointing Locations: The locator() Function
changing ranges of axes with xlim and ylim options, Changing Character Sizes: The cex Option
graphing explicit functions, Smoothing Points: The lowess() and loess() Functions
magnifying portions of curve example, Graphing Explicit Functions
smoothing points with lowess() and loess() functions, Smoothing Points: The lowess() and loess() Functions
cut() function, Extended Example: Finding the Largest Cells in a Table


data argument, array() function, Extended Example: Extracting a Subtable
data frames, Data Frames, Data Frames, Creating Data Frames, Accessing Data Frames, Other Matrix-Like Operations, Other Matrix-Like Operations, More on Treatment of NA Values, More on Treatment of NA Values, Using the rbind() and cbind() Functions and Alternatives, Extended Example: A Salary Study, Extended Example: A Salary Study, Merging Data Frames, Extended Example: An Employee Database, Extended Example: An Employee Database, Using lapply() and sapply() on Data Frames, Extended Example: Applying Logistic Regression Models, Reading a Data Frame or Matrix from a File
accessing, Creating Data Frames
applying functions to, Extended Example: An Employee Database, Extended Example: An Employee Database, Using lapply() and sapply() on Data Frames, Extended Example: Applying Logistic Regression Models
aids for learning Chinese dialects example, Extended Example: Applying Logistic Regression Models
applying logistic regression models example, Using lapply() and sapply() on Data Frames
using lapply() and sapply() on data frames, Extended Example: An Employee Database
matrix-like operations, Other Matrix-Like Operations, Other Matrix-Like Operations, More on Treatment of NA Values, More on Treatment of NA Values, Using the rbind() and cbind() Functions and Alternatives, Extended Example: A Salary Study
apply() function, Using the rbind() and cbind() Functions and Alternatives
extracting subdata frames, Other Matrix-Like Operations
NA values, More on Treatment of NA Values
rbind() and cbind() functions, More on Treatment of NA Values
salary study example, Extended Example: A Salary Study
merging, Extended Example: A Salary Study, Merging Data Frames
employee database example, Merging Data Frames
reading from files, Reading a Data Frame or Matrix from a File
regression analysis of exam grades example, Accessing Data Frames
data structures, Preview of Some Important R Data Structures, Vectors, the R Workhorse, Character Strings, Character Strings, Matrices, Data Frames, Classes
character strings, Character Strings
classes, Classes
data frames, Data Frames
lists, Matrices
matrices, Character Strings
vectors, Vectors, the R Workhorse
debug package, Debugging Finding City Pairs
debug() function, Why Use a Debugging Tool?
debugger() function, performing checks after crash with, Tracking with the trace() Function
debugging, When Should You Use Global Variables?, Debugging, Debugging, The Essence of Debugging: The Principle of Confirmation, The Essence of Debugging: The Principle of Confirmation, The Essence of Debugging: The Principle of Confirmation, Antibugging, Antibugging, Why Use a Debugging Tool?, Using R Debugging Facilities, Using Browser Commands, Calling browser() Directly, Tracking with the trace() Function, Tracking with the trace() Function, Performing Checks After a Crash with the traceback() and debugger() Function, Moving Up in the World: More Convenient Debugging Tools, Moving Up in the World: More Convenient Debugging Tools, Syntax and Runtime Errors, Syntax and Runtime Errors, Debugging Parallel R Code
ensuring consistency in debugging simulation code, Moving Up in the World: More Convenient Debugging Tools
facilities, Why Use a Debugging Tool?, Using R Debugging Facilities, Using Browser Commands, Calling browser() Directly, Tracking with the trace() Function, Tracking with the trace() Function, Performing Checks After a Crash with the traceback() and debugger() Function
browser commands, Using Browser Commands
debug() and browser() functions, Why Use a Debugging Tool?
debugging sessions, Performing Checks After a Crash with the traceback() and debugger() Function
setting breakpoints, Calling browser() Directly
trace() function, Tracking with the trace() Function
traceback() and debugger() functions, Tracking with the trace() Function
global variables and, When Should You Use Global Variables?
parallel R, Debugging Parallel R Code
principles of, Debugging, The Essence of Debugging: The Principle of Confirmation, The Essence of Debugging: The Principle of Confirmation, The Essence of Debugging: The Principle of Confirmation, Antibugging
antibugging, Antibugging
confirmation, The Essence of Debugging: The Principle of Confirmation
modular, top-down manner, The Essence of Debugging: The Principle of Confirmation
starting small, The Essence of Debugging: The Principle of Confirmation
running GDB on R, Syntax and Runtime Errors
syntax and runtime errors, Syntax and Runtime Errors
tools, Antibugging, Moving Up in the World: More Convenient Debugging Tools
declarations, Matrices and Arrays as Vectors
default arguments, Default Arguments
deleting, Extended Example: Finding Outliers, Adding and Deleting List Elements, Adding and Deleting List Elements, Extended Example: A Binary Search Tree
a node from binary search tree, Extended Example: A Binary Search Tree
list elements, Adding and Deleting List Elements
matrix rows and columns, Extended Example: Finding Outliers
density estimates, same graph, Adding Lines: The abline() Function
DES (discrete-event simulation), writing, Extended Example: Discrete-Event Simulation in R
det() linear algebra function, Linear Algebra Operations on Vectors and Matrices function, Interactive Mode
df parameter, mapsound() function, Extended Example: Aids for Learning Chinese Dialects
dgbsendeditcmd() function, Extended Example: Forming Filenames
diag() linear algebra function, Linear Algebra Operations on Vectors and Matrices
diff() function, Extended Example: A Measure of Association
dim argument, array() function, Extended Example: Extracting a Subtable
dim attribute, matrix class, More on the Vector/Matrix Distinction
dim() function, More on the Vector/Matrix Distinction
dimcode argument, apply() function, Extended Example: Generating a Covariance Matrix
dimension reduction, avoiding, Avoiding Unintended Dimension Reduction
dimnames argument, array() function, Extended Example: Extracting a Subtable
dimnames() function, Matrix/Array-Like Operations on Tables
dir() function, Writing to a File
discrete-event simulation (DES), writing, Extended Example: Discrete-Event Simulation in R
discrete-valued time series, predicting, Extended Example: Finding Runs of Consecutive Ones function, Extended Example: Extracting a Subtable
dosim() function, Extended Example: Discrete-Event Simulation in R
double brackets, List Indexing
drop argument, Filtering on Matrices, Avoiding Unintended Dimension Reduction
dtdbg debugging tool, use of string utilities in, Extended Example: Forming Filenames
dual-core machines, Using Multicore Machines
duplicate() function, Copy-on-Change Issues
dynamic task assignment, Embarrassingly Parallel Applications and Those That Aren’t


each argument, rep() function, Generating Vector Sequences with seq()
edit() function, Functions Are Objects, Extended Example: A Self-Bookkeeping Vector Class
edtdbg package, Debugging Finding City Pairs
eigen() function, Linear Algebra Operations on Vectors and Matrices, Extended Example: Finding Stationary Distributions of Markovv Chains
eigenvalues, Extended Example: Finding Stationary Distributions of Markovv Chains
eigenvectors, Extended Example: Finding Stationary Distributions of Markovv Chains
elements, Scalars, Vectors, Arrays, and Matrices, Scalars, Vectors, Arrays, and Matrices, Vector Element Names, List Indexing, Adding and Deleting List Elements
list, adding and deleting, List Indexing
vectors, Scalars, Vectors, Arrays, and Matrices, Scalars, Vectors, Arrays, and Matrices, Vector Element Names
adding and deleting, Scalars, Vectors, Arrays, and Matrices
naming, Vector Element Names
embarrassingly parallel applications, Networked Systems of Computers, Embarrassingly Parallel Applications and Those That Aren’t, Static Versus Dynamic Task Assignment
defined, Networked Systems of Computers
turning general problems into, Static Versus Dynamic Task Assignment
employee database example, Merging Data Frames
encapsulation, Object-Oriented Programming
end of file (EOF), Introduction to Connections
envir argument, The Scope Hierarchy, Extended Example: A Function to Display the Contents of a Call Frame, Extended Example: A Function to Display the Contents of a Call Frame
get() function, Extended Example: A Function to Display the Contents of a Call Frame
ls() function, The Scope Hierarchy
environment and scope, Functions Are Objects, The Top-Level Environment, The Top-Level Environment, The Scope Hierarchy, More on ls(), Functions Have (Almost) No Side Effects
function to display contents of call frame example, Functions Have (Almost) No Side Effects
functions have (almost) no side effects, More on ls()
ls() function, The Scope Hierarchy
scope hierarchy, The Top-Level Environment
top-level environment, The Top-Level Environment
EOF (end of file), Introduction to Connections
ess-tracebug package, Debugging Finding City Pairs
event list, DES, Extended Example: Discrete-Event Simulation in R
event-oriented paradigm, Extended Example: Discrete-Event Simulation in R
example() function, The help() Function
exists() function, “What Is This?”
exp() math function, Doing Math and Simulations in R
expandut() function, Extended Example: A Class for Storing Upper-Triangular Matrices
explicit functions, graphing, Smoothing Points: The lowess() and loess() Functions
extracting, Other Matrix-Like Operations, Other Matrix-Like Operations, Matrix/Array-Like Operations on Tables
subdata frames, Other Matrix-Like Operations
subtables, Matrix/Array-Like Operations on Tables


f argument, apply() function, Extended Example: Generating a Covariance Matrix
factorial() math function, Math Functions
factors, Factors and Tables, Factors and Tables, Common Functions Used with Factors, The tapply() Function, The split() Function, The split() Function, Extended Example: Finding the Largest Cells in a Table, Extended Example: Finding the Largest Cells in a Table, Other Factor- and Table-Related Functions
functions, Common Functions Used with Factors, The tapply() Function, The split() Function, The split() Function, Extended Example: Finding the Largest Cells in a Table, Extended Example: Finding the Largest Cells in a Table, Other Factor- and Table-Related Functions
aggregate(), Extended Example: Finding the Largest Cells in a Table
by(), The split() Function
cut(), Extended Example: Finding the Largest Cells in a Table
split(), The split() Function
tapply(), The tapply() Function
levels and, Factors and Tables
fangyan, Extended Example: Aids for Learning Chinese Dialects
fargs argument, apply() function, Extended Example: Generating a Covariance Matrix
Fedora, installing R on, Installing R
file.exists() function, Writing to a File function, Writing to a File, Extended Example: Sum the Contents of Many Files
filetype criterion, Google, Help for Other Topics
filter() function, Extended Example: Prediction of Discrete-Valued Time Series
filtering, Vectors, Filtering, Filtering, Generating Filtering Indices, Generating Filtering Indices, Filtering on Matrices
defined, Vectors
generating filtering indices, Filtering
matrices, Filtering on Matrices
with subset() function, Generating Filtering Indices
with which() selection function, Generating Filtering Indices
findud() function, Extended Example: A Measure of Association
findwords() function, Adding and Deleting List Elements
first-class objects, Functions Are Objects
floor() math function, Math Functions
for loop, Performance Enhancement: Speed and Memory, Performance Enhancement: Speed and Memory, Vectorization for Speedup, Extended Example: Generating a Powers Matrix
achieving better speed in Monte Carlo simulation example, Vectorization for Speedup
generating powers matrix example, Extended Example: Generating a Powers Matrix
vectorization for speedup, Performance Enhancement: Speed and Memory
formal parameters, Introduction to Functions, Extended Example: Aids for Learning Chinese Dialects, Extended Example: Aids for Learning Chinese Dialects
mapsound() function, Extended Example: Aids for Learning Chinese Dialects
oddcount() function, Introduction to Functions
formals() function, Returning Complex Objects, Functions Are Objects
forming filenames, Extended Example: Testing a Filename for a Given Suffix
four-element vector, adding element to, Scalars, Vectors, Arrays, and Matrices
fromcol parameter, mapsound() function, Extended Example: Aids for Learning Chinese Dialects
functional programming, Why Use R for Your Statistical Work?, Functional Programming and Memory Issues, Functional Programming and Memory Issues, Functional Programming and Memory Issues, Copy-on-Change Issues
avoiding memory copy example, Copy-on-Change Issues
copy-on-change issues, Functional Programming and Memory Issues
vector assignment issues, Functional Programming and Memory Issues
functions, Introduction to Functions, Introduction to Functions, Default Arguments, Extended Example: Finding Runs of Consecutive Ones, Vector In, Vector Out, Extended Example: Generating a Covariance Matrix, Extended Example: Generating a Covariance Matrix, Using the apply() Function, Accessing List Components and Values, Accessing List Components and Values, Accessing List Components and Values, Extended Example: Back to the Abalone Data, Extended Example: An Employee Database, Extended Example: An Employee Database, Using lapply() and sapply() on Data Frames, Extended Example: Applying Logistic Regression Models, Returning Complex Objects, Extended Example: A Binary Search Tree, The edit() Function, Calculus, Extended Example: Achieving Better Speed in a Monte Carlo Simulation, Installing Packages Manually
anonymous, The edit() Function
applying to data frames, Extended Example: An Employee Database, Extended Example: An Employee Database, Using lapply() and sapply() on Data Frames, Extended Example: Applying Logistic Regression Models
aids for learning Chinese dialects example, Extended Example: Applying Logistic Regression Models
applying logistic regression models example, Using lapply() and sapply() on Data Frames
using lapply() and sapply() functions, Extended Example: An Employee Database
applying to lists, Accessing List Components and Values, Accessing List Components and Values, Accessing List Components and Values, Extended Example: Back to the Abalone Data
abalone data example, Extended Example: Back to the Abalone Data
lapply() and sapply()functions, Accessing List Components and Values
text concordance example, Accessing List Components and Values
applying to matrix rows and columns, Extended Example: Generating a Covariance Matrix, Extended Example: Generating a Covariance Matrix, Using the apply() Function
apply() function, Extended Example: Generating a Covariance Matrix
finding outliers example, Using the apply() Function
as objects, Returning Complex Objects
default arguments, Default Arguments
for statistical distributions, Calculus
listing in packages, Installing Packages Manually
replacement, Extended Example: A Binary Search Tree
transcendental, Vector In, Vector Out
variable scope, Introduction to Functions
vector, Extended Example: Finding Runs of Consecutive Ones, Extended Example: Achieving Better Speed in a Monte Carlo Simulation


GCC, Compiling and Running Code
GDB (GNU debugger), Why Use a Debugging Tool?, Debugging R/C Code
general-purpose editors, Text Editors and Integrated Development Environments
generating, Filtering, Filtering on Matrices, Filtering on Matrices, Extended Example: Generating a Powers Matrix
covariance matrices, Filtering on Matrices
filtering indices, Filtering
powers matrices, Extended Example: Generating a Powers Matrix
generic functions, Why Use R for Your Statistical Work?, Classes, Writing S4 Classes
classes, Classes
implementing on S4 classes, Writing S4 Classes
get() function, Loops, Extended Example: A Function to Display the Contents of a Call Frame
looping over nonvector sets, Loops
getAnywhere() function, Finding the Implementations of Generic Methods
getnextevnt() function, Extended Example: Discrete-Event Simulation in R
getwd() function, Writing to a File
global variables, Introduction to Functions, When Should You Use Global Variables?
GNU debugger (GDB), Why Use a Debugging Tool?, Debugging R/C Code
GNU S language, Introduction
GPU programming, Extended Example: Discrete-Event Simulation in R, GPU Programming
GPUs (graphics processing units), The omp single Pragma
gputools package, The omp single Pragma
granularity, Embarrassingly Parallel Applications and Those That Aren’t
graphical user interfaces (GUIs), Why Use R for Your Statistical Work?
graphics processing units (GPUs), GPU Programming
graphs, Creating Graphs, The Workhorse of R Base Graphics: The plot() Function, Adding Lines: The abline() Function, Adding Lines: The abline() Function, Adding Lines: The abline() Function, Extended Example: Two Density Estimates on the Same Graph, Extended Example: More on the Polynomial Regression Example, Adding Points: The points() Function, Adding Points: The points() Function, Pinpointing Locations: The locator() Function, Pinpointing Locations: The locator() Function, Pinpointing Locations: The locator() Function, Pinpointing Locations: The locator() Function, Pinpointing Locations: The locator() Function, Changing Character Sizes: The cex Option, Adding a Polygon: The polygon() Function, Smoothing Points: The lowess() and loess() Functions, Smoothing Points: The lowess() and loess() Functions, Graphing Explicit Functions, Saving Graphs to Files, Creating Three-Dimensional Plots
customizing, Adding Lines: The abline() Function, Extended Example: More on the Polynomial Regression Example, Adding Points: The points() Function, Adding Points: The points() Function, Pinpointing Locations: The locator() Function, Pinpointing Locations: The locator() Function, Changing Character Sizes: The cex Option, Adding a Polygon: The polygon() Function, Smoothing Points: The lowess() and loess() Functions, Smoothing Points: The lowess() and loess() Functions, Graphing Explicit Functions
adding legends with legend() function, Adding Points: The points() Function
adding lines with abline() function, Adding Lines: The abline() Function
adding points with points() function, Extended Example: More on the Polynomial Regression Example
adding polygons with polygon() function, Adding a Polygon: The polygon() Function
adding text with text() function, Adding Points: The points() Function
changing character sizes with cex option, Pinpointing Locations: The locator() Function
changing ranges of axes with xlim and ylim options, Changing Character Sizes: The cex Option
graphing explicit functions, Smoothing Points: The lowess() and loess() Functions
magnifying portions of curve example, Graphing Explicit Functions
smoothing points with lowess() and loess() functions, Smoothing Points: The lowess() and loess() Functions
pinpointing locations with locator() function, Pinpointing Locations: The locator() Function
plot() function, The Workhorse of R Base Graphics: The plot() Function
plots, Pinpointing Locations: The locator() Function, Pinpointing Locations: The locator() Function, Creating Three-Dimensional Plots
restoring, Pinpointing Locations: The locator() Function
three-dimensional, Creating Three-Dimensional Plots
polynomial regression example, Extended Example: Two Density Estimates on the Same Graph
saving to files, Saving Graphs to Files
starting new graph while keeping old, Adding Lines: The abline() Function
two density estimates on same graph example, Adding Lines: The abline() Function
grayscale images, Matrix Indexing
gregexpr() function, regexpr()
grep() function, Extended Example: A Salary Study, grep()
GUIs (graphical user interfaces), Why Use R for Your Statistical Work?


I/O (input/output), Input/Output, Accessing the Keyboard and Monitor, Accessing the Keyboard and Monitor, Using the scan() Function, Using the scan() Function, Printing to the Screen, Reading a Data Frame or Matrix from a File, Reading Text Files, Reading Text Files, Extended Example: Reading PUMS Census Files, Extended Example: Reading PUMS Census Files, Writing to a File, Writing to a File, Writing to a File, Writing to a File, Extended Example: Sum the Contents of Many Files, Overview of TCP/IP, Overview of TCP/IP, Sockets in R
accessing Internet, Extended Example: Sum the Contents of Many Files, Overview of TCP/IP, Overview of TCP/IP, Sockets in R
implementing parallel R example, Sockets in R
sockets in R, Overview of TCP/IP
TCP/IP, Overview of TCP/IP
accessing keyboard and monitor, Accessing the Keyboard and Monitor, Accessing the Keyboard and Monitor, Using the scan() Function, Using the scan() Function
using print() function, Using the scan() Function
using readline() function, Using the scan() Function
using scan() function, Accessing the Keyboard and Monitor
reading files, Printing to the Screen, Reading a Data Frame or Matrix from a File, Reading Text Files, Reading Text Files, Extended Example: Reading PUMS Census Files, Extended Example: Reading PUMS Census Files
accessing files on remote machines via URLs, Extended Example: Reading PUMS Census Files
connections, Reading Text Files
reading data frame or matrix from files, Reading a Data Frame or Matrix from a File
reading PUMS census files example, Extended Example: Reading PUMS Census Files
reading text files, Reading Text Files
writing files, Writing to a File, Writing to a File, Writing to a File, Writing to a File
getting files and directory information, Writing to a File
sum contents of many files example, Writing to a File
writing to files, Writing to a File
identical() function, Testing Vector Equality
IDEs (integrated development environments), Why Use R for Your Statistical Work?, Extended Example: A Self-Bookkeeping Vector Class
if statements, nested, Loops
ifelse() function, The Selection Function which(), A Vectorized if-then-else: The ifelse() Function, Extended Example: A Measure of Association, Looping Over Nonvector Sets
assessing statistical relation of two variables example, A Vectorized if-then-else: The ifelse() Function
control statements, Looping Over Nonvector Sets
recoding abalone data set example, Extended Example: A Measure of Association
image manipulation, Matrix Indexing
images component, mapsound() function, Extended Example: Aids for Learning Chinese Dialects
immutable objects, Functional Programming and Memory Issues
indexing, Vector Arithmetic and Logical Operations, Matrix Indexing, Creating Lists, Creating Lists
list, Creating Lists
matrices, Matrix Indexing
vector, Vector Arithmetic and Logical Operations
indices, filtering, Filtering
inheritance, Object-Oriented Programming, Object-Oriented Programming, Using Inheritance
defined, Object-Oriented Programming
S3 classes, Using Inheritance
initglbls() function, Extended Example: Discrete-Event Simulation in R
input/output (I/O). See I/O, Installing R
installing packages. See packages, Installing R
installing R, Installing R, Installing R, Installing R, Installing from a Linux Package Manager
downloading base package from CRAN, Installing R
from Linux package manager, Installing R
from source, Installing from a Linux Package Manager
install_packages() function, Package Basics
integrated development environments (IDEs), Why Use R for Your Statistical Work?, Extended Example: A Self-Bookkeeping Vector Class
intensity, pixel, Matrix Indexing
interactive mode, How to Run R
interfacing R to other languages, Interfacing R to Other Languages, Interfacing R to Other Languages, Writing C/C++ Functions to Be Called from R, Example: Extracting Subdiagonals from a Square Matrix, Debugging R/C Code, Debugging R/C Code, Extended Example: Prediction of Discrete-Valued Time Series
using R from Python, Extended Example: Prediction of Discrete-Valued Time Series
writing C/C++ functions to be called from R, Interfacing R to Other Languages, Writing C/C++ Functions to Be Called from R, Example: Extracting Subdiagonals from a Square Matrix, Debugging R/C Code, Debugging R/C Code
compiling and running code, Example: Extracting Subdiagonals from a Square Matrix
debugging R/C code, Debugging R/C Code
extracting subdiagonals from square matrix example, Writing C/C++ Functions to Be Called from R
prediction of discrete-valued time series example, Debugging R/C Code
internal data sets, A First R Session
internal storage, matrix, Matrices and Arrays, Creating Matrices
Internet Protocol (IP) address, Overview of TCP/IP
Internet, accessing, Extended Example: Sum the Contents of Many Files, Overview of TCP/IP, Overview of TCP/IP, Sockets in R
implementing parallel R example, Sockets in R
sockets, Overview of TCP/IP
TCP/IP, Overview of TCP/IP
intersect() set operation, Set Operations
intextract() function, Extended Example: Reading PUMS Census Files
IP (Internet Protocol) address, Overview of TCP/IP


lag operations, vector, Extended Example: A Measure of Association
lapply() function, Extended Example: A Measure of Association, Accessing List Components and Values, Applying Functions to Lists, Extended Example: An Employee Database, Loops
applying functions to lists, Applying Functions to Lists
lists, Extended Example: A Measure of Association
looping over nonvector sets, Loops
using on data frames, Extended Example: An Employee Database
latency, Shared-Memory Machines
lazy evaluation principle, Extended Example: Recoding an Abalone Data Set, Default Values for Arguments
leaving-one-out method, Extended Example: A Procedure for Polynomial Regression, Extended Example: A Procedure for Polynomial Regression
legend() function, Adding Points: The points() Function
length() function, Obtaining the Length of a Vector, Obtaining the Length of a Vector, Vector Indexing
obtaining length of vector, Obtaining the Length of a Vector
vector indexing, Vector Indexing
levels, factors and, Factors and Tables
library functions, Extended Example: Discrete-Event Simulation in R
linear algebra operations, on vectors and matrices, Creating Matrices, Sorting, Linear Algebra Operations on Vectors and Matrices, Extended Example: Vector Cross Product
finding stationary distributions of Markov chains example, Extended Example: Vector Cross Product
vector cross product example, Linear Algebra Operations on Vectors and Matrices
lines() function, Adding Lines: The abline() Function
Linux package manager, installing R from, Installing R
lists, Matrices, Lists, Creating Lists, Creating Lists, Adding and Deleting List Elements, Adding and Deleting List Elements, Adding and Deleting List Elements, Extended Example: Text Concordance, Accessing List Components and Values, Accessing List Components and Values, Applying Functions to Lists, Extended Example: Back to the Abalone Data, Extended Example: Back to the Abalone Data
accessing components and values, Extended Example: Text Concordance
applying functions to, Accessing List Components and Values, Accessing List Components and Values, Applying Functions to Lists, Extended Example: Back to the Abalone Data
abalone data example, Extended Example: Back to the Abalone Data
lapply() and sapply()functions, Accessing List Components and Values
text concordance example, Accessing List Components and Values
general operations, Creating Lists, Creating Lists, Adding and Deleting List Elements, Adding and Deleting List Elements, Adding and Deleting List Elements
adding and deleting list elements, Adding and Deleting List Elements
getting size of list, Adding and Deleting List Elements
list indexing, Creating Lists
text concordance example, Adding and Deleting List Elements
recursive lists, Extended Example: Back to the Abalone Data
lm()function, Data Frames, Object-Oriented Programming
load balance, Static Versus Dynamic Task Assignment
locator() function, Extended Example: Image Manipulation, Extended Example: Image Manipulation, Pinpointing Locations: The locator() Function
determining relevant rows and columns, Extended Example: Image Manipulation
pinpointing locations with, Pinpointing Locations: The locator() Function
loess() function, Smoothing Points: The lowess() and loess() Functions
log() math function, Doing Math and Simulations in R
log10() math function, Doing Math and Simulations in R
logical operations, Common Vector Operations
logistic regression models, applying, Using lapply() and sapply() on Data Frames
long-run state distribution, Markov modeling, Extended Example: Finding Stationary Distributions of Markovv Chains
loops, control statements, Loops
lowess() function, Smoothing Points: The lowess() and loess() Functions
ls() function, The Scope Hierarchy, The Scope Hierarchy, Implementing a Generic Function on an S4 Class
environment and scope, The Scope Hierarchy
listing objects with, Implementing a Generic Function on an S4 Class


m argument, apply() function, Extended Example: Generating a Covariance Matrix
M/M/1 queue, Extended Example: Discrete-Event Simulation in R, Extended Example: Discrete-Event Simulation in R
magnifying portions of curve, Graphing Explicit Functions
makerow() function, Extended Example: Reading PUMS Census Files
managers, snow package, Introducing the snow Package
managing objects, Implementing a Generic Function on an S4 Class, Implementing a Generic Function on an S4 Class, Listing Your Objects with the ls() Function, Removing Specific Objects with the rm() Function, Removing Specific Objects with the rm() Function, “What Is This?”
determining object structure, Removing Specific Objects with the rm() Function
exists() function, “What Is This?”
listing objects with ls()function, Implementing a Generic Function on an S4 Class
removing specific objects with rm() function, Listing Your Objects with the ls() Function
saving collection of objects with save() function, Removing Specific Objects with the rm() Function
mapsound() function, Extended Example: Applying Logistic Regression Models
marginal values, variable, Matrix/Array-Like Operations on Tables
Markov chains, Extended Example: Vector Cross Product
MASS package, If You Don’t Know Quite What You’re Looking For, Package Basics
math functions, Math Functions, Math Functions, Extended Example: Calculating a Probability, Cumulative Sums and Products, Calculus
calculating probability example, Math Functions
calculus, Calculus
cumulative sums and products, Cumulative Sums and Products
minima and maxima, Extended Example: Calculating a Probability
matrices, Character Strings, Matrices and Arrays as Vectors, Matrices and Arrays, Creating Matrices, Creating Matrices, Matrix Indexing, Matrix Indexing, Filtering on Matrices, Filtering on Matrices, Extended Example: Generating a Covariance Matrix, Extended Example: Generating a Covariance Matrix, Using the apply() Function, Extended Example: Finding Outliers, Extended Example: Finding Outliers, Changing the Size of a Matrix, Extended Example: Finding the Closest Pair of Vertices in a Graph, Avoiding Unintended Dimension Reduction, Avoiding Unintended Dimension Reduction, Sorting, Reading a Data Frame or Matrix from a File
adding and deleting rows and columns, Extended Example: Finding Outliers, Extended Example: Finding Outliers, Changing the Size of a Matrix
finding closest pair of vertices in graph example, Changing the Size of a Matrix
resizing matrix, Extended Example: Finding Outliers
applying functions to rows and columns, Extended Example: Generating a Covariance Matrix, Extended Example: Generating a Covariance Matrix, Using the apply() Function
apply() function, Extended Example: Generating a Covariance Matrix
finding outliers example, Using the apply() Function
as vectors, Matrices and Arrays as Vectors
avoiding unintended dimension reduction, Avoiding Unintended Dimension Reduction
linear algebra operations on, Sorting
naming rows and columns, Avoiding Unintended Dimension Reduction
operations, Creating Matrices, Creating Matrices, Matrix Indexing, Matrix Indexing, Filtering on Matrices, Filtering on Matrices
filtering, Filtering on Matrices
generating covariance matrix example, Filtering on Matrices
image manipulation example, Matrix Indexing
linear algebra operations, Creating Matrices
matrix indexing, Matrix Indexing
reading from files, Reading a Data Frame or Matrix from a File
vector/matrix distinction, Extended Example: Finding the Closest Pair of Vertices in a Graph
matrix class, More on the Vector/Matrix Distinction
matrix() function, Creating Matrices
matrix-inverse update method, Extended Example: A Procedure for Polynomial Regression
matrix-like operations, Other Matrix-Like Operations, Other Matrix-Like Operations, More on Treatment of NA Values, More on Treatment of NA Values, Using the rbind() and cbind() Functions and Alternatives, Extended Example: A Salary Study
apply() function, Using the rbind() and cbind() Functions and Alternatives
extracting subdata frames, Other Matrix-Like Operations
NA values, More on Treatment of NA Values
rbind() and cbind() functions, More on Treatment of NA Values
salary study example, Extended Example: A Salary Study
matrix-multiplication operator, Matrices
matrix/array-like operations, Working with Tables
max() math function, Math Functions, Minima and Maxima
maxima function, Extended Example: Calculating a Probability
mean() function, Extended Example: Predicting Discrete-Valued Time Series
memory, Functional Programming and Memory Issues, Functional Programming and Memory Issues, Functional Programming and Memory Issues, Copy-on-Change Issues, Byte Code Compilation, Byte Code Compilation, Chunking
chunking, Byte Code Compilation
functional programming, Functional Programming and Memory Issues, Functional Programming and Memory Issues, Functional Programming and Memory Issues, Copy-on-Change Issues
avoiding memory copy example, Copy-on-Change Issues
copy-on-change issues, Functional Programming and Memory Issues
vector assignment issues, Functional Programming and Memory Issues
using R packages for memory management, Chunking
merge sort method, numerical sorting, Networked Systems of Computers
merge() function, Extended Example: A Salary Study
merging data frames, Extended Example: A Salary Study, Merging Data Frames
employee database example, Merging Data Frames
metacharacters, regexpr()
methods() function, Example: OOP in the lm() Linear Model Function
microdata, Extended Example: Reading PUMS Census Files
min() math function, Math Functions, Extended Example: Calculating a Probability
minima function, Extended Example: Calculating a Probability
modes, Getting Started, Getting Started, How to Run R, Interactive Mode, Interactive Mode, Help for Other Topics, Help for Other Topics, Scalars, Vectors, Arrays, and Matrices
batch, Getting Started, Interactive Mode, Help for Other Topics
defined, Scalars, Vectors, Arrays, and Matrices
interactive, How to Run R
modulo operator, Using NULL
monitor, accessing, Accessing the Keyboard and Monitor, Accessing the Keyboard and Monitor, Using the scan() Function, Using the scan() Function
using print() function, Using the scan() Function
using readline() function, Using the scan() Function
using scan() function, Accessing the Keyboard and Monitor
Monte Carlo simulation, achieving better speed in, Vectorization for Speedup
multicore machines, Extended Example: K-Means Clustering
mutlinks() function, Running snow Code
mutual outlinks, Parallel R, Extended Example: Mutual Outlinks Problem in OpenMP
mvrnorm() function, MASS package, If You Don’t Know Quite What You’re Looking For, Package Basics


object-oriented programming. See OOP, Returning Complex Objects
objects. See also managing objects, Returning Complex Objects, Functions Are Objects, Functional Programming and Memory Issues
first-class, Functions Are Objects
immutable, Functional Programming and Memory Issues
oddcount() function, A First R Session, Loops
omp barrier pragma, OpenMP, Other OpenMP Pragmas
omp critical pragma, OpenMP, Other OpenMP Pragmas
omp singlepragma, OpenMP, Other OpenMP Pragmas
OOP (object-oriented programming), Why Use R for Your Statistical Work?, Object-Oriented Programming, Extended Example: A Procedure for Polynomial Regression, Extended Example: A Procedure for Polynomial Regression, Extended Example: A Procedure for Polynomial Regression, S4 Classes, Writing S4 Classes, Implementing a Generic Function on an S4 Class
managing objects. See managing objects, Extended Example: A Procedure for Polynomial Regression
S3 classes. See S3 classes, Extended Example: A Procedure for Polynomial Regression
S4 classes, Extended Example: A Procedure for Polynomial Regression, S4 Classes, Writing S4 Classes, Implementing a Generic Function on an S4 Class
implementing generic function on, Writing S4 Classes
vs. S3 classes, Implementing a Generic Function on an S4 Class
writing, S4 Classes
OpenMP, OpenMP Code Analysis, Other OpenMP Pragmas, Other OpenMP Pragmas, Other OpenMP Pragmas, Other OpenMP Pragmas
code analysis, OpenMP Code Analysis
omp barrier pragma, Other OpenMP Pragmas
omp critical pragma, Other OpenMP Pragmas
omp singlepragma, Other OpenMP Pragmas
operations, Recycling, Common Vector Operations, Vector Arithmetic and Logical Operations, Vector Indexing, Generating Useful Vectors with the : Operator, Generating Vector Sequences with seq(), Vectorized Operations, Vector In, Vector Out, Creating Matrices, Creating Matrices, Matrix Indexing, Matrix Indexing, Filtering on Matrices, Filtering on Matrices, Creating Lists, Creating Lists, Creating Lists, Adding and Deleting List Elements, Adding and Deleting List Elements, Adding and Deleting List Elements, Working with Tables
list, Creating Lists, Creating Lists, Adding and Deleting List Elements, Adding and Deleting List Elements, Adding and Deleting List Elements
adding and deleting list elements, Adding and Deleting List Elements
getting size of list, Adding and Deleting List Elements
list indexing, Creating Lists
text concordance example, Adding and Deleting List Elements
matrix, Creating Matrices, Creating Matrices, Matrix Indexing, Matrix Indexing, Filtering on Matrices, Filtering on Matrices
filtering, Filtering on Matrices
generating covariance matrix example, Filtering on Matrices
image manipulation example, Matrix Indexing
indexing, Matrix Indexing
linear algebra operations, Creating Matrices
matrix/array-like, Working with Tables
vector, Recycling, Common Vector Operations, Vector Arithmetic and Logical Operations, Vector Indexing, Generating Useful Vectors with the : Operator, Generating Vector Sequences with seq(), Vectorized Operations, Vector In, Vector Out
arithmetic and logical operations, Common Vector Operations
colon operator (:), Vector Indexing
generating vector sequences with seq() function, Generating Useful Vectors with the : Operator
repeating vector constants with rep() function, Generating Vector Sequences with seq()
vector in, matrix out, Vector In, Vector Out
vector in, vector out, Vectorized Operations
vector indexing, Vector Arithmetic and Logical Operations
operator precedence, Generating Useful Vectors with the : Operator
order() function, Extended Example: Text Concordance, Continued, Functions for Statistical Distributions
outliers, Extended Example: A Measure of Association


packages, Installing and Using Packages, Package Basics, Package Basics, Installing Packages Automatically, Installing Packages Automatically, Installing Packages Manually
installing, Package Basics, Installing Packages Automatically, Installing Packages Automatically
automatically, Installing Packages Automatically
manually, Installing Packages Automatically
listing functions in, Installing Packages Manually
loading from hard drive, Package Basics
parallel R, Sockets in R, Parallel R, Parallel R, The Mutual Outlinks Problem, Introducing the snow Package, Running snow Code, How Much Speedup Can Be Attained?, Extended Example: K-Means Clustering, Extended Example: K-Means Clustering, Extended Example: K-Means Clustering, Extended Example: Mutual Outlinks Problem in OpenMP, Running the OpenMP Code, OpenMP Code Analysis, Other OpenMP Pragmas, GPU Programming, Sources of Overhead, Sources of Overhead, Networked Systems of Computers, Networked Systems of Computers, Embarrassingly Parallel Applications and Those That Aren’t, Static Versus Dynamic Task Assignment, Debugging Parallel R Code
debugging, Networked Systems of Computers, Static Versus Dynamic Task Assignment, Debugging Parallel R Code
embarrassingly parallel applications, Networked Systems of Computers
turning general problems into, Static Versus Dynamic Task Assignment
implementing, Sockets in R
mutual outlinks, Parallel R
resorting to C, Extended Example: K-Means Clustering, Extended Example: K-Means Clustering, Extended Example: Mutual Outlinks Problem in OpenMP, Running the OpenMP Code, OpenMP Code Analysis, Other OpenMP Pragmas, GPU Programming
GPU programming, GPU Programming
multicore machines, Extended Example: K-Means Clustering
mutual outlinks, Extended Example: Mutual Outlinks Problem in OpenMP
OpenMP code analysis, OpenMP Code Analysis
OpenMP pragmas, Other OpenMP Pragmas
running OpenMP code, Running the OpenMP Code
snow package, The Mutual Outlinks Problem, Introducing the snow Package, Running snow Code, How Much Speedup Can Be Attained?, Extended Example: K-Means Clustering
analyzing snow code, Running snow Code
k-means clustering (KMC), Extended Example: K-Means Clustering
running snow code, Introducing the snow Package
speedup, How Much Speedup Can Be Attained?
sources of overhead, Sources of Overhead, Sources of Overhead, Networked Systems of Computers
networked systems of computers, Networked Systems of Computers
shared-memory machines, Sources of Overhead
static vs. dynamic task assignment, Embarrassingly Parallel Applications and Those That Aren’t
parent.frame() function, More on ls()
paste() function, grep(), Extended Example: Forming Filenames, Extended Example: More on the Polynomial Regression Example
PDF devices, saving displayed graphs, R Graphics Devices
pdf() function, Interactive Mode
Pearson product-moment correlation, Extended Example: A Measure of Association
performance enhancement, Performance Enhancement: Speed and Memory, Performance Enhancement: Speed and Memory, Performance Enhancement: Speed and Memory, Performance Enhancement: Speed and Memory, Vectorization for Speedup, Extended Example: Generating a Powers Matrix, Functional Programming and Memory Issues, Functional Programming and Memory Issues, Functional Programming and Memory Issues, Copy-on-Change Issues, Extended Example: Avoiding Memory Copy, Byte Code Compilation, Byte Code Compilation, Chunking
byte code compilation, Byte Code Compilation
chunking, Byte Code Compilation
for loop, Performance Enhancement: Speed and Memory, Performance Enhancement: Speed and Memory, Vectorization for Speedup, Extended Example: Generating a Powers Matrix
achieving better speed in a Monte Carlo simulation example, Vectorization for Speedup
generating powers matrix example, Extended Example: Generating a Powers Matrix
vectorization for speedup, Performance Enhancement: Speed and Memory
functional programming, Functional Programming and Memory Issues, Functional Programming and Memory Issues, Functional Programming and Memory Issues, Copy-on-Change Issues
avoiding memory copy example, Copy-on-Change Issues
copy-on-change issues, Functional Programming and Memory Issues
vector assignment issues, Functional Programming and Memory Issues
using R packages for memory management, Chunking
using Rprof() function to find slow spots in code, Extended Example: Avoiding Memory Copy
writing fast R code, Performance Enhancement: Speed and Memory
Perron-Frobenius theorem, Extended Example: Finding Stationary Distributions of Markovv Chains
persp() function, The example() Function, Creating Three-Dimensional Plots
pixel intensity, Matrix Indexing
plot() function, Why Use R for Your Statistical Work?, Classes, The Workhorse of R Base Graphics: The plot() Function
plots, Pinpointing Locations: The locator() Function, Pinpointing Locations: The locator() Function, Creating Three-Dimensional Plots
restoring, Pinpointing Locations: The locator() Function
three-dimensional, Creating Three-Dimensional Plots
plyr package, Extended Example: Finding the Largest Cells in a Table
pmax() math function, Math Functions, Minima and Maxima
pmf (probability mass function), Calculus
pmin() math function, Math Functions, Extended Example: Calculating a Probability
pointers, Extended Example: A Function to Display the Contents of a Call Frame
points() function, Extended Example: More on the Polynomial Regression Example
polygon() function, Adding a Polygon: The polygon() Function
polymorphism, Why Use R for Your Statistical Work?, Why Use R for Your Statistical Work?, Object-Oriented Programming, Object-Oriented Programming, S3 Classes
defined, Why Use R for Your Statistical Work?, Object-Oriented Programming
generic functions, S3 Classes
polynomial regression, Extended Example: A Class for Storing Upper-Triangular Matrices, Extended Example: Two Density Estimates on the Same Graph
port number, Overview of TCP/IP
powers matrix, generating, Extended Example: Generating a Powers Matrix
pragmas, OpenMP, OpenMP Code Analysis
preda() function, Extended Example: Predicting Discrete-Valued Time Series
principle of confirmation, debugging, Debugging
print() function, Extended Example: Regression Analysis of Exam Grades, Using the scan() Function
print.ut() function, Extended Example: A Class for Storing Upper-Triangular Matrices
prntrslts() function, Extended Example: Discrete-Event Simulation in R
probability mass function (pmf), Functions for Statistical Distributions
probability, calculating, Math Functions
procpairs() function, OpenMP Code Analysis
prod() math function, Math Functions
programming structures. See R programming structures, Extended Example: Reading PUMS Census Files
Public Use Microdata Samples (PUMS) census files, reading, Extended Example: Reading PUMS Census Files
Python, using R from, Extended Example: Prediction of Discrete-Valued Time Series


Q browser command, Using Browser Commands
qr() linear algebra function, Linear Algebra Operations on Vectors and Matrices
Quicksort implementation, Recursion


R console, How to Run R
R packages, for memory management, Chunking
R programming structures, R Programming Structures, Control Statements, Loops, Looping Over Nonvector Sets, Looping Over Nonvector Sets, Arithmetic and Boolean Operators and Values, Arithmetic and Boolean Operators and Values, Default Values for Arguments, Return Values, Return Values, Returning Complex Objects, Functions Are Objects, The Top-Level Environment, The Top-Level Environment, The Scope Hierarchy, More on ls(), Functions Have (Almost) No Side Effects, Extended Example: A Function to Display the Contents of a Call Frame, No Pointers in R, No Pointers in R, Writing to Nonlocals with assign(), Extended Example: Discrete-Event Simulation in R, Extended Example: Discrete-Event Simulation in R, When Should You Use Global Variables?, Recursion, Recursion, A Quicksort Implementation, Extended Example: A Binary Search Tree, Extended Example: A Self-Bookkeeping Vector Class, Extended Example: A Self-Bookkeeping Vector Class, Extended Example: A Self-Bookkeeping Vector Class, The edit() Function, The edit() Function
anonymous functions, The edit() Function
arithmetic and Boolean operators and values, Arithmetic and Boolean Operators and Values
control statements, Control Statements, Loops, Looping Over Nonvector Sets, Looping Over Nonvector Sets
if-else function, Looping Over Nonvector Sets
looping over nonvector sets, Looping Over Nonvector Sets
loops, Loops
default values for arguments, Arithmetic and Boolean Operators and Values
environment and scope issues, Functions Are Objects, The Top-Level Environment, The Top-Level Environment, The Scope Hierarchy, More on ls(), Functions Have (Almost) No Side Effects
function to display contents of call frame example, Functions Have (Almost) No Side Effects
ls() function, The Scope Hierarchy
scope hierarchy, The Top-Level Environment
side effects, More on ls()
top-level environment, The Top-Level Environment
functions as objects, Returning Complex Objects
pointers, lack of, Extended Example: A Function to Display the Contents of a Call Frame
recursion, Recursion, Recursion, A Quicksort Implementation
binary search tree example, A Quicksort Implementation
Quicksort implementation, Recursion
replacement functions, Extended Example: A Binary Search Tree
return values, Default Values for Arguments, Return Values, Return Values
deciding whether to explicitly call return() function, Return Values
returning complex objects, Return Values
tools for composing function code, Extended Example: A Self-Bookkeeping Vector Class, Extended Example: A Self-Bookkeeping Vector Class, Extended Example: A Self-Bookkeeping Vector Class
edit() function, Extended Example: A Self-Bookkeeping Vector Class
text editors and IDEs, Extended Example: A Self-Bookkeeping Vector Class
writing, No Pointers in R, No Pointers in R, Writing to Nonlocals with assign(), Extended Example: Discrete-Event Simulation in R, Extended Example: Discrete-Event Simulation in R, When Should You Use Global Variables?, The edit() Function
binary operations, The edit() Function
closures, When Should You Use Global Variables?
discrete-event simulation (DES) in R example, Extended Example: Discrete-Event Simulation in R
when to use global variables, Extended Example: Discrete-Event Simulation in R
writing to nonlocals with assign() function, Writing to Nonlocals with assign()
writing to nonlocals with the superassignment operator, No Pointers in R
race condition, OpenMP Code Analysis
random variate generators, Simulation Programming in R
rank() function, Sorting
rbind() function, Matrices, Changing the Size of a Matrix, More on Treatment of NA Values, Extended Example: Discrete-Event Simulation in R
ordering events, Extended Example: Discrete-Event Simulation in R
resizing matrices, Changing the Size of a Matrix
rbinom() function, Simulation Programming in R
Rdsm package, implementing parallel R, Extended Example: Implementing Parallel R
reactevnt() function, Extended Example: Discrete-Event Simulation in R
read.csv() function, Extended Example: A Salary Study
readBin() function, Sockets in R
reading files, Printing to the Screen, Reading a Data Frame or Matrix from a File, Reading Text Files, Reading Text Files, Extended Example: Reading PUMS Census Files, Extended Example: Reading PUMS Census Files
accessing files on remote machines via URLs, Extended Example: Reading PUMS Census Files
connections, Reading Text Files
reading data frames or matrices from files, Reading a Data Frame or Matrix from a File
reading PUMS census files example, Extended Example: Reading PUMS Census Files
reading text files, Reading Text Files
readline() function, Using the scan() Function
readLines() function, Sockets in R
reassigning matrices, Extended Example: Finding Outliers
recursion, Recursion, Recursion, A Quicksort Implementation
binary search tree example, A Quicksort Implementation
Quicksort implementation, Recursion
recursive argument, concatenate function, Recursive Lists
recursive vectors, Creating Lists
recycling, Vectors, Vectors, Recycling
defined, Vectors
vectors, Recycling
reference classes, No Pointers in R
regexpr() function, paste()
regression analysis of exam grades, Classes, Accessing Data Frames
regular expressions, character string manipulation, regexpr()
remote machines, accessing files on, Extended Example: Reading PUMS Census Files
rep() function, repeating vector constants with, Generating Vector Sequences with seq()
repeat loop, Extended Example: Reading PUMS Census Files
repeat statement, Loops
replacement functions, Extended Example: A Binary Search Tree, What’s Considered a Replacement Function?, What’s Considered a Replacement Function?
defined, What’s Considered a Replacement Function?
self-bookkeeping vector class example, What’s Considered a Replacement Function?
reshape package, Extended Example: Finding the Largest Cells in a Table
resizing matrices, Extended Example: Finding Outliers
return statement, Introduction to Functions
return values, Default Values for Arguments, Return Values, Return Values
deciding whether to explicitly call return() function, Return Values
returning complex objects, Return Values
REvolution Analytics, Moving Up in the World: More Convenient Debugging Tools
rexp() function, Simulation Programming in R
Rf_PrintValue(s) function, Running GDB on R Itself
rgamma() function, Simulation Programming in R
rm() function, Listing Your Objects with the ls() Function
rnorm() function, Interactive Mode, Simulation Programming in R
round() function, Vectorized Operations, Math Functions
routers, Overview of TCP/IP
row() function, Filtering on Matrices
rownames() function, Naming Matrix Rows and Columns
rpois() function, Simulation Programming in R
Rprof() function, Extended Example: Avoiding Memory Copy
RPy module, Extended Example: Prediction of Discrete-Valued Time Series, Extended Example: Prediction of Discrete-Valued Time Series, Extended Example: Prediction of Discrete-Valued Time Series
installing, Extended Example: Prediction of Discrete-Valued Time Series
syntax, Extended Example: Prediction of Discrete-Valued Time Series
runif() function, Simulation Programming in R
running, Getting Started, How to Run R, Interactive Mode, A First R Session, Syntax and Runtime Errors, Syntax and Runtime Errors, Introducing the snow Package, Running the OpenMP Code
GDB on R, Syntax and Runtime Errors
OpenMP code, Running the OpenMP Code
R, Getting Started, How to Run R, Interactive Mode, A First R Session
batch mode, Interactive Mode
first session, A First R Session
interactive mode, How to Run R
snow code, Introducing the snow Package
runs of consecutive ones, finding, Using all() and any()
runtime errors, Syntax and Runtime Errors


S (programming language), Introduction
S expression pointers (SEXPs), Running GDB on R Itself
S-Plus (programming language), Introduction
S3 classes, Object-Oriented Programming, Object-Oriented Programming, S3 Classes, Example: OOP in the lm() Linear Model Function, Finding the Implementations of Generic Methods, Using Inheritance, Using Inheritance, Extended Example: A Class for Storing Upper-Triangular Matrices, Implementing a Generic Function on an S4 Class
class for storing upper-triangular matrices example, Using Inheritance
finding implementations of generic methods, Example: OOP in the lm() Linear Model Function
generic functions, S3 Classes
OOP in lm() function example, Object-Oriented Programming
procedure for polynomial regression example, Extended Example: A Class for Storing Upper-Triangular Matrices
using inheritance, Using Inheritance
vs. S4 classes, Implementing a Generic Function on an S4 Class
writing, Finding the Implementations of Generic Methods
S4 classes, Extended Example: A Procedure for Polynomial Regression, S4 Classes, Writing S4 Classes, Implementing a Generic Function on an S4 Class
implementing generic function on, Writing S4 Classes
vs. S3 classes, Implementing a Generic Function on an S4 Class
writing, S4 Classes
salary study, Extended Example: A Salary Study
Salzman, Pete, Debugging
sapply() function, Vector In, Vector Out, Applying Functions to Lists, Extended Example: An Employee Database
applying functions to lists, Applying Functions to Lists
using on data frames, Extended Example: An Employee Database
save() function, saving collection of objects with, Removing Specific Objects with the rm() Function
saving graphs to files, Saving Graphs to Files
scalars, Scalars, Scalars, Vectors, Arrays, and Matrices, Arithmetic and Boolean Operators and Values
Boolean operators, Arithmetic and Boolean Operators and Values
vectors, Scalars, Vectors, Arrays, and Matrices
scan() function, Loops, Accessing the Keyboard and Monitor
scatter/gather paradigm, Introducing the snow Package
schedevnt() function, Extended Example: Discrete-Event Simulation in R, Extended Example: Discrete-Event Simulation in R
scope hierarchy, The Top-Level Environment
sepsoundtone() function, Extended Example: Aids for Learning Chinese Dialects
seq() function, The help() Function, Generating Useful Vectors with the : Operator
serialize() function, Sockets in R
set operations, Set Operations
set.seed() function, Moving Up in the World: More Convenient Debugging Tools
setbreakpoint() function, Calling browser() Directly
setClass() function, S4 Classes
setdiff() set operation, Set Operations
setequal() set operation, Set Operations
setMethod() function, Writing S4 Classes
setting breakpoints, Using Browser Commands, Calling browser() Directly, Calling browser() Directly
calling browser() function directly, Using Browser Commands
using setbreakpoint() function, Calling browser() Directly
setwd() function, Writing to a File
shared-memory systems, Using Multicore Machines, Sources of Overhead
shared-memory/threads model, GPUs, The omp single Pragma
Sherman-Morrison-Woodbury formula, Extended Example: A Procedure for Polynomial Regression
shortcuts, Startup and Shutdown, Startup and Shutdown, If You Don’t Know Quite What You’re Looking For
help() function, Startup and Shutdown function, If You Don’t Know Quite What You’re Looking For
showframe() function, Extended Example: A Function to Display the Contents of a Call Frame
sim global variable, When Should You Use Global Variables?
simplifying code, When Should You Use Global Variables?
simulation programming in R, Simulation Programming in R, Simulation Programming in R, Built-In Random Variate Generators, Built-In Random Variate Generators
built-in random variate generators, Simulation Programming in R
combinatorial simulation, Built-In Random Variate Generators
obtaining same random stream in repeated runs, Built-In Random Variate Generators
sin() math function, Math Functions
single brackets, List Indexing
single-server queuing system, Extended Example: Discrete-Event Simulation in R
sink() function, Use of String Utilities in the edtdbg Debugging Tool
slots, S4 class, Writing S4 Classes
snow package, Sockets in R, The Mutual Outlinks Problem, Introducing the snow Package, Running snow Code, Running snow Code, How Much Speedup Can Be Attained?, Extended Example: K-Means Clustering
implementing parallel R, Sockets in R
k-means clustering (KMC), Extended Example: K-Means Clustering
snow code, Introducing the snow Package, Running snow Code, Running snow Code
analyzing, Running snow Code
running, Introducing the snow Package
speedup, How Much Speedup Can Be Attained?
socketConnection() function, Sockets in R
sockets, Overview of TCP/IP
socketSelect() function, Sockets in R
solve() function, Linear Algebra Operations on Vectors and Matrices
sorting, numerical, Functions for Statistical Distributions
sos package, Help for Other Topics
source, installing R from, Installing from a Linux Package Manager
sourceval parameter, mapsound() function, Extended Example: Aids for Learning Chinese Dialects
Spearman rank correlation, Extended Example: A Measure of Association
speed, Performance Enhancement: Speed and Memory, Performance Enhancement: Speed and Memory, Performance Enhancement: Speed and Memory, Vectorization for Speedup, Extended Example: Generating a Powers Matrix, Extended Example: Avoiding Memory Copy, Byte Code Compilation, Byte Code Compilation
byte code compilation, Byte Code Compilation
finding slow spots in code, Extended Example: Avoiding Memory Copy
for loop, Performance Enhancement: Speed and Memory, Performance Enhancement: Speed and Memory, Vectorization for Speedup, Extended Example: Generating a Powers Matrix
achieving better speed in Monte Carlo simulation example, Vectorization for Speedup
generating powers matrix example, Extended Example: Generating a Powers Matrix
vectorization for speedup, Performance Enhancement: Speed and Memory
writing fast R code, Performance Enhancement: Speed and Memory
Spinu, Vitalie, Debugging Finding City Pairs
split() function, The tapply() Function, Running snow Code
sprintf() function, paste()
sqrt() function, Vector In, Vector Out, Doing Math and Simulations in R
stack trace, Using Browser Commands
startup and shutdown, Extended Example: Regression Analysis of Exam Grades
static task assignment, Embarrassingly Parallel Applications and Those That Aren’t
stationary distributions, Markov chains, Extended Example: Vector Cross Product
statistical distributions, functions for, Calculus
str() function, Lists
string utilities, in edtdbg debugging tool, Extended Example: Forming Filenames
string-manipulation functions, Character Strings, An Overview of String-Manipulation Functions, grep(), grep(), grep(), paste(), paste(), paste(), paste(), regexpr()
gregexpr(), regexpr()
grep(), grep()
nchar(), grep()
paste(), grep()
regexpr(), paste()
sprintf(), paste()
strsplit(), paste()
substr(), paste()
stringsAsFactors argument, data.frame() function, Creating Data Frames
strsplit() function, paste()
subdeterminants, Extended Example: Vector Cross Product
submatrices, assigning values to, Matrix Indexing
subnames argument, subtable() function, Extended Example: Extracting a Subtable
subscripting operations, What’s Considered a Replacement Function?
subset() function, Generating Filtering Indices, More on Treatment of NA Values
subsetting, vector, A First R Session
substr() function, paste()
subtable() function, Extended Example: Extracting a Subtable
suffix, testing filename for given, Regular Expressions
sum() function, Math Functions, Analyzing the snow Code
summary() function, Data Frames, Extended Example: Regression Analysis of Exam Grades
summaryRprof() function, How Rprof() Works
summing contents of many files, Writing to a File
<<- (superassignment operator), Introduction to Functions, No Pointers in R, When Should You Use Global Variables?
simplifying code, When Should You Use Global Variables?
writing to nonlocals with, No Pointers in R
superassignment operator (<<-), Introduction to Functions, No Pointers in R, When Should You Use Global Variables?
simplifying code, When Should You Use Global Variables?
writing to nonlocals with, No Pointers in R
sweep() linear algebra function, Linear Algebra Operations on Vectors and Matrices
symmetric matrix, Extended Example: Finding the Closest Pair of Vertices in a Graph
syntax errors, Syntax and Runtime Errors


t() function, Using the apply() Function, Extended Example: Aids for Learning Chinese Dialects, Linear Algebra Operations on Vectors and Matrices
tabdom() function, Extended Example: Extracting a Subtable
tables, Working with Tables, Working with Tables, Matrix/Array-Like Operations on Tables, Extended Example: Extracting a Subtable, Extended Example: Finding the Largest Cells in a Table, Extended Example: Finding the Largest Cells in a Table, Extended Example: Finding the Largest Cells in a Table
extracting subtable example, Matrix/Array-Like Operations on Tables
finding largest cells in, Extended Example: Extracting a Subtable
functions, Extended Example: Finding the Largest Cells in a Table, Extended Example: Finding the Largest Cells in a Table, Extended Example: Finding the Largest Cells in a Table
aggregate(), Extended Example: Finding the Largest Cells in a Table
cut(), Extended Example: Finding the Largest Cells in a Table
matrix/array-like operations, Working with Tables
tags, Creating Lists
tapply() function, Common Functions Used with Factors, The tapply() Function, The split() Function, The split() Function
factors, Common Functions Used with Factors
vs. by() function, The split() Function
vs. split() function, The tapply() Function
tbl argument, subtable() function, Extended Example: Extracting a Subtable
tblarray array, Extended Example: Extracting a Subtable
TCP/IP, Overview of TCP/IP
termination condition, A Quicksort Implementation
testing vector equality, Extended Example: Recoding an Abalone Data Set
text concordance, Adding and Deleting List Elements, Accessing List Components and Values
text editors, Extended Example: A Self-Bookkeeping Vector Class
text files, reading, Reading Text Files
text() function, adding text to graphs with, Adding Points: The points() Function
text, adding to graphs with text() function, Adding Points: The points() Function
threaded code, Extended Example: Discrete-Event Simulation in R
threads, Using Multicore Machines
three-dimensional tables, Working with Tables
Tierney, Luke, The Mutual Outlinks Problem
tocol parameter, mapsound() function, Extended Example: Aids for Learning Chinese Dialects
tools, Extended Example: A Self-Bookkeeping Vector Class, Extended Example: A Self-Bookkeeping Vector Class, Extended Example: A Self-Bookkeeping Vector Class, Extended Example: A Self-Bookkeeping Vector Class, Antibugging, Moving Up in the World: More Convenient Debugging Tools
debugging, Antibugging, Moving Up in the World: More Convenient Debugging Tools
for composing function code, Extended Example: A Self-Bookkeeping Vector Class, Extended Example: A Self-Bookkeeping Vector Class, Extended Example: A Self-Bookkeeping Vector Class
edit() function, Extended Example: A Self-Bookkeeping Vector Class
text editors and IDEs, Extended Example: A Self-Bookkeeping Vector Class
top-level environment, The Top-Level Environment
trace() function, Tracking with the trace() Function
traceback() function, Tracking with the trace() Function
tracemem() function, Functional Programming and Memory Issues
training set, Extended Example: Predicting Discrete-Valued Time Series
transcendental functions, Vector In, Vector Out
transition probability, Extended Example: Finding Stationary Distributions of Markovv Chains
treelike data structures, Extended Example: A Binary Search Tree


u variable, Writing to Nonlocals with the Superassignment Operator
Ubuntu, installing R on, Installing R
unclass() function, “What Is This?”
union() set operation, Set Operations
unlist() function, Extended Example: Text Concordance
unname() function, Accessing List Components and Values
unserialize() function, Sockets in R
upn argument, showframe() function, Extended Example: A Function to Display the Contents of a Call Frame
upper-triangular matrices, class for storing, Using Inheritance
URLs, accessing files on remote machines via, Extended Example: Reading PUMS Census Files


values, Vector In, Matrix Out, Using NULL, Matrix Indexing, Matrix Indexing, Extended Example: Text Concordance, More on Treatment of NA Values, Arithmetic and Boolean Operators and Values, Default Values for Arguments
assigning to submatrices, Matrix Indexing
Boolean, Arithmetic and Boolean Operators and Values
list, accessing, Extended Example: Text Concordance
NA, Vector In, Matrix Out, More on Treatment of NA Values
return, Default Values for Arguments
vanilla option, startup/shutdown, Startup and Shutdown
variable scope, Introduction to Functions
variables, Introduction to Functions, A Vectorized if-then-else: The ifelse() Function, A Vectorized if-then-else: The ifelse() Function, Factors and Tables, Factors and Tables, Extended Example: Discrete-Event Simulation in R
assessing statistical relation of two, A Vectorized if-then-else: The ifelse() Function
categorical, Factors and Tables
global, Introduction to Functions, Extended Example: Discrete-Event Simulation in R
nominal, Factors and Tables
vector assignment issues, Functional Programming and Memory Issues
vector cross product, Linear Algebra Operations on Vectors and Matrices
vector filtering, Vectorization for Speedup
vector functions, Extended Example: Achieving Better Speed in a Monte Carlo Simulation
vector-filtering capability, A Quicksort Implementation
vector/matrix distinction, Extended Example: Finding the Closest Pair of Vertices in a Graph
vectorization, Vectors, Vectors, Performance Enhancement: Speed and Memory
defined, Vectors
for speedup, Performance Enhancement: Speed and Memory
vectorized operations, Vector In, Vector Out
vectors, A First R Session, Vectors, the R Workhorse, Vectors, Scalars, Vectors, Arrays, and Matrices, Scalars, Vectors, Arrays, and Matrices, Scalars, Vectors, Arrays, and Matrices, Obtaining the Length of a Vector, Matrices and Arrays as Vectors, Matrices and Arrays as Vectors, Recycling, Common Vector Operations, Common Vector Operations, Vector Arithmetic and Logical Operations, Vector Indexing, Generating Useful Vectors with the : Operator, Generating Vector Sequences with seq(), Using all() and any(), Using all() and any(), Extended Example: Finding Runs of Consecutive Ones, Extended Example: Predicting Discrete-Valued Time Series, Vectorized Operations, Vector In, Vector Out, Vector In, Matrix Out, Using NULL, Filtering, Filtering, Generating Filtering Indices, Generating Filtering Indices, The Selection Function which(), A Vectorized if-then-else: The ifelse() Function, Extended Example: A Measure of Association, Extended Example: Recoding an Abalone Data Set, Vector Element Names, Vector Element Names, Sorting, Sorting
all() and any() functions, Using all() and any(), Using all() and any(), Extended Example: Finding Runs of Consecutive Ones
finding runs of consecutive ones example, Using all() and any()
predicting discrete-valued time series example, Extended Example: Finding Runs of Consecutive Ones
c() function, Vector Element Names
common operations, Common Vector Operations, Common Vector Operations, Vector Arithmetic and Logical Operations, Vector Indexing, Generating Useful Vectors with the : Operator, Generating Vector Sequences with seq()
arithmetic and logical operations, Common Vector Operations
colon operator (:), Vector Indexing
generating vector sequences with seq() function, Generating Useful Vectors with the : Operator
repeating vector constants with rep() function, Generating Vector Sequences with seq()
vector indexing, Vector Arithmetic and Logical Operations
computing inner product of two, Sorting
declarations, Matrices and Arrays as Vectors
defined, A First R Session
elements, Scalars, Vectors, Arrays, and Matrices, Scalars, Vectors, Arrays, and Matrices, Vector Element Names
adding and deleting, Scalars, Vectors, Arrays, and Matrices
naming, Vector Element Names
filtering, Filtering, Filtering, Generating Filtering Indices, Generating Filtering Indices
generating indices for, Filtering
with subset() function, Generating Filtering Indices
with which() function, Generating Filtering Indices
ifelse() function, The Selection Function which(), A Vectorized if-then-else: The ifelse() Function, Extended Example: A Measure of Association
assessing statistical relation of two variables example, A Vectorized if-then-else: The ifelse() Function
recoding abalone data set example, Extended Example: A Measure of Association
linear algebra operations on, Sorting
matrices and arrays as, Matrices and Arrays as Vectors
NA value, Vector In, Matrix Out
NULL value, Using NULL
obtaining length of, Obtaining the Length of a Vector
recycling, Recycling
scalars, Scalars, Vectors, Arrays, and Matrices
testing vector equality, Extended Example: Recoding an Abalone Data Set
vectorized operations, Extended Example: Predicting Discrete-Valued Time Series, Vectorized Operations, Vector In, Vector Out
vector in, matrix out, Vector In, Vector Out
vector in, vector out, Vectorized Operations
vertices, graph, finding, Changing the Size of a Matrix


Web, downloading packages from, Package Basics, Package Basics, Installing Packages Automatically
installing automatically, Package Basics
installing manually, Installing Packages Automatically
where browser command, Using Browser Commands
which() function, Generating Filtering Indices
which.max() function, Extended Example: Finding Outliers, Math Functions
which.min() function, Math Functions
whitespace, Using the scan() Function
Wickham, Hadley, Extended Example: Finding the Largest Cells in a Table
wireframe() function, Creating Three-Dimensional Plots
wmins matrix, Extended Example: Finding the Closest Pair of Vertices in a Graph
workers, snow package, Introducing the snow Package
working directory, Startup and Shutdown
write.table() function, Writing to a File
writeBin() function, Sockets in R
writeLines() function, Sockets in R
writing, No Pointers in R, No Pointers in R, Writing to Nonlocals with assign(), Writing to Nonlocals with assign(), Extended Example: Discrete-Event Simulation in R, Extended Example: Discrete-Event Simulation in R, When Should You Use Global Variables?, The edit() Function, Finding the Implementations of Generic Methods, S4 Classes, Writing to a File, Writing to a File, Interfacing R to Other Languages, Writing C/C++ Functions to Be Called from R, Example: Extracting Subdiagonals from a Square Matrix, Debugging R/C Code, Debugging R/C Code
binary operations, The edit() Function
C/C++ functions to be called from R, Interfacing R to Other Languages, Writing C/C++ Functions to Be Called from R, Example: Extracting Subdiagonals from a Square Matrix, Debugging R/C Code, Debugging R/C Code
compiling and running code, Example: Extracting Subdiagonals from a Square Matrix
debugging R/C code, Debugging R/C Code
extracting subdiagonals from square matrix example, Writing C/C++ Functions to Be Called from R
prediction of discrete-valued time series example, Debugging R/C Code
closures, When Should You Use Global Variables?
discrete-event simulation in R example, Extended Example: Discrete-Event Simulation in R
getting files and directory information, Writing to a File
S3 classes, Finding the Implementations of Generic Methods
S4 classes, S4 Classes
summing contents of many files example, Writing to a File
to nonlocals, No Pointers in R, Writing to Nonlocals with assign(), Writing to Nonlocals with assign()
with assign() function, Writing to Nonlocals with assign()
with superassignment operator, No Pointers in R
when to use global variables, Extended Example: Discrete-Event Simulation in R