Cover 1
Title Page 3
Copyright Page 4
Dedication 5
Acknowledgments 9
Introduction: How the Elephant Got in the Room 11
Part 1: The Process of Conversation 19
1. Elephant Prevention 21
2. How Conversations Get Tough 31
3. What People Need 43
Part 2: Tools for Healthy Conversations 55
4. Tool #1—You Gotta Learn to Dance (Perspective) 57
5. Tool #2—Confidence in Communication (Trust) 69
6. Tool #3—Staying on Your Side of the Checkerboard (Ownership) 81
7. Tool #4—Your Personal Fuel Station (Emotions) 93
8. Tool #5—Crock-Pot Relationships (Time) 103
9. Tool #6—The Value of Everybody (Respect) 115
Part 3: Skills for Healthy Conversations 123
10. Skill #1—Make It Safe 125
11. Skill #2—Eliminate Intimidation 137
12. Skill #3—Practice Power Listening 147
13. Skill #4—Encourage Honest Feedback 159
14. Skill #5—Start with Kindness 169
15. Skill #6—Know Your Purpose 181
Part 4: Growing into Connection 193
16. Relating to Relatives 195
17. Rust-Free Relationships 205
18. Redeeming Technology 213
Conclusion 227
Notes 229
About the Author 233
Books by Mike Bechtle 234
Back Ads 235
Back Cover 240