


Tu Fu, “Jade Flower Palace”

Matsuo Bashō, “Summer grasses”

Han Shan, “Fields, a house, many mulberry trees, fine gardens!”

Ryōkan, “I never longed for the wilder side of life”

Saigyō, “‘Detached’ observer”

Robert Frost, “Nothing Gold Can Stay”

James Schuyler, “Korean Mums”

William Butler Yeats, “The Wild Swans at Coole”

William Shakespeare, “Sonnet 73”

Po Chü-i, “Autumn Thoughts, Sent Far Away”

A. R. Ammons, “Continuing”

Saigyō, “Winter has withered everything”

Su Tung-P’o, “12th Moon, 14th Sun . . .”

Kobayashi Issa, “This world of dew”

Kay Ryan, “The Niagara River”

Lucia Perillo, “After Reading The Tibetan Book of the Dead

William Carlos Williams, “The Widow’s Lament in Springtime”

Kenneth Rexroth, “Delia Rexroth”

Andrea Hollander, “October 9, 1970”

Ellen Bass, “If You Knew”

William Wordsworth, “A Slumber Did My Spirit Seal”

Kobayashi Issa, “Mother I never knew”

A. R. Ammons, “In Memoriam Mae Noblitt”

Frank O’Hara, “The Day Lady Died”

Ron Padgett, “Dog”

Philip Larkin, “Ambulances”

Tomas Tranströmer, “Death stoops over me”

Yannis Ritsos, “February 23”

Ruth Stone, “Train Ride”

Czesław Miłosz, “Encounter”

Yannis Ritsos, “January 4”

Bill Knott, “Death”

Pablo Neruda, “Ode to a Dead Carob Tree”

Walt Whitman, “Reconciliation”

Yusef Komunyakaa, “Facing It”

Anna Kamieńska, “I Don’t Know How a Day Flew by Us”

Philip Larkin, “Days”

James Schuyler, “The Day”

Ikkyū Sojun, “The moon is a house”

Eihei Dōgen, “Waka on Impermanence”

Yosa Buson, “The old man”

Lucia Perillo, “I Could Name Some Names”

Han Shan, “They laugh at me, ‘Hey farm boy!’”

Jack Kerouac, “In my medicine cabinet”

Ron Padgett, “The Joke”


Billy Collins, “Shoveling Snow with ­Buddha”

Wallace Stevens, “The Snow Man”

Kenneth Rexroth, “Empty Mirror”

Gary Snyder, “Piute Creek”

Ikkyū Sojun, “After ten years in the red-light district”

William Stafford, “Listening”

Dick Allen, “Listening Deeply”

D. H. Lawrence, “The White Horse”

A. R. Ammons, “Clarifications”

Denise Levertov, “Aware”

Anna Swir, “Our Two Silences”

Wei Ying-Wu, “In the Depths of West Mountain, Visiting the Master”

Yosa Buson, “Coolness — ”

Li Po, “Watching a White Falcon Set Loose”

William Carlos Williams, “Fine Work with Pitch and Copper”

Kobayashi Issa, “The distant mountains”

A. R. Ammons, “Reflective”

Adam Zagajewski, “Auto Mirror”

Robert Frost, “Tree at My Window”

Wisława Szymborska, “No Title Required”

Bronisław Maj, “A Leaf”

Ezra Pound, “In a Station of the Metro”

Old Shōju, “One look at plum blossoms”

Ron Padgett, “Now You See It”

Jane Hirshfield, “Lighthouse”

Ikkyū Sojun, “Void in Form”

Wallace Stevens, “Study of Two Pears”

Elizabeth Bishop, “The Fish”

Robert Frost, “Hyla Brook”

Shido Bunan, “The moon’s the same old moon”

Li Po, “Zazen on Ching-t’ing Mountain”

Anna Swir, “A Double Rapture”

Gary Snyder, “Mid-August at Sourdough Mountain Lookout”

Eihei Dōgen, “This slowly drifting cloud is pitiful”

Ryōkan, “The night is fresh and cool”

Walt Whitman, “I Stand and Look”

Philip Larkin, “Here”

Elizabeth Bishop, “Filling Station”

William Carlos Williams, “The Poor”

Kobayashi Issa, “I’m going to roll over”

Wisława Szymborska, “Miracle Fair”

Po Chü-i, “Li the Mountain Recluse Stays the Night on Our Boat”

Matsuo Bashō, “Wrapping the rice cakes”


Ryōkan, “First Days of Spring — the Sky”

Su Tung-P’o, “With Mao and Fang, Visiting Bright Insight Monastery”

Kobayashi Issa, “Children imitating cormorants”

Ryōkan, “Nothing satisfies some appetites”

Chuang-Tzu, “The Joy of Fishes”

Han Shan, “The cloud road’s choked with deep mist. No one gets here that way”

Matsuo Bashō, “A field of cotton — ”

Yosa Buson, “Such a moon — ”

Kobayashi Issa, “Full moon”

Matsuo Bashō, “A cicada shell”

James Wright, “A Blessing”

Pablo Neruda, “Horses”

Jack Gilbert, “Horses at Midnight without a Moon”

Kobayashi Issa, “Under cherry trees”

Tomas Tranströmer, “Face to Face”

Marilyn Krysl, “She Speaks a Various Language”

Saigyō, “Quiet mountain hut”

William Stafford, “It’s All Right”

Jacques Prévert, “The Dunce”

Walt Whitman, “When I Heard the Learn’d Astronomer”

Yosa Buson, “My arm for a pillow”

Po Chü-i, “After Quiet Joys at South Garden Sent by P’ei Tu”

William Stafford, “Ask Me”

Pablo Neruda, “Ode to My Socks”

Ron Padgett, “Inaction of Shoes”

Anna Swir, “Priceless Gifts”

Yannis Ritsos, “January 21”

A. R. Ammons, “Stills”

Han Shan, “My old landlady”

Fernando Pessoa, “Calm because I’m unknown”

Tracy K. Smith, “Credulity”

Billy Collins, “Aimless Love”

Jack Gilbert, “A Brief for the Defense”

A. R. Ammons, “The City Limits”

Marianne Moore, “What Are Years?”

Alicia Ostriker, “Wrinkly Lady Dancer”

William Carlos Williams, “To Waken an Old Lady”

Jack Gilbert, “Getting Old”

Ron Padgett, “Words from the Front”

Paulann Petersen, “Why the Aging Poet Continues to Write”

A. R. Ammons, “Old Geezer”

Ryōkan, “Don’t say my hut has nothing to offer”


Mindful Reading

Meditation on Sounds

Biographical Notes



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