accepting apology, 1517

adults, listening and talking to, 3740

age, and introductions, 21

airplane travel, 9396

airport, security checkpoint at, 94

allergies, and refusing food, 115117

allowance, thank you for, 6

American flag, removing cap when passing, 166

American style of knife and fork use, 112113

answering telephone, 6368


accepting, 1517

for dialing wrong phone number, 66

for hurt feelings, 34

making, 1114

sincerity of, 12

appearance, pride in, 151154

armpit noises, xi

asking questions, about menu items, 123124

assistance, saying please when offered, 3

attention, “excuse me” to gain, 10


baseball caps, when to remove, 164166

bathroom, sharing with others, 149

behavior, accepting differences, 24

birthdays, calendar of, 61

body odor, 183186

bombs, joking about, 94

boredom, 8588

borrowing, 139142

asking permission for, 27

boundaries, 147150

broken item, earning funds to replace, 1213

brushing teeth, 186

burping, “excuse me” after, 8

butter knife, 114


calamari, 123

cap, when to remove, 164166

cats, cleaning up after, 172175

cell phones, 7378

in movie theater, 90

respecting parents’ limits, 76

speaking volume, 75

chanterelles, 123

chewing food, xi

chewing gum, xi, 88

chopsticks, 126127

cleaning up after yourself, 176179

clip-on ties, 155156

closed door, knocking on, 147148

clothes, 151154

colors, matching for clothes, 153

comparing gifts, 53


accepting, 3133, 8081

paying, 2830

thank you for, 5

computers, 131138

Continental style of knife and fork use, 112113

conversation with adults, 3740

costs of gifts, 60

curfew, permission to be out after, 26


damaged property, replacement of, 1213

deadline, for invitation RSVP, 102

deodorant, 183

dialing wrong phone number, apology for, 66

dietary restrictions, 115117

dinner fork, 109

disagreement with compliment, vs. accepting, 32

discretion in speaking, 3435

distracting others, boredom and, 87

dogs, picking up after, 172175

downloading music and movies, paying for, 135

dress code for event, 154


e-mail, 133

responding to, 134

for response to invitation, 103

for thank you, 57

eavesdropping on phone conversations, 68

embarrassing situations, 143146

emergency, 911 for, 6667

“excuse me,” 810, 96

when moving to seat, 98

eye contact, 40


Facebook, 136137

fingernails, care of, 167168

flight attendants, paying attention to, 94

food, allergies to, 115117

forgiveness, 1517


use with knife, 112114

using correct, 108111

four-in-hand knot, 156

friends, introducing to parents, 1821



losing well, 8284

winning, 79

gentleman, qualities of, xi


accepting ones you don’t like, 4851

accepting ones you like, 5254

selecting, 5962

thank you for, 56, 49, 50, 53

gloves, and shaking hands, 44

good winners, 79


hair washing, 183, 186

handkerchiefs, 169171

handshakes, 4144

“hey,” vs. “excuse me,” 10

holidays, calendar of, 61

homework, Internet for, 135136

hurt feelings, apology for, 34


information sharing

in introduction of friend, 1920

online, 132

with telephone caller, 70

instant messages, 133

Internet use, 131138

interruptions, excuse me for, 8, 9


of friends to parents, 1821

removing cap for, 166


“Regrets only,” 101102

response to, 100103

“RSVP” on, 102

iron, 152


keeping quiet, appropriate time for, 3436

kindness, when speaking, 2223

knife and fork, 112114

request as chopsticks replacement, 127

knocking on closed door, 147148


lateness, 99

laughing, 144, 145

in movie theater, 91

listening to adults, 3740

litter box, 172, 174

losing well, 8284


“ma’am,” 2224


foods you don’t like, 118121

fork use at, 108111

knife and fork use, 112114

napkins at, 104107

refusing foods you can’t eat, 115117

removing cap at, 165

meeting people with physical challenges, 4547

menu, ordering from, 122125

messages, taking for phone calls, 6972

mistakes, apology for, 11


behavior in, 8992

cell phone use in, 77, 90

paying for download, 135

reaching seat in, 9799

silencing cell phone in, 73

music, paying for download, 135


napkins, 104107

National Anthem, removing cap at, 166

911, for emergency, 6667

noise, making with armpit, xi

“Nope,” 23


offensive words, apology for, 13

opening door for others, 128130



and computer use, 132

introducing friends to, 1821

and party invitations, 101

respecting cell phone limits from, 76

party, sharing information about, 35

passing gas, 8

permission, asking for, 2527

personal hygiene, 183186

personal information, sharing online, 132

pets, picking up after, 172175

phone. See telephone

photos, posting online, 137

physical challenges, meeting people with, 4547

picking up after yourself, 176179

plagiarism, 136

planning and finding gifts, 61

“please,” 13

Pledge of Allegiance, removing cap at, 166

pride in appearance, 151154

privacy, 147148

private information, sharing online, 134135

property, replacement of damaged, 1213


questionable content in e-mail, 133


regional differences, respect for, 23

“Regrets only” invitation, 101102

respect, when speaking, 2223

response to invitations, 100103

e-mail for, 103

responsibility, when borrowing, 140


chopsticks use in, 126127

ordering from menu, 122125

silencing cell phone in, 73

ringtone, 74

“RSVP” on Invitations, 102


salad fork, 109

school, silencing cell phone in, 73

secrets, 3536

security checkpoint at airport, 94

selecting gifts, 5962

shaking hands, 4144

sharing possessions, 139142

shining shoes, 160

silencing cell phones, 73

sincerity, in compliments, 2930

“sir,” 2224

sneezing, 170

excuse me after, 8

sorry. See apology


on cell phone, volume of, 75

kindness and respect when, 2223

on telephone, 64

stationery, for thank-you notes, 56

steak knife, 114

stealing, 135


talking to adults, 3740

teeth, brushing, 186


answering, 6368

cell phones, 7378

taking messages, 6972

television, 38

text messages, respecting parents’ limits, 77

“thank you,” 47

to accept compliment, 3132

for gifts, 56, 49, 50, 53

“thank you” note, 5558

e-mail for, 57

examples, 58


reaching seat in, 9799

silencing cell phone in, 73

tie, tying, 155159

tips, for shoe shiner, 163

tissues, 169171

toenails, 168

toilet seat, 180182

towels, hanging up, 177

trash, taking out, 179

travel on airplane, 9396


video games, 37


walking in front of others, 9799

wheelchair, 45, 47

winning, 7981

wrapping gifts, 61

wrongful actions as secrets, 36


“Yep,” 23