
  1. Acknowledgments
  2. Introduction: Sex at Its Best
  3. Section One: Ignite the Flame
    1. Chapter One: Where Did All the Passion Go?
    2. Chapter Two: Give Permission for Passion
    3. Chapter Three: Soothe Insecurities
    4. Chapter Four: Offer Sexual Refreshment
    5. Chapter Five: Trade Sexual Compliments
    6. Chapter Six: Catch the Little Foxes
    7. Chapter Seven: Create a Safe Place for Loving
    8. Chapter Eight: Remember Your Vows
    9. Chapter Nine: Be Romantic In and Out of Bed
    10. Chapter Ten: Give Your Body as a Gift
  4. Section Two: Keep the Flame Burning
    1. Chapter Eleven: Stamp Out Selfishness
    2. Chapter Twelve: Be Free in Your Mind
    3. Chapter Thirteen: Be Free to Forgive
    4. Chapter Fourteen: Be Free with Your Body
    5. Chapter Fifteen: Be Free to Be Creative
    6. Chapter Sixteen: Fan the Fire of Lifelong Love
  5. Epilogue: The Flame
  6. Appendix: Sexual Acts That God Prohibits
  7. Eight-Week Bible Study: A Journey to Igniting Intimacy
  8. About the Authors
  9. Notes