A accessories, 82
Dance Party Shoe Clips, 93–95
Deco Hair Comb, 90–92
Lost and Found Vintage Ring, 84–86
Mod Brooch, 87–89
adhesives, 31
Agate, Embellished, 128–31
Amulet, Multirow, 101–4
antique finishes, 17
B ball chain, 18, 19
ball pins, 23
bar and link chain, 18, 19
bar-and-ring clasps, 21
base metals, 16
beading needles, 30, 31
beading wire, 26
crimp, 22, 23
making, with polymer clay, 37
shapes of, 12, 13
sources for, 138
strands of, 13
stringing, 26, 36
types of, 13–15
Bib, Gold, 105–7
box chain, 18, 19
bracelets, 62
Braided Cuff, 68–70
Classic Charm, 78–80
findings for, 25
Gemstone Cobra Knot, 71–74
length of, 39
Maltese Cross Cuff, 75–77
Studded Leather Band, 64–67
Braided Cuff, 68–70
brass, 16
Brooch, Mod, 87–89
Byzantine Collar, Chunky, 119–22
C cable chain, 18, 19
ceramic beads, 13, 14
gold, 16
rhinestone, 38
types of, 18, 19
chain cutters, 29
Chained Posts, 44–46
chain-nose pliers, 29
Chandeliers, Filigree, 59–61
Chanel, Coco, 75
Classic Charm, 78–80
for good luck, 78
Hanging Pendant, 112–14
Multirow Amulet, 101–4
turning objects into, 39
chip beads, 47
Chunky Byzantine Collar, 119–22
clasps, 21
Classic Charm, 78–80
clippers, 29
Cobra Knot, Gemstone, 71–74
coil ends, 23
Comb, Deco Hair, 90–92
connectors, 22, 23
copper, 16
-coated beads (CCB), 14
crimp beads, 22, 23, 36
curb chain, 18, 19
D Dance Party Shoe Clips, 93–95
Deco Hair Comb, 90–92
double curb chain, 19
E earrings, 42
Chained Posts, 44–46
clip-on, 56
Filigree Chandeliers, 59–61
findings for, 24, 25
Geometric Hoops, 53–55
Long Tassel Posts, 50–52
Mix-and-Match Drops, 56–58
Stone Trellis Spikes, 47–49
earring wires, 24, 25
elastic, 26
Embellished Agate, 128–31
embroidery floss, 27
end bars, 22, 23
end caps, 22, 23
English beading needles, 30, 31
E-6000 glue, 31
eye pins, 22, 23
F fabric, 27, 139
Filigree Chandeliers, 59–61
definition of, 11
sources for, 138
types of, 21–25
fishbone chain, 18, 19
fishhooks, 25
flat-nose pliers, 29
foldover crimps, 22, 23
French wires, 25
G gauge, 20
Gemstone Cobra Knot, 71–74
Geometric Hoops, 53–55
glass beads, 13, 14
glues, 31
chain and wire, 16
Gold Bib, 105–7
-plating, 17
rose, 17
gunmetal, 17
H Hair Comb, Deco, 90–92
hand-sewing needles, 30, 31
Hanging Pendant, 112–14
headpins, 22, 23
hematite, 17
High-Low Tie Back, 98–100
hoops, 24, 25
Geometric Hoops, 53–55
J jump rings, 22, 23, 33
L Leather Band, Studded, 64–67
length, determining, 39
leverback earring components, 24, 25
lobster clasps, 21
Long Tassel Posts, 50–52
Loop de Loop, 115–18
looping, 35
Lost and Found Vintage Ring, 84–86
M Maltese Cross Cuff, 75–77
materials. See also individual
importance of, 10
sourcing, 11, 138–39
matte finishes, 17
base, 16
beads, 14
finishes, 17
precious, 16
Mix-and-Match Drops, 56–58
Mod Brooch, 87–89
Multirow Amulet, 101–4
N nail polish, clear, 31
necklaces, 96
Chunky Byzantine Collar, 119–22
Embellished Agate, 128–31
Gold Bib, 105–7
Hanging Pendant, 112–14
High-Low Tie Back, 98–100
length of, 39, 121
Loop de Loop, 115–18
Multirow Amulet, 101–4
Soft Statement Piece, 123–26
Vintage Rhinestone Chain Mix, 108–11
Woven Collar, 132–36
needles, 30, 31
nippers, 29
nylon cord, clear, 26
P Pendant, Hanging, 112–14
plastic beads, 13–14
platings, 17
pliers, 29
polymer beads, 13, 37
post findings, 24, 25
precious metals, 16
R rhinestones, 15
chain ends, 22, 23, 38
Vintage Rhinestone Chain Mix, 108–11
ribbon, 27, 100, 139
findings for, 25
jump, 22, 23
Lost and Found Vintage Ring, 84–86
spring, 21
rolo chain, 18, 19
rose gold, 17
round-nose pliers, 29
S satin metal, 17
semiprecious stone beads, 15
sewing materials, 27, 139
shanks, 25
shiny finishes, 17
Shoe Clips, Dance Party, 93–95
S-hooks, 21
silk beading cord, 26
-plating, 17
sterling, 16
snake chain, 18, 19
Soft Statement Piece, 123–26
spring rings, 21
Stone Trellis Spikes, 47–49
stringing materials, 26
Studded Leather Band, 64–67
studs, 25
Super Glue, 31
T tassels
Long Tassel Posts, 50–52
making, 52, 103
techniques, 32–39
toggles, 21
tools, 28–31
V vermeil, 16
Vintage Rhinestone Chain Mix, 108–11
W wire
beading, 26
gold, 16
temper of, 20
thickness of, 20
-wrapping, 33–34
wire needles, 30, 31
Woven Collar, 132–36