
Please note that index links point to page beginnings from the print edition. Locations are approximate in e-readers, and you may need to page down one or more times after clicking a link to get to the indexed material.

ac (alternating current), 3, 194

ac circuit, 194

ac generator (alternator), 195, 384

ac PSpice analysis, 268–269

Admittance, 238

conductance of, 238

mutual, 267

self-, 267

susceptance of, 238

Admittance diagram, 238

Admittance triangle, 238

Air-core transformer, 352

Algebra, complex, 217–221

Alternating current (ac), 3, 194

Alternating current circuit, 194

Alternator (ac generator), 195, 384

Ampere, 2


loop, 57, 266

mesh, 56, 265

nodal, 58, 267

Angle, phase, 197

Angular frequency, 195

Angular velocity, 195

Apparent power, 327

Associated references, 5

Autotransformer, 354

Average power, 194, 324

Average value of periodic wave, 198

Balanced bridge, 87, 297

Balanced three-phase load, 387, 389

Branch, 31

Bridge balance equation, 87, 297

Bridge circuit, 86

capacitance comparison, 316

Maxwell, 317

Wheatstone, 86

Buffer, 116

Capacitance, 153

equivalent, 154

total, 154

Capacitance comparison bridge, 316

Capacitive circuit, 235

Capacitive reactance, 200

Capacitor, 153

energy stored, 155

sinusoidal response, 200

Cascaded op amps, 116

Charge, 1

conservation of, 2

electron, 1

proton, 1

Choke, 175

Circuit, 2

ac, 194

capacitive, 235

dc, 31

inductive, 235

phasor-domain, 232

three-phase, 384–414

time-domain, 232

Coefficient of coupling, 353

Coil, 175

Color code, resistor, 20

Complex algebra, 217–221

Complex number:

angle, 219

conjugate, 219

exponential form, 219

magnitude, 219

polar form, 219

rectangular form, 218

Complex plane, 218

Complex power, 326

Conductance, 17

of admittance, 238

equivalent, 33

mutual, 58

self-, 58

total, 33

Conductivity, 18

Conductor, 17

Conjugate, 219

Conservation of charge, 2

Controlled source, 4

Conventional current flow direction, 2

Cosine wave, 197

Coulomb, 2

Coupled impedance, 354

Coupling, coefficient of, 353

Cramer’s rule, 54

Current, 2

ac, 3, 194

dc, 3

loop, 57

mesh, 56

phase, 386

short-circuit, 83, 295

Current direction, 2

reference, 2

Current division rule, 34, 239

Current source, 3

controlled, 4

dependent, 4

independent, 4

Norton, 83, 295

Cycle, 194

dc (direct current), 3

dc circuit, 31

dc PSpice analysis, 136–140

dc source, 4

Delta (Δ) connection, 85, 296, 386

Δ-Y transformation, 85, 296

Dependent source, 4

PSpice, 138

Derivative, 155

Determinant, 54

Dielectric, 153

Dielectric constant, 154

Digit grouping, 1

Direct current (dc), 3

Direct current circuit, 31

Direction, current, 2

Dot convention, 350

Double-subscript notation, 3, 384

Drop, voltage, 3

Dual, 72

Effective value, 198

Efficiency, 5

Electron, 1

Electron charge, 2

Energy, 3, 5

stored by a capacitor, 155

stored by an inductor, 177

Equivalent circuit:

Norton's 83, 295

Thévenin’s, 82, 294

Equivalent sources, 56, 265

Euler's identity, 219

Exponential form of complex number, 219

Farad, 153

Faraday's law, 175

Ferromagnetic material, 174


leakage, 350

magnetic, 174, 349

mutual, 349

Flux linkage, 175

Frequency, 194

angular, 195

radian, 195

General transformer equation, 358


ac, 195, 384

Δ-connected, 386

Y-connected, 385

Giga-, 2

Ground, 33

Grouping of digits, 1

Henry, 175

Hertz, 194

Horsepower, 5

Ideal transformer, 350

Imaginary number, 217

Impedance, 234

coupled, 354

equivalent, 234

input, 235

mutual, 266

output, 303

reactance of, 235

reflected, 351, 354

resistance of, 235

self-, 266

Thévenin, 294

total, 234

Impedance angle, 235

Impedance diagram, 235

Impedance plane, 235

Impedance triangle, 236

Independent source, 4

Induced voltage, 175, 353

Inductance, 175

equivalent, 176

mutual, 353

self-, 353

total, 176

Inductive circuit, 235

Inductive reactance, 199

Inductor, 175

energy stored, 177

sinusoidal response, 199

Inferred zero resistance temperature, 18

Input impedance, 235

Input resistance, 84

Instantaneous current, 155

Instantaneous power, 198, 324

Instantaneous voltage, 155

Insulator, 17

Internal resistance, 20

International System of Units (SI), 1

Inverter, 114

Ion, 2

Iron-core transformer, 350

Kilo-, 2


Kilohm-milliampere method, 34

Kilowatthour, 5

Kirchhoff's laws:

current law (KCL), 32, 267

voltage law(KVL), 31, 265

Lagging power factor, 325

Lattice circuit, 86

Leading power factor, 325

Leakage flux, 350

Line current, 386

Line voltage, 386

Linear circuit, 82

Linear circuit element, 82

Linear transformer, 352


balanced, 387, 389

Δ-connected, 85, 296, 389

parallel three-phase, 390

unbalanced, 393

Y-connected, 85, 296, 387

“Long time,” 165

Loop, 31

Loop analysis, 57, 266

Loop current, 57

Magnetic flux, 174

Matching, resistance, 84, 359

Maximum power transfer theorem, 84, 295

Maxwell bridge, 317

Mega-, 2

Mesh, 31

Mesh analysis, 56, 265

Mesh current, 56

Mho, 17

Micro-, 2

Milli-, 2

Millman's theorem, 84


op amp, 112

PSpice op-amp, 139

transformer, 350

Mutual admittance, 267

Mutual conductance, 58

Mutual flux, 349

Mutual impedance, 266

Mutual inductance, 353

Mutual resistance, 57

Nano-, 2

Negative charge, 1

Negative phase sequence, 386

Network (see Circuit)

Network theorem (see Theorem)

Neutral, 386

Neutron, 2

Newton, 3

Nodal analysis, 58, 267

Node, 31

reference, 33

Node voltage, 33

Nominal value of resistance, 19

Noninverting voltage amplifier, 115

Norton's theorem, 83, 295

Ohm, 17

Ohm's law, 17

Op amp: (see Operational amplifier)

Open circuit, 20

Open-circuit voltage, 82, 294

Operational amplifier (op amp), 112

model, 112

open-loop voltage gain, 112

PSpice model, 139

Operational-amplifier circuits, 112-135

buffer, 116

cascaded op amps, 116

inverter, 114

noninverting voltage amplifier, 115

voltage follower, 116

voltage-to-current converter, 116

Oscillator, 157

Output impedance, 303

Output resistance, 82, 84

Parallel connection, 21, 31

Passive sign convention, 5

Period, 158, 194

Periodic quantity, 194

effective value, 198

Permeability, 174

Permittivity, 154

Phase angle, 197

Phase current, 386

Phase difference, 197

Phase relation, 197

Phase sequence, 386

Phase voltage, 386

Phasor, 221

Phasor diagram, 221

Phasor-domain circuit, 232

Pico-, 2

Plane, complex, 218

Polar form of complex number, 219

Polarity, reference voltage, 4

Polarity, voltage, 3

Positive charge, 1

Positive phase sequence, 386

Potential drop, 3

Potential rise, 3

Power, 5, 324

apparent, 327

average, 194, 324

complex, 326

instantaneous, 198, 324

maximum transfer of, 84, 295

reactive, 326

real, 326

resistor, 19

three-phase, 391

Power factor, 324

lagging, 325

leading, 325

Power factor angle, 324

Power factor correction, 327

Power measurement:

single-phase, 325

three-phase, 391

two-wattmeter method, 334, 392

Power triangle, 326

Primary winding, 349

Probe, 178

Proton, 1

PSpice analysis:

ac, 268–269

dc, 136–140

Probe, 178

transient, 177–179

three-phase circuits, 393

transformer circuits, 356

Radian, 195

Radian frequency, 195

Rationalizing, 218, 219

RC time constant, 156

RC timer, 157


capacitive, 200

of impedance, 235

inductive, 199

Reactive factor, 326

Reactive power, 326

Real number, 217

Rectangular form of complex number, 218

Reference current direction, 2

Reference node, 33

Reference voltage polarity, 4

References, associated, 5

Reflected impedance, 351, 354

Relative permeability, 175

Relative permittivity, 154

Resistance, 17

equivalent, 31

of impedance, 235

input, 84

internal, 20

mutual, 57

nominal value, 19

output, 82, 84

self-, 57

Thévenin, 82

tolerance, 19

total, 31

Resistance matching, 84, 359

Resistivity, 17

Resistor, 19

color code, 20

linear, 19

nonlinear, 19

sinusoidal response, 198

Resonant frequency, 240

Right-hand rule, 174, 349

Rise, voltage, 3

RL time constant, 177

rms (root-mean-square) value, 199

Secondary winding, 349

Self-admittance, 267

Self-conductance, 58

Self-impedance, 266

Self-inductance, 353

Self-resistance, 57

Semiconductor, 18

Series connection, 21, 31

Short circuit, 20

Short-circuit current, 83, 295

SI (International System of Units), 1

Siemens, 17

Sine wave, 194, 195

Sinusoid, 197

average value, 198

effective value, 199


ac, 194, 384

controlled, 4

current, 3

dc, 4

dependent, 4

equivalent, 56, 265

independent, 4

Norton, 83, 295

practical, 20

Thévenin, 82, 294

voltage, 4

Source transformation, 56, 265

SPICE program, 136

Step-down transformer, 351

Step-up transformer, 351

Subscript notation:

current, 384

voltage, 3, 384

Superposition theorem, 84, 295

Susceptance, 238

Temperature coefficient of resistance, 19

Tera-, 2


maximum power transfer, 84, 295

Millman's, 84

Norton's, 83, 295

superposition, 84, 295

Thévenin’s, 82, 294

Thévenin’s theorem, 82, 294

Three-phase circuits, 384–414

balanced, 384, 387, 389

PSpice analysis, 393

unbalanced, 393

Three-phase power, 391

Three-phase power measurement, 391

Time constant, 156

RC, 156

RL, 177

Time-domain circuit, 232

Time-varying voltages and currents, 155

Timer, RC, 157

Tolerance, resistance, 19


Δ-Y, 85, 296

source 56, 265

Transformation ratio, 350

Transformers, 349–383

air-core, 352

ideal, 350

iron-core, 350

linear, 352

PSpice models, 356

step-down, 351

step-up, 351

Transient, 156

Transient PSpice analysis, 177–179

Turns ratio, 350

Two-wattmeter method, 334, 392

Unbalanced three-phase circuit, 393

Unit symbol, 1

Units, SI, 1

VAR, 326

Volt, 3

Voltage, 3

induced, 175, 353

node, 33

open-circuit, 82, 294

phase, 386

Voltage difference, 3

Voltage division rule, 32, 236

Voltage drop, 3

Voltage follower, 116

Voltage polarity, 3

reference, 4

Voltage rise, 3

Voltage source, 4

controlled, 4

dependent, 4

independent, 4

Thévenin, 82, 294

Voltage-to-current converter, 116

Voltampere, 326

Voltampere reactive, 326

Watt, 5

Wattmeter, 325

Weber, 174

Wheatstone bridge, 86


primary, 349

secondary, 349

Work, 3

Y (Wye) connection, 85, 296, 385

Y-Δ transformation, 85, 296