List of Tests by Body System
Tests in this list are grouped by the following body systems: cancer, cardiovascular, endocrine, gastrointestinal, hematologic, hepatobiliary, immunologic, miscellaneous, nervous system, pulmonary, reproductive system, skeletal system, and urologic system.
Acid phosphatase, 25
Bence-Jones protein, 911
Beta2 microglobulin (B2M), 360
Bladder cancer markers, 914
Bladder tumor antigen (BTA), 914
Bone scan, 782
Breast cancer genetic screening, 1093
Breast cancer genomics, 1086
Breast cancer tumor analysis, 717
Breast ductal lavage, 645
Breast scintigraphy, 789
CA 15-3 and CA 27-29 tumor markers, 130
CA 19-9 tumor marker, 132
CA-125 tumor marker, 135
Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), 145
Cell culture drug resistance testing, 1087
Ductoscopy, 603
Estrogen receptor assay, 728
Gallium scan, 799
Lymphoscintigraphy, 837
Mammography, 1043
Melanoma genetic testing, 1093
Microglobulin, 933
Neuron-specific enolase, 369
Nuclear matrix protein 22 (NMP22), 914
Octreotide scan, 817
Ovarian cancer genetic screening, 1093
Papanicolaou test, 743
Parotid gland scan, 834
Progesterone receptor assay, 750
ProstaScinct Scan, 827
Prostate specific antigen (PSA), 420
Salivary gland nuclear scan, 834
Sentinel lymph node biopsy, 837
Serotonin and chromogranin A, 462
Sputum cytology, 763
Squamous cell carcinoma antigen, 469
Thyroglobulin (Tg), 484
Adenosine stress, 540
Aldosterone, blood, 43
Antimyocardial antibody, 86
Antistreptolysin O titer, 470
Apolipoprotein, 106
Arteriography (renal, adrenal, cerebral, lower extremity), 988
Aspartate aminotransferase (AST), 119
Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP), 367
Brain natriuretic peptide (BNP), 367
CHF peptides, 367
Cardiac catheterization, 1008
Cardiac nuclear scan, 791
Cardiac stress testing, 540
Cardiovascular genetic screening, 1093
Catecholamines, 975
Cholesterol, 154
Computed tomography (CT), heart, 1032
Creatine kinase (CK), 186
Creatine phosphokinase, 186
C-type natriuretic peptide (CNP), 367
Digital subtraction angiography, 988
2,3-Diphosphoglycerate, 208
Dipyridamole thallium scan, 540
Dobutamine stress, 540
Doppler studies (venous and arterial), 900
Echocardiography, 877
Electrocardiography (ECG, EKG), 544
Electrophysiologic study (EPS), 559
Galectin-3, 245
Holter monitoring, 571
Homocysteine, 301
Intravascular ultrasound, 884
Ischemia-modified albumin, 326
Isonitrile scan, 791
Lactic acid, 327
Lactic dehydrogenase (LDH), 329
Lipoprotein, 342
Lipoprotein-associated phospholipase A2, 341
MUGA cardiac scan, 791
Myoglobin, 365
Natriuretic peptides, 367
Pericardiocentesis, 667
Plethysmography, arterial, 695
Tilt-table testing, 697
Transesophageal echocardiography (TEE), 897
Transthoracic echocardiography (TTE), 877
Triglycerides, 504
Troponins, 508
Vascular ultrasound studies, 900
Venography, 1076
Adrenal steroid precursors, 29
Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), 31
Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) stimulation with cosyntropin, 34
Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) stimulation with metyrapone, 36
Aldosterone, blood, 43
Androstenediones, 29
Angiotensin, 63
Antidiuretic hormone (ADH), 73
Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) stimulation, 979
Antithyroglobulin antibody, 102
Antithyroid microsomal antibody, 104
Antithyroid peroxidase antibody, 104
Arginine, 272
Calcitonin, 136
Calcium, blood, 138
Catecholamines, 975
Chromosome karyotype, 161
Cortisol, blood, 179
Cortisol, urine, 920
C-peptide, 182
Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), 29
Dexamethasone suppression, 204
Diabetes mellitus autoantibody, 206
Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), 348
Gastrin, 248
Glucagon, 251
Glucose, blood (blood sugar, fasting blood sugar [FBS]), 253
Glucose, postprandial, 257
Glucose tolerance, 261
Glucose, urine, 924
Glutamic acid decarboxylase antibody, 206
Glycosylated hemoglobin, 266
Growth hormone, 269
Growth hormone stimulation, 272
17-Hydroxycorticosteroid, 926
21-Hydroxylase antibodies, 311
Insulin assay, 315
Insulin autoantibody, 206
Insulin-like growth factor, 317
Islet cell antibody (ICA), 206
Ketones, 956
17-Ketosteroid, 929
Lactic acid, 327
Long-acting thyroid stimulator (LATS), 491
Luteinizing hormone assay and follicle-stimulating hormone, 348
Mean plasma glucose, 266
Metanephrine, plasma free, 357
O’Sullivan test, 257
Osmolality, blood, 378
Osmolality, urine, 938
Parathyroid hormone (PTH), 380
Parathyroid scan, 818
Pheochromocytoma suppression and provocative testing, 389
Phosphate, inorganic phosphorus, 391
Prolactin level, 418
Renin assay, plasma, 447
Somatomedin C, 269
Testosterone, 476
Thyroglobulin antibody, 102
Thyroid autoantibody, 102
Thyroid-binding inhibitory immunoglobulin (TBII), 491
Thyroid cancer genetic testing, 1093
Thyroid hormone-binding ratio (THBR), 506
Thyroid scanning, 839
Thyroid ultrasonography, 895
Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), 486
Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) stimulation, 489
Thyroid-stimulating immunoglobulins (TSI), 491
Thyrotropin receptor antibody, 491
Thyrotropin-releasing hormone, 492
Thyroxine-binding globulin, 495
Thyroxine (T4) total, 497
Thyroxine, free (fT4), 497
Triiodothyronine (T3), 506
Vanillylmandelic acid (VMA) and catecholamines, 975
Water deprivation, 979
Water load, 76
Abdominal ultrasonography, 866
Anti–parietal cell antibody, 92
Barium enema, 994
Barium swallow, 999
Capsule endoscopy, 609
Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), 145
Clostridial toxin assay (Clostridium difficile, antibiotic-associated colitis assay), 849
Colon cancer tumor analysis, 724
Colonoscopy, 591
Computed tomography (CT), abdomen, 1020
Computed tomography (CT) arteriography, 988
Computed tomography (CT) colonoscopy, 1020
DNA stool sample, 857
Endomysial antibodies, 250
Esophageal function studies, 691
Esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD), 608
Esophagogram, 999
Fecal fat (fat absorption, quantitative stool fat determination), 851
Fecal immunochemical test, 857
Gastric emptying scan, 801
Gastrin, 248
Gastroesophageal reflux scan, 803
Gastrointestinal bleeding scan, 805
Gliadin antibodies, 250
Helical CT scan, abdomen, 1020
Helicobacter pylori testing, 1101
Hydrogen breath test, 332
5-Hydroxyindoleacetic acid, 928
Immunochemical fecal occult blood, 857
Lactoferrin, 853
Lactose breath test, 332
Lactose tolerance, 332
Laparoscopy, 617
Meckel diverticulum nuclear scan, 815
Methylmalonic acid, 518
Obstruction series, 1051
Paracentesis, 662
Pepsinogen, 387
Prealbumin, 412
Prostate and rectal ultrasonography, 891
Pseudomembranous colitis toxic assay, 849
Septin 9 DNA methylation assay, 460
Sialography, 1060
Sigmoidoscopy, 623
Small bowel follow-through, 1064
Spiral CT scan, abdomen, 1020
Stool culture (stool for culture and sensitivity [C&S], stool for ova and parasites [O&P]), 855
Stool for occult blood, 857
Swallowing examination, 1069
Tissue transglutaminase antibody, 250
Upper gastrointestinal (UGI) tract x-ray, 1072
Urea breath test, 1130
Urea nitrogen, blood (BUN), 511
Virtual colonoscopy, 1020
Vitamin B12,, 518
Volume-averaging CT scan, abdomen, 1020
D-Xylose absorption, 533
Activated clotting time (ACT), 27
Activated protein C resistance, 432
Antithrombin activity and antigen, 100
11-Beta-prostaglandin F(2), 913
Blood smear, 710
Blood typing, 126
Bone marrow biopsy, 712
Cell antigen (histocompatibility leukocyte A antigen), 306
Coagulating factor concentration, 163
Complete blood cell count and differential count, 174
Coombs test, direct, 175
Coombs test, indirect, 177
Delta-aminolevulinic acid, 922
D-Dimer, 202
2,3-Diphosphoglycerate, 208
Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) screening, 210
Erythrocyte fragility, 219
Erythropoietin (EPO), 224
Factor V-Leiden, 231
Ferritin, 234
Fibrin degradation product, 202
Fibrin monomers, 482
Fibrin split products, 202
Fibrinogen, 241
Folic acid, 242
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, 259
Haptoglobin, 274
Heinz body, 275
Hematocrit, 277
Hemochromatosis genetic testing, 1093
Hemoglobin, 281
Hemoglobin electrophoresis, 284
HLA-B27 antigen, 306
Intrinsic factor antibody, 320
Iron (Fe) level, total iron-binding capacity (TIBC), transferrin saturation, 322
Methemoglobin, 359
Neutrophil antibody screen, 370
Partial thromboplastin time, activated (aPTT), 383
PI-linked antigen, 393
Plasminogen, 394
Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAT-1), 396
Platelet aggregation, 398
Platelet antibody, 399
Platelet closure time, 404
Platelet count, 401
Platelet function assay, 404
Platelet volume, mean, 407
Porphyrins and porphobilinogens, 940
Protein C, protein S, 432
Prothrombin time, 434
Red blood cell count, 439
Red blood cell indices, 442
Reticulocyte count, 452
Sickle cell, 464
Thromboelastography, 479
Thrombosis indicators, 482
Total blood volume, 843
Tourniquet test, 698
Transferrin receptor assay, 502
Uroporphyrinogen-1-synthase, 516
White blood cell count (WBC) and differential count, 526
Zinc protoporphyrin, 534
Abdominal ultrasonography, 866
Alanine aminotransferase (ALT), 39
Aldolase, 41
Alkaline phosphatase, 47
Ammonia, 59
Amylase, blood, 61
Amylase, urine, 909
Anti–liver/kidney microsomal antibody, 83
Bilirubin, blood (direct), 121
Bilirubin, blood (indirect), 121
CA 19-9 tumor marker, 132
Cholesterol, 154
Computed tomography (CT), abdomen, 1020
Computed tomography (CT) angiography, 988
Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP), 605
Epstein-Barr virus titer, 217
Fecal fat (fat absorption, quantitative stool fat determination), 851
α-Fetoprotein, 54
Gallbladder nuclear scanning, 796
Gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (GGTP), 246
Helical CT scan, abdomen, 1020
Hepatitis genotyping, 286
Hepatitis virus, 286
Lactic dehydrogenase (LDH), 329
Leucine aminopeptidase (LAP), 337
Lipase, 339
Liver and spleen scanning, 808
Liver biopsy, 734
5’-Nucleotidase, 376
Obstruction series, 1051
Pancreatic enzyme, 660
Pancreatobiliary FISH testing, 741
Percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography (PTHC), 1053
Prealbumin, 412
Protein electrophoresis, 424
Secretin-pancreozymin, 660
Spiral CT scan, abdomen, 1020
Sweat electrolytes, 678
T-tube and operative cholangiography, 1070
Volume-averaging CT scan, abdomen, 1020
Agglutinin, febrile/cold, 170
AIDS oral mucosal transudate testing, 297
AIDS serology, 297
AIDS urine testing, 297
Aldolase, 41
Allergy blood testing, 49
Allergy skin testing, 1079
Anticardiolipin antibody, 68
Anticentromere antibody, 69
Antichromatin antibody test, 70
Anticyclic citruillanated peptide antibody, 72
Antideoxyribonuclease-B titer, 470
Anti-DNA antibody, 78
Antiextractable nuclear antigens (Anti-ENA), 79
Antiglomerular basement membrane antibody, 81
Anti-glycan antibodies, 82
Anti–Jo-1 antibodies, 79
Antimitochondrial antibody, 84
Antimyocardial antibody, 86
Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody, 87
Antinuclear antibody, 88
Anti–parietal cell antibody, 92
Antiribonucleoprotein (anti-RNP) antibody, 79
Antiscleroderma antibody, 93
Anti–Smith antibody, 79
Anti–smooth muscle antibody, 95
Anti–SS-A, anti–SS-B, and anti–SS-C antibody, 98
CD4/CD8 ratio for HIV, 147
Cell surface immunophenotyping, 147
Cold agglutins, 170
Complement assay, 172
C-reactive protein, 184
Cryoglobulin, 196
Cutaneous immunofluorescence biopsy, 760
Cytokines, 199
Epstein-Barr virus titer, 217
Febrile antibodies, 233
HIV drug resistance testing, 292
HIV RNA quantification, 294
HIV serology, 297
HIV viral load, 297
HLA-B27 antigen, 306
Human lymphocyte antigen, 306
Human T-cell lymphotrophic virus, 310
Immunofixation electrophoresis (IFE), 312
Immunoglobulin quantification, 312
Lyme disease, 350
Mononucleosis rapid test, 363
Parvovirus B19 antibody, 386
Protein electrophoresis, 424
Rabies-neutralizing antibody, 438
Rheumatoid factor, 454
Ribosome P antibodies, 456
Rubeola antibody, 459
Streptococcus serologic testing, 470
Virus testing, 773
Acid phosphatase, 25
Age-related macular degeneration risk analysis, 38
Agglutinin, febrile/cold, 170 233
Aluminum, 56
Anion gap, 66
Bioterrorism infectious agents, 1082
Ceruloplasmin, 150
Chromium, 56
Cotinine, 936
C-reactive protein, 184
Cytochrome P450 genotyping testing, 215
Drug monitoring, 211
Drug sensitivity genotype, 216
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate, 221
Ethanol, 229
Eye ultrasonography, 886
Fluorescein angiography, 1091
Forensic genetic testing, 1093
Fungal antibody tests, 729
Genetic testing, 1093
Laboratory genetics, 1104
Lead, 334
Magnesium, 352
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), 1106
Mantoux test, 1126
Multiple sleep latency test (MSLT), 1123
Multiple wake test (MWT), 1123
Paternity testing, 1093
PET/CT image fusion, 779
Positron emission tomography (PET), 821
Sexual assault testing, 674
Sinus endoscopy, 625
Skin biopsy, 760
Sleep studies, 1123
Sodium, blood, 466
Sodium, urine, 946
Substance abuse testing, 948
Toxicology, 951
Tuberculin (PPD), 1126
Viral cultures, 773
Virtual autopsy, 1020
WBC scan, 844
West Nile virus testing, 524
Vitamin B12, 518
Wound and soft-tissue culture and sensitivity, 776
Acetylcholine receptor antibody, 23
Amyloid beta protein precursor, soluble (sBPP), 639
Brain scan, 785
Caloric study, 538
Carotid artery duplex scan, 874
Cerebrospinal fluid examination, 651
Cholinesterase, 159
Cisternal puncture, 651
Color Doppler ultrasound, 900
Computed tomography (CT), brain, 1026
Digital subtraction angiography, 988
Electroencephalography (EEG), 549
Electromyography (EMG), 554
Electroneurography (ENG), 574
Electronystagmography, 557
Evoked potential studies, 562
Helical CT scan, brain, 1026
Hexosaminidase, 290
Homocysteine, 301
Lumbar puncture and cerebrospinal fluid examination, 651
Magnetic resonance angiography (MRA), 1106
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), 1106
Myelography, 1048
Positron emission tomography (PET), 821
Skull x-ray, 1062
Spinal x-ray, 1067
Spiral CT scan, brain, 1026
Tau protein, 639
Tay-Sachs disease genetic testing, 1093
Volume-averaging CT scan, brain, 1026
Xenon CT scan, brain, 1026
Acid-fast bacilli smear, 706
Alpha1-antitrypsin, 52
Alpha1-antitrypsin phenotyping, 52
Angiotensin-converting enzyme, 64
Arterial blood gases, 109
Blood gases, 109
Body plethysmography, 695
Bronchoscopy, 587
Carbon dioxide content, 141
Carboxyhemoglobin, 143
Chest x-ray, 1014
Computed tomography (CT), chest, 1029
Cystic fibrosis genetic testing, 1093
Gas dilution studies, 1117
Helical CT scan, chest, 1029
Laryngoscopy, 588
Legionnaires disease antibody, 336
Lung biopsy, 738
Lung scan, 811
Mantoux test, 1126
Mediastinoscopy, 621
Mycoplasma pneumoniae antibodies, 364
Nicotine and metabolites, 936
Oximetry, 1114
Pleural biopsy, 748
Pulmonary function tests (PFTs), 1117
QuantiFERON-TB Gold, 770
SARS viral testing, 754
Spiral CT scan, chest, 1029
Sputum culture and sensitivity, 761
Sputum cytology, 763
Strept screen, 765
Thoracentesis and pleural fluid analysis, 681
Thoracoscopy, 627
Throat and nose cultures, 765
Tuberculin (PPD), 1126
Tuberculosis culture, 768
Tuberculosis testing, 770
Volume-averaging CT scan, chest, 1029
Amniocentesis, 632
Anal cultures for sexually transmitted diseases, 756
Antispermatozoal antibody, 96
Apt test, 848
Biophysical profile, 881
Breast cancer genetic screening, 1093
Breast cancer tumor analysis, 717
Breast cyst and nipple discharge fluid analysis, 643
Breast ductal lavage, 645
Breast ultrasonography, 871
Cervical biopsy, 720
Cervical cultures for sexually transmitted diseases, 756
Chlamydia, 722
Chorionic villus sampling (CVS), 1088
Colposcopy, 595
Contraceptive device localization, 875
Cytomegalovirus, 200
Endometrial biopsy, 726
Estrogen fraction, 226
Fetal biophysical profile, 881
Fetal contraction stress test, 566
Fetal fibronectin, 647
Fetal hemoglobin, 237
Fetal nuchal translucency, 888
Fetal oxygen saturation, 1114
Fetal scalp blood pH, 239
α-Fetoprotein (AFP), 54
Fetoscopy, 612
Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), 348
Gonorrhea culture, 756
Herpes genitalis, 731
Herpes simplex, 731
Human chorionic gonadotropin, 304
Human chorionic somatomammotropin (HCS), 308
Human placental lactogen, 308
Human papillomavirus, 648
Hysterosalpingography, 1038
Hysteroscopy, 614
Infertility screen, 96
Karyotype, 161
Lamellar body count, 632
Laparoscopy, 617
Luteinizing hormone assay and follicle-stimulating hormone, 348
Mammography, 1043
Maternal quadruple screen, 354
Maternal screen, 354
Maternal triple screen, 354
Newborn metabolic screening, 374
Nonstress, fetal, 569
Papanicolaou test, 743
Pelvic ultrasonography, 887
pH, fetal scalp, 239
Phenylketonuria (PKU), 374
Pregnancy-associated plasma protein, 414
Pregnancy tests, 304
Pregnanediol, 944
Progesterone assay, 416
Rubella antibody, 457
Semen analysis, 671
Sims-Huhner, 676
Syphilis detection, 473
Toxoplasmosis antibody titer, 500
Urethral cultures for sexually transmitted diseases, 756
Aldolase, 41
Alkaline phosphatase, 47
Arthrocentesis with synovial fluid analysis, 640
Arthroscopy, 583
Bone densitometry, 1002
Bone (long), x-rays, 1006
Bone specific alkaline phosphatase (BSAP), 47
Bone turnover biochemical markers, 915
Myelography, 1048
Osteocalcin, 915
Rheumatoid factor, 454
Spinal x-ray, 1067
N-Telopeptide, 915
Uric acid, blood, 514
Uric acid, urine, 954
Vitamin D, 520
Age-specific prostate specific antigen (PSA), 420
Amino acid profiles, 57
Antegrade pyelography, 1056
Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) suppression, 76
Antistreptolysin O titer, 470
Beta2 microglobulin (B2M), 360
Bladder tumor antigen (BTA), 914
Captopril renal scan, 829
Catecholamines, 975
Chloride, blood, 152
Chloride, urine, 919
Creatinine, blood, 190
Creatinine clearance, 193
Cystatin C, 190
Cystography, 1036
Cystometry, 688
Cystoscopy, 598
Epithelial urine casts, 956
Estimated GFR, 193
Granular urine casts, 956
Hyaline casts, 956
Intravenous pyelography (IVP), 1056
Kidney, ureter, and bladder (KUB) x-ray, 1040
Leukocyte esterase, 956
Microalbumin, 931
Microglobulin, 933
Neutrophil gelatinase–associated lipocalin, 372
Nitrites, 956
Nuclear matrix protein 22 (NMP22), 914
Osmolality, blood, 378
Osmolality, urine, 938
Pelvic floor sphincter electromyography, 576
Percent free prostate specific antigen (PSA), 420
Potassium, blood, 409
Potassium, urine, 942
ProstaScint Scan, 827
Prostate and rectal ultrasonography, 891
Prostate specific antigen (PSA), 420
Prostate specific antigen (PSA) velocity, 420
Prostate specific membrane antigen, 420
Protein, blood, 424
Pyelography, 1056
Red blood cell urine casts and cells, 956
Renal biopsy, 751
Renal scanning, 829
Renin assay, plasma, 447
Renin assay, renal vein, 447
Retrograde pyelography, 1056
Scrotal nuclear imaging, 836
Scrotal ultrasonography, 893
Urea nitrogen, blood (BUN), 511
Urethral pressure profile, 700
Uric acid, blood, 514
Uric acid, urine, 954
Urinalysis, 956
Urinary stone analysis, 971
Urine culture and sensitivity, 973
Urine electrophoresis, 701
Urine flow studies, 701
Vanillylmandelic acid (VMA) and catecholamines, 975
Volume-adjusted prostate specific antigen (PSA), 420