accommodator opt-out style, 42, 4446, 49, 50, 77, 139, 140, 141, 263

accountability, 179, 200202, 243

achievement, 3, 100, 101

Adam, 5159

The Advantage (Lencioni), 215216, 219220

Alda, Alan, 185

alignment, 2829, 52, 5759, 211, 215, 219, 230231, 256257, 264

Alison, 182183, 189

analysis paralysis, 231

anger, 110113

apologies, 162163

Archie, 199200

Arthur Anderson, 1011, 248249

authenticity, 95, 99, 102, 128, 137, 141, 143, 167, 169170

autonomy, desire for, 23

avoidance, 1, 23, 3334, 39, 57, 6668, 227, 244

See also opting out


Bernie, 158159

Betsy, 226, 228, 231

Bezos, Jeff, 233

the big why, 207––212

Bill, 248249

blame, 121, 123125, 127, 163

blind spots

of accommodators, 4546

of separators, 47

of superstars, 4344

Bob, 192195

Bob (CAC), 260263

Boeing, 910

boredom, 37, 67

boundaries, 115, 119

brainstorming, 178, 241

breath work, 131

Bridges, William, 250, 252

Bridgette, 118120

bridging differences, 245

Britney, 5159

Bryant, Kobe, 197

Built To Last (Collins and Porras), 207

bullies, 163


business as usual, 67, 167

business clarity example, 2730

business-only focus, 227228, 248

businesses, 206

family, 210211

questions about, 205

buy-in, 188, 229, 237


cancer, 1112

catch the ball, 188

challenges, 6566

change, 257

change projects, 247, 248, 252, 254

and conflict, 247

why, 250251


of accommodators, 4546, 139, 140

of separators, 4748, 139, 140

of superstars, 4344, 139, 140

Check It Out, 36, 151, 157160, 158, 168, 179180, 218, 243

check your intention, 187

Colin, 8789

collaboration, desires for, 23

Collective Creativity Paths, 3, 55, 63, 205

collective creativity, 21, 24, 72, 205, 269

collective goals, 220221

collective wisdom, 68

Collins, Jim, 207

color cards, 229

comfort zones, 6566

communication, 207208, 214, 234, 236237, 249251, 254257, 267268

communication binders, 249, 255

communication tools, 168169

compartmentalization, 9596, 107, 135136

confidence, 79, 102

fake, 115117

conflict, 259

and change, 247

fear of, 66, 161

lack of, 162164

personal nature of, 123124

and potential, 5, 147

turning towards, 244

using, 90, 265

vs. fighting, 77, 78

conflict resolution, 38

consensus, 229230

control, 9798, 99101, 101103

need for, 48

cooperation, 264

courage, 139, 168170

Covey, Steven, 181

creative breakthroughs, 2

creative process, 6768

creative solutions, 3, 24, 6364, 127, 179

creativity, 7274, 76, 80, 95, 128129, 131135, 147, 160, 164, 167, 169, 264

and emotions, 130132

credibility, building, 58

CrisMarie, 711, 14, 2829, 53, 68, 79, 127, 130132, 141142, 149, 152, 170171, 176, 178, 198, 210, 213, 239, 241, 246, 248, 250, 264, 266

curiosity, 64, 6870, 7476, 135138, 138, 141143, 147, 151152, 159, 168, 179, 185, 201, 206, 243, 266268

See also interested curiosity


data, 152155, 153154, 157158, 158, 192195, 201, 231, 243

David and Goliath, 253254

Dean, 182183, 186, 189

Death by Meeting (Lencioni), 223

defensiveness, 191192, 195

moving through, 193194

differences, 148

disagree and commit 229232

discomfort, 33, 66, 129, 161, 165

and opting out, 48

disengagement, 1, 37, 77, 85, 149150

See also engagement

distance, 125126, 159

Donna, 170172

Drew, 149152


e-mails, 4647, 197, 201, 241, 243, 255

emotional energy, 111, 129, 130, 132134

emotional intelligence, 8081, 83, 115, 125, 155, 182, 240,

emotions, 106, 111, 118, 129134, 155156, 188

acknowledging, 71

empathy, 132133, 189

employee engagement scores, 1, 85, 90

empowerment, lack of, 26

engagement, 12, 64, 8586, 90, 101, 140, 206, 249, 251

lack of, 37

Equus Coaching Program, 118

escalation, 8283

Ethan, 182183, 189


family businesses, 210211

fear, 44, 6668, 116117, 252

feedback, 2628, 46, 58, 66, 79, 85, 89, 102, 171, 176178, 192, 195, 198, 200, 202, 237

feelings, 107108, 111, 118119, 129, 132134, 153, 155156, 160, 201

fight behaviors, 7880

fight or flight, 83

flight behaviors, 77, 78, 7980

focus, 120121, 213217, 219223, 225227, 232234,

Frank, 69, 141142

Frankl, Victor, 125

Fred, 235236

Fritz, 225228


going offline, 226227

gossip, 37, 66, 134, 147, 159, 230231, 256

gossip blame, 127

Groves, Andy, 230


habitual coping mechanisms, 23, 41, 48

The Haven Institute, 1314

head nods, 216, 226, 228229, 232

Health & Happiness (Wong and McKeen), 134

health care industry, 161164

Henry, 124

honesty, 71, 117, 169170, 198200

need for, 26

hopes, projecting, 209

horses, 83, 115118, 223. 261262

behavior, 8182

and leadership development, 8081, 119120, 214, 261

How to Have a Tough Conversation at Work, 160, 168

human-focus, 248250

hunger, 112

Hunter, 191194


independence, 23

influencers, 138, 139140

information flow, 234

information processing, 152, 153, 154

innovation, 24, 64, 91, 128, 147, 164, 245, 268, See also creativity

inside-out focuses, 106108

inspiration, 130, 147, 205, 210, 269

intentions, 48, 82, 108, 110, 153, 156157

interested curiosity, 92, 109110, 112113

internal landscapes, 95, 118, 155156

internal recognition, 107108

interpersonal issues, ignoring, 26, 3536


Jake, 9798, 101103

Jane, 6970

Jay, 170, 172

Jessica, 124125, 127128

Jodi, 265268

Joe, 6970

judgments, 7275, 151152, 160

See also opinions


Kip, 170172

Kubler-Ross, Elisabeth, 1213, 252


Larry, 8586

leaders, 96, 101, 103104, 118

defusing tension, 91

during a crisis, 103

fight style, 78

flight style, 79

improving, 105106

role of, 7576, 165, 213

women as, 132

leadership, 105, 108, 168

challenges of, 136

and emotions, 133134

leadership development programs, 111, 158

leadership styles, 7879, 86, 97, 177

Leading and Managing Organizational Transitions, 250

leaning in, 45, 81, 83, 109, 265

Lencioni, Pat, 75, 91, 215216, 219220, 223

listening, 181, 183186, 245

improving, 187, 189190

loss, 252253

loyalty, 72, 101, 140, 222, 249

Lucas, 170172


McKeen, Jock, 134

Maggie, 261263

Managing Transitions (Bridges), 250

Man’s Search for Meaning (Frankl), 125

mastery, 100, 101

See also self-mastery

Mate, Gabor, 134

Max, 8592

ME, 3, 4, 4243, 46, 5657, 63, 95, 96, 98, 101105, 113, 115, 117118, 121, 124127, 129, 135136, 137140, 142143, 167, 169, 172, 195, 205206, 211, 216, 218219, 227228, 248, 261, 264, 268, 271


complaints about, 239240

tools for, 223, 232, 241246, 271

mergers, 218219

Michael, 226231

Mike, 260264

millennials, 210

misalignment, 57, 217

misunderstandings, 5758

modeling, 29. 56, 168, 179180, 198, 200, 202, motivation, 67, 73, 99, 147, 151, 160, 207, 211


narrowing in, 220222

Nathan, 5158

niceness, 79, 177178, 198

nonverbal indicators, 82, 214


objectification, 96, 99, 100101, 107, 211

off-site team meetings, 2829, 52, 58, 8687, 89, 149151, 175176, 178, 191, 214, 221, 235, 260261, 265

oh, sh*t! moments, 3, 5, 10, 12, 14, 18, 19, 2124, 3438, 5455, 63, 96, 148, 261, 265266

causes, 2223

Todd’s, 2730

Olympics, compared with businesses, 197

On Death & Dying (Kubler-Ross), 252

on-site meetings, 237

onboarding, 69

one-on-one conversations, 3738, 44, 91, 240, 264

opinions, 17, 27, 43, 4547, 64, 7080, 95, 130, 137139, 151152, 164, 181, 183186, 188, 228, 230

See also judgments

opting in, 12, 50, 63, 64, 6667, 8182, 9192, 124, 244

opting out, 33, 3436, 63, 6667, 139, 261

costs of, 37

nonverbal cues, 82

styles of, 42, 4348, 49, 55, 77, 139, 140

verbal cues, 82

See also accommodators opt-out style; avoidance; separators opt-out style; superstar opt-out style

outside expectations, 107

outside-in approaches, 107

outside-in leadership approaches, 106


Path to Collective Creativity model, 55, 57, 257, 3

Paul, Chris, 197

pausing, 109, 119120, 188

personal filters, 153, 154, 154, 158

personal “why’s”, 210212

phrases, for curiosity, 75

points of view, 74

politeness, 177178

Porras, Jerry, 207

Powell, Colin, 231

power, 98, 99, 103

Power and Strength Continuum model, 98101

procrastination, 231

productive behaviors, 243

productivity, 67, 247, 248, 252

The Project Management Institute, 247

purpose, 208209



to ask yourself, 126, 169, 187

asking, 152

identifying the “why”, 211

on importance, 228

narrow-focus, 219220

on team norms, 178179

for understanding, 187

wide-view, 215216

for your business, 205


rally cries, 220221

reality, skewing, 123

reflecting back, 133, 185, 188189, 193194, 244245, 249

relationships, 198

personal, 76

in teams, 71

Remerge Energy, 5159

respect, 175179

responsibility, ways to take, 126127

return on investment, 247, 248, 254

right-wrong trap, 17, 73, 164,

righteous attachment, 73

risk aversion, 263

risk taking, 6667

Rob, 124, 127128

Robin, 158159

round pens, 115116, 118119, 214


scapegoating, 22

self-awareness, 108, 111, 167, 214

self-mastery, 106, 108109, 112, 168

self-responsibility, 125, 127128

separators opt-out style, 4648, 50, 53, 77, 139, 140, 262

signs of team conflict, 37

silence, 161, 163, 165166

breaking, 165

silo effect, 57, 78, 107, 220

Simpson, Koelle, 116118

skiing, 6566, 68

sparks, 164

speaking up, 162163, 165

Stan, 8690

Stanley, 225228

status reporting, 37, 233, 236, 240241

stimulus, 125

stories, 152, 153154, 155, 157159, 209, 256

strategic anchors, 217219

superstar opt-out style, 4244, 49, 50, 5556, 7778, 139, 140, 263

surfing, compared with self-mastery, 108

Susan, 1114, 2526, 35, 65, 70, 78, 80, 88, 116, 118, 161163, 176177, 198, 210, 214, 262


tactical questions, 219220

talking, vs. listening, 181182

team breakdowns, 2527

team-building activities, 58

team check-ins, 222223

team conflict, signs of, 3738

team discussions, 6970

team dynamics, 2, 27, 64, 175

team dysfunctions, 80

team failures, 2122

team IQ, 181, 182, 186

team norms, 175179, 241243, 245

team size, 233234, 236237

team transformation, 9092

teams, 240

and vulnerability, 72

teamwork, author’s experiences, 89

tensions, 151, 169

and ambiguity, 33, 41, 67

internal, 23

need for, 1819, 38

right-wrong trap, 17, 64, 73

tolerating, 139

test and check methods, 8283

Three-Point Checks, 109, 111113, 141, 157

timeframes, importance of, 220

Todd, 2830, 141142

Tom, 5259


buy-in indicators, 229

disagree and commit, 230231

importance question, 228

meeting as playing field, 227

for meetings, 241245

worst case scenarios, 231232

Tracy, 192195

transformation, 169, 172173, 185

trust, 72, 135, 231, 235, 245

trust-building activities, 58

“two pizza rule”, 233


uncertainty, 99

unproductive behaviors, 175, 17179, 197202, 242243


Valerie, 265266

valley of despair, 251, 252, 254, 257

verbal indicators, 82

vision, 209, 211

See also the big why

vulnerability, 2324, 64, 66, 6872, 76, 9799, 101104, 137138, 139, 142143, 151, 168, 171172, 176, 235

expressing, 23


walls, 159

WE, 3, 4, 44, 5657, 138139, 143, 147, 148, 163, 168169, 172, 195, 206, 218, 227, 246, 261

When the Body Says No (Mate), 134

why. See the big why wide-view clarity, 216219, 222

wide-view questions, 215216

Wilson, 265266

women, and emotions, 131132

Wong, Bennett, 134

working together, 239240

workshops, 253254


zone of awareness, 8283

zones of pressure, 8183