1. Title Page
  2. Dedication
  3. Epigraph
  4. Preface
  5. PART I – Lyric: The Sound of the Poem
  6. Poetry and Music
  7. Memory
  8. Silence
  9. The Phonestheme
  10. Noise
  11. Lyric, Vowel and Consonant
  12. Rhyme
  13. The Lyric Weave
  14. Thing and Thought
  15. PART II – Sign: The Domain of the Poem
  16. Introduction
  17. The Conceptual Domain
  18. Types of Trope
  19. The Poetic Contract
  20. Concrete, Abstract and Symbol
  21. Four Semes, Four Tropes
  22. Towards a Taxonomy of Poetic Trope
  23. Deixis, Paranoia and Errors in Transmission
  24. The Intertextual
  25. Meaning and Reading
  26. PART III – Metre: The Rhythm of the Poem
  27. Introduction
  28. Some Basic Terms
  29. A Glossary of Terms in Metre and Scansion
  30. Pulse
  31. Isochrony
  32. Stress
  33. Metre and the Foot
  34. ‘Resting State’ Prosody
  35. Introjection, Projection, Metricality and Convergence
  36. Overdetermination
  37. The Line and Memory
  38. Line Length
  39. Line-Break and Enjambment
  40. Line Beginnings
  41. Closure
  42. The Caesura
  43. Punctuation
  44. A Note on the Prose Poem
  45. The Alternate Stress Rule
  46. Alternate Stress in Language
  47. The AS Matrix
  48. The Limitations of the AS Matrix
  49. The Problem of Notation
  50. AS and Ghosts
  51. Nuclear Stress in the AS Matrix
  52. AS: Key Points
  53. Tight, Loose and Light Metres
  54. Free Verse and Free Metre
  55. Polysemic Verse and Stress
  56. Strong Stress Metre: Anglo-Saxon Verse, ‘Accentual Metre’ and Rap
  57. Phrasemic Analysis
  58. Towards a Definition of Poetic Function
  59. Two Kinds of Line: 4-Strong and Iambic Pentameter
  60. The Dramatic and Lyric Modes of I.P.
  61. Scansion: Notational Systems in the Four Metre-Types
  62. Two Criticisms
  63. Projection Errors
  64. The Rules of Metrical Variation
  65. Interpretative Scansion: A Method
  66. Scanning Tight Metres
  67. Scanning Loose Metres
  68. Scanning Light Metres
  69. A Note on Metrical Composition
  70. Conclusion
  71. Endnotes
  72. Bibliography
  73. Index
  74. About the Author
  75. By the Same Author
  76. Copyright