Grounding Birth by Dawn Marsden
Welcoming in New Life: Nitanis’ Family Story
Part I: A Neo-Traditional Birthing Ritual by Nitanis Desjarlais
Part II: Ha’lidox’z Birth in Photographs
Part III: nuwiiqsu by John Rampanen
Part IV: Daughter Kalilah’s Story by Kalilah Rampanen
Growing Our Bliss-Ball Baby: Our Pregnancy in Photographs by Katrina and David Rainoshek
Birthing Traditions: Birth Blessingways by Lily Mayall
My Pregnancy and Medjula’s Birth by Ellah Ray
My Homebirth! by Jessica Brown
Kieran’s Birth by Lauren Walker
Room Service by Maureen Bradley
Birthing Traditions: Creating a Belly Cast by Bronwyn Preece
Raphael’s Birth by Amelie Manshadi
Ruby’s Three Homebirths by Ruby Peterson
A Poem: The World My Arms by Kirsty Elliot
Farheen’s Two Births Told from Three Perspectives
Part I: Two Seasons, Two Homebirths by Farheen Haq
Part II: Aisha’s Winter Birth by Doula Kathryn Eagleheart
Part III: Baby Cairo’s Summer Birth by Doula Gillian Booth
Tristan’s Birth by Sarah Dakin
Part I: A Homebirth with Home Cooking by Anna K. Lau
Part II: Two Years, Two Days, and Along Comes Number Two by Alex Lau
Birthing Traditions: Homemade Herbals by Jaylene Scheible, Apothecary
My Children’s Births by Carolyn DeFreitas
A Registered Midwife for the Haida Gwaii
Part I: My Story by Celine Laursen
Part II: My Sister Yoshi’s Birth by Taro Oike
Anicca’s Birth: As Told by her Appa by Dave Olsen
Muneera’s Birth and Traditions by Muneera Hussain
A Poem: Mama Bear by Sacheen Seitcham/Xhopakelxhit
Birth After Bereavement by Daya Clay Moss
Liam’s Birth by Catherine Peidt
Zaaven’s Birth by Skarlat Mortensen
Tessa’s Birth Announcement by Christopher Rodrigues
Solan’s and Cleopatra’s Births by Magda Pay
My Children’s Births by Jenna MacDonald
A Midwife’s Story by Joanna Nemrava
A Poem: Dark Bright by Kirsty Elliot
Two Friends with Two Beautiful Bellies
Birthing Traditions: Yoga and Childbirth by Jessica Beck, Certified Yoga Instructor
Nadiya’s Birth by Marion Linsig-Mattingly
Aliya Jean’s Birth by Julie Plotkin
A Family Affair by Marsha Moreau
Part II: Now a Little Bit Older . . . Marsha’s Children Reflect on Homebirth
Pregnant in the Door by Linda Schley
A Poem: Abracadabra by Kirsty Elliot
Part I: Muma’s Persepective by Bronwyn Preece
Part II: Daddy’s Persepective by Paddy O’Rourke
Part III: My Story by Similkameen
Part IV: A Girl Named Similkameen by Bronwyn Preece
Birthing Traditions: imintuuthia—Belly Button Ceremony by Nitanis Desjarlais and John Rampanen
My Children’s Births by Lisa Larkin
Striving for Cultural Remembrance by Jennifer Harry
Gryphon’s Birth by Jenny Vester
A Poem: Jugs by Bronwyn Preece
Spinning the Breastfeeding Thread by Eva Bild, Doula, Childbirth and Breastfeeding Educator
Dustin and Lakota’s Births by Jaya Damaru
Finnerty’s Birth by Constanze Albrecht
Cleo’s Birth: As Experienced by Dad by Kevin Witschel
Birthing Traditions: Umbilical Cord and Placenta Practices by Bronwyn Preece
A Midwife Gives Birth to her Own Baby by Adrienne Chow
Baby Sister’s Birth by Dylan Bruun
Aidan’s Birth by Chantale Hutchinson
Birthing Traditions: Moss Bags by Nitanis Desjarlais
A Poem by Similkameen O’Rourke
The names of the midwives, doulas, doctors, and nurses
mentioned in these personal accounts have been
changed to protect their privacy.
The names of those midwives and doulas who have included
their own accounts have not been changed.
All other names are real.
Real stories by real people . . .