Table of Contents
Chapter 1: How It All Started
Chapter 2: Empathy—The Essential Relationship Ingredient
Chapter 3: An Epiphany
Chapter 4: Key 1: Empathic Awareness Skill
Chapter 5: Key 2: Empathic Listening Skill
Chapter 6: Listening Blocks to Effective Communication
Chapter 7: Key 3: Empathic Speaking Skill
Chapter 8: Expressing Yourself When You’re Upset
Chapter 9: Key 4: Empathic Dialogue
Chapter 10: The 3 A’s: Applaud, Admire, Appreciate
Chapter 11: Nurture Your Relationship Garden
Chapter 12: Practice Makes Permanent
Chapter 13: NOW is the Time!
Action Guide:
“12-Day Communication Challenge!”
Here’s How It Works
Day 1: Empathic Awareness Skill, Steps 1 & 2
Day 2: Empathic Awareness Skill, Step 3
Day 3: Empathic Awareness Skill, Step 4
Day 4: Empathic Listening Skill, Step 1
Day 5: Empathic Listening Skill, Steps 2 & 3
Day 6: Empathic Listening Skill, Step 4
Day 7: Empathic Listening Skill, Step 5
Day 8: Empathic Speaking Skill, Step 1
Day 9: Empathic Speaking Skill, Step 2
Day 10: Empathic Speaking Skill, Step 3
Day 11: Empathic Speaking Skill, Step 4
Day 12: Empathic Dialogue Skill
About the Author
Special Request!