

advertising 13, 14, 21, 40, 46, 50, 57-59, 63, 72, 76, 89, 103, 111, 113, 116, 136, 139, 151, 201, 204, 213, 222, 257

AIGA 9, 177

Alcorn, John 69, 99, 184-85

anarchist 109, 113, 223

Antique Press 201-03

Art Deco 33-37, 63, 151

Art Nouveau 34, 35, 61, 63, 209

Arts & Crafts 34, 37, 63

avant-garde 109, 116, 185


baby boomer(s) 45, 46, 71, 78, 117

Ball, Harvey 75-79

banners 50-53

Bauhaus 21, 175

Beall, Lester 43, 131, 132, 247

Beardsley, Aubrey 63, 209

Beistle Company 82-84

brand (–ing) 30, 79, 89, 91, 101, 103, 113, 116, 133, 135, 156, 183, 209, 218, 261

Branham, Don 87

Brownjohn, Robert (BJ) 175-76

Bubbles, Barney 115, 119, 223

Burton, Mike 9

Buzzcocks, The 116, 223


calligraphy 54, 77, 107, 198, 222

capitalist 35, 50, 72, 112, 208

Carson, David 81, 118-21, 177, 223, 241

cartoon 29, 46, 66, 72, 107, 144, 185, 190, 233, 244

Cassandre, A.M. 151-52

catalog 23, 41, 57, 59, 72, 81, 113, 170, 211, 233, 237, 257

CBS 71, 147-49, 169, 170

Chermayeff, Ivan 139, 175-77

Chester, Harry 93, 95, 163-67

Christian 33, 52-55, 204

Chwast, Seymour 69, 184, 185

clip art 69, 72, 127, 205, 257, 259

collage 99, 155, 189

comics (books, strips) 49, 55, 81, 91, 93, 111, 137, 166, 189, 191, 204, 214, 215

commercial art 13-15, 22, 35, 37, 81, 84, 125, 127, 128, 167, 218, 221, 242, 257

computer 15, 118, 120, 121, 170, 173, 215, 227, 229, 230, 232, 236, 241, 242, 249, 261

Constructivist, -ism 21, 35, 41, 195

copyright 9, 37, 99, 128, 170, 183, 184, 209, 233

Corita (see Kent, Sister Corita) 53, 54, 196-99

Crumb, Robert 145, 165


Dada –ist, -ism 35, 69, 109, 110

Day-Glo 69, 71, 213, 230

Debord, Guy 109-12, 115

détournement 109-11

Disney 46, 47, 99, 143-45

DIY 35, 52, 114, 115-18, 121, 235, 240

Dorfsman, Lou 99, 149, 169


Edelmann, Heinz 183-87, 190

Eros magazine 171-72


Famous Monsters of Filmland magazine 93, 163, 167

fashion 35, 78, 112, 116, 151, 152, 255, 257, 259

font 237, 249, 250

Frazetta, Frank 163

freelance 6, 79, 133, 156, 170, 185

fumetti 93, 95, 165


gag (joke, gift) 81, 82, 85, 244-46, 261

gag panel 29, 72, 93, 244

Gaines, William 89, 163, 165

Garrett, Malcolm 116, 233

Geismar, Tom 175-76

George, Ross F. 125-29

Gilliam, Terry 93, 163

Ginzburg, Ralph 170-73

Glaser, Milton 21, 66, 81, 177, 184-87, 190

Golden, William 132, 139, 147-49

Goodykoontz, Jasper 33

Grateful Dead 209, 211

Griffin, Rick 63, 66, 86, 87, 193, 204, 208, 213-15


Hallmark 61, 66, 69, 76, 86, 87

Heller, Steve 23, 133, 139

Help! Magazine 93-95, 167

Helvetica 21, 46, 63, 72, 125, 128

Hippie(s) 52, 61, 63, 66, 69, 71, 77, 78, 156, 159, 176, 185-86, 193, 204, 208, 209, 213

hot rod 17, 63, 81, 119, 204, 207, 208

Hurter, Albert 140-45


ICA 110, 221

Immaculate Heart College 198

Industrial design 25, 30, 34, 35, 41, 50, 66, 115, 116, 201, 242, 244-45

Industrial (subculture) 222-23

Industrial Revolution 34, 61

Inspirational 53-55, 199

ITC (International Typeface Corporation) 169-70


Japan 107, 148, 187, 241

Japanese 77, 105-07, 185, 232


Kelley, Alton 94, 209, 211

Kent, Sister Corita 53, 54, 196-99

Kurtzman, Harvey 89, 93-95, 163


LabelMaker 9, 239-242

Lebowitz, Mo 201-03

Letterist (movement) 109-10

Letterpress 33, 201-02, 229, 238-39, 247

line art 72, 155, 167, 181, 185, 209

Linotype 227-30, 250

lithography 33, 252, 259

logo 23, 29, 30, 40, 43, 76-79, 89, 91, 105-07, 113, 116, 132-33, 137, 140, 149, 175, 205, 209-11, 221, 241, 245-46, 252

Los Angeles 143, 145, 193-94, 199, 222

Lubalin, Herb 140, 169-73

Lustig, Alvin 139-41

LSD 63, 144


McLaren, Malcolm 111-14, 177

mail order 14, 21, 113, 125, 127, 137, 207, 252

marketing 13, 14, 49, 50, 66, 75, 77, 91, 101, 103, 185, 255, 261,

Massin, Robert 29, 69, 179-81

Matisse, Henri 52-53

Max, Peter 66, 72, 99, 137, 152, 183-87, 191

Metropolis (film) 37, 63, 229

Miller, Stanley “Mouse” 63, 193, 207-11, 213

Mingo, Norman 89

Modernism 21, 39-43, 131, 133, 202

modernist 41, 43, 52, 69, 101, 131, 132, 139

Moscoso, Victor 194, 208, 213-15

“Murph” 87, 193, 215


Neuman, Alfred E. 89-91

New Wave 117-19

New York City 21, 115, 129, 143, 175, 185, 186, 241


off-register 119, 218, 232


paste-up 114, 163, 181, 240, 250

Phillips, Jim 204-05

pica 236, 249

Photostat camera 128, 181, 214, 229, 247

P-Orridge, Genesis 115, 119, 177, 221-23

postmodern 25, 183, 201, 203, 238

postwar 21, 35, 41, 59, 71, 147, 169, 175, 185, 201, 203

Powers, Richard M. 155-61

print shop 99, 113, 213

propaganda 18, 23, 50, 110, 111, 114

psychedelic 35, 51-53, 63, 66, 72, 73, 152-53, 155, 186, 187, 190, 194, 204, 207, 209, 213-14

punk 47, 69, 71, 79, 105, 114-21, 198, 203-04, 221-23, 239-41

Push Pin Studio 41, 66, 99, 177, 184-87, 201


Rand, Paul 15, 21, 43, 75, 81, 131-33, 139, 261

realism 71, 135

record album 29, 30, 175, 223, 227

Reid, Jamie 111-16, 177, 221, 223

religion, religious 49-55, 198

retro 39, 43, 45-47, 52, 66, 115, 240

rock poster 193, 194, 211, 244

Rockwell, Norman 135-37

Roller, Alfred 63

Roth, Ed “Big Daddy” 129, 177, 204, 208, 218

Rotten, Johnny (John Lydon) 6, 113


Sagmeister, Stefan 121, 223

San Francisco 187, 193, 194, 204, 207-08, 213

Saville, Peter 116, 118, 223

Schenkel, Cal 189-91

science fiction (sci-fi) 155-59

Seattle 25, 49, 77-79, 115, 125, 128, 207, 233

serif 101, 106, 242, 244

Sex Pistols 113-15, 221, 223

show cards 125-28

sign painter(s) 13-15, 35, 127, 140

silk screen 54, 198, 218

situationist 110-16, 121

Situationist International 109, 110

skate culture 118-19, 205-05

Speedball 125-29

Steinweiss, Alex 29

Stella, Frank 39-40

Stern, David 77-78

stock photo 57-59

Surfer magazine 193, 208, 215

Surrealism, -ist 35, 69, 143, 151-52, 156


Thompson, Bradbury 132, 139

Throbbing Gristle 221-23

trade magazine(s) 13, 14, 21, 29

trademark 29-30, 82, 105, 149, 209

two-color 41, 46, 72


   cold foundry 33

   dancing 30, 31

   hot lead 33, 250

   lead 25, 30, 229, 235-37

   wood 201-02, 237

typeface 25, 41, 101, 119, 125-28, 170, 173, 176, 236-37, 241-44, 249-50

typography 9, 29-30, 33, 41, 63, 69, 72, 95, 107, 170, 172, 176, 181, 198, 201, 214, 236, 239-44


U&lc 169-170, 173


Van Hamersveld, John 193-95

Victorian 33-35, 61, 69, 201

Von Dutch 145, 177


Warhol, Andy 40, 149, 217-19, 242

Wellington-Lloyd, Helen (“Helen of Troy”) 113

Westinghouse 43, 133

Wilson, Wes 63, 194, 208

WMCA “Good Guys” 76

Wolverton, Basil 55


Xerox 9, 69, 113, 222, 240


Yellow Submarine 183-86


Zappa, Frank 189-91

‘zines 117, 118, 239