Douglas Matthews
References in italics are to the essays that comprise the main treatment of the subject in question
Abakumov, Viktor Semenovich, 392
Abraham, Gerald Ernest Heal, 249
Abramovich, Rafail (né Rein), 311
Abyssinia, 89
Acton, Harold Mario Mitchell, 347
Adamovic, Georgy Viktorovich, 404
Adams, William George Stewart, 271
Adenauer, Konrad Hermann Joseph, 227
Adler, Sol(omon), 326
Afinogenova, Evgeniya Bernardovna (‘Jenny Marling’; née Schwartz), 372, 374, 400
Ahad Ha’am (pen name of Asher Zvi Hirsch Ginsberg), 202, 233
Aiken, Conrad Potter, 291
Akhmatova, Anna Andreevna (pseudonym of Anna Andreevna Gorenko): greatness, xvi, 387; IB meets in Leningrad (1945), xxi–xxix, xxxvi–xxxvii, 398, 400–13, 416, 419; condemned and harassed by Soviet authorities, xxii, 408, 417–18, 423–4; in Oxford for Honorary Degree (1965), xxvii, xxxii, 397, 413, 417, 420, 422; on memory, 256; friendship with Salome Halpern, 306–7, 318, 321; war poems, 361; pictured, 362, 414, 418, 422, 425; popularity, 362, 426; poetry readings, 363; on Hemingway, 379; admires Kafka, 385, 409; and Jewish friends, 387; visits Pasternak, 391–2; disparages Chekhov, 397, 408; on Pasternak, 410, 421–3; patriotism, 410, 419; love of music, 411; friendships, 412; translating, 412, 417, 423; publication of works, 413–15; IB telephones during 1956 visit, 416–17; believes meeting with IB responsible for Cold War, 419 & n, 426; receives Taormina Literary Prize in Italy, 419; on Russian poets and poetry, 420–3; on own status as poet, 421; sense of mortality, 423; dogmatism and idées fixes, 425–6; believes Stalin orders poisoning, 426; heroism, 426; works, 430–1; Anno Domini, 405; Cinque, xxvi, xxviii; From Six Books, 406, 429; Poem without a Hero, xxiii–xxiv, xxvi, 406, 408, 411, 413, 423, 428; Requiem, 361, 406; A Visit to the Poet, 409; The White Flock, 406
Alcibiades, 13
Aldanov, Mark, 308
Aldridge, (Howard Edward) James, 373
Alexander I, Tsar of Russia, 419
Alexander II, Tsar of Russia, 63
Alexander, Samuel, 327
Allen, Percy Stafford, 342
Alport, Eric Adolf (né Erich Adolph), 353
Analysis (journal), 159, 163, 171
Anand, Mulk Raj, 118
Anderson, Sherwood, 108
Andronikov, Irakly Luarsabovich, 395
Annan, Noel Gilroy: account of IB, xxvii, xxxii, 441–63
Annensky, Innokenty Fedorovich, 411, 421, 426
Anrep, Boris Vasil′evich, 404
Anti-Fascist Congress, Paris (1935), 376–7
anti-Semitism: xviii, 132, 202, 457; in Russia, 259–60
Arab–Jewish War (1936), 82
Arabs: in Palestine/Israel, 202, 231, 267
Aristotle, 13, 160, 208; Physics, 229
‘Arts in Russia under Stalin, The’ (IB), xxvi
Aseev, Nikolay Nikolaevich, 386, 422
Asquith, Horatio Herbert, 1st Earl of Oxford and Asquith, 11, 64
Astor, (Francis) David Langhorne, 272
Auden, Wystan Hugh, 39, 288, 294, 347, 350, 353, 380
Austin, John Langshaw, xvii, xxxi, 156–76, 333, 442, 447–8, 453
Averbakh, Leopold Leonidovich, 359
Ayer, Alfred Jules: and Frankfurter, 104, 206; bet with Gates, 105; and Oxford philosophy, 159–60; disputes with Austin, 166–9, 171, 174–5, 447; friendship with Martin Cooper, 243; in wartime intelligence work, 310; friendship with Anna Kallin, 316; Language, Truth and Logic, 159, 163
Babel′, Isaak Emmanuilovich, 360, 377
Bach, Johann Sebastian, 412, 448
Bacon, Sir Francis, 205
Bagritsky, Edward (pseudonym of Eduard Georgievich Dzyubin), 422
Bakunin, Mikhail Aleksandrovich, 257
Balfour, Arthur James, 1st Earl, 86, 137, 273; declaration (on Palestine), 83
Bal′mont, Konstantin Dmitrievich, 411
Bancalari, Charles Vincent (Oxford senior common room butler), 344
Bancalari, Percival Peter (‘Percy’/‘Banky’; Oxford scout), 344
Baratynsky, Evgeny Abramovich, 423
Barker, Ernest, 123
Barrès, (Auguste) Maurice, 144
Battle of Britain (1940), 7, 19–20
Baudelaire, Charles Pierre, 108, 411, 421
Bayley, John, 292
Beaumarchais, Pierre Augustin Caron de, 181
Beaverbrook, William Maxwell Aitken, 1st Baron, 457–8
Beecham, Thomas, 150
Beerbohm, (Henry) Max(imilian), 13, 281, 289
Beethoven, Ludwig van, 277, 350–1, 411, 448
Behrman, Samuel Nathaniel, 291
Belinsky, Vissarion Grigor′evich, 73 n, 296, 427, 450–1
Belloc, (Joseph) Hilaire Pierre René, 289
Bely, Andrey (pseudonym of Boris Nikolaevich Bugayev), 358, 378, 385, 386, 411, 421
Ben-Gurion, David, 80, 228–9, 231, 235–41, 263
Bennett, (Enoch) Arnold, 13, 289, 458
Bennett, Mary Letitia Somerville (née Fisher), 298
Berkeley, George, Bishop of Cloyne, 168
Berle, Adolph Augustus, 235 n
Berlin, Aline Elisabeth Yvonne (née de Gunzbourg), xxvii, 417
Berlin, Evgenia, see Landoberg, Evgenia
Berlin, Isaiah: character and ideas, xv–xvi; on ‘great men’, xvi, 459; style, xvi, 451; attachment to Oxford University, xviii–xix, 452–3; encounter with Akhmatova, xviii–xxvi, 398–9, 408–13, 416, 419, 423–8; Jewish identity, xx, 438, 455, 458; as performer, xx; awarded Jerusalem Prize, xxxvii, 433–4; loses bet to Gates, 105 n1; personal reminiscences, 211–17, 433–9; meets Yitzhak Sadeh, 261–2, 264–5; in USA during Second World War, 309, 456; broadcast lectures, 317; education, 337–41; in Moscow, 356; meets Pasternak, xxvii, xxxvii, 393, 428; telephones Akhmatova during 1956 visit to Moscow, 416–17; Noel Annan on beliefs and ideas, 441–63; idea of pluralism, 443–4, 447–9, 452–3; Zionism, 455–7
Berlin, Mendel Borisovich (IB’s father), 257, 261–2
Berlin, (Mussa) Marie (née Volshonok; IB’s mother), 257
Berlioz, Hector, 247
Bernstein, Eduard, 147 n
Bernsztajn, Josef (Namier’s father), 136
Bielohlawek, Hermann, 127 n1
Bismarck, Prince Otto Edward Leopold von, 19, 44, 76, 450
Blok, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich, 13, 358, 379, 385–6, 388, 409–10, 421
Blumenfeld, Kurt, 200
Boase, Thomas Sherrer Ross, 53
Bohr, Niels Henrik David, 209
Börne, (Karl) Ludwig, 125
Bowen, Elizabeth Dorothea Cole, 281
Bowen, (Ivor) Ian, 332
Bowes-Lyon, David, 222
Bowra, (Cecil) Maurice: craves recognition, xvii; IB’s account of, xxxi, 148–55; Oration, 35 n; friendship with Martin Cooper, 243; Edmund Wilson on, 294; reads Russian writers, 369; translates Akhmatova, 400; manner, 453
Boyle, Irene, 222
Bradley, Francis Herbert, 160, 340
Braithwaite, Richard Bevan, 161
Brand, Robert Henry, 1st Baron, 30, 220
Brandeis, Louis Dembitz, 80, 85
Braudel, Fernand: The Mediterranean, 458
Britain, see England
British Ally, The (Moscow embassy publication), 366
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC): Third Programme, 316–17
Broad, Charlie Dunbar, 166, 168
Broch, Hermann, 113
Brodsky, Joseph (Iosif Aleksandrovich), xxxviii, 420
Brodsky, Lazar(us) Izrayilovych, 311
Bryusov, Valery Yakovlevich, 385
Budberg, Maria Ignat′evna Zakrevskaya-Benkendorf-(‘Moura’), Baroness, 318, 320
Bukharin, Nilkolay Ivanovich, 390
Bunin, Ivan Alekseevich, 308
Burgess, Guy Francis de Moncey, 104
Burke, Edmund, 102
Burne-Jones, Edward Coley, 281
Burns, Robert, 381
Busch Quartet, 351
Butterfield, Herbert, 142
Byron, George Gordon, 6th Baron, 108; Don Juan, xxiv, 405
Caesar, Julius, 45
Cairncross, John, 309 n1
Calder-Marshall, Arthur, 108
Calvocoressi, Michel Dimitri, 249
Cambridge: Moral Sciences Club, 218
Camus, Albert, 379
Carlyle, Thomas, 369
Carpenter, Edward, 108
Carr, Edward Hallett, 142
Carritt, Edgar Frederick, 349
Cavour, Camillo Benso, conte di, 76, 131
Cecil, Lord (Edgar Algernon) Robert (Gascoyne-) (later 5th Marquess of Salisbury), 273
Cecil, Lord (Edward Christian) David Gascoyne, 273–82, 289, 292, 300; Early Victorian Novelists, 278; (ed.) Library Looking-Glass, 281; Lord M., 280; Max, 281; Poets and Storytellers, 278; A Portrait of Jane Austen, 279; The Stricken Deer, 278; Two Quiet Lives, 278; Visionary and Dreamer, 281; The Young Melbourne, 280
Cecil, Lord Hugh (Richard Heathcote Gascoyne-), 273
Chaadaev, Petr Yakovlevich, 423
Chaliapin, Fedor Ivanovich (Shalyapin), 369
Chamberlain, (Arthur) Neville, xxxii, 14, 130, 135
Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich, 281, 285, 388, 397, 462
Chesterton, Gilbert Keith, 13, 110, 289, 337
Chilver, Elizabeth (‘Sally’; née Graves), 301
Chopin, Frédéric François, 412
Chukovskaya, Lidiya Korneevna, xxxii, 261
Chukovsky, Korney Ivanovich (pseudonym of Nikolay Vasil′evich Korneichukov), 367, 369–72, 381, 383, 400, 424
Churchill, Randolph Frederick Edward Spencer-(Winston’s son), xxiv, xxviii, 402
Churchill, Winston Leonard Spencer-: IB’s admiration for, xix, xx; IB’s account of, xxxi, 1–29; language, 3–8, 452; political principles, 9–11; and Weizmann, 86, 89; Namier respects, 130, 132, 381; Bowra resembles, 150; Ben-Gurion admires, 229, 238; Edmund Wilson disparages, 294; greatness, 459–60; schoolboy humour, 463; Their Finest Hour, 6; The World Crisis, 1911–1918, 3
Clark, Albert Curtis, 344
Clark, George Norman, 123
Clemenceau, Georges Eugène Benjamin, 27
Cocteau, Jean Maurice Eugène Clément, 108
Coghill, Nevill Henry Kendal Aylmer, 276
Cohen, Ben(jamin) Victor, 235, 237
Cohen, Herman Joseph, 324
Cohen, (Laurence) Jonathan, 328
Collingwood, Robin George, 160, 269
Collins, John Churton, 287
Communism, Communists: IB’s hostility to, xviii; promoted by propaganda, 39; Weizmann detests, 78; Yitzhak Sadeh’s view of, 266–7
Comte, Auguste, 374
Condorcet, Marie Jean Antoine Nicolas Caritat, marquis de, 45, 334
Congress for Cultural Freedom, 354
Connolly, Cyril Vernon, 53, 288, 290, 293–4, 347, 354
Conrad, Joseph (né Józef Teodor Konrad Korzeniowski), 179
Cooper, (Alfred) Duff, 187, 313
Cooper, Diana (née Manners), 187
Cooper, Martin Du Pré, 243–51, 316, 320
Cooper, Mary, 249
Cox, Christopher William Machell, 53
Criterion (magazine), 108, 337
Cromie, Captain Francis Newton Allen, 306
Cromwell, Oliver, 17
Cronin, Archibald Joseph, 373
Crossman, Richard Howard Stafford, 238, 298, 300, 349
Cruttwell, Charles Robert Mowbray Fraser, 123 n
Cuban Missile Crisis (1962), 213
Curtis, Lionel George, 182
Czapski, Count Joseph, 416 n
Daladier, Édouard, xxxii
D’Annunzio, Gabriele, 131
Darbishire, Helen, 276
Darwin, Charles Robert, 145, 164, 209
Daube, David, 328
David, King of Israel, 240
d’Avigdor-Goldsmid, Henry Joseph, 325
Dawson, (George) Geoffrey (né Robinson), 99–100, 130, 137
Deakin, Frederick William Dampier, 310
Dearle, Norman Burrell, 176
Decembrists, 62
Derby, Edward George Villiers Stanley, 17th Earl of, 133
Descartes, René, 340
determinism, 174
Dickie, Hamon Massy, 343
Dickinson, Emily Elizabeth, 52
Dickinson, Goldsworthy Lowes: The Meaning of Good, 340
Diderot, Denis: Le Rêve de d’Alembert, 114, 197
Dinaburg, Ben-Zion (later Dinur), 239
Disraeli, Benjamin (Earl of Beaconsfield), 12, 61, 63, 86, 455
d’Israeli, Isaac, 125
Donne, John, 183
Dostoevsky, Fedor Mikhailovich: David Cecil on, 281; read by young Russians, 381; Pasternak admires, 388; Akhmatova praises, 397, 409; Tolstoy on, 397; ridiculous in, 428; humour, 462; The Brothers Karamazov, 450
Dublin Review, 401
Dugdale, Blanche Elizabeth Campbell, 132
Duhamel, Georges, 396
Dunbar, (George Cospatrick) Duff(Sutherland-Dunbar), 243
Dunkirk evacuation (1940), 18
Edel, Abraham (‘Abe’), 326
Ehrenburg, Ilya Grigor′evich, 308
Eikhenbaum, Boris Mikhailovich, 408 n
Einstein, Albert, xxxi, xxxvi, 195–210, 328
Eisenstein, Sergey Mikhailovich, 367, 383
Eliot, George (pseudonym of Mary Ann Cross; née Evans), 64, 279
Eliot, Thomas Stearns, 13, 277, 281, 288, 350, 380, 388; Murder in the Cathedral, 303
Ellis, Henry Havelock, 108
Elton, Godfrey, 135 n
Elton, Oliver, 369
Encounter (magazine), 354
Engels, Friedrich, 147 n
England, the English: Weizmann admires, 81, 83–7, 90–2, 456; Frankfurter’s regard for, 101; Namier’s fondness for, 127; empirical tradition, 437; IB’s commitment and loyalty to, 456–7
Enlightenment: influence on Jews, 123
Epstein, Jason, 295
Euripides, 365
Europe: differences from USA, 23–6
Eytan, Walter George (né Ettinghausen), 325
Ezhov Terror (Russia, 1937–8), 360
Feiling, Keith Grahame, 275
Feltrinelli, Giangiacomo (Milan publisher), 394
Fet, Afanasy Afanas′evich, 386
Firbank, (Arthur Annesley) Ronald, 108
First World War (1914–18), 12–13
Fisher, Herbert Albert Laurens, 123, 298, 300
Fisher, Lettice (née Ilbert), 98, 300–1
Flaubert, Gustave, 281
Forster, Edward Morgan, 13, 280, 289
Fowler, (William) Warde: Social Life at Rome in the Age of Cicero, 261
Fox, Charles James, 45
Fox, Ralph Winston, 164
Fraenkel, Eduard David Mortier, 328
France: Churchill’s esteem for, 11
France, Anatole, 110
Franck, César Auguste, 247
Franck, James, 202
Franco, General Francisco, xxxii, 21
Frankfurter, Felix, xix, xxxi, 97–107, 271, 291, 453
Frankfurter, Marion Denman, 104 n, 291
Franz Ferdinand, Archduke of Austria, 137
Fraser, Lindley Macnaghten, 341
freedom: IB’s view of, 446
‘Freedom’ (IB), 337 n
French Revolution, 25
Freud, Sigmund (né Sigismund Schlomo Freud), 124, 128, 145, 164, 455
Gaitskell, Hugh Todd Naylor, 154
Galbraith, Vivian Hunter, 141
Gallagher, John Andrew (‘Jack’), 461
Gardner, Helen Louise, 276
Garibaldi, Giuseppe, 73, 131, 266, 450
Garshin, Vladimir Georgievich, 383
Gaskell, Elizabeth Cleghorn, 279
Gates, Sylvester Govett, 97, 104–5, 293–4
Gaulle, Charles André Joseph Marie de, 229, 238, 241, 450
Gauss, Christian, 286
George III, King of Great Britain and Ireland, 143
Germany: Churchill’s view of, 11
Gerstein, Emma Grigor′evna, 387
Gibbon, Edward, 4
Gide, André Paul Guillaume, 13, 108
Gintsburg, Horace (Goratsy) Osipovich, 311
Ginzburg, Isaac, 255
Gladstone, William Ewart, 16, 44, 327, 450
Glock, William Frederick, 335
Goddard, Edgar Henry, 332
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 269, 378, 412
Gogol, Nikolay Vasil′evich, 285, 428
Goodhart, Arthur Lehman, 327
Goodman, Arnold Abraham, Baron, 328
Gordimer, Nadine, 334
Gorky, Maxim (pseudonym of Aleksey Maksimovich Peshkov), 313–14, 318, 343, 360, 381, 388, 405, 424
Gosling, Robert (‘Bob’), xxxv
Gothic Revival, 5
Gozzoli, Benozzo, 7
Grant, Duncan James Corrowr, 302
great slump (1931), 37
Green, Henry (pseudonym of Henry Vincent Yorke), 442
Greene, (Henry) Graham, 373
Greenwood, Walter, 373
Grey, Edward, Viscount, 11
Griboedov, Aleksandr Sergeevich: Woe from Wit, 365
Grice, (Herbert) Paul, 340
Grundy, George Beardoe, 339, 341, 344
Gumilev, Lev Nikolaevich (Akhmatova’s son), xxiii–xxiv, xxvii, 406–7, 416
Gumilev, Nikolay Stepanovich (Akhmatova’s husband), xxiii, 306, 405, 410–11
Gurdjieff, Georgy Ivanovich, 111
Guriel, Boris, 84 n
Haganah (Jewish army), 264
Haight, Amanda Chase, 398 n, 418–19
Haldane, John Burdon Sanderson, 108
Haldane, Richard Burdon, Viscount, 11, 198
Halévy, Élie, 123
Haley, William John, 248
Halifax, Edward Frederick Lindley Wood, 1st Earl of, 130, 220, 222–3
Halpern, Alexander James (né Aleksandr Yakovlevich Halpern), 304–21
Halpern, Salome Nikolaevna (née Andronikova), xvi, 304–22, 404, 411, 418
Halpern, Wolf Aviram, 325
Hamilton, Hamish (publisher), 288–90
Hammerling, Max, 136
Hampshire, Stuart Newton, 166, 292, 316, 333, 352
Hand, Judge (Billings) Learned, 291
Hardie, Colin Graham, 340
Hardie, William Francis Ross (‘Frank’), 340, 342–4
Hardy, Henry Robert Dugdale: (ed.) The Book of Isaiah, xxxv; on IB’s visit to Russia, xxviii
Harman, Leslie Avraham (‘Abe’), 326
Harrod, (Henry) Roy Forbes, 103
Hart, Herbert Lionel Adolphus, 110 n, 328, 330–6
Hartley, Leslie Poles, 281
Hauptmann, Gerhart Johann Robert, 13
Hayter, William Goodenough, 225
Headlam-Morley, John, 137
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 160, 182, 269, 459
Heine, (Christian Johann) Heinrich, 61, 125, 250, 387, 394
Hellpach, Willy, 200 n1
Hemingway, Ernest Miles, 379
Henderson, Hubert Douglas, xvii, xxxi, 30–6, 238–9, 343, 453
Henriques, Basil Lucas Quixano, 323
Herbert, Auberon, xvii, xix, xxxi, 187–94, 460–1
Herbert, George, 183
Herbert, Mary, 190
Herzen, Alexander (Aleksandr Ivanovich Gertsen), 369, 426–7, 435
Herzl, Theodor, 60, 67, 72, 80, 86, 200, 228, 232–3
Hess, Moses (Moshe; né Moritz Hess), Rome and Jerusalem, 65 n
Highet, Gilbert Arthur, 310
Hill, (John Edward) Christopher, xvii
Historical Inevitability (IB), 142 n
history: Churchill sees as pageant, 6–7, 16; IB’s view of, 458
History of Parliament (ed. Namier), 140
Hitler, Adolf: dominance, xxxii; character, 13–14, 46, 450; Churchill on, 22; evildoing, 43; persecutes Jews, 65; aggression, 89; Frankfurter on, 100; Einstein opposes, 204; von Trott warns against, 271; invades Russia, 459; Mein Kampf, 129
Hobbes, Thomas, 180
Holmes, Oliver Wendell (Justice), 82, 101
Hopkins, Harry Lloyd, 28
Hopkins, Richard Valentine Nind, 222
Horizon (magazine), 354
House, Humphry Arthur, 292
Howard, Brian Christian de Claiborne, 347
Howells, William Dean, 287
Hume, David, 160, 168, 197, 203, 208
Huxley, Aldous Leonard: xxix, xxxi, 108–20, 273, 291, 334, 396, 461; Brave New World, 275, 116; Jesting Pilate, 118; Point Counter Point, 110, 112
Huxley, Julian Sorell, 291
Huxley, Thomas Henry, 197
Ibsen, Henrik Johan, 108, 397; The Master Builder, 218
Idealists, 160
Ignatieff, Michael Grant, xv, xxv
imagination: political, 12; Churchill’s, 20, 27
imperialism, 12
Inber, Vera Mikhailovna, 383
Isherwood, Christopher William Bradshaw-, 353
Isocrates, 341
Israel: Namier visits, 141; Einstein and, 198–210, 209; and Six-Day War (1967), 216–17; economic aid to, 228; and Arabs, 231; Goldmann and, 231–4; Ben-Gurion’s vision of, 240; founding, 458–9; see also Zionism
Ivan IV, Tsar of Russia, 367 n
Ivan the Terrible (film), 367 n
Ivanov, Georgy Vladimirovich, 426
Ivanov, Vyacheslav Ivanovich (‘Koma’), 358, 411
Ivinskaya, Olga Vsevolodovna, 392, 421
Izvestiya (Soviet newspaper), 364
Jabotinsky, Vladimir (Ze’ev), 80, 260
Japan: aggression in Manchuria, 89
Jay, Douglas Patrick Thomas, 332
Jerusalem Prize (1979), xxxvii, 433–4
Jews, Judaism: and IB’s sense of identity, xx, 438, 455, 458; as nation or race, 60–6; assimilation, 62, 65; homeland question, 63, 67, 69, 72, 81–2, 89; in Russia and eastern Europe, 65–8; Yiddish speakers, 65, 69, 78; conversions to Christianity, 68; social closeness, 70; Weizmann’s reservations over, 94; religious observance, 95; Bernstein on, 128–30, 133; Einstein’s sense of, 200–1; Goldmann’s commitment to, 229, 233; in United States, 237; Ben-Gurion on, 242; and ORT organisation, 311–12; in Oxford, 323–9; Pasternak on, 387; suspected of divided loyalties, 456–7
Joachim, Harold Henry, 159
Johnson, Samuel, 4, 6, 296, 448
Joll, James Bysse, 316
Joseph, Horace William Brindley, 151, 159–60
Joseph, Keith Sinjohn, Baron, 328
Jowett, Benjamin, 155
Joyce, James Augustine Aloysius, 13, 108, 281, 378, 388
Kachalov, Vasily Ivanovich, 368
Kafka, Franz, 113, 385, 409; Metamorphosis, 169
Kaganovich, Lazar′ Moiseevich, 383
Kalischer, (Zvi) Hirsch, 63
Kallin, Anna (‘Niouta’), 248–50, 316–18, 320
Kaminskaya, Anna Genrikhovna, 422
Kant, Immanuel; on ‘crooked timber of humanity’, xv, 437; on nature, 146; Joachim and, 160; Einstein and, 197; on rationalism, 208; Pasternak on, 379
Karl, Emperor of Austria-Hungary, 137
Kassil′, Lev Abramovich: Shvambraniya, 381, 383
Kaufmann, Yehezkel, 239
Kemp Smith, Norman, 286, 289, 293
Kennan, George Frost, 316
Kennedy, John Fitzgerald, 213, 215
Ker, Alan, 298
Keynes, John Maynard: on IB, xvii; at Versailles, 1; and Weizmann, 90; on Frankfurter, 101; on Moore’s disciples, 175; IB’s account of, 218–24; as critic of people, 442
Keynes, Lydia (née Lidia Vasil′evna Lopukhova, then Lopokova), xvi, 380
Keyserling, Hermann Alexander, Count, 111
Khlebnikov, Viktor Vladimirovch (known as Velimir Khlebnikov), 143
Khrushchev, Nikita Sergeevich, 214
Kipling, (Joseph) Rudyard, 13, 289; Stalky and Co., 8
Kirov, Sergey Mironovich (né Kostrikov), 360
Kleist, (Bernd) Heinrich Wilhelm von, 269
Klyuev, Nikolay Alekseevich, 360
Knipper(-Chekhova), Olga Leonardovna (Chekhov’s widow), 368
Kokoschka, Oskar, 316
Kossuth (de Udvard et Kossuthfalva), Lajos, 73
Kraus, Karl, 202
Lafargue, Paul, 147 n
Laharanne, Ernest, 63
Landoberg, Evgenia (née Berlin), 255, 258–60, 262–3
Landoberg, Isaac, see Sadeh, Yitzhak
Landoberg, Jacob, 252
Landoberg, Rebecca (later Ginzburg), 252
Lang, (William) Cosmo Gordon, Archbishop of Canterbury, 130, 218–24
Laski, Harold Joseph, 99, 102, 235 n
Last, Hugh Macilwaine, 339
Lawrence, David Herbert, 291
League of Nations, 206
Leavis, Frank Raymond, 277
Lee, Hermione, xxxvii
Lehmann, John Frederick, 353
Lehmann, Rosamond Nina, 288
Lenin, Vladimir Il′ich (né Ul′yanov), 72, 76, 79 n1, 163, 257, 313
Leningrad (formerly Petrograd), 211, 212; IB meets Akhmatova in, xx–xxii, xxix–xxxvii, 398–400; Yitzhak Sadeh in, 256–7
Leopardi, Giacomo Taldegardo Francesco di Sales Saverio Pietro, 421
Leskov, Nikolay Semenovich, 383
Levin, Harry Tuchman, 287
Lewis, Clarence Irving, 165; Mind and the World Order, 164–5, 172
Lewis, Clive Staples, 276, 287, 298, 300
Lewis, David Kellogg, 328
Lewis, (Harry) Sinclair, 369
Lewis, (Percy) Wyndham, 108, 281
Liddell, John Robert (‘Jock’), 339
Life and Letters (magazine), 108
Lincoln, Abraham, 17, 44, 49 n, 450
Litvinov, Ivy, 370
Livanov, Boris Nikolaevich, 395–6
Lloyd George, David: Churchill on, 11; character, 13, 16, 27, 44, 450; and Montagu, 64; and Weizmann, 74, 84; advises Headlam-Morley, 137
Lockhart, Robert Hamilton Bruce, 318
Loewe, Herbert Martin James, 324, 327
London School of Economics, 126
Lopokova, Lydia, see Keynes, Lydia
Lothian, Philip Henry Kerr, 11th Marquess of, 18, 138, 235 n
Lowell, Abbott Lawrence, 99
Lucian of Samosata, 114
Lueger, Karl, 125
Lukács, Georg (né György Bernát Löwinger), 278
Lourié, Arthur Vincent (Artur Sergeevich Lur′e, né Naum Izrailevich Luria), 404
L′vov, Prince Georgy Evgen′evich, 313
Mabbot, John David, 342
Macaulay, Thomas Babington, Baron, 4
MacCarthy, (Charles Otto) Desmond, 108, 280–1, 289
McCarthy, Mary Therese, 291
MacDonald, Malcolm John, 134
Macgregor, David Hutchinson, 30
Mach, Ernst Waldfried Josef Wenzel, 144, 197, 203, 455
McKane, Richard, 429
Mackenzie, (Edward Montague) Compton, 288–9, 293, 337
MacKinnon, Donald Mackenzie, 166
Maclagan, William Gauld, 181
Macnabb, Donald George Cecil, 166, 168 n
MacNeice, (Frederick) Louis, 288, 347
Mahler, Gustav, 202
Maine de Biran, François Pierre Gonthier, 113
Maklakov, Vasily Alekseevich, 306
Malraux, André, 39, 295, 376, 396
Manchester Guardian, 270
Mandel′shtam, Nadezhda Yakovlevna, xxxii, 361, 405 n, 426
Mandel′shtam, Osip Emil′evich: status as writer, xxiii, 387; Akhmatova talks of, xxv, 407, 410, 422; friendship with Salome Halpern, 307, 321; arrested and killed, 360, 390, 410; Jewishness, 387; Stalin telephones Pasternak about, 388–9; dedicates poem to Akhmatova, 404; believes food poisoned, 426
Manzoni, Alessandro Francesco Tommaso, 191
Margerie, Roland Jacquin de, 314
Maritain, Jacques, 248
Marivaux, Pierre Carlet de Chamblain de, 181
Marshak, Samuil Yakovlevich, 381, 383
Marx, Heinrich (earlier Herschel Levi; KM’s father), 125
Marx, Karl Heinrich: on great men, 59; Jewishness, 61; Namier on, 124–5, 128, 454; Namier’s similarity to, 131, 135, 145; studies proletariat, 133; Austin admires, 163; Plamenatz and, 182; IB’s view of, 450
Masaryk, Thomas (Tomás Garrigue Masaryk), 44, 450
Maud, John Primatt Redcliffe, 53
Maugham, (William) Somerset, 373
Mayakovsky, Vladimir Vladimirovich, 360, 386, 388, 420–1, 424
Mazzini, Giuseppe, 17
Medtner, Nikolay Karlovich, 243
‘Meetings with Russian Writers in 1945 and 1956’ (IB), xxi, xxxi, xxxviii–xxxix
Mehta, Ved Parkash: Fly and the Fly-Bottle, 146 n
Meir, Golda (née Golda Mabovich, then Meyerson), 241
Melville, Herman, 294
Mencken, Henry Louis, 108
Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, (Jakob Ludwig) Felix, 262
Messiaen, Oliver, 250
Meyerhold, Vsevolod Emil′evich, 368
Mickiewicz, Adam Bernard, 409
Mihailovic, General Dragoljub (‘Draža’), 184
Mill, John Stuart, 160, 205, 334
Miller, Perry Gilbert Eddy, 287
Milner, Alfred, Viscount, 64
Mirsky, Prince Dmitry Petrovich Svyatopolk-, 285, 360
Mocatta, Alan Abraham, 323
Modigliani, Amedeo Clemente, xxiii–xxiv, 404
Monro, Harold Edward, 369
Montagu, Edwin Samuel, 64
Montefiore, Alan, xv
Montenegro, 176
Montesquieu, Charles Louis de Secondat, baron de, 181
Moon, (Edward) Penderel, 100
Moore, George Edward, 112, 159, 165, 168, 175, 332, 453
Moore, Henry Spencer, 451
Morgenthau, Henry, 222
Morley, John, Viscount, 11
Morrison, Herbert Stanley, 353
Morrison Plan (on Palestine), 90
Moscow: IB in (1945), 356–7; IB revisits (1956), 416–17
Moscow Arts Theatre, 368
Moses the lawgiver, 45
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 52
Murdoch, (Jean) Iris, 292, 332, 373
Mure, Geoffrey Reginald Gilchrist, 160
Murray, Gilbert Aimé, 150
Murry, John Middleton, 112
Mussolini, Benito Amilcare Andrea, xxxii, 13, 89
Mynors, Roger Aubrey Baskerville, 53
Nabokov, Nicolas (Nikolay Dmitrievich), 259, 283, 291, 316, 462
Namier, Lewis Bernstein (né Bernsztajn), xvii, xxi, xxxix, 121–47, 454–5
Napoleon I (Bonaparte), Emperor of the French, 37
Nazism: Einstein denounces, 204
Nekrasov, Nikolay Alekseevich, 371, 388, 426
Nernst, Walther Hermann, 199
Neruda, Pablo (né Ricardo Eliecer Neftali Reyes), 153
Neuhaus, Heinrich (Genrikh Gustafovich Neigauz), 383, 387, 392–3
New Yorker (magazine), 294
Newton, Isaac, 114, 195, 203, 209
Nicholas II, Tsar of Russia, 13
Nicolson, Harold George, 288, 351, 456
Nicolson, Lionel Ben(edict), 301–2
Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm, 108
Nijinsky, Vatslav Fomich, 380
Nikolaevsky, Boris Ivanovich, 311
Nolde, Eduard, Baron, 309
Nordau, Max Simon (né Simon Maximilian Südfeld), 228
Norwich, Alfred Duff Cooper, 1st Viscount, 64
Oakeshott, Michael Joseph, 445
Obolensky, Princess, 310
Ogden, Charles Kay, 102
Oliphant, Laurence, 63
Oranzhireeva, Antonina Mikhailovna, xxviii, 403
Orlov, Vladimir Nikolaevich, xxii–xxiii, 400
ORT (Society for the Dissemination of Labour), 311–12
Orwell, George (pseudonym of Eric Arthur Blair), 295
Osborne, Dorothy (Lady Temple), 278
Ostrovskaya, Soph′ya Kazimirovna, xxviii
Oumansky, Constantine Aleksandrovich, 235 n
Ouspensky, Petr Dem′anovich, 111
Owen, Robert, 114
Oxford University: IB’s attachment to, xviii–xix, 452–3; Frankfurter at, 97–107; conventional ways, 101; Bowra serves as Vice-Chancellor, 153; philosophy at, 156–76; Jews in, 323–9; All Souls, xviii, 30–4, 50, 99, 133–4, 156, 158, 164, 176, 184–5, 285, 287, 291–2; Balliol College, 53, 55, 137; Christ Church, 286; Corpus Christi College, 337–346; Hertford College, 245; Lincoln College, 245; Magdalen College, 140; New College, xviii, 148, 276, 300, 333; Nuffield College, 180, 185; Oriel College, 177; St Edmund Hall, 245; Wadham College, xxxii, 153–4, 276
Palestine: as Jewish homeland, 63, 67, 72, 81–2, 89, 94, 206; Jewish terrorism, 81; partition proposed, 81; Mandate, 235; Landoberg (Sadeh) in, 259–60, 264–5
Palmach (militant group), 26
Palmer, Samuel, 281
Pares, Richard, xxxi, 50–6, 123–4, 453
Parnell, Charles Stewart, 92, 450
Partridge, Reginald Sherring (‘Ralph’) and Frances Catherine, 280
Passfield, (Martha) Beatrice Webb, Lady, 125
Passfield, Sidney James Webb, Baron, 125; White Paper, 90
Pasternak, Boris Leonidovich: IB visits (1956), xxvii, xxxvii, 393; IB’s friendship with, xxii; IB’s account of, xxix; status as writer, xxiii, 393; values Bowra, 153; conversation, 302, 380; persecuted, 317; war poems, 361; pictured, 362; popularity, 362; poetry readings, 363; IB meets (1945), 366, 371, 375, 384–92, 400, 428; believes in golden West, 383, 410; translates Shakespeare, 385, 395; as Russian patriot, 386, 388, 410; Stalin telephones about Mandel′shtam’s arrest, 388–9; relations with Soviet authorities, 390–3; Akhmatova visits, 391–2; praises Chekhov, 397, 408; Akhmatova speaks of, 410, 421–3; on IB’s visit to Akhmatova, 416; The Childhood of Lüvers, 378; Doctor Zhivago, 296, 378, 388, 393–5, 422; On Early Trains, 391
Pasternak, Leonid Borisovich, 375
Pasternak, Zinaida Nikolaevna (earlier Neuhaus), 375–6, 387, 392, 395, 421
Patcevitch, Iva Sergei Voidato, 308
Pater, Walter Horatio, 278
Peace Now movement, 232
Pearl Harbor (1941), 211
Peel Report on Palestine (1936–7), 81, 135
Peierls, Rudolf Ernst, 328
Peredelkino (writers’ village near Moscow), 371–2, 375, 386
Pericles, 45
Perosi, Dom Lorenz, 250
Persitz, Akiva, 326
Peshkov, Zinovy Alekseevich (né Yeshua Zalman Sverdlov), 308 n1, 313
Pétain, (Henri) Philippe Benoni Omer Joseph, 21
Peter, King of Yugoslavia, 184
Petrov-Bodkin, Kuzma Sergeevich, 308
Petrovykh, Maria Sergeevna, 420
Phelps, Lancelot Ridley, 343
Philip II, King of Spain, 458
philosophy, philosophers, at Oxford, 156–76, 453–4
Pidduck, Frederick Bernard, 343
Pil′nak, Boris (pseudonym of Boris Andreevich Vogau), 360, 390
Pinsker, Yehudah Leib/Leon Semenovich, 233; Auto-Emancipation, 71
Plamenatz, John Petrov, xxxi, 177–86, 453
Planck, Max Karl Ernst, 197, 209
Plekhanov, Georgy Valentinovich, 79 n1
pluralism, 443–4, 447–9, 452–3
Poetry Bookshop (London), 369
politics: IB’s view of, 449–50
Polyakov, Samuel Solomonovich, 311
Post, Laurens Jan van der: In a Province, 303
Potsdam Conference (1945), 356
Pravda (Soviet newspaper), 364
Price, Henry Habberley, 159, 166, 168, 332, 341–2
Prichard, Harold Arthur, 158–60, 183, 341
Priestley, John Boynton: in Russia, 366–7, 372
Pritchett, Victor Sawdon, 288
Prokofiev, Lina Ivanovna, 375
Prokofiev, Sergey Sergeevich, 383
Proudhon, Pierre Joseph, 183
Proust, (Valentin Louis Georges Eugène) Marcel, 13, 277, 385
Pryce-Jones, Alan Payan, 243, 300, 316
Punin, Nikolay Nikolaevich, xxiii, 422
Pushkin, Alexander Sergeevich, 285, 295, 409, 423; Egyptian Nights, 409; The Prophet, 394
Quasimodo, Salvatore, 153
Quennell, Peter Courteney, 288
Quixote, Don (fictional figure), 190, 192
Radek, Karl Berngardovich, 79 n1
Rahv, Philip, 288
Rakhlin, Gdaly (‘Gennady’) Moiseevich, xxii, xxviii
Ramsey, Ian Thomas, 161
Raphael, Chaim (earlier Rabinovitch), 323
Read, Herbert Edward, 378; English Prose Style, 1 n1
Rees, (Morgan) Goronwy, 104, 243
Rehovot, Israel: Chaim Weizmann Institute, 91 n; Weizmann’s home in, 94
Renault, Mary (née Eileen Mary Challans), 191
Rhys, Jean (née Ella Gwendolen Rees Williams), 279
Richards, Ivor Armstrong, 277
Rimbaud, (Jean Nicolas) Arthur, 411
Robbins, Lionel Charles, Baron, 220–1
Roberts, Frank Kenyon, 429
Robertson, (Charles) Grant, 123 n1
Robertson-Glasgow, Raymond Charles, 343
Robinson, Kenneth Dean, 342
Roerich, Nikolay Konstantinovich, 387
Roman Catholicism, 6
Romanes Lectures, 140
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano: IB’s view of, xix; not personally known to IB, xxxvi, 37; character, 13–17, 22, 26, 74, 449–50; Churchill trusts, 20; compared with Churchill, 22–3; on Russia, 26; understanding of Europe, 26; relations with Churchill, 28; IB’s account of, xxxi–xxxii, 37–49; death, 215–16; re-election (1944), 221, 223; and American Zionists, 227; greatness, 459–60
Roosevelt, Theodore, 74
Rosenzweig, Franz, 76 n
Ross, Robert Baldwin (‘Robbie’), 369
Ross, William David, 181
Rothschild, Baron Edmond Benjamin James de, 63, 241–2
Rothschild, Lionel Walter, 2nd Baron, 111
Round Table (group), 138
Rousseau, Jean Baptiste, 181
Rousseau, Jean Jacques, 181
Rowse, Alfred Leslie, xvii, 123, 291
Rubens, Peter Paul, 412
Runciman, (James Cochran) Steven(son), 293
Russell, Bertrand, 3rd Earl: on nineteenth-century metaphysicians, 1; influence, 108; Austin admires, 158, 168; Joseph resists, 160; Einstein and, 197; broadcasting, 316; Hart reads, 332; talk, 380; ‘The Limits of Empiricism’, 170
Russell, John Wriothesley, 225
Russia, Russians: Bolshevik Revolution (1917), xx, 256–7; IB revisits (1956), xxvii; IB visits (1945), xxi–xxvi; Churchill’s view of, 11, 26; Roosevelt’s interest in, 26, 47; Jews in, 65–6, 68; Bowra visits, 152; philosophy in, 163–4; Revolution (February 1917), 211; and Cuban missile crisis, 214; Civil War (1918–19), 258–9; anti-Semitism, 259–60; Edmund Wilson visits, 285; Salome Halpern supports Soviet regime, 317–18; wartime heroism, 357; cultural achievements, 358–62; popularity of poets and writers in, 362–4, 427; official restrictions on meeting foreigners, 365–6; reading preferences of young students, 383; IB’s origins and childhood in, 433–5; see also Leningrad; Moscow
Rutenberg, Pinchas (formerly Petr Moiseevich), 257
Rutherford, Ernest, 1st Baron, 209
Sackville-West, Edward Charles, 274
Sackville-West, Victoria Mary (Vita; Lady Nicolson), 281, 351
Sadeh, Yitzhak (né Isaac Landoberg), xvii, xix–xx, 252–65
St Paul’s School, London, 108, 337
Sainte-Beuve, Charles Augustin, 296
Salazar, António de Oliveira, xxxii
Salter, Arthur Clavell, 30
Salvador, Joseph, 63
Salvemini, Gaetano, 102
Samarin, Yuri Fedorovich, 386
Samosud, Samuel Abramovich, 383
Samuel, Beatrice, Lady, 261, 265
Sand, George (pseudonym of Amandine Aurore Lucie Dupin, baronne Dudevant), 108
Sandburg, Carl August, 108
Sartre, Jean Paul, 379; La Nausée, 396
Sassoon, Siegfried Loraine, 288, 419
Schiller, Ferdinand Canning Scott, 241, 243, 269; Formal Logic, 108
Schimanski, Stefan Kazimerz (later Stephen Simmons), 379
Schlegel, (Karl Wilhelm) Friedrich von, 412
Schlesinger, Arthur Meier, Jr, 291
Schmidt, Conrad, 147 n
Schmitt, Florent, 247
Schnabel, Artur, 351
Schnitzler, Arthur, 202
Schoenberg, Arnold Franz Walter, 247
Scriabin, Aleksandr Nikolaevich, 387
Second World War (1939–45): Churchill writes on, 9; compared with First War, 12–13
Seferis, George (pseudonym of Georgios Seferiades), 153
Seifullina, Lidiya Nikolaevna, 379, 383
Sel′vinsky, Ilya L′vovich, 372–4, 383
Seurat, Georges Pierre, 451
Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper, 3rd Earl of, 135 n1
Shakespeare, William, 295, 364–5, 385, 395, 397
Sharett, Moshe (né Shertok), 228
Shaw, George Bernard, 13, 110, 289, 397
Shazar, Zalman (né Schneur Zalman Rubashov), 239
Shcherbakov, Aleksandr Sergeevich, 377
Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 23, 421; Prometheus Unbound, 385
Shiffrin, Jacques, 308
Shileko, Vladimir Kazimirovich: marriage to Akhmatova, 411
Shuckburgh, John Evelyn, 134
Shukhaev, Vasily Ivanovich, 308
Shuvalov, Countess, 310
Simon, John Allsebrook, 1st Viscount, 100, 328
Sitwell family, 288
Six-Day War (1967), 216
Smith, Arthur Lionel, xvii, 128
Snow, Charles Percy, 373
Social Darwinism, 197
socialism: Roosevelt resists, 40
Socrates, 239
Sokolovsky, Shlomo Tsvi, 84 n1
Sokolow, Nahum ben Joseph Samuel, 80, 233
Sparrow, John Hanbury Angus, 243, 298, 332
Spencer, (Charles) Bernard, 345, 347
Spencer, Theodore (‘Ted’), 286
Spender, Agnes Marie (‘Inez’), 354
Spender, Natasha (née Litvin), 245
Spender, Stephen Harold, 39, 287, 303, 347–55; The Destructive Element, 350; Forward from Liberalism, 352
Spengler, Oswald Arnold Gottfried, 332
Spinoza, Baruch/Benedictus de, 160, 197, 206, 241
Stalin, Josef Vissarionovich (né Ioseb Besarionis dze Jugashvili): persecutes Akhmatova, xxvii, 426; dominance and despotism, xxxii, 425; character, 13–14; Churchill condemns, 22; Roosevelt on, 47; identifies with Ivan the Terrible, 367 n; telephone conversation with Pasternak, 388–9; anti-Jewish persecutions, 393; warns against playing Hamlet, 395–6; denounces Akhmatova, 417–18
Stanislavsky (pseudonym of Konstantin Sergeevich Alekseev), 368
State capitalism, 40
Stendhal (pseudonym of Marie Henri Beyle), 287
Stimson, Henry Lewis, 99
Strachey, (Giles) Lytton, 1, 280–1
Strauss, Richard Georg: Salome, 245
Stravinsky, Igor Fedorovich, 307, 388
Stravinsky, Vera (né Bosse, then Sudeikina), 307, 318
Sumner, Benedict Humphrey, 33, 53, 271
Surkov, Aleksey Aleksandrovich, 317
Swinburne, Algernon Charles, 114
Sylvester, James Joseph, 327
Syme, Ronald, 344
Tabidze, Nina, 397
Tabidze, Titsian Yustinovich, 361, 397
Tairov, Aleksandr Yakovlevich, 367–8, 383
Tarle, Evgeny Viktorovich, 407
Taylor, Alan John Percivale, xvii, 141–2, 293
Tchaikovsky, Petr Il′ich: Eugene Onegin, 250
Tennyson, Alfred, 1st Baron, 287
Thayer, Judge Webster, 3
Thompson, Dorothy, 369
‘Three Strands of My Life, The’ (IB), xxxvii, xxxix, 433–9
Tippett, Michael Kemp, 316
Tito, Marshal Josip Broz, 229, 238
Tod, Marcus Niebuhr, 339
Tolkien, John Ronald Reuel, 191, 276
Tolstaya, Sof′ia Andreevna, 409
Tolstoy, Aleksey Nikolaevich, xxv, 308, 321, 407, 424
Tolstoy, Count Lev Nikolaevich: on great men, 59; David Cecil on, 275, 281; Pasternak admires, 385, 388; IB’s view of, 450; Anna Karenina, 408–9; War and Peace, 280, 409
Tout, Thomas Frederick, 123
Toynbee, Arnold Joseph, 130, 316
Transition (magazine), 108
Trevelyan, George Macaulay, 123
Tripp, Brenda Muriel Howard, xxii, xxiv, xxvi, 398 n, 399, 401, 403
Trollope, Anthony, 370
Trotsky, Leon (né Lev Davidovich Bronshtein), 43, 79 n, 257, 267, 268 n1, 450
Trott (zu Solz), Adam von, 269–72
Truman, Harry S., 227
Trumpeldor, Joseph, 260
Tsereteli, Irakly Georgievich, 311
Tsvetaeva, Marina Ivanovna, xxiii, 307–8, 361, 375, 385, 387, 390, 410, 421
Tukhachevsky, Marshal Mikhail Nikolaevich, 390
Turgenev, Ivan Sergeevich, 280, 397, 409, 445–6
Tyutchev, Fedor Ivanovich, 386, 388
Uganda: as proposed Jewish homeland, 67
Ulanova, Galina Sergeevna, 368
Union of Writers (USSR), 360
United States of America: differences from Europe, 23–6; and great slump (1931), 37; Einstein praises Constitution, 203; see also New Deal
Uppingham school, 300
Urmson, James Opie, 340
Urquhart, Francis Fortescue (‘Sligger’), 53
Utilitarians, 182
Vakhtangov, Evgeny Bagrationovich, 368
Valéry, (Ambroise) Paul Toussaint Jules, 13
Vaughan Williams, Ralph, 247
Verdi, Giuseppe Fortunino Francesco, 247
Verlaine, Paul Marie, 411
Victor Emmanuel II, King of Italy, 13
Victoria, Queen of Great Britain and Ireland, 86
‘Visit to Leningrad, A’ (IB), xxvi
Voigt, Frederick Augustus, 270
VOKS (Society for Promoting Cultural Relations with Foreigners), 383
Voltaire (pseudonym of François Marie Arouet), 23–4, 108, 198, 208
Vrubel′, Mikhail Aleksandrovich, 387
Vyrubov (Russian landowner), 313
Wade-Gery, (Henry) Theodore, 339
Wagner, (Wilhelm) Richard, 247, 277, 295 n
Walker, Rachel (‘Tips’), 298
Wall Street Crash, 40
Wallas, Graham, 126
Walpole, Hugh Seymour, 289, 302
Walpole, Robert (1st Earl of Orford), 44
Waugh, (Arthur) Evelyn (St John), 53, 287, 290, 294, 347
Webb, Sidney and Beatrice, see Passfield, Baron and Lady
Weizmann, Chaim: IB admires, xix–xx; IB’s account of, xxxii, 57–96, 106, 456; and Jewish identity, 70; Namier admires, 129–31; breach with Namier, 141; differences with Einstein, 198; Einstein supports, 204; recommends IB to Goldmann, 225; genius as statesman, 227; and Israeli security, 233; and Ben-Gurion in USA, 237; vision of Israel, 240; appoints Yitzhak Sadeh as bodyguard, 263; IB visits in Israel, 264; and founding of Israel, 458; integrity, 459
Welfare State, 48
Welles, (Benjamin) Sumner, 235 n
Wellesz, Egon Joseph, 245
Wells, Herbert George, 13, 108, 289, 318
Werfel, Franz Viktor, 202
Wheeler-Bennett, John Wheeler, 272
White, Harry Dexter, 221
Whitehead, Alfred North, 218
Whitman, Walt(er), 294
Wilamowitz-Moellendorff, Ulrich von, 150, 314
Wilberforce, Richard Orme, 332
Wilde, Oscar Fingal O’Flahertie Wills, 108, 132
Wilkinson, Lancelot Patrick, 276
Willkie, Wendell Lewis, 45
Wilson, Angus Frank Johnstone, 288, 290, 293
Wilson, Edmund: xvii, xxi, 277, 283–97; Axel’s Castle, 283; Europe without Baedeker, 286; The Triple Thinkers, 283
Wilson, Elena (née Helene-Marthe Mumm von Schwarzenstein), 295
Wilson, Frank Percy, 276
Wilson, John Cook, 160–1, 332, 342
Wilson, (Thomas) Woodrow, 13, 27, 42–3, 450
Winchester College, 52, 55, 300
Winckelmann, Johann Joachim, 378
Wind, Edgar Marcel, 316
Wisdom, (Arthur) John Terence Dibber, 159
Wittgenstein, Ludwig Josef Johann, 173, 447; ‘Blue Book’, 169; Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, 105, 159
Wolff, Mark (né Vol′f), 306–7, 312
Wood, (Howard) Kingsley, 220
Wood, Oscar Patrick, 340
Woolf, (Adeline) Virginia: greatness, xvi; status as writer, 13; journalism, 39; Richard Pares reads, 52; David Cecil admires, 280–1; IB’s account of, 298–303; conversation, 380; Russian teacher enquires about, 396; The Common Reader, 280
Woolf, Leonard Sidney, 298, 301–3
Woozley, Anthony Douglas, 166
World Jewish Congress, 229
Yakovlev, Aleksandr Evgen′evich, 308
Yashvili, Pavle Dzhibraelovich, 361
Yazvitsky, Valery Ioil′evich: The Fires of the Inquisition/Through the Smoke of Martyrs’ Fires, 375
Yeats, William Butler, 13, 380
Young, John Zachary, 316
Zangwill, Israel, 72
Zhdanov, Andrey Aleksandrovich, 408, 418
Zhirmunsky, Viktor Maksimovich, 387, 413
Zionism: founders, xix; Weizmann and, 64 n1, 76–8; and Jewish homeland, 67; and Russian Jews, 67–8; failures, 75; Hermann Cohen on, 76 n1; England and, 83, 92–3; Bevin’s hostility to, 91; Frankfurter supports, 106; Namier and, 129–31, 134, 455; and 1939 government White Paper, 135; Einstein supports, 198–202, 206, 209; Goldmann committed to, 225, 227–8, 231–2, 234; Sadeh and, 259–61; IB’s commitment to, 455–7; see also Israel; Jews
Zionist Organization: Namier and, 138–9
Zoshchenko, Mikhail Mikhailovich, 383, 418
Zweig, Stefan, 202