- abuse, 41, 49
- accountability
- lack of, 29
- in organizational culture, 85–88, 149, 151
- anosognosia, 142
- anxiety, 112
- apologies, 67, 82, 116
- Arbinger Book Club, 138
- Arbinger Mindset Assessment, 149–151
- arrogance, 43, 44, 58–59, 78
- assertiveness, 77
- blame
- contagiousness of, 99
- ineffectiveness of, 14, 20–21
- self-deception and, 38, 84–85, 87, 106, 110, 149
- book club, 138
- chronic self-deception
- danger of, 45
- inward mindset and, 51–53, 63
- meaning of, 53
- spotting, through accompanying emotions, 54, 74
- collusion
- changing, 122, 124–125
- examples of, 101–107, 112–114, 118–121
- justification and, 105–106, 109
- meaning of, 99
- recognizing, 100, 113
- confidence, 77, 79–80
- conflict
- avoiding, 127, 131
- entrenched, 29
- negative perceptions and, 18–20
- pattern of, 99–100
- confrontation, desire to avoid, 127, 131
- defensiveness, 10, 14, 83, 85, 99, 111
- dehumanization, 49
- discouragement, 54, 74
- discrimination, 50
- disdain, 112
- disengagement, 9, 11, 12, 29, 112–113, 129, 140
- emotions
- perception and, 110–112
- as signs of chronic self-deception, 54, 74
- taking responsibility for, 111–112
- See also individual emotions
- entitlement, 29, 51, 54, 112
- envy, 112
- excuses, making, 12, 39, 84–85, 99, 106, 140
- fear, 66, 80, 109
- feelings. See emotions
- group discussion guide, 139–146
- guilt, 74
- harassment, 50
- Hauck, Jack, 147–148, 149
- hesitation, 77–78
- horizontal alignment, 150–151
- humanity of others, seeing, 73–75
- impatience, 54, 76, 107, 112
- inadequacy, feelings of, 74–75, 117
- inward mindset
- changing, to outward mindset, 30, 80, 115–117, 123
- chronic self-deception and, 51–53, 63
- contagiousness of, 99
- distorted perception and, 26, 49–50, 107, 143
- meaning of, 28, 84
- self-focused worry of, 79–80
- varying appearances of, 58
- jealousy, 54
- justification
- blame and, 84
- collusion and, 105–106, 109
- context vs., 99
- distorted view of others and, 51–55, 63–66, 84
- need for, 63
- self-betrayal and, 38–39, 41, 62–63, 74
- self-perpetuation of, 99
- leadership
- accountability and, 88
- authenticity and, 78–79, 128–130
- challenges for, 15–16
- energizing, 79
- meaning of, 15–16
- mindset and, 94–96
- perception and, 14, 16, 141
- personality traits and, 77–78
- picking sides and, 21
- self-focus and, 78–80
- successful, 14, 94–95, 141
- limitations, 73–75
- mindset
- assessment, 149–151
- changing, 30, 80, 115–117, 123
- leadership and, 94–96
- See also inward mindset; outward mindset
- mistakes, handling, 92–95
- mistreatment
- mutual, 106
- objectification and, 50
- perceiving, 40–41, 54, 110
- neglect, 49
- objectification, 49–50, 62, 98–99, 116
- outward mindset
- changing inward mindset to, 30, 80, 115–117, 123
- meaning of, 28, 95
- as a practice, 117
- view of others through, 49
- overwhelmed, feeling, 74–75
- patterns of interaction, changing, 83
- perception
- conflict and, 18–20
- emotions and, 110–112
- importance of, 25
- leadership and, 14, 16
- self-deception and, 16, 18–20, 31, 40–41
- powerlessness, feelings of, 21, 54
- power struggles, 29
- procrastination, 29
- productivity, factors affecting, 12
- resentment, 34, 39, 41, 42, 54, 76, 99, 110
- resignation, 54, 112
- second-guessing, 77–78
- seeing clearly. See perception
- self-betrayal
- examples of, 32–34
- justification and, 38–39, 41, 62–63, 74
- meaning of, 32–34, 39, 145
- as moment in time, 63
- recognizing, 99
- self-deception and, 32, 34, 35–39, 41
- sense and choice leading to, 35–37, 145
- self-deception
- assessing, 148–149
- contagiousness of, 99
- disease metaphor for, 26, 31, 142
- distorted perception and, 16, 18–20, 26, 31, 40–41, 142
- effects of, 4, 11, 26–27, 29
- episodic, 45, 51
- examples of, 6–10, 140
- explaining to others, 123–124
- freedom from, 49, 125
- gap, 149–151
- lack of awareness and, 10, 140
- in organizations, 147–151
- as pressing problem, 4, 11, 84
- recognizing, 30
- as root cause of other issues, 29
- self-betrayal and, 32, 34, 35–39, 41
- solution to, 115–116
- symptoms of, 12, 99
- universality of, 4–5
- See also chronic self-deception
- self-image
- as better or worse than others, 51–55, 63–66, 76–77
- hiding, 65–66
- protecting from threats, 64–65, 98, 111, 113
- self-righteousness, 36, 58
- Semmelweis, Ignaz, 22–27, 64, 116, 142
- strengths and weaknesses, 77–80
- Tubular Steel, 147–148, 149
- turnover, 29
- unappreciated, feeling, 54
- Vienna General Hospital, 22–24, 28, 142
- weaknesses. See strengths and weaknesses