
Index of Symbols

• Age Suggestions


2 +

18–23, 26–27, 30–31, 126–129, 134–137


3 +

16–17, 24–25, 32–35, 38–41, 44–45, 60–63, 104–107, 110–111, 144–145, 148–149


4 +

28–29, 36–37, 46–47, 54–55, 66–69, 74–75, 82–83, 92–93, 98–103, 114–115, 130–131


5 +

42–43, 48–53, 64–65, 70–71, 76–81, 84–89, 94–97, 112–113, 116–125, 138–143, 146–147, 150–151


• Air Dry

16–21, 24–31, 46–55, 60–63, 76–89, 92–103, 120–121, 134–137, 140–143, 146–151


• Baking Needed

18–19, 30–31, 34–37, 42–43, 60–69, 110–119, 124–125, 150–151


• Cooking Needed

16–29, 64–65, 104–107, 130–131, 140–141


• No Cooking Needed

30–39, 42–45, 62–63, 66–71, 74–89, 92–103, 110–129, 134–139, 142–151


• Adult Help Needed

50–51, 64–65, 74–83, 86–89, 116–125, 150–151


• Edible

66–67, 110–131


Project Index

Architectural Icing (Nevado para construcción) 122–123

Bag Sculpture (Escultura con bolsas) 82–83

Baker’s Clay (Arcilla de panadero) 30–31

Balloon Creatures (Animales con globos ) 80–81

Basic Breadcraft (Masa básica de pan de artesanía ) 60–61

Bead Clay (Arcilla para hacer cuentas (collares) ) 48–49

Bottle Sculpture (Escultura de botella) 100–101

Brick Bread (Pan ladrillo) 64–65

Brown Bread Modeling (Modelado de pan negro) 68–69

Cinnamon Dough (Masa de canela) 36–37

Clay Modeling Basic Experience (Experiencia básica de modelado con arcilla ) 148–149

Cloth Dipping (Creaciones de trapo) 88–89

Coffee Dough (Masa de café) 34–35

Colored Dough (Masa coloreada) 62–63

Cornmeal Dough (Masa de harina de maíz) 38–39

Cornstarch Dough (Masa de almidón de maíz) 18–19

Cotton Dough (Masa de algodón) 42–43

Crêpe Paper Modeling (Modelado en papel crepé) 52–53

Doggie Biscuits (Galletas para perritos) 116–117

Flour Papier-Mâché (Papel maché de harina) 102–103

Flow Icing (Gaseado fluido) 120–123

Frosting Dough (Masa para el nevado) 128–129

Frozen Bread Dough (Masa congelada de pan (66–67)

Funclay (Masa recreativa) 20–21

Gingerbread Architectural Dough (Masa de pan jengibre para construcción) 118–119

Glue Dough (Masa de pegamento) 44–45

Goop (Goop) 144–145

House Assembling (Ensamblaje de casas) 120–121

Leaf Casting (Molde de hojas) 78–79

Lint Modeling (Modelado con pelusa) 28–29

Map Modeling (Modelado de mapas) 50–51

Marble Plaster (Yeso marmolado) 84–85

Mashed Potatoes (Puré de papas) 130–131

Moist Clay (Arcilla húmeda) 150–151

Mosaic Sand Cast (Mosaico con molde de arena) 76–77

Mudworks (Creaciones con barro) 134–135

Nutty Putty (Masilla nutty putty) 138–139

Oatmeal Dough (Masa de avena) 40–41

Papier-Mâché Pulp (Pulpa de papel maché) 96–97

Peanut Butter Play Dough (Masa de mantequilla de maní) 126–127

Plastic Jelly (Gelatina plástica) 140–141

Play Clay (Arcilla para jugar) 16–17

Pretzel Dough (Masa para Pretzel) 114–115

Quick Modeling (Modelado rápido) 32–33

Rose Petal Beads (Cuentas de pétalos de rosas ) 70–71

Salty Oil Dough (Masa aceitosa salada) 22–23

Sand Cast (Molde de arena) 74–75

Sand Modeling (Modelado con arena) 24–25

Sandworks (Creaciones con arena) 136–137

Sawdust Mixture (Mezcla de aserrín) 54–55

Sculpture Cookie Dough (Escultura con masa de galleta) 110–111

Sculpture Cookie Pops (Galletitas pirulís/chupetas) 112–113


Shampoo Dough (Masa de champú) 46–47

Sidewalk Chalk (Tiza para dibujar en las aceras) 142–143

Simulated Marble (Imitacion de màrmol) 86–87

Soap Stone Carving (Creaciones de jabón) 146–147

Soft Papier-Mâché Pulp (Pulpa suave de papel maché ) 92–93

Stained Glass Dough (Masa para vitrales) 124–125

Strip Papier-Mâché (Tiras de papel maché) 94–95

Sugar Dough (Masa de azúcar) 26–27

Thin Paste (Engrudo fino) 92–93, 106–107

Tissue Mâché (Maché de pañuelos de papel ) 98–99

Wallpaper Paste (Engrudo para empapelado) 94–95, 104–105

Working with Bread Doughs (Trabajos con masa de pan) 58–59


Materials Index


allspice 113, 125

alum 25, 89, 107

architectural dough 119–121

architectural icing 121–123


baking powder 111–113

baking soda 17, 111, 119, 125

balloon 29, 81, 95, 99

beach 75, 137

beach pebbles 75

blocks 151

board, for clay 151

Borax 139

bottle 29, 101

box 29, 75, 87, 121

bread dough, frozen 67

bread sticks 123

broth or bullion 117


cooking 65–67, 115

for sealant 65, 151

paint 107, 151

bucket 77, 99, 103, 135–137

butter 111–113, 119, 125


can 75, 121

candy 37, 113, 125

candy, decorations 37, 113

hard variety 125

cardamom 119

cardboard 51, 151

carrots 131

carving tools, nail 147

chalk 143

cheese 131

chicken broth 117

cinnamon 37, 67, 113, 119

cinnamon, oil of 105–107

clay 31, 49, 149–151

moist (or earth clay) 151

water base 149

cloth 21, 89, 105, 123

cloves 119

cloves, oil of 29, 97, 103


coffee can 75

coffee grounds 41

instant coffee 35

comics, funny papers 139

confectioners icing 113

cord, for beads 49, 61, 71

cornmeal 39, 117

cornstarch 17–19, 25, 33, 49, 145

corn syrup 119

cotton balls 43

cracked wheat 113, 151

crayon, chopped /grated 147

cream of tartar 23, 123

crêpe paper 53


decorating tube 121–123

dirt (for mud) 135

dried fruit 113

driftwood 77

dryer lint 29


eggs 65–67, 111–117, 123–125

plastic 139

eggshells 143

electric mixer 97, 103, 123

evaporated milk 31


flour 23, 27–53, 61, 65, 71, 103–107, 111–119, 125, 143

rye 117

whole wheat 69. 125

foil 35, 61, 65, 69, 75, 121–125

food coloring 17, 23–25, 33, 51, 63, 113, 123, 131, 139-

141, 145

frosting, canned 129

funnel, large opening 81


garlic press 37, 59

gauze 89

gelatin, unflavored 141

ginger (spice) 113, 119

glue 99

white 45–47, 59, 85, 93, 99, 101, 139

grass 135

green onions 131

greenware 151

graham crackers 123


hairpin 147

hamburger 131

hammer 151

honey 111, 119, 127

hose (garden) 135–137

~J –L~

lacquer 103 (see varnish, glaze, nail polish)

leaves 79. 135

lemon extract 123

lemon, grated peel 111

lint, dryer 29

liquid starch 99

liquid wax 151


margarine 111–113, 119, 125

marking pens, permanent 141

mayonnaise 31

milk 113, 117

evaporated 31

non-fat dry 117, 127

scalded 65

milk carton 99

small 85–87

modeling tools 87

molasses 119

mud 135


nail polish 17, 83, 151

napkins, paper 93

needle, thread 141

newspaper 29, 53, 95–99, 101–103, 151

nutmeg 113, 119


oatmeal 41

oil, vegetable 23, 33, 69

oil of cinnamon 105–107

oil of cloves 29, 97, 103

oil cloth 149–151

orange extract 123

orange, grated peel 111



any kind 17, 47–51, 55, 63, 79–85, 99–103, 151

tempera 17, 21, 79, 85, 97, 103, 151

tempera, dry/powdered 83

tempera, liquid 83

watercolors 21, 79

paper napkins, tissues,

bathroom tissue 93

paper clip 59, 75, 79

paper punch 141

paper towels 89, 143

paste, wallpaper 55, 95–97, 101, 105

peanut butter 127–129

pebbles 75–135

pencil 59

pie tin 79

pizza cutter 59

plaster of Paris 65, 73–89

poppy seeds 65

popsicle sticks 113

potato masher 131

potatoes 131

pulp, made of paper 103

pumpkin pie spice 113, 125

~Q –R~

ribbon 374

river shore (beach) 137

rock, smooth 143

rolling pin 151

rose petals 71


salt 19–23, 25, 31, 39, 49–53, 61, 65–71, 75–77, 111–119, 125

sand 25, 75–77, 135–137

sand table 77, 137

sandpaper 37, 87

sawdust 55, 97

sealant (see varnish, shellac, laquer, nail polish) 49

seeds 59

sequins 59. 141

sesame seeds 65

shampoo 47

sheet 89

shellac 53, 97, 103, 151

shells 59, 77

shoe polish 97, 101

shortening 113, 119

shovel 135

soap, bar 147

soap, grated or chopped 147

sour cream 125

spade 135

sprinkles, candy 65

starch 99

string 49, 65–67

sugar 27, 105–107, 111–115, 119

brown 113, 119, 125

confectioners or powdered 113, 123, 129

cubes 121


thread 141

tin can 79

tissues (Kleenex™ ) 93, 99

colored 99

facial 93

bathroom tissue 93

tongue depressor (popsicle

stick, craft stick) 107, 113

toothpicks 49, 59, 71

tree leaves 79

twigs 59

~U –V~

vanilla extract 111–113, 125

varnish (see other sealants) 35–37, 65, 151

vegetable oil 23, 33, 69

vermiculite 87


wallpaper 105

wallpaper paste 55, 95–97, 101, 105

water 17–45, 49–55, 61, 65–71, 75–89, 97, 101, 103–107, 111, 115–119, 123, 131, 135–147, 151

from cooked vegetables 117

water base clay 149

water table 145

wax paper 21, 61

wheat, cracked 117

whole wheat flour 69, 125

wire 53, 59

wire form 53

wood stain 97

~X –Y–Z~

yeast 65, 115–117
