
Please note that index links point to page beginnings from the print edition. Locations are approximate in e-readers, and you may need to page down one or more times after clicking a link to get to the indexed material.

0 (base period), 313

1,2,3 (future time periods), 313

26 CFR Regulations Section 20.2031-2(h), 429

29 CFR Part 2510, 275

101+ Practical Solutions for the Family Lawyer (Cohen), 391

Abbott, Ashok, 412

Above-grade room counts, 25

Absolute net leases, 143


in federal tax case valuations, 404

in industrial building appraisals, 167

in marital dissolution valuations, 483–484


accrual basis, 108, 307–308, 384

cash basis, 108, 307–308

for machinery/equipment, 196–200

Accounting firms, rules of thumb for, 392

Accrual basis accounting, 108, 307–308, 384

Acquisition cost, 207

Acquisition value, 270

Acreage properties, 30, 35–36

Active appreciation, 461–462

Active Wear, Inc. v. Parkdale Mills, Inc., 578n.26

Actual age, 24

Actual gross income, 101–103

Actual rent, 115

Ad valorem appraisals, 156

Adams v. United States, 414

ADDI&C, 418

Additions to residences, 34

Adequacy of consideration test, 430

Adequate knowledge, 400

Adjusted book value, 362, 363, 383

Adjusted net asset value (ANAV) method, 289–290, 383

example, 386–387

premises of value for adjustments in, 385–386

steps in, 384–385

Adjusted net worth method, 383

Adjusted sale prices, 30–31, 172–174


of balance sheet values, 385–386

in business valuations, 356, 385–386, 550

in commercial appraisals, 106–107

in ESOP valuations, 497–498

in industrial building appraisals, 158–160, 162–171

in land appraisals, 66–68

for operating company with real assets, 550

in single-family residential appraisals, 22–33, 38–39

Administrative rulings, value in, 276

Advanced Communication Design, Inc. v. Follett, 444

Advisory opinions (USPAP), 254


actual, 24

chronological, 164, 216

economic, 24, 164, 216

effective, 216

Age-life method, 216–217


buy-sell (see Buy-sell agreements)

noncompete, 390, 471, 477

Air-conditioning, 29

ALI (American Law Institute), 444

Ambiguity, in definitions of value, 276, 277

American Greetings, 366

American Law Institute (ALI), 444

American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), 85

American Society of Appraisers, 215, 270

Amstead Industries, Inc., 512–513

ANAV method (see Adjusted net asset value method)

Andaloro v. PFPC Worldwide, Inc., 589–590n.16

Anderson v. Anderson, 600n.66

Annualized expected rate of growth or decline, 339

Annuities, discounted present value of, 315

Annuity method, 100

Anticipation principle, 97

Apartment complexes:

actual gross income for, 101–103

effective gross income for, 105–107

excerpts of appraisals for, 113–118

expenses for, 111–112

potential gross income for, 103–105

Appliances, kitchen, 29


accounting depreciation and, 199

defined, 251

functions of, 50–53

hypothetical, 8

liquidation, 8–9

reading, 11–12, 293

retrospective, 8

scope of, 50–53, 255, 524–525

Appraisal development and reporting process, 53

Appraisal form, 60

Appraisal Foundation, 261

Appraisal theory, 1–6

approaches to value in, 3–6

in everyday life, 1–3

Appraisal values, 7–10


backup information from, 139

biases of, 1–2

certification of, 75–77, 255, 573–574

for charitable contributions, 420–421

contaminated property and liability of, 84

definitions of value from, 278–279

designation of, 78

education of, 78

independence of, 492–493

licensing of, 78

professional experience of, 77

qualifications of, 77–78, 401–402, 568–569

Appreciation, 421–422, 461–462

Approaches to value (see Valuation approaches)

Approval, for land use, 127–128

Area, 63–64, 177, 178

Arm’s-length negotiations, 377, 379

Arm’s-length transactions, 7, 404–405

Armstrong v. LaSalle Bank National Association, 512–513, 603n.8

Army Corps of Engineers, 83

Arneson v. Arneson, 478

Arsenic, 88

Arthur Young, 501–502

Asbestos, 88

Asking price (see Price)

Assemblage of assets, value as, 282, 385

Assessment information:

in land appraisals, 64–65

in single-family residential appraisals, 33–34

Asset buildup method (asset accumulation method), 383

Asset lists, 200–211

classifications for, 201–203

inventory on, 204

labels and nomenclature in, 207–210

in machinery and equipment appraisals, 195–196

noninventory supplies on, 203–204

process support equipment on, 204–205

reconciling, 200

source documents for, 206

Asset management, 547–548

Asset number, 207

Asset-based approach to business valuation, 383–388

about, 383

breakup value in, 387

conditions for use of, 387–388

defined, 287

discrete vs. collective revaluation in, 383–384

for ESOPs, 501

example of, 386–387

in federal tax cases, 407–409

in marital dissolution cases, 482

methods in, 289–290

of operating company with real assets, 520, 559–565

premises for adjusting balance sheet values in, 385–386

procedures in, 292

steps in, 384–385

Asset-based lending, 200, 206, 245


appreciation of, 461–462

current, 543, 561

intangible, 62, 271, 384

manufacturing, 146–148

marital, 461–466

nonoperating, 429–430, 500

off-balance sheet, 384–385

tangible, 383–384

in valuation of operating company, 542

value as assemblage of, 282, 385

Assets held, 561, 564

Assignment, description of, 522

Assumptions, 53–59, 255

ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials), 85

Audited statements, 295, 296

Audits, asset list, 196

Augoshe v. Lehman, 602n.79

Authorities on value, 273–279

Auto repair shops, 392

Averaging, 149, 373

Backup information, 139

Balance sheet(s):

adjusting values on, 385–386

in ANAV method, 384, 385

and book value, 270–271

defined, 293–294

market value-based, 385

time periods for data on, 363

in valuation of operating company with real assets, 532–535, 542–543

Ballas v. Ballas, 602n.81

Balsamides v. Protameen Chemicals, Inc., 445

Band of investment method, 100

Banks, mitigation, 83

Barton v. Barton, 599n.55

Base period (0), 313

Basements, 28, 30–31

Bathrooms, 25, 27

Bausano v. Bausano, 461

Bay width, 123, 165

Beauty salons, 392

Bedrooms, 25

Below-market sales of industrial buildings, 171–172

Bertuca v. Bertuca, 601n.66

Best use (see Highest and best use)

Beta, 334–336, 344

Biases, appraisers’, 1–2

Bishop, David, 459

Bizcomps, 381, 391–393, 396

Blockage, 267, 415

BNE Mass. Corp. v. Simms, 590n.20

Bobrow v. Bobrow, 468–469

Bohl v. Bohl, 601n.73

Boilerplate, 11

Book value:

adjusted, 362, 363, 383

on balance sheets, 293–294

defined, 196, 270–271

and depreciation, 197

of equity, 363

on financial statements, 297

of invested capital, 361–362, 373–374

of operating company with real assets, 542

per share, 298

tangible vs. total, 298

and weighted average cost of capital, 343

Borruso v. Communications Telesystems International, 449

Bowen v. Bowen, 479

Breakup method, 290

Breakup value, 387

“Bridging the Gap Between Public and Private Market Multiples” (Goeldner), 580n.6

Brooks & Larson, P.S., 474

Brown v. Arp and Hammond Hardware Co., 446

Brown v. Brown, 600n.64

Building residual technique, 100


commercial (see Commercial appraisals)

depreciation for, 197, 199

general-use, 121, 122, 129–130, 138

industrial, 119–126 (See also Industrial building appraisals)

measurements of, 122–123

residential (see Single-family residential appraisals)

special-use, 120–122, 130

Build-to-suit improvements, 144

Buildup method, 100

Buildup model, 329–333

Built-in gain tax liability, 564–565

Built-up method, 100

Bunkers v. Bunkers, 596n.32

Burden of proof, in federal tax cases, 402–403

Business Brokers Glossary, 272–273

Business Corporations Act, 275

Business property values, 163–164

The Business Reference Guide (Tom West), 391–393

Business valuation, 285–309

approaches to (see Valuation approaches)

and cash vs. accrual basis accounting, 307–308

economic income for, 299–306

expense concepts for, 299

financial statements for, 293–298

methods, 285–290, 308–309

net cash flow in, 306–307

procedures, 287, 290–292, 309

rules of thumb for, 389–396

terminology, 293

(See also specific topics)

Business valuation approach, 4

Business Valuation Directory (Business Valuation Resources), 382

Business Valuation Resources, 382

Buy, offers to, 379–380

Buyers, consideration for, 400–401

Buy-sell agreements:

defined, 472

in federal tax case valuations, 428–431

and goodwill, 470

in marital dissolution valuations, 472–477

in market approach to business valuation, 288–289, 380

procedures for valuations using, 292

Buzanell v. Miller, 601n.69

c (see Capitalization rate(s))

C1-C6 condition ratings, 16–17

Calculator method, 131–133

California, 92–93, 439

California Business and Professions Code, 471

California Corporations Code 2000, 279

Canada, fair market value in, 261, 443


earning, 466, 470–471, 484

of machinery/equipment, 179, 208–209


return on, 220

weighted average cost of, 313, 341–344

working, 298, 307, 543, 555

(See also Invested capital)

Capital asset pricing model (CAPM):

beta in, 334–336

and buildup model, 329

estimating discount rates with, 333–338

example of, 337–338

in federal tax cases, 408

size premium in, 337

specific company risk adjustment in, 337

Capital expenditures, 306, 555

Capital gains, trapped-in, 418–420, 450, 479–482

Capital recapture, 100

Capital structure, 297, 343, 356

Capitalization, 188, 196 (See also Direct capitalization)

Capitalization methods:

assumptions in, 314–315

capitalization of excess earnings method, 470

DCF method vs., 312

in income approach for business valuation, 288, 314–316

midyear discounting convention in, 347–349

yield capitalization method, 100, 287

Capitalization models:

constant growth, 322, 325–327, 340

constant income, 316–317

estimating terminal values with, 325–327

income capitalization growth model, 317–319

for operating company with real assets, 551

Capitalization rate(s) (c):

in capitalization method, 315–316

concept of, 338–339

defined, 288, 312, 314

determining, 99–100

and direct capitalization, 98–99

elements in, 339

estimating, 339–340

for industrial building appraisal, 154–156

from IRV formula, 5, 101

and market multiples, 369–371

mortgage equity, 109

and reserves for replacements, 111

in valuation approaches, 286

Capitalized cash flow models, 316–319

Capitalized equipment, 197, 206

Capitalized future economic method, 6

CAPM (see Capital asset pricing model)

Caracci v. Comm’r, 401–402

Carports, 29

Carter, Jimmy, 249

Case law:

definitions of value in, 277–278

on ESOP valuations, 499–513

on federal tax valuations, 397

intrinsic value in, 269–270

marketability and minority discounts in, 447

Cash, market value of invested capital and, 360

Cash basis accounting, 108, 307–308

Cash equivalent prices, 390–391

Cash equivalents, 360

Cash flow:

debt-free, 303, 361

gross, 302, 363

net, 306–307, 316, 344–346

owner’s, 300–301, 390

seller’s discretionary, 300–301, 390

Cash flow models:

capitalized, 316–319

discounted, 319–327, 559

in income approach for business valuation, 316–327

Cash flow to equity, 305–306, 552–555

Cash flow to invested capital, 304–305

Cash value, 261 (See also Fair market value)

Cavalier Oil v. Harnett, 445

Central Trust Company v. United States, 399, 400, 431–432

Certification (of appraiser):

in land appraisals, 75–77

for operating company with significant real assets, 573–574

USPAP on, 255

Champion v. Champion, 487

Chao v. Hall Holding Co., Inc., 507–509, 511

Charges, noncash, 299

Charitable contributions, 420–422

Charles S. Foltz v. U.S. News & World Report, Inc., 500–501

“Check the box” regulations, 589n.10

Chemical refineries, 120

Chronological age, 164, 216

City light views, 23

Class S construction, 175

Cleanup, contaminated property, 87, 89

Clear height, 122–123, 160

Clear span, 123

Closely held companies, fair market value for, 400–401

COGS (total cost of goods sold), 543–544

Cohen, Harriet, 391

Collateral, 200

Collection losses, 106, 141–142

Collective revaluation, 383–384

Collier v. Collier, 600n.65

Colorado, 445–446, 453, 454

Columbia Management Co. v. Wyss, 446

Commercial appraisals, 97–118

direct capitalization in, 98–108

excerpts from, 113–118

expenses in, 108–112

hypothetical, 8

income approach for, 97–118

Commercial loans, 251

Commercial property, 85, 482

Commercial value, 167–168

Common equity, 291–292, 296

Community property states, 471–472, 594n.4

CommutAir, 505–507

Company analysis, 526–549

Company background, 526

Company buyouts, 204

Company description, 523–524

Company headquarters, 124, 164

Company size risk adjustment, 558

Company source document list, 567–568

Company supplied costs, 136

Comparable company method, 288

Comparable properties:

adjusted sale prices of, 30–31, 172–174

industrial buildings as, 139

rental data from, 148–150

Comparable sales, 33, 163, 236–244

Comparable sales approach, 4

for commercial property, 116–118

and guideline transaction method, 288

(See also Sales comparison approach)

Comparative analysis, market multiples from, 371–373

Comparative sales approach, 353–357

Compensation, 299, 530

Competency, disclosure of, 59

Competitors, 527–528

Compiled statements, 295, 296

Compliance statement, 59–62

Compounding, 314

Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plans, 80

Concessions, 20, 21, 106–107, 144–145

Concrete floors, 123, 165

Concrete tilt-up buildings, 122

Concurrency, 42


in industrial building appraisals, 125, 164, 176

in machinery and equipment appraisals, 227–228

in single-family residential appraisals, 16–17, 24–25

Conditions of sale, 3–4, 66

Condominiums, 26

Conglomerates, 387

Connecticut, 483–484

Consideration, in ESOP valuations, 490–491

Constant growth capitalization model, 322, 325–327, 340

Constant income capitalization model, 316–317

Construction date, 176

Construction details, 179–184

Construction type, 122

Contaminated property, 79, 84–91

and appraiser liability, 84

cost to cure, 89

environmental assessment reports for, 85–87

with legal vs. illegal contamination, 90

stigma associated with, 89–90

types of, 84–85

Contamination, 88, 90

Continental Training Services, Inc., 504–505

Contingent conditions, statement of, 569–573

Contingent liabilities, 422

Contract rent, 102

Contractor profit, 136

Contracts, leaseback, 145–146

Contractual definitions of value, 275–276

Control premiums, 355

in ESOP valuations, 495–496, 500

in federal tax cases, 417

in shareholder/partner disputes, 447–450

Control value, 279, 280

Controlling interest valuations:

invested capital for, 355–356

in market approach to business valuation, 354–355

premises of value for, 283

sales as equity multiple for, 363

weighted average cost of capital in, 343

Controlling interests, lack of marketability discounts for, 413–414

Conway v. Conway, 594–595n.18


acquisition, 207

of capital (see Discount rate)

company supplied, 136

to cure contaminated property, 89

defined, 6, 7

direct, 135–136, 232

of equity, 556–558

excess operating, 214, 218–220

fast-track, 235

financing, 109

from green field, 136

indirect/soft, 134–135, 232–233

in industrial building appraisals, 134–137

of money, 248

reproduction, 137, 212–215

(See also Replacement costs)

Cost approaches (in general):

defined, 128, 228–229

uses of, 6

value formula for, 4

Cost approach to economic obsolescence, 220

Cost approach to industrial building appraisals, 128–137

in appraisal excerpt, 187, 188

appropriate use of, 129–130

costs included in, 134–137

data sources for, 130–131

methods in, 131–134

with special-use buildings, 121

Cost approach to machinery and equipment appraisals, 210–245

depreciation in, 212, 215–218

example of, 221–245

excess operating costs in, 218–220

reproduction and replacement cost in, 212–215

with sales comparison approach, 221–245

and technological obsolescence, 215

Cost centers, 207

Cost new, 187, 215

Cost of Capital Yearbook and Quarterly Updates (Morningstar), 336, 343

Cost segregation studies, 109, 205

Cost structures, 363

Costing services, 130–131

Cost-to-cure method, 217–218

Court opinions:

definitions of value in, 277–278

on rules of thumb, 394–395

Covenants not to compete (noncompete agreements), 390, 471, 477

Cowardin, L. M., 82

Craigslist, 104, 114, 115

Crane capacity, 179

Crescent/Mach I Partnership, L.P. v. Turner, 590n.16

Crosetto v. Crosetto, 602n.80

Current assets, 561

Current liabilities, 543

Current use, in industrial building appraisals, 176

Custom-built homes, 24

Customers, in business valuation, 526–527

Customized machines, 209

Cutsinger v. Cutsinger, 599n.57

d (see Debt)

D (dividends), 312, 363

Damage, severance, 94

Data, industrial building appraisal, 130–131, 138–139


construction, 176

effective, 254–255

of report, 53, 254–255

of sale, 21–22

valuation, 423–424, 462

Daylight basements, 28

DCF method (see Discounted cash flow method)

Debt (d):

changes in, 307

in income approach, 313

long-term, 543

and net cash flow, 307

pretax, 313

and weighted average cost of capital, 343

Debt collection loss, 106, 141–142

Debt management, 546–547

Debt-free cash flow (DFCF), 303, 361

Debt-free net income (DFNI), 302, 361

Decks, 29

Decline, annualized expected rate of, 339

Declining markets, land values in, 42–43

Deductions (Summary Appraisal Report), 61

Default withdrawal and dissolution provisions, 589n.10

Deferred maintenance, 179

Deffenbaugh v. Deffenbaugh, 595n.18


control premiums in, 447–449

discounts in, 445

entire fairness concept in, 450–453

minority shareholder oppression in, 437

shareholder dispute litigation in, 440–441

strategic buyer valuation in, 443

Delaware Block Method, 440–443

Dental practices, 392

Department of Labor (DOL), 275, 491, 495–496, 499

Departures from Standard 1 (USPAP), 255

Depository institutions, 247


accounting, 196–199

applying, 215–218

for buildings, 197, 199

in commercial appraisals, 109–110

in cost approach, 4, 128–129, 212–218, 220

defined, 212

in industrial building appraisals, 128–129, 131

in machinery and equipment appraisals, 212–218, 220, 233

and obsolescence, 128–129

order of, 218

physical, 128, 213–214, 218–219, 233

straight-line, 197, 198

in valuation of operating company with real assets, 542

Design, residence, 23

Designation, appraiser’s, 78

Desmond, Glenn, 389

DFCF (debt-free cash flow), 303, 361

DFNI (debt-free net income), 302, 361

Diluted net income per share, 304

Dimensions, industrial building, 177

Direct capitalization:

and capitalization in business valuation, 288

in commercial appraisals, 98–108

concept of, 98–99

defined, 98, 151

effective gross income in, 105–107

formula for, 101

income factor in, 101–105

and income information accuracy, 107–108

in industrial building appraisals, 122, 151–154

methods of determining capitalization rate, 99–100

Direct costs, 135–136, 232

Direct dollar method, 217–218

Disaggregation method, 290


of competency, 59

of gifts, 403–404

in land appraisals, 59–62

Discount rate(s) (k), 327–338

from buildup model, 329–333

from capital asset pricing model, 333–338

and capitalization rate, 339

concept of, 327–328

defined, 247, 287, 312–314

estimating, 329–338

for fixed-income securities, 329

for operating company with real assets, 555–559

risk-free rate and premium for risk in, 328

Discounted cash flow (DCF) method, 6, 287

capitalization vs., 312

in federal tax cases, 408

prevalence of, 311

in shareholder and partner disputes, 442

(See also Discounting)

Discounted cash flow models, 319–327

for limited life investments, 319–321

and methods of estimating terminal values, 325–327

for operating company with real assets, 559

with terminal values, 321–325

Discounted economic income method, 6, 552

Discounting, 314

Discounting method:

DCF method vs., 312

in income approach to business valuation, 287, 313–314

midyear discounting convention in, 349–350

for operating company with real assets, 551


blockage, 415

in ESOP valuations, 495–497

in federal tax case valuations, 409–417

for 50 percent interest, 413

fundamental, 373

key person, 415–416

in marital dissolution valuations, 478–479

marketability, 355, 409–414, 478–479, 496–497

minority interest, 355, 412–415, 478–479, 495–496

for nonvoting stock, 416–417

in shareholder and partner dispute valuations, 443–447, 450

in Summary Appraisal Report, 61

for trapped-in capital gains, 418–420

Discrete revaluation, 383–384

Discretionary earnings, 300–301, 361, 390

Dispersions, of market multiples, 374

Dissenters’ rights actions:

control premiums in, 449

discounts in, 445, 446

state precedents on, 454

timeliness of actions in, 455

Dissenting stockholder statutes, 437

Dissenting stockholder suits:

Delaware Block method for, 440–442

investment value in, 268, 441

market value and fair value in, 380, 439–441

strategic buyer valuation in, 443

Dissolution statutes, 264

Distressed sales, 7

Dividends (D), 312, 363

Divorce, valuations for (see Marital dissolution valuations)

Doft & Co. v., Inc., 449

DOL (see Department of Labor)

Donahue v. Donahue, 599n.57

Donahue v. Rodd Electrotype Co., 438

Done Deals, 381

Double net leases (net net leases), 142

Double-dipping, 471–472, 484–487

Dry fire prevention sprinklers, 125

Due diligence, in ESOP valuations, 503

Duff & Phelps, 331, 338, 345

Duff & Phelps Risk Premium Report, 331

Dugan v. Dugan, 464

Dunn v. Dunn, 602n.81

e (see Equity)

E (expected economic income), 312

Early suppression fast response (ESFR) systems, 125

Earning capacity, 466, 470–471, 484


in business valuation, 299

discretionary, 300–301, 361, 390

Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization (EBITDA), 301, 326, 361

Earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT), 301, 326, 361

Earnings power, 520

Eave height, 122

EBIT (see Earnings before interest and taxes)

EBITDA (see Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization)

Economic age, 24, 164, 216

Economic income, 6, 299–306, 312, 552

Economic life, 216–217

Economic obsolescence (external obsolescence):

cost approach to, 220

defined, 233

and excess operating costs, 219–220

in industrial building appraisals, 129, 137

in machinery and equipment appraisals, 214–215, 233

sales comparison approach to, 219–220

Economic outlook, 549

Economic rent (market rent), 103, 115, 154–156

EDGAR (Electronic Data Gathering and Retrieval) system, 359, 382

Education (of appraiser), 78

Effective age, 216

Effective date, 254–255

Effective gross income (EGI), 105–107

Effective gross income multiplier (EGIM), 150–151

Eisenberg v. Comm’r, 418

Electrical power, superadequacies in, 147–148, 166

Electronic Data Gathering and Retrieval (EDGAR) system, 359, 382

Emergency Wetlands Resource Act of 1986, 80–81

Eminent domain, 79, 91–96

defined, 91–92

“larger parcel” for, 93–96

rules regarding, 92–93

Employee benefit plan expenses, 497

Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA), 274, 490–491, 511, 513

Employee stock ownership plan (ESOP) valuations, 489–514

adequate consideration in, 490–491

case law on, 499–513

control premiums/minority interest discounts in, 495–496

DOL definitions of value for, 275

financial statement adjustments for, 497–498

independence of appraiser for, 492–493

IRS audit guidelines on, 493–495

lack of marketability discounts in, 496–497

prevalence of, 513–514

and repurchase liability, 498–499

requirement for, 491–492

Employee stock ownership plans (ESOPs), 489–490

Employees, in business valuation, 529–530

Energy-efficient items, 29

English v. Atromick Int’l, Inc., 592n.41

Enhanced earning capacity, 471

Enterprise goodwill (practice goodwill), 462–463, 468–469

Enterprise value, 271–272

Entire fairness, 450–453

Entrepreneurial profit, 135–136, 187

Entry price, 265

Environmental assessment reports, 85–87

Environmental issues, 42, 79 (See also specific issues)

Environmental liabilities, 422

Environmental regulations, economic obsolescence and, 214–215


accounting principles for, 196–200

capitalized, 197, 198, 206

descriptions of, 207, 223–227

expensed, 200

for operating company with real assets, 564

valuation of, 223–245

(See also Machinery and equipment appraisals)


capitalization rates for, 339–340

discount rates for, 329–338

Equity (e):

adjusted book value of, 363

common, 291–292, 296

cost of, 556–558

defined, 292

gross cash flow to, 302

in income approach to business valuation, 313

net cash flow to, 305–306, 552–555

valuation of invested capital vs., 291–292, 340–344, 355–356, 552

in valuation of operating company with real assets, 543

Equity multiples, 362–363, 369, 375–378

Equity procedure, 551

Equity risk premium, 330–331, 336, 557

ERISA (see Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974)

Ernst & Young, 468–469

Escalators, lease, 154

ESFR (early suppression fast response) systems, 125

ESOP Association, 517

ESOP valuations (see Employee stock ownership plan valuations)

ESOPs (employee stock ownership plans), 489–490

Estate of Adams v. Comm’r, 415

Estate of Bennett, 404–405, 414

Estate of Berg, 401

Estate of Blount v. Comm’r, 429

Estate of Borgatello v. Comm’r, 419

Estate of Brookshire, 406

Estate of Bruce v. Comm’r, 404

Estate of Cidulka, 426–427

Estate of Cloutier, 413

Estate of Davis v. Comm’r, 418, 585n.100

Estate of Dunn v. Comm’r, 419, 432–433

Estate of Fleming v. Comm’r, 413

Estate of Freeman v. Comm’r, 587n.150

Estate of Furman v. Comm’r, 416

Estate of Gallo, 365, 407, 410

Estate of Gimbel v. Comm’r, 411

Estate of Green v. Comm’r, 414

Estate of Hall, 366, 407, 410

Estate of Heck v. Comm’r, 407

Estate of Jameson v. Comm’r, 408–409

Estate of Jelke v. Comm’r, 410, 414, 419

Estate of Josephine Thompson v. Comm’r, 402, 403

Estate of Jung, 424–426

Estate of Kaufman v. Comm’r, 405

Estate of Klauss v. Comm’r, 422

Estate of Lauder v. Comm’r (Lauder II), 429–430

Estate of Lehmann v. Comm’r, 408

Estate of Leichter v. Comm’r, 406

Estate of Maggos v. Comm’r, 417

Estate of Mitchell v. Comm’r, 416, 422

Estate of Mueller v. Comm’r, 431

Estate of Noble v. Comm’r, 423–424

Estate of Renier v. Comm’r, 416

Estate of Simplot, 417, 419

Estate of Smith v. Comm’r, 587n.150

Estate of Thompson v. Comm’r, 401, 414

Estate of Trompeter v. Comm’r, 428

Estate of True v. Comm’r, 430

Estate of Watts, 407–408

Estate of Welch v. Comm’r, 419

Estate of Wright v. Comm’r, 417

Estate taxes, 398

Estimated useful life, 209

Estimated value, industrial building, 131–134


of capitalization rates, 338–340

of discount rates, 327–338

of terminal values, 325–327

Estuarine wetlands, 82

Evidence, adequacy of, 483

Ex situ remediation, 87

Excess earnings method, 290

defined, 384

economic income levels in, 303, 306

in marital dissolution cases, 470, 484

procedures in, 292

valuing goodwill with, 470

Excess land (surplus land), 158–160

Excess operating costs, 214, 218–220

Exchange, value in, 9

Executive summary(-ies), 11–12, 48

Exit price, 265

Expected economic income (E), 312

Expected growth, 370–371

Expenditures, capital, 306, 555


accuracy of information about, 107

for business valuation, 299

with changing use of land, 127–128

in commercial appraisals, 108–112, 114

employee benefit plan, 497

in industrial building appraisals, 140–148

maintenance, 146, 153

management, 110

operating, 142–143, 544

on operating statements, 108–110

property tax, 146

reserves for replacements, 110–111

in Summary Appraisal Report, 60

Expensing, 196, 200

Expert evidence, 483

Exposure time, 9–10, 64, 186

External obsolescence (see Economic obsolescence)

Extraordinary circumstances, 444–445

Eyler, Gary L., 504–505

Face value, 273, 390

Fair cash value, 592n.41

Fair market value:

defined, 260–262

and depreciation, 199

for eminent domain takings, 92–93

in ESOP valuations, 491, 494

and estate/gift taxes, 398

estimation of, 262

fair value vs., 266

in federal tax case valuations, 398–401

and goodwill, 467

and intrinsic value, 269–270

investment value vs., 267

in marital dissolution valuations, 458–461, 467

of operating company with real assets, 523

premises of value under, 282–283

and rules of thumb, 391

tax court standards on, 399

Fair value:

defined, 262–267

for financial reporting, 264–267

in IFRS 3, 578n.16

in shareholder/partner disputes, 437, 439–440, 444–446, 453–454

under state statutes, 262–264

Fair value standard, 263


entire, 450–453

procedural, 450, 451

substantive, 450, 451

Family law courts:

covenants not to compete in, 477

double-dipping in valuations for, 484

fair value standard in, 458, 459

market value of goodwill paradox in, 472

trapped-in capital gains in, 479–480

Family limited partnerships, 409

Fannie Mae (Federal National Mortgage Association), 13, 14

Fannie Mae Form 1004:

abbreviations for, 18

about, 13–14

above-grade room count on, 25

actual age on, 24

adjusted sale prices of comparable properties on, 30–31

basement and finished rooms below grade on, 28

condition on, 16–17, 24–25

date of sale on, 21–22

design/style on, 23

energy-efficient items on, 29

fireplaces/woodstoves on, 29

functional utility on, 28

garages/carports on, 29

gross living area on, 26–28

heating and cooling systems on, 28–29

kitchen equipment on, 29

location and proximity on, 17, 19–20

outbuildings on, 29–30

porches, patios, and decks on, 29

quality of construction on, 15, 23–24

sales and financing concessions on, 20–21

site on, 22

view on, 23

FASB (Financial Accounting Standards Board), 264–267

Fast-food franchises, 393

Fast-track costs, 235

Federal funds rate, 247

Federal government, eminent domain rules of, 92, 93

Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (Freddie Mac), 13, 14

Federal Housing Administration (FHA), 20, 251

Federal Housing Finance Agency (FFHA), 14

Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae), 13, 14

Federal Reserve Bank, 248

Federal statutes, value in, 274

Federal tax case valuations, 397–433

access to sites, management, and records for, 404

appraiser qualifications in, 401–402

approaches to value in, 405–409

arm’s-length transactions in, 404–405

burden of proof in, 402–403

buy-sell agreements in, 428–431

charitable contributions in, 420–422

contingent liabilities in, 422

disclosure of gifts in, 403–404

discounts in, 409–417

fair market value in, 398–401

premiums in, 417

and pressure to settle tax disputes, 433

subsequent events and information in, 423–428

trapped-in capital gains in, 418–420

weighting of valuation results in, 431–433

Fee simple sales, 161–162

FFHA (Federal Housing Finance Agency), 14

FHA (Federal Housing Administration), 20, 251

Fiduciaries, in ESOP valuations, 502, 503

Fifth Amendment, 92

Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB), 264–267

Financial information, in federal tax valuations, 423–424

Financial ratio analysis, 544–548

Financial reporting, fair value for, 264–267

Financial statements:

for business valuation, 293–298, 531–541

and ESOP valuations, 497–498

interim, 294

levels of preparation for, 295, 296

time periods for data on, 363–364

(See also specific statements)

Financially feasible (criteria), 10, 126

Financing concessions, 20

Financing costs, 109

Financing terms, 65, 162

Finish details, in industrial building appraisals, 179–184

Finished rooms below grade, 28

Fire prevention sprinklers, 125

Fire sprinklered area, 178

Fireplaces, 29

Fixed asset list, 195 (See also Asset list)

Fixed-income securities, 329

“Fixer-uppers” (fixers), 25

Fixtures, in land appraisals, 62

Flex spaces, 126, 127, 141–142, 169–170

Floors, industrial building, 123, 165, 176

Florida, 264, 440

FO (see Functional obsolescence)

Forced liquidation, value as, 8, 282, 386

Forecast periods, 324–325

Form 71A (Freddie Mac), 111–112

Form 1004 (see Fannie Mae Form 1004)

Form 5500 (IRS), 493

Fred Weber, 447–448

Freddie Mac (Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation), 13, 14

Freddie Mac Form 71A, 111–112

Frederick’s of Hollywood, 415

Free cash flow to equity, 305–306

Free rentals, 106

Freeway access, 167

From green field (costs), 136

Frontage, industrial buildings’, 168

Functional obsolescence (FO):

defined, 185, 214, 233

and excess operating costs, 219

income approach to, 219

in industrial building appraisals, 128–129, 148, 185

in machinery and equipment appraisals, 214, 233

technological vs., 215

Functional problems, industrial buildings with, 126, 167

Functional utility, 28, 179, 185

Fundamental analysis, 268–269

Fundamental discounts, 373

Fundamental value, 268–270

Fundamentals of Industrial Valuation, 234

Future time periods (1,2,3), 313

g (see Growth)

GAAP (see Generally accepted accounting principles)

Garages, 29

Gary L. Eyler v. Commissioner, 504–505

Gaskill v. Robbins, 596n.32

General equity risk premium, 557

General ledger, reconciling asset list to, 200

Generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP), 196, 263, 307

General-use buildings, 121, 122, 129–130, 138

General-use properties, 119

Georgia, 455

Gesoff v. IIC Industries, Inc., 452–453

Gholl v. eMachines, Inc., 589n.16

Gift taxes, 398, 403–404

Gifts, disclosure of, 403–404

GIM (gross income multiplier), 150–151

Goeldner, Richard W., II, 580n.6

Going concerns, 9, 204, 205

Going-concern premise:

adjusting balance sheet values on, 385

ANAV method on, 289

in federal tax cases, 406

in industrial building valuations, 163–164

in marital dissolution valuations, 461

Going-concern value, 271, 282, 470, 523

Golden v. Golden, 594n.4

Goldman Financial Group, Inc., 508


distinguishing personal from enterprise, 468–469

and double-dipping, 471–472

and earning capacity, 466, 470–471

enterprise, 462–463, 468–469

as marital asset, 463–468

in marital dissolution valuations, 460–472

methods for valuing, 469–470

and noncompete agreements, 471

personal, 462–463, 468–469, 484

proof of existence of, 466–467

and rules of thumb for valuation, 394

Gordon, Noah J., 581n.1

Gordon growth model:

equity capitalization rates from, 340

midyear convention for, 348–349

modified, 350

present value from, 317–319

terminal value from, 322

Government approval, for land use, 127–128

Government incentives, 168–169

Government policies:

and property values, 247–251

on wetlands, 80–81

Government regulations, land appraisals and, 42

Graham v. Graham, 464

Great Utilities Doctrine, 418

GRM (gross rent multiplier), 150–151

Grocery stores, 393

Gross adjustment, 30

Gross cash flow, 302, 363

Gross income, 152

actual, 101–103

effective, 105–107

potential, 103–105

Gross income multiplier (GIM), 150–151

Gross leases, 142

Gross living area, 26–28, 33–34

Gross rent multiplier (GRM), 150–151

Ground floor area, 177

Groundwater, contaminated, 88

Groundwater sampling, 86

Growth (g):

annualized expected rate of, 339

and capitalization rate, 339, 340

constant growth capitalization model, 322, 325–327, 340

expected, 370–371

in income approach to business valuation, 312

income capitalization growth model, 317–319

and market multiples, 370–371

(See also Gordon growth model)

Guideline companies:

market multiples relative to, 373–374

number of, 366

sales of publicly traded, 356–357

selection of, 364–366

source data on, 358–359

and specific company risk adjustment, 332

time periods for financial statement data of, 363–364

weights for WACC from, 344

Guideline company method, 406–407

Guideline public companies, 358–359, 363–364

Guideline public company method, 288, 415

Guideline transaction method, 288

Hall Chemical Co., 508

Hallmark, 366, 407

Hanson v. Hanson, 464, 473, 600n.64

Hayes v. Omstead & Associates, Inc., 446

Heated floor space, 177

Heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems, 123–124, 165–166

Heating and cooling systems, 28–29

Heavy industrial use zoning, 168


clear, 122–123, 160

eave, 122

ridge, 122

as superadequacy, 128–129, 147, 148

wall, 178

Held v. Held, 597n.45

Henry v. Champlain Enterprises, 505–507

Herron v. Herron, 598n.51

Hertz v. Hertz, 473

Hess v. Comm’r, 405, 407, 415, 432

Highest and best use:

defined, 10–11

in industrial building appraisals, 126–128, 186

USPAP on, 255

High-value homes, 31, 36–39

Hintmann v. Weber, 447

History, machinery/equipment, 209

H&L Investments, 480

Holbrook v. Holbrook, 465, 473, 597n.39

Hold harmless clauses, 91

Holding companies, 408–409, 447–448

Horizon risk, 330

Houlihan, Lokey, Howard, & Zukin, 506, 510, 511

Hoverson v. Hoverson, 461

Howard v. Shay, 501–502

Hutchens Non-Marital Trust v. Comm’r, 430–431

HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning) systems, 123–124, 165–166

Hybrid companies, 405

Hybrid method (see Excess earnings method)

Hybrid premise, ANAV on, 289–290

Hydric soils, 81

Hydrology, 81

Hydrophytic vegetation, 81

Hypothetical appraisals, 8

Hypothetical buyers, 401

Hypothetical conditions, USPAP on, 255

Hypothetical sellers, 401

IBA Market Database, 381, 391, 396

IFRS 3, 578n.16

Illegal contamination, 90


fair value in, 264, 440

shareholder and partner disputes in, 438, 440, 444


build-to-suit, 144

to general-use buildings, 121

in industrial building appraisals, 125, 163, 164, 167

modifications to comparable sales for, 163

yard, 125, 167

In re Marriage of Belt, 478–479

In re Marriage of Bidwell, 602n.81

In re Marriage of Czapar, 601n.69

In re Marriage of Fleege, 460, 464–465, 473

In re Marriage of Herlitzke, 598n.51

In re Marriage of Hoak, 479

In re Marriage of Jorgensen, 478

In re Marriage of Keener, 602n.79

In re Marriage of Monaghan, 597n.45, 599n.57

In re Marriage of Ondrasek, 473

In re Marriage of Reiling, 479

In re Marriage of Slater, 474

In re Matter of Overbey, 598n.50

In re PNB Holding Co., 590n.16

In re United States Cellular Operating Co., 590n.16

In re Valuation of Common Stock of McLoon Oil Co., 590n.20

In situ remediation, 87

Incentives, government, 168–169


accuracy of information about, 103, 107–108

in business valuation, 299

constant income capitalization model, 316–317

debt-free net, 302

in direct capitalization method, 151, 152

discounted cash flow models and projections of, 325

economic, 6, 299–306, 312, 552

from IRV formula, 5, 101

net operating, 101, 152

from operations, 544

pretax, 303, 363

(See also Gross income; Net income)

Income, rate, value (IRV) formula, 5, 101, 151

Income approaches (in general):

defined, 229

uses of, 5–6

value formula for, 4–5

Income approach to business valuation, 311–350

capitalization in, 314–316

capitalized cash flow models in, 316–319

defined, 287

discounted cash flow models in, 319–327

discounting in, 313–314

economic income levels in, 304–306

estimating capitalization rates for, 338–340

estimating discount rates for, 327–338

in federal tax cases, 408

independence of, 345–346

invested capital vs. equity in, 340–344

in marital dissolution cases, 482, 484

methods in, 287–288

midyear discounting convention in, 346–350

net cash flow in, 344–346

notations for, 312–313

for operating company with significant real assets, 550–559

procedures in, 292

Income approach to commercial appraisals, 97–118

about, 97–98

apartment complex example, 113–118

direct capitalization in, 98–108

expenses in, 108–112

Income approach to functional obsolescence, 219

Income approach to industrial building appraisals, 119, 137–160

in appraisal excerpt, 188–189

data analysis in, 150–160

data sources for, 138–139

expenses in, 140–148

with general-use buildings, 121–122

possible data problems in, 139

rental data in, 148–150

Income approach to land appraisals, 41, 156–160

Income approach to machinery and equipment appraisals, 195

Income approach to single-family residential appraisals, 39

Income capitalization approach, 4–5

Income capitalization growth model, 317–319

Income factor (direct capitalization), 101–105

Income multipliers, 150–151

Income shortfall analysis, 220

Income statements:

in business valuation example, 543–544

defined, 294

ESOP adjustments to, 497–498

of operating company with real assets, 536–539

Income taxes, 109–110

Increasing markets, land values in, 43–44


of appraisers, 492–493

in ESOP valuations, 503

of income approach, 345–346

Indirect costs, 134–135, 232–233

Individual permits for wetlands development, 82

Industrial building appraisals, 119–194

avoiding bias in, 2

cost approach for, 128–137

excerpts from, 175–194

highest and best use market analysis in, 126–128

income approach for, 137–160

real property valuation example, 175–187

sales comparison approach for, 160–174

valuation methods for, 121–122, 187–191

value in use for, 9

Industrial buildings:

categories of, 119–121

characteristics of, 122–126

Industrial parks, 143–144

Industrial properties, contamination of, 84–85

Industrial use, 168

Industry outlook, 120, 549

Industry overview, 221–222

Industry risk premiums, 332

Inflation, discount rate and, 328

Initial public offerings (IPOs), 504–505

Initial reviews (environmental assessments), 85–86

Insulation, industrial building, 123


key man, 476–477

nonoperating assets and proceeds from, 429–430

and triple net leases, 143

Insurance appraisals, 156

Intangible assets, 62, 271, 384

Integra rating analysis, 540–541

Intended use (of analysis), 52, 254, 523

Intended users (of analysis), 254, 523

Interest rate risk, 330

Interest rates, 100, 247–251

Interest valued, 53

Interim financial statements, 294

Internal Revenue Code (IRC):

on appraiser independence, 492–493

on burden of proof, 403

on buy-sell agreements, 429

on charitable contributions, 420

definitions of value in, 274

ESOPs in, 490, 492–493

Section 754 elections, 420

Internal Revenue Manual (IRM), 493

Internal Revenue Service (IRS):

audit guidelines of, 493–495

burden of proof on, 402–403

definitions of value from, 276, 278

depreciation guidelines of, 197, 199

on disclosure of gifts, 403–404

ERISA enforcement by, 491

on fair market value, 398–399

on guideline company selection, 364–365

monitoring of ESOPs by, 499

pressure to settle tax disputes on, 433

(See also specific Revenue Rulings)

International Business Brokers Association, 272–273

Intrinsic value, 268–270

Inutility, 214

Inventory, 196, 204

Invested capital:

book value of, 361–362, 373–374

cash flow to, 304–305

earned income levels and, 301–302

on financial statements, 296–297

market value of, 355, 360, 373–374

net cash flow to, 304–305

return on, 373–374

total, 355–356

valuation of equity vs., 291–292, 340–344, 355–356, 552

Invested capital multiples, 360–362, 368, 375–377

Investment value:

defined, 267–268

in Delaware Block Method, 441

in marital dissolution valuations, 458–459

in shareholder and partner disputes, 442

and strategic/synergistic value, 272

Iowa, 445, 449–450

IPOs (initial public offerings), 504–505

IPR&D, 578n.23

IRC (see Internal Revenue Code)

IRM (Internal Revenue Manual), 493

IRS (see Internal Revenue Service)

IRS Form 5500, 493

IRV formula (see Income, rate, value formula)

Iterative processes, 344

Jacobs, Jack B., 451

Jahn v. Kinderman, 444

Johnston v. Johnston, 599n.57

Jumbo industrial buildings, 170–171

Jung Corp., 424–426

k (see Discount rate(s))

Kaiser v. Kaiser, 601n.69

Kansas, 446

Kapp v. Kapp, 600–601n.66, 600n.65

Keach v. U.S. Trust Co, 509–511

Keane v. Keane, 487

Key employee compensation, 530

Key person discounts, 415–416

Key persons, buy-sell agreements involving, 476–477

Kitchen equipment, 29

Known and knowable financial information, 423

Kohler, Frederic C., 402

Kohler v. Comm’r, 401–404

Kricsfeld v. Kricsfeld, 597n.45

Kroy, Inc., 503–504

Lack of control discounts, 444–447 (See also Minority interest discounts)

Lack of marketability discounts (see Marketability discounts)

Lacustrine wetlands, 82


approval for change of use in, 127–128

excess/surplus, 158–160

highest and best use analysis of, 126–127

leased, 41

prime, 42

Land and Water Conservation Fund, 80

Land appraisals, 41–96

complex valuation issues in, 41–42

for contaminated property, 84–91

and eminent domain, 91–96

market influence on, 42–44

summary report example, 45–78

with wetlands, 79–84

Land residual technique, 100

Land to structure ratio, 159–160

Land values:

in increasing markets, 43–44

from industrial building appraisals, 156–158

Larger parcel requirement, 93–96

Laro, David, 262, 397, 400, 431

Las Vegas Dodge, Inc. v. U.S., 501

Last period (n), 313

Lauder II test, 430

Lawson Mardon Wheaton, Inc. v. Smith, 445, 593n.60

Lawsuits, 422

Lawyers, definitions of value from, 278–279

Leaseback contracts, 145–146

Leased land, 41


and buildings as comparables, 139

capitalization rates for buildings from, 154

gross, 142

of industrial buildings, 139, 142–145, 153

in potential gross income, 104–105

types of, 142–145

(See also Net leases)

Legal contamination, 90

Legal description, 60–61

Legal precedents:

on marital dissolution valuations, 480–481

on shareholder and partner disputes, 454

on value, 277, 278

Legally binding rules and regulations, value in, 275

Legally permissible (criteria), 10, 126

Lending, asset-based, 200, 206, 245

Levels of value, 279–281

Liabilities held, 564–565


built-in gain tax, 564–565

for contaminated property, 84

contingent, 422

current, 543

environmental, 422

off-balance sheet, 384–385

repurchase, 498–499

in valuation of operating company with real assets, 543

Licensing (of appraiser), 78


economic, 216–217

estimated useful, 209

Light industrial use, zoning for, 168

Limited liability companies (LLCs), 589n.10

Limited life investments, 319–321

Limited partnerships, 409, 415

Limiting conditions:

hold harmless clauses in, 91

in land appraisal example, 53–59

for operating company with real assets, 569–573

USPAP requirement on, 255

Line of business, guideline company’s, 365

Liquidation premise, 8–9

adjusting balance sheet values on, 385

ANAV method on, 289

in federal tax cases, 406

marital dissolution valuations on, 461

Liquidation value, 8, 272, 282, 386

Liquidity, 412

Liquidity ratios, 546

Listing to sale adjustments, 36

Lists of exhibits, 566–567

Litman v. United States, 410–411

Living area, 26–28

LLCs (limited liability companies), 589n.10

Loading docks (loading facilities), 123, 165, 179


commercial, 251

interest rates and, 247–248, 250–251

monthly payments on, 248–249

real estate, 247–249, 251

“upside down” in, 251


in industrial building appraisals, 167

in single-family residential appraisals, 17, 19–20

Location maps, 19–20

Longstaff, Francis, 412

Long-term debt, 543

LoopNet, 138

Lopez v. Lopez, 463–464


debt collection, 106, 141–142

vacancy, 140–141

Lot size, 22

Lucas v. Lucas, 599n.57

Mace v. Mace, 602n.81


accounting principles for, 196–200

descriptions of, 207, 223–227

valuation of, 223–245

Machinery and equipment appraisals, 195–245

and accounting principles for machinery/equipment, 196–200

asset lists for, 195–196, 201–210

cost approach for, 210–245

excerpts of, 221–245

industry overview in, 221–222

liquidation, 9

machinery and equipment valuation in, 223–245

sales comparison approach for, 221–245

Maine, 449


deferred, 179

level of, 210

records of, 213–214

Maintenance expenses, 146, 153

Maler, R. Kevin, 588n.3

Management (managers), 404, 528–529

Management expenses, 110

Management structure, 529

Manufacturers, 171–172, 208

Manufacturing assets, 146–148

Manufacturing space, 124, 164

Maps, 19–20, 49–50

Marine wetlands, 82

Marital assets:

appreciation of premarital assets as, 461–462

goodwill as, 463–466

Marital dissolution valuations, 457–487

access to records for, 483–484

adequacy of evidence for, 483

appreciation of assets in, 461–462

asset-based business valuations in, 388

buy-sell agreements in, 472–477

and covenants not to compete, 477

double-dipping in, 484–487

going-concern value in, 271

goodwill in, 462–472

investment value in, 267–268

minority and marketability discounts in, 478–479

premise of value for, 461

retrospective appraisals for, 8

rules of thumb in, 394

standard of value for, 457–461

trapped-in capital gains in, 479–482

valuation date for, 462

Market analysis:

highest and best use, 126–128

in industrial building appraisals, 126–128

Market approach to business valuation, 353–382

with alternative definitions of market value, 380

and arm’s-length negotiations, 377, 379

and buy-sell agreements, 380

capitalization procedure in, 316

comparative sales approach vs., 353–357

data sources for, 357–359

defined, 287

economic income levels in, 300–303

example of, 375–378

in federal tax cases, 406–408

guideline companies for, 364–366

in marital dissolution cases, 484

market multiples in, 359–364, 366–374

methods in, 288–289

and net cash flow, 345–346

and offers to buy, 379–380

for operating company with real assets, 550

and prior transactions, 379

procedures in, 292

relative weights for multiples in, 374

and rules of thumb, 389

and specific company risk adjustment, 332

subject companies in observed ranges in, 366–374

and weights for WACC, 344

Market conditions, 42–44, 66

Market data approach, 4, 6 (See also Sales comparison approach)

Market exposure, 60

Market extraction method:

for commercial appraisals, 99–100

for industrial building appraisals, 154–156

for machinery and equipment appraisals, 215, 216

Market multiples:

and capitalization rates, 369–371

for direct value of equity, 355

equity, 362–363

estimating terminal values from, 325–327

invested capital, 360–362

in market approach for business valuation, 359–364, 366–374

relative to guideline companies, 373–374

relative weights for, 374

selection of, 371–373

and time periods for financial statement data, 363–364

Market rent (economic rent), 103, 115, 154–156

Market value:

defined, 261, 380

in Delaware Block Method, 441

for eminent domain takings, 92–93

of goodwill, 470, 472

in land appraisals, 51–52, 59

and sales price, 7

of subject property, 4–5

USPAP on, 3, 7

and weighted average cost of capital, 341

(See also Fair market value)

Market value of invested capital (MVIC), 355, 360, 373–374

Marketability, 170–171, 412

Marketability discounts, 355

for controlling interests, 413–414

in ESOP valuations, 496–497, 500, 505

in federal tax cases, 409–414

in marital dissolution valuations, 459–460, 478–479

with minority discounts, 412–413

in shareholder and partner dispute valuations, 444–447

Marketing time, 10, 64, 186

Markets served, 365

Marshall & Swift Valuation Service, 131–133, 234, 244

Marvel Corporation, 366–369

Matheson, John H., 588n.3

Matthew G. Norton Co. v. Smyth, 450

Matthews, Gilbert, 448

Maximally productive (criteria), 10, 126

May v. May, 467

MBCA (see Model Business Corporation Act of 1950)

Members, in business valuation, 528

M.G. Bancorporation v. Le Beau, 452

Midyear discounting convention, 346–350

Migratory Bird Conservation Fund, 80

Minority blocks, marketability discounts for, 409–412

Minority interest discounts (minority discounts), 355

in ESOP valuations, 495–496

in federal tax cases, 412–415

in marital dissolution valuations, 478–479

marketability discounts with, 412–413

Minority interest valuations:

asset-based approach to, 383

direct valuation of equity for, 355–356

in market approach to business valuation, 354–355

premises of value for, 283

in privately held companies, 356–357

weighted average cost of capital in, 344

Minority marketable value, 281

Minority oppression suits, 380, 445–447

“Minority Oppression & The Limited Liability Company” (Moll), 588n.10

Minority shareholder oppression statutes, 437–438

Mitchell v. Mitchell, 474

Mitigation, wetlands, 82–83

Mitigation banks, 83

Model Business Corporation Act of 1950 (MBCA), 263, 439, 455, 588n.1

Model number, machinery/equipment, 208

Modified Gordon growth model, 350

Moffitt v. Moffitt, 478

Moll, Douglas K., 589n.10

Money, cost of, 248

Montana Business Corporation Act, 447

Monthly payments, property values and, 248–249

Moore v. New Ammest, Inc., 446

Morningstar, 330–332, 336, 337, 343, 345

Morrissey v. Comm’r, 405

Mortgage equity capitalization rate, 109

Motors, machinery/equipment, 208

Multiattribute utility model (MUM), 469

MVIC (see Market value of invested capital)

n (last period), 313

National Center for Employee Ownership, 517

National sales information, 189–190, 192

National Wetlands Priority Conservation Plan, 80

Nationwide permits, wetlands development, 82

NAV (net asset value) method, 383

Negotiations, arm’s-length, 377, 379

Neighborhood description, 62

Net adjustment, 30

Net asset value (NAV) method, 383

Net cash flow:

in capitalization method, 316

in income approach for business valuation, 344–346

variables affecting, 306–307

Net cash flow to equity, 305–306, 552–555

Net cash flow to invested capital, 304–305

Net income, 188

debt-free, 302, 361

and economic income, 303

for operating company with real assets, 553, 555

per share, 304

before taxes, 363

Net leases:

absolute, 143

double (net net), 142

single, 142

triple (net net net), 142–143, 153

Net operating income (NOI), 101, 152

Net revenues, 300

Net working capital, 298, 307

New Jersey:

marital dissolution valuations in, 471, 485–486

shareholder and partner disputes in, 444–445, 453

New York State, 453, 471

Niculita, Alina V., 489

NOI (net operating income), 101, 152

Noncash charges, 299

Noncompete agreements (covenants not to compete), 390, 471, 477

Nonconforming properties, residential, 34–35

Noninventory supplies, 203–204

Non-legally binding administrative rulings, 276

Nonoperating assets, 429–430, 500

Nonpermitted space, 34

Nonvoting stock, 416–417

North Dakota, 454, 461

Objectives, analysis, 522–523

Obsolescence (see specific types)

Ocean views, 23, 36–39

OCF (see Owner’s cash flow)

Off-balance sheet assets, 384–385

Off-balance sheet liabilities, 384–385

Offers to buy, 379–380

Office space, 124, 164, 177

Officers, in business valuations, 529

Okerlund v. United States, 423

Operating company with significant real assets (business valuation), 519–574

about, 519–520

Appraisal Certification appendix, 573–574

Asset Approach to Value section, 559–565

balance sheet analysis, 542–543

Company Analysis section, 526–549

company description, 523–524

Company Source Document List, 567–568

competitors, 527–528

description of assignment, 522

Economic Outlook section, 549

financial and operating ratio analysis, 544–548

financial statement analysis, 531–541

Income Approach to Value section, 550–559

income statement analysis, 543–544

Industry Outlook section, 549

intended use and users of analysis, 523

Introduction section, 522–526

List of Exhibits, 566–567

members, management, and employees, 528–530

operations, suppliers, products, and customers, 526–527

purpose and objective of analysis, 522–523

Qualifications of Principal Appraisers appendix, 568–569

scope of work, 524–525

standards and premise of value, 523

Statement of Contingent and Limiting Conditions appendix, 569–573

strengths and opportunities, 530–531

Summary and Conclusion section, 565–566

use of specialists, 525

Valuation Methodology section, 549–550

weaknesses and risks, 531

Operating costs, excess, 214, 218–220

Operating entities, asset-based valuations of, 387–388

Operating expenses, 142–143, 544

Operating income, 301 (See also Earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT))

Operating ratio analysis, 544–548

Operating statements, expenses on, 108–110

Operations, in business valuations, 526–527

Opportunities, in business valuations, 530–531

Oppression, defining, 438

Orderly disposition, value as, 282, 385

Orderly liquidations, 8

Oregon, 446–447

Original acquisition cost, 207

Outbuildings, 29–30

Outside counsel, 529

Overall rate, direct capitalization, 151

Overborrowing, 250–251

Oversized industrial buildings, 170–171

Owner, value to, 458–459

Owner’s cash flow (OCF), 300–301, 390 (See also Discretionary earnings)

Owner’s compensation, 299

Ownership, levels of value and, 279–281

Pacific Architects and Engineers, Inc., 501–502

Palustrine wetlands, 82

Paper mills, 120

Parker Pens, 366, 407

Partial acquisitions, by eminent domain, 93–96

Partner disputes (see Shareholder and partner dispute valuations)

Partnerships, 409, 415, 420

Past transactions method, 288

Patios, 29

P/E (price-to-earnings) multiple, 370

Pension Benefit Guarantee Corporation (PBGC), 491

Permits, wetlands development, 82

Perpetual life preferred stock, 316–317

Personal goodwill (professional goodwill), 462–463, 468–469, 484

Personal property, in land appraisals, 62

Personal property values, 163–164

PGI (potential gross income), 103–105

Photographs, 70–75, 125

Physical depreciation (PD):

defined, 128, 233

determinations of, 213–214

and excess operating costs, 218–219

in industrial building appraisals, 128

in machinery and equipment appraisals, 213–214, 218–219, 233

Physical investigations (environmental assessments), 86–87

Physical volume, valuation rules of thumb on, 390

Physically possible (criteria), 10, 126

Pickard v. Pickard, 602n.79

Plants, excess operating costs for, 219–220

Plants, wetlands, 81

Polack v. Comm’r, 404, 423

Poore v. Poore, 598n.48

Porches, 29

Potential gross income (PGI), 103–105

Powell v. Powell, 465

PP&E (property, plant and equipment), 542

Practice goodwill (enterprise goodwill), 462–463, 468–469

Pratt, Shannon, 411, 422, 489

Pratt’s Stats, 381, 391–393

Preferred equities, 291–292

Preferred stock, 316–317

Pre-IPO studies, 410

Premise of value, 385–386

adjusting balance sheet values based on, 385–386

in business valuations, 385–386, 523

defined, 281–283

for marital dissolution valuations, 461


in ESOP valuations, 495–496

in federal tax case valuations, 417

in shareholder and partner dispute valuations, 447–450

size, 331, 337

(See also Control premiums; Risk premiums)

Pretax income, 303, 363


cash equivalent, 390–391

defined, 6–7

entry, 265

as equity multiple, 362

exit, 265

fair, 450, 451

interest rates and, 247–248

and transaction value, 273

(See also Sale price [sales price])

Price-to-earnings (P/E) multiple, 370

Price-to-sales multiples, 373

Primary net income per share, 304

Prime land, 42

Principles of Corporate Governance (American Law Institute), 444

Prior sales, in land appraisal, 60

Prior transactions, in market approach, 379

Privately held companies:

beta for, 336

market approach to valuation of, 356–357

sales databases for, 381

sales of, 358

weighted average cost of capital for, 343

Procedural fairness, 450, 451

Process support equipment, 204–205

Production capability, 223

Products, in business valuation, 526–527

Professional experience, appraiser’s, 77

Professional goodwill (personal goodwill), 462–463, 468–469, 484


contractor, 136

entrepreneurial, 135–136, 187

and sales of industrial buildings, 171–172

Profitability ratios, 545

Prohibited influences, in land appraisals, 61

Proof, burden of, 402–403


acreage, 30, 35–36

commercial, 85, 482

contaminated, 79, 84–91

description of, 254

general- vs. special-use, 119

industrial, 84–85

nonconforming, 34–35

personal, 62

subject, 4–5, 60, 62–63

(See also Comparable properties)

Property, plant and equipment (PP&E), 542

Property held, 564

Property rights conveyed, 65, 161–162

Property tax expenses, 146

Property values, 247–251

business and personal, 163–164

government policies and, 247–251

impact of low interest rates, 249–251

and land values, 156–158

and monthly payments, 248–249

Proposed Regulation §2510.3-18(b)(2)(ii) (DOL), 578n.27

Proposed Regulation Relating to the Definition of Adequate Consideration (DOL), 491

Proprietary equipment, 208, 209

Proximity, in residential appraisals, 17, 19–20

Publicly traded companies:

as guideline companies, 358–359, 363–364

guideline method involving, 288, 415

sales of, 356–358, 382

transaction data for, 382

Publicly traded securities, 382

Published information, on industrial buildings, 138–139

Pueblo Bancorporation v. Lindoe, 445–446, 453

Purpose, of analysis, 51–52, 254, 522–523

Put options, 411, 496–497

Put-call collars, 411

Q1-Q6 quality of construction ratings, 15

Qualified appraisers, of charitable contributions, 420–421

Qualified appreciated stock, 421–422

Qualitative analysis, for multiple selection, 371, 373

Quality of construction, 15, 23–24

Quantitative analysis, for multiple selection, 371

Quantity survey method, 134

Rapid-American Corp. v. Harris, 447

Rates of return, 328, 544–545

Real estate appraisals, 267, 354, 355 (See also Commercial appraisals; Single-family residential appraisals)

Real estate loans, 247–249, 251

Real property:

description of, 63, 175–176, 254

in industrial building appraisals, 175–187

in land appraisals, 63, 70

value not attributable to, 65

Real rate of return, 327–328, 22

Reasonable expectations test, 438

Recapture, 100

Recirculation, ESOP share, 498

Recognized appraisal procedures, use of, 62


of asset lists, 200

in commercial appraisals, 118

in land appraisals, 69

for operating company with real assets, 550

Records, access to, 404, 483–484

Redemption, ESOP share, 498

Regional sales information, 191–194

Regression analysis, 412

Reich v. Valley National Bank of Arizona, 502–504

Related parties, 379

Relevering betas, 344

Remediation, contaminated property, 87, 88


actual, 115

in commercial appraisals, 114–116

contract, 102

economic/market, 103, 115, 154–156

in income approach, 148–150, 153

for industrial buildings, 144–145

in leaseback contracts, 145–146

scheduled, 103–104, 116

Rent surveys, 104

Rental homes, 39

Rentals, free, 106

Replacement allowance, 110–111

Replacement cost new, 385

Replacement costs:

in direct dollar method, 217–218

in industrial building appraisals, 130–131

in machinery and equipment appraisals, 212–215

reproduction vs., 137, 212–213

reserves for, 110–111, 146

used-, 385

Reproduction costs, 137, 212–215

Repurchase liability, 498–499

Repurchase obligations, ESOP, 496

Resales, 162–163

Reserves, for replacements, 110–111, 146

Residential appraisals (see Single-family residential appraisals)

Residential property, contamination of, 85

Residual values (see Terminal values)

Restaurants, 393

Restricted stock, 280, 281, 410–411

Retail spaces, collection losses in, 106

Retrospective appraisals, 8

Return of investment, 100

Return on capital, 220

Return on invested capital, 373–374

Return on investment, 100

Return on sales, 373

Revaluation, 383–384


in business valuations, 389, 543

in land appraisals, 60

net, 300

in rules of thumb, 389

Revenue Ruling 59-60 (IRS):

fair market value in, 523

on guideline company selection, 364–365

on holding company valuations, 408

market approach to business valuation in, 311, 406

on weighting of valuation method results, 431, 432

Revenue Ruling 77-287 (IRS), 410

Revenue Ruling 81-253 (IRS), 276

Revenue Ruling 93-12 (IRS), 276

Reviewed statements, 295, 296

Revised Model Business Corporation Act (RMBCA):

definition of fair value in, 263–264, 439–440

minority and marketability discounts in, 443

minority oppression statutes and, 437

valuation date in, 274

Ridge height, 122


in business valuation example, 531

company size-related adjustment to, 558

company-specific adjustment to, 331–332, 337, 558

defined, 328

horizon/interest rate, 330

industry-specific adjustment to, 557

interest rate, 330

and market multiples, 370–371

premium for, 328

systematic, 334

unsystematic, 334

Risk Premium Report (Standard & Poor’s Corporate Value Consulting), 331

Risk premiums:

and cost of equity, 557–558

equity, 330–331, 336, 557

industry, 332

Risk-free rate, 328, 330, 557

Riverine wetlands, 82

Robertson v. United States, 414

Rogers v. Rogers, 474

Room count, 25, 28

R.S. Means Company, 131

Rules of thumb for business valuation, 389–396

and cash equivalent prices, 390–391

checking, against transactions, 391–394

court opinions on, 394–395

in market approach, 289

nature of, 389–390

procedures with, 292

sources of, 391

Running time, machinery/equipment, 209–210

Ryan v. Tad’s Enterprises, 451–452


below-market, 171–172

comparable, 33, 163, 236–244

conditions of, 3–4, 66

distressed, 7

and economic income, 300

of entire companies, 356–357

in equity multiples, 362–363

fee simple, 161–162

forced liquidation, 8

in invested capital multiples, 361

national information on, 189–190, 192

outlier, 160–161

price-to-sales multiples, 373

prior, 60

of private companies, 358

of public companies, 356–358, 382

regional information on, 191–194

resales, 162–163

return on, 373

subsequent, 424–428

and use of buildings as comparables, 139

whole plant, 231

Sale price (sales price):

adjusted, 30–31, 172–174

defined, 6, 7

and sales concessions, 21

variation in, 171–174

Sales comparison approach (in general):

defined, 229

uses of, 5

value formula for, 4

Sales comparison approach to commercial appraisals, 108

Sales comparison approach to economic obsolescence, 219–220

Sales comparison approach to industrial building appraisals, 160–174

adjustments in, 163–171

elements of comparison in, 161–163

with general-use buildings, 121

and variation in sale prices, 171–174

Sales comparison approach to land appraisals (see Land appraisals)

Sales comparison approach to machinery and equipment appraisals, 221–245

Sales comparison approach to single-family residential appraisals, 13–39

about, 13–14

adjustments in, 31–32

assessment information for, 33–34

with dissimilar comparable sales, 33

examples of, 35–39

Fannie Mae Form 1004 items in, 13–31

for nonconforming properties, 34–35

Sales comparison approach to wetlands valuation, 83–84

Sales concessions, 21

Saltzman v. Comm’r, 426

Sampson v. Sampson, 486

Sander v. Sander, 487

Savings, interest rates and, 249–250

SBBI Valuation Edition 2002 Yearbook (Morningstar), 332

Scharfman v. Scharfman, 595n.21

Scheduled rent, 103–104, 116

Schroeder, Steven, 459

Scope, of appraisals, 50–53, 255, 524–525

SEC (see Securities and Exchange Commission)

Secondhand (term), 104

Section 404(k) deductions, 495

Section 415 limitations, 495

Section 1042 rollovers, 495

Section 6660 undervaluation penalties, 401

Securities analysis, 268–269

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), 279, 281, 357–359, 382

Segregated cost method, 134

Sellers, consideration for, 400–401

Seller’s discretionary cash flow (SDCF), 300–301, 390 (See also Discretionary earnings)

Semiconductor manufacturing, 205

Sensitivity analysis, 325

Serial numbers, machinery/equipment, 208

Settlement, tax dispute, 433

Severance damage, 94

Sewer systems, 124, 166

SFAS (Statement of Financial Accounting Standards), 265–267

Shareholder and partner dispute valuations, 437–455

about, 437–439

Delaware Block Method, 440–443

discounts in, 443–447, 450

and “entire fairness,” 450–453

and fair value, 439–440, 453–454

fair value in marital dissolution vs., 458

influence of states’ precedents on, 454

premiums in, 447–450

timeliness of, 455

Shopf v. Marina Del Ray Partnership, 592n.40

“A Simple Statutory Solution to Minority Oppression in the Closely Held Business” (Matheson & Maler), 588n.3

Single net leases (net leases), 142, 143

Single-family residential appraisals, 13–39

adjustments in, 31–32

assessment information for, 33–34

avoiding bias in, 1–2

with dissimilar comparable sales, 33

examples of, 35–39

Fannie Mae Form 1004 items in, 13–31

income approach for, 39

for nonconforming properties, 34–35

sales comparison approach for, 13–39

Sites, 22, 62, 404


of industrial buildings, 169–171

of residential lots, 22

risk adjustment for company, 558

Size Premium in Excess of CAPM (Morningstar), 337

Size premiums, 331, 337

Soft costs (indirect costs), 134–135, 232–233

Soil, 81, 86, 88

Solar industry, 250–251

Sommers v. Sommers, 461

S&P 500 (Standard & Poor’s 500 stock composite average), 334

Special tax assessments, 146

Specialists, in business valuation, 525

Special-use buildings, 120–122, 130

Special-use properties, 119

Specific company risk adjustment, 331–332, 337, 558

Specific industry risk adjustment, 557

Sprinklers, fire prevention, 125

Square foot value, 26–28

Standard & Poor’s 500 stock composite average (S&P 500), 334

Standard & Poor’s Corporate Value Consulting, 331

Standardized text, 11

State government, eminent domain rules of, 92–93

State statutes:

definitions of value in, 274–275

dissenting stockholder, 437

fair value under, 262–264

minority shareholder oppression, 437–438

on stockholder appraisal rights, 439–440

Statement of contingent and limiting conditions, 569–573

Statement of Financial Accounting Standards (SFAS), 265–267

Statutory law, on value, 274–275

Steneken v. Steneken, 485–486

Stern v. Stern, 474

Stewart v. Stewart, 467–468

Stigma of contaminated property, 89–90

Stockholder appraisal rights, 439–440

Straight-line depreciation, 197, 198

Strategic acquisition value, 279, 280

Strategic buyer value, 442–443

Strategic (synergistic) value, 270, 272

Strengths, in business valuation, 530–531

Stribling v. Stribling, 602n.82

Style, residence, 23

Subject companies:

in observed ranges, 366–374

for valuation of operating company, 540–541

Subject property:

description of, 62–63

market value of, 4–5

prior sales of, 60

Subsequent events and information, 423–428, 501

Subsequent sales, 424–428

Substantive fairness (fair price), 450, 451

Substitution principle:

in appraisal theory, 1–2

in cost approach, 128, 210

in sales comparison approach, 4

Summary Appraisal Report (for land), 45–78

appraiser’s qualifications, 77–78

area analysis, 63–64

assessment review, 64–65

assumptions and limiting conditions, 53–59

certification, 75–77

compliance and disclosures, 59–62

discussion and conclusions of value, 68–69

executive summary, 48

maps of subject property, 49–50

photographs of subject property, 70–75

purpose, function, and scope of appraisal, 50–53

real property value conclusion, 70

subject description, 62–63

summary of analysis and valuation, 65–68

Summation method, 233

Superadequacies, 32, 147–148, 166, 171

Super-flat floors, 123

Suppliers, in business valuation, 526–527

Supplies, noninventory, 203–204

Surcharges, 153

Surplus land, 158–160

Sweere v. Gilbert-Sweere, 597n.45, 599n.58

Swimming pools, 31–32

Synergistic value, 270, 272

Systematic risk, 334

t (tax rate), 313

Takings clause, 92

Tangible assets, 383–384

Tangible book value, 298

Tax purposes, valuations for (see Federal tax case valuations)

Tax rate (t), 313

Tax Reduction Act of 1984, 513

Tax Reform Act of 1986, 418, 491

Tax Relief Act of 1997, 490

Tax shelters, 481–482


built-in gain tax liability, 564–565

and ESOP contributions, 498

estate, 398

gift, 398, 403–404

income, 109–110

income before, 303, 363

in marital dissolution valuations, 480–482

property, 146

special tax assessments, 146

Taylor v. Taylor, 465–466

TCE (tricholoroethylene), 84–85, 88

Technological obsolescence, 129, 215, 233

Technology, remediation, 87

Temple v. United States, 415

Terminal values:

defined, 322

discounted cash flow models with, 321–325

estimating, 325–327

and forecast periods, 324–325

for operating company with real assets, 558–559

Third-party information, on industrial buildings, 138–139

Thomson PPC, 381


exposure, 9–10, 64, 186

marketing, 10, 64, 186

running, 209–210

Time adjustments, 162–163

Time periods, for financial statement data, 363–364

Timeliness, of shareholder/partner dispute valuations, 455

Todd v. Comm’r, 421–422

Total book value, 298

Total cost of goods sold (COGS), 543–544

Total invested capital, 355–356

Total rate of return, 327–328

Total return, 345

Transaction method, 354–355

Transaction value, 272–273

Transactions, arm’s-length, 7, 404–405

Transportation services, 124, 169

Trapped-in capital gains, 418–420, 450, 479–482

Treasury bonds, 329

Treasury securities, 330

Trend analysis, 60, 130–131


asset list classifications and, 201

basis for, 231

and depreciation, 213

in machinery and equipment appraisals, 231, 234, 244–245

types of, 244–245

Tricholoroethylene (TCE), 84–85, 88

Tri-Continental Corp. v. Battye, 440

Triple net leases (net net net leases), 142–143, 153

Undervaluation penalties, 401

Uniform Appraisal Data Specification, 14

Uniform Appraisal Standards for Federal Land Acquisitions, 92, 96

Uniform Mortgage Data Program, 13

Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP), 253–255

compliance with, 254–255

definition of market value, 261

on hypothetical appraisals, 8

on market value, 3, 7

on marketing time, 10

requirements for narrative appraisals, 11

on retention of source documents, 206

standards, 253–254

The Union Illinois 1995 Investment Limited Partnership v. Union Financial Group, Ltd., 590n.20

Unlevering betas, 344

Unsystematic risk, 334

Upside down (in loans), 251

U.S. Bankruptcy Code, 274

U.S. Court of Appeals, 278

U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), 20, 251

U.S. Treasury Department, 260–261, 490, 491

U.S. Trust Co., 506, 507

Usage hearings, 42

Use, value in, 9

Use restrictions, 168

Used-equipment approach, 219, 244–245

Used-replacement cost, 385

Useful life, estimated, 209

USPAP (see Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice)

Utah, 454

Utility services, 124–125, 142, 166

VA (Veterans Administration), 20, 251

Vacancy, in land appraisals, 60

Vacancy factor, 140, 141

Vacancy losses, 140–141

Vacancy rate, 105–106

Vacation homes, 39

Valuation approaches, 6, 308–309

in appraisal theory, 3–6

in federal tax case valuations, 405–409

formulas for, 4–5

in machinery and equipment appraisals, 228–244

and methods, 285–287

for operating company with real assets, 549–550

and procedures, 286–287

relationships between, 5–6

USPAP on exclusion of, 255

Valuation date, 423–424, 462

Value(s), 259–283

acquisition, 270

appraisal, 7–10

authorities on, 273–279

book (see Book value)

breakup, 387

commercial, 167–168

control, 279, 280

definitions of, 260–270

disagreements over, 259–260

in discounted cash flow method, 311

enterprise, 271–272

face, 273, 390

fair (see Fair value)

fair cash, 592n.41

fair market (see Fair market value)

fundamental, 268–270

going-concern, 271, 282, 470, 523

intrinsic, 268–270

investment (see Investment value)

from IRV formula, 5, 101

levels of, 279–281

liquidation, 8, 272, 282, 386

market (see Market value)

minority marketable, 279–281

premises of, 281–283, 385–386, 461, 523

property (see Property values)

sources of authority on, 273–279

square foot, 26–28

standard of, 457–461, 523

strategic/synergistic, 270, 272

terminal (see Terminal value)

transaction, 272–273

Value in exchange, 9

Value in use, 9

Value not attributable to real property, 65

Value of invested capital, 355

Value to owner, 458–459

Valuemetrics, Inc., 510–511

Varlen Corporation, 512, 513

Vegetation, hydrophytic, 81

Very high frequency omnidirectional range (VOR) facilities, 36

Veterans Administration (VA), 20, 251

View, 23

Volume, rules of thumb on, 390

VOR (very high frequency omnidirectional range) facilities, 36

Voting stock, 416–417

W (weight), in income approach, 313

WACC (weighted average cost of capital), 313, 341–344

Wall height, 178

Washington State, 450, 473–475, 480

Washington v. Washington, 596n.22

Water supply, 124

Weaknesses, in business valuation, 531

Weber Industries, Inc., 448

Weight (W), in income approach, 313

Weighted average cost of capital (WACC), 313, 341–344


of approaches to value, 5

of market multiples, 374

of rental data, 150

of valuation results in tax cases, 431–433

for weighted average cost of capital, 342–344

Weinstein v. Weinstein, 602n.82

West, Tom, 391–393

Wet fire prevention sprinklers, 125

Wetlands, 79–84

defined, 79–81

mitigation of, 82–83

permits for development on, 82

types of, 82

valuation of, 83–84

Whole plant sales, 231

Wisconsin, 460–461

Withdrawals, 363

Wood, David, 469

Woodstoves, 29

Workforce availability, 167

Working capital, 298, 307, 543, 555

Written appraisal forms, 60

Wyoming, 446, 450

Yard improvements, 125, 167

Year acquired, 207

Year manufactured, 207

Yield capitalization method, 100, 287

Yield to maturity, 329

Yoon v. Yoon, 468

Zerbe v. Zerbe, 601–602n.79

Zipp, Alan, 459

Zoning, 42, 168, 185