
AACR see Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules

abbreviations, as descriptors 145, 148

ABN 3878

aboutness 1245

abstracting 6970

abstracting services

in the organization of knowledge 24

record formats in 71

abstracts 6770

in secondary services 67

types of 679

access, to CD-ROMs 2847

access points 24570

in AACR 2537

in manual- and machine-searchable indexes 341

accessibility, of information 9


as descriptors 145, 148

filing 355

added entries 2567, 3445

defined 254

additions to names 2589

adjacency searching 13940

ADONIS electronic journal archive 382

ALA Rules for Filing Catalog Cards 354

alphabetical display, in thesauri 155

alphabetical index

to Bliss Bibliographic Classification 237

to classification schedules 210

to Dewey Decimal Classification schedules 223

to Universal Decimal Classification 2323

alphabetical indexing languages, defined 126

alphabetical subdivision, in library of Congress Classification 227

alphabetical subject arrangement 337

alphabetical subject catalogues 343

alphabetically arranged databases 2512

alternatives, in classification 204

analytico-synthetic classification see faceted classification

Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules 25270

choice of access points 2537

corporate bodies 26064

descriptions 7385

and document access 73

and document representation 73

geographic names 260

headings for persons 2579

and MARC 269

structure of 253

annotation, defined 70

annotations, in catalogues 251


in classification 2034

in Dewey Decimal Classification 22021

arrowgraphs, in thesauri 160

articulated subject indexes 167, 181

ASCII character set 46

assigned-term indexing, defined 1256

associative relationship 1513

Australian Bibliographic Network 3878

author arrangement 338

author catalogues 342

Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules 25270

author indexes, filing problems 357

author/title catalogues 2467, 343

Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules 25270

authority control 295, 36971

and Internet resources 322

in Library of Congress Classification 227

automatic indexing 445

back-of-book indexes 53, 343, 3513

Bath Information and Data Services 385

BC2 see Bliss Bibliographic Classification

best match search logic 1347

best match searching, World-Wide Web 311

bibliographic catalogue 249, 2669

bibliographic classification 193211

bibliographic classification schemes 21542

bibliographic databases, defined 28

bibliographic description 7385

areas of 7681

chief source of information in 74

functions of 74

levels of 75

punctuation of 74

bibliographic records

defined 46

formats 713

bibliographic relationships 42, 44

bibliographic unit 42, 44

breadth of 6061

bibliographic utilities

and catalogue database creation 294

as online search services 27980


access points in 24570

defined 26

in the organization of knowledge 24

bibliography, defined 60

BIDS 385

Biological abstracts 346




Bliss Bibliographic Classification 2338

document types and formats in 4041

faceted features in 199

main classes in 201

notational features 2089

book indexes 53, 343, 3513

boolean search logic, defined 1334

briefsearch 1056

British Library

Automated Information Services 3824

Bibliographic Services Division 382

Document Supply Centre 3824

British National Bibliography 382

and Dewey Decimal Classification 2245

broader terms 14951, 155, 157

broken order 337

browsers, World-Wide Web 3067

browsing 245, 1036, 336, 342

building blocks search strategy 1057

buttons, in GUI interfaces 115

call numbers 20910

card catalogues 3423

cartographic materials, bibliographic description 82

cases approach, to catalogue codes 252, 256


access points in 24570

as databases 28

creation 2946

defined 26, 246

entries, citations and metadata, discussed 267

functions of 24752, 2669

in the organization of knowledge 24

printed 3423


data entry for 2945

defined 60

MARC and 889

and networking 37989

records for 73

cataloguing modules, in library management systems 2946

cataloguing rules

need for 251

out-of-dateness of 269

see also Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules

Cataloguing-in-Publication 88

categorization 1912

CCF 8990

CD-ROMs 28390

evaluating 2889

and expert users 97

future for 28990

compared with online databases and Internet resources 3079

providing access to 2847

publishers 287

publishing process 3256

searching 2878

user interfaces 289, 290

chain procedure 1858

character sets 46

characterizing function of catalogues 25051

chief source of information, in bibliographic description 74

CIP 88

citation, defined 60

citation indexes 256, 349

citation order 16771

in classification 2045

in Dewey Decimal Classification 21922

in Universal Decimal Classification 2312

citation pearl growing search strategy 1068

citations 627

catalogue entries and metadata, discussed 2667

compilation of citation lists 646

display, in MARC format 24

electronic documents 656

Harvard (name and date) system 634

of non-book materials 65

numeric (Vancouver) system 634

personal bibliographic file management software 667

standards for 63

classes of one 150

in Dewey Decimal Classification 222

in Library of Congress Subject Headings 176

classification 191214

and Internet resources 3223, 331

process of 21113

classification schemes 21542

as indexing languages 126

maintenance 3712

modifying 24041

semantic relationships in 149, 151, 152

special 2412

classified catalogues 343

chain procedure and 1878

classified subject arrangement 3368

client programs, World-Wide Web 3067

closed access 3356

Coates, EJ. 18081

cognitive modelling 978

collections 2556

uniform titles 265

collocative catalogues 24950, 2669

Colon Classification 202, 2389

colour, in interface design 117

command buttons, in GUI interfaces 115

command languages 11516

command-based interfaces 110, 11516

commodity, information as a 7

Common Command Language 116

Common Communications Format 8990

common facets 16971

in Dewey Decimal Classification 222

in Library Of Congress Subject Headings 1778

in Library of Congress Classification 227

in Universal Decimal Classification 231

community information, and OPACs 298

complex topics, in indexing 132

compound terms, as descriptors 1467

computer files, bibliographic description 834

concept analysis

in indexing 100

in searching 102

conditions approach, to catalogue codes 2526

conferences 2612

confidence ranking 1347


Consortium of University and Research Libraries 385

content specification 1245, 12732

contents pages 523

context searching 13940

controlled indexing languages

compared with natural indexing languages 128

defined 1256

principles 14354

controlled subject terms

and Internet resources 322

in back-of-book indexes 352

Cooperative Online Serials 382

corporate bodies 26064

added entries under 257

defined 2545

main entry under 255

references to headings for 2634

cost, as evaluation measure 367

CURL 385

currency, of information 910

current awareness searching 25, 1069

Cutter, Charles Ammi. Rules for a dictionary catalog 1734, 247

Cutter numbers 210

and Library of Congress Classification 228

cycling 184


knowledge, and information 21

useful, information as 6

data entry, for cataloguing 2945

data mining 26

Data-Star 282

database management systems, multimedia 37



bibliographic utilities and 294

for catalogues 2946

defined 27

maintenance 369, 3712

online search services 27880

producers, CD-ROM 287

security aspects 374

structures 356

types 2734

DDC see Dewey Decimal Classification

depth of indexing 12732

in back-of-book indexes 353

derived-term indexing see natural indexing languages

description see bibliographic description

descriptive bibliography, defined 60

descriptive cataloguing 7385, 250

descriptive markup 47


construction 1447

defined 143

design aspects, systems 36189

Dewey Decimal Classification 21525

abridged editions 224

alphabetical index 223

arrays 22021

citation order 21922

common facets 222

enumerative features 1978, 2034

facets 21820

and Library of Congress 2245

main classes 218

Manual 224

notation 222

and OCLC 2245

order of classes 21722

organization, revision and use 2235

schedules 21722

subfacets 22021

summaries 223

synthesis 2212

tables 222

Dialog Information Retrieval Services 282

record formats 712

Dialog Web 280

dialogue boxes, in GUI interfaces 11213

dictionary catalogues 1656, 343


direct catalogues 2479, 2669

direct manipulation, in GUI interfaces 112

directed searching 1039

and browsing 1036

directories, World-Wide Web 312

disciplines 169

as main classes 2012

display options, in searching 14043

division of classes, in classification schemes 1969

document access, AACR and 73

document arrangement 3359

document delivery 3867

and the World-Wide Web 319

document profiles, in indexing 99100

document publishing, World-Wide Web 32330

document publishing and management systems 3247

document representation 5991

AACR and 73

characteristics and problems 5962

granularity in 6061

location and accessibility in 61

and search keys 61

for selection 61

document summaries 70

document surrogates see document representation


defined 40

levels of 44

text-based, types and formats 4041

double-KWIC indexes 348

Dow Jones 282

Dublin Core 4951

Dublin Metadata Core Element Set 4951

e-journals 3823, 3856

EARL 384

EDD 3867

edition area 77, 80

editor, works produced under the direction of 2556

El Village 280

electronic document delivery 3867

electronic documents

characteristics of 4041

citations to 4, 656

electronic journals 3823, 3856

electronic publication process 3259

end-user searching 102

and recall and precision 365

Engineering Internet Village 280


denned 246

main and added 3445

entry element, personal names 258

entry vocabulary, recall and precision 3645

enumerative classification

compared with faceted classification 196201

defined 1968

equivalence relationship 1479

ERIC, publication types 41, 43


of CD-ROMs 2889

of Internet resources 3213

of online search services 2813

of systems 3629

of World-Wide Web sites 31920

evolving systems 3758

exhaustivity 12732, 341

in back-of-book indexes 353

expert systems 45

expert users 97

expressiveness, of notation 2089

external databases 27

extract, defined 70

facet analysis 1534

in subject headings 18084

facet structure

in Bliss Bibliographic Classification 2345

in Colon Classification 239

in Dewey Decimal Classification 21820

in Universal Decimal Classification 23031

faceted classification 196201


in classification 203, 2079

in standard citation order 16871


defined 62

and inverted files 36

in MARC records 837

searching on 138

file transfer protocol 306

files, defined 27

fileservers, for CD-ROMs 285

filing order 168, 3539

in classification 2045, 209

finding list, function of catalogues 2479, 2669

firewalls 307

fixed length fields, defined 62

fixed location 216

form approach, in catalogues 250

form filling dialogue, in GUI interfaces 113

frames, in knowledge representation 456

FT Information 282

FTP 306

full-text databases 31

full-text indexing 127

fundamental categories 153

general classification schemes 195

generalia class 202

generic markup 47

generic relationship 14950

geographic names 260

in Library of Congress Subject Headings 178

government bodies and officials 2623

granularity 6061

non-book media 81

graphic displays, in thesauri 160

graphic materials, bibliographic description 83

graphical user interfaces see GUI based interfaces

GUI based interfaces 10915

see also user interfaces

guiding, in libraries 3389

Harvard system, citations 634

headings for corporate bodies 26064

references to 2634

headings for persons 2579

references to 259

help desks 375

heuristic searching 25

hierarchical relationship 14951

in classification 191

hierarchical term display, in thesauri 155, 157


in classification 208

in Dewey Decimal Classification 217

in library of Congress Classification 2267

historical bibliography, defined 60

home pages, World-Wide Web 306, 31819

homographs 145

hospitality, in classification 2067

HTML 48, 306

HTTP 306

hyperlinks 306

and browsing 105

hypermedia searching 1423

hypertext, defined 26

hypertext markup language 48, 306

hypertext transfer protocol 306

ICC 282

icons, in GUI interfaces 115

identifiers 150

image processing 26

imprint see publication, distribution etc., area


manual- and machine-searchable, compared 33942

printed 33951

searching 34951

title-based 52


approaches to 1257

of Internet resources 322

need for 1245

and searching, processes of 99109

and the World-Wide Web 307, 3278, 331

see also alphabetical index

indexing and abstracting services 60

indexing journals 3434

indexing language, translation of document theme into 100101

indexing languages 123161

definitions and types 267, 1257

devices influencing recall and precision 364

indexing services

in the organization of knowledge 24

record formats in 71

indexing software, back-of-book indexes 353

indexing systems, evaluation measures 3629

indexing terms see descriptors

indicative abstracts 678

indicative-informative abstracts 689

indicators, in MARC records 87


defined 38

knowledge, and data 21

sources of 21

tools for organizing 223

uses of 1921

Information Access [search service] 282

information filtering 26

information management

7 Rs of 1013

defined 1011, 15

information need, types 245

information processing, defined 14

information professionals, roles of 37889

information retrieval see also search (-es, -ing), online search services

information retrieval, MARC and 88

information retrieval systems, manual 33559

information systems

defined 10

mental models and 978

methodologies 3756

see also systems

informative abstracts 678

instances (classes of one) 150

integrated information solutions 28081

intelligent agents, World-Wide Web 31314

interfaces see user interfaces

intermediaries, in searching 25, 1012

internal databases 27

International Standard Bibliographic Descriptions 73

International Standard Book Number 79

International Standard Serial Number 79

Internet 30531

see also World-Wide Web, Web

Internet access, and CD-ROMs 2867

Internet resources

compared with online and CD-ROM databases 3079

evaluating 3213

marketing 329

retrieval 3278

intranets, defined 307

inverted files 35, 1367

ISBDs 73



iterative searching 25


jargon, as descriptors 145

Joint Academic Network 385

jukeboxes, CD-ROM 285

Kaiser, J. Systematic indexing 180

key system 169

keyword indexes 184, 3468

keyword-in-context 184, 3468

keyword-out-of-context 184, 347


definitions of 38

information, and data 21

organization and delivery, role of information professionals 37889

subjective, information as 6

knowledge-based analysis, of text 45

knowledge management, defined 1516

knowledge networks, in knowledge organization and delivery 37889

knowledge representation 45

known-item searching 24

catalogues and 2479

KWIC indexes 184, 3468

KWOC indexes 184, 347

language 38

language control, principles 14354


LCC see Library of Congress Classification

letter-by-letter filing 355

levels of description 75


libraries 40

in knowledge organization and delivery 37889

library classification see bibliographic classification

Library of Congress, and Dewey Decimal Classification 2245

Library of Congress Classification

main classes 202

order of classes 2267

Library of Congress Subject Headings 17580

library management systems 2914

cataloguing modules 2946

generations of 2924

user interfaces 293, 2968

library networks 37889

limiting searches 140

Linked Systems Project 382

literary warrant 193

local systems, record formats in 9091

location, in document representation 612

LSP 382

Lubetzky, Seymour 252

MAchine Readable Cataloguing see MARC

machine-searchable indexes, compared with manual indexes 33942

machine searching, and Universal Decimal Classification 233

main classes 2012

in Bliss Bibliographic Classification 2345

in Dewey Decimal Classification 218

in Library of Congress Classification 202

main entry 2546, 344

MARC and 89


of databases 369, 3712

of systems 36189


of change 3767

of systems 36189

manual information retrieval systems 33559

manual searching

of alphabetically arranged databases 2512

compared with machine searching 33942

and pre-coordinate indexes 1667

manuscripts, bibliographic description 82

maps, bibliographic description 82

MARC 859

and AACR 269

MARC records 2467

applications 88

marketing, of Internet resources 329

markup, text 468

material (or type of publication) specific area 78, 80

media, bibliographic description 815

mental models 978

menu-based interfaces 110, 11315

meta search engines, World-Wide Web 313

metadata 4851, 61, 322

catalogue entries and citations, discussed 2667

defined 60

and printed documents 50, 513

and search engines 310

microform catalogues and indexes 340, 3423

microforms, bibliographic description 84

migrating systems 3758

mixed responsibility 256


mnemonics 207

motion pictures, bibliographic description 83

multi-file searching 142


problems in indexing 39

text and 379

multimedia database management systems 37

multimedia databases 31, 334

structures 37

multimedia interfaces 11617


bibliographic description 83

uniform titles for 2667

name, choice of 2579

name authority control 36970

name catalogues 342

name-and-date system, citations 634

named entities, in Library of Congress Subject Headings 176

names, additions to 2589

Names of Persons 2589

narrower terms 14951, 155, 157

National Library of Australia 3878

natural indexing languages

compared with controlled indexing languages 128

defined 1267

nesting 134

networked resources 40

and document representation 612

in the organization of knowledge 24

types and formats 41, 43

networking, of CD-ROMs 285


in knowledge organization and delivery 37889

for online searching 27881

non-book media

bibliographic description 815

citations 61, 656

notation 20510

in Bliss Bibliographic Classification 2356

in Dewey Decimal Classification 222

in Library of Congress Classification 2278

in Universal Decimal Classification 232

notes area 79, 81

novice users 967

numeric databases 31

numeric system, citations 634

objectivity, of information 8

OCLC 3823

and Dewey Decimal Classification 224

online and CD-ROM databases, compared with Internet resources 3079

online public access catalogues see OPACs

online search services 27783

and electronic document delivery 3867

evaluating 2813

record formats in 712

types 279

OPACs 290300

and community information 298

and expert users 97

future of 299300

search facilities 2968

self-service functions 298

user interfaces 2968

open access 336

open systems interconnection protocol 306

option buttons, in GUI interfaces 115

order of classes 2014, 206

in Bliss Bibliographic Classification 2345

in Dewey Decimal Classification 21722

in Library of Congress Classification 2267

in Universal Decimal Classification 230

organization, of information 6

organizational information sources 21

organizations, in knowledge organization and delivery 37889

OSI 306

Ovid Technologies 283

pairwise facets search strategy 1068

paragraphs, in full-text records 36

parallel sequences 338

partitive relationship 150

periodical indexes 343

permutation 185

Permuterm indexes 3478

personal bibliographic file management software 667

personal information sources 21

personal knowledge, and information 22

personal name headings

additions to 2589

references to 259

persons, headings for 2579

phenomena, in classification 201


as descriptors 1467

searching on 138

as subject headings

in Cutter’s Rules 174

in Library of Congress Subject Headings 1757

physical description area 78, 81

platform independent search services 279

post-coordinate indexing and searching

compared with pre-coordinate 173

defined 132

search facilities 13343

pre-caching, for CD-ROM access 2856


precision 167

recall and 3626

pre-coordinate indexes, defined 132

pre-coordinate systems 341

pre-coordination 16589

in Boolean searching 167

in enumerative classifications 1989

limitations of 1712

in natural language systems 167

and post-coordination, compared 173

in subject indexes 350

in Universal Decimal Classification 230

pre-coordination level, defined 1467

preliminaries, in books 50, 513

printed catalogues and indexes 33951

searching 34951

procedural markup 47

proper names, in controlled language indexing 150

proximity searching 36, 139

pseudonyms 258

public access systems 2757

publication, distribution etc., area 78, 8081

published information sources 21


CD-ROM 287

as online search services 279

publishers’ blurbs 53

publishing, of World-Wide Web documents 32330

punctuation, in bibliographic descriptions 74

quasi-synonyms 148


question and answer dialogue, in GUI interfaces 113

Ranganathan, S.R 180

Colon Classification 2389

range searching 140

reader interest arrangement 337

realia, bibliographic description 84

recall and precision 341, 3626

reclassification 372

record formats

in abstracting and indexing services 71

bibliographic 713

in local systems 9091

in online search services 712


defined 62

World-Wide Web 310

records management systems 60

in the organization of knowledge 24

reference databases 27

references 166, 3445

to headings for corporate bodies 2634

in Library of Congress Subject Headings 17880

to personal name headings 259

in thesauri 14754

referral databases 31

related bodies 262

related terms 1513

related works 256

relational model, of database structure 367


bibliographic 42, 44

semantic 14753, 3445

syntactic 1667

relative index, to Dewey Decimal Classification 223

relative location 216

relevance 3635

of information 9

relevance ranking 1347

resource, information as a 7

resource sharing, MARC and 88

resources, defined 40

retrieval, of Internet resources 3278

retrieval systems, features of 12743

retroactive notation, in Bliss Bibliographic Classification 209

retrospective searching 25, 1069


of Bliss Bibliographic Classification 2378

of classification schemes 211

of Dewey Decimal Classification 216, 2235

of library of Congress Subject Headings 178

of library of Congress Classification 2289

and maintenance of systems 36189

of Universal Decimal Classification 233

RLG 382

role indicators 1813

rotated display, in thesauri 155, 157

rotated indexes, scatter in 35051

rotation 184

sacred scriptures, uniform titles for 266

scanning 342

scatter, in subject indexes 35051


in classification schemes 195205

scope note, defined 1456

search bots, World-Wide Web 313

search engines, World-Wide Web 31014

search facilities

and Internet resources 3223, 33031

in OPACs 2968

in post-coordinate searching 13343

search keys 61

search logic, Boolean, defined 1334

search management 141

search profiles 102

search results

displaying 14043

improving recall and precision 366

search services, online 27783

search sets, storing 14041

search strategies 1039

search systems, evaluation measures 3629

search terms, search facilities and 13740

searches, types 245


CD-ROMs 2878, 290

and indexing, processes of 99109

in manual- and machine-searchable indexes 341

online search services 281

of printed indexes 34951

and the World-Wide Web 30914

searching languages 12361

searching time 365

secondary services, abstracts in 67

security 3734

in library management systems 300

and the World-Wide Web 328, 33031

Selective Listing In Combination 185

self-service functions, OPACs 298

semantic relationships 14753, 3445

serials, bibliographic description 845

series area 79, 81

set-up facilities, in searching 137


shared responsibility, works of 255

shelf arrangement 3359

shelf classification 1934

shelf notation 20910

shelflists 37071

shelfmarks 20910, 337, 338

control 37071

and Library of Congress Classification 228

short abstracts 68

shunting 1845

significance order 16771

single responsibility, works of 2545

singular versus plural, in descriptors 145, 148

slang terms, as descriptors 145

slanted abstracts 69

SLIC 185

society, information as a constitutive force in 8

sound processing 26

sound recordings, bibliographic description 83

source databases 27, 314

special classification schemes 195, 2412

special needs, users with 97

specialist online search services 279

specific entry, in subject headings 174

specificity 124, 12732

in back-of-book indexes 353

spider programs 310

standard citation order 16971

Standard Generalized Markup Language 47

standard number and terms of availability area 79, 81

statistical analysis, of text 45

STN International 282

strategic information systems planning 3778

string manipulation, indexes based on 348

structural analysis, of text 45

structure, of information 10

subdivisions of headings, in Library of Congress Subject Headings 1768


in Bliss Bibliographic Classification 2356

in classification 2034

in Dewey Decimal Classification 22021

subfields, defined 62


access from 1848

in Boolean searching 167

subject approach, in catalogues 250

subject arrangement, verbal 337

subject authority control 370

subject catalogues, manually searchable 343

subject cataloguing, and classification 1945

subject gateways, World-Wide Web 312, 3213

subject group display, in thesauri 1557

subject headings 17389, 350

assigning 1889

defined 1656

facet analysis in 18084

filing problems 3556

subject headings lists

as indexing languages 126

maintenance 3712

semantic relationships in 147, 15051, 1523

subject indexes, and classification 1878, 1945

subject information need, types of 245

subject retrieval, approaches to 1237

subject searching 245

subjective knowledge, information as 6

subordinate bodies 2623

subordinate terms, access from 1848

successive facet search strategy 1067

summarization 12732, 166, 171

summary, defined 70

supermarket online search services 279

surfing the Web 25

synonyms 148

syntax 1667

defined 38


in Bliss Bibliographic Classification 199, 2336

in Dewey Decimal Classification 2212

in Library of Congress Classification 227

in Universal Decimal Classification 23032

system design, cognitive modelling and 959

system maintenance 3723

systematic bibliography, defined 60

systematic display, in thesauri 15560

systematic order 1913, 191204


design aspects 36189

evaluation 3629

evolving and migrating 3758

for knowledge organization, compared 277

management aspects 36189

see also information systems

tags, in MARC records 867

Talis Information 384

TCP/IP 306

terminals, for online searching 278


and multimedia 379

structure of 389

text analysis 389, 446

text markup 468

text-based documents, types and formats 4041

text-numeric databases 31

thesaurus 14361

Bliss Bibliographic Classification as 2378

defined 126

display 15460

facet analysis in 1534

maintenance 3712

online display 142

and subject headings 1656

use 16061

vocabulary control in 14253

and the World-Wide Web 328

three-dimensional artefacts, bibliographic description 84

title, main entry under 255

title catalogues 343

title enrichment 350

title keyword indexes 3468

title and statement of responsibility area 767, 80


arrangement by 337

in bibliographic description 767, 80

indexes based on 52, 3468

filing problems 357

as subjects 347

uniform titles 77, 2646

tools for organizing information 223

tracings 254

transmission control protocol/Internet protocol 306

tree structures, in thesauri 160

truncation, in searching 1389

UDC see Universal Decimal Classification



uncontrolled indexing see natural indexing languages

uniform resource locators 306

uniform titles 77, 2646

union catalogues 37980

UNISIST Reference Manual 71

United Kingdom, library networking in 3827

Universal Decimal Classification 22933

URLs 306

USA, library networking in 3813


defined 97

as evaluation measure 367

useful data, information as 6

user interfaces

design 10919, 375

in CD-ROMs 289, 290

in library management systems 293, 2968

in OPACs 2968

in World-Wide Web 31012, 3223, 328

see also graphical user interfaces

user profiles, for public access systems 276

user support 3745

for CD-ROM services 290

World-Wide Web 329

user-conducted searches 25

user-friendliness 1323


and interfaces 95122

and management of change 377

security aspects 374

and system evaluation 3679

USMARC 857, 228

USMARC Format for Classification Data 225, 371

UTLAS International 382

Vancouver system, citations 634

variable length field, defined 62

verbal subject arrangement 337

verbal subject headings, defined 1656

videorecordings, bibliographic description 83

virtual library, defined 40

vocabulary, defined 38

vocabulary control 174

principles 14354

voice-based dialogue, in interface design 116

Web see also World-Wide Web, Internet

Web browsers 3067

Web crawlers 310

Web site

creation and maintenance 31420

defined 306

weighted term logic 1356

WilsonWeb 283

windows, in GUI interfaces 112

WLN 382

word forms, control of 1447

word-by-word filing 355

words, defined 38

workstations, for online searching 278

World-Wide Web

document publishing 32330

HTML and 48

and indexing 307

interfaces 117

metadata and 4851

and recall and precision 365

search engines 31014

searching 30914

and security 328

subject gateways 312, 3213

user interfaces 31012

see also Web, Internet

written codes 38

Z39.50 61, 11920