Note: Page numbers in italics indicate tables and figures.
7/7 terrorist attack see London bombings (2005)
9/11 terrorist attacks 87, 871, 874, 879, 880, 883, 884, 889–90, 893, 911, 915–16, 921, 928–33, 936
‘Abbas 628
‘Abbasid dynasty 169–70, 171, 208, 225–6
‘Abd al-Baha’ 621, 623, 626, 628–9, 633–4, 636
‘Abd-al-‘Aziz Ibn-Su’ud 211, 227
‘Abduh, Muhammad 214–15, 216, 217–19, 224, 227
Abernathy, David 711
Abhay Charan De see Prabhupāda, A. C. Bhaktivedanta
Abbhayasagar 364
Abhidhamma movement 383, 388–9, 392, 409, 416, 419, 420, 435
Abhidhammatthatangaha 392
Abhiahiktananda (Henri Le Saux) 119
in Bahā’ism 636
in Islam 184, 185, 186, 189, 192, 193, 196
Abu Lahab 169
Abu Talib 168–9
acculturation 585, 593, 689–90, 736, 826
Achebe, Chinua 567
Action of Churches Together (Scotland) 899
Acts of the Apostles 58, 62, 63, 127
Adams, Carol J. 663
adhān (call to prayer) in Islam 184–5, 189, 192
Adi Granth 314, 317, 319–20, 321, 327, 331, 334, 335–8
in diaspora communities 326, 754, 767, 783, 784–6
adjustment movements see new religious movements
Advaita (non-duality) 279, 280, 287, 305
Al-Afghānī, Jamāl al-Dīn 214, 227
and diaspora religion 90, 685, 686, 692–728
and Hinduism 263
and Islam 171, 212–13, 215, 224, 230, 565–6, 575–6, 577–8, 694–5
and Jainism 365
and new religious movements 701–3
see also East Africa; South Africa
African Americans 684
and African diaspora religion 707–14, 725
and black womanist theology 663
and Christianity 85–6, 89, 106, 127, 146, 698, 707–12, 723–4
and Islam 89, 600, 612, 707, 713–14, 801, 803–4, 816, 843
African Christianity 60, 148–51, 694–703, 832
and African American Christianity 86
and baptism 124
in Britain 726–7
characteristics 149–51
and charismatic movements 107–8, 111, 114, 127, 150, 151, 847
conditioning factors 148–9
and Eastern Christianity 131, 148
and healing 107, 114, 124, 126, 150
and indigenous religion 93, 149–50, 565–6, 571, 575–8, 579–80
nomenclature 148
and Pentecostalism 146
and sacraments 122
and the scriptures 151
and spirituality 119
and women 158–9
and worship 156
African Independent churches 148–9, 576–7, 584, 585, 695, 697
examples 702–3
festivals 120
and Pentecostalism 127, 577, 579–80, 593–4
in South Africa 590, 592, 700–701, 702, 703
African Methodist Episcopal Church 710, 712, 725
African Methodist Episcopal Church of Zion 712, 725
African religions 564–80, 703–7
academic study 564–7
common characteristics 704–5
modern developments 575–80
popular manifestations 573–5
practices 571–3
teachings 567–71
see also healing
Afro-West Indian Council of Churches 724
in Buddhism 382
in Hinduism 279–80, 742, 746, 819
Agonshū 503–4
Ahern, Emily 452
ahiṃuā (non-violence) 306
in Jainism 351–2, 353, 362, 363, 366, 810, 842
Ahl-i-Hadith Muslims 764
Aḥmad b. Hanbal, Musnal 167, 181, 204, 211, 225
Aḥmad of Bareli, Sayyid 212
Aḥmad Khan, Sayyid 213, 214, 227
Aḥmad Sirhindi 212
Aḥmadiyya movement 210, 620, 764, 792, 793, 803
Ahmed, Akbar 774
Ahmed, Leila 658
Ahura Mazdā, in Zoroastrianism 245–7, 250, 257, 259
Ājīvakas 376
Akālī Singh Society 781
Akkeren, Philip van 552
Akshar Purushottam Sanstha 766
Akshayatritiya (Akṣayatritiya) festival 359
Aladura church (Church of the Lord Throughout the World) 588, 702, 726
‘Alawis 210
Albertus Magnus 205
Algeria, and Islam 221, 228, 230
All Africa Council of Churches 699
All-India Jain Association 362
Allen, A. A. 725
Allen, Richard 710
Almohad dynasty 170
Almoravid dynasty 170
Alsdorf, Ludwig 348
alternative religions (Western) 5, 8, 596–618, 663
ancient wisdom movements 606–7
and communal impulse 602–3
current situation 616–18
Eastern movements 598–9, 610–11
family groups 600–612
history 598–600
Middle Eastern movements 597–600, 611–12
New Thought movements 597, 598, 603–4
opposition to 612–16
Spiritualist movements 596, 597–8, 604–5, 612
see also new religious movements
altruism, in Buddhism 388, 390
Ambedkar Mission 794
American Indian Movement (AIM) 544, 546
American Muslim Mission 714, 803–4, 818
Amerindians see North America, native religions
Amesha Spentas, in Zoroastrianism 245–6, 245, 257
Amir, Yigal 51
Amrit Pahul 321, 324, 325, 327, 337–8, 767, 772, 781
in diaspora communities 767, 772, 781, 785, 799
Golden Temple 319, 329, 335, 752, 771, 781–2, 800, 827, 833, 843, 888
Amsterdam Treaty 910
Anandauri, Acharya Vijay (Atmaramji) 361–2
in African Christianity 93, 122, 150, 699
in African diaspora religions 716, 720
in African religions 149, 564, 566, 568–9, 571–4, 575, 578, 702, 705–6
in Chinese religions 460–61
in Hinduism 284, 288, 290, 290
in Japanese religions 495–502, 504
in North American native religions 523
in Pacific religions 557, 558, 560, 562
androcentrism 651, 653, 656, 662, 664
anekāntavāda, in Jainism 349–51, 352, 366
in Judaism 37
Angganitha (prophetess) 590
in Australia 854–5, 860, 861–2, 863, 866, 867
in Britain 897–8, 899, 908, 913, 914
in Canada 873
and festivals 120
and ministry 126
and mysticism 118
and Reformation 142–3
and sacraments 122
in USA 707
Angra Mainyu, in Zoroastrianism 245, 246, 247
in Judaism 54
in Zoroastrianism 251
anointing with oil, in Christianity 125, 141
Anselm of Canterbury 75
Anti-Defamation League 936
anti-Semitism 18, 40, 41, 43–6, 50, 64, 841
Anti-Terrorism, Crime and Security Act 2001 (UK) 911
Antony of Egypt 74
antyeshti samskara (antyeṣṭi saṃ skara) (funeral sacrament) 290
Anuruddha, Abhidhammauhasangaha 392
Anuvrat Movement 364
Anuyoga 343
Apocrypha 59–60
apostles/apostolic tradition 58–60, 62, 65, 68, 72, 78, 125–6, 136, 138
Aquinas, Thomas, Summa Theologica 76, 97, 205
Arabic 165–7, 219, 638, 792, 802, 817, 828–9
and Islam 169–72
and State of Israel 44, 48, 51, 222, 228
Arai, Tosh 678
Arberry, A. J. 167
and Bahā’ism 637
and Buddhism 492
and Islam 165, 184, 189–92, 190–91
Ārhats (worthy ones) 342
Arian Christianity 70
Ariarajah, Wesley 678
Aristotelianism, and Judaism 13, 20
ariya (noble truths) 401–5
Armed Islamic Group, Algeria 221
and African religions 706
and Christianity 47, 76, 127–30
and Islam 47, 165, 184, 189–92, 190–91
and Judaism 46–8
and Northern Buddhism 435
artha 270
Arya Samaj (Ārya Samāja) 304, 307, 322, 742–3, 767, 788–9, 806
Asaṅga 416
Asarah Be-Tevet festival 29
in alternative religions 611
in Bahā’ism 632
in Hinduism 285, 289, 376, 673
in Jainism 342–3, 345, 348–50, 352–6, 358, 359, 361, 364
in Japanese religions 487
in Vedism 268
see also monasticism
Al-Ash’ari 203, 204–5, 207–8, 226
Ashkenazi Jews 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 32, 39
Ashoka (Aśoka), Emperor 380–81, 392–3, 407
Ashton, Dianne 658
and Christianity 91–3, 105–6, 119, 135, 138
see also Buddhism; China; India; South Asian diaspora religions
Assassins 209
assimilation 670, 732, 756, 799, 816, 822, 826–8, 831, 840
and Zoroastrianism 255
assumption of the Virgin Mary 142
Atatürk, Mustafa Kemal 170, 215, 227
Athanasius 134
ātman (self) 268
Atmaramji (Acharya Vijay Anandsuri) 361–2
in Jainism 354
in Judaism 27
attachment, in Buddhism 422
Aulakh, Gurmit Singh 330
Aum Shinrikyo GLA (God Light Association) 503, 508–9
and Anglicanism/Protestantism 854–5, 857, 860–62, 863, 866, 867
and Bahā’ism 858
and Baptists 855, 856, 857, 861
and Brahma Kumaris 860
and Brethren 857
and British Empire 862
and Buddhism 737, 741, 755, 846, 855, 856, 858, 860, 860, 862, 864, 866, 867
and Chinese religion 858
and Christianity 85, 94, 131, 138, 156, 556–7, 733–4, 845, 854–5, 856, 857, 860, 861–3, 864–5, 866, 867
and Congregationalists 861
and First Wold War 861–3
and Goddess religions 860
and Gulen movement 865
and Hinduism 730–34, 736–41, 742–7, 843–4, 855, 856, 858, 860, 860, 862, 866, 867, 877–86, 891
history of migration 630–41
and indigenous religion 550, 552, 555–7, 853–4, 865–6
and Irish migration to 854
and Islam 730, 734, 736–7, 740–41, 747–52, 855, 856, 858, 860, 864, 865, 866, 867
and Japanese religions 858
and Jehova’s Witnesses 857
and Judaism 736–7, 854, 855, 856, 858, 860, 865, 867
and KRSNA 855
and Methodism 861
and Pentecostalism 855, 856, 857, 860, 866
and Presyterianism 855, 857, 861
and Rastafarianism 858
and Roman Catholicism 855, 856, 857, 860, 861, 862–3, 866, 867
and Salvation Army 857
and Satanism 858
and Scientology 855–60, 858, 864
and Seventh-Day Adventism 857
and Sikhism 323, 325, 730, 734, 736–41, 752–4, 824, 838, 841–2, 843, 855, 858, 862, 864
and South Asian diaspora religions 686–7, 730–57, 821–2, 825–6, 838–40, 842
and Spiritualism 858
and Torres Strait Islander religions 853, 865
twenty-first century religion in 853–67, 856–9
‘White Australia’ policy 688, 731–4, 755, 756, 839, 854, 861
and Zoroastrianism/Parsis 240, 256, 730, 754, 858
in alternative religions 605
in Christianity 60, 77, 116, 134, 140
in diaspora communities 817–19, 834–5, 837
in Islam 626
in Rastafari 718
in Zoroastrianism 253
Avataṃsaka sūtra (Garland sūtra) 419, 420, 430
avatāras (descents)
in Buddhism 492
in Hinduism 271, 280, 291, 331–2
Avestan (language) 238–9, 249, 251, 252–3, 828
‘Awda, ‘Abd-al-‘Aziz 222
Azal, Mirza Yahya Nuri Subh-1 627, 629
Azali Babis 622
Azariah, V. S. 128
Al-Azhar University 214, 217–18
Azusa Street Revival 711, 723, 724
Baal Shem Tov (Rabbi Israel ben Eliezer) 39
Bāb (Sayyid ‘Ali Muhammad Shirazi) 623, 624, 626–7, 631, 632, 634, 636, 641
Baba Puran Singh, Sant 767
Babalalo, Joseph 702
Babism 210, 620, 622–8, 629–31, 634
Badawi, Zaki 772
Badr, battle 169, 179, 194, 224
Baha’ Allah, Mirza Hussayn ‘Ali 620, 621, 623, 624, 627–9, 632–4, 636, 638
Bahā’ism 620–42
academic study 629–31
in Australia 858
in Britain 905
calendar 641–2
geographical distribution 559, 561, 638–40
and Islam 8, 624, 633–4, 636, 639
practices 636–8
sources 622–4
teachings 632–5
in USA 8, 620–21, 622, 628, 637
Bahr, Donald 518
Baker, Moses 725
bombings 861
Ballard, R. 832
and Islam 171, 229, 688, 748–51, 771, 790, 792, 801, 823
migration to Australia 734, 734, 735, 748–50
migration to Britain 762, 764, 771
migration to Canada 777, 790, 792
migration to USA 801
and Southern Buddhism 372, 391
Banks, M. 835
baptism, in Christianity 67, 120, 123–4, 134, 141, 590, 710, 811
Baptists 124, 143, 144–6, 597, 715
African-American 124, 144–6, 597, 708, 710, 711–12, 926
Bar Mitzvah/Bat Mitzvah 31–2
Barth, Karl, Church Dogmatics 97
base ecclesial communities 106, 156
Al-Bashir, Omas Hassan 220
Bayudaya movement 593
Bede 96
Bedwardism 584
Bell, Richard 167
Belonging and Banishment 889
Bem, S. L. 665
Benedict of Nursia 74
Bengel, J. A. 100
Berger, Peter 630
Berndt, C. 552
Berndt, R. M. 552
Besant, Annie 305
Best, Eldson 550
Bethel Church 710
Bhachu, Parminder 774
Bhagavadgītā 278, 285, 306, 332, 743, 805–6
Bhagavata Purana 280
bhajanas (hymns) 292, 300, 806
Bhaktivedanta, Swami 881–2
bhakzi (devotion)
in Buddhism 383
in Hinduism 278, 279–81, 285–7, 291–2, 303–4
Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP, India) 307, 747
bhāvanā (cultivation/meditation) 401, 404, 675
Bhindranwale, Sant Jarnail Singh 329, 771
Bhownagree, Sir Muncherji 255
Bhudevi (Prithvi) 272
Bible see Hebrew Bible; New Testament
Bibleway Church of Our Lord Jesus World-wide 725
Biko, Steve 700
Bilalians see African Americans, and Islam
Bilimoria, Purushottama 687, 842
in African religions 572, 574, 578
in Chinese religions 458
in Hinduism 289
in Shinto 498
in Zoroastrianism 249
bishops, in Christianity 60, 68–9, 125–6
Biswas, Sumitra 882
Biswas, Sutapa 774
bKa’ ’gyur 430
Black Power movement 712–13
black theology 106, 697–701, 712–13, 723–8
Blackwell, Antoinette Brown 653
Blavatsky, Helena Petrovna 305
Blowsnake, Sam 518
Blyden, E. W. 698
Bochasanwasi Swaminarayan Sanstha 807–9
Bodhidharma 422
bodhisatta/bodhisakta/bodhisatrva 384, 388–90, 435, 436, 492–3, 660
bodhisattva-yana 389
in African religions 706
and gender issues 660
in Taoism 468–70
Boesak, Allan 671
Bohara Muslims 803
Bon festival 496–7
Bon religion 431
Book of Changes (I Ching) 415, 463
Book of Mormon 602
Børreson, Kari Elisabeth 658
Botee, M. 842
Bouchard, Gerard 873
brahmacarya (self-control) 306
brahman 268, 279, 284, 287, 298, 331, 674
Brāhmaṇas 268
as gurus 330
as priests 269, 290–91, 297, 806–7
Brahmo Samaj society 303–4, 305
Brazil see Latin America
bread and wine see eucharist
and 1991 Census 562–4
and African diaspora religions 693–4, 717, 721–8, 822
and Anglicanism/Church of England 897–8, 899, 908, 913, 914
and Bahā’ism 905
and Buddhism 440, 846, 899, 902, 902, 903, 904, 905
Chinese migration to 905
and Christianity in twenty-first century 896, 897–8, 899, 900, 901, 902, 902, 903, 904, 905, 906, 908, 911, 912, 913, 914
Confucian tradition 905
emerging trends 769–75
Faith Zone in Millennium Dome (London) 898–9
Hinduism in 760–62, 764, 766–74, 831, 843–4, 897, 899, 902, 902, 903, 904, 905, 908–9: Uttar Pradesh 905
history of migration 759–62
Indian migration to 905
Iranian migration to 905
Islam in 231, 727, 760–62, 764–6, 770–74, 831, 841, 843, 897, 899, 902, 902, 903, 904, 905, 908, 909, 910, 911, 914, 915–17
Jainism in 365, 764, 766, 767, 769, 771, 845, 904, 905
Judaism in 15, 41–3, 897, 899, 902, 902, 903, 904, 908, 909, 913, 914
Methodism in 913
New Religious Movements (NRMs) in 905
Parsi migration to 905
Presbyterianism in 899
Punjabi migration to 905
Rajathani migration to 905
Religious Education in 912–13
Roman Catholicism in 908, 913, 914
Sikhism in 324–5, 760–62, 764, 766–74, 831, 833–4, 835, 838–9, 841–2, 843, 897, 899, 902, 902, 903, 904, 905, 908, 909, 914
and South Asian diaspora religions 686, 758–75, 821–2, 824–6, 828–9, 831, 838–47, 905
Sri Lanka migration to 905
Turkish migration to 905
twenty-first century religion in 896–918
Zoroastrianism in 240, 253–4, 255, 759–60, 764, 769, 771, 823, 832, 834, 837, 904, 905
British Social Attitudes (BSA) survey 906
‘Brog mi 434
Brotherhood of the Cross and Star 702
brotherhoods, in North American native religions 523–4, 539, 540
Brown, Joseph Epes 519
Brown, Peter 674
bsTan ’gyur 430
Buchanan, Constance H. 654
Buchignani, N. et al. 787
Buck, Sir Peter 550
Buddha see Gautama/Gothama, Siddhartha/Siddhartha (Buddha)
Buddhism 371–440
Ancient 371, 374–92, 411, 413: academic study 394–5; and the Buddha 376–8; buddhas and the dhamma 378–9, 381; decline 391–2; development 380–88, 484–5; and Hinduism 375–6, 432–3; and the Mahāyāna 388–90, 414, 431; origins 374–5
in Australia 737, 741, 755, 846, 855, 856, 858, 860, 860, 862, 864, 866, 867
in Britain 440, 846, 899, 902, 902, 903, 904, 905
and coexistence with other beliefs 372–4
and Hinduism 264, 269, 279, 280, 374, 375–6, 788
and Islam 391
and modernism 390, 395, 399–400, 406, 410, 411–13, 428–9
revival 439–40
in USA 372, 440, 598–9, 813–14, 846, 923, 924, 92
see also Eastern Buddhism; Mahāyāna Buddhism; meditation; monasticism; mysticism; Northern Buddhism; Sangha; Southern Buddhism; spirituality
Būhler, Georg 346–8
Builders of the Adytum 608
Al-Bukhārī, Muḥammad 167, 202, 225
Bulgaria, and Christianity 80–81
Burhanniya 891
in African religions 578
in Bahā’ism 637
in Chinese religions 459–61
in Judaism 32–3
in Pacific religions 554, 560, 561–2
Burma see Myanmar
Burnouf, Eugéne 418
Burridge, Kenelm 552
Buthelezi, Mana 701
Bynum, C. W. 664–5
Cabasilas, Nicholas 81
Bahā’ī 641–2
call to prayer (adhān), in Islam 184–5, 189, 192
calligraphy, in Islam 165, 175
Calvin, John, Institutes of the Christian Religion 76, 78, 97
Calvinism see Reformed churches
Cama, K. R. 253
Cambodia, and Southern Buddhism 372, 411, 439, 440, 813
Cameroon Baptist Convention 703
Anglicanism in 873
Buddhism in 777, 780, 794, 846
Caitanya tradition 881
Christianity in 89, 131, 777, 794, 870, 873–4, 879, 880, 881, 889, 893
Congregationalists in 873
East African migration to 872, 878
Eastern European migration to 874, 875
Evangelicanism in 873
and First Wold War 875
Hinduism in 777, 780, 781–2, 786–90, 870, 871, 872, 874: Uttar Pradesh 877
history of migration 779–81
Indian migration to 871
Indians in 883–4
Islam in 231, 777, 780, 790–93, 830, 843, 870, 871, 872, 873, 874, 880, 888–92, 893
Judaism in 15, 41, 611, 777, 794, 871, 872, 874–7, 891
Hasidic movement 876
Lutheranism in 873
Methodism in 873
Middle East migration to 872, 875
Moroccan Jews migration to 875
Presbyterianism in 873
Roman Catholicism in 873, 874, 890
Sikhism in 323–4, 328, 777, 779–80, 781–6, 799–800, 824, 835, 838, 841–2, 843, 870, 871, 872, 873, 883, 884, 885, 886–8
South Asian diaspora religions in 686, 777–96, 821–2, 825–6, 832, 838–41, 845–6, 872, 877
Southeast Asian migration to 872
Sri Lankan migration to 878, 883
Sufi orders in 891
Trinidadian migration to 878, 883, 884
twenty-first century religion in 870–93
Ugandan migration to 884
Ukrainian migration to 886
Zoroastrianism in 240, 254, 256–7, 777, 794–6
see also North America
Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (1982) 870, 873, 885
Canadian Islamic Congress (CIC) 889
Candomblé brotherhoods 86, 565, 719–20
Cantle Report on Community Cohesion (UK) 916
cargo cults 558, 580, 584, 585, 587, 588, 592
and African diaspora religions 565, 692–3, 714–19, 721, 722–3
and Hinduism 263
new religious movements 584
Caro, Rabbi Joseph 13
Carr, Anne E. 654–5
Castaneda, Carlos 545
castes 279, 280, 281, 282–3, 296–7
and caste cults 283, 297, 299, 301
in diaspora 745, 762, 766–7, 788, 833
and modern developments 302, 303, 304
and Sikhism 321, 327, 337, 338, 762, 766–7, 774, 801
Castro, Fidel 715
catechists, in Africa 696–7, 700
Catholic Church of the Sacred Heart 703
Catholic Reformation 77
Catholicism see Roman Catholic Church
in early Christianity 60, 67, 68, 71
and Reformation 77
Catimbó see Candomblé
Caturmāsa 294–5
caturvimshati-stava 354
Celestial Church of Christ 702
in Buddhism 390, 426–7, 429, 492, 804
in Taoism 474
Celsus 95
Celtic Christianity 107, 110–11, 113
Central America see Latin America
Cerullo, Morris 725
Césaire, Aimé 698
Ceylon Chronicles 392
Chaitanya 308
Chalcedon, Council (451 CE) 68–9, 134, 135, 136
Ch’an (Zen) Buddhism 439
in China 422–3, 426, 463, 465, 470, 472, 474
and diaspora 755
in Korea 424
and meditation 675
Chandraprabhsagar (Chitrabhanu) 365
Chandrashekharvijay 364
in Ancient Buddhism 383–4
in Christianity 61, 95–6, 154, 158–9, 256
and contact 6, 82–3, 86, 264, 552, 556
in Judaism 39–54
in Sikhism 326–7
in Southern Buddhism 410–13
in Zoroastrianism 256–7
channels see medium
Chanukah festival 29
charismatic Christianity 60, 127, 146, 158, 710, 725, 847
in Africa 107–8, 111, 113, 150, 151, 694, 702
in Latin America 91
charity see giving
Charlemagne, Emperor 71, 72, 170
Chasidic movement 22, 36, 39, 43, 611–12
and Lubavitch movement 50–51
Chatterji, Debjani 774
Chatterji, Gadhadhar 305
Cherubim and Seraphim societies 702, 727–8
Chih-i 420
Children of God (The Family) 603, 612–15
and Buddhism: Ancient 372; Eastern 413, 414–15, 417–18, 422–30, 447–8, 450, 456–7, 473, 474, 476; Tibetan 433–4, 439, 440, 474
and Christianity 73, 75, 82, 83, 92, 93, 135, 152, 450, 473, 475–6
and Islam 171, 229, 473–4, 476
maritime 447, 448–9, 451, 453–4, 460–61
Chinese religions 447–76
academic study 451–2
and Confucian virtue 455
festivals 461–3
and the five elements 450, 453–4
and Hell 456–7
history 449–51
and modern China 472–6
and mystic tradition 464–72
practices 458–64
religious functionaries 448, 460–61, 463–4, 470, 473
rites of passage 447–8, 450, 458–61, 463
sources 448–9
and union with the Tao 454
yin and yang 450, 452–3, 455–6, 457, 461, 470, 487
see also Confucianism; Eastern Buddhism; Taoism
Ch’ing-t’u school of Buddhism 421
Chinmaya Mission West 807
Chrishti (Muslim order) 873
chrismation 125
Christian Methodist Episcopal Church 712
Christian Research Institute 612
Christian Science 153, 596, 597, 598, 603–4, 612
Christianity 57–159
and academic study 94–107
and art and architecture 47, 76, 127–30
black independent churches 722–3, 922
and bread and wine 121–3
Christian populations 155, 157
and the Church 115–16
and days of observance 119–20
early, and Judaism 61–7
and God of Israel 59, 108–9, 153, 159
and Hinduism 91–2
history 61–94: barbarian phase 70–74, 96, 109, 138; hellenistic-Roman phase 65–70, 73–4, 94–6, 109, 115, 120, 131, 156; Judaic phase 61–5; maritime phase 81–6, 136, 138, 154–5, 695–7; southern phase 86–94, 105–6, 109, 120; Western phase 74–81, 86, 96–106, 136
and Judaism 18–20, 23, 40–41, 43–4, 108–9, 140
and laying on of hands 125–6
marginal traditions 152–3
modern developments 154–9
and new religious movements 583–4, 592–3
and other faiths 4, 106–7, 119, 124, 140, 155, 597–600, 677–8, 770, 773–4, 837
practices 116–30
principal traditions 130–53
sacred writings 114–15
as transnational 814
use of oil 125
and use of tongues 113, 127, 152, 724
see also African Christianity; Eastern Christianity; eucharist; evangelicalism; Holy Spirit; Islam; Jesus Christ; Latin Christianity; liturgy; mysticism; Northern Christianity; Oriental Christianity; prayer; Protestantism; Roman Catholic Church; Southern Christianity; worship
Christology see Jesus Christ
Chuang-txu (Zhuangzi) 449, 464–5, 467–8, 472
and baptism 124
and Christian community 58, 60, 65, 67, 71–2, 79, 117, 139, 142
and the Holy Spirit 113–14, 126, 141, 159
and scripture 77–8
and state 68, 75–6, 78–9, 82, 89, 90, 139, 142–4, 151, 616, 707–8, 727
structure and organization 67–9
see also denomination
church (building) 33, 127–8, 129
Churches and Other Faiths Subgroup of the Millennium Group of the Department of Culture, Media and Sport (UK) 897
see also ‘Lambeth Group’ (UK)
Churches Together (England) 899
Churches Together (Wales) 899
Church of Armageddon 603
Church of the Assyrians 135
Church of Christ, Scientist see Christian Science
Church of God in Christ 712
Church of God in Christ International 712
Church of God of Prophecy 724, 725
Church of God (Seventh Day) 726
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints see Mormons
Church of the Lord Throughout the World see Aladura
Church of the New Dispensation 304
Church of North India 156
Church of Scientology 615,
Church of South India 156, 813
Church of Universal Prayer Fellowship 727
Church Universal and Triumphant 606, 615
in Australian Aboriginal religion 555
in Bahā’ism 637
in early Christianity 62, 63, 66
female 834
in Islam 200
in Judaism 31
in Oriental Christianity 137
Cisneros, Ximenes de 100
Citizens’ Freedom Foundation 615
civil religion, and Christianity 67
civil rights
and Islam 219
Clarke, C. et al. 687
Codrington, R. H. 550
and African religions 565, 696–7, 703, 706
and China 451
and Christianity 81–6, 94, 138, 149, 696–8, 702
and diaspora communities 770
and new religious movements 585, 717
Christian 96
Jain 343
communalism 602–3, 740, 770, 816
communion, in Christianity 121–3, 139, 699
and Buddhism 379, 429–30, 439–40, 474
and Islam 473–4
and Taoism 474–5
Christian 8, 58, 60, 67, 71–2, 79, 86, 117, 139, 142, 149
diaspora 255, 690, 738, 759, 761, 767, 783–4, 825
comparative religion, and evolutionary thought 104–5
compassion, in Buddhism 384, 388, 392, 396, 401, 448, 492, 660, 675
confession, in Jainism 354, 359, 810
confirmation, in Christianity 124, 126, 141
and Buddhism 372, 374, 418, 424, 487
‘New Text’ 450
and rites of passage 448
sources 448
conscience, freedom of 79
and Bahā’ism 635
and Christianity 89, 91, 104, 135, 136, 143, 146–7
and Hinduism 771
and Islam 181, 200, 204–5, 207, 211, 217, 219–20, 626
and Northern Buddhism 435
Conservative Judaism 15, 25, 27, 34, 41–3, 52–3
Constantine, Emperor 68, 72, 596
Consultation Commission on Accommodation Practices Related to Cultural Differences (Canada) 873
contraception, in Judaism 54
to African Independent churches 702
to Bahā’ism 620–21, 628, 633, 639–40
to Buddhism 755
to Christianity 18–20, 83, 86, 304, 324, 560–61, 577, 696, 710, 773
to Islam 4, 18, 133, 171, 212, 224, 304, 334, 612, 802, 803, 843, 847
to Sikhism 325–6, 784, 800–801
to Zoroastrianism 253
Convince 584
Cooey, P. M. 658
Cooper, Guy H. 519
Coptic Orthodox Church 135
in African religions 567–8, 569, 570, 573, 704–5
in Chinese religions 449, 450, 453, 453, 455–6, 457, 487
in North American native religions 532, 540, 541, 543
in Pacific religions 559–60
in Zoroastrianism 243–4
Council of American Islamic Relations 931
Council of American Islamic Relations Canada 889
Council of Canadian Muslim Communities (CCMC) 891
Council of Islamic Schools in North America 936
councils, ‘ecumenical’ 68–70, 73, 133, 139, 156
Counter-Reformation 77, 216, 714
Cousins, Ewert 671
in Bahā’ism 633
Cramer, Melinda 604
in African religions 705
in Christianity 104–5
creation spirituality 661, 680
Islamic 182–3
in Bahā’ism 637
in Judaism 32
in Zoroastrianism 249
crusade/crusaders 75, 82, 170, 209, 226
and African religions 90, 565, 715
and Christianity 154
cult, alternative religions as 596, 610, 612–15
Cult Awareness Network (CAN) 615
African 148, 693, 695, 697–8, 701, 703–7, 715
Christian 61, 63, 69, 73–4, 90–91, 139, 151–2
and ethnicity 689
Hindu 744–5
indigenous 91, 92, 94, 106, 148
Native North American 516–46
Roman 72
Cumberland Presbyterians 597
Dādū 281
Daku community 592
Dalai Lama 434, 436, 439, 474, 741, 846
Dalip Singh, Maharaja 322, 324
Dalit Christianity 92
dāna (giving), in Buddhism 396–7, 398, 400, 405, 407, 755
dance 158, 206–7, 251, 471, 524–6, 531, 537, 556, 560
in African religions 573, 694, 716
in new religious movements 587, 590
darshana (darśana) (religious experience) 291, 292
darshanas (darśanas) (schools of Hinduism) 279
Dasam Granth 312–13
Datta, Narendranath see Vivekananda
David, Andrew Jackson 605
Davie, Grace 906
Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) 27–9, 38, 194
in African religions 571, 574, 578
in Bahā’ism 637
in Buddhism 406, 433, 448, 481, 487, 498–9
in Chinese religions 456, 459–61
in Hinduism 282, 290, 360, 742, 744, 787
in Japanese religions 498–9
in Sikhism 337
in Zoroastrianism 249, 760, 834
Denham report on Cohesive Communities (UK) 916
Christian 133, 147, 151, 156, 816
post-Christian 153
devas (divine powers)
in Hinduism 268, 279, 285, 288, 289, 298–300
dhamma, in Buddhism 378–9, 381, 383, 396, 401, 402–5, 675, 755
Dhammapala 393
in Eastern Buddhism 416
in Hinduism 269–70, 281–4, 287, 288, 295, 307, 743, 881
see also dhamma
dharma shastras (dharma āstras) 269–70
dharma sutras (dharma sūtras) 269
Dharmaguptak Buddhists 426, 427
Dhingra, Leena 774
Dhondy, Farrukh 774
Dianic witchcraft 609–10
black African 685, 686, 692–728, 842
Buddhist 430, 439–40, 685, 686, 737, 741, 755: in Australia 846; in Britain 440, 846; in Canada 777, 780, 794, 846; in USA 440, 813–14, 846
Chinese 447
Christian 686, 688: in Australia 845; in Britain 764, 769, 845; in Canada 131, 777, 794; in USA 131, 133, 811–13, 814, 816, 818–19, 845
comparative study 821–47
Hindu 4, 89, 263, 301, 308, 684, 685, 750, 827, 829, 833: in Australia 730–34, 736–41, 742–7, 843–4; in Britain 760–62, 764, 766–74, 831, 843–4; in Canada 777, 778, 780, 781–2, 786–90; in USA 598–9, 804–9, 814, 816, 818–19, 843–4
Jain 2, 365–7, 685, 836: in Australia 737, 755–6; in Britain 365, 764, 766, 767, 769, 771, 845; in Canada 777, 794, 810; in USA 365, 809–10, 814
Jewish 15–22, 19, 33, 46, 686, 736–7: in Britain 41–2, 43; in Canada 41, 611, 777, 794; in USA 34, 41, 54, 365, 611, 801, 842
Muslim 4, 611–12, 684, 685–6, 688, 827, 829: in Australia 730, 734, 736–7, 740–41, 747–52; in Britain 727, 760–62, 764–6, 770–74, 831, 841, 843; in Canada 777, 780, 790–93, 830, 843; in USA 172, 816, 818, 842, 843
Sikh 4, 89, 322–8, 685, 750, 823, 827, 832: in Australia 323, 325, 730, 734, 736–41, 752–4, 824, 838, 841–2, 843; in Britain 324–5, 760–62, 764, 766–74, 831, 833–4, 835, 838–9, 841–2, 843; in Canada 323–5, 328, 777, 778, 779–80, 781–6, 799–800, 824, 835, 838, 841–2, 843; in USA 323–5, 328, 798, 799–800, 814, 816, 838, 841–2
study of diaspora religion 3–4, 684–91, 828–37
and transnational families and religions 814–19, 835
Zoroastrian 4, 685–6, 822–3, 829, 834–6, 842: in Australia 240, 256, 730, 754; in Britain 240, 253–4, 759–60, 764, 769, 771, 823, 832, 834, 837; in Canada 240, 254, 256–7, 777, 794–6; in USA 240, 256–7, 812, 814, 844
Digambara Jains 343, 345–6, 348, 351, 353, 358, 360, 361–3, 365–6
dikka (dakka) 189–92
D’Innocenzo, M. 840–41
Disciples of Christ 597
Discrimination Law Review (UK) 911
Dīvāli 294–5, 319, 320, 327, 337, 743
in African religions 573, 574, 706
Divine Prayer Society 727
Divorce Act (Canada) 877
Diwali festival (Hindu) 879, 882, 884doctrine, Christian 133, 146
Dogen 492
Dominic 74
Doobay, Budhendranauth 788, 878
Doré, H. 451
Dosanjh, Ujjal 888
Dossa, Parrin 791
Douglas, M. 567
Dozier, Edward P. 519
Islamic 196, 201, 218–19, 223, 750, 766, 773, 793
Sikh 321, 327–8, 781, 785–6, 799, 827
Zoroastrian 250
Druzes 210
Du Perron, Anquetil 240
in Zoroastrianism 240, 245, 252–3
Dubois, W. E. B. 698
Duff, Alexander 102
dukkha (suffering) 402
Duméril, G. 243
Dundas, Paul 344
Dunkley, Archibald 718
Dusenbury, Verne A. 784
Duvalier, François 715–16
Eakin, W. R. 658
East Africa
and Eastern Christianity 131, 148
and indigenous religions 572, 574
and Islam 694–5
and Jainism 365
migration to Australia 740
migration to Britain 325, 365, 727, 761, 771, 823, 845–6
migration to Canada 777, 781, 786, 788–9, 790–92, 799–800, 823, 845–6
and Zoroastrianism 254, 255, 822
Easter 120
academic study 418–19
diffusion and adaptation 423–5
festivals 425
history 414–18
Hun-yen tradition 417, 420–21, 423–4
and Mahāyāna Buddhism 414–19, 420, 426, 428
and popular religion 424–5
recent developments 426–30, 439, 491
and sectarianism and syncretism 424
T’ien-t’ai tradition 417, 419, 420, 423, 424, 434, 470, 471
see also China; Japan; Korea; Shinto
Eastern Christianity 69, 72–3, 131–4
and biblical criticism 104
characteristics 133–4
and chrismation 125
conditioning factors 131–4
and continuity with past 131–4
and festivals 119–20
geographical distribution 131, 148
and ministry 126
nomenciature 131
and spirituality 118, 675, 677, 678
Eberhard, Wolfram 449
Eek, Diana 677
Eckhart, Meister (Eckhart von Hockheim) 118, 476 n.3
ecofeminism 680
and Christianity 90
and Jainism 366–7
ecstatics, in Hinduism 299
Ecumenical Association of African Theologians 699
and spirituality 677–8
Eddy, Mary Baker 153, 597, 603–4
in Hinduism 295, 303, 771, 807, 844
in Islam 211, 214, 217–18, 771, 801–2: for women 213, 219, 228, 766, 773, 792
in Jainism 364
in Japan 509
in Sikhism 326, 327, 767, 771, 785
and South Asian diaspora 736–7, 740, 748, 821–2, 824–5, 831
and spirituality 681
Edwards, Jonathan 708
and Christianity 69–70, 72–3, 131, 134, 135, 148
and Islam 72, 74, 139–40, 170, 172, 194, 213, 214–15, 216, 217–19, 221, 225–8, 230
Eilmore, C. and M. 604
Eisai 492
Eka-mukha-linga 273
Eliot, John 543
in Islam 206
and spirituality 673
Elkin, A. P. 550
Emerson, Ralph Waldo 603
Employment Equality (Religion or Belief) Regulations (UK) 910
in Buddhism 388–9, 415–16, 436, 470–71, 675
enlightenment 674
in alternative religions 610–11
in Buddhism 379, 384, 388, 404–5, 422, 431, 433, 487, 492, 675
in Sikhism 330–31
Enlightenment, European
and Christianity 59, 86, 97, 101–4, 105, 150
Equality Act (UK) 910
Equality and Human Rights Commission (UK, EHRC) 910–11
Erasmus, Desiderius 76, 79, 100
Eretz Israel see Israel (State)
Erigena, John Scotus 118
and African Independent churches 703
and African religions 576
in Christianity 113
in Islam 1768
in Zoroastrianism 246–7
Eski Cami mosque, Turkey 189, 190, 192
esotericism, in Buddhism 412, 423–4, 503–4
and African religions 569, 573
and Buddhism 381
and Christianity 101, 102, 111–12, 282–4
and Confucianism 447, 448, 450, 485
feminist 660
and Islam 210
and Jainism 352
and new religious movements 590
and North American native religions 531–2
and Sikhism 333
see also medical ethics
and Islam 230
and Rastafari 717–18
Ethlopian churches 75, 120, 702–3
Ethiopian Orthodox Church 135, 136, 137, 148, 703
ethnicity 689, 784, 824, 826, 840–41
and Buddhism 813
and Hinduism 809
and South Asian Christian 811–12
eucharist 121–3, 126, 133–4, 139, 141–2, 158, 160, 590, 812
Eurocentrism 567, 576, 680, 698
and Islam 169–70, 171–2, 224, 230–31
and recession from Christianity 86–9
and spread of Christianity 70–74, 75–81
European Convention on Human Rights 910
Eusebius of Caesarea, Ecclesiastical History 96
Evangelical Christian Catholic Church 702
Evangelical revival 86, 143–4, 597
Evangelicalism 142
in Canada 873
and charismatic movement 127, 150
and individualism 102, 143–4, 146–7
and world conciliar movement 156
evangelism 154–5
Evans, I. H. N. 552
Evans-Pritchard, E. E. 567
in African religions 568, 573–4, 579, 716
in Christianity 66, 108, 150, 159, 699
and gender 660
in native North American religions 535, 541
in new religious movements 587
in Sikhism 333
evolution, influence on Christianity 97, 101, 104–5
in Hinduism 300
in Japanese religions 490
in North American native religions 531
in Pacific religions 561