Al-Tabari, Ta’rikh al-Rusul wa-l-muluk 168, 226
Tabernacies (Sukkot) 29, 50, 120
in African religions 573
and gender 660
Tagore, Debendranāth 303
Tai-hsu 428
and Buddhism 430
Talayesva, Don 518
Taliban 929
Tambiah, S. J. 392
Tambor de Mina see Candomblé
Tibetan 430, 431–3, 437, 470, 471–2
Buddhist 412, 431–4, 436–7, 463, 491, 503–4
and Hinduism 280, 305, 308, 432
Western 611
Tao-chiao see Taoism
Tao-ch’o 421
and Buddhism 372, 374, 415, 418, 423–4
and cosmology 452, 453, 453, 455–6, 487
history 449–50
and mysticism 458, 465–70, 472, 674
and ritual 452, 453–4, 455, 457, 460–63, 470, 475
sources 448
spiritual 449
status 474–5
Tapodhan (Wealth of Asceticism) 364
tapu (taboo) 560
Taylor, Charles 873
see also gurū; rabbinism; Tirthankaras
Tedlock, Dennis 518
Tegh Bahadur, Gurū 313, 317, 320
Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre 679–80
Tempeis, Placide 698
in Bahā’ism 637
in Buddhism 430, 463, 471, 474, 487, 755, 813
in Chinese religions 463–4
in Hinduism 278, 278, 280, 291, 295, 298, 301, 308
in diaspora communities 744–7, 761, 766–7, 787–9, 805–7, 810, 816, 819
in Jainism 346, 356–8, 359, 362, 365, 766, 769, 810
in Zoroastrianism 239, 248, 250, 252, 754, 795, 812, 836
Tendai school of Buddhism 420, 434, 485, 491
Tenrikyo 860
Tenskwatawa 544
Terāpantha Jains 346, 352, 354, 358, 361, 364, 365–6
territoriality, and Christianity 72, 75, 81, 82, 83–5
in Japan 509–10
Muslim 219, 221, 87, 864, 871, 874, 879, 880, 883, 884, 889–90, 893, 911, 914–17, 921, 928–33, 936
Teton tribe 534–7
Tewa Popé 544
and Christianity 92
and images of Buddha 386–7
and Islam 229
and Southern Buddhism 372, 411, 413, 675, 813
Thammayur brotherhood 411, 413
and African religions 705
and Buddhism 412
and Hinduism 271, 279, 287, 302–4
theology, of African religions 565, 567–8, 568, 570–71, 576
theology, Christian 94–107, 697–701
in barbarian phase 96
and biblical studies 97–101, 103–4, 105–6
black 106, 697–701, 712–13, 723–8
diaspora 842
in Eastern Christianity 81, 97
and European Enlightenment 99, 101–4, 105
and evolutionary thought 104–5
feminist 653–4, 661–3, 665, 842, 847
in hellenistic-Roman phase 94–6
see also liberation theology
theology, Muslim 174–80, 202–10
theology of religions 106–7
and Hinduism 305
and Zoroastrianism 252
Theravāda Buddhism see Southern Buddhism
Thompson, L. G. 451
Tibet, and Northern Buddhism 372, 392, 419, 428, 430–39, 470–72, 474, 741, 846
T’ien-t’ai (Tiantai) tradition 417, 419, 420, 423, 424, 434, 470, 471
Tipitaka 381–3
Tirthankaras (teachers) 342, 343, 344, 351, 356, 358, 359
Tisha Be-Av 30–31
Tokugawa, Ieyasu 485
Tokugawa, Mitsukuni 493
in Bahā’ism 627
in Christianity 708
in Hinduism 266
in Sikhism 338
tongues, Christian use 113, 127, 152, 715, 724
Torah (Pentateuch)
and Islam 179
in Judaism 13, 22, 23–5, 27–9, 30–31, 33–4, 37, 54
Torres Strait Islander religions 853, 865
in native North American religions 523, 530
in Pacific religions 555–6, 557
Toyotomi, Hideyoshi 485
in diaspora communities 771, 789–90, 805–6, 815, 819, 823–4, 827, 830–32
in Eastern Christianity 97, 131, 133–4
great/little 6–7, 265, 352–3, 410, 482
in Islam see ḥadīths
oral: in Africa 575, 699, 704; in Buddhism 382, 414; in Judaism 37; in native North American religions 544; in Pacific religions 552; in primal religions 583; in Zoroastrianism 238, 239
in Oriental Christianity 136
in Sikhism 753–4
Transcendentalism, New England 603
of Bahā’i scriptures 624
of Christian scriptures 66, 78, 100, 115, 139, 696
of Qur’an 166–7
see also International Sacred Literature Trust
Trent, Council (1545–63 CE) 7, 139, 141
Trinity, in Christianity 114
Ts’ao-tung (Soto) school of Buddhism 422, 492
Tshibangu, T. 698–9
Tu-shun 420
Tucci, Giuseppe 418
tulkus 436
Tulsi, Acharya 364
Tunisia, and Islam 221, 228, 230
turban, in Sikhism 321, 327–8, 338, 753, 781, 785–6, 799, 827, 833–4
and Christianity 131
and Islam 170, 206, 215, 223, 227, 229
Turner, Harold W. 552
Tutu, Desmond 701
Twigg MP, Stephen 914
Tzom Gedaliah 27
Uberoi, Varun 885–6
ultimatism, in Buddhism 411, 412, 428
Umansky, Ellen M. 658
Umayyad dynasty 169–70, 203, 208, 225
Umbanda spirit cult 86, 565, 720
’umra (lesser pilgrimage) 195–8
Underhill, Evelyn 671, 672, 678
Unification Church (Moonies) 615, 618
United Church of Christ in Japan (Kyodan) 507
United Front Association 475
United Holy Church of America 712
United Methodist Church 711
United Synagogue 43
unity of Christianity 126, 151, 156
Universalist Church 653
Universal Negro Improvement Association 717
upanayana (initiation) 289
Upanishads 268–9, 279, 302–3, 376
urbanization, effects on Christianity 90, 147, 150, 158, 579
and African diaspora religions 693–4, 707–14, 727
and alternative religions 598–616, 614, 617
and Bahā’ism 8, 620–21, 622, 628, 637
and Baptists 124, 144–6, 597, 708, 710, 926
and Black churches 922
and Buddhism 372, 440, 598–9, 813–14, 846, 923, 924, 92
Caribbean migration to 931
Chinese migration to 926
and church and state 143, 144, 707–8
and Christianity 923, 924, 925, 926, 927, 930, 934, 935, 936
and diaspora Christianity 811–13, 814, 816, 818–19, 845
and Eastern Christianity 131, 133
and Evangelical revival 143–4
and evolutionary thought 105
and expansion of Christianity 85, 144–6
and Fundamentalism 146–7
and Hinduism 598–9, 804–9, 816, 818–19, 843–4, 923, 924, 927, 936, 937
Iranian migration to 930
and Islam 172, 598–600, 707, 713–14, 801–4, 816, 818, 842–3, 923, 924, 927, 929–31, 936, 937
and Jainism 365–6, 809–10, 923
and Judaism 15–18, 34, 41–3, 52–4, 611, 801, 924, 925, 930, 934, 936
Middle East migration to 930
and Native Americans 90
and Pentecostalism 926
Philippines migration to 926
and Protestantism 924, 934, 936
and recession from Christianity 89
and Roman Catholicism 924, 926, 932, 934, 936
and Sikhism 323–4, 328, 798, 799–800, 816, 838, 841–2, 923, 928
and South Asian diaspora religions 598–9, 686, 798–819, 821–2, 824–6, 838–42
and Syrian migration to 930
and transnational families and religions 814–19
twenty-first century religion in 921–38
and Zoroastrianism 240, 256–7, 812 see also African Americans; North America
Al-’Uzza 176
Vairocana (Supreme Buddha) 491
Vaisakhi festival 319, 327, 337
Vaishnavism (Vaiṣṇavism) 271, 279–80, 284–5, 289, 308, 335, 881
in diaspora communities 750, 807–8
Vaishyas (Vaiśyas) 269
Vajrayana Buddhism see Mantrayana Buddhism
Vallabha 279
vandana 354
Vardhamāna Jnatrputra see Mahavira
Varṇas (social classes) 269, 279, 289, 330, 332
varṇāshrama (varnāirama) dharma 269, 282–3, 333
Vars 313
Vasubandhu 416
Vecsey, Christopher 519
Veda 268, 269, 271, 303, 304, 332, 789
in diaspora Hinduism 306, 740, 743, 747, 804, 878, 880–81, 885
see also Ramakrishna Mission
Vedism 266–9, 271, 278, 288, 330, 742, 788–9
and Buddhism 375–6
in Buddhism 381
in Hinduism 743
in Zoroastrianism 250
veil, in Islam 201–2, 218–19, 220, 750
in African Christianity 149–50
Christian use of 73, 78–9, 82, 91, 100, 115, 696
in Judaism 40
in Latin Christianity 137, 139–40
in Northern Christianity 142, 147
in Oriental Christianity 135
in South Asian diaspora religions 828–30
Vibhajjavada Buddhism 393, 426, 427
see also Southern Buddhism
and Buddhism 372, 426, 439, 813
and Christianity 92
Vijňaptimātra (‘information only’)
Buddhism 416–17, 419, 420, 423
Vinaya school of Buddhism 423, 424, 435, 438
Vinaya-piṭaka 282, 419, 420, 426, 430
and Christianity 700–701, 712–13
and Hinduism 306–7
see also ahiṃsā (non-violence)
Vira-Shaivism (-Saivism) 280
Virgin Mary, in Latin Christianity 77, 141–2, 152
Vir Sainik 364
Vishishtadvaita (Viśiṣtādvaita) (differentiated non-duality) 279
Vishnu (Viṣṇu) 270, 271, 272, 280, 284–5, 287, 291, 307, 553
in diaspora communities 743, 746, 806, 878
festivals 294
Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) 330, 745, 747, 787, 818, 873, 881
Visiddhimagga 392
in Chinese religions 463
in Mahāyāna Buddhism 388–9, 412, 421
in Northern Buddhism 433, 436, 471
vivāha (marriage) 289–90
Vivekananda (Narendranath Datta) 305–6, 598, 672, 760, 804
vodun snake cult 565
Vogt, Kari 658
Voice of Hinduism 878
Wainwright, Geoffrey 677
in Chinese religions 466
in Pacific religions 560
Waters, Frank 520
Watt, W. Montgomery 207
Way International 615
Webb, A. R. M. 598
Weber, Albrecht 346–8
Weinfeld, Morton 877
Wel Huscun 469
Wellhausen, Julius 103
Wesak/Vesakha 409
Wesley, Charles 118
Wessinger, C. 658–9
West Bank and Gaza 51, 222, 228, 229
Wetstein, J. J. 100
Whitefield, George 708
Williams, F. E. 550
Williams, R. B. 826
Williams, Roger 708
Williamson, R. W. 550
Wilson, J. 251–2
Wilson, M. 576
Winti (Alfodré) 719
and ancient wisdom groups 606–7
as feminine 660
in Mahāyāna Buddhism 389, 390, 414, 675
in Africa 93, 150, 566, 568, 574, 576, 578–9, 703, 706
and alternative religious movements 609
in native North American religions 541, 544
see also shamanism
Wodziwob 544
Wolf, A. 451
academic studies 652–5
in African Independent churches 702, 750
in African religions 705, 720, 721
in Christianity 74, 107, 158–9, 658, 662
in Hinduism 282, 291, 661, 743, 766–7, 773: and education 295, 303, 736
in Islam 192, 194, 198–9, 200–203, 220, 222–4, 658: diaspora 737, 751, 766, 772–3, 791–2, 823, 827; and education 213, 219, 228, 766, 773, 792; and mosque worship 201, 202, 223, 766, 791–2; and purdah 201–2, 218–19, 223
in Judaism 32, 34, 48, 53–4, 658, 662
in new religious movements 590, 659, 660
in Sikhism 316, 319, 338, 658, 773, 801
in South Asian diaspora 736–7, 772–4, 827, 837
and spirituality 656, 673–4, 680–81
in world religions 655–6
in Zoroastrianism 248, 250, 827
see also feminism; gender; patriarchy
Women Against Fundamentalism 772–3
Wonhyo 423
World Conference on Religion and Peace 502
World Council of Churches 133, 156, 592, 651–2, 702, 724
World Council of Muslim Women’s Foundation 891
World Sikh Organization 800, 888
World’s Parliament of Religions 305, 361, 597–8, 618, 653, 804
World Trade Center attack see 9/11 terrorist attacks
in African religions 574–5
and art 127–30
in Bahā’ism 637
in Buddhism 406–7
changes in 158–9
in diaspora communities 715, 769–71, 787–90, 831, 836
in Hinduism 278, 288, 291–2, 300, 742–4, 766–7, 787–90, 806
in Islam 165, 174, 189–93, 201, 223, 727, 791–2, 801–2
in Jainism 356–8, 359, 756, 810, 836
in new religious movements 587, 590
in Oriental Christianity 136–7
in Sikhism 324, 327, 333, 335–7, 754, 767, 783, 785
Worsley, Peter 552
Wovokn 544
Yahweh 109
Yājur-veda 268
Yanagita, Kunio 495
yantras 291–2
Yarnold, Edward 677
Yasin, Shaykh Ah [.]mad 222, 228
Yasna Haptanhīti 240
in Japanese religions 495–6
in Pacific religions 553–4
yin and yang 449–50, 452–3, 455–6, 457, 461, 470, 487
in Eastern Buddhism 416
Hindu 285–7
in Northern Buddhism 437
Tantric 280
Western 611
Yogācāra Buddhism 416–17, 419, 420, 423, 435, 436
Yoga-sūtras (Patanjali) 674
Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) 27–9, 38
yoni 291
Yoruba religion 570, 571, 573, 575, 576, 702, 706, 715, 719–20
Yoshida, Kanetomo 492–3
Yoshida Shinto 492–3
Yoshinori, Takeuchi 675
Young Muslims UK 771
Yusuf Ali 166
zakāt (alms-giving) 193–4
Zarathushtra see Zoroaster
Zardhustis 905
Zen Buddhism see Ch’an (Zen) Buddhism
Zine, Jasmine 891
Zion Christian Church 590, 702
and Ashkenazi Jews 18
and Reform Judaism 41
Zoroaster (Zarathu tra) 238, 239, 240, 260
date 243
as priest 245
teachings 245–7, 249–50, 252–4, 829
Zoroastrianism 238–60
academic study 240–43
in Australia 240, 256, 730, 754, 858
basic observances 247–50, 829–30
in Britain 240, 253–4, 255, 759–60, 764, 769, 771, 823, 832, 834, 837, 904, 905
in Canada 240, 254, 256–7, 777, 794–6
geographical distribution 239–40, 241, 823
history 239–40
in Hong Kong 254
in India 239–40, 250, 254–6, 822
in Iran 238, 239, 249–50, 251, 253–7, 260, 795, 822
and Islam 171
modern developments 251–4, 822–3, 844–5
in Pakistan 255, 754, 822, 823
populations 242
sources 238–9
as transnational 814
see also diaspora; fire; Parsis; prayer; priest; ritual; temple; worship
Zoroastrian Reform Society 252
Zurvanism 247
Index compiled by Meg Davies