- 12th Amendment, 10
- 16th Amendment, 216–217
- 17th Amendment, 217
- 18th Amendment, 218
- 19th Amendment, 218
- abolitionist, defined, 177–178
- A-bombs, dropping, 267
- Acts
- Agricultural Marketing, 239
- Alien, 50, 52
- Alien and Sedition, 52
- Alien Enemies, 52
- American Recovery and Reinvestment, 393
- Americans with Disabilities, 361
- Beer and Wine Revenue, 251
- Budget Reform, 14, 15
- Child Labor, 218
- Civil Aeronautics, 263
- Civil Rights, 309
- Civil Service Reform, 171
- Clayton Antitrust, 218
- Clean Air, 361
- Congressional, 59
- Dawes, 183
- Dependent Pension, 189
- Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation, 378
- Economy, 251
- Elementary and Secondary Education, 310
- Embargo, 60
- Emergency Banking, 251
- Fair Labor Standards, 252
- Family and Medical Leave, 367
- Federal Home Loan Bank, 239
- Federal Reserve, 217
- GINA, 379
- Glass-Steagall, 239
- Hepburn, 204
- Higher Education, 310
- Highway Beautification, 310
- Interstate Commerce, 183
- Intolerable, 34
- Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation, 378
- Kansas-Nebraska, 144
- Kellogg-Briand, 235
- Land, 104
- Lend-Lease, 256
- McKinley Tariff, 189, 193
- Meat Inspection, 204
- Medicare, 310, 378
- Military Reconstruction, 160
- Model Cities, 310
- National Housing, 252
- National Industrial Recovery, 251
- Naturalization, 52
- NCLB, 379
- Neutrality, 255–256
- Non-Intercourse, 60
- Obamacare, 394–395, 408
- Patriot, 381
- Pendleton, 179
- Publicity, 210
- Pure Food and Drug, 204
- Reciprocal Trade Agreements, 252
- Removal, 90, 91
- Safe Drinking Water, 367
- Screen Actors Guild, 344
- Securities Exchange, 252
- Sedition, 52
- Sherman Antitrust, 189
- Social Security, 252
- Stamp, 34, 46
- Taft-Hartley, implementing, 270
- Tax Cuts and Jobs, 408
- Tax Relief, 393
- Tenure of Office, 161
- Townshed, 34
- Transportation, 264
- Unemployment Compensation, 218
- Voting Rights, 309
- Wagner, 252
- War Powers, 11, 14
- Adams, John
- overview, 45–46
- personal information, 433
- political career of, 46–54
- upbringing of, 46
- Adams, John Quincy
- chosen by House of Representatives, 78
- death of, 80
- election of, 76
- interest in European affairs, 76–78
- overview, 75–76
- personal information, 434
- presidency of, 78–79
- rivalry with Jackson, 85
- serving as Congressman, 79–80
- upbringing of, 77
- Adams, Louisa, 77
- Affordable Care Act (Obamacare)
- provisions of, 394–395
- Trump cutting back on, 408
- Afghanistan, 351, 381–382, 396–397
- Agricultural Adjustment Administration, 251–252
- Agricultural Marketing Act, 239
- Algiers Conference, 203
- Alien Act, 52
- Alien and Sedition Acts, 50, 52
- Alien Enemies Act, 52
- Alliance, Treaty of, 41
- ambassadors, 11
- amendments
- American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, 393
- Americans with Disabilities Act, 361
- AmeriCorps, 367
- Anti-Federalists, 38
- apartheid, defined, 389
- appointments, presidential, 22
- Appomattox, 164
- Arab Spring, 398
- Arkansas, Clinton governing, 365
- arms control
- defined, 224
- Kennedy discussing with Soviet Union, 296–297
- Arthur, Chester A.
- personal information, 437
- political career of, 178–180
- Articles of Confederation, 8–9
- assassinations
- auto industry bailout, 394
- axis, defined, 256
- Axson, Ellen Louise, 214
- Balfour Declaration, 268
- Baltimore American (newspaper), 106
- banks, Jackson opposing, 89
- Battle of Chattanooga, 164
- Battle of Saratoga, 35
- Battle of Vicksburg, 164
- Bay of Pigs, 297–298
- Beer and Wine Revenue Act, 251
- Berlin airlift, implementing, 269
- Berlin Wall, building, 298–299
- Biddle, Nicholas, 89
- Bill Clinton Presidential Library and Museum, 429
- Bill of Rights, passing, 38–39, 58
- bills, Cleveland vetoing, 181
- birther debate, 405
- Black Codes, 159
- Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas, Brown vs., 282–283
- bombs, dropping, 267
- Boston Massacre, 46
- Boston Tea Party, 34, 46
- Bouvier, Jacqueline Lee. See Kennedy, Jackie
- British
- fighting, 68
- seizing U.S. sailors, 60
- British Canada, Van Buren battling with, 102
- Brown vs. the Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas, 282–283
- Buchanan, James
- interpretation of presidential powers, 12
- personal information, 436
- ranking, 423
- budget policies, 14
- Budget Reform Act, 14, 15
- Bull Moose Party, 205–206
- bully pulpit, 16, 200–201, 218
- Burr, Aaron
- losing to Thomas Jefferson, 58
- receiving equal votes, 10
- Bush, George H. W.
- personal information, 440
- political career of, 357–362
- Bush, George W.
- 9/11 and, 379–384
- campaigning, 376
- election of, 377–378
- governing Texas, 375–376
- overview, 373–374, 375
- personal information, 441
- presidency, 378–379
- restoring imperial presidency, 15–16
- retiring, 385–386
- running for governor, 375
- winning reelection, 384–385
- busing, 349
- Cable Satellite Corporation (C-SPAN), 24, 25
- Calhoun, John Caldwell
- leading War Hawks, 68
- Martin Van Buren's feud with, 100
- Camp David Accords, 338
- campaigns
- Adams, 49
- Bush, George H. W., 359
- Bush, George W., 376
- Carter, 337
- Clinton, 365–366
- Eisenhower, 281
- Harding, 230
- Hoover, 237–238
- image, 103
- Kennedy, 293–295
- Obama, 391
- Polk, 114–115
- Roosevelt, 248–249, 258–259
- Taylor, 123
- Trump, 405–406
- Wilson, 216
- careers, legal
- careers, political
- Adams, 46–54
- Arthur, 178–180
- Bush, George H. W., 357–362
- Carter, 336–341
- Cleveland, 181–186
- Clinton, 364–371
- Coolidge, 232–236
- Eisenhower, 280–289
- Ford, 330–335
- Garfield, 174–176
- Grant, 162–166
- Harding, 227–232
- Harrison, 186–190
- Hayes, 167–171
- Hoover, 236–241
- Jackson, 86–93
- Jefferson, 55–61
- Johnson, Andrew, 157–162
- Johnson, Lyndon, 304–313
- Kennedy, 291–296
- Lincoln, 140–153
- Madison, 65–69
- McKinley, 191–197
- Monroe, 70–75
- Nixon, 317–325
- Obama
- campaigning, 391
- election of, 391–392
- foreign policies, 396–398
- overview, 389
- presidency, 392–396
- retiring, 399
- State Senate, 389–390
- U.S. Senate, 390–391
- winning reelection, 396
- Polk, 112–120
- Reagan
- governing California, 345
- Iran-Contra scandal, 352–353
- overview, 344–345
- presidency, 346–350
- reestablishing U.S. world domination, 350–351
- retiring, 362
- winning against Gerald Ford, 345–346
- winning reelection, 352
- Roosevelt, Franklin D., 246–254
- Roosevelt, Theodore
- becoming governor of New York, 200
- Bull Moose, becoming, 205–206
- choosing successor, 204–205
- death of, 206
- national politics, 199–200
- overview, 197–198
- presidency, 200–202
- retiring, 206
- Rough Riders, founding, 200
- serving on New York state legislature, 198–199
- vice presidency, 200
- winning reelection, 203–204
- Taft, 208–211
- Taylor, 121–125
- Truman, 261–274
- Trump, 405–413
- Tyler, 108–110
- Van Buren, 97–98, 101–102
- Washington, 33–34
- Wilson, 215–225
- Carter, Jimmy
- personal information, 440
- political career of, 336–341
- public persuasion and, 24
- Carter Doctrine, 339
- Cash for Clunkers, 393
- Catherine, Thelma, 316
- Central America, 350
- character, of presidents, 23
- Chattanooga, Battle of, 164
- Checkers Speech, 318
- checks and balances, 10–11
- Cherokee, 90–91
- chief diplomat, Adams as, 48
- chief executive, 18
- chief foreign policy maker, 18
- chief legislator, 18
- Child Labor Acts, 218
- China
- becoming communistic, 272–273
- Trump implementing tariffs against, 410
- Christian, Letitia, 108
- Civil Aeronautics Act, 263
- civil rights, 299–301
- Johnson and, 306–309
- limiting, 52–53
- Civil Rights Act, 309
- Civil Rights Bill, 160
- Civil Service Reform Act, 171
- civil strife, quelling, 41–42
- Civil War, 147–149
- avoiding, 53
- battles, 149
- Civilian Conservation Corps, 251
- Clay, Henry
- leading War Hawks, 68
- losing to Polk, 114–115
- supporting Adams, 87
- Clayton Antitrust Act, 218
- Clean Air Act, 361
- Cleveland, Grover
- personal information, 437
- political career of, 181–186
- ranking, 20
- Clinton, Bill
- personal information, 441
- political career of, 364–371
- Clinton, Hillary, 364
- coal miners’ strike, 201
- Cold War, defined, 316
- collective security, 272
- commander in chief, 11, 18
- Committee to Reelect the President (CREEP), 323
- communism, 266, 267–269, 288
- concurrent resolution, 14
- Confederacy
- confronting, 146–147
- motivating, 150–151
- Tyler supporting, 110
- confederation, 8
- Congress
- Clinton losing election for, 368
- of Confederation, 8
- creation of, 8
- Ford serving in, 332
- Jackson warring with, 159–161
- Madison serving in, 67–68
- McKinley serving in, 193
- Tyler vetoing bills passed by, 109–110
- Congressional Act (Judiciary Act), 59
- Congressional Government (Wilson), 214
- congressional legislation, 13
- conservative social policies, Reagan and, 349–350
- Constitution
- creation of, 9, 36
- Madison advocating, 66–67
- Monroe opposing, 71
- writing, 8–9
- Constitutional Convention, 8, 9
- containment, defined, 285
- Continental Congress, 7–8
- Contras, 350, 352
- Conventional Forces in Europe Treaty, 352
- Coolidge, Calvin
- personal information, 438
- political career of, 232–236
- corruption, Hayes fighting, 170–171
- Coxey, Jacob, 185
- Coxey’s Army, 185
- CREEP (Committee to Reelect the President), 323
- Crime Bill, 367
- crisis management, 21–22
- crisis manager, 18
- C-SPAN (National Cable Satellite Corporation), 24, 25
- Cuban Missile Crisis, 297
- Custis, Martha. See Washington, Martha
- Czolgosz, Leon, 196
- dark horse candidate, 113
- Dawes Act, 183
- Dayton Peace Accords, 369
- deaths
- Arthur, 179
- Cleveland, 186
- Clinton, 371
- Coolidge, 236
- Eisenhower, 289
- Grant, 166
- Harding, 232
- Harrison, 190
- Hayes, 171
- Hoover, 241
- Jackson, 161–162
- Johnson, 311–313
- Nixon, 325
- Reagan, 354
- Roosevelt, 206, 259–260
- Truman, 275
- Tyler, 110
- Wilson, 225
- debt, national, 349
- Declaration of Independence
- Adams passing, 47
- drafts of, 56
- Jefferson writing, 56
- defrauding government, 230–231
- demobilize, defined, 164
- Democratic Party
- Democratic-Republicans
- creation of, 40
- Federalists against, 51–53
- Jefferson supported by, 49
- Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), 310
- Department of Transportation (DOT), 310
- Dependent Pension Act, 189
- Depression, Great, 239
- deterrence, strategy of, 287–288
- devalued, defined, 349
- Dewey, Thomas, 271–272
- direct primaries, 215
- disarmament, defined, 351
- distilled liquor, tax on, 41
- Dixiecrats, 271
- Doctrine of Massive Retaliation, 284
- domestic policies
- Bush, George H. W. and, 360–361
- Bush, George W. and, 378–379
- Clinton and, 366–367
- Kennedy and, 299–300
- Monroe and, 73–74
- Obama and, 393–394
- Trump and, 408
- DOT (Department of Transportation), 310
- Doud, Marie Geneva, 278
- Douglas, Stephen, 144
- draft dodgers, 334
- Dwight D. Eisenhower Library, 431
- early life of presidents
- Adams, 46, 77
- Arthur, 179
- Bush, George H. W., 357
- Bush, George W., 374
- Carter, 336
- Cleveland, 180
- Clinton, 364
- Coolidge, 233
- Eisenhower, 278
- Ford, 330
- Garfield, 176
- Grant, 162
- Harding, 228–229
- Harrison, 105, 187
- Hoover, 238
- Jefferson, 55
- Johnson, 84, 157, 304
- Kennedy, 292
- Lincoln, 140
- Madison, 65
- Monroe, 70
- Nixon, 316
- Obama, 388–389
- Polk, 111
- Reagan, 344
- Roosevelt, 198–199, 246
- Taft, 207
- Truman, 262
- Trump, 402
- Washington, 32
- Wilson, 214
- Eaton, John, 100
- Eaton, Peggy, 100
- economic depression, 185
- Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act, 378
- economy
- Reagan and, 348–349
- Roosevelt and, 204
- saving, 250–253
- Trump and, 408–409
- Van Buren and, 101–102
- Economy Act, 251
- 18th Amendment to the Constitution, 218
- Eisenhower, Dwight D.
- military career of, 277–280
- overview, 277
- personal information, 439
- political career of, 280–289
- ranking, 28, 418
- Eisenhower Doctrine, 286
- elections. See also reelections
- Adams, 76
- Bush, George W., 377–378
- Obama, 391–392
- Trump, 406–407
- Electoral College, 10
- Electoral Commission, 170
- Elementary and Secondary Education Act, 310
- Emancipation Proclamation, 12, 149–150
- Embargo Act, 60
- Emergency Banking Act, 251
- environment, 395–396
- Europe
- Adams and, 76–78
- Truman and, 265–266
- Wilson and, 224–225
- factions. See parties
- Fair Deal policies, 269, 273–274
- Fair Labor Standards Act, 252
- Family and Medical Leave Act, 367
- Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA), 251
- Federal Home Loan Bank Act, 239
- Federal Reserve Act, 217
- Federal Reserve System, 116
- Federal Trade Commission, 217
The Federalist Papers (Madison, Hamilton, Jay), 67
- Federalists, 40, 51–53
- FERA (Federal Emergency Relief Administration), 251
- Fillmore, Millard, 423–424, 435
- first party system, 40
- Flexible Response, 287
- Ford, Gerald
- personal information, 440
- political career of, 330–335
- foreign policies
- Bush, George H. W. and, 359–360
- Bush, George W. and, 379
- Carter and, 338
- Coolidge and, 235–236
- difficulty with, 368–369
- Eisenhower and, 285–286
- Kennedy and, 296–299
- Middle East, 396–398
- Monroe and, 72–73
- Nixon and, 322
- ranking, 22–23
- Reagan and, 350–351
- Roosevelt and, 14, 201–202, 203
- Taft and, 208–209
- Trump and, 409–410
- Tyler and, 109–110
- Wilson and, 219–221
- Fourteen Points, 224–225
- France
- Eisenhower liberating, 279
- problems with, 50–51
- promises made by, 91
- Franklin D. Roosevelt Library, 430
- free enterprise system, 345
- Free Soil Party, 103
- freshmen, 142
- Galt, Edith, 219
- Gardiner, Julia, 110
- Garfield, James Abram
- competing against Arthur for vice presidency, 178–179
- personal information, 436
- political career of, 174–176
- Genet, Edmond, 41
- Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA), 379
- Gentleman’s Agreement, 203
- George H. W. Bush Presidential Library, 429
- George W. Bush Presidential Library, 428–429
- Georgia
- Carter governing, 337
- Worcester vs., 90–91
- Germany, surrender of, 279–280
- Gettysburg Address, 152–153
- Ghent, Treaty of, 77
- GINA (Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act), 379
- Glass-Steagall Act, 239
- Gold Democrats, 184
- Good Neighbor policy, 254
- Goodhue, Grace Anna, 233
- governors
- Bush, George W., 375–376
- Carter, 337
- Cleveland, 182
- Clinton, 365
- Hayes, 168
- Jefferson, 57
- McKinley, 193
- Monroe, 71–72
- Roosevelt, Franklin D., 248
- Roosevelt, Theodore, 200
- Taft, 208
- Wilson, 215–216
- grandfather clause, 309
- Grant, Ulysses S.
- personal information, 436
- political career of, 162–166
- ranking, 424
- graveyard votes, 294–295
- Great Depression, 239
- Great Recession
- Great Society agenda, 309–310
- Great White Fleet, 203
- Greenville, Treaty of, 39
- Grundy, Felix, 111
- Guadeloupe Hidalgo, Treaty of, 118
- Gulf War, 360
- habeas corpus, defined, 148
- Half-Breeds, 178
- Hamilton, Alexander
- handling treasury, 39
- revising Articles of Confederation, 36
- rivalry between Jefferson and, 40, 57–58
- Harding, Warren G.
- personal information, 438
- political career of, 227–232
- ranking, 422
- Harrison, Benjamin
- personal information, 437
- political career of, 186–190
- Harrison, William Henry
- death of, 107
- Native Americans and, 104–105
- nickname of, 105
- overview, 103–104
- personal information, 435
- political offices served by, 105–106
- power to issue executive orders and, 15
- presidency of, 106–107
- ranking, 424
- upbringing of, 105
- Hawley-Smoot Tariff, 239
- Hayes, Rutherford B.
- personal information, 436
- political career of, 167–171
- head of state, 18
- healthcare system
- Clinton and, 367–368
- Obama and, 394
- Helsinki Accords, 334
- Henry, Lou, 238
- Hepburn Act, 204
- Herndon, Ellen Lewis, 179
- Herron, Helen, 207
- Higher Education Act, 310
- Highway Beautification Act, 310
- A History of the American People (Wilson), 214
- Holy Alliance, 73
- Hoover, Herbert
- personal information, 438
- political career of, 236–241
- ranking, 424–425
- Hooverville, 239–240
- hostages, Iranian, 339–340
- House of Representatives
- Adams chosen by, 78
- Johnson serving in, 305
- Lincoln serving in, 142–146
- Nixon serving in, 317
- HUD (Department of Housing and Urban Development), 310
- Hungary, 285
- Hurricane Katrina, 384–385
- ICBMs (Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles), 321
- illness
- of Polk, 112
- of Roosevelt, 247
- image campaign, 103
- impeachment
imperial presidency (Schlesinger Jr.), 13
- imperialism, 185–186, 195
- impress, defined, 60
- inaugural precedents, setting, 38
- independence, 34–36
- inflation, 170–171
- integrity, of presidents, 23
- Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs), 321
- Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, 351–352
- international affairs, 194–195
- International Security Assistance Force (ISAF), 382
- Interstate Commerce Act, 183
- Intolerable Acts, 34
- Iran-Contra scandal, 352–353
- Iranian hostage crisis, 339–340
- Iraq, war against, 382–384
- ISAF (International Security Assistance Force), 382
- ISAF (Operation Enduring Freedom), 397
- ISIL (Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham), 397–398, 410
- isolationism, 254
- Jackson, Andrew
- Congress, challenging, 13
- death of, 93
- inauguration of, 88
- military career of, 84–85
- nickname of, 84
- overview, 83
- personal information, 434
- political career of, 86–93
- relationship to Van Buren, 100–101
- Stolen Election, 86–87
- upbringing of, 84
- Jay Treaty, 42
- Jefferson, Thomas
- overview, 45, 54–55
- personal information, 434
- political career of, 55–61
- ranking, 418
- receiving equal votes, 10
- rivalry between Hamilton and, 40
- upbringing of, 55
- Jimmy Carter Library, 431
- Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act, 378
- John F. Kennedy Presidential, 430
- Johnson, Andrew
- nickname of, 158
- overview, 155–156
- personal information, 436
- political career of, 157–162
- ranking, 28, 421
- upbringing of, 157
- Johnson, Lyndon
- personal information, 439
- political career, 304–313
- Jones, Paula, 370
- Judiciary Act (Congressional Act), 59
The Jungle (Sinclair), 204
- justices, Supreme Court, 11
- Kansas-Nebraska Act, 144
- Katrina, Hurricane, 384–385
- Kellogg-Briand Act, 235
- Kennedy, Jackie, 292
- Kennedy, John F.
- assassination of, 301
- changing foreign policy, 296–299
- media usage, 17
- Nixon losing presidency to, 319
- overview, 291
- personal information, 439
- political career of, 291–296
- trying to implement domestic policy, 299–300
- Kentucky Resolution, 58
- Kissinger, Henry, 22
- kitchen debate, 318
- Korean War, 273, 274, 284
- Ku Klux Klan (KKK), 262
- Land Act, 104
- land-based missiles, 287
- League of Nations, 224, 225
- legal careers
- Lend-Lease Act, 256
- Lewinsky, Monica, 370
- LGBT rights, 395
- libraries
- Bill Clinton Presidential Library and Museum, 429
- Dwight D. Eisenhower Library, 431
- Franklin D. Roosevelt Library, 430
- George H. W. Bush Presidential Library, 429
- George W. Bush Presidential Library, 428–429
- Jimmy Carter Library, 431
- Lyndon Baines Johnson Library, 430
- Richard Nixon Presidential Library, 431
- Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, 428
- Limited Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, 297
- Lincoln, Abraham
- assassination of, 154
- interpretation of presidential powers, 12
- overview, 139
- personal information, 436
- political career of, 140–153
- ranking, 416
- reelection of, 153–154
- serving in House of Representatives, 142–144
- upbringing of, 140
- liquor, tax on, 41
- logrolling, 141
- Louisiana Purchase, 59–60
- Lyndon Baines Johnson Library, 430
- Macon’s Bill No. 2, 68
- Madison, James
- overview, 63–64
- personal information, 434
- political career of, 65–69
- revising Articles of Confederation, 36
- upbringing of, 65
- Washington's farewell address by, 42
- Manifest Destiny, 112
- Marbury, William, 59
- Marshall, George C. , 22
- Marshall, John, 59
- Marshall Plan, implementing, 268–269
- Massachusetts, Coolidge governing, 232–234
- McClellan, George B. , 153
- McHenry, James, 53
- McKinley, William
- personal information, 437
- political career of, 191–197
- McKinley Tariff Act, 189, 193
- Meat Inspection Act, 204
- media
- managing, 218–219
- scrutiny of presidents' personal lives by, 20
- shaping public opinion with, 16
- Medicare Act, 310, 378
- Mercer, Lucy Page, 260
- Mexican-American War, 117–118, 124, 142–143
- Mexico
- refusing to sell Texas, 92–93
- Wilson's mishandling of, 219–220
- midnight appointments, 59
- military
- Eisenhower's career in, 277–280
- Jackson's career in, 84–85
- saving money through, 283–285
- Washington's career in, 33
- Military Reconstruction Act, 160
- militia, use against Native Americans, 104–105
- minister plenipotentiary, 71
- minority leader, 306
- missiles, 287
- Missouri Compromise, 74
- Model Cities Act, 310
- monopolies, defined, 217
- Monroe, James
- death of, 75
- overview, 69–70
- personal information, 434
- political career of, 70–75
- sending to France, 59–60
- upbringing of, 70
- Monroe Doctrine, 73
- moral foreign policy, 219–221
- Murchison Letter, 189
- Muslim travel ban, 408
- NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People), 270
- NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement), 361, 368–369
- Napoleonic Wars, 91
- NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration), 300
- National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), 270
- National Bank, 89
- National Cable Satellite Corporation (C-SPAN), 24, 25
- national debt, 349
- National Endowment for the Arts and Humanities, 310
- National Housing Act, 252
- National Industrial Recovery Act, 251
- national legislature. See Continental Congress
- National Recovery Administration (NRA), 251
- nationalized, defined, 286
- Native Americans
- forcing west, 90–91
- Harrison and, 104–105
- Jackson and, 84–85
- Taylor and, 122–124
- Van Buren and, 102
- NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization), 261, 272, 280
- Naturalization Act, 52
- NCLB (No Child Left Behind Act), 379
- neutrality, 41
- Neutrality Act, 255–256
- New Jersey, Wilson governing, 215–216
- New York, Roosevelt governing, 200, 248
- New York state legislature, Roosevelt serving on, 198–199
- nicknames of presidents
- 19th Amendment to the Constitution, 218
- Nixon, Richard , 14–15
- Kennedy debating with, 294
- overview, 315
- personal information, 440
- political career of, 317–325
- ranking, 22–23
- Nixon Doctrine, 321
- Nixon’s tapes, 324
- No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB), 379
- Non-Intercourse Act, 60
- North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), 361, 368–369
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 261, 272, 280
- NRA (National Recovery Administration), 251
- nuclear strategy, 283–284
- nullification, defined, 100
- O’ Sullivan, John Louis, 112
- Obama, Barack
- media usage, 17
- overview, 387
- personal information, 441
- political career of
- campaigning, 391
- election of, 391–392
- foreign policies, 396–398
- overview, 389
- presidency, 392–396
- retiring, 399
- State Senate, 389–390
- U.S. Senate, 390–391
- winning reelection, 396
- Obamacare (Affordable Care Act)
- provisions of, 394–395
- Trump cutting back on, 408
- off-year, 18
- Ohio
- Hayes governing, 168
- McKinley governing, 193
- Ohio Gang, 230–231
- Old Hickory. See Jackson, Andrew
- online resources
- Cheat Sheet, 3
- C-SPAN survey, link to information on, 25
- presidential libraries contact information, 427–431
- registering books, link for, 3
- Technical Support website, 4
- Operation Desert Storm, 361
- Operation Enduring Freedom (ISAF), 397
- Panama Canal, 202, 338
- pardongate, 371
- pardons, granting, 11
- Paris Climate Accord, 409
- parliamentary system, 9
- parties
- Bull Moose, 205
- Democratic, 10, 99
- Free Soil, 103
- political war between, 51–53
- Republican, 10, 178
- splitting into, 39–40
- switching, 54
- Tea (taxed enough already) Party, 395
- party boss, defined, 98
- PATCO (Professional Air Traffic Controllers Organization), 349
- Patriot Act, 381
- patronage, defined, 98, 171
- Peace Corps, 297
- Pendleton Act, 179
- PEPFAR (Presidents Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief), 379
- persuasion, public, 16, 23
- Philippines, Taft governing in, 208
- Pickering, Timothy, 53
- Pierce, Barbara, 357
- Pierce, Franklin, 422, 435
- Pinchot, Gifford, 209
- Plessy vs. Ferguson, 282–283
- pocket veto, 12
- policies, foreign
- Bush, George H. W. and, 359–360
- Bush, George W. and, 379
- Carter and, 338
- Coolidge and, 235–236
- difficulty with, 368–369
- Eisenhower and, 285–286
- Kennedy and, 296–299
- Middle East, 396–398
- Monroe and, 72–73
- Nixon and, 322
- ranking, 22–23
- Reagan and, 350–351
- Roosevelt and, 14, 201–202, 203
- Taft and, 208–209
- Trump and, 409–410
- Tyler and, 109–110
- Wilson and, 219–221
- policy leadership, 21
- policy of neutrality, 41
- political careers
- Adams, 46–54
- Arthur, 178–180
- Bush, George H.~W., 357–362
- Carter, 336–341
- Cleveland, 181–186
- Clinton, 364–371
- Coolidge, 232–236
- Eisenhower, 280–289
- Ford, 330–335
- Garfield, 174–176
- Grant, 162–166
- Harding, 227–232
- Harrison, 186–190
- Hayes, 167–171
- Hoover, 236–241
- Jackson, 86–93
- Jefferson, 55–61
- Johnson, Andrew, 157–162
- Johnson, Lyndon, 304–313
- Kennedy, 291–296
- Lincoln, 140–153
- Madison, 65–69
- McKinley, 191–197
- Monroe, 70–75
- Nixon, 317–325
- Obama
- campaigning, 391
- election of, 391–392
- foreign policies, 396–398
- overview, 389
- presidency, 392–396
- retiring, 399
- State Senate, 389–390
- U.S. Senate, 390–391
- winning reelection, 396
- Polk, 112–120
- Reagan
- governing California, 345
- Iran-Contra scandal, 352–353
- overview, 344–345
- presidency, 346–350
- reestablishing U.S. world domination, 350–351
- retiring, 354
- winning against Gerald Ford, 345–346
- winning reelection, 352
- Roosevelt, Franklin D., 246–254
- Roosevelt, Theodore
- becoming governor of New York, 200
- Bull Moose, becoming, 205–206
- choosing successor, 204–205
- death of, 206
- national politics, 199–200
- overview, 197–198
- presidency, 200–202
- retiring, 206
- Rough Riders, founding, 200
- serving on New York state legislature, 198–199
- vice presidency, 200
- winning reelection, 203–204
- Taft, 208–211
- Taylor, 121–125
- Truman, 261–274
- Trump, 405–413
- Tyler, 108–110
- Van Buren, 97–98, 101–102
- Washington, 33–34
- Wilson, 215–225
- political war, between parties, 51–53
- Polk, James Knox
- campaigning, 114–115
- death of, 120
- illness of, 112
- nickname of, 112
- overview, 111–112
- personal information, 435
- political career of, 112–120
- ranking, 23, 419
- religion of, 120
- unexpected votings for, 113–114
- upbringing of, 111
- Polk, Sarah, 111, 119–120
- poll taxes, 309
- popular sovereignty, 119
- Portsmouth, Treaty of, 203
- post-war problems, 258–259
- Potsdam Declaration, 267
- presidential appointments, diversity in, 21
- presidential influence, 13–16
- presidential libraries, 427–431
- presidential powers, 11, 12
- presidential prerogative, 148
- presidential republic, 9
- presidential system, 9–11
- presidents
- evaluating, 20–24
- extramarital affairs of, 20
- overview, 7
- persuading public opinion, 16–17
- ranking
- best, 415–419
- changing over time, 27–28
- list of, 24–26
- overview, 19–20
- results from, 26–27
- worst, 421–425
- Presidents Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), 379
- price-fixing, 251
- Principles of Mining (Hoover), 238
- Professional Air Traffic Controllers Organization (PATCO), 349
- Profiles in Courage (Kennedy), 293
- progressive, defined, 197
- Progressive Party. See Bull Moose Party
- public persuasion, 16–17, 23
- Public Utilities Commission, 215
- Publicity Act, 210
- Pure Food and Drug Act, 204
- racism, 235
- railroad companies, 201
- Reagan, Ronald
- overview, 343–344
- personal information, 440
- political career of
- governing California, 345
- Iran-Contra scandal, 352–353
- overview, 344–345
- presidency, 346–350
- reestablishing U.S. world domination, 350–351
- retiring, 354
- winning against Ford, 345–346
- winning reelection, 352
- public persuasion and, 23
- ranking, 417
- Reagan Democrats, 346
- Reagan Doctrine, 350
- recession
- of 1819, 74
- Great Recession, 393–394
- Reciprocal Trade Agreements Act, 252
- reconcentration camps, 195
- Reconstruction
- Hayes ending, 170
- Jackson ending, 159
- Lincoln outlining ideas on, 154
- Reconstruction Finance Corporation, 239
- recounts, defined, 169
- reelections
- losses
- Adams, 53–54
- Bush (George H. W.), 362
- Carter, 341
- Cleveland, 184
- Ford, 335
- Harrison, 190
- Taft, 210–211
- Van Buren, 102–103
- wins
- Bush (George W.), 384–385
- Clinton, 368–370
- Coolidge, 235
- Jackson, 91–92
- Lincoln, 153–154
- McKinley, 196–197
- Nixon, 323
- Obama, 396
- Reagan, 352
- Roosevelt, 203–204, 254–256
- reformist policies, 204
- Removal Act, 90, 91
- reprieves, granting, 11
- Republican Party. See also Democratic-Republicans
- defined, 10
- splitting, 178
- resignation, of Nixon, 324–325
- retirement
- Bush, George H. W., 362
- Bush, George W., 385–386
- Carter, 341
- Cleveland, 186
- Clinton, 371
- Coolidge, 236
- Eisenhower, 280, 288–289
- Ford, 335
- Hayes, 171
- Hoover, 241
- Jackson, 93
- Jefferson, 61
- Johnson, 311–313
- Madison, 69
- Nixon, 325
- Obama, 399
- Polk, 119–120
- Reagan, 354
- Roosevelt, 206
- Van Buren, 103
- Washington, 43
- Richard Nixon Presidential Library, 431
- Robards, Rachel Donelson, 86
- Robinson, Michelle, 389
- Rodham-Clinton, Hillary, 364
- Rollback Doctrine, 285
- Rome-Berlin Axis, 256
- Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, 428
- Roosevelt, Franklin D.
- imperial presidency, creating, 13–14
- media usage, 17
- overview, 245
- personal information, 439
- political career of, 246–254
- public persuasion and, 23
- ranking, 416
- running for fourth term as president, 258–259
- winning reelection, 254–256
- WWII, fighting and winning, 257–258
- Roosevelt, Theodore
- nicknames of, 197
- overview, 197
- personal information, 437
- political career of
- becoming governor of New York, 200
- Bull Moose, becoming, 205–206
- choosing successor, 204–205
- death of, 206
- national politics, 199–200
- overview, 197–198
- presidency, 200–202
- retiring, 206
- Rough Riders, founding, 200
- serving on New York state legislature, 198–199
- vice presidency, 200
- winning reelection, 203–204
- public persuasion and, 23
- ranking, 416
- Roosevelt Corollary, 202
- Rough Riders, Theodore Roosevelt founding, 200
- Royall, Anne, 75
- Rudolph, Lucretia, 176
- running unopposed, 74
- Rush-Bagot agreement, 72
- Russia scandal, 411–412
- Safe Drinking Water Act, 367
- SALT I (Strategic Arms Limitation Talks Treaty), 321
- SALT II (Strategic Arms Limitations Talks), 338
- Saratoga, Battle of, 35
- Saturday Night Massacre, 323–324
- scandals
- Clinton's, 369–370
- Iran-Contra, 352–353
- Ohio Gang, 231
- Russia, 411–412
- Teapot Dome, 231
- Ukraine, 412
- Watergate, 14, 323–324
- Scott, Caroline, 187
- Screen Actors Guild, 344
- SDI (Strategic Defense Initiative), 351
- Second Hague Conference, 203
- secretary of state, Adams as, 77–78
- Securities Exchange Act, 252
- Sedition Act, 52
- Senate
- Johnson in, 306–307
- Johnson running for, 305
- Kennedy in, 293
- Nixon in, 317
- Obama in, 390–391
- Truman in, 263–264
- 17th Amendment to the Constitution, 217
- Seward’s Folly, 162
- sexual assault claims, against Trump, 406–407
- Sherman Antitrust Act, 189
- Silver Democrats, 184
- Six Crises, 320
- 16th Amendment to the Constitution, 216–217
- Skelton, Martha Wayles, 55
- slavery
- Adams opposing, 80
- Lincoln opposing, 143
- during Monroe's presidency, 74
- Tyler supporting, 108–109
- Smith, Abigail, 46
- Smith, Rosalynn, 336
- social policies, conservative, 349–350
- Social Security Act, 252
- socialist, defined, 316
- soldiers, drafting, 151–152
- South, reintegrating, 158–159
- Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan, 339
- Soviet Union
- Kennedy discussing arms control with, 296–297
- Reagan making peace with, 351
- threat of, 287
- Spanish-American War, 195–196
- speculation, 101
- spoils system
- defined, 87, 177
- explanation of, 171
- Harrison benefiting from, 188
- Stalwarts, 178
- Stamp Act, 34, 46
- START I (Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty), 360
- State of the Union address, 17
- State Senate, Obama in, 389–390
- states’ rights
- Jackson supporting, 88–89
- Tyler supporting, 108–109
- Stevenson, Adlai, 274–275
- Stolen Election, 86–87
- Strategic Arms Limitation Talks Treaty (SALT I), 321
- Strategic Arms Limitations Talks (SALT II), 338
- Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START I), 360
- Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI), 351
- striking workers, 185
- submarine-based missiles, 287
- Suez Canal, crisis of, 286
- supply-side economics, 348
- Supreme Court
- ambassadors, 11
- checks and balances on presidential powers, 10
- justices, 11
- Reagan appointing conservatives to, 350
- Roosevelt revising, 253–254
- Surge strategy, 384
- Symmes, Anna, 105
- Syria, civil war in, 398
- Taft, William Howard
- overview, 206–207
- personal information, 438
- political career of, 208–211
- Taft-Hartley Act, 270
- Tariff of Abominations, 79, 87, 88
- tariffs, 88–89
- tax cuts, 348, 367
- Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, 408
- Tax Relief Act, 393
- taxes
- on distilled liquor, 41
- increase in, 256
- poll, 309
- Taylor, Claudia Alta, 304
- Taylor, Zachary
- personal information, 435
- political career of, 121–125
- Tea (taxed enough already) Party, 395
- Teapot Dome Scandal, 231
- Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), 251
- Tenure of Office Act, 161
- territorial expansion, 116–117
- terrorism, 15, 380–381
- test ban, negotiating, 288
- Tet offense, 311–313
- Texas
- Bush governing (George W.), 375–376
- Jackson buying, 92–93
- Texas-Mexico border, 117
- Todd, Dolley Payne, 68
- Todd-Lincoln, Mary, 142
- Townshed Acts, 34
- TPP (Trans Pacific Partnership), 410
- Trail of Tears, 91
- Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP), 410
- Transportation, Department of (DOT), 310
- Transportation Act, 264
- treasury system, establishing, 115–116
- treaties
- presidential power to negotiate, 11
- Treaty of Alliance, 41
- Treaty of Ghent, 77
- Treaty of Greenville, 39
- Treaty of Guadeloupe Hidalgo, 118
- Treaty of Portsmouth, 203
- Treaty of Versailles, 224–225
- TRIAD, 287
- Truman, Harry
- ceding to Stevenson, 274–275
- overview, 261
- personal information, 439
- political career of, 261–274
- ranking, 27–28, 417
- Truman Committee, 264
- Truman Doctrine, 27, 268
- Trump, Donald
- business success of, 403–404
- debated impeachment of, 412
- media usage, 17
- overview, 401–402
- personal information, 441
- political career of, 405–413
- upbringing of, 402
- Trump University, 405
- TVA (Tennessee Valley Authority), 251
- Tyler, John
- personal information, 435
- political career of, 108–110
- ranking, 423
- Ukraine scandal, 412
- Ulysses Grant, Hiram. See Grant, Ulysses S.
- Understanding on Nuclear Arms Reduction Resolution, 360
- Underwood Tariff, 216
- Unemployment Compensation Act, 218
- united legislature. See Continental Congress
- United States Mexico Canada Agreement (USMCA), 410
- universal suffrage, 56
- U.S. Constitution
- creation of, 9, 36
- Madison advocating, 66–67
- Monroe opposing, 71
- writing, 8–9
- U.S. world power, reestablishing, 350–351
- USMCA (United States Mexico Canada Agreement), 410
- Van Buren, Martin
- changing from law to political career, 97–98
- creating Democratic Party, 99
- death of, 103
- feud with Calhoun, 100–101
- losing reelection, 102–103
- national politics, 98–99
- nickname of, 101, 106
- overview, 95–97
- personal information, 435
- political career of, 101–102
- political machine, establishing, 98
- political offices served in, 99–100
- ranking, 424–425
- relationship to Jackson, 100–101
- retiring, 103
- Versailles, Treaty of, 224–225
- vice presidency
- Adams, 48–49
- Bush, George H. W., 358–359
- Coolidge, 234
- Ford, 332
- Johnson, 307
- Nixon, 317–318
- Roosevelt, 200
- Truman, 264
- Vicksburg, Battle of, 164
- Vietnam
- Johnson and, 311–313
- Kennedy and, 299
- Nixon and, 320–321
- Vietnamization, defined, 321
- Virginia Plan, 66
- Virginia Resolution, 68
- vision, of presidents, 23–24
- Vladivostock Agreements, 334
- Voting Rights Act, 309
- Wagner Act, 252
- Walker Tariff, 115
- Wallace, Bess, 262
- Wallace, Henry, 271
- War Hawks, 68
- War Powers Act, 11, 14
- Warren, Elizabeth Bloomer, 330
- wars
- Mexican-American War, 117–118, 124, 142–143
- Napoleonic Wars, 91
- political war, between parties, 51–53
- post-war problems, 258–259
- Seward’s Folly, 162
- Spanish-American War, 195–196
- Stalwarts, 178
- Syria, civil war in, 398
- World War I, 220–224
- World War II
- Eisenhower and, 278–279
- Great Depression and, 13
- origins of, 255
- Roosevelt and, 257–258
- Washington, George
- becoming president, 36–37
- death of, 43
- farewell address of, 42–43
- fighting for independence, 34–36
- leaving office, 42–43
- making decisions as president, 39–42
- military career of, 33
- overview, 31–32
- personal information, 433
- political career of, 33–34
- ranking, 417
- retiring, 43
- role in creating Constitution, 36
- upbringing of, 32
- Washington, Martha, 33
- Watergate scandal, 14, 323–324
- weapons of mass destruction, 382
- Webster’s New World American Words of Freedom (Rohde), 39
- Welch, Laura, 374
- Welfare reform, 367
- Whiskey Rebellion, 42
- Whitewater affair, 369–370
- The Wilderness campaign, 164
- Wilmot, David, 119
- Wilmot Proviso, 119
- Wilson, James, 9
- Wilson, Woodrow
- death of, 225
- overview, 213
- personal information, 438
- political career of, 215–225
- ranking, 418
- studying government, 213–215
- Worcester, Georgia vs., 90–91
- Works Progress Administration (WPA), 252
- World War I (WWI), 220–224
- World War II (WWII)
- Eisenhower and, 278–279
- Great Depression and, 13
- origins of, 255
- Roosevelt and, 257–258
- WPA (Works Progress Administration), 252
- Wyman, Jane, 344