Byblos Eze 27

Weights and Measures Am 8

Cush Zep 3

Sidon Zec 9

Korazin Mt 11

Galilee in Jesus’ Time Mt 15

Coins and Numismatics Lk 15


Custom and Law in Ancient Mesopotamia Ge 21

The Rights of the Firstborn Ge 25

Counselors and Concubines: Life in an Ancient Royal Palace Est 2

Conquest, The

The Conquest of Canaan Jos 5


The History of the Holy Land

The Location of Jesus’ Tomb Mt 27

Constantine and Queen Helena’s Role in Preserving Holy Sites Jn 19

The Roman Empire Ro 4


The Roman Governor Ac 25


Debate and Rhetoric in the Ancient World Ac 15


Greece: Roman Domination and the Growth of Christianity Ac 20

Corinth 2Co 1

Paul’s Visits and Letters to Corinth 2Co 2


Cosmology in the Ancient Near East Isa 45

Humanity and the Divine: Comparing the Bible to the Myth of Atra-Hasis Isa 66

Council of Trent

The Apocrypha Tit 2


Ancient Craftsmanship Ex 31

Phoenicia 1Ki 5

Solomon and the Israelite Empire 1Ki 6

Solomon’s Temple and Other Ancient Temples 1Ch 29

The Samaria Ivories Am 3

The Nimrud Ivories Am 6

Sidon Zec 9

Creation and Creation Myths

Ancient Creation Narratives Ge 1

The Sumerian Eridu Genesis 1Ch 1

The Creation of Humans in the Sumerian Myth of Enki Ps 8

The Enuma Elish and the Biblical Concept of Creation Ps 89

Cosmology in the Ancient Near East Isa 45

Humanity and the Divine: Comparing the Bible to the Myth of Atra-Hasis Isa 66


The Ekron Inscription of Akhayus 1Sa 21

Crete Tit 1


Tongue-Speaking in Christian and Pagan Worship 1Co 12


Crucifixion Jn 19


Sumer Ge 4

Ebla Ge 10

Mari Ge 31

The Hurrians Ge 34

The Installation of Priests at Emar and in Israel Ex 29

The Middle Assyrian Laws Lev 18

Eglon’s Palace Jdg 3

Beth Shemesh 1Sa 6

Sumerian Scribal Education 1Ch 2

Languages of the Old Testament World Ezr 2

Ur Ne 9

Mordecai and Marduka Est 3

Ugarit/Ras Shamra Ps 29

The Enuma Elish and the Biblical Concept of Creation Ps 89

Cuneiform and Clay Tablets in the Ancient Near East Isa 30


Bywords and Insults in the Ancient World 1Sa 25

A Curse on Resettling a City From the Hittite Empire Ezr 4

Curses and Imprecations Ps 83

The Hittite Ritual of Passing Between the Pieces of a Sacrifice Jer 34


The Location of Eden Ge 2

Cush Zep 3

Customs (Israelite)

The Hittite Ritual of Establishing a New Temple for the Goddess of the Night Ex 34


Cynics and Satirists in the Greco-Roman World Mk 2

Cyrus Cylinder

The Cyrus Cylinder Ezr 6

Cyrus II/Cyrus the Great

The Sippar Cylinder of Nabonidus 2Ch 36

Cyrus the Great Ezr 1

The Cyrus Cylinder Ezr 6

The Postexilic Period of the Old Testament: The Persian Period Ne 7

Ancient Persian History Through Darius Est 1

Herodotus and the Fall of Babylon Jer 50

The Kingdoms of Daniel’s Prophecies Da 2

Nabonidus and Belshazzar Da 5



Samson and the Temple of Dagon Jdg 16

Dagon 1Sa 5

The Beth Shan Temples 1Sa 31

Temple Abandonment Eze 10


Damascus Isa 17

Dan, City of

The Reliability of Judges Jdg 12

The Migration of the Danites Jdg 18

The High Place at Dan 1Ki 12

Jehu/The Black Obelisk of Shalmaneser III 2Ki 10

Dan, Tribe of

The Archaeology of Philistia Jdg 13

The Migration of the Danites Jdg 18

Darius the Mede

When Was Daniel Written? Da 1

Darius the Mede Da 6

Darius I

Darius I Ezr 5

Ancient Persian History Through Darius Est 1

The King’s Gate Est 4

Susa Est 9

Persepolis Da 10

Greece: From Independent City-states Through Alexander the Great Ac 20


Ammon Jdg 10

Battle by Champions 1Sa 17

Bywords and Insults in the Ancient World 1Sa 25

David 2Sa 1

The Pool of Gibeon 2Sa 2

Hebron 2Sa 3

Ambitious Princes Among the Hittites 2Sa 19

Songs of Warriors 2Sa 22

The Tel Dan Stele 2Ki 8

Rabbah 1Ch 20

The Campaign of Shishak 2Ch 12

Shepherding in the Ancient World Eze 34

Adullam Mic 1

Bethlehem Mic 5

Day of Atonement

The Day of Atonement Lev 16

The Festivals of Israel Lev 23

Sabbath, Sabbath Year and the Jubilee Lev 25

Incense Jer 11

Fasting in the Bible and the Ancient Near East Mt 6

Dead Sea

The Geography of Ezekiel 47 Eze 47

Dead Sea Scrolls

The Canonicity of Esther Est 10

The Great Isaiah Scroll Isa 34

Textual Criticism Isa 51

The Problem of the Septuagint Version of Jeremiah Jer 29

The Temple Scroll Eze 41

When Was Daniel Written? Da 1

The Ancient Translations Mic 7

Texts of the Old Testament Mic 7

The Intertestamental Period Mal 3

Biblical Interpretation at Qumran and Among the Early Rabbis Mt 23

Qumran and the New Testament Lk 6

Death and the Afterlife

Sheol, Hades, Gehenna, the Abyss and Tartarus: Images of Hell Ps 139

The Harper Songs From the Tomb of Neferhotep Ecc 1

The Harper Song From the Tomb of King Intef Ecc 3

Debate (see “Rhetoric”)


Tell Beit Mirsim Jos 15


Deborah and Barak and the Destruction of Hazor Jdg 4

Taanach 1Ch 7


Historians in the Ancient World Ps 132


Demons and the Bible Mt 8


Exile and Genocide in the Ancient Near East Eze 21

Assyria Through the Middle Assyrian Period Na 3

Assyria From the Neo-Assyrian Period Forward Na 3


Texts of the Old Testament Mic 7

The Jewish Diaspora in the First Century A.D. Ac 2

Dietary Restrictions

Clean and Unclean Foods in the Bible and the Ancient Near East Lev 11

Jewish Meals and Meal Customs Mt 9


Cynics and Satirists in the Greco-Roman World Mk 2


Who Wrote Revelation? Rev 10


The Cult of Dionysus Eph 5

The Mystery Religions Col 3


Skin Diseases in the Ancient World Lev 13

Disease and Medicine in the Ancient World Lk 4

Dividing Wall of the Court of the Gentiles

The Dividing Wall of the “Court of the Gentiles” in Herod’s Temple Eph 2

Divination (see also “Magic”)

Akkadian Divination Dt 18

Ancient Necromancy 1Sa 28

Casting Lots Job 6

A Pagan’s Prayer of Thanks Ps 116

A Hittite Blessing for a House Ps 127

An Akkadian Prayer to the Gods of the Night Ps 134

Demons and the Bible Mt 8

Magic in the Greco-Roman World Gal 5


Marriage and Divorce in Ancient Israel Mal 2


Early Christian Heresies 2Co 10

The Gnostics and Their Scriptures 1Jn 4

Documentary Hypothesis

The Documentary Hypothesis Ge 7


Dogs in the Ancient World Pr 26


Camels Ge 24

Caravan Trading and Routes in the Ancient Near East Ge 37

A King Riding on a Donkey: Cultural/Political Significance in the Ancient Near East Mt 21


Dothan, Ben-Hadad and a Chronological Problem 2Ki 6


The Hittite Storm Gods Job 38

Cosmology in the Ancient Near East Isa 45


Dream Oracles in the Ancient World Job 4

Oracles of the Ancient World Hab 1



Izbet Sartah Ostracon 1Sa 4

The Destruction of Shiloh Jer 7


Early Christian Heresies 2Co 10


Ebla Ge 10

The Historicity of the Patriarchal Narratives Ge 44


The Location of Eden Ge 2


Edom Ob


Sumerian Scribal Education 1Ch 2

The Scribe Ezr 8

The Israelite Family Pr 23

The Abecedaries Isa 28

The Authorship of Peter’s Epistles 1Pe 1


Eglon’s Palace Jdg 3

The Reliability of Judges Jdg 12


A Breakdown of Ancient Egyptian History Ex 11

The Hyksos and the Old Testament Ex 18

Egyptian and Israelite Administration 1Ki 4

The Pharaoh Whose Daughter Solomon Married 1Ki 7

Maat and Lady Wisdom Pr 8

Hophra, King of Egypt Jer 44

Thebes Eze 30

Cush Zep 3

Egyptian (Language)

Languages of the Old Testament World Ezr 2


The Ekron Inscription of Akhayus 1Sa 21


Tablets From Ugarit and Canaanite Religion Jos 1

Devotion to Asherah in the Khirbet El-Qom Inscription 2Ch 15

The Kirta Epic Job 1

The Tale of Aqhat Job 20

Baal and the Fertility Cults Hos 2


Susa Est 9

Sennacherib’s Campaign Against Merodach-Baladan Isa 39


The Elephantine Community Jer 43


Dothan, Ben-Hadad and a Chronological Problem 2Ki 6


The Coalition of Mesopotamian Kings Ge 14


The Documentary Hypothesis Ge 7

The Elohistic Psalter Ps 42


The Installation of Priests at Emar and in Israel Ex 29


Emmaus Lk 24

Emperor Worship (see “Imperial Cult”)

En Gedi

En Gedi 2Ch 20


Ancient Flood Narratives Ge 6


Ancient Flood Narratives Ge 6


Artemis of the Ephesians Ac 19

Early History of Ephesus 2Ti 1

Ephesus During the Time of Paul 2Ti 4


The Ephod 1Sa 2


Greek Philosophical Schools Col 2


The Erastus Inscription Ro 16

Paul’s Visits and Letters to Corinth 2Co 2

Eridu Genesis

Ancient Flood Narratives Ge 6

The Sumerian Eridu Genesis 1Ch 1


Ammon Jdg 10

The Death of Sennacherib 2Ki 19

The Seal of Manasseh 2Ki 21

Assyria From the Neo-Assyrian Period Forward Na 3


The Tale of Appu’s Two Sons Ge 26


Jewish Eschatology in the First Century A.D. Ro 6

Thessalonica 1Th 1


The Laws of Eshnunna Dt 9


The Zealots and the Essenes Mt 10

Jewish Eschatology in the First Century A.D. Ro 6


Xerxes, Vashti and Esther Est 7


The Route of the Exodus: The Arabian Route Theory Ex 13


The Eunuch Isa 56

Euphrates River

The Location of Eden Ge 2

The Tigris and Euphrates Rivers 1Ch 18

Herodotus and the Fall of Babylon Jer 50


Historians in the Ancient World Ps 132

The Authorship of Peter’s Epistles 1Pe 1

Who Wrote Revelation? Rev 10


Jehoiachin in Captivity and Evil-Merodach Jer 52

Exile (see “Deportation”)

Exodus, The

The Soleb Hieroglyph Ex 5

The Pharaoh of the Exodus Ex 8

The Hyksos and the Exodus Ex 8

The Date of the Exodus Ex 12

The Route of the Exodus: The Northern Route Theory Ex 13

The Route of the Exodus: The Southern Route Theory Ex 13

The Route of the Exodus: The Arabian Route Theory Ex 13

The Wind Set-Down Hypothesis Ex 13

Alternative Theories About the Exodus Ex 16

Numbers and Their Meaning Nu 1

A Timeline for the Wilderness Wanderings Nu 20

The Conquest of Canaan Jos 5

Jericho and the Date of the Conquest Jos 7

Changes in Canaan Jdg 7

The Passover 2Ch 30

“The River Is Blood” in The Admonitions of Ipuwer Ps 105

Ezion Geber

Solomon and the Israelite Empire 1Ki 6

The Building Activity of Solomon 1Ki 9

Ezion Geber 2Ch 8

Tell el-Kheleifeh Ecc 2

Seafaring in the Ancient World Jnh 2


The Huldah Delegation and Nathan-Melech, the Official 2Ki 22

Artaxerxes I, King of Persia Ezr 7

The Scribe Ezr 8

The Postexilic Period of the Old Testament: The Persian Period Ne 7


Family Life (Greco-Roman)

Husbands and Wives: Family Life in the Greco-Roman World Eph 6

The Demeanor of Wives 1Pe 3

Family Life (Israelite)

The Role of the Patriarch in Family Life Ge 18

The Israelite Family Pr 23

The Israelite Town and Home Jer 9


Famine in the Ancient Near East Ge 42

Siege Warfare 2Sa 17

The Syro-Ephraimite War Isa 7

Locusts in the Ancient Near East Joel 2


Food and Agriculture Ru 2

Locusts in the Ancient Near East Joel 2

Fashion (see also “Clothing”)

Ancient Israelite Clothing and Jewelry Isa 3

Beards and Hairstyles in the Biblical World Isa 15

The Demeanor of Wives 1Pe 3


Fasting in the Bible and the Ancient Near East Mt 6

Feasts (see “Festivals”)


The Roman Governor Ac 25


The Zukru Festival Ex 23

The Festivals of Israel Lev 23


The Roman Governor Ac 25

Firstfruits, Offering of

The Festivals of Israel Lev 23


Fishing in New Testament Times Lk 5

Flogging (see “Scourging”)

Flood Narratives

The Sumerian King List Ge 5

Ancient Flood Narratives Ge 6

The Sumerian Eridu Genesis 1Ch 1

Humanity and the Divine: Comparing the Bible to the Myth of Atra-Hasis Isa 66


The Flowers of Ancient Israel SS 2


Clean and Unclean Foods in the Bible and the Ancient Near East Lev 11

Food and Agriculture Ru 2

Jewish Meals and Meal Customs Mt 9

“Temple Restaurants” and Food Sacrificed to Idols 1Co 8

Wine and Alcoholic Beverages in the Ancient World 1Pe 4

Forced Labor

Assyria From the Neo-Assyrian Period Forward Na 3


The Walls of Jericho Jos 6

Hazor Jos 11

Gezer 1Ch 6

Hittite Instructions for Border Outposts Ne 4

The Postexilic Period of the Old Testament: The Persian Period Ne 7

Babylon Isa 13

Hezekiah Against the Assyrians Isa 36

Jerusalem Jer 4

Nineveh Na 1

Megiddo Zec 12



Gergesenes, Gerasenes or Gadarenes? Mk 5


Which Galatia? Gal 1


Galilee in Jesus’ Time Mt 15


Gallio, Proconsul of Achaia Ac 18

The Roman Governor Ac 25

Paul’s Visits and Letters to Corinth 2Co 2

The Judgment Seat 2Co 5


Gamaliel, Paul’s Teacher Ac 22


Samson and the Temple of Dagon Jdg 16


The Pass at Micmash 1Sa 14

Gebal (see “Byblos”)


Mizpah Jdg 20

The Pool of Gibeon 2Sa 2

The Huldah Delegation and Nathan-Melech, the Official 2Ki 22

The Seals of Jaazaniah, Ishmael and Elishama 2Ki 25

The Last Days of Jerusalem Jer 6

Nebuzaradan, Captain of the Guard Jer 39

Gedaliah, Governor of Judah, and Baalis, King of Ammon Jer 40

Gehenna (see “Hell”)


The Huldah Delegation and Nathan-Melech, the Official 2Ki 22

Gemariah, the Official, and Jerahmeel, the King’s Son Jer 36


The Sumerian King List Ge 5

Genealogies in Ancient Israel Mt 1


Exile and Genocide in the Ancient Near East Eze 21


Gergesenes, Gerasenes or Gadarenes? Mk 5


Gergesenes, Gerasenes or Gadarenes? Mk 5

Gerizim, Mount

The Samaritan Temple on Mount Gerizim Jn 4

The Samaritans Jn 8


The Levites and the Priests 2Ch 24


Sanballat, Tobiah and Geshem Ne 2


Solomon and the Israelite Empire 1Ki 6

The Pharaoh Whose Daughter Solomon Married 1Ki 7

The Building Activity of Solomon 1Ki 9

Gezer 1Ch 6

The Gezer Calendar Ps 107

Gezer Calendar

Gezer 1Ch 6

The Gezer Calendar Ps 107


Gibeah Jdg 19


Gibeon Jos 9

The High Places Eze 6

Gibeon, Pool of

The Pool of Gibeon 2Sa 2


Succoth/Tell Deir Alla Ge 33

Midian Ex 4


The Location of Eden Ge 2


The Camp at Gilgal Jos 4


Ancient Flood Narratives Ge 6

Nebuchadnezzar’s Madness Da 4


Lesser Known Peoples of the Old Testament Dt 7


Early Christian Heresies 2Co 10

The Gnostics and Their Scriptures 1Jn 4


The Day of Atonement Lev 16

Goat-Demons and Desert Satyrs Lev 17

God’s Name

YHWH: The Name of God in the Old Testament Ex 3

Theophoric Names and Their Significance Nu 31


Proselytes in Second Temple Judaism Ac 6


Battle by Champions 1Sa 17


The Cities of the Plain Ge 13

The Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah Ge 19

Governors (Roman)

The Roman Governor Ac 25

Roman Taxation Ro 13


Samson and the Temple of Dagon Jdg 16

The Migration of the Danites Jdg 18

Food and Agriculture Ru 2

The Threshing Floor 1Ch 21

The Gezer Calendar Ps 107

Greece/Greek Empire/Greeks

The History of the Holy Land

The Postexilic Period of the Old Testament: The Greek and Hasmonean Periods Ne 7

The Kingdoms of Daniel’s Prophecies Da 2

The Ptolemies Da 7

The Greeks and the Old Testament Joel 3

Zechariah’s Authorship Zec 4

Greece: From the Prehistoric Period Through the Mycenaean Empire Ac 20

Greece: From Independent City-states Through Alexander the Great Ac 20

Greece: Roman Domination and the Growth of Christianity Ac 20

Corinth 2Co 1

Greek (Language)

The Postexilic Period of the Old Testament: The Greek and Hasmonean Periods Ne 7


Darius the Mede Da 6



The Amarna Tablets and the Habiru Jdg 2

The Reliability of Judges Jdg 12


Syria/Aram 2Ki 5

Hazael, the Nemesis of Israel 2Ki 8

Zaphon, Olympus, Sinai and Zion: The Mountain of God Ps 48

Hadadezer (see “Ben-Hadad II”)

Hades (see “Hell”)


Custom and Law in Ancient Mesopotamia Ge 21

Haggai the Prophet

Darius I Ezr 5

Did Haggai Lead a Messianic Rebellion? Hag 2


Beards and Hairstyles in the Biblical World Isa 15

Dress and Fashion in the Greco-Roman World Jas 2

The Demeanor of Wives 1Pe 3


The Coalition of Mesopotamian Kings Ge 14

The Patriarchal Period: Mesopotamia During the Time of Abraham Ge 15

Slavery and Labor Law in the Ancient Near East Ex 21

Hammurabi Dt 12

Susa Est 9

The Ancient Near Eastern King Ps 45

Babylon Isa 13

Assyria Through the Middle Assyrian Period Na 3


Ammon Jdg 10


Evidence for Serug, Nahor and Terah Ge 12

Haran Ge 27

Paddan Aram Ge 28


The History of the Holy Land

En Gedi 2Ch 20

The Postexilic Period of the Old Testament: The Greek and Hasmonean Periods Ne 7

The Intertestamental Period Mal 3

The Jewish Priesthood and Religious Life in the First Century A.D. Lk 18


Dothan, Ben-Hadad and a Chronological Problem 2Ki 6

Hazael, the Nemesis of Israel 2Ki 8

The Tel Dan Stele 2Ki 8


Hazor Jos 11

Deborah and Barak and the Destruction of Hazor Jdg 4

The Reliability of Judges Jdg 12

The Building Activity of Solomon 1Ki 9

Gezer 1Ch 6

The Jebusites 1Ch 11

Hebrew (Language)

Languages of the Old Testament World Ezr 2

Acrostics and Other Techniques of Ancient Poetry La 1


Hebron 2Sa 3

Helena, Flavia Iulia

Constantine and Queen Helena’s Role in Preserving Holy Sites Jn 19


Sheol, Hades, Gehenna, the Abyss and Tartarus: Images of Hell Ps 139


The Logos in Greek and Jewish Literature Jn 1


Early Christian Heresies 2Co 10

The Gnostics and Their Scriptures 1Jn 4

Herod Agrippa I

Imprisonment in the Roman World: In Prison Versus House Arrest Ac 26

The Judgment Seat 2Co 5

Herod Agrippa II

Caesarea Philippi Mt 16

Herod Antipas

Galilee in Jesus’ Time Mt 15

Herod the Great Mk 3

Herod’s Successors and Uneasy Relations Between Rome and the Jews Mk 4

Tiberias Jn 6

Aretas IV of Nabatea and Petra 2Co 11

Herod Philip I

Herod the Great Mk 3

Herod Philip II

Herod the Great Mk 3

Herod’s Successors and Uneasy Relations Between Rome and the Jews Mk 4

Herod the Great

The History of the Holy Land

The Postexilic Period of the Old Testament: The Roman and Herodian Periods Ne 7

Bethlehem Mic 5

The Intertestamental Period Mal 3

Herod the Great Mk 3

Politics in the Holy Land Leading Up to the Time of Jesus Mk 4

Herod’s Temple Mk 11

Caesar Augustus, Emperor of Rome; the Census; and Quirinius, Governor of Syria Lk 1


The History of the Holy Land

The Postexilic Period of the Old Testament: The Roman and Herodian Periods Ne 7

Herod the Great Mk 3

Herod’s Successors and Uneasy Relations Between Rome and the Jews Mk 4


Aretas IV of Nabatea and Petra 2Co 11


Herodotus and the Fall of Babylon Jer 50


Hezekiah’s Tunnel 2Ki 20

The Sennacherib Prism 2Ch 32

Hezekiah Against the Assyrians Isa 36

Sennacherib’s Campaign Against Merodach-Baladan Isa 39

Assyria From the Neo-Assyrian Period Forward Na 3


The Rosetta Stone and the Deciphering of Hieroglyphs Ex 9

Languages of the Old Testament World Ezr 2

The Enuma Elish and the Biblical Concept of Creation Ps 89

High Places

Israelite Shrines and Worship Before the Temple of Solomon 1Sa 1

The High Places Eze 6


The Huldah Delegation and Nathan-Melech, the Official 2Ki 22


Biblical Interpretation at Qumran and Among the Early Rabbis Mt 23

Gamaliel, Paul’s Teacher Ac 22


Solomon and the Israelite Empire 1Ki 6

The Downfall of Tyre Eze 26

Historians (Ancient)

Historians in the Ancient World Ps 132


The Patriarchal Period: Mesopotamia During the Time of Abraham Ge 15

Anatolia and the Hittites Ex 33

The Hittite Ritual of Establishing a New Temple for the Goddess of the Night Ex 34

Deuteronomy and the Covenant Treaty Form Dt 1

Mitanni Dt 2

Lesser Known Peoples of the Old Testament Dt 7

The Treaty of Suppiluliumas Dt 11

The Hittite Laws Dt 21

Technological Supremacy of the Philistines’ Iron Weapons 1Sa 13

Ambitious Princes Among the Hittites 2Sa 19

A Curse on Resettling a City From the Hittite Empire Ezr 4

Hittite Instructions for Border Outposts Ne 4

A Hittite Ritual Against Plague Job 18

The Hittite Storm Gods Job 38

A Hittite Blessing for a House Ps 127

Assyria Through the Middle Assyrian Period Na 3


Lesser Known Peoples of the Old Testament Dt 7

Holy Place

The Tabernacle and the Ark Ex 40

Holy War

Herem, Holy War 1Sa 15


Homosexuality in the Ancient World Ro 1


The Last Days of Jerusalem Jer 6

Hophra, King of Egypt Jer 44

Horns (Altar)

Ancient Altars Ex 20

The Horned Altar Ps 118


Horses and Chariots in Ancient Warfare Ex 14

Warfare in the Ancient World Ps 144

Megiddo Zec 12

Hosea the Prophet

The Valley of Jezreel Hos 1


Hoshea, King of Israel, and Shalmaneser V, King of Assyria 2Ki 17


The Role of the Patriarch in Family Life Ge 18


Rahab’s House Jos 2

Tell el-Kheleifeh Ecc 2

The Israelite Town and Home Jer 9

Houses in the Holy Land of the First Century A.D.: Peter’s House in Capernaum; Insulae Mt 14


The Huldah Delegation and Nathan-Melech, the Official 2Ki 22

The Tragic Reign of King Josiah 2Ki 23


The Patriarchal Period: Mesopotamia During the Time of Abraham Ge 15

The Hurrians Ge 34

Mitanni Dt 2

The Mountain and the Deer: A Hurrian Parable 2Sa 12

Assyria Through the Middle Assyrian Period Na 3


The Hyksos and the Exodus Ex 8

A Breakdown of Ancient Egyptian History Ex 11

The Hyksos and the Old Testament Ex 18

Memphis Jer 46

Cush Zep 3


The Coronation of Ashurbanipal Ps 72

Ancient Israelite Poets and Singers Ps 73

Power Over Egypt in the Hymn to Osiris Ps 78

Praise of the “Bull” in the Cairo Hymn of Amon-Re Ps 106

Justice and Fraud in the Hymn to Shamash Pr 11

Sexuality and Religion in the Sumerian Hymns to Ishtar Eze 23

Early Christian Hymnody Jas 5

Hyrcanus II

Politics in the Holy Land Leading Up to the Time of Jesus Mk 4


Hyssop and the Rituals of Cleansing Ps 51


Idol Meat

“Temple Restaurants” and Food Sacrificed to Idols 1Co 8

Idolatry (see also “Calf Worship” and “Pagan Gods”)

Nuzi Ge 30

The Golden Calf Ex 32

The Hittite Ritual of Establishing a New Temple for the Goddess of the Night Ex 34

Goat-Demons and Desert Satyrs Lev 17

Prostitution in the Ancient World Dt 23

The Taanach Cult Stands Jos 17

The Descent of Ishtar Jdg 6

Israelite Shrines and Worship Before the Temple of Solomon 1Sa 1

Phoenicia 1Ki 5

The High Place at Dan 1Ki 12

The History of the Northern Kingdom 1Ki 13

Ahab and the Battle of Qarqar 1Ki 22

The Tragic Reign of King Josiah 2Ki 23

Praise of the “Bull” in the Cairo Hymn of Amon-Re Ps 106

Idols and Idol-Making Isa 44

The Kuntillet Ajrûd Inscriptions: The Lord’s Asherah? Jer 17

The High Places Eze 6

Baal and the Fertility Cults Hos 2

Artemis of the Ephesians Ac 19


The Autobiography of Idrimi Ne 13


The History of the Holy Land

The Negev: Its Climate and Features Ge 20

The Postexilic Period of the Old Testament: The Greek and Hasmonean Periods Ne 7

Imperial Cult

The Imperial Cult Mk 12

The Roman Empire Ro 4

The Seven Churches of Asia Minor Rev 3

The Early Persecution of the Church Rev 17


Imprisonment in the Roman World: In Prison Versus House Arrest Ac 26


Incense Jer 11

Inheritance Rights

Custom and Law in Ancient Mesopotamia Ge 21

The Rights of the Firstborn Ge 25

Levirate Marriage Ge 38

Inheritance in the Ancient Near East Nu 36

Adoption in the Roman World Ro 8


Nebuchadnezzar’s Madness Da 4


Houses in the Holy Land of the First Century A.D.: Peter’s House in Capernaum; Insulae Mt 14

Rome Ro 2


Bywords and Insults in the Ancient World 1Sa 25


The History of the Holy Land

A Curse on Resettling a City From the Hittite Empire Ezr 4

The Postexilic Period of the Old Testament: The Greek and Hasmonean Periods Ne 7

The Postexilic Period of the Old Testament: The Roman and Herodian Periods Ne 7

The Annals of Sargon II Isa 10

Hezekiah Against the Assyrians Isa 36

Sennacherib’s Campaign Against Merodach-Baladan Isa 39

Exile and Genocide in the Ancient Near East Eze 21

Antiochus IV Epiphanes Da 11

The Intertestamental Period Mal 3

The Zealots and the Essenes Mt 10

Messianic Conflicts and the Fall of Jerusalem Mk 4

Sepphoris Mk 6


“The River Is Blood” in The Admonitions of Ipuwer Ps 105

Calamity and Distress in Ipuwer La 5


The Authorship of Peter’s Epistles 1Pe 1


The Tale of Appu’s Two Sons Ge 26

Isaiah Scroll

The Great Isaiah Scroll Isa 34


David 2Sa 1


Midian Ex 4


The Descent of Ishtar Jdg 6


The Descent of Ishtar Jdg 6


The History of the Holy Land


The Samaria Ivories Am 3

The Nimrud Ivories Am 6



The Seals of Jaazaniah, Ishmael and Elishama 2Ki 25

Jabesh Gilead

Jabesh Gilead Jdg 21


Deborah and Barak and the Destruction of Hazor Jdg 4

The Bulletin and Poetic Accounts of the Battle of Kadesh Jdg 5


The Tale of Appu’s Two Sons Ge 26

The Khu-Sebek Inscription and the Burial of Jacob Ge 50

James (Jesus’ Brother)

Nonbiblical Sources for the Historical Jesus Jn 15

Before the Gentile Expansion: The Jewish Churches in the Holy Land Heb 12


Lesser Known Peoples of the Old Testament Dt 7

The Jebusites 1Ch 11


Josiah, Zechariah and Neco II 2Ch 35


Ben-Hadad III of Aram and Jehoash of Israel 2Ki 13


Nebuchadnezzar 2Ki 24

The Last Days of Jerusalem Jer 6

Jehoiachin in Captivity and Evil-Merodach Jer 52


Nebuchadnezzar 2Ki 24

Josiah, Zechariah and Neco II 2Ch 35


The Tel Dan Stele 2Ki 8


Ammon Jdg 10


Jehu/The Black Obelisk of Shalmaneser III 2Ki 10

Ancient Israelite Clothing and Jewelry Isa 3

The Valley of Jezreel Hos 1

Assyria From the Neo-Assyrian Period Forward Na 3


The Virgin Jdg 11

Jeremiah (Difficulties)

The Problem of the Septuagint Version of Jeremiah Jer 29

Jeremiah the Prophet

Baruch, Scribe of Jeremiah Jer 32

Gemariah, the Official, and Jerahmeel, the King’s Son Jer 36

Nebuzaradan, Captain of the Guard Jer 39


Rahab’s House Jos 2

Crossing the Jordan Jos 3

The Conquest of Canaan Jos 5

The Walls of Jericho Jos 6

Jericho and the Date of the Conquest Jos 7

Eglon’s Palace Jdg 3

New Testament Jericho Mk 10

Jeroboam I

Bethel Ge 35

Goat-Demons and Desert Satyrs Lev 17

The High Place at Dan 1Ki 12

The Campaign of Shishak 2Ch 12

Jeroboam II

Uzziah, King of Judah, and Jeroboam II, King of Israel 2Ch 26


The Ancient Translations Mic 7


David 2Sa 1

The Jebusites 1Ch 11

Artaxerxes I, King of Persia Ezr 7

Hittite Instructions for Border Outposts Ne 4

The Postexilic Period of the Old Testament: The Persian Period Ne 7

Archaeology and the Date of Song of Songs SS 8

Hezekiah Against the Assyrians Isa 36

Jerusalem Jer 4

The Last Days of Jerusalem Jer 6

Ancient Near Eastern Laments La 3

Antiochus IV Epiphanes Da 11

Assyria From the Neo-Assyrian Period Forward Na 3

Josephus and the Fall of Jerusalem Mt 24

Jesus, Historicity of

Nonbiblical Sources for the Historical Jesus Jn 15

Jesus, the Messiah

Christianity’s Founder: Paul or Jesus? 2Co 7

Jesus’ Birth

Bethlehem Mic 5

The Birthplace of Jesus Lk 2

Constantine and Queen Helena’s Role in Preserving Holy Sites Jn 19

Jesus’ Crucifixion

Crucifixion Jn 19

Constantine and Queen Helena’s Role in Preserving Holy Sites Jn 19

Jesus’ Family

The Family of Joseph, Mary and Jesus Mt 12

Sepphoris Mk 6

Jesus’ Life

The Life of Jesus Mk 5

Jesus’ Resurrection

The Soldiers Guarding the Tomb Mt 28

The Resurrection of Jesus Mt 28

The Shroud of Turin Controversy Mk 15

Jesus’ Tomb

The Location of Jesus’ Tomb Mt 27

The Soldiers Guarding the Tomb Mt 28

Constantine and Queen Helena’s Role in Preserving Holy Sites Jn 19


Ancient Israelite Clothing and Jewelry Isa 3

Precious Stones of the Biblical World Isa 54

Dress and Fashion in the Greco-Roman World Jas 2


The Downfall of Tyre Eze 26

The Valley of Jezreel Hos 1

Sidon Zec 9

Jezreel, Valley of

The Valley of Jezreel Hos 1


The Date of the Book of Joel Joel 1

John, the Apostle

Patmos Rev 1

John Rylands Papyrus (p52)

John Rylands Papyrus (p52) Jn 18

The New Testament Texts Ro 15

John the Baptist

Baptism in the Ancient World Mt 3

The Life of Jesus Mk 5

Aretas IV of Nabatea and Petra 2Co 11

John, Gospel of (Reliability)

John Rylands Papyrus (p52) Jn 18

Can John’s Gospel Be Trusted? Jn 20


The Historicity of the Book of Jonah Jnh 3


Joppa Jnh 1

Seafaring in the Ancient World Jnh 2


Hazael, the Nemesis of Israel 2Ki 8

The Tel Dan Stele 2Ki 8

Jordan River

Crossing the Jordan Jos 3


Caravan Trading and Routes in the Ancient Near East Ge 37

The Two Brothers Ge 39

The Khu-Sebek Inscription and the Burial of Jacob Ge 50

The Hyksos and the Exodus Ex 8


Historians in the Ancient World Ps 132

The Intertestamental Period Mal 3

Josephus and the Fall of Jerusalem Mt 24

Nonbiblical Sources for the Historical Jesus Jn 15


The Tragic Reign of King Josiah 2Ki 23

Josiah, Zechariah and Neco II 2Ch 35

The Offering of King Ashyahu Isa 60

Megiddo Zec 12


Ammon Jdg 10

Menahem and Pekah of Israel, Jotham of Judah and Tiglath-Pileser III of Assyria 2Ki 15


Sabbath, Sabbath Year and the Jubilee Lev 25


Paul’s Jewish Opponents Gal 3

Judges Period

The History of the Holy Land

The Judges Period Jdg 1

Changes in Canaan Jdg 7

Ammon Jdg 10

The Reliability of Judges Jdg 12

Judgment Seat/Bema

The Judgment Seat 2Co 5


Maat and Lady Wisdom Pr 8

Justice and Fraud in the Hymn to Shamash Pr 11

The Poor and the Afflicted in Ancient Wisdom Literature Pr 14

The Desire for Justice in the Eloquent Peasant Jer 21


Cynics and Satirists in the Greco-Roman World Mk 2



The Bulletin and Poetic Accounts of the Battle of Kadesh Jdg 5

Kadesh Barnea

Kadesh Barnea Nu 13

A Timeline for the Wilderness Wanderings Nu 20


Thebes Eze 30

Cush Zep 3


Horses and Chariots in Ancient Warfare Ex 14

“I Will Praise the Lord of Wisdom” Job 12


The Coalition of Mesopotamian Kings Ge 14


The Kenites 1Sa 27

Sumerian Scribal Education 1Ch 2


The Khu-Sebek Inscription and the Burial of Jacob Ge 50

King Lists

The Sumerian King List Ge 5

The Assyrian King Lists 2Ch 27


The Ancient Near Eastern King Ps 45

The Coronation of Ashurbanipal Ps 72

Form Criticism and the Psalms Ps 90

Shepherding in the Ancient World Eze 34

Nabonidus and Belshazzar Da 5

Genealogies in Ancient Israel Mt 1

A King Riding on a Donkey: Cultural/Political Significance in the Ancient Near East Mt 21


Cities of Refuge Jos 20

Levitical Towns Jos 21

The Kinsman-Redeemer Ru 3

Kiriath Jearim

Kiriath Jearim 1Sa 7


The Kirta Epic Job 1

Dream Oracles in the Ancient World Job 4


The Jewish Custom of Kissing Lk 7


The Levites and the Priests 2Ch 24


Korazin Mt 11

Kuntillet Ajrûd

Devotion to Asherah in the Khirbet El-Qom Inscription 2Ch 15

The Kuntillet Ajrûd Inscriptions: The Lord’s Asherah? Jer 17



The Overseer of the Forced Labor 1Ki 12

Labor and Welfare in the Ancient World 2Th 3

Slavery in the Greco-Roman World Phm


Siege Warfare 2Sa 17

The Lachish Reliefs 2Ki 18

Hezekiah Against the Assyrians Isa 36

The Last Days of Jerusalem Jer 6

The Lachish Ostraca Jer 34


The Reliability of Judges Jdg 12

The Migration of the Danites Jdg 18


Songs of Warriors 2Sa 22

A Man and His God Job 29

Sackcloth and Ashes: Rituals of Lamentation Ps 30

Form Criticism and the Psalms Ps 90

“The River Is Blood” in The Admonitions of Ipuwer Ps 105

The Harper Songs From the Tomb of Neferhotep Ecc 1

The Harper Song From the Tomb of King Intef Ecc 3

Ancient Near Eastern Laments La 3

Calamity and Distress in Ipuwer La 5

Land Rights

Levitical Towns Jos 21

The Kinsman-Redeemer Ru 3

Languages (Ancient)

Ugarit/Ras Shamra Ps 29

Cuneiform and Clay Tablets in the Ancient Near East Isa 30


The Letter From the Laodiceans Col 4

The Seven Churches of Asia Minor Rev 3

Last Supper

The Last Supper and the Passover Mt 26

The Life of Jesus Mk 5

The Upper Room Mk 14

Triclinia Jn 13

Law (Extrabiblical)

Custom and Law in Ancient Mesopotamia Ge 21

Nuzi Ge 30

Slavery and Labor Law in the Ancient Near East Ex 21

The Middle Assyrian Laws Lev 18

Inheritance in the Ancient Near East Nu 36

The Laws of Eshnunna Dt 9

Hammurabi Dt 12

The Hittite Laws Dt 21


Bethany and the Tomb of Lazarus Jn 11


Paul’s Jewish Opponents Gal 3

Before the Gentile Expansion: The Jewish Churches in the Holy Land Heb 12


The Legend of the Needle’s Eye Gate Mt 19


Skin Diseases in the Ancient World Lev 13

Letter Writing

The “Missing” Letter From the Corinthians to Paul 1Co 7

Letter Writing in the Greco-Roman World 2Co 3


The Hittite Storm Gods Job 38

Levirate Marriage

Levirate Marriage Ge 38

The Historicity of the Patriarchal Narratives Ge 44

The Kinsman-Redeemer Ru 3


Levitical Towns Jos 21

Sumerian Scribal Education 1Ch 2

The Levites and the Priests 2Ch 24

Ancient Israelite Poets and Singers Ps 73

An Akkadian Prayer to the Gods of the Night Ps 134


Hammurabi Dt 12

Timnah Jdg 14

Izbet Sartah Ostracon 1Sa 4

Phoenicia 1Ki 5

The Samaria Ostraca 2Ki 14

Sumerian Scribal Education 1Ch 2

The Scribe Ezr 8

The Abecedaries Isa 28

Cuneiform and Clay Tablets in the Ancient Near East Isa 30

Nineveh Na 1

The Authorship of Peter’s Epistles 1Pe 1

Writing Materials in the Ancient World 3Jn


Locusts in the Ancient Near East Joel 2


The Logos in Greek and Jewish Literature Jn 1

Longimanus (see “Artaxerxes I”)

Lord’s Supper

The Love Feast 1Co 11

Lots (Casting)

The Urim and Thummim Ex 28

Casting Lots Job 6

Love Feast

The Love Feast 1Co 11

Luther, Martin

The Apocrypha Tit 2

Who Wrote Hebrews? Heb 2


The Kingdoms of Daniel’s Prophecies Da 2

Early History of Ephesus 2Ti 1


Maccabean Revolt

The Postexilic Period of the Old Testament: The Greek and Hasmonean Periods Ne 7

Antiochus IV Epiphanes Da 11

The Seleucids Da 12

The Intertestamental Period Mal 3

The Zealots and the Essenes Mt 10


The Cave of Machpelah Ge 23

Hebron 2Sa 3

Madaba Map

The Cities of the Plain Ge 13

The Camp at Gilgal Jos 4

Bethany on the Other Side of the Jordan Jn 10

Magic (see also “Divination”)

The Egyptian Priests and Their Snakes Ex 7

Demons and the Bible Mt 8

Miracle Workers and Magicians in the First Century A.D. Lk 19

Magic in the Greco-Roman World Gal 5


Hebron 2Sa 3

Manasseh the King

The Seal of Manasseh 2Ki 21

Manasseh, Tribe of

The Samaria Ostraca 2Ki 14

Taanach 1Ch 7

Megiddo Zec 12

Mandylion, The

The Shroud of Turin Controversy Mk 15


Historians in the Ancient World Ps 132


The New Testament Canon 2Pe 3


A Prayer of Confession to Marduk Ps 38

The Enuma Elish and the Biblical Concept of Creation Ps 89


Evidence for Serug, Nahor and Terah Ge 12

The Patriarchal Period: Mesopotamia During the Time of Abraham Ge 15

Camels Ge 24

Mari Ge 31

Horses and Chariots in Ancient Warfare Ex 14

Dagon 1Sa 5

Ancient Necromancy 1Sa 28

The Tigris and Euphrates Rivers 1Ch 18

The Queen of Heaven Jer 44

Prophets in the Bible and Pagan Nations Am 7

Assyria Through the Middle Assyrian Period Na 3


The Ancient City Ac 12

The Ancient Agora Ac 16


Nuzi Ge 30

The Middle Assyrian Laws Lev 18

The Virgin Jdg 11

Weddings in Ancient Israel SS 3

Marriage and Divorce in Ancient Israel Mal 2

Husbands and Wives: Family Life in the Greco-Roman World Eph 6

The Demeanor of Wives 1Pe 3


Siege Warfare 2Sa 17

Masada Ac 5

Masoretic Text

The Great Isaiah Scroll Isa 34

The Ancient Translations Mic 7

Texts of the Old Testament Mic 7

The Septuagint and Its Use in the New Testament Heb 11


The Postexilic Period of the Old Testament: The Greek and Hasmonean Periods Ne 7

Matthew the Apostle

The Scribe Ezr 8

Meal Customs

The Role of the Patriarch in Family Life Ge 18

Jewish Meals and Meal Customs Mt 9

The Last Supper and the Passover Mt 26

Triclinia Jn 13

“Temple Restaurants” and Food Sacrificed to Idols 1Co 8

The Love Feast 1Co 11


Ancient Persian History Through Darius Est 1

The Kingdoms of Daniel’s Prophecies Da 2


Disease and Medicine in the Ancient World Lk 4

Perfumes and Anointing Oils Jn 12


Solomon and the Israelite Empire 1Ki 6

The Building Activity of Solomon 1Ki 9

The Tragic Reign of King Josiah 2Ki 23

Gezer 1Ch 6

The Campaign of Shishak 2Ch 12

Josiah, Zechariah and Neco II 2Ch 35

Megiddo Zec 12

Memar Marqah

The Samaritan Temple on Mount Gerizim Jn 4


The Palace of Rameses Ex 10

Memphis Jer 46

Cush Zep 3


Menahem and Pekah of Israel, Jotham of Judah and Tiglath-Pileser III of Assyria 2Ki 15


Ambitious Princes Among the Hittites 2Sa 19


The Levites and the Priests 2Ch 24


The Date of the Exodus Ex 12

Changes in Canaan Jdg 7

The Merneptah Stele Jdg 8

The Reliability of Judges Jdg 12

Gezer 1Ch 6

Merneptah Stele

The Conquest of Canaan Jos 5

The Merneptah Stele Jdg 8


Sennacherib’s Campaign Against Merodach-Baladan Isa 39

The Chaldeans Da 9

Mesha Stone

Moab Dt 29

Herem, Holy War 1Sa 15

Omri and Samaria 1Ki 16

The Mesha (Moabite) Stone 2Ki 3

Mesopotamian Culture

Custom and Law in Ancient Mesopotamia Ge 21

Nuzi Ge 30


The Pass at Micmash 1Sa 14

Beth Aven: A Lesson in the Difficulty of Biblical Geography Hos 4


Midian Ex 4

The Location of Mount Sinai Ex 19


Greece: From the Prehistoric Period Through the Mycenaean Empire Ac 20

Crete Tit 1


Nuzi Ge 30

The Hurrians Ge 34

Horses and Chariots in Ancient Warfare Ex 14

Anatolia and the Hittites Ex 33

Mitanni Dt 2

Assyria Through the Middle Assyrian Period Na 3


The Mystery Religions Col 3


Mizpah Jdg 20

The Seals of Jaazaniah, Ishmael and Elishama 2Ki 25


Moab Dt 29

Eglon’s Palace Jdg 3

Moabite Stone (see “Mesha Stone”)


Human Sacrifice in the Ancient Near East Lev 20


Banking and Money in the Ancient World Ne 5

Ancient Persian History Through Darius Est 1

Coins and Numismatics Lk 15


Early Christian Heresies 2Co 10


Mordecai and Marduka Est 3


Mount Moriah Ge 22

Solomon’s Temple and Other Ancient Temples 1Ch 29


Taken From a River: The Legend of Sargon and the Story of Moses Ex 2

The Palace of Rameses Ex 10

The Date of Deuteronomy Dt 3

The Kenites 1Sa 27

Most Holy Place

The Tabernacle and the Ark Ex 40


The Ugaritic Text of the Myth of Baal Ps 104

Baal and the Fertility Cults Hos 2


Sackcloth and Ashes: Rituals of Lamentation Ps 30

Ancient Near Eastern Laments La 3

Mourning for Tammuz Eze 8

Jewish Burial Practices Lk 9


Cities of Refuge Jos 20

The Kinsman-Redeemer Ru 3


Ancient Musical Instruments Ps 5

The Greeks and the Old Testament Joel 3

Early Christian Hymnody Jas 5


Greece: From the Prehistoric Period Through the Mycenaean Empire Ac 20

Mystery Religions

Fasting in the Bible and the Ancient Near East Mt 6

The Role of Women in Religious Life in the Greco-Roman World 1Co 14

The Mystery Religions Col 3

Myths (see also “Creation Myths”)

The Kirta Epic Job 1

The Tale of Aqhat Job 20

The Hittite Storm Gods Job 38

The Warrior Creed in the Akkadian Epic of Erra and Ishum Ps 35

Zaphon, Olympus, Sinai and Zion: The Mountain of God Ps 48

Power Over Egypt in the Hymn to Osiris Ps 78

The Ugaritic Text of the Myth of Baal Ps 104

The Exaltation of a Holy City in the Psalms and in the Myths Ps 110

Humanity and the Divine: Comparing the Bible to the Myth of Atra-Hasis Isa 66

The Desire for Justice in the Eloquent Peasant Jer 21

Nebuchadnezzar’s Madness Da 4

Baal and the Fertility Cults Hos 2



Bywords and Insults in the Ancient World 1Sa 25


Edom Ob

Aretas IV of Nabatea and Petra 2Co 11


The Sippar Cylinder of Nabonidus 2Ch 36

Ancient Persian History Through Darius Est 1

When Was Daniel Written? Da 1

Nabonidus and Belshazzar Da 5

The Prayer of Nabonidus Da 8


The Tragic Reign of King Josiah 2Ki 23

Babylon Isa 13

The Chaldeans Da 9

Nineveh Na 1


Ammon Jdg 10

Jabesh Gilead Jdg 21


Evidence for Serug, Nahor and Terah Ge 12

The Historicity of the Patriarchal Narratives Ge 44


Naming of Children Ge 16

Theophoric Names and Their Significance Nu 31


The Huldah Delegation and Nathan-Melech, the Official 2Ki 22


Galilee in Jesus’ Time Mt 15

Nazareth Mk 1


A Breakdown of Ancient Egyptian History Ex 11

Moab Dt 29

Ammon Jdg 10

Beth Shemesh 1Sa 6

Siege Warfare 2Sa 17

Beersheba 1Ki 19

The History of the Southern Kingdom 2Ki 7

Nebuchadnezzar 2Ki 24

The Seals of Jaazaniah, Ishmael and Elishama 2Ki 25

En Gedi 2Ch 20

The Sippar Cylinder of Nabonidus 2Ch 36

Cedars of Lebanon SS 5

Babylon Isa 13

Jerusalem Jer 4

The Last Days of Jerusalem Jer 6

Nebuzaradan, Captain of the Guard Jer 39

Hophra, King of Egypt Jer 44

Temple Abandonment Eze 10

The Downfall of Tyre Eze 26

When Was Daniel Written? Da 1

Nebuchadnezzar’s Madness Da 4

The Chaldeans Da 9

Sidon Zec 9


Nebuzaradan, Captain of the Guard Jer 39

Neco II

A Breakdown of Ancient Egyptian History Ex 11

The Tragic Reign of King Josiah 2Ki 23

Nebuchadnezzar 2Ki 24

Josiah, Zechariah and Neco II 2Ch 35

Megiddo Zec 12

Necromancy (see “Divination”)


The Negev: Its Climate and Features Ge 20


Artaxerxes I, King of Persia Ezr 7

The Postexilic Period of the Old Testament: The Persian Period Ne 7


Who Were the Nephilim? Nu 13


Nero, Persecutor of Christians Php 4

The Early Persecution of the Church Rev 17

New Testament Canon

The New Testament Canon 2Pe 3

Nile River

“The River Is Blood” in The Admonitions of Ipuwer Ps 105


The Nimrud Ivories Am 6

Assyria From the Neo-Assyrian Period Forward Na 3


The Lachish Reliefs 2Ki 18

Wells, Cisterns and Aqueducts in the Ancient World Jer 38

The Historicity of the Book of Jonah Jnh 3

Nineveh Na 1

Assyria Through the Middle Assyrian Period Na 3

Northern Kingdom of Israel

The History of the Northern Kingdom 1Ki 13


Cush Zep 3


Numbers and Their Meaning Nu 1

Changes in Canaan Jdg 7

The Problem of the Chronology of the Kings of Judah and Israel 1Ki 14

The 70 Years of Captivity Jer 25


Nuzi Ge 30

The Hurrians Ge 34



The Hittite Ritual of Passing Between the Pieces of a Sacrifice Jer 34

Oaths in Jewish and Christian Practice Heb 6

Speech Ethics Jas 3


Labor and Welfare in the Ancient World 2Th 3


Sacrifices and Offerings in the Bible and the Ancient Near East Lev 1


The Kingdoms of Sihon and Og Nu 32

Rabbah 1Ch 20

Old Testament Canon

Is Esther Religious Fiction? Est 5

The Canonicity of Esther Est 10

Noncanonical Psalms Ps 150

The Old Testament Canon Mal 4

The Old Testament of the Early Church 2Ti 3

The Apocrypha Tit 2

Old Testament Texts and Translations

The Problem of the Septuagint Version of Jeremiah Jer 29

The Septuagint and the Masoretic Text Jer 35

The Ancient Translations Mic 7

The Septuagint and Its Use in the New Testament Heb 11


Food and Agriculture Ru 2

Olives, Mount of

The Mount of Olives Zec 14


Zaphon, Olympus, Sinai and Zion: The Mountain of God Ps 48


The History of the Northern Kingdom 1Ki 13

Tirzah 1Ki 15

Omri and Samaria 1Ki 16

The Mesha (Moabite) Stone 2Ki 3


Slavery in the Greco-Roman World Phm


Oracles of the Ancient World Hab 1

Oral Law (see “Tradition of the Elders”)


Who Wrote Hebrews? Heb 2


The Care of Widows and Orphans in the Bible and the Ancient Near East Dt 24


Power Over Egypt in the Hymn to Osiris Ps 78

Ancient Near Eastern Laments La 3

Mourning for Tammuz Eze 8

Baal and the Fertility Cults Hos 2


Writing Materials in the Ancient World 3Jn

Ottoman Empire

The History of the Holy Land


Paddan Aram

Evidence for Serug, Nahor and Terah Ge 12

Paddan Aram Ge 28

Pagan Gods

The Golden Calf Ex 32

The Hittite Ritual of Establishing a New Temple for the Goddess of the Night Ex 34

The Descent of Ishtar Jdg 6

Israelite Shrines and Worship Before the Temple of Solomon 1Sa 1

Syria/Aram 2Ki 5

Susa Est 9

The Hittite Storm Gods Job 38

Storm Gods, Storm Imagery and Theophany Ps 18

The Enuma Elish and the Biblical Concept of Creation Ps 89

The Ugaritic Text of the Myth of Baal Ps 104

Praise of the “Bull” in the Cairo Hymn of Amon-Re Ps 106

The Exaltation of a Holy City in the Psalms and in the Myths Ps 110

An Akkadian Prayer to the Gods of the Night Ps 134

Maat and Lady Wisdom Pr 8

Justice and Fraud in the Hymn to Shamash Pr 11

The Sumerian Prayer Letter of King Sin-Iddinam Isa 38

Cosmology in the Ancient Near East Isa 45

Humanity and the Divine: Comparing the Bible to the Myth of Atra-Hasis Isa 66

The Kuntillet Ajrûd Inscriptions: The Lord’s Asherah? Jer 17

The Queen of Heaven Jer 44

Memphis Jer 46

The High Places Eze 6

Sexuality and Religion in the Sumerian Hymns to Ishtar Eze 23

Nabonidus and Belshazzar Da 5

Baal and the Fertility Cults Hos 2

Angels and Guardian Spirits in the Bible and the Ancient Near East Zec 1

Artemis of the Ephesians Ac 19

“Temple Restaurants” and Food Sacrificed to Idols 1Co 8

The Role of Women in Religious Life in the Greco-Roman World 1Co 14

Corinth 2Co 1

The Gods of the Greeks and Romans Gal 4

The Cult of Dionysus Eph 5

The Mystery Religions Col 3

Palace Intrigue

Ambitious Princes Among the Hittites 2Sa 19

The Death of Sennacherib 2Ki 19

Artaxerxes I, King of Persia Ezr 7

Counselors and Concubines: Life in an Ancient Royal Palace Est 2

Jehoiachin in Captivity and Evil-Merodach Jer 52

Palace Officials

Counselors and Concubines: Life in an Ancient Royal Palace Est 2

Palestinian Liberation Organization

The History of the Holy Land

Palm Branches

Palm Branches in Israel Rev 7


The Authorship of Peter’s Epistles 1Pe 1

Who Wrote Revelation? Rev 10


Writing Materials in the Ancient World 3Jn


The Festivals of Israel Lev 23

The Passover 2Ch 30

The Last Supper and the Passover Mt 26


Patmos Rev 1

Patriarchs/Patriarchal Life

The Patriarchal Period: Mesopotamia During the Time of Abraham Ge 15

The Role of the Patriarch in Family Life Ge 18

The Rights of the Firstborn Ge 25

Nuzi Ge 30

Levirate Marriage Ge 38

The Historicity of the Patriarchal Narratives Ge 44


The Missionary Journeys of Paul Ac 14

Gamaliel, Paul’s Teacher Ac 22

Rome Ro 2

The “Missing” Letter From the Corinthians to Paul 1Co 7

Paul’s Visits and Letters to Corinth 2Co 2

Letter Writing in the Greco-Roman World 2Co 3

The Judgment Seat 2Co 5

Christianity’s Founder: Paul or Jesus? 2Co 7

Which Galatia? Gal 1

Paul’s Jewish Opponents Gal 3

The Authorship of Ephesians Eph 4

Roman Citizenship Php 3

Nero, Persecutor of Christians Php 4

The Authorship of the Pastoral Epistles 1Ti 1

Early History of Ephesus 2Ti 1

Ephesus During the Time of Paul 2Ti 4

Who Wrote Hebrews? Heb 2

Paulus, Sergius

Sergius Paulus, Proconsul of Cyprus Ac 13

The Roman Governor Ac 25


Menahem and Pekah of Israel, Jotham of Judah and Tiglath-Pileser III of Assyria 2Ki 15

Pentecost, Feast of

The Festivals of Israel Lev 23

Pentecost Dt 16


Perfumes and Anointing Oils Jn 12


Wells, Cisterns and Aqueducts in the Ancient World Jer 38


Athens Ac 18


Lesser Known Peoples of the Old Testament Dt 7


Nero, Persecutor of Christians Php 4

Thessalonica 1Th 1

Before the Gentile Expansion: The Jewish Churches in the Holy Land Heb 12

The Authorship of Peter’s Epistles 1Pe 1

House Churches and Early Church Buildings 2Jn

The Seven Churches of Asia Minor Rev 3

The Early Persecution of the Church Rev 17


Darius I Ezr 5

Persepolis Da 10


Greece: Roman Domination and the Growth of Christianity Ac 20


The Postexilic Period of the Old Testament: The Persian Period Ne 7

Ancient Persian History Through Darius Est 1

Ancient Persian History From Xerxes Forward Est 1

The Kingdoms of Daniel’s Prophecies Da 2


The Ancient Translations Mic 7

Peter the Apostle

Capernaum Mk 9

Rome Ro 2

The Authorship of Peter’s Epistles 1Pe 1


Aretas IV of Nabatea and Petra 2Co 11


The Pharaoh of the Exodus Ex 8


The Postexilic Period of the Old Testament: The Greek and Hasmonean Periods Ne 7

The Pharisees Mt 5

Fasting in the Bible and the Ancient Near East Mt 6

Jewish Meals and Meal Customs Mt 9

Biblical Interpretation at Qumran and Among the Early Rabbis Mt 23

The Sanhedrin Ac 23

Jewish Eschatology in the First Century A.D. Ro 6

Philip the Evangelist

The Geographic Expansion of the Church Under Persecution Ac 8

Philip I (see “Herod Philip I”)

Philip II/Philip the Tetrarch (see “Herod Philip II”)

Philip V

Greece: Roman Domination and the Growth of Christianity Ac 20


Philippi Php 1


The Archaeology of Philistia Jdg 13


The History of the Holy Land

The Judges Period Jdg 1

The Archaeology of Philistia Jdg 13

Timnah Jdg 14

Dagon 1Sa 5

Beth Shemesh 1Sa 6

Samuel and Saul 1Sa 9

Technological Supremacy of the Philistines’ Iron Weapons 1Sa 13

The Ekron Inscription of Akhayus 1Sa 21

Aphek 1Sa 29

The Beth Shan Temples 1Sa 31

Gezer 1Ch 6

The Destruction of Shiloh Jer 7

Megiddo Zec 12


Alexandria Ac 18

Greek Philosophical Schools Col 2


Cynics and Satirists in the Greco-Roman World Mk 2

The Logos in Greek and Jewish Literature Jn 1

Debate and Rhetoric in the Ancient World Ac 15

Athens Ac 18

Greek Philosophical Schools Col 2


Phoenicia 1Ki 5

Cuneiform and Clay Tablets in the Ancient Near East Isa 30

Seafaring in the Ancient World Jnh 2

Sidon Zec 9

Pilate, Pontius

Messianic Conflicts and the Fall of Jerusalem Mk 4

Pontius Pilate Lk 23

The Roman Governor Ac 25

The Judgment Seat 2Co 5


The Location of Eden Ge 2


The Store Cities of Pithom and Rameses Ex 1


Plague Prayers of Mursilis II 2Sa 24

A Hittite Ritual Against Plague Job 18


Debate and Rhetoric in the Ancient World Ac 15

Athens Ac 18

Homosexuality in the Ancient World Ro 1


Historians in the Ancient World Ps 132


The Bulletin and Poetic Accounts of the Battle of Kadesh Jdg 5

Songs of Warriors 2Sa 22

“I Will Praise the Lord of Wisdom” Job 12

A Ugaritic Prayer for a City Under Siege Ps 65

Ancient Israelite Poets and Singers Ps 73

The Enuma Elish and the Biblical Concept of Creation Ps 89

An Akkadian Prayer to the Gods of the Night Ps 134

The Authorship of Ecclesiastes and Song of Songs Ecc 5

Ancient Love Poetry SS 1

Imagery and Metaphor in Ancient Love Poetry SS 7

Archaeology and the Date of Song of Songs SS 8

Acrostics and Other Techniques of Ancient Poetry La 1


Historians in the Ancient World Ps 132


The Authorship of Peter’s Epistles 1Pe 1


The Jerusalem Pomegranate 2Ch 4


Pompeii Ro 14


The Postexilic Period of the Old Testament: The Roman and Herodian Periods Ne 7

Politics in the Holy Land Leading Up to the Time of Jesus Mk 4


The Eunuch Isa 56

Potsherd (see “Pottery”)


Ancient Craftsmanship Ex 31

Izbet Sartah Ostracon 1Sa 4

Beth Shemesh 1Sa 6

Gezer 1Ch 6

The Potsherd: Pottery in the Bible Job 2

The Destruction of Shiloh Jer 7

The Arad Ostraca Jer 14

Pottery-Making in Bible Times Jer 18

Ramat Rahel Jer 22


The Poor and the Afflicted in Ancient Wisdom Literature Pr 14

The Desire for Justice in the Eloquent Peasant Jer 21

Labor and Welfare in the Ancient World 2Th 3


The Roman Governor Ac 25

Prayers (Pagan)

Plague Prayers of Mursilis II 2Sa 24

A Prayer of Confession to Marduk Ps 38

A Ugaritic Prayer for a City Under Siege Ps 65

The Coronation of Ashurbanipal Ps 72

Curses and Imprecations Ps 83

A Pagan’s Prayer of Thanks Ps 116

An Akkadian Prayer to the Gods of the Night Ps 134

The Sumerian Prayer Letter of King Sin-Iddinam Isa 38

The Prayer of Nabonidus Da 8

Precious Stones

Precious Stones of the Biblical World Isa 54

Priests (Israelite)

The Installation of Priests at Emar and in Israel Ex 29

The Hittite Ritual of Establishing a New Temple for the Goddess of the Night Ex 34

Ritual Purity in Israel and the Ancient Near East Lev 10

The Day of Atonement Lev 16

Hittite Instructions for Priests Nu 8

Israelite Shrines and Worship Before the Temple of Solomon 1Sa 1

The Ephod 1Sa 2

Bathing 2Sa 11

The Levites and the Priests 2Ch 24

The Postexilic Period of the Old Testament: The Persian Period Ne 7

The Arad Ostraca Jer 14

Priests (Jewish New Testament)

The Jewish Priesthood and Religious Life in the First Century A.D. Lk 18

Priests (Pagan)

The Installation of Priests at Emar and in Israel Ex 29

The Hittite Ritual of Establishing a New Temple for the Goddess of the Night Ex 34

Hittite Instructions for Priests Nu 8

Priscilla and Aquila

Paul’s Visits and Letters to Corinth 2Co 2


Balaam, the Son of Beor Nu 22

Prophets in the Bible and Pagan Nations Am 7

Oracles of the Ancient World Hab 1


Proselytes in Second Temple Judaism Ac 6

The Geographic Expansion of the Church Under Persecution Ac 8


Prostitution in the Ancient World Dt 23

Sexuality and Religion in the Sumerian Hymns to Ishtar Eze 23

Baal and the Fertility Cults Hos 2

Psalms, The

David 2Sa 1


The Intertestamental Period Mal 3

Demons and the Bible Mt 8

The Apocrypha Tit 2

The Authorship of Peter’s Epistles 1Pe 1

The Bible and Pseudepigraphical Literature Jude


The History of the Holy Land

The Postexilic Period of the Old Testament: The Greek and Hasmonean Periods Ne 7

The Ptolemies Da 7


The Kingdoms of Daniel’s Prophecies Da 2