List of Articles by Scripture Reference
- The History of the Holy Land
- Ancient Creation Narratives Ge 1
- The Location of Eden Ge 2
- The Serpent Motif in Other Ancient Near Eastern Literature Ge 3
- Sumer Ge 4
- The Sumerian King List Ge 5
- Ancient Flood Narratives Ge 6
- The Documentary Hypothesis Ge 7
- Ebla Ge 10
- Evidence for Serug, Nahor and Terah Ge 12
- The Cities of the Plain Ge 13
- The Coalition of Mesopotamian Kings Ge 14
- The Patriarchal Period: Mesopotamia During the Time of Abraham Ge 15
- Naming of Children Ge 16
- The Role of the Patriarch in Family Life Ge 18
- The Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah Ge 19
- The Negev: Its Climate and Features Ge 20
- Custom and Law in Ancient Mesopotamia Ge 21
- Mount Moriah Ge 22
- The Cave of Machpelah Ge 23
- Camels Ge 24
- The Rights of the Firstborn Ge 25
- The Tale of Appu’s Two Sons Ge 26
- Haran Ge 27
- Paddan Aram Ge 28
- Nuzi Ge 30
- Mari Ge 31
- Succoth/Tell Deir Alla Ge 33
- The Hurrians Ge 34
- Bethel Ge 35
- Caravan Trading and Routes in the Ancient Near East Ge 37
- Levirate Marriage Ge 38
- The Two Brothers Ge 39
- Famine in the Ancient Near East Ge 42
- The Historicity of the Patriarchal Narratives Ge 44
- The Khu-Sebek Inscription and the Burial of Jacob Ge 50
- The Store Cities of Pithom and Rameses Ex 1
- Taken From a River: The Legend of Sargon and the Story of Moses Ex 2
- YHWH: The Name of God in the Old Testament Ex 3
- Midian Ex 4
- The Soleb Hieroglyph Ex 5
- The Egyptian Priests and Their Snakes Ex 7
- The Pharaoh of the Exodus Ex 8
- The Hyksos and the Exodus Ex 8
- The Rosetta Stone and the Deciphering of Hieroglyphs Ex 9
- The Palace of Rameses Ex 10
- A Breakdown of Ancient Egyptian History Ex 11
- The Date of the Exodus Ex 12
- The Route of the Exodus: The Northern Route Theory Ex 13
- The Route of the Exodus: The Southern Route Theory Ex 13
- The Location of the Red Sea Ex 13
- The Wind Set-Down Hypothesis Ex 13
- The Route of the Exodus: The Arabian Route Theory Ex 13
- Horses and Chariots in Ancient Warfare Ex 14
- Alternative Theories About the Exodus Ex 16
- The Amalekites Ex 17
- The Hyksos and the Old Testament Ex 18
- The Location of Mount Sinai Ex 19
- Ancient Altars Ex 20
- Slavery and Labor Law in the Ancient Near East Ex 21
- The Zukru Festival Ex 23
- The Urim and Thummim Ex 28
- The Installation of Priests at Emar and in Israel Ex 29
- Ancient Craftsmanship Ex 31
- The Golden Calf Ex 32
- Anatolia and the Hittites Ex 33
- The Hittite Ritual of Establishing a New Temple for the Goddess of the Night Ex 34
- The Tabernacle and the Ark Ex 40
- Sacrifices and Offerings in the Bible and the Ancient Near East Lev 1
- Ritual Purity in Israel and the Ancient Near East Lev 10
- Clean and Unclean Foods in the Bible and the Ancient Near East Lev 11
- Skin Diseases in the Ancient World Lev 13
- The Day of Atonement Lev 16
- Goat-Demons and Desert Satyrs Lev 17
- The Middle Assyrian Laws Lev 18
- Tattoos and Self-Laceration in Ancient Religion Lev 19
- Human Sacrifice in the Ancient Near East Lev 20
- The Festivals of Israel Lev 23
- Sabbath, Sabbath Year and the Jubilee Lev 25
- Numbers and Their Meaning Nu 1
- The Ketef Hinnom Amulets Nu 6
- Hittite Instructions for Priests Nu 8
- Kadesh Barnea Nu 13
- Who Were the Nephilim? Nu 13
- Fringe (Tassels) on Garments Nu 15
- The Red Heifer Nu 19
- A Timeline for the Wilderness Wanderings Nu 20
- Ugaritic Liturgy Against Venomous Snakes Nu 21
- Balaam, the Son of Beor Nu 22
- Shittim Nu 25
- The Itinerary in Numbers Nu 27
- The Jewish Calendar Nu 29
- Theophoric Names and Their Significance Nu 31
- The Kingdoms of Sihon and Og Nu 32
- Arad Nu 33
- Inheritance in the Ancient Near East Nu 36
- Deuteronomy and the Covenant Treaty Form Dt 1
- Mitanni Dt 2
- The Date of Deuteronomy Dt 3
- Ramoth (in) Gilead Dt 4
- Lesser Known Peoples of the Old Testament Dt 7
- The Laws of Eshnunna Dt 9
- The Treaty of Suppiluliumas Dt 11
- Hammurabi Dt 12
- Pentecost Dt 16
- Akkadian Divination Dt 18
- The Hittite Laws Dt 21
- Prostitution in the Ancient World Dt 23
- The Care of Widows and Orphans in the Bible and the Ancient Near East Dt 24
- Joshua’s Altar on Mount Ebal Dt 27
- Moab Dt 29
- Tablets From Ugarit and Canaanite Religion Jos 1
- Rahab’s House Jos 2
- Crossing the Jordan Jos 3
- The Camp at Gilgal Jos 4
- The Conquest of Canaan Jos 5
- The Walls of Jericho Jos 6
- Jericho and the Date of the Conquest Jos 7
- Ai Jos 8
- Gibeon Jos 9
- Stopping the Sun Jos 10
- Hazor Jos 11
- Canaan Jos 12
- Tell Beit Mirsim Jos 15
- The Taanach Cult Stands Jos 17
- Cities of Refuge Jos 20
- Levitical Towns Jos 21
- Shechem Jos 24
- The Judges Period Jdg 1
- The Amarna Tablets and the Habiru Jdg 2
- Eglon’s Palace Jdg 3
- Deborah and Barak and the Destruction of Hazor Jdg 4
- The Bulletin and Poetic Accounts of the Battle of Kadesh Jdg 5
- The Descent of Ishtar Jdg 6
- Changes in Canaan Jdg 7
- The Merneptah Stele Jdg 8
- Abimelech at Shechem Jdg 9
- Ammon Jdg 10
- The Virgin Jdg 11
- The Reliability of Judges Jdg 12
- The Archaeology of Philistia Jdg 13
- Timnah Jdg 14
- Samson and the Temple of Dagon Jdg 16
- Tombs in Ancient Israel Jdg 17
- The Migration of the Danites Jdg 18
- Gibeah Jdg 19
- Mizpah Jdg 20
- Jabesh Gilead Jdg 21
- Food and Agriculture Ru 2
- The Kinsman-Redeemer Ru 3
- The City Gate Ru 4
- Israelite Shrines and Worship Before the Temple of Solomon 1Sa 1
- The Ephod 1Sa 2
- The Tabernacle at Shiloh 1Sa 3
- Izbet Sartah Ostracon 1Sa 4
- Dagon 1Sa 5
- Beth Shemesh 1Sa 6
- Kiriath Jearim 1Sa 7
- Samuel and Saul 1Sa 9
- Rachel’s Tomb 1Sa 10
- Technological Supremacy of the Philistines’ Iron Weapons 1Sa 13
- The Pass at Micmash 1Sa 14
- Herem, Holy War 1Sa 15
- Battle by Champions 1Sa 17
- The Ekron Inscription of Akhayus 1Sa 21
- Bywords and Insults in the Ancient World 1Sa 25
- The Kenites 1Sa 27
- Ancient Necromancy 1Sa 28
- Aphek 1Sa 29
- The Beth Shan Temples 1Sa 31
- David 2Sa 1
- The Pool of Gibeon 2Sa 2
- Hebron 2Sa 3
- Early Scribal Emendation 2Sa 4
- The Tsinnor 2Sa 5
- Bathing 2Sa 11
- The Mountain and the Deer: A Hurrian Parable 2Sa 12
- Siege Warfare 2Sa 17
- Ambitious Princes Among the Hittites 2Sa 19
- Songs of Warriors 2Sa 22
- Plague Prayers of Mursilis II 2Sa 24
- The Cylinders of Gudea 1Ki 3
- Egyptian and Israelite Administration 1Ki 4
- Phoenicia 1Ki 5
- Solomon and the Israelite Empire 1Ki 6
- The Pharaoh Whose Daughter Solomon Married 1Ki 7
- The Building Activity of Solomon 1Ki 9
- Sheba 1Ki 10
- The Overseer of the Forced Labor 1Ki 12
- The High Place at Dan 1Ki 12
- The History of the Northern Kingdom 1Ki 13
- The Problem of the Chronology of the Kings of Judah and Israel 1Ki 14
- Tirzah 1Ki 15
- Omri and Samaria 1Ki 16
- Zarephath 1Ki 17
- Beersheba 1Ki 19
- Ben-Hadad I and II 1Ki 20
- Ahab and the Battle of Qarqar 1Ki 22
- The Mesha (Moabite) Stone 2Ki 3
- Syria/Aram 2Ki 5
- Dothan, Ben-Hadad and a Chronological Problem 2Ki 6
- The History of the Southern Kingdom 2Ki 7
- Hazael, the Nemesis of Israel 2Ki 8
- The Tel Dan Stele 2Ki 8
- Jehu/The Black Obelisk of Shalmaneser III 2Ki 10
- Ben-Hadad III of Aram and Jehoash of Israel 2Ki 13
- The Samaria Ostraca 2Ki 14
- Menahem and Pekah of Israel, Jotham of Judah and Tiglath-Pileser III of Assyria 2Ki 15
- Ahaz, King of Judah, and Rezin, King of Aram 2Ki 16
- Hoshea, King of Israel, and Shalmaneser V, King of Assyria 2Ki 17
- The Lachish Reliefs 2Ki 18
- The Death of Sennacherib 2Ki 19
- Hezekiah’s Tunnel 2Ki 20
- The Seal of Manasseh 2Ki 21
- The Huldah Delegation and Nathan-Melech, the Official 2Ki 22
- The Tragic Reign of King Josiah 2Ki 23
- Nebuchadnezzar 2Ki 24
- The Seals of Jaazaniah, Ishmael and Elishama 2Ki 25
- The Sumerian Eridu Genesis 1Ch 1
- Sumerian Scribal Education 1Ch 2
- Gezer 1Ch 6
- Taanach 1Ch 7
- The Jebusites 1Ch 11
- The Tigris and Euphrates Rivers 1Ch 18
- Rabbah 1Ch 20
- The Threshing Floor 1Ch 21
- Solomon’s Temple and Other Ancient Temples 1Ch 29
- The Jerusalem Pomegranate 2Ch 4
- Ezion Geber 2Ch 8
- The Campaign of Shishak 2Ch 12
- Devotion to Asherah in the Khirbet El-Qom Inscription 2Ch 15
- En Gedi 2Ch 20
- The Levites and the Priests 2Ch 24
- Uzziah, King of Judah, and Jeroboam II, King of Israel 2Ch 26
- The Assyrian King Lists 2Ch 27
- The Passover 2Ch 30
- The Sennacherib Prism 2Ch 32
- Josiah, Zechariah and Neco II 2Ch 35
- The Sippar Cylinder of Nabonidus 2Ch 36
- Cyrus the Great Ezr 1
- Languages of the Old Testament World Ezr 2
- A Curse on Resettling a City From the Hittite Empire Ezr 4
- Darius I Ezr 5
- The Cyrus Cylinder Ezr 6
- Artaxerxes I, King of Persia Ezr 7
- The Scribe Ezr 8
- The Chronology of Ezra and Nehemiah Ne 1
- Sanballat, Tobiah and Geshem Ne 2
- Hittite Instructions for Border Outposts Ne 4
- Banking and Money in the Ancient World Ne 5
- The Postexilic Period of the Old Testament: The Persian Period Ne 7