Ac 1:5 but in a few days you will be b
Mt 27:26 Then he released B to them.
Nu 33:55 allow to remain will become b
Heb 4:13 and laid b before the eyes of him
Disciple, originally Joseph (Ac 4:36), prophet (Ac 13:1), apostle (Ac 14:14). Brought Paul to apostles (Ac 9:27), Antioch (Ac 11:22–29; Gal 2:1–13), on the first missionary journey (Ac 13–14). Together at Jerusalem Council, they separated over John Mark (Ac 15). Later co-workers (1 Co 9:6; Col 4:10).
Ps 113:9 He settles the b woman
Apostle (Mt 10:3; Mk 3:18; Lk 6:14; Ac 1:13). Possibly also known as Nathanael (Jn 1:45–49; 21:2).
Jn 13:10 person who has had a b needs only
Wife of Uriah who committed adultery with and became wife of David (2 Sa 11), mother of Solomon (2 Sa 12:24; 1 Ki 1–2; 1 Ch 3:5).
2 Ch 20:15 For the b is not yours, but God’s.
Ps 24:8 the LORD mighty in b.
Ecc 9:11 or the b to the strong,
Ge 4:13 punishment is more than I can b.
Ps 38:4 like a burden too heavy to b.
Isa 53:11 and he will b their iniquities.
Da 7:5 beast, which looked like a b.
Mt 7:18 A good tree cannot b bad fruit,
Jn 15:2 branch that does b fruit he prunes
15:16 and appointed you to go and b fruit —
Ro 15:1 ought to b with the failings
1 Co 10:13 tempted beyond what you can b.
Col 3:13 B with each other and forgive
Eph 4:2 b with one another in love.
Col 1:10 b fruit in every good work,
Rev 13:18 him calculate the number of the b,
Isa 2:4 They will b their swords
Joel 3:10 B your plowshares into swords
1 Co 9:27 I b my body and make it my slave
1 Co 9:26 I do not fight like a man b the air.
1 Pe 2:20 if you receive a b for doing wrong
Ge 6:2 that the daughters of men were b,
12:11 “I know what a b woman you are.
12:14 saw that she was a very b woman.
24:16 The girl was very b, a virgin;
26:7 of Rebekah, because she is b.”
29:17 Rachel was lovely in form, and b.
Job 38:31 “Can you bind the b Pleiades?
Pr 11:22 is a b woman who shows no
Ecc 3:11 He has made everything b
Isa 4:2 of the LORD will be b
52:7 How b on the mountains
Eze 20:6 and honey, the most b of all lands.
Zec 9:17 How attractive and b they will be!
Mt 23:27 which look b on the outside
26:10 She has done a b thing to me.
Ro 10:15 “How b are the feet
1 Pe 3:5 in God used to make themselves b.
Ps 27:4 to gaze upon the b of the LORD
45:11 The king is enthralled by your b;
Pr 31:30 is deceptive, and b is fleeting;
Isa 33:17 Your eyes will see the king in his b
53:2 He had no b or majesty
61:3 to bestow on them a crown of b
Eze 28:12 full of wisdom and perfect in b.
1 Pe 3:4 the unfading b of a gentle
Heb 13:4 and the marriage b kept pure,
Lk 11:15 “By B, the prince of demons,
Pr 20:1 Wine is a mocker and b a brawler;
Jdg 20:1 all the Israelites from Dan to B
Ge 1:1 In the b God created the heavens
Ps 102:25 In the b you laid the foundations
111:10 of the LORD is the b of wisdom;
Pr 1:7 of the LORD is the b of knowledge
Jn 1:1 In the b was the Word,
1 Jn 1:1 That which was from the b,
Rev 21:6 and the Omega, the B and the End.
Ro 13:13 Let us b decently, as in the daytime
Mt 18:6 one of these little ones who b in me
21:22 If you b, you will receive whatever
Mk 1:15 Repent and b the good news!”
9:24 “I do b; help me overcome my
16:17 signs will accompany those who b:
Lk 8:50 just b, and she will be healed.”
24:25 to b all that the prophets have
Jn 1:7 that through him all men might b.
3:18 does not b stands condemned
6:29 to b in the one he has sent.”
10:38 you do not b me, b the miracles,
11:27 “I b that you are the Christ,
14:11 B me when I say that I am
16:30 This makes us b that you came
16:31 “You b at last!” Jesus answered.
17:21 that the world may b that you have
20:27 Stop doubting and b.”
20:31 written that you may b that Jesus is
Ac 16:31 They replied, “B in the Lord Jesus,
24:14 I b everything that agrees
Ro 3:22 faith in Jesus Christ to all who b.
4:11 he is the father of all who b
10:9 b in your heart that God raised him
10:14 And how can they b in the one
16:26 so that all nations might b
1 Th 4:14 We b that Jesus died and rose again
2 Th 2:11 delusion so that they will b the lie
1 Ti 4:10 and especially of those who b.
Tit 1:6 a man whose children b
Heb 11:6 comes to him must b that he exists
Jas 2:19 Even the demons b that —
1 Jn 4:1 Dear friends, do not b every spirit,
Ge 15:6 Abram b the LORD, and he
Jnh 3:5 The Ninevites b God.
Jn 1:12 to those who b in his name,
2:22 Then they b the Scripture
3:18 because he has not b in the name
20:8 He saw and b.
20:29 who have not seen and yet have b.”
Ac 13:48 were appointed for eternal life b.
Ro 4:3 Scripture say? “Abraham b God,
10:14 call on the one they have not b in?
1 Co 15:2 Otherwise, you have b in vain.
Gal 3:6 Consider Abraham: “He b God,
2 Ti 1:12 because I know whom I have b,
Jas 2:23 that says, “Abraham b God,
1 Co 7:12 brother has a wife who is not a b
2 Co 6:15 What does a b have in common
Ac 4:32 All the b were one in heart
5:12 And all the b used to meet together
1 Co 6:5 to judge a dispute between b?
1 Ti 4:12 set an example for the b in speech,
1 Pe 2:17 Love the brotherhood of b,
Pr 14:15 A simple man b anything,
Mk 9:23 is possible for him who b.”
11:23 b that what he says will happen,
16:16 Whoever b and is baptized will be
Jn 3:16 that whoever b in him shall not
3:36 Whoever b in the Son has eternal
5:24 b him who sent me has eternal life
6:35 and he who b in me will never be
6:40 and b in him shall have eternal life,
6:47 he who b has everlasting life.
7:38 Whoever b in me, as the Scripture
11:26 and b in me will never die.
Ro 1:16 for the salvation of everyone who b
10:4 righteousness for everyone who b.
1 Jn 5:1 Everyone who b that Jesus is
5:5 Only he who b that Jesus is the Son
Jn 20:31 and that by b you may have life
Dt 29:29 The secret things b
Job 25:2 “Dominion and awe b to God;
Ps 47:9 for the kings of the earth b to God;
95:4 and the mountain peaks b to him.
Jn 8:44 You b to your father, the devil,
15:19 As it is, you do not b to the world,
Ro 1:6 called to b to Jesus Christ.
7:4 that you might b to another,
14:8 we live or die, we b to the Lord.
Gal 5:24 Those who b to Christ Jesus have
1 Th 5:8 But since we b to the day, let us be
Job 41:11 Everything under heaven b to me.
Ps 111:10 To him b eternal praise.
Eze 18:4 For every living soul b to me,
Jn 8:47 He who b to God hears what God
Ro 12:5 each member b to all the others.
Dt 33:12 “Let the b of the LORD rest secure
Isa 11:5 Righteousness will be his b
Eph 6:14 with the b of truth buckled
Ro 6:22 the b you reap leads to holiness,
2 Co 4:15 All this is for your b,
Ps 103:2 and forget not all his b.
Jn 4:38 you have reaped the b of their labor
Twelfth son of Jacob by Rachel (Ge 35:16–24; 46:19–21; 1 Ch 2:2). Jacob refused to send him to Egypt, but relented (Ge 42–45).
Ac 17:11 the B were of more noble character
Ps 84:11 the LORD b favor and honor;
Mt 2:1 After Jesus was born in B in Judea,
Pr 25:9 do not b another man’s confidence,
Dt 6:8 and b them on your foreheads.
Pr 6:21 B them upon your heart forever;
Isa 61:1 me to b up the brokenhearted,
Mt 16:19 whatever you b on earth will be
Ps 147:3 and b up their wounds.
Isa 30:26 when the LORD b up the bruises
Mt 8:20 and b of the air have nests,
Ps 58:3 Even from b the wicked go astray;
Mt 1:18 This is how the b of Jesus Christ
1 Pe 1:3 great mercy he has given us new b
Ge 25:34 So Esau despised his b.
Ge 17:1 walk before me and be b.
Job 1:1 This man was b and upright;
Ps 84:11 from those whose walk is b.
119:1 Blessed are they whose ways are b,
Pr 19:1 Better a poor man whose walk is b
1 Co 1:8 so that you will be b on the day
Eph 5:27 any other blemish, but holy and b.
Php 2:15 so that you may become b and pure
1 Th 3:13 hearts so that you will be b
5:23 and body be kept b at the coming
Tit 1:6 An elder must be b, the husband of
Heb 7:26 b, pure, set apart from sinners,
2 Pe 3:14 effort to be found spotless, b
Mk 3:29 whoever b against the Holy Spirit
1 Pe 1:19 a lamb without b or defect.
Ge 12:3 I will b those who b you,
Ro 12:14 Bless those who persecute you; b
Ge 1:22 God b them and said, “Be fruitful
2:3 And God b the seventh day
22:18 nations on earth will be b,
Ps 1:1 B is the man
2:12 B are all who take refuge in him.
33:12 B is the nation whose God is
41:1 B is he who has regard for the weak
84:5 B are those whose strength is
106:3 B are they who maintain justice,
112:1 B is the man who fears the LORD,
118:26 B is he who comes in the name
Pr 29:18 but b is he who keeps the law.
31:28 Her children arise and call her b;
Mt 5:3 saying: “B are the poor in spirit,
5:4 B are those who mourn,
5:5 B are the meek,
5:6 B are those who hunger
5:7 B are the merciful,
5:8 B are the pure in heart,
5:9 B are the peacemakers,
5:10 B are those who are persecuted
5:11 “B are you when people insult you,
Lk 1:48 on all generations will call me b,
Jn 12:13 “B is he who comes in the name
Ac 20:35 ‘It is more b to give than to receive
Tit 2:13 while we wait for the b hope —
Jas 1:12 B is the man who perseveres
Rev 1:3 B is the one who reads the words
22:14 “B are those who wash their robes,
Eze 34:26 there will be showers of b.
Pr 10:6 B crown the head of the righteous,
Mt 15:14 a b man leads a b man, both will fall
23:16 “Woe to you, b guides! You say,
Jn 9:25 I was b but now I see!”
Ge 9:6 “Whoever sheds the b of man,
Ex 12:13 and when I see the b, I will pass
24:8 “This is the b of the covenant that
Lev 17:11 For the life of a creature is in the b,
Ps 72:14 for precious is their b in his sight.
Pr 6:17 hands that shed innocent b,
Mt 26:28 This is my b of the covenant,
Ro 3:25 of atonement, through faith in his b
5:9 have now been justified by his b,
1 Co 11:25 cup is the new covenant in my b;
Eph 1:7 we have redemption through his b,
2:13 near through the b of Christ.
Col 1:20 by making peace through his b,
Heb 9:12 once for all by his own b,
9:22 of b there is no forgiveness.
1 Pe 1:19 but with the precious b of Christ,
1 Jn 1:7 and the b of Jesus, his Son,
Rev 1:5 has freed us from our sins by his b,
5:9 with your b you purchased men
7:14 white in the b of the Lamb.
12:11 him by the b of the Lamb
Ex 32:32 then b me out of the book you have
Ps 51:1 b out my transgressions.
Rev 3:5 I will never b out his name
Isa 43:25 “I, even I, am he who b out
Eph 4:14 and b here and there by every wind
Jas 1:6 doubts is like a wave of the sea, b
1 Ki 20:11 armor should not b like one who
Ps 34:2 My soul will b in the LORD;
44:8 In God we make our b all day long,
Pr 27:1 Do not b about tomorrow,
1 Co 1:31 Let him who boasts b in the Lord.”
Gal 6:14 May I never b except in the cross
Eph 2:9 not by works, so that no one can b.
Wealthy Bethlehemite who showed favor to Ruth (Ru 2), married her (Ru 4). Ancestor of David (Ru 4:18–22; 1 Ch 2:12–15), Jesus (Mt 1:5–16; Lk 3:23–32).
Ro 12:1 to offer your b as living sacrifices,
1 Co 6:15 not know that your b are members
Eph 5:28 to love their wives as their own b.
Zec 13:6 What are these wounds on your b?’
Mt 10:28 afraid of those who kill the b
26:26 saying, “Take and eat; this is my b
26:41 spirit is willing, but the b is weak.”
Jn 13:10 wash his feet; his whole b is clean.
Ro 6:13 Do not offer the parts of your b
12:4 us has one b with many members,
1 Co 6:19 not know that your b is a temple
11:24 “This is my b, which is for you;
12:12 The b is a unit, though it is made up
Eph 5:30 for we are members of his b.
Ps 138:3 you made me b and stouthearted.
Pr 21:29 A wicked man puts up a b front,
28:1 but the righteous are as b as a lion.
Ac 4:29 to speak your word with great b.
Ezr 9:9 God has not deserted us in our b.
Jos 1:8 Do not let this B of the Law depart
Ne 8:8 They read from the B of the Law
Jn 20:30 which are not recorded in this b.
Php 4:3 whose names are in the b of life.
Rev 21:27 written in the Lamb’s b of life.
Ecc 12:12 Of making many b there is no end,
Isa 9:6 For to us a child is b,
Jn 3:7 at my saying, ‘You must be b again
1 Pe 1:23 For you have been b again,
1 Jn 4:7 Everyone who loves has been b
5:1 believes that Jesus is the Christ is b
Pr 22:7 and the b is servant to the lender.
Ac 20:28 which he b with his own blood.
1 Co 6:20 You are not your own; you were b
7:23 You were b at a price; do not
2 Pe 2:1 the sovereign Lord who b them —
Ps 95:6 Come, let us b down in worship,
Isa 45:23 Before me every knee will b;
Ro 14:11 ‘every knee will b before me;
Php 2:10 name of Jesus every knee should b,
Isa 4:2 In that day the B of the LORD will
Jer 33:15 I will make a righteous B sprout
Jn 15:5 “I am the vine; you are the b.
2 Sa 2:7 Now then, be strong and b,
Dt 8:3 that man does not live on b alone
Pr 30:8 but give me only my daily b.
Ecc 11:1 Cast your b upon the waters,
Isa 55:2 Why spend money on what is not b
Mt 4:4 ‘Man does not live on b alone,
6:11 Give us today our daily b.
Jn 6:35 Jesus declared, “I am the b of life.
21:13 took the b and gave it to them,
1 Co 11:23 took b, and when he had given
Nu 30:2 he must not b his word
Jdg 2:1 ‘I will never b my covenant
Isa 42:3 A bruised reed he will not b,
Mt 12:20 A bruised reed he will not b,
Jas 2:10 at just one point is guilty of b all
Ex 28:15 Fashion a b for making decisions —
Isa 59:17 He put on righteousness as his b,
Eph 6:14 with the b of righteousness in place
1 Th 5:8 putting on faith and love as a b,
Ge 2:7 b into his nostrils the breath of life,
Jn 20:22 And with that he b on them
Pr 13:10 Pride only b quarrels,
Ex 23:8 “Do not accept a b,
Pr 6:35 will refuse the b, however great it
Rev 19:7 and his b has made herself ready,
Pr 4:18 shining ever b till the full light
2 Sa 22:13 Out of the b of his presence
Da 12:3 who are wise will shine like the b
Mt 7:13 and b is the road that leads
Ps 51:17 The sacrifices of God are a b spirit;
Ecc 4:12 of three strands is not quickly b.
Jn 10:35 and the Scripture cannot be b —
Ps 34:18 The LORD is close to the b
109:16 and the needy and the b.
147:3 He heals the b
Isa 61:1 He has sent me to bind up the b,
Pr 17:17 and a b is born for adversity.
18:24 a friend who sticks closer than a b.
27:10 neighbor nearby than a b far away.
Mt 5:24 and be reconciled to your b;
18:15 “If your b sins against you,
Mk 3:35 Whoever does God’s will is my b
Lk 17:3 “If your b sins, rebuke him,
1 Co 8:13 if what I eat causes my b to fall
1 Jn 2:10 Whoever loves his b lives
4:21 loves God must also love his b.
Ge 4:9 “Am I my b keeper?” The LORD
Ps 133:1 is when b live together in unity!
Pr 6:19 who stirs up dissension among b.
Mt 25:40 one of the least of these b of mine,
Mk 10:29 or b or sisters or mother or father
Heb 13:1 Keep on loving each other as b.
1 Pe 3:8 be sympathetic, love as b,
1 Jn 3:14 death to life, because we love our b.
Mt 16:18 and on this rock I will b my church,
Ac 20:32 which can b you up and give you
1 Co 14:12 excel in gifts that b up the church.
1 Th 5:11 one another and b each other up,
1 Co 3:9 you are God’s field, God’s b.
2 Co 10:8 us for b you up rather
Eph 4:29 helpful for b others up according
Ps 127:1 Unless the LORD b the house,
1 Co 3:10 one should be careful how he b.
8:1 Knowledge puffs up, but love b up.
Mt 7:24 is like a wise man who b his house
Eph 2:20 b on the foundation of the apostles
4:12 the body of Christ may be b up
Ps 38:4 like a b too heavy to bear.
Mt 11:30 my yoke is easy and my b is light.”
Gal 5:1 do not let yourselves be b again
Ps 68:19 who daily bears our b.
Gal 6:2 Carry each other’s b,
Ro 6:4 b with him through baptism
1 Co 15:4 that he was b, that he was raised
Lev 6:9 the fire must be kept b on the altar.
Ro 12:20 you will heap b coals on his head.”
Da 8:27 and went about the king’s b.
1 Th 4:11 to mind your own b and to work
1 Ki 20:40 While your servant was b here
2 Th 3:11 They are not b; they are
Tit 2:5 to be b at home, to be kind,
Mt 22:21 “Give to C what is Caesar’s,
Firstborn of Adam (Ge 4:1), murdered brother Abel (Ge 4:1–16; 1 Jn 3:12).
Judahite who spied out Canaan (Nu 13:6); allowed to enter land because of faith (Nu 13:30–14:38; Dt 1:36). Possessed Hebron (Jos 14:6–15:19).
Ex 32:4 into an idol cast in the shape of a c,
Lk 15:23 Bring the fattened c and kill it.
Ps 105:1 to the LORD, c on his name;
145:18 near to all who c on him,
Pr 31:28 children arise and c her blessed;
Isa 5:20 Woe to those who c evil good
55:6 c on him while he is near.
65:24 Before they c I will answer;
Jer 33:3 ‘C to me and I will answer you
Mt 9:13 come to c the righteous,
Ro 10:12 and richly blesses all who c on him,
11:29 gifts and his c are irrevocable.
1 Th 4:7 For God did not c us to be impure,
1 Sa 3:5 and said, “Here I am; you c me.”
2 Ch 7:14 if my people, who are c
Ps 34:6 This poor man c, and the LORD
Mt 21:13 “ ‘My house will be c a house
Ro 8:30 And those he predestined, he also c
1 Co 7:15 God has c us to live in peace.
Gal 5:13 You, my brothers, were c to be free
1 Pe 2:9 of him who c you out of darkness
Jn 1:23 I am the voice of one c in the desert
Ac 22:16 wash your sins away, c on his name
Eph 4:1 worthy of the c you have received.
2 Pe 1:10 all the more eager to make your c
Joel 2:32 And everyone who c
Jn 10:3 He c his own sheep by name
Ro 10:13 “Everyone who c on the name
Mt 19:24 it is easier for a c to go
23:24 strain out a gnat but swallow a c.
1 Ch 16:18 “To you I will give the land of C
Lk 7:42 so he c the debts of both.
Col 2:14 having c the written code,
Dt 21:22 guilty of a c offense is put to death
Ps 118:22 has become the c;
1 Pe 2:7 has become the c,”
Ps 8:4 the son of man that you c for him?
Pr 29:7 The righteous c about justice
Lk 10:34 him to an inn and took c of him.
Jn 21:16 Jesus said, “Take c of my sheep.”
Heb 2:6 the son of man that you c for him?
1 Pe 5:2 of God’s flock that is under your c,
Ex 23:13 “Be c to do everything I have said
Dt 6:3 be c to obey so that it may go well
Jos 23:6 be c to obey all that is written
23:11 be very c to love the LORD your
Pr 13:24 he who loves him is c
Mt 6:1 “Be c not to do your ‘acts
Ro 12:17 Be c to do what is right in the eyes
1 Co 3:10 each one should be c how he builds
8:9 Be c, however, that the exercise
Eph 5:15 Be very c, then, how you live —
Mt 12:36 for every c word they have spoken.
Ps 55:22 Cast your c on the LORD
Na 1:7 He c for those who trust in him,
Eph 5:29 but he feeds and c for it, just
1 Pe 5:7 on him because he c for you.
1 Th 2:7 like a mother c for her little
1 Ti 5:4 practice by c for their own family
Ex 19:4 and how I c you on eagles’ wings
Isa 53:4 and c our sorrows,
Heb 13:9 Do not be c away by all kinds
2 Pe 1:21 as they were c along by the Holy
Dt 32:11 and c them on its pinions.
Isa 40:11 and c them close to his heart;
Lk 14:27 anyone who does not c his cross
Gal 6:2 C each other’s burdens,
6:5 for each one should c his own load.
Ps 22:18 and c lots for my clothing.
55:22 C your cares on the LORD
Ecc 11:1 C your bread upon the waters,
Jn 19:24 and c lots for my clothing.”
1 Pe 5:7 C all your anxiety on him
Lk 5:10 from now on you will c men.”
Ps 50:10 and the c on a thousand hills.
1 Th 4:17 and are left will be c up together
Pr 24:28 against your neighbor without c,
Ecc 8:3 Do not stand up for a bad c,
Mt 18:7 of the things that c people to sin!
Ro 14:21 else that will c your brother
1 Co 10:32 Do not c anyone to stumble,
Isa 8:14 a stone that c men to stumble
Mt 18:6 if anyone c one of these little ones
Pr 12:26 A righteous man is c in friendship,
Ps 46:9 He makes wars c to the ends
Lev 16:12 is to take a c full of burning coals
Mt 8:5 had entered Capernaum, a c came
2 Pe 1:19 word of the prophets made more c,
Lk 1:4 so that you may know the c
Jn 17:8 They knew with c that I came
Ps 1:4 They are like c
2 Ti 2:9 But God’s word is not c.
Ps 19:5 like a c rejoicing to run his course.
1 Sa 15:29 of Israel does not lie or c his mind;
Ps 110:4 and will not c his mind:
Jer 7:5 If you really c your ways
Mal 3:6 “I the LORD do not c.
Mt 18:3 unless you c and become like little
Heb 7:21 and will not c his mind:
Jas 1:17 who does not c like shifting
1 Co 15:51 but we will all be c — in a flash,
Ru 3:11 that you are a woman of noble c.
Pr 31:10 A wife of noble c who can find?
Ro 5:4 perseverance, c; and c, hope.
1 Co 15:33 “Bad company corrupts good c.”
Ro 8:33 Who will bring any c
2 Co 11:7 the gospel of God to you free of c?
2 Ti 4:1 I give you this c: Preach the Word;
2 Ki 6:17 and c of fire all around Elisha.
Ps 20:7 Some trust in c and some in horses,
Pr 31:30 C is deceptive, and beauty is
Pr 12:11 he who c fantasies lacks judgment.
1 Ti 6:20 Turn away from godless c
2 Ti 2:16 Avoid godless c, because those
Pr 10:8 but a c fool comes to ruin.
10:10 and a c fool comes to ruin.
Mal 1:14 “Cursed is the c who has
1 Co 6:8 you yourselves c and do wrong,
Lk 19:8 if I have c anybody out of anything,
1 Co 6:7 Why not rather be c? Instead,
Mt 5:39 someone strikes you on the right c,
Pr 15:13 A happy heart makes the face c,
15:15 but the c heart has a continual feast
15:30 A c look brings joy to the heart,
17:22 A c heart is good medicine,
2 Co 9:7 for God loves a c giver.
Pr 12:25 but a kind word c him up.
Pr 20:11 Even a c is known by his actions,
22:6 Train a c in the way he should go,
22:15 Folly is bound up in the heart of a c
23:13 not withhold discipline from a c;
29:15 c left to himself disgraces his mother.
Isa 7:14 The virgin will be with c
9:6 For to us a c is born,
11:6 and a little c will lead them.
66:13 As a mother comforts her c,
Mt 1:23 “The virgin will be with c
18:2 He called a little c and had him
Lk 1:42 and blessed is the c you will bear!
1:80 And the c grew and became strong
1 Co 13:11 When I was a c, I talked like a c,
1 Jn 5:1 who loves the father loves his c
1 Co 13:11 When I became a man, I put c ways
Dt 4:9 Teach them to your c
11:19 them to your c, talking about them
Ps 8:2 From the lips of c and infants
Pr 17:6 Children’s c are a crown
31:28 Her c arise and call her blessed;
Mt 7:11 how to give good gifts to your c,
11:25 and revealed them to little c.
18:3 you change and become like little c
19:14 “Let the little c come to me,
21:16 “ ‘From the lips of c and infants
Mk 9:37 one of these little c in my name
10:14 “Let the little c come to me,
10:16 And he took the c in his arms,
13:12 C will rebel against their parents
Lk 10:21 and revealed them to little c.
18:16 “Let the little c come to me,
Ro 8:16 with our spirit that we are God’s c.
2 Co 12:14 parents, but parents for their c.
Eph 6:1 C, obey your parents in the Lord,
6:4 do not exasperate your c; instead,
Col 3:20 C, obey your parents in everything,
3:21 Fathers, do not embitter your c,
1 Ti 3:4 and see that his c obey him
3:12 and must manage his c and his
5:10 bringing up c, showing hospitality,
1 Jn 3:1 that we should be called c of God!
Dt 30:19 Now c life, so that you
Jos 24:15 then c for yourselves this day
Pr 8:10 C my instruction instead of silver,
16:16 to c understanding rather
Jn 15:16 You did not c me, but I chose you
Jn 7:17 If anyone c to do God’s will,
Ge 13:11 So Lot c for himself the whole plain
Ps 33:12 the people he c for his inheritance.
Jn 15:16 but I c you and appointed you to go
1 Co 1:27 But God c the foolish things
Eph 1:4 he c us in him before the creation
2 Th 2:13 from the beginning God c you
Isa 41:8 Jacob, whom I have c,
Mt 22:14 For many are invited, but few are c
Lk 10:42 Mary has c what is better,
23:35 the Christ of God, the C One.”
Jn 15:19 but I have c you out of the world.
1 Pe 1:20 He was c before the creation
2:9 But you are a c people, a royal
Mt 1:16 was born Jesus, who is called C.
16:16 Peter answered, “You are the C,
22:42 “What do you think about the C?
Jn 1:41 found the Messiah” (that is, the C).
20:31 you may believe that Jesus is the C,
Ac 2:36 you crucified, both Lord and C.”
5:42 the good news that Jesus is the C.
9:22 by proving that Jesus is the C.
17:3 proving that the C had to suffer
18:28 the Scriptures that Jesus was the C.
26:23 that the C would suffer and,
Ro 3:22 comes through faith in Jesus C
5:6 we were still powerless, C died
5:8 While we were still sinners, C died
5:17 life through the one man, Jesus C.
Ro 6:4 as C was raised from the dead
8:1 for those who are in C Jesus,
8:9 Spirit of C, he does not belong to C.
8:35 us from the love of C?
10:4 C is the end of the law
14:9 C died and returned to life
15:3 For even C did not please himself
1 Co 1:23 but we preach C crucified:
2:2 except Jesus C and him crucified.
3:11 one already laid, which is Jesus C.
5:7 For C, our Passover lamb,
8:6 and there is but one Lord, Jesus C,
10:4 them, and that rock was C.
11:1 as I follow the example of C.
11:3 the head of every man is C,
12:27 Now you are the body of C,
15:3 that C died for our sins according
15:14 And if C has not been raised,
15:22 so in C all will be made alive.
15:57 victory through our Lord Jesus C.
2 Co 3:3 show that you are a letter from C,
4:5 not preach ourselves, but Jesus C
5:10 before the judgment seat of C,
5:17 Therefore, if anyone is in C,
11:2 you to one husband, to C,
Gal 2:20 I have been crucified with C
3:13 C redeemed us from the curse
6:14 in the cross of our Lord Jesus C,
Eph 1:3 with every spiritual blessing in C.
3:8 the unsearchable riches of C,
4:13 measure of the fullness of C.
5:2 as C loved us and gave himself up
5:23 as C is the head of the church,
5:25 just as C loved the church
Php 1:21 to live is C and to die is gain.
1:27 worthy of the gospel of C.
4:19 to his glorious riches in C Jesus.
Col 1:27 which is C in you, the hope of glory
1:28 may present everyone perfect in C.
2:6 as you received C Jesus as Lord,
2:17 the reality, however, is found in C.
3:15 Let the peace of C rule
2 Th 2:1 the coming of our Lord Jesus C
1 Ti 1:15 C Jesus came into the world
2:5 the man C Jesus, who gave himself
2 Ti 2:3 us like a good soldier of C Jesus.
3:15 salvation through faith in C Jesus.
Tit 2:13 our great God and Savior, Jesus C,
Heb 3:14 to share in C if we hold firmly
9:14 more, then, will the blood of C,
9:15 For this reason C is the mediator
9:28 so C was sacrificed once
10:10 of the body of Jesus C once for all.
13:8 Jesus C is the same yesterday
1 Pe 1:19 but with the precious blood of C,
2:21 because C suffered for you,
3:18 For C died for sins once for all,
4:14 insulted because of the name of C,
1 Jn 2:22 man who denies that Jesus is the C.
3:16 Jesus C laid down his life for us.
5:1 believes that Jesus is the C is born
Rev 20:4 reigned with C a thousand years.
2 Co 5:14 For C love compels us,
5:20 We are therefore C ambassadors,
12:9 so that C power may rest on me.
1 Pe 4:16 as a C, do not be ashamed,
Mt 24:24 For false C and false prophets will
Mt 16:18 and on this rock I will build my c,
Mt 18:17 if he refuses to listen even to the c,
Ac 20:28 Be shepherds of the c of God,
1 Co 5:12 of mine to judge those outside the c
14:4 but he who prophesies edifies the c.
14:12 to excel in gifts that build up the c.
14:26 done for the strengthening of the c.
Eph 5:23 as Christ is the head of the c,
Col 1:24 the sake of his body, which is the c.
Ge 17:10 Every male among you shall be c.
Php 4:11 to be content whatever the c.
1 Th 5:18 continually; give thanks in all c,
Eph 2:19 but fellow c with God’s people
Php 3:20 But our c is in heaven.
Mt 5:14 A c on a hill cannot be hidden.
Heb 13:14 here we do not have an enduring c,
2 Ti 2:4 a soldier gets involved in c affairs —
Pr 25:6 do not c a place among great men;
1 Jn 1:6 If we c to have fellowship
1:8 If we c to be without sin, we
1:10 If we c we have not sinned,
Jas 2:14 if a man c to have faith
1 Jn 2:6 Whoever c to live in him must walk
2:9 Anyone who c to be in the light
Ps 47:1 C your hands, all you nations;
Isa 55:12 will c their hands.
Isa 45:9 Does the c say to the potter,
64:8 We are the c, you are the potter;
Jer 18:6 “Like c in the hand of the potter,
La 4:2 are now considered as pots of c,
Da 2:33 partly of iron and partly of baked c.
Ro 9:21 of the same lump of c some pottery
2 Co 4:7 we have this treasure in jars of c
2 Ti 2:20 and c; some are for noble purposes
Lev 16:30 you will be c from all your sins.
Ps 24:4 He who has c hands and a pure
Mt 12:44 the house unoccupied, swept c
23:25 You c the outside of the cup
Mk 7:19 Jesus declared all foods “c.”)
Jn 13:10 to wash his feet; his whole body is c
15:3 are already c because of the word
Ac 10:15 impure that God has made c.”
Ro 14:20 All food is c, but it is wrong
Ro 12:9 Hate what is evil; c to what is good.
Ps 63:8 My soul c to you;
2 Ki 4:29 “Tuck your c into your belt,
Ps 34:18 LORD is c to the brokenhearted
Isa 40:11 and carries them c to his heart;
Jer 30:21 himself to be c to me?’
Ex 3:5 “Do not come any c,” God said.
Pr 18:24 there is a friend who sticks c
Ps 45:3 c yourself with splendor
Isa 52:1 c yourself with strength.
Ro 13:14 c yourselves with the Lord Jesus
Col 3:12 c yourselves with compassion,
1 Pe 5:5 c yourselves with humility
Ps 30:11 removed my sackcloth and c me
Pr 31:25 She is c with strength and dignity;
Lk 24:49 until you have been c with power
Mt 6:25 the body more important than c?
6:28 “And why do you worry about c?
Jn 11:44 Take off the grave c and let him go
Dt 22:5 A woman must not wear men’s c,
Mt 7:15 They come to you in sheep’s c,
Ex 13:21 them in a pillar of c to guide them
Isa 19:1 See, the LORD rides on a swift c
Lk 21:27 of Man coming in a c with power
Heb 12:1 by such a great c of witnesses,
Ps 104:3 He makes the c his chariot
Da 7:13 coming with the c of heaven.
Mk 13:26 coming in c with great power
1 Th 4:17 with them in the c to meet the Lord
Ro 8:17 heirs of God and c with Christ,
Pr 25:22 you will heap burning c on his head
Ro 12:20 you will heap burning c on his head
Pr 25:25 Like c water to a weary soul
Mt 10:42 if anyone gives even a cup of c water
24:12 the love of most will grow c,
Ps 23:4 rod and your staff, they c me.
119:52 and I find c in them.
119:76 May your unfailing love be my c,
Zec 1:17 and the LORD will again c Zion
1 Co 14:3 encouragement and c.
2 Co 1:4 so that we can c those
2:7 you ought to forgive and c him,
Mt 5:4 for they will be c.
Job 29:25 I was like one who c mourners.
Isa 49:13 For the LORD c his people
51:12 “I, even I, am he who c you.
66:13 As a mother c her child,
2 Co 1:4 who c us in all our troubles,
7:6 But God, who c the downcast,
Ex 7:2 You are to say everything I c you,
Nu 24:13 to go beyond the c of the LORD —
Dt 4:2 Do not add to what I c you
30:16 For I c you today to love
32:46 so that you may c your children
Ps 91:11 For he will c his angels concerning
Pr 13:13 but he who respects a c is rewarded
Ecc 8:2 Obey the king’s c, I say,
Joel 2:11 mighty are those who obey his c.
Jn 14:15 love me, you will obey what I c.
15:12 My c is this: Love each other
1 Co 14:37 writing to you is the Lord’s c.
Gal 5:14 law is summed up in a single c:
1 Ti 1:5 goal of this c is love, which comes
Heb 11:3 universe was formed at God’s c,
1 Jn 3:23 this is his c: to believe in the name
2Jn: 6 his c is that you walk in love.
Ps 33:9 he c, and it stood firm.
148:5 for he c and they were created.
Mt 28:20 to obey everything I have c you.
1 Co 9:14 Lord has c that those who preach
1 Jn 3:23 and to love one another as he c us.
2 Ti 2:4 he wants to please his c officer.
Jos 22:5 But be very careful to keep the c
Mt 22:38 This is the first and greatest c.
Jn 13:34 “A new c I give you: Love one
Ro 7:12 and the c is holy, righteous
Eph 6:2 which is the first c with a promise
Ex 20:6 who love me and keep my c.
34:28 of the covenant — the Ten C.
Ecc 12:13 Fear God and keep his c,
Mt 5:19 one of the least of these c
22:40 the Prophets hang on these two c.”
Dt 7:9 those who love him and keep his c.
11:27 the blessing if you obey the c
Ps 112:1 who finds great delight in his c.
119:47 for I delight in your c
119:86 All your c are trustworthy;
119:98 Your c make me wiser
119:127 Because I love your c
119:143 but your c are my delight.
119:172 for all your c are righteous.
Pr 3:1 but keep my c in your heart,
6:23 For these c are a lamp,
10:8 The wise in heart accept c,
Da 9:4 all who love him and obey his c,
Mt 5:19 teaches these c will be called great
Jn 14:21 Whoever has my c and obeys them,
Ac 17:30 but now he c all people everywhere
1 Co 7:19 Keeping God’s c is what counts.
1 Jn 5:3 And his c are not burdensome,
5:3 This is love for God: to obey his c.
Ecc 8:15 So I c the enjoyment of life,
Ro 13:3 do what is right and he will c you.
1 Pe 2:14 and to c those who do right.
Heb 11:39 These were all c for their faith,
2 Co 10:18 not the one who c himself who is
Ex 20:14 “You shall not c adultery.
Ps 37:5 C your way to the LORD;
Mt 5:27 that it was said, ‘Do not c adultery.’
Lk 23:46 into your hands I c my spirit.”
Ac 20:32 I c you to God and to the word
1 Co 10:8 We should not c sexual immorality,
1 Pe 4:19 to God’s will should c themselves
Pr 6:32 man who c adultery lacks
29:22 a hot-tempered one c many sins.
Mt 19:9 marries another woman c adultery
Nu 5:7 and must confess the sin he has c.
1 Ki 8:61 But your hearts must be fully c
2 Ch 16:9 those whose hearts are fully c
Mt 5:28 lustfully has already c adultery
2 Co 5:19 And he has c to us the message
1 Pe 2:22 “He c no sin,
Pr 22:2 Rich and poor have this in c:
1 Co 10:13 has seized you except what is c
2 Co 6:14 and wickedness have in c?
Pr 13:20 but a c of fools suffers harm.
28:7 a c of gluttons disgraces his father.
29:3 c of prostitutes squanders his
Pr 18:24 A man of many c may come to ruin
Pr 24:1 do not desire their c;
Jer 15:17 I never sat in the c of revelers,
1 Co 15:33 “Bad c corrupts good character.”
Eze 31:2 Who can be c with you in majesty?
Php 3:8 I consider everything a loss c
Ro 8:18 present sufferings are not worth c
2 Co 8:8 the sincerity of your love by c it
Gal 6:4 without c himself to somebody else
Ex 33:19 I will have c on whom I will have c.
Ne 9:19 of your great c you did not
9:28 in your c you delivered them time
Ps 51:1 according to your great c
103:4 and crowns you with love and c.
103:13 As a father has c on his children,
145:9 he has c on all he has made.
Isa 49:13 and will have c on his afflicted ones
49:15 and have no c on the child she has
Hos 2:19 in love and c.
11:8 all my c is aroused.
Jnh 3:9 with c turn from his fierce anger
Mt 9:36 When he saw the crowds, he had c
Mk 8:2 “I have c for these people;
Ro 9:15 and I will have c on whom I have c
Col 3:12 clothe yourselves with c, kindness,
Jas 5:11 The Lord is full of c and mercy.
Ne 9:17 gracious and c, slow to anger
Ps 103:8 The LORD is c and gracious,
112:4 the gracious and c and righteous
Eph 4:32 Be kind and c to one another,
1 Pe 3:8 love as brothers, be c and humble.
La 3:22 for his c never fail.
Ac 20:22 “And now, c by the Spirit,
1 Co 9:16 I cannot boast, for I am c to preach.
2 Co 5:14 For Christ’s love c us, because we
2 Co 3:5 but our c comes from God.
Ro 15:14 and c to instruct one another.
1 Co 6:2 are you not c to judge trivial cases?
2 Co 3:5 Not that we are c in ourselves
3:6 He has made us c as ministers
1 Co 9:25 Everyone who c in the games goes
2 Ti 2:5 Similarly, if anyone c as an athlete,
2:5 unless he c according to the rules.
Am 6:1 Woe to you who are c in Zion,
Php 2:14 Do everything without c or arguing
Jn 15:11 and that your joy may be c.
16:24 will receive, and your joy will be c.
17:23 May they be brought to c unity
Ac 20:24 c the task the Lord Jesus has given
Php 2:2 then make my joy c
Col 4:17 to it that you c the work you have
Jas 1:4 so that you may be mature and c,
2:22 his faith was made c by what he did
Ps 40:10 I do not c your love and your truth
Pr 25:2 It is the glory of God to c a matter;
Jer 16:17 nor is their sin c from my eyes.
Mt 10:26 There is nothing c that will not be
Mk 4:22 and whatever is c is meant
Pr 28:13 He who c his sins does not prosper,
Ro 12:16 Do not be c.
Gal 5:26 Let us not become c, provoking
1 Ti 6:4 he is c and understands nothing.
Mt 1:20 what is c in her is from the Holy
1 Co 2:9 no mind has c
Eze 36:21 I had c for my holy name, which
1 Co 7:32 I would like you to be free from c.
12:25 that its parts should have equal c
2 Co 11:28 of my c for all the churches.
Jnh 4:10 “You have been c about this vine,
1 Co 7:32 An unmarried man is c about
Job 40:8 Would you c me to justify yourself?
Isa 50:9 Who is he that will c me?
Lk 6:37 Do not c, and you will not be
Jn 3:17 Son into the world to c the world,
12:48 very word which I spoke will c him
Ro 2:27 yet obeys the law will c you who,
1 Jn 3:20 presence whenever our hearts c us.
Ro 5:18 of one trespass was c for all men,
8:1 there is now no c for those who are
Ps 34:22 no one will be c who takes refuge
Mt 12:37 and by your words you will be c.”
23:33 How will you escape being c to hell
Jn 3:18 Whoever believes in him is not c,
5:24 has eternal life and will not be c;
16:11 prince of this world now stands c.
Ro 14:23 But the man who has doubts is c
1 Co 11:32 disciplined so that we will not be c
Heb 11:7 By his faith he c the world
Pr 17:15 the guilty and c the innocent —
Ro 2:1 judge the other, you are c yourself,
Ro 8:34 Who is he that c? Christ Jesus,
2 Co 3:9 the ministry that c men is glorious,
Pr 10:23 A fool finds pleasure in evil c,
20:11 by whether his c is pure and right.
21:8 but the c of the innocent is upright.
Ecc 6:8 how to c himself before others?
Jer 4:18 “Your own c and actions
17:10 to reward a man according to his c,
Eze 7:3 I will judge you according to your c
Php 1:27 c yourselves in a manner worthy
1 Ti 3:15 to c themselves in God’s household
Lev 16:21 and c over it all the wickedness
26:40 “ ‘But if they will c their sins
Nu 5:7 must c the sin he has committed.
Ps 38:18 I c my iniquity;
Ro 10:9 That if you c with your mouth,
Php 2:11 every tongue c that Jesus Christ is
Jas 5:16 Therefore c your sins to each other
1 Jn 1:9 If we c our sins, he is faithful
Ezr 10:11 Now make c to the LORD,
2 Co 9:13 obedience that accompanies your c
Ps 71:5 my c since my youth.
Pr 3:26 for the LORD will be your c
11:13 A gossip betrays a c,
25:9 do not betray another man’s c,
31:11 Her husband has full c in her
Isa 32:17 will be quietness and c forever.
Jer 17:7 whose c is in him.
Php 3:3 and who put no c in the flesh —
Heb 3:14 till the end the c we had at first.
4:16 the throne of grace with c,
10:19 since we have c to enter the Most
10:35 So do not throw away your c;
1 Jn 5:14 This is the c we have
Ro 12:2 Do not c any longer to the pattern
1 Pe 1:14 do not c to the evil desires you had
Ro 8:29 predestined to be c to the likeness
Ro 8:37 than c through him who loved us.
Ro 13:5 punishment but also because of c.
1 Co 8:7 since their c is weak, it is defiled.
8:12 in this way and wound their weak c
10:25 without raising questions of c,
10:29 freedom be judged by another’s c?
Heb 10:22 to cleanse us from a guilty c
1 Pe 3:16 and respect, keeping a clear c,
Ro 2:15 their c also bearing witness,
1 Ti 4:2 whose c have been seared
Tit 1:15 their minds and c are corrupted.
Heb 9:14 cleanse our c from acts that lead
Ro 3:20 through the law we become c of sin
1 Pe 2:19 of unjust suffering because he is c
Ex 13:2 “C to me every firstborn male.
Lev 20:7 “ ‘C yourselves and be holy,
Ex 29:43 and the place will be c by my glory.
1 Ti 4:5 because it is c by the word of God
1 Sa 12:24 c what great things he has done
Job 37:14 stop and c God’s wonders.
Ps 8:3 When I c your heavens,
107:43 and c the great love of the LORD.
143:5 and c what your hands have done.
Lk 12:24 C the ravens: They do not sow
12:27 about the rest? “C how the lilies
Php 2:3 but in humility c others better
3:8 I c everything a loss compared
Heb 10:24 And let us c how we may spur one
Jas 1:2 C it pure joy, my brothers,
Tit 3:2 to be peaceable and c,
Jas 3:17 then peace-loving, c, submissive,
1 Pe 2:18 only to those who are good and c,
3:7 in the same way be c as you live
Job 1:8 “Have you c my servant Job?
2:3 “Have you c my servant Job?
Ps 44:22 we are c as sheep to be slaughtered.
Isa 53:4 yet we c him stricken by God,
Ro 8:36 we are c as sheep to be slaughtered
Pr 31:16 She c a field and buys it;
Ro 14:5 One man c one day more sacred
Jas 1:26 If anyone c himself religious
Lk 12:15 a man’s life does not c
Ps 94:19 your c brought joy to my soul.
1 Co 10:23 but not everything is c.
Jn 2:17 “Zeal for your house will c me.”
Dt 4:24 For the LORD your God is a c fire,
Heb 12:29 and awe, for our “God is a c fire.”
1 Ki 8:27 the highest heaven, cannot c you.
2 Pe 3:16 His letters c some things that are
2 Co 7:1 from everything that c body
Pr 14:31 He who oppresses the poor shows c
17:5 He who mocks the poor shows c
18:3 When wickedness comes, so does c
Da 12:2 others to shame and everlasting c.
Ro 2:4 Or do you show c for the riches
Gal 4:14 you did not treat me with c
1 Th 5:20 do not treat prophecies with c.
Jude: 3 you to c for the faith that was once
Php 1:27 c as one man for the faith
Pr 13:25 The righteous eat to their hearts’ c,
Php 4:11 to be c whatever the circumstances
4:12 I have learned the secret of being c
1 Ti 6:8 and clothing, we will be c with that.
Heb 13:5 and be c with what you have,
1 Ti 6:6 But godliness with c is great gain.
Pr 15:15 but the cheerful heart has a c feast.
Php 2:12 c to work out your salvation
2 Ti 3:14 c in what you have learned
1 Jn 5:18 born of God does not c to sin;
Rev 22:11 and let him who is holy c to be holy
22:11 let him who does right c to do right;
Ps 51:17 a broken and c heart,
Isa 57:15 also with him who is c and lowly
57:15 and to revive the heart of the c.
66:2 he who is humble and c in spirit,
Pr 29:11 a wise man keeps himself under c.
1 Co 7:9 But if they cannot c themselves,
7:37 but has c over his own will,
1 Th 4:4 you should learn to c his own body
Ps 32:9 but must be c by bit and bridle
Ro 8:6 but the mind c by the Spirit is life
8:8 Those c by the sinful nature cannot
Tit 3:9 But avoid foolish c and genealogies
Col 4:6 Let your c be always full of grace,
1 Ti 3:6 He must not be a recent c,
Jn 16:8 he will c the world of guilt in regard
Ro 8:38 For I am c that neither death
2 Ti 1:12 and am c that he is able
3:14 have learned and have become c
Ac 1:3 and gave many c proofs that he was
Roman to whom Peter preached; first Gentile Christian (Ac 10).
Isa 28:16 a precious c for a sure foundation;
Eph 2:20 Christ Jesus himself as the chief c.
1 Pe 2:6 a chosen and precious c,
2 Ti 4:2 c, rebuke and encourage —
2 Ti 3:16 c and training in righteousness,
Pr 10:17 whoever ignores c leads others
12:1 but he who hates c is stupid.
15:5 whoever heeds c shows prudence.
15:10 he who hates c will die.
29:15 The rod of c imparts wisdom,
Job 5:17 “Blessed is the man whom God c;
Pr 9:7 Whoever c a mocker invites insult;
Ge 6:11 Now the earth was c in God’s sight
Ecc 7:7 and a bribe c the heart.
1 Co 15:33 “Bad company c good character.”
Jas 3:6 It c the whole person, sets
Pr 4:7 Though it c all you have, get
Isa 55:1 milk without money and without c.
Rev 21:6 to drink without c from the spring
1 Ki 22:5 “First seek the c of the LORD.”
Pr 15:22 Plans fail for lack of c,
Rev 3:18 I c you to buy from me gold refined
Isa 9:6 Wonderful C, Mighty God,
Jn 14:16 he will give you another C to be
14:26 But the C, the Holy Spirit,
Ro 4:8 whose sin the Lord will never c
6:11 c yourselves dead to sin
2 Co 5:19 not c men’s sins against them.
Jn 4:44 prophet has no honor in his own c.)
Jn 6:63 The Spirit gives life; the flesh c
1 Co 7:19 God’s commands is what c.
Gal 5:6 only thing that c is faith expressing
Ac 23:11 “Take c! As you have testified
1 Co 16:13 stand firm in the faith; be men of c;
Dt 31:6 Be strong and c.
Jos 1:6 and c, because you will lead these
Ps 19:5 a champion rejoicing to run his c.
Pr 15:21 of understanding keeps a straight c.
Ps 84:10 Better is one day in your c
100:4 and his c with praise;
Ge 9:9 “I now establish my c with you
Ex 19:5 if you obey me fully and keep my c,
1 Ch 16:15 He remembers his c forever,
Job 31:1 “I made a c with my eyes
Jer 31:31 “when I will make a new c
1 Co 11:25 “This cup is the new c in my blood;
Gal 4:24 One c is from Mount Sinai
Heb 9:15 Christ is the mediator of a new c,
Ro 9:4 theirs the divine glory, the c,
Gal 4:24 for the women represent two c.
Ps 91:4 He will c you with his feathers,
Jas 5:20 and c over a multitude of sins.
1 Pe 2:16 but do not use your freedom as a c
Ps 32:1 whose sins are c.
Isa 6:2 With two wings they c their faces,
Ro 4:7 whose sins are c.
1 Co 11:4 with his head c dishonors his head.
Pr 10:12 but love c over all wrongs.
1 Pe 4:8 love c over a multitude of sins.
Ex 20:17 You shall not c your neighbor’s
Ro 13:9 “Do not steal,” “Do not c,”
Rev 21:8 But the c, the unbelieving, the vile,
1 Co 3:19 “He catches the wise in their c”;
Ge 3:1 the serpent was more c than any
2 Co 12:16 c fellow that I am, I caught you
Pr 23:3 Do not c his delicacies,
1 Pe 2:2 newborn babies, c pure spiritual
Ps 51:10 C in me a pure heart, O God,
Isa 45:18 he did not c it to be empty,
Ge 1:1 In the beginning God c the heavens
1:21 God c the great creatures of the sea
1:27 So God c man in his own image,
Ps 148:5 for he commanded and they were c
Isa 42:5 he who c the heavens and stretched
Ro 1:25 and served c things rather
1 Co 11:9 neither was man c for woman,
Col 1:16 For by him all things were c:
1 Ti 4:4 For everything God c is good,
Rev 10:6 who c the heavens and all that is
Mk 16:15 and preach the good news to all c.
Jn 17:24 me before the c of the world.
Ro 8:19 The c waits in eager expectation
8:39 depth, nor anything else in all c,
2 Co 5:17 he is a new c; the old has gone,
Col 1:15 God, the firstborn over all c.
1 Pe 1:20 chosen before the c of the world,
Rev 13:8 slain from the c of the world.
Ge 14:22 God Most High, C of heaven
Ro 1:25 created things rather than the C —
Lev 17:11 For the life of a c is in the blood,
Ge 6:19 bring into the ark two of all living c,
Ps 104:24 the earth is full of your c.
Ro 4:24 to whom God will c righteousness
1 Pe 2:20 it to your c if you receive a beating
Ge 15:6 and he c it to him as righteousness.
Ro 4:5 his faith is c as righteousness.
Gal 3:6 and it was c to him as righteousness
Jas 2:23 and it was c to him as righteousness
Ps 18:6 I c to my God for help.
Isa 1:18 though they are red as c,
Mk 9:45 better for you to enter life c
2 Co 8:20 We want to avoid any c
Pr 10:9 he who takes c paths will be found
Php 2:15 children of God without fault in a c
Mt 10:38 and anyone who does not take his c
Lk 9:23 take up his c daily and follow me.
Ac 2:23 to death by nailing him to the c.
1 Co 1:17 lest the c of Christ be emptied
Gal 6:14 in the c of our Lord Jesus Christ,
Php 2:8 even death on a c!
Col 1:20 through his blood, shed on the c.
2:14 he took it away, nailing it to the c.
2:15 triumphing over them by the c.
Heb 12:2 set before him endured the c,
Ex 23:2 Do not follow the c in doing wrong.
Pr 4:9 present you with a c of splendor.”
10:6 Blessings c the head
12:4 noble character is her husband’s c,
17:6 Children’s children are a c
Isa 61:3 to bestow on them a c of beauty
Zec 9:16 like jewels in a c.
Mt 27:29 then twisted together a c of thorns
1 Co 9:25 it to get a c that will last forever.
2 Ti 4:8 store for me the c of righteousness,
Rev 2:10 and I will give you the c of life.
Ps 8:5 and c him with glory and honor.
Pr 14:18 the prudent are c with knowledge.
Heb 2:7 you c him with glory and honor
Rev 4:10 They lay their c before the throne
19:12 and on his head are many c.
Mt 20:19 to be mocked and flogged and c.
27:38 Two robbers were c with him,
Lk 24:7 be c and on the third day be raised
Jn 19:18 Here they c him, and with him two
Ac 2:36 whom you c, both Lord and Christ
Ro 6:6 For we know that our old self was c
1 Co 1:23 but we preach Christ c: a stumbling
2:2 except Jesus Christ and him c.
Gal 2:20 I have been c with Christ
5:24 Christ Jesus have c the sinful
Mt 27:22 They all answered, “C him!” “Why
27:31 Then they led him away to c him.
Heb 6:6 to their loss they are c the Son
Ge 3:15 he will c your head,
Isa 53:10 it was the LORD’s will to c him
Ro 16:20 The God of peace will soon c Satan
Ps 34:18 and saves those who are c in spirit.
Isa 53:5 he was c for our iniquities;
2 Co 4:8 not c; perplexed, but not in despair;
Ps 34:15 and his ears are attentive to their c;
40:1 he turned to me and heard my c.
130:1 Out of the depths I c to you,
Ps 23:5 my c overflows.
Mt 10:42 if anyone gives even a c of cold water
23:25 You clean the outside of the c
26:39 may this c be taken from me.
1 Co 11:25 after supper he took the c, saying,
Dt 11:26 before you today a blessing and a c
21:23 hung on a tree is under God’s c.
Lk 6:28 bless those who c you, pray
Gal 3:13 of the law by becoming a c for us,
Rev 22:3 No longer will there be any c.
Ge 3:17 “C is the ground because of you;
Dt 27:15 “C is the man who carves an image
27:16 “C is the man who dishonors his
27:17 “C is the man who moves his
27:18 “C is the man who leads the blind
27:19 C is the man who withholds justice
27:20 “C is the man who sleeps
27:21 “C is the man who has sexual
27:22 “C is the man who sleeps
27:23 “C is the man who sleeps
27:24 “C is the man who kills his
27:25 “C is the man who accepts a bribe
27:26 “C is the man who does not uphold
Ro 9:3 I could wish that I myself were c
Gal 3:10 “C is everyone who does not
Ex 26:33 The c will separate the Holy Place
Lk 23:45 the c of the temple was torn in two.
Heb 10:20 opened for us through the c,
1 Co 13:1 a resounding gong or a clanging c.
Ecc 3:4 a time to mourn and a time to d,
Mt 11:17 and you did not d;
Ps 30:11 You turned my wailing into d;
149:3 Let them praise his name with d
Pr 27:12 The prudent see d and take refuge,
Ro 8:35 famine or nakedness or d or sword?
Hebrew exile to Babylon, name changed to Belteshazzar (Da 1:6–7). Refused to eat unclean food (Da 1:8–21). Interpreted Nebuchadnezzar’s dreams (Da 2; 4), writing on the wall (Da 5). Thrown into lion’s den (Da 6). Visions of (Da 7–12).
Job 34:22 There is no d place, no deep
Pr 31:15 She gets up while it is still d;
Ro 2:19 a light for those who are in the d,
2 Pe 1:19 as to a light shining in a d place,
Ge 1:4 he separated the light from the d.
2 Sa 22:29 the LORD turns my d into light.
Jn 3:19 but men loved d instead of light
2 Co 6:14 fellowship can light have with d?
Eph 5:8 For you were once d, but now you
1 Pe 2:9 out of d into his wonderful light.
1 Jn 1:5 in him there is no d at all.
2:9 but hates his brother is still in the d.
Joel 2:28 sons and d will prophesy,
Son of Jesse (Ru 4:17–22; 1 Ch 2:13–15), ancestor of Jesus (Mt 1:1–17; Lk 3:31).
Anointed king by Samuel (1 Sa 16:1–13). Musician to Saul (1 Sa 16:14–23; 18:10). Killed Goliath (1 Sa 17). Relation with Jonathan (1 Sa 18:1–4; 19–20; 23:16–18; 2 Sa 1). Disfavor of Saul (1 Sa 18:6–23:29). Spared Saul’s life (1 Sa 24; 26). Among Philistines (1 Sa 21:10–14; 27–30). Lament for Saul and Jonathan (2 Sa 1).
Anointed king of Judah (2 Sa 2:1–11); of Israel (2 Sa 5:1–4; 1 Ch 11:1–3). Promised eternal dynasty (2 Sa 7; 1 Ch 17; Ps 132). Adultery with Bathsheba (2 Sa 11–12). Absalom’s revolt (2 Sa 14–18). Last words (2 Sa 23:1–7). Death (1 Ki 2:10–12; 1 Ch 29:28).
Ps 37:6 your righteousness shine like the d,
Pr 4:18 is like the first gleam of d,
Ge 1:5 God called the light “d,”
Ex 20:8 “Remember the Sabbath d
Lev 23:28 because it is the D of Atonement,
Nu 14:14 before them in a pillar of cloud by d
Jos 1:8 meditate on it d and night,
Ps 84:10 Better is one d in your courts
96:2 proclaim his salvation d after d.
118:24 This is the d the LORD has made;
Pr 27:1 not know what a d may bring forth.
Joel 2:31 and dreadful d of the LORD.
Ob: 15 The d of the LORD is near
Lk 11:3 Give us each d our daily bread.
Ac 17:11 examined the Scriptures every d
2 Co 4:16 we are being renewed d by d.
1 Th 5:2 for you know very well that the d
2 Pe 3:8 With the Lord a d is like
Dt 17:19 he is to read it all the d, of his life
Ps 23:6 all the d of my life,
90:10 The length of our d is seventy years
Ecc 12:1 Creator in the d of your youth,
Joel 2:29 I will pour out my Spirit in those d.
Mic 4:1 In the last d
Heb 1:2 in these last d he has spoken to us
2 Pe 3:3 that in the last d scoffers will come,
1 Ti 3:8 D, likewise, are to be men worthy
Dt 18:11 or spiritist or who consults the d.
Mt 28:7 ‘He has risen from the d
Ro 6:11 count yourselves d to sin
Eph 2:1 you were d in your transgressions
1 Th 4:16 and the d in Christ will rise first.
Jas 2:17 is not accompanied by action, is d.
2:26 so faith without deeds is d.
Nu 35:16 the murderer shall be put to d.
Ps 23:4 the valley of the shadow of d,
116:15 is the d of his saints.
Pr 8:36 all who hate me love d.”
14:12 but in the end it leads to d.
Ecc 7:2 for d is the destiny of every man;
Isa 25:8 he will swallow up d forever.
53:12 he poured out his life unto d,
Jn 5:24 he has crossed over from d to life.
Ro 5:12 and in this way d came to all men,
6:23 For the wages of sin is d,
8:13 put to d the misdeeds of the body,
1 Co 15:21 For since d came through a man,
15:55 Where, O d, is your sting?”
Rev 1:18 And I hold the keys of d and Hades
20:6 The second d has no power
20:14 The lake of fire is the second d.
21:4 There will be no more d
Ro 13:13 not in sexual immorality and d,
Eph 5:18 drunk on wine, which leads to d.
Prophetess who led Israel to victory over Canaanites (Jdg 4–5).
Ro 13:8 Let no d remain outstanding,
13:8 continuing d to love one another,
Mt 6:12 as we also have forgiven our d.
Dt 15:1 seven years you must cancel d.
Mt 6:12 Forgive us our d,
Ps 16:10 will you let your Holy One see d.
Ac 2:27 will you let your Holy One see d.