Mk 7:22 greed, malice, d, lewdness, envy,

1 Pe 2:1 yourselves of all malice and all d,

2:22 and no d was found in his mouth.”


Jer 17:9 The heart is d above all things

2 Co 11:13 men are false apostles, d workmen,


Mk 4:19 the d of wealth and the desires

Heb 3:13 of you may be hardened by sin’s d.


Lev 19:11 “ ‘Do not d one another.

Pr 14:5 A truthful witness does not d,

Mt 24:5 ‘I am the Christ,’ and will d many.

Ro 16:18 and flattery they d the minds

1 Co 3:18 Do not d yourselves.

Eph 5:6 Let no one d you with empty words

Jas 1:22 to the word, and so d yourselves.

1 Jn 1:8 we d ourselves and the truth is not


Ge 3:13 “The serpent d me, and I ate.”

Gal 6:7 Do not be d: God cannot be

1 Ti 2:14 And Adam was not the one d;

2 Ti 3:13 to worse, deceiving and being d.

Jas 1:16 Don’t be d, my dear brothers.


Gal 6:3 when he is nothing, he d himself.

Jas 1:26 he d himself and his religion is


1 Ti 2:9 women to dress modestly, with d


Pr 31:30 Charm is d, and beauty is fleeting;

Col 2:8 through hollow and d philosophy,


1 Ch 16:24 D his glory among the nations,

Ps 19:1 The heavens d the glory of God;

96:3 D his glory among the nations,

Isa 42:9 and new things I d;


Mk 7:19 Jesus d all foods “clean.”)

Ro 2:13 the law who will be d righteous.

3:20 no one will be d righteous


Ps 71:8 d your splendor all day long.

Ac 2:11 we hear them d the wonders


La 3:37 happen if the Lord has not d it?

Lk 22:22 Son of Man will go as it has been d,


Lev 10:11 Israelites all the d the LORD has

Ps 119:112 My heart is set on keeping your d


Nu 6:12 He must d himself to the LORD

Pr 20:25 for a man to d something rashly


1 Ti 5:11 sensual desires overcome their d


Col 3:17 you do, whether in word or d,


1 Sa 2:3 and by him d are weighed.

Ps 65:5 with awesome d of righteousness,

66:3 “How awesome are your d!

78:4 the praiseworthy d of the LORD,

86:10 you are great and do marvelous d;

92:4 For you make me glad by your d,

111:3 Glorious and majestic are his d,

Hab 3:2 I stand in awe of your d, O LORD.

Mt 5:16 that they may see your good d

Ac 26:20 prove their repentance by their d.

Jas 2:14 claims to have faith but has no d?

2:20 faith without d is useless?

1 Pe 2:12 they may see your good d


1 Co 2:10 all things, even the d things

1 Ti 3:9 hold of the d truths of the faith


Ps 42:1 As the d pants for streams of water,


Ps 74:22 Rise up, O God, and d your cause;

Pr 31:9 d the rights of the poor and needy

Jer 50:34 He will vigorously d their cause


Ps 35:23 Awake, and rise to my d!

Php 1:16 here for the d of the gospel.

1 Jn 2:1 speaks to the Father in our d —


Pr 13:12 Hope d makes the heart sick,


Da 1:8 Daniel resolved not to d himself


Isa 24:5 The earth is d by its people;


Lev 19:13 Do not d your neighbor or rob him.


Col 2:9 of the D lives in bodily form,


1 Sa 15:22 “Does the LORD d

Ps 1:2 But his d is in the law of the LORD

16:3 in whom is all my d.

35:9 and d in his salvation.

37:4 D yourself in the LORD

43:4 to God, my joy and my d.

51:16 You do not d in sacrifice,

119:77 for your law is my d.

Pr 29:17 he will bring d to your soul.

Isa 42:1 my chosen one in whom I d;

55:2 and your soul will d in the richest

61:10 I d greatly in the LORD;

Jer 9:24 for in these I d,”

15:16 they were my joy and my heart’s d,

Mic 7:18 but d to show mercy.

Zep 3:17 He will take great d in you,

Mt 12:18 the one I love, in whom I d;

1 Co 13:6 Love does not d in evil

2 Co 12:10 for Christ’s sake, I d in weaknesses,


Ps 22:8 since he d in him.”

35:27 who d in the well-being

36:8 from your river of d.

37:23 if the LORD d in a man’s way,

Pr 3:12 as a father the son he d in.

12:22 but he d in men who are truthful.

23:24 he who has a wise son d in him.


Woman who betrayed Samson (Jdg 16:4–22).


Ps 72:12 For he will d the needy who cry out

79:9 d us and forgive our sins

Mt 6:13 but d us from the evil one.’

2 Co 1:10 hope that he will continue to d us,


Ps 3:8 From the LORD comes d.

32:7 and surround me with songs of d.

33:17 A horse is a vain hope for d;


Ps 34:4 he d me from all my fears.

Ro 4:25 He was d over to death for our sins


Ps 18:2 is my rock, my fortress and my d;

40:17 You are my help and my d;

140:7 O Sovereign LORD, my strong d,

144:2 my stronghold and my d,


Ps 34:17 he d them from all their troubles.

34:19 but the LORD d him from them all

37:40 The LORD helps them and d them

37:40 he d them from the wicked


Lk 12:20 This very night your life will be d

12:48 been given much, much will be d;


Mt 12:27 And if I drive out d by Beelzebub,

Mk 5:15 possessed by the legion of d,

Ro 8:38 neither angels nor d, neither

Jas 2:19 Good! Even the d believe that —


Ro 3:26 he did it to d his justice


Ro 5:8 God d his own love for us in this:


Da 6:16 and threw him into the lions’ d.

Mt 21:13 you are making it a ‘d of robbers.’ ”


Mk 12:15 Bring me a d and let me look at it.”


1 Ti 5:8 he has d the faith and is worse


1 Jn 2:23 No one who d the Son has


Ex 23:6 “Do not d justice to your poor

Job 27:5 till I die, I will not d my integrity.

La 3:35 to d a man his rights

Lk 9:23 he must d himself and take up his

Tit 1:16 but by their actions they d him.


Eze 22:29 mistreat the alien, d them justice.

2 Ti 3:5 a form of godliness but d its power.

2 Pe 2:1 d the sovereign Lord who bought


Ge 49:10 The scepter will not d from Judah,

Job 1:21 and naked I will d.

Mt 25:41 ‘D from me, you who are cursed,

Php 1:23 I desire to d and be with Christ,


1 Sa 4:21 “The glory has d from Israel” —

Ps 119:102 I have not d from your laws,


2 Co 1:22 put his Spirit in our hearts as a d,

5:5 and has given us the Spirit as a d,

Eph 1:14 who is a d guaranteeing our

2 Ti 1:14 Guard the good d that was


Ro 1:28 he gave them over to a d mind,

Php 2:15 fault in a crooked and d generation,


Ro 1:29 of wickedness, evil, greed and d.


Dt 24:17 Do not d the alien or the fatherless

Pr 18:5 or to d the innocent of justice.

Isa 10:2 to d the poor of their rights

29:21 with false testimony d the innocent

1 Co 7:5 Do not d each other


Ro 8:39 any powers, neither height nor d,

11:33 the d of the riches of the wisdom


Nu 32:13 wander in the d forty years,

Ne 9:19 you did not abandon them in the d.

Ps 78:19 “Can God spread a table in the d?

78:52 led them like sheep through the d.

Mk 1:13 and he was in the d forty days,


Ezr 9:9 our God has not d us

Mt 26:56 all the disciples d him and fled.

2 Ti 1:15 in the province of Asia has d me,


Gal 1:6 are so quickly d the one who called


Zec 11:17 who d the flock!


Ps 103:10 he does not treat us as our sins d

Jer 21:14 I will punish you as your deeds d,

Mt 22:8 those I invited did not d to come.

Ro 1:32 those who do such things d death,


2 Sa 12:5 the man who did this d to die!

Lk 10:7 for the worker d his wages.

1 Ti 5:18 and “The worker d his wages.”


Pr 22:1 A good name is more d


Ge 3:16 Your d will be for your husband,

Dt 5:21 You shall not set your d

1 Ch 29:18 keep this d in the hearts

Ps 40:6 Sacrifice and offering you did not d

40:8 I d to do your will, O my God;

73:25 earth has nothing I d besides you

Pr 3:15 nothing you d can compare

10:24 what the righteous d will be

11:23 The d of the righteous ends only

Isa 26:8 are the d of our hearts.

53:2 appearance that we should d him.

55:11 but will accomplish what I d

Hos 6:6 For I d mercy, not sacrifice,

Mt 9:13 learn what this means: ‘I d mercy,

Ro 7:18 For I have the d to do what is good,

1 Co 12:31 But eagerly d the greater gifts.

14:1 and eagerly d spiritual gifts,

Php 1:23 I d to depart and be with Christ,

Heb 13:18 d to live honorably in every way.

Jas 1:15 Then, after d has conceived,


Ge 4:7 at your door; it d to have you,

Ps 34:12 and d to see many good days,

37:4 he will give you the d of your heart.

103:5 satisfies your d with good things,

145:19 He fulfills the d of those who fear

Pr 11:6 the unfaithful are trapped by evil d.

19:22 What a man d is unfailing love;

Mk 4:19 and the d for other things come in

Ro 8:5 set on what that nature d;

13:14 to gratify the d of the sinful nature.

Gal 5:16 and you will not gratify the d

5:17 the sinful nature d what is contrary

1 Ti 3:1 an overseer, he d a noble task.

6:9 and harmful d that plunge men

2 Ti 2:22 Flee the evil d of youth,

Jas 1:20 about the righteous life that God d.

4:1 from your d that battle within you?

1 Pe 2:11 to abstain from sinful d, which war

1 Jn 2:17 The world and its d pass away,


Isa 54:1 are the children of the d woman


Isa 61:3 instead of a spirit of d.

2 Co 4:8 perplexed, but not in d; persecuted,


Job 42:6 Therefore I d myself

Pr 1:7 but fools d wisdom and discipline.

3:11 do not d the LORD’s discipline

23:22 do not d your mother

Lk 16:13 devoted to the one and d the other.

Tit 2:15 Do not let anyone d you.


Ge 25:34 So Esau d his birthright.

Isa 53:3 He was d and rejected by men,

1 Co 1:28 of this world and the d things —


Pr 14:21 He who d his neighbor sins,

15:20 but a foolish man d his mother.

15:32 who ignores discipline d himself,

Zec 4:10 “Who d the day of small things?


Lk 2:34 “This child is d to cause the falling


Ps 73:17 then I understood their final d.

Ecc 7:2 for death is the d of every man;


Pr 31:8 for the rights of all who are d.

Heb 11:37 d, persecuted and mistreated —


Pr 1:32 complacency of fools will d them;

Mt 10:28 of the One who can d both soul


Job 19:26 And after my skin has been d,

Isa 55:13 which will not be d.”

1 Co 8:11 for whom Christ died, is d

15:26 The last enemy to be d is death.

2 Co 5:1 if the earthly tent we live in is d,

Heb 10:39 of those who shrink back and are d,

2 Pe 3:10 the elements will be d by fire,


Pr 6:32 whoever does so d himself.

11:9 mouth the godless d his neighbor,

18:9 is brother to one who d.

28:24 he is partner to him who d.

Ecc 9:18 but one sinner d much good.

1 Co 3:17 If anyone d God’s temple,


Pr 16:18 Pride goes before d,

Hos 13:14 Where, O grave, is your d?

Mt 7:13 broad is the road that leads to d,

Gal 6:8 from that nature will reap d;

2 Th 1:9 punished with everlasting d

1 Ti 6:9 that plunge men into ruin and d.

2 Pe 2:1 bringing swift d on themselves.

3:16 other Scriptures, to their own d.


Job 14:5 Man’s days are d;

Isa 14:26 This is the plan d for the whole

Da 11:36 for what has been d must take place

Ac 17:26 and he d the times set for them


Ps 147:4 He d the number of the stars

Pr 16:9 but the LORD d his steps.

1 Co 12:11 them to each one, just as he d.


Pr 21:27 The sacrifice of the wicked is d —

28:9 even his prayers are d.

Isa 1:13 Your incense is d to me.

Lk 16:15 among men is d in God’s sight.

Tit 1:16 They are d, disobedient


Dt 22:5 LORD your God d anyone who

23:18 the LORD your God d them both.

25:16 LORD your God d anyone who

Pr 12:22 The LORD d lying lips,

15:8 The LORD d the sacrifice

15:9 The LORD d the way

15:26 The LORD d the thoughts

16:5 The LORD d all the proud of heart

17:15 the LORD d them both.

20:23 The LORD d differing weights,


Mt 13:39 the enemy who sows them is the d.

25:41 the eternal fire prepared for the d

Lk 4:2 forty days he was tempted by the d.

8:12 then the d comes and takes away

Eph 4:27 and do not give the d a foothold.

2 Ti 2:26 and escape from the trap of the d,

Jas 4:7 Resist the d, and he will flee

1 Pe 5:8 Your enemy the d prowls

1 Jn 3:8 who does what is sinful is of the d,

Rev 12:9 that ancient serpent called the d


Eph 6:11 stand against the d schemes.

1 Ti 3:7 into disgrace and into the d trap.

1 Jn 3:8 was to destroy the d work.


Job 11:13 “Yet if you d your heart to him

Jer 30:21 for who is he who will d himself

Col 4:2 D yourselves to prayer, being

1 Ti 4:13 d yourself to the public reading

Tit 3:8 may be careful to d themselves


Ezr 7:10 For Ezra had d himself to the study

Ac 2:42 They d themselves

Ro 12:10 Be d to one another

1 Co 7:34 Her aim is to be d to the Lord


1 Ti 5:10 d herself to all kinds of good deeds.


1 Ch 28:9 and serve him with wholehearted d

Eze 33:31 With their mouths they express d,

1 Co 7:35 way in undivided d to the Lord.

2 Co 11:3 from your sincere and pure d


2 Sa 2:26 “Must the sword d forever?

Mk 12:40 They d widows’ houses

1 Pe 5:8 lion looking for someone to d.


Lk 2:25 Simeon, who was righteous and d.


Ge 2:17 when you eat of it you will surely d

Ex 11:5 Every firstborn son in Egypt will d,

Ru 1:17 Where you d I will d, and there I

2 Ki 14:6 each is to d for his own sins.”

Pr 5:23 He will d for lack of discipline,

10:21 but fools d for lack of judgment.

15:10 he who hates correction will d.

23:13 with the rod, he will not d.

Ecc 3:2 a time to be born and a time to d,

Isa 66:24 their worm will not d, nor will their

Eze 3:18 that wicked man will d for his sin,

18:4 soul who sins is the one who will d.

33:8 ‘O wicked man, you will surely d,’

Mt 26:52 “for all who draw the sword will d

Jn 11:26 and believes in me will never d.

Ro 5:7 Very rarely will anyone d

14:8 and if we d, we d to the Lord.

1 Co 15:22 in Adam all d, so in Christ all will

15:31 I d every day — I mean that,

Php 1:21 to live is Christ and to d is gain.

Heb 9:27 Just as man is destined to d once,

Rev 14:13 Blessed are the dead who d


Ro 5:6 we were still powerless, Christ d

6:2 By no means! We d to sin;

6:8 if we d with Christ, we believe that

14:15 brother for whom Christ d.

1 Co 8:11 for whom Christ d, is destroyed

15:3 that Christ d for our sins according

2 Co 5:14 d for all, and therefore all d.

Col 3:3 For you d, and your life is now

1 Th 5:10 He d for us so that, whether we are

2 Ti 2:11 If we d with him,

Heb 9:15 now that he has d as a ransom

1 Pe 3:18 For Christ d for sins once for all,

Rev 2:8 who d and came to life again.


Job 14:14 If a man d, will he live again?

Pr 11:7 a wicked man d, his hope perishes;

Jn 11:25 in me will live, even though he d;

1 Co 15:36 does not come to life unless it d.


Ro 10:12 For there is no d between Jew


1 Co 12:4 There are d kinds of gifts,

2 Co 11:4 or a d gospel from the one you


Pr 31:25 She is clothed with strength and d;


Pr 26:27 If a man d a pit, he will fall into it;


Heb 6:11 to show this same d to the very end


Pr 21:5 The plans of the d lead to profit

1 Ti 4:15 Be d in these matters; give yourself


Ps 119:35 D me in the path of your

119:133 D my footsteps according

Jer 10:23 it is not for man to d his steps.

2 Th 3:5 May the Lord d your hearts


Ps 42:8 By day the LORD d his love,

Isa 48:17 who d you in the way you should


Mt 11:17 we sang a d,


Mt 5:18 will by any means d from the Law

Lk 16:17 earth to d than for the least stroke


Ro 5:5 And hope does not d us,


Ps 22:5 in you they trusted and were not d.


Ps 57:1 wings until the d has passed.

Pr 3:25 Have no fear of sudden d

17:5 over d will not go unpunished.

Isa 45:7 I bring prosperity and create d;

Eze 7:5 An unheard-of d is coming.


Ps 19:12 Who can d his errors?

139:3 You d my going out and my lying

Php 1:10 you may be able to d what is best


Pr 14:6 knowledge comes easily to the d.

15:14 The d heart seeks knowledge,

17:24 A d man keeps wisdom in view,

17:28 and d if he holds his tongue.

19:25 rebuke a d man, and he will gain


Pr 17:10 A rebuke impresses a man of d

28:11 a poor man who has d sees


Mt 10:42 these little ones because he is my d,

Lk 14:27 and follow me cannot be my d.


Mt 28:19 Therefore go and make d

Jn 8:31 to my teaching, you are really my d

13:35 men will know that you are my d

Ac 11:26 The d were called Christians first


Ps 38:1 or d me in your wrath.

39:11 You rebuke and d men for their sin;

94:12 Blessed is the man you d, O LORD

Pr 1:7 but fools despise wisdom and d.

3:11 do not despise the LORD’s d

5:12 You will say, “How I hated d!

5:23 He will die for lack of d,

Pr 6:23 and the corrections of d

10:17 He who heeds d shows the way

12:1 Whoever loves d loves knowledge,

13:18 He who ignores d comes to poverty

13:24 who loves him is careful to d him.

15:5 A fool spurns his father’s d,

15:32 He who ignores d despises himself,

19:18 D your son, for in that there is hope

22:15 the rod of d will drive it far

23:13 Do not withhold d from a child;

29:17 D your son, and he will give you

Heb 12:5 do not make light of the Lord’s d,

12:7 as d; God is treating you

12:11 No d seems pleasant at the time,

Rev 3:19 Those whom I love I rebuke and d.


Pr 1:3 for acquiring a d and prudent life,

Jer 31:18 ‘You d me like an unruly calf,

1 Co 11:32 we are being d so that we will not

Tit 1:8 upright, holy and d.

Heb 12:7 For what son is not d by his father?


Dt 8:5 your heart that as a man d his son,

Pr 3:12 the LORD d those he loves,

Heb 12:6 because the Lord d those he loves,

12:10 but God d us for our good,


Lk 8:17 is nothing hidden that will not be d,


Jos 1:9 Do not be terrified; do not be d,

10:25 “Do not be afraid; do not be d.

1 Ch 28:20 or d, for the LORD God,

Isa 42:4 he will not falter or be d

Col 3:21 children, or they will become d.


2 Co 6:3 so that our ministry will not be d.


1 Ch 22:12 May the LORD give you d

Pr 1:4 knowledge and d to the young —

2:11 D will protect you,

5:2 that you may maintain d

8:12 I possess knowledge and d.

11:22 a beautiful woman who shows no d.


Jas 2:4 have you not d among yourselves


Isa 52:14 his appearance was so d


Pr 11:2 When pride comes, then comes d,

14:34 but sin is a d to any people.

19:26 is a son who brings shame and d.

Ac 5:41 of suffering d for the Name.

Heb 13:13 the camp, bearing the d he bore.


Pr 10:5 during harvest is a d son.

17:2 wise servant will rule over a d son,


Pr 28:7 of gluttons d his father.

29:15 but a child left to itself d his mother


Pr 11:1 The LORD abhors d scales,

29:27 The righteous detest the d;

Lk 16:10 whoever is d with very little will

1 Ti 3:8 wine, and not pursuing d gain.


Lev 18:7 “ ‘Do not d your father

Pr 30:9 and so d the name of my God.

1 Co 15:43 it is sown in d, it is raised in glory;


Dt 27:16 Cursed is the man who d his father


Isa 28:16 the one who trusts will never be d.

41:10 do not be d, for I am your God.


Ro 5:19 as through the d of the one man

11:32 to d so that he may have mercy

Heb 2:2 and d received its just punishment,

4:6 go in, because of their d.

4:11 fall by following their example of d.


2 Ti 3:2 proud, abusive, d to their parents,

Tit 1:6 to the charge of being wild and d.

1:16 d and unfit for doing anything


Dt 11:28 the curse if you d the commands

2 Ch 24:20 ‘Why do you d the LORD’s

Ro 1:30 they d their parents; they are


1 Co 14:33 For God is not a God of d

2 Co 12:20 slander, gossip, arrogance and d.

Jas 3:16 there you find d and every evil


Pr 30:9 I may have too much and d you

Mt 10:33 I will d him before my Father

26:35 to die with you, I will never d you.”

2 Ti 2:12 If we d him,


Eze 39:21 I will d my glory among the nations

1 Ti 1:16 Christ Jesus might d his unlimited


Isa 44:23 he d his glory in Israel.


Pr 17:14 before a d breaks out.

1 Co 6:1 If any of you has a d with another,


Pr 18:18 Casting the lot settles d


1 Co 9:27 I myself will not be d for the prize.


2 Pe 2:2 will bring the way of truth into d.


Pr 6:14 he always stirs up d.

6:19 and a man who stirs up d

10:12 Hatred stirs up d,

15:18 A hot-tempered man stirs up d,

16:28 A perverse man stirs up d,

28:25 A greedy man stirs up d,

29:22 An angry man stirs up d,

Ro 13:13 debauchery, not in d and jealousy.


Lk 21:34 will be weighed down with d,

1 Pe 4:4 with them into the same flood of d,


1 Ki 3:9 and to d between right and wrong.

Heb 5:14 themselves to d good from evil.


2 Co 4:2 nor do we d the word of God.

2 Pe 3:16 ignorant and unstable people d,


Ps 18:6 In my d I called to the LORD;

Jnh 2:2 “In my d I called to the LORD,

Jas 1:27 after orphans and widows in their d


Ro 14:15 If your brother is d


Mt 12:25 household d against itself will not

Lk 23:34 they d up his clothes by casting lots

1 Co 1:13 Is Christ d? Was Paul crucified


Lev 19:26 “ ‘Do not practice d or sorcery.


Ro 1:20 his eternal power and d nature —

2 Co 10:4 they have d power

2 Pe 1:4 you may participate in the d nature


Lk 12:51 on earth? No, I tell you, but d.

1 Co 12:25 so that there should be no d


Ro 16:17 to watch out for those who cause d

1 Co 1:10 another so that there may be no d

11:18 there are d among you,


Tit 3:10 Warn a d person once,


Mal 2:16 “I hate d,” says the LORD God

Mt 19:3 for a man to d his wife for any

1 Co 7:11 And a husband must not d his wife.

7:27 Are you married? Do not seek a d.


Mt 9:12 “It is not the healthy who need a d,


1 Ti 4:16 Watch your life and d closely.

Tit 2:1 is in accord with sound d.


Ps 22:28 for d belongs to the LORD


Ps 141:3 keep watch over the d of my lips.

Mt 6:6 close the d and pray to your Father

7:7 and the d will be opened to you.

Rev 3:20 I stand at the d and knock.


Ps 84:10 I would rather be a d in the house


Heb 4:12 Sharper than any d sword,

Rev 1:16 of his mouth came a sharp d sword.

2:12 of him who has the sharp, d sword.


Ps 119:113 I hate d men,

Jas 1:8 he is a d man, unstable


Mt 14:31 he said, “why did you d?”

21:21 if you have faith and do not d,

Mk 11:23 and does not d in his heart

Jas 1:6 he must believe and not d,

Jude: 22 Be merciful to those who d;


Ps 42:5 Why are you d, O my soul?

2 Co 7:6 But God, who comforts the d,


Mt 26:52 “for all who d the sword will die

Jn 12:32 up from the earth, will d all men

Heb 10:22 let us d near to God


Lk 21:28 because your redemption is d near


Jn 6:44 the Father who sent me d him,


Heb 10:31 It is a d thing to fall into the hands


1 Ti 2:9 I also want women to d modestly,


Pr 5:15 D water from your own cistern,

Lk 12:19 Take life easy; eat, d and be merry

Jn 7:37 let him come to me and d.

1 Co 12:13 were all given the one Spirit to d.

Rev 21:6 to d without cost from the spring


1 Jn 4:18 But perfect love d out fear,


Pr 17:14 so d the matter before a dispute

Isa 40:15 Surely the nations are like a d


Eph 5:18 Do not get d on wine, which leads


Pr 23:21 for d and gluttons become poor,

1 Co 6:10 nor the greedy nor d nor slanderers


Lk 21:34 weighed down with dissipation, d

Ro 13:13 and d, not in sexual immorality

Gal 5:21 factions and envy; d, orgies,

1 Pe 4:3 living in debauchery, lust, d, orgies,


Isa 53:2 and like a root out of d ground.

Eze 37:4 ‘D bones, hear the word


Ge 2:7 man from the d of the ground

Ps 103:14 he remembers that we are d.

Ecc 3:20 all come from d, and to d all return.


Ecc 12:13 for this is the whole d of man.

Ac 23:1 I have fulfilled my d to God

1 Co 7:3 husband should fulfill his marital d


1 Ki 8:27 “But will God really d on earth?

Ps 23:6 I will d in the house of the LORD

Isa 43:18 do not d on the past.

Eph 3:17 so that Christ may d in your hearts

Col 1:19 to have all his fullness d in him,

3:16 the word of Christ d in you richly


Eph 2:22 to become a d in which God lives



Pr 31:13 and works with e hands.

1 Pe 5:2 greedy for money, but e to serve;


Ps 103:5 your youth is renewed like the e.


Isa 40:31 They will soar on wings like e;


1 Co 2:9 no e has heard,

12:16 if the e should say, “Because I am


Pr 31:31 Give her the reward she has e,


Job 42:5 My e had heard of you

Ps 34:15 and his e are attentive to their cry;

Pr 21:13 If a man shuts his e to the cry

2 Ti 4:3 to say what their itching e want


Ge 1:1 God created the heavens and the e.

Ps 24:1 e is the LORD’s, and everything

108:5 and let your glory be over all the e.

Isa 6:3 the whole e is full of his glory.”

51:6 the e will wear out like a garment

55:9 the heavens are higher than the e,

66:1 and the e is my footstool.

Jer 23:24 “Do not I fill heaven and e?”

Hab 2:20 let all the e be silent before him.”

Mt 6:10 done on e as it is in heaven.

16:19 bind on e will be bound

24:35 Heaven and e will pass away,

28:18 and on e has been given to me.

Lk 2:14 on e peace to men

1 Co 10:26 The e is the Lord’s, and everything

Php 2:10 in heaven and on e and under the e,

2 Pe 3:13 to a new heaven and a new e,


Php 3:19 Their mind is on e things.

Col 3:2 on things above, not on e things.


Ps 103:12 as far as the e is from the west,


Mt 11:30 For my yoke is e and my burden is


Ge 2:17 but you must not e from the tree

Isa 55:1 come, buy and e!

65:25 and the lion will e straw like the ox,

Mt 26:26 “Take and e; this is my body.”

Ro 14:2 faith allows him to e everything,

1 Co 8:13 if what I e causes my brother to fall

10:31 So whether you e or drink

2 Th 3:10 man will not work, he shall not e.”


Ro 14:17 kingdom of God is not a matter of e


Heb 11:23 they were not afraid of the king’s e.


1 Co 14:4 but he who prophesies e the church


Isa 32:17 e of righteousness will be quietness

Heb 9:18 put into e without blood.


Lk 13:24 “Make every e to enter

Ro 9:16 depend on man’s desire or e,

14:19 make every e to do what leads

Eph 4:3 Make every e to keep the unity

Heb 4:11 make every e to enter that rest,

12:14 Make every e to live in peace

2 Pe 1:5 make every e to add

3:14 make every e to be found spotless,


Son of Baasha; king of Israel (1 Ki 16:6–14).


Lev 19:32 show respect for the e


1 Ti 5:17 The e who direct the affairs


Ro 9:11 God’s purpose in e might stand:

2 Pe 1:10 to make your calling and e sure.


High priest in youth of Samuel (1 Sa 1–4). Blessed Hannah (1 Sa 1:12–18); raised Samuel (1 Sa 2:11–26).


Prophet; predicted famine in Israel (1 Ki 17:1; Jas 5:17). Fed by ravens (1 Ki 17:2–6). Raised Sidonian widow’s son (1 Ki 17:7–24). Defeated prophets of Baal at Carmel (1 Ki 18:16–46). Ran from Jezebel (1 Ki 19:1–9). Prophesied death of Azariah (2 Ki 1). Succeeded by Elishah (1 Ki 19:19–21; 2 Ki 2:1–18). Taken to heaven in whirlwind (2 Ki 2:11–12).

Return prophesied (Mal 4:5–6); equated with John the Baptist (Mt 17:9–13; Mk 9:9–13; Lk 1:17). Appeared with Moses in transfiguration of Jesus (Mt 17:1–8; Mk 9:1–8).


Prophet; successor of Elijah (1 Ki 19:16–21); inherited his cloak (2 Ki 2:1–18). Miracles of (2 Ki 2–6).


Mother of John the Baptist, relative of Mary (Lk 1:5–58).


Col 3:21 Fathers, do not e your children,


Eph 5:6 no one deceive you with e words,

1 Pe 1:18 from the e way of life handed


Lk 1:74 to e us to serve him without fear

Ac 4:29 e your servants to speak your word


Lev 26:13 e you to walk with heads held high.

Jn 6:65 unless the Father has e him.”


Php 3:21 by the power that e him


Ps 34:7 The angel of the LORD e


Ps 10:17 you e them, and you listen

Isa 1:17 e the oppressed.

Ac 15:32 to e and strengthen the brothers.

Ro 12:8 if it is encouraging, let him e;

1 Th 4:18 Therefore e each other

2 Ti 4:2 rebuke and e — with great patience

Tit 2:6 e the young men to be

Heb 3:13 But e one another daily, as long

10:25 but let us e one another —


Ac 4:36 Barnabas (which means Son of E),

Ro 15:4 e of the Scriptures we might have

15:5 and e give you a spirit of unity

1 Co 14:3 to men for their strengthening, e

Heb 12:5 word of e that addresses you


Ps 119:33 then I will keep them to the e.

Pr 14:12 but in the e it leads to death.

19:20 and in the e you will be wise.

23:32 In the e it bites like a snake

Ecc 12:12 making many books there is no e,

Mt 10:22 firm to the e will be saved.

Lk 21:9 but the e will not come right away

Ro 10:4 Christ is the e of the law

1 Co 15:24 the e will come, when he hands


Ro 15:4 through e and the encouragement

15:5 May the God who gives e

2 Co 1:6 which produces in you patient e

Col 1:11 might so that you may have great e

1 Ti 6:11 faith, love, e and gentleness.

Tit 2:2 and sound in faith, in love and in e.


Ps 72:17 May his name e forever;

Pr 12:19 Truthful lips e forever,

27:24 for riches do not e forever,

Ecc 3:14 everything God does will e forever;

Mal 3:2 who can e the day of his coming?

2 Ti 2:3 E hardship with us like a good

2:12 if we e, / we will also reign

Heb 12:7 E hardship as discipline; God is

Rev 3:10 kept my command to e patiently,


Ps 112:9 his righteousness e forever;

136:1 His love e forever.

Da 9:15 made for yourself a name that e


Ps 23:5 in the presence of my e.

Mic 7:6 a man’s e are the members

Mt 5:44 Love your e and pray

Lk 20:43 hand until I make your e


Pr 24:17 Do not gloat when your e falls;

25:21 If your e is hungry, give him food

27:6 but an e multiplies kisses.

1 Co 15:26 The last e to be destroyed is death.

1 Ti 5:14 and to give the e no opportunity


Dt 6:2 and so that you may e long life.

Eph 6:3 and that you may e long life

Heb 11:25 rather than to e the pleasures of sin


Ecc 4:8 and why am I depriving myself of e

1 Ti 6:17 us with everything for our e.


Eph 1:18 that the eyes of your heart may be e

Heb 6:4 for those who have once been e,


Ge 3:15 And I will put e


Walked with God and taken by him (Ge 5:18–24; Heb 11:5). Prophet (Jude 14).


2 Pe 2:20 and are again e in it and overcome,


Heb 12:1 and the sin that so easily e,


Ps 100:4 E his gates with thanksgiving

Mt 5:20 will certainly not e the kingdom

7:13 “E through the narrow gate.

18:8 It is better for you to e life maimed

Mk 10:15 like a little child will never e it.”

10:23 is for the rich to e the kingdom


Ro 5:12 as sin e the world through one man,

Heb 9:12 but he e the Most Holy Place once


Mk 7:18 you see that nothing that e a man

Jn 10:2 The man who e by the gate is


1 Ti 5:19 Do not e an accusation

Heb 13:2 Do not forget to e strangers,


Ps 45:11 The king is e by your beauty;


1 Sa 4:4 who is e between the cherubim.

Ps 2:4 The One e in heaven laughs;

102:12 But you, O LORD, sit e forever;

Isa 40:22 He sits e above the circle


Pr 1:10 My son, if sinners e you,

2 Pe 2:18 they e people who are just escaping


Gal 5:14 The e law is summed up


1 Ti 6:20 guard what has been e to your care.

2 Ti 1:12 able to guard what I have e to him

1:14 Guard the good deposit that was e

Jude: 3 once for all e to the saints.


Pr 3:31 Do not e a violent man

14:30 but e rots the bones.

1 Co 13:4 It does not e, it does not boast,


1. Second son of Joseph (Ge 41:52; 46:20). Blessed as firstborn by Jacob (Ge 48).

2. Synonymous with Northern Kingdom (Isa 7:17; Hos 5).


Isa 40:25 who is my e?” says the Holy One.

Jn 5:18 making himself e with God.

1 Co 12:25 that its parts should have e concern


Heb 13:21 e you with everything good


2 Ti 3:17 man of God may be thoroughly e


Jas 5:20 Whoever turns a sinner from the e


Firstborn of Isaac, twin of Jacob (Ge 25:21–26). Also called Edom (Ge 25:30). Sold Jacob his birthright (Ge 25:29–34); lost blessing (Ge 27). Reconciled to Jacob (Gen 33).


Ro 2:3 think you will e God’s judgment?

Heb 2:3 how shall we e if we ignore such


1 Co 3:15 only as one e through the flames.


Ge 6:18 But I will e my covenant with you,

1 Ch 28:7 I will e his kingdom forever

Ro 10:3 God and sought to e their own,


Pr 22:1 to be e is better than silver or gold.

Isa 53:3 he was despised, and we e him not.


Jewess who lived in Persia; cousin of Mordecai (Est 2:7). Chosen queen of Xerxes (Est 2:8–18). Foiled Haman’s plan to exterminate the Jews (Est 3–4; 7–9).


Ps 16:11 with e pleasures at your right hand.

111:10 To him belongs e praise.

119:89 Your word, O LORD, is e;

Isa 26:4 LORD, the LORD, is the Rock e.

Mt 19:16 good thing must I do to get e life?”

25:41 into the e fire prepared for the devil

25:46 they will go away to e punishment,

Jn 3:15 believes in him may have e life.

3:16 him shall not perish but have e life.

3:36 believes in the Son has e life,

4:14 spring of water welling up to e life.”

5:24 believes him who sent me has e life

6:68 You have the words of e life.

10:28 I give them e life, and they shall

17:3 this is e life: that they may know

Ro 1:20 his e power and divine nature —

6:23 but the gift of God is e life

2 Co 4:17 for us an e glory that far outweighs

4:18 temporary, but what is unseen is e.

1 Ti 1:16 believe on him and receive e life.

1:17 Now to the King e, immortal,

Heb 9:12 having obtained e redemption.

1 Jn 5:11 God has given us e life,

5:13 you may know that you have e life.


Gal 1:8 let him be e condemned! As we


Ps 93:2 you are from all e.

Ecc 3:11 also set e in the hearts of men;


Jer 13:23 Can the E change his skin


Mt 19:12 For some are e because they were


2 Ti 4:5 hardship, do the work of an e,


Eph 4:11 some to be prophets, some to be e,


2 Co 11:3 as E was deceived by the serpent’s

1 Ti 2:13 For Adam was formed first, then E


Pr 17:27 and a man of understanding is e.


Ex 15:18 LORD will reign for e and e.”

Dt 8:19 If you e forget the LORD your

Ps 5:11 let them e sing for joy.

10:16 The LORD is King for e and e;

25:3 will e be put to shame,

26:3 for your love is e before me,

45:6 O God, will last for e and e;

52:8 God’s unfailing love for e and e.

89:33 nor will I e betray my faithfulness.

145:1 I will praise your name for e and e.

Pr 4:18 shining e brighter till the full light

5:19 may you e be captivated

Isa 66:8 Who has e heard of such a thing?

Jer 31:36 the descendants of Israel e cease

Da 7:18 it forever — yes, for e and e.’

12:3 like the stars for e and e.

Mk 4:12 e hearing but never understanding;

Jn 1:18 No one has e seen God,

Rev 1:18 and behold I am alive for e and e!

22:5 And they will reign for e and e.


Ro 6:19 to impurity and to e wickedness,

2 Co 3:18 into his likeness with e glory,


Dt 33:27 and underneath are the e arms.

Ne 9:5 your God, who is from e to e.”

Ps 90:2 from e to e you are God.

139:24 and lead me in the way e.

Isa 9:6 E Father, Prince of Peace.

33:14 Who of us can dwell with e burning

35:10 e joy will crown their heads.

45:17 the LORD with an e salvation;

54:8 but with e kindness

55:3 I will make an e covenant with you,

63:12 to gain for himself e renown,

Jer 31:3 “I have loved you with an e love;

Da 9:24 to bring in e righteousness,

12:2 some to e life, others to shame

Jn 6:47 the truth, he who believes has e life.

2 Th 1:9 punished with e destruction

Jude: 6 bound with e chains for judgment


Ps 46:1 an e help in trouble


Jn 14:11 on the e of the miracles themselves.


Php 4:5 Let your gentleness be e to all.


Ge 2:9 of the knowledge of good and e.

Job 1:1 he feared God and shunned e.

1:8 a man who fears God and shuns e.”

34:10 Far be it from God to do e,

Ps 23:4 I will fear no e,

34:14 Turn from e and do good;

51:4 and done what is e in your sight,

97:10 those who love the LORD hate e,

101:4 I will have nothing to do with e.

Pr 8:13 To fear the LORD is to hate e;

10:23 A fool finds pleasure in e conduct,

11:27 e comes to him who searches for it.

24:19 Do not fret because of e men

24:20 for the e man has no future hope,

Isa 5:20 Woe to those who call e good

Isa 13:11 I will punish the world for its e,

55:7 and the e man his thoughts.

Hab 1:13 Your eyes are too pure to look on e;

Mt 5:45 He causes his sun to rise on the e

6:13 but deliver us from the e one.’

7:11 If you, then, though you are e,

12:35 and the e man brings e things out

Jn 17:15 you protect them from the e one.

Ro 2:9 for every human being who does e:

12:9 Hate what is e; cling

12:17 Do not repay anyone e for e.

16:19 and innocent about what is e.

1 Co 13:6 Love does not delight in e

14:20 In regard to e be infants,

Eph 6:16 all the flaming arrows of the e one.

1 Th 5:22 Avoid every kind of e.

1 Ti 6:10 of money is a root of all kinds of e.

2 Ti 2:22 Flee the e desires of youth,

Jas 1:13 For God cannot be tempted by e,

1 Pe 2:16 your freedom as a cover-up for e;

3:9 Do not repay e with e or insult


Heb 1:3 the e representation of his being,


Ps 30:1 I will e you, O LORD,

34:3 let us e his name together.

118:28 you are my God, and I will e you.

Isa 24:15 e the name of the LORD, the God


2 Sa 22:47 E be God, the Rock, my Savior!

1 Ch 29:11 you are e as head over all.

Ne 9:5 and may it be e above all blessing

Ps 21:13 Be e, O LORD, in your strength;

46:10 I will be e among the nations,

57:5 Be e, O God, above the heavens;

97:9 you are e far above all gods.

99:2 he is e over all the nations.

108:5 Be e, O God, above the heavens,

148:13 for his name alone is e;

Isa 6:1 e, and the train of his robe filled

12:4 and proclaim that his name is e.

33:5 The LORD is e, for he dwells

Eze 21:26 The lowly will be e and the e will be

Mt 23:12 whoever humbles himself will be e.

Php 1:20 always Christ will be e in my body,

2:9 Therefore God e him


Ps 75:7 He brings one down, he e another.

Pr 14:34 Righteousness e a nation,

Mt 23:12 For whoever e himself will be


Ps 26:2 e my heart and my mind;

Jer 17:10 and e the mind,

La 3:40 Let us e our ways and test them,

1 Co 11:28 A man ought to e himself

2 Co 13:5 E yourselves to see whether you


Ac 17:11 e the Scriptures every day to see


Jn 13:15 have set you an e that you should

1 Co 11:1 Follow my e, as I follow

1 Ti 4:12 set an e for the believers in speech,

Tit 2:7 In everything set them an e

1 Pe 2:21 leaving you an e, that you should


1 Co 10:6 Now these things occurred as e

10:11 as e and were written down

1 Pe 5:3 to you, but being e to the flock.


Eph 6:4 Fathers, do not e your children;


1 Co 14:12 to e in gifts that build up the church

2 Co 8:7 But just as you e in everything —


1 Co 12:31 now I will show you the most e way

Php 4:8 if anything is e or praiseworthy —

1 Ti 3:13 have served well gain an e standing

Tit 3:8 These things are e and profitable


Ro 1:23 e the glory of the immortal God

1:25 They e the truth of God for a lie,


Jn 15:22 they have no e for their sin.

Ro 1:20 so that men are without e.


Lk 14:18 “But they all alike began to make e.


Heb 2:10 and through whom everything e,

11:6 to him must believe that he e


Mt 24:44 at an hour when you do not e him.


Ro 8:19 waits in eager e for the sons

Heb 10:27 but only a fearful e of judgment


1 Co 5:13 E the wicked man from among you


1 Ti 2:9 or gold or pearls or e clothes,


Pr 22:22 Do not e the poor because they are

2 Co 12:17 Did I e you through any


1 Co 4:5 will e the motives of men’s hearts.

Eph 5:11 of darkness, but rather e them.


Pr 31:20 and e her hands to the needy.

Lk 1:50 His mercy e to those who fear him,


2 Sa 21:17 the lamp of Israel will not be e.”


Job 36:24 Remember to e his work,

Ps 34:1 I will e the LORD at all times;

68:4 e him who rides on the clouds —

95:2 and e him with music and song.

109:30 mouth I will greatly e the LORD;

111:1 I will e the LORD with all my heart

115:18 it is we who e the LORD,

117:1 e him, all you peoples.

145:2 and e your name for ever and ever.

145:10 your saints will e you.

147:12 E the LORD, O Jerusalem;


Lk 3:14 “Don’t e money and don’t accuse


Ex 21:24 you are to take life for life, e for e,

Ps 94:9 Does he who formed the e not see?

Mt 5:29 If your right e causes you to sin,

5:38 ‘E for e, and tooth for tooth.’

7:3 of sawdust in your brother’s e

1 Co 2:9 “No e has seen,

Col 3:22 not only when their e is on you

Rev 1:7 and every e will see him,


Nu 33:55 remain will become barbs in your e

Jos 23:13 on your backs and thorns in your e,

2 Ch 16:9 For the e of the LORD range

Job 31:1 “I made a covenant with my e

Job 36:7 He does not take his e

Ps 119:18 Open my e that I may see

121:1 I lift up my e to the hills —

141:8 But my e are fixed on you,

Pr 3:7 Do not be wise in your own e;

4:25 Let your e look straight ahead,

15:3 The e of the LORD are everywhere

Isa 6:5 and my e have seen the King,

Hab 1:13 Your e are too pure to look on evil;

Jn 4:35 open your e and look at the fields!

2 Co 4:18 So we fix our e not on what is seen,

Heb 12:2 Let us fix our e on Jesus, the author

Jas 2:5 poor in the e of the world to be rich

1 Pe 3:12 For the e of the Lord are

Rev 7:17 wipe away every tear from their e.”

21:4 He will wipe every tear from their e


Priest called to be prophet to the exiles (Eze 1–3).


Priest and teacher of the Law who led a return of exiles to Israel to reestablish temple and worship (Ezr 7–8). Corrected intermarriage of priests (Ezr 9–10). Read Law at celebration of Feast of Tabernacles (Neh 8).



Ge 32:30 “It is because I saw God f to f,

Ex 34:29 was not aware that his f was radiant

Nu 6:25 the LORD make his f shine

1 Ch 16:11 seek his f always.

2 Ch 7:14 and seek my f and turn

Ps 4:6 Let the light of your f shine upon us

27:8 Your f, LORD, I will seek.

31:16 Let your f shine on your servant;

105:4 seek his f always.

119:135 Make your f shine

Isa 50:7 Therefore have I set my f like flint,

Mt 17:2 His f shone like the sun,

1 Co 13:12 mirror; then we shall see f to f.

2 Co 4:6 the glory of God in the f of Christ.

1 Pe 3:12 but the f of the Lord is

Rev 1:16 His f was like the sun shining


2 Co 3:18 who with unveiled f all reflect


Gal 5:20 selfish ambition, dissensions, f


1 Pe 5:4 of glory that will never f away.


1 Ch 28:20 He will not f you or forsake you

2 Ch 34:33 they did not f to follow the LORD,

Ps 89:28 my covenant with him will never f.

Pr 15:22 Plans f for lack of counsel,

Isa 51:6 my righteousness will never f.

La 3:22 for his compassions never f.

2 Co 13:5 unless, of course, you f the test?


1 Sa 12:23 sin against the LORD by f to pray


Ro 15:1 ought to bear with the f of the weak


1 Co 13:8 Love never f.


Isa 40:31 they will walk and not be f.


Pr 1:3 doing what is right and just and f;

Col 4:1 slaves with what is right and f,


2 Ch 20:20 Have f in the LORD your God

Hab 2:4 but the righteous will live by his f —

Mt 9:29 According to your f will it be done

17:20 if you have f as small as a mustard

24:10 many will turn away from the f

Mk 11:22 “Have f in God,” Jesus answered.

Lk 7:9 I have not found such great f

12:28 will he clothe you, O you of little f!

17:5 “Increase our f!” He replied,

18:8 will he find f on the earth?”

Ac 14:9 saw that he had f to be healed

14:27 the door of f to the Gentiles.

Ro 1:12 encouraged by each other’s f.

1:17 is by f from first to last,

1:17 “The righteous will live by f.”

3:3 What if some did not have f?

3:22 comes through f in Jesus Christ

3:25 a sacrifice of atonement, through f

4:5 his f is credited as righteousness.

5:1 we have been justified through f,

10:17 f comes from hearing the message,

14:1 Accept him whose f is weak,

14:23 that does not come from f is sin.

1 Co 13:2 and if I have a f that can move

13:13 And now these three remain: f,

16:13 stand firm in the f; be men

2 Co 5:7 We live by f, not by sight.

13:5 to see whether you are in the f;

Gal 2:16 Jesus that we may be justified by f

2:20 I live by f in the Son of God,

3:11 “The righteous will live by f.”

3:24 that we might be justified by f.

Eph 2:8 through f — and this not

4:5 one Lord, one f, one baptism;

6:16 to all this, take up the shield of f,

Col 1:23 continue in your f, established

1 Th 5:8 on f and love as a breastplate,

1 Ti 2:15 if they continue in f, love

4:1 later times some will abandon the f

5:8 he has denied the f and is worse

6:12 Fight the good fight of the f.

2 Ti 3:15 wise for salvation through f

4:7 finished the race, I have kept the f.

Phm: 6 may be active in sharing your f,

Heb 10:38 But my righteous one will live by f.

11:1 f is being sure of what we hope for

11:3 By f we understand that

11:5 By f Enoch was taken from this life

11:6 And without f it is impossible

11:7 By f Noah, when warned about

11:8 By f Abraham, when called to go

11:17 By f Abraham, when God tested

11:20 By f Isaac blessed Jacob

11:21 By f Jacob, when he was dying,

11:22 By f Joseph, when his end was near

11:24 By f Moses, when he had grown up

11:31 By f the prostitute Rahab,

12:2 the author and perfecter of our f,

Jas 2:14 if a man claims to have f

2:17 In the same way, f by itself,

2:26 so f without deeds is dead.

2 Pe 1:5 effort to add to your f goodness;

1 Jn 5:4 overcome the world, even our f.

Jude: 3 to contend for the f that was once


Nu 12:7 he is f in all my house.

Dt 7:9 your God is God; he is the f God,

Dt 32:4 A f God who does no wrong,

2 Sa 22:26 “To the f you show yourself f,

Ps 25:10 of the LORD are loving and f

31:23 The LORD preserves the f,

33:4 he is f in all he does.

37:28 and will not forsake his f ones.

97:10 for he guards the lives of his f ones

145:13 The LORD is f to all his promises

146:6 the LORD, who remains f forever.

Pr 31:26 and f instruction is on her tongue.

Mt 25:21 ’Well done, good and f servant!

Ro 12:12 patient in affliction, f in prayer.

1 Co 4:2 been given a trust must prove f.

10:13 And God is f; he will not let you be

1 Th 5:24 The one who calls you is f

2 Ti 2:13 he will remain f,

Heb 3:6 But Christ is f as a son

10:23 for he who promised is f.

1 Pe 4:19 themselves to their f Creator

1 Jn 1:9 he is f and just and will forgive us

Rev 1:5 who is the f witness, the firstborn

2:10 Be f, even to the point of death,

19:11 whose rider is called F and True.


Dt 11:13 if you f obey the commands I am

1 Sa 12:24 and serve him f with all your heart;

1 Ki 2:4 and if they walk f before me

1 Pe 4:10 f administering God’s grace


Ps 57:10 your f reaches to the skies.

85:10 Love and f meet together;

86:15 to anger, abounding in love and f.

89:1 mouth I will make your f known

89:14 love and f go before you.

91:4 his f will be your shield

117:2 the f of the LORD endures forever.

119:75 and in f you have afflicted me.

Pr 3:3 Let love and f never leave you;

Isa 11:5 and f the sash around his waist.

La 3:23 great is your f.

Ro 3:3 lack of faith nullify God’s f?

Gal 5:22 patience, kindness, goodness, f,


Ps 119:158 I look on the f with loathing,

Jer 3:22 “Return, f people;

Ro 1:31 they are senseless, f, heartless,

2 Ti 2:13 if we are f,


Ps 37:24 though he stumble, he will not f,

55:22 he will never let the righteous f.

69:9 of those who insult you f on me.

Pr 11:28 Whoever trusts in his riches will f,

Lk 11:17 a house divided against itself will f.

Ro 3:23 and f short of the glory of God,

Heb 6:6 if they f away, to be brought back


2 Sa 1:19 How the mighty have f!

Isa 14:12 How you have f from heaven,

1 Co 15:20 of those who have f asleep.

Gal 5:4 you have f away from grace.

1 Th 4:15 precede those who have f asleep.


Jude: 24 able to keep you from f


Pr 24:17 Do not gloat when your enemy f;

Jn 12:24 a kernel of wheat f to the ground

Ro 14:4 To his own master he stands or f.


Ex 20:16 “You shall not give f testimony

23:1 “Do not spread f reports.

Pr 13:5 The righteous hate what is f,

19:5 A f witness will not go unpunished,

Mt 7:15 “Watch out for f prophets.

Mt 19:18 not steal, do not give f testimony,

24:11 and many f prophets will appear

Php 1:18 whether from f motives or true,

1 Ti 1:3 not to teach f doctrines any longer

2 Pe 2:1 there will be f teachers among you.


Ps 119:163 I hate and abhor f

Pr 30:8 Keep f and lies far from me;

Eph 4:25 each of you must put off f


Lev 19:12 “ ‘Do not swear f by my name

Lk 3:14 and don’t accuse people f —

1 Ti 6:20 ideas of what is f called knowledge,


Pr 24:10 If you f in times of trouble,

Isa 42:4 he will not f or be discouraged


Ps 68:6 God sets the lonely in f,


Pr 15:27 greedy man brings trouble to his f,

31:15 she provides food for her f

Lk 9:61 go back and say good-by to my f.”

12:52 in one f divided against each other,

1 Ti 3:4 He must manage his own f well

3:5 how to manage his own f,

5:4 practice by caring for their own f

5:8 and especially for his immediate f,


Ge 41:30 seven years of f will follow them.

Am 8:11 but a f of hearing the words

Ro 8:35 or persecution or f or nakedness


2 Ti 1:6 you to f into flame the gift of God,


Dt 13:4 serve him and hold f to him.

Jos 22:5 to hold f to him and to serve him

23:8 to hold f to the LORD your God,

Ps 119:31 I hold f to your statutes, O LORD;

139:10 your right hand will hold me f.

Mt 6:16 “When you f, do not look somber

1 Pe 5:12 Stand f in it.


Ge 2:24 this reason a man will leave his f

17:4 You will be the f of many nations.

Ex 20:12 “Honor your f and your mother,

21:15 “Anyone who attacks his f

21:17 “Anyone who curses his f

Lev 18:7 “ ‘Do not dishonor your f

19:3 you must respect his mother and f,

Dt 5:16 “Honor your f and your mother,

21:18 son who does not obey his f

Ps 27:10 Though my f and mother forsake

68:5 A f to the fatherless, a defender

Pr 10:1 A wise son brings joy to his f,

17:21 there is no joy for the f of a fool.

23:22 Listen to your f, who gave you life,

23:24 f of a righteous man has great joy;

28:7 of gluttons disgraces his f.

29:3 loves wisdom brings joy to his f,

Isa 9:6 Everlasting F, Prince of Peace.

Mt 6:9 “ ‘Our F in heaven,

10:37 “Anyone who loves his f

15:4 ‘Honor your f and mother’

19:5 this reason a man will leave his f

Lk 12:53 f against son and son against f,

23:34 Jesus said, “F, forgive them,

Jn 6:44 the F who sent me draws him,

6:46 No one has seen the F

8:44 You belong to your f, the devil,

10:30 I and the F are one.”

Jn 14:6 No one comes to the F

14:9 who has seen me has seen the F.

Ro 4:11 he is the f of all who believe

2 Co 6:18 “I will be a F to you,

Eph 6:2 “Honor your f and mother” —

Heb 12:7 what son is not disciplined by his f?


Pr 13:1 A wise son heeds his f instruction,

15:5 A fool spurns his f discipline,

19:13 A foolish son is his f ruin,

Lk 2:49 had to be in my F house?”

Jn 2:16 How dare you turn my F house

10:29 can snatch them out of my F hand.

14:2 In my F house are many rooms;


Dt 10:18 He defends the cause of the f

24:17 Do not deprive the alien or the f

24:19 Leave it for the alien, the f

Ps 68:5 A father to the f, a defender

Pr 23:10 or encroach on the fields of the f,


Ex 20:5 for the sin of the f to the third

Lk 11:11 “Which of you f, if your son asks

Eph 6:4 F, do not exasperate your children;

Col 3:21 F, do not embitter your children,


Job 11:7 “Can you f the mysteries of God?

Ps 145:3 his greatness no one can f.

Ecc 3:11 yet they cannot f what God has

Isa 40:28 and his understanding no one can f

1 Co 13:2 and can f all mysteries and all


Mt 18:15 and show him his f, just

Php 2:15 of God without f in a crooked

Jas 1:5 generously to all without finding f,

Jude: 24 his glorious presence without f


Jude: 16 These men are grumblers and f;


Ps 19:12 Forgive my hidden f.


Ex 23:3 and do not show f to a poor man

Lev 19:15 to the poor or f to the great,

Ac 10:34 true it is that God does not show f

Ro 2:11 For God does not show f.

Eph 6:9 and there is no f with him.

Col 3:25 for his wrong, and there is no f.

1 Ti 5:21 and to do nothing out of f.

Jas 2:1 Lord Jesus Christ, don’t show f.

2:9 But if you show f, you sin


Dt 6:13 F the LORD your God, serve him

10:12 but to f the LORD your God,

31:12 and learn to f the LORD your God

Ps 19:9 The f of the LORD is pure,

23:4 I will f no evil,

27:1 whom shall I f?

91:5 You will not f the terror of night,

111:10 f of the LORD is the beginning

Pr 8:13 To f the LORD is to hate evil;

9:10 f of the LORD is the beginning

10:27 The f of the LORD adds length

14:27 The f of the LORD is a fountain

15:33 f of the LORD teaches a man

16:6 through the f of the LORD a man

19:23 The f of the LORD leads to life:

29:25 F of man will prove to be a snare,

Isa 11:3 delight in the f of the LORD.

41:10 So do not f, for I am with you;

Lk 12:5 I will show you whom you should f:

Php 2:12 to work out your salvation with f

1 Jn 4:18 But perfect love drives out f,


Job 1:8 a man who f God and shuns evil.”

Ps 34:4 he delivered me from all my f.

Pr 31:30 a woman who f the LORD is

1 Jn 4:18 The one who f is not made perfect


Jn 21:15 Jesus said, “F my lambs.”

21:17 Jesus said, “F my sheep.

Ro 12:20 “If your enemy is hungry, f him;

Jude: 12 shepherds who f only themselves.


Ps 8:6 you put everything under his f:

22:16 have pierced my hands and my f.

40:2 he set my f on a rock

110:1 a footstool for your f.”

119:105 Your word is a lamp to my f

Ro 10:15 “How beautiful are the f

1 Co 12:21 And the head cannot say to the f,

15:25 has put all his enemies under his f.

Heb 12:13 “Make level paths for your f,”


2 Co 6:14 what f can light have with darkness

13:14 and the f of the Holy Spirit be

Php 3:10 the f of sharing in his sufferings,

1 Jn 1:6 claim to have f with him yet walk

1:7 we have f with one another,


Ge 1:27 male and f he created them.

Gal 3:28 f, for you are all one in Christ Jesus


Ro 12:11 but keep your spiritual f, serving


Mt 6:28 See how the lilies of the f grow.

13:38 f is the world, and the good seed

1 Co 3:9 you are God’s f, God’s building.


Lk 2:8 were shepherds living out in the f

Jn 4:35 open your eyes and look at the f!


Ge 3:7 so they sewed f leaves together


Ex 14:14 The LORD will f for you; you need

Dt 1:30 going before you, will f for you,

3:22 the LORD your God himself will f

Ne 4:20 Our God will f for us!”

Ps 35:1 f against those who f against me.

Jn 18:36 my servants would f

1 Co 9:26 I do not f like a man beating the air.

2 Co 10:4 The weapons we f

1 Ti 1:18 them you may f the good f,

6:12 Fight the good f of the faith.

2 Ti 4:7 fought the good f, I have finished


Lk 6:44 People do not pick f


Ge 1:28 and increase in number; f the earth

Ps 16:11 you will f me with joy

81:10 wide your mouth and I will f it.

Pr 28:19 who chases fantasies will have his f

Hag 2:7 and I will f this house with glory,’

Jn 6:26 you ate the loaves and had your f.

Ac 2:28 you will f me with joy

Ro 15:13 the God of hope f you with all joy


Ps 72:19 may the whole earth be f

119:64 The earth is f with your love,

Eze 43:5 the glory of the LORD f the temple

Hab 2:14 For the earth will be f

Lk 1:15 and he will be f with the Holy Spirit

Lk 1:41 and Elizabeth was f with the Holy

Jn 12:3 the house was f with the fragrance

Ac 2:4 All of them were f

4:8 Then Peter, f with the Holy Spirit,

9:17 and be f with the Holy Spirit.”

13:9 called Paul, f with the Holy Spirit,

Eph 5:18 Instead, be f with the Spirit.

Php 1:11 f with the fruit of righteousness


Nu 14:21 of the LORD f the whole earth,

Ps 107:9 and f the hungry with good things.

Eph 1:23 fullness of him who f everything


Isa 64:6 all our righteous acts are like f rags;

Col 3:8 and f language from your lips.

2 Pe 2:7 by the f lives of lawless men


Nu 32:23 be sure that your sin will f you out.

Dt 4:29 you will f him if you look for him

1 Sa 23:16 and helped him f strength in God.

Ps 36:7 f refuge in the shadow

91:4 under his wings you will f refuge;

Pr 14:22 those who plan what is good f love

31:10 A wife of noble character who can f