Jer 6:16 and you will f rest for your souls.

Mt 7:7 seek and you will f; knock

11:29 and you will f rest for your souls.

16:25 loses his life for me will f it.

Lk 18:8 will he f faith on the earth?”

Jn 10:9 come in and go out, and f pasture.


Ps 62:1 My soul f rest in God alone;

112:1 who f great delight

119:162 like one who f great spoil.

Pr 18:22 He who f a wife f what is good

Mt 7:8 he who seeks f; and to him who

10:39 Whoever f his life will lose it,

Lk 12:37 whose master f them watching

15:4 go after the lost sheep until he f it?


Jn 4:34 him who sent me and to f his work.

5:36 that the Father has given me to f,

Ac 20:24 if only I may f the race

2 Co 8:11 Now f the work, so that your eager

Jas 1:4 Perseverance must f its work


Ge 2:2 seventh day God had f the work he

Jn 19:30 the drink, Jesus said, “It is f.”

2 Ti 4:7 I have f the race, I have kept


Ex 13:21 in a pillar of f to give them light,

Lev 6:12 f on the altar must be kept burning;

Isa 30:27 and his tongue is a consuming f.

Jer 23:29 my word like f,” declares

Mt 3:11 you with the Holy Spirit and with f.

5:22 will be in danger of the f of hell.

25:41 into the eternal f prepared

Mk 9:43 where the f never goes out.

Ac 2:3 to be tongues of f that separated

1 Co 3:13 It will be revealed with f,

1 Th 5:19 Do not put out the Spirit’s f;

Heb 12:29 for our “God is a consuming f.

Jas 3:5 set on f by a small spark.

2 Pe 3:10 the elements will be destroyed by f,

Jude: 23 snatch others from the f

Rev 20:14 The lake of f is the second death.


Ex 14:13 Stand f and you will see

2 Ch 20:17 stand f and see the deliverance

Ps 33:11 of the LORD stand f forever,

37:23 he makes his steps f;

40:2 and gave me a f place to stand.

89:2 that your love stands f forever,

119:89 it stands f in the heavens.

Pr 4:26 and take only ways that are f.

Zec 8:23 nations will take f hold of one Jew

Mk 13:13 he who stands f to the end will be

1 Co 16:13 on your guard; stand f in the faith;

2 Co 1:24 because it is by faith you stand f.

Eph 6:14 Stand f then, with the belt

Col 4:12 that you may stand f in all the will

2 Th 2:15 stand f and hold to the teachings

2 Ti 2:19 God’s solid foundation stands f,

Heb 6:19 an anchor for the soul, f and secure

1 Pe 5:9 Resist him, standing f in the faith,


Isa 44:6 I am the f and I am the last;

48:12 I am the f and I am the last.

Mt 5:24 F go and be reconciled

6:33 But seek f his kingdom

7:5 f take the plank out

20:27 wants to be f must be your slave —

22:38 This is the f and greatest

23:26 F clean the inside of the cup

Mk 13:10 And the gospel must f be preached

Ac 11:26 disciples were called Christians f

Ro 1:16 f for the Jew, then for the Gentile.

1 Co 12:28 in the church God has appointed f

2 Co 8:5 they gave themselves f to the Lord

1 Ti 2:13 For Adam was formed f, then Eve.

Jas 3:17 comes from heaven is f of all pure;

1 Jn 4:19 We love because he f loved us.

3Jn: 9 but Diotrephes, who loves to be f,

Rev 1:17 I am the F and the Last.

2:4 You have forsaken your f love.


Ex 11:5 Every f son in Egypt will die,


Ex 23:19 “Bring the best of the f of your soil


Mk 1:17 “and I will make you f of men.”


Ps 33:1 it is f for the upright to praise him.

147:1 how pleasant and f to praise him!

Pr 10:32 of the righteous know what is f,

19:10 It is not f for a fool to live in luxury

26:1 honor is not f for a fool.

1 Co 14:40 everything should be done in a f

Col 3:18 to your husbands, as is f in the Lord

Heb 2:10 sons to glory, it was f that God,


Dt 11:18 F these words of mine

Pr 4:25 f your gaze directly before you.

2 Co 4:18 we f our eyes not on what is seen,

Heb 3:1 heavenly calling, f your thoughts

12:2 Let us f our eyes on Jesus,


2 Ti 1:6 you to fan into f the gift of God,


1 Co 3:15 only as one escaping through the f.

13:3 and surrender my body to the f,


Eph 6:16 you can extinguish all the f arrows


1 Co 15:52 in a f, in the twinkling of an eye,


Job 32:21 nor will I f any man;

Jude: 16 f others for their own advantage.


Ps 12:2 their f lips speak with deception.

Ps 12:3 May the LORD cut off all f lips

Pr 26:28 and a f mouth works ruin.


Ro 16:18 and f they deceive the minds

1 Th 2:5 You know we never used f,


2 Sa 22:31 the word of the LORD is f.

Job 11:4 You say to God, ‘My beliefs are f

Ps 12:6 And the words of the LORD are f,

18:30 the word of the LORD is f.

Pr 30:5 “Every word of God is f;

SS 5:2 my dove, my f one.


Ps 139:7 Where can I f from your presence?

1 Co 6:18 F from sexual immorality.

10:14 my dear friends, f from idolatry.

1 Ti 6:11 But you, man of God, f from all this

2 Ti 2:22 F the evil desires of youth,

Jas 4:7 Resist the devil, and he will f


Ps 89:47 Remember how f is my life.

Pr 31:30 Charm is deceptive, and beauty is f


Ge 2:23 and f of my f;

2:24 and they will become one f.

Job 19:26 yet in my f I will see God;

Eze 11:19 of stone and give them a heart of f.

36:26 of stone and give you a heart of f.

Mk 10:8 and the two will become one f.’

Jn 1:14 The Word became f and made his

6:51 This bread is my f, which I will give

1 Co 6:16 “The two will become one f.”

Eph 5:31 and the two will become one f.”

6:12 For our struggle is not against f


Isa 40:11 He tends his f like a shepherd:

Eze 34:2 not shepherds take care of the f?

Zec 11:17 who deserts the f!

Mt 26:31 the sheep of the f will be scattered.’

Ac 20:28 all the f of which the Holy Spirit

1 Pe 5:2 Be shepherds of God’s f that is


Lk 2:8 keeping watch over their f at night.


Ac 22:25 to f a Roman citizen who hasn’t


Mal 3:10 see if I will not throw open the f


Ps 52:8 f in the house of God;


Nu 13:27 and it does f with milk and honey!

Jn 7:38 streams of living water will f


Isa 40:7 The grass withers and the f fall,


Ex 3:8 a land f with milk and honey —


Pr 6:10 a little f of the hands to rest —


Ex 23:2 Do not f the crowd in doing wrong.

Lev 18:4 and be careful to f my decrees.

Dt 5:1 Learn them and be sure to f them.

Ps 23:6 Surely goodness and love will f me

Mt 16:24 and take up his cross and f me.

Jn 10:4 his sheep f him because they know

1 Co 14:1 F the way of love and eagerly

Rev 14:4 They f the Lamb wherever he goes.


1 Ti 1:18 by f them you may fight the good


Jn 8:12 Whoever f me will never walk


Pr 20:13 you will have f to spare.

22:9 for he shares his f with the poor.

25:21 If your enemy is hungry, give him f

31:15 she provides f for her family

Da 1:8 to defile himself with the royal f

Jn 6:27 Do not work for f that spoils,

Ro 14:14 fully convinced that no f is unclean

1 Co 8:8 But f does not bring us near to God

1 Ti 6:8 But if we have f and clothing,

Jas 2:15 sister is without clothes and daily f.


Mk 7:19 Jesus declared all f “clean.”)


Ps 14:1 The f says in his heart,

Pr 15:5 A f spurns his father’s discipline,

17:28 Even a f is thought wise

18:2 A f finds no pleasure

26:5 Answer a f according to his folly,

28:26 He who trusts in himself is a f,

Mt 5:22 But anyone who says, ‘You f!’


Pr 10:1 but a f son grief to his mother.

17:25 A f son brings grief to his father

Mt 7:26 practice is like a f man who built

25:2 of them were f and five were wise.

1 Co 1:27 God chose the f things of the world


1 Co 1:18 of the cross is f to those who are

1:25 For the f of God is wiser

2:14 for they are f to him, and he cannot

3:19 of this world is f in God’s sight.


Pr 14:9 F mock at making amends for sin,

1 Co 4:10 We are f for Christ, but you are


Jos 1:3 every place where you set your f,

Isa 1:6 From the sole of your f to the top

1 Co 12:15 If the f should say, “Because I am


Eph 4:27 and do not give the devil a f.


Ro 3:25 because in his f he had left the sins


1 Co 14:39 and do not f speaking in tongues.


Heb 1:1 spoke to our f through the prophets


Ro 8:29 For those God f he

11:2 not reject his people, whom he f.


1 Ch 16:15 He remembers his covenant f,

16:34 his love endures f.

Ps 9:7 The LORD reigns f;

23:6 dwell in the house of the LORD f.

33:11 the plans of the LORD stand firm f

86:12 I will glorify your name f.

92:8 But you, O LORD, are exalted f.

110:4 “You are a priest f,

119:111 Your statutes are my heritage f;

Jn 6:51 eats of this bread, he will live f.

14:16 Counselor to be with you f —

1 Co 9:25 it to get a crown that will last f.

1 Th 4:17 And so we will be with the Lord f.

Heb 13:8 same yesterday and today and f.

1 Pe 1:25 but the word of the Lord stands f.”

1 Jn 2:17 who does the will of God lives f.


Lk 9:25 and yet lose or f his very self?


Ps 32:5 and you f

Eph 4:32 just as in Christ God f you.

Col 2:13 He f us all our sins, having

3:13 Forgive as the Lord f you.


Dt 6:12 that you do not f the LORD,

Ps 103:2 and f not all his benefits.

137:5 may my right hand f [OB]its skill[CB].

Isa 49:15 “Can a mother f the baby

Heb 6:10 he will not f your work


Jn 16:21 her baby is born she f the anguish

Jas 1:24 immediately f what he looks like.


Php 3:13 F what is behind and straining


2 Ch 7:14 will f their sin and will heal their

Ps 19:12 F my hidden faults.

Mt 6:12 F us our debts,

6:14 For if you f men when they sin

18:21 many times shall I f my brother

Mk 11:25 in heaven may f you your sins.”

Lk 11:4 F us our sins,

23:34 Jesus said, “Father, f them,

Col 3:13 F as the Lord forgave you.

1 Jn 1:9 and just and will f us our sins


Ps 130:4 But with you there is f;

Ac 10:43 believes in him receives f of sins

Eph 1:7 through his blood, the f of sins,

Col 1:14 in whom we have redemption, the f

Heb 9:22 the shedding of blood there is no f.


Ne 9:17 But you are a f God, gracious

Eph 4:32 to one another, f each other,


Ge 2:7 And the LORD God f man

Ps 103:14 for he knows how we are f,

Isa 45:18 but f it to be inhabited —

Ro 9:20 “Shall what is f say to him who f it,

1 Ti 2:13 For Adam was f first, then Eve.

Heb 11:3 understand that the universe was f


Jos 1:5 I will never leave you nor f you.

24:16 “Far be it from us to f the LORD

2 Ch 15:2 but if you f him, he will f you.

Ps 27:10 Though my father and mother f me

Isa 55:7 Let the wicked f his way

Heb 13:5 never will I f you.”


Ps 22:1 my God, why have you f me?

37:25 I have never seen the righteous f

Mt 27:46 my God, why have you f me?”

Rev 2:4 You have f your first love.


Ps 18:2 The LORD is my rock, my f

71:3 for you are my rock and my f.


2 Ti 4:7 I have f the good fight, I have


1 Ch 28:9 If you seek him, he will be f by you;

Isa 55:6 Seek the LORD while he may be f;

Da 5:27 on the scales and f wanting.

Lk 15:6 with me; I have f my lost sheep.’

15:9 with me; I have f my lost coin.’

Ac 4:12 Salvation is f in no one else,


Isa 28:16 a precious cornerstone for a sure f;

1 Co 3:11 For no one can lay any f other

Eph 2:20 built on the f of the apostles

2 Ti 2:19 God’s solid f stands firm,


Mt 8:20 “F have holes and birds


2 Co 2:16 of death; to the other, the f of life.


Ps 146:7 The LORD sets prisoners f,

Jn 8:32 and the truth will set you f.”

Ro 6:18 You have been set f from sin

Gal 3:28 slave nor f, male nor female,

1 Pe 2:16 f men, but do not use your freedom


Rev 1:5 has f us from our sins by his blood,


Ro 8:21 into the glorious f of the children

2 Co 3:17 the Spirit of the Lord is, there is f.

Gal 5:13 But do not use your f to indulge

1 Pe 2:16 but do not use your f as a cover-up


Isa 55:7 and to our God, for he will f pardon

Mt 10:8 Freely you have received, f give.

Ro 3:24 and are justified f by his grace

Eph 1:6 which he has f given us


Ex 33:11 as a man speaks with his f.

Pr 17:17 A f loves at all times,

18:24 there is a f who sticks closer

27:6 Wounds from a f can be trusted,

27:10 Do not forsake your f and the f

Jas 4:4 Anyone who chooses to be a f


Pr 16:28 and a gossip separates close f.

Zec 13:6 given at the house of my f.’

Jn 15:13 that he lay down his life for his f.


Ps 1:3 which yields its f in season

Pr 11:30 The f of the righteous is a tree

Mt 7:16 By their f you will recognize them.

Jn 15:2 branch in me that bears no f,

Gal 5:22 But the f of the Spirit is love, joy,

Rev 22:2 of f, yielding its f every month.


Ge 1:22 “Be f and increase in number

Ps 128:3 Your wife will be like a f vine

Jn 15:2 prunes so that it will be even more f.


Ps 116:14 I will f my vows to the LORD

Mt 5:17 come to abolish them but to f them.

1 Co 7:3 husband should f his marital duty


Pr 13:19 A longing f is sweet to the soul,

Mk 14:49 But the Scriptures must be f.”

Ro 13:8 loves his fellowman has f the law.


Ro 13:10 Therefore love is the f of the law.


Ps 127:5 whose quiver is f of them.

Pr 31:11 Her husband has f confidence

Isa 6:3 the whole earth is f of his glory.”

11:9 for the earth will be f

Jn 10:10 may have life, and have it to the f.

Ac 6:3 known to be f of the Spirit


Col 1:19 to have all his f dwell in him,

2:9 in Christ all the f of the Deity lives


1 Ki 8:61 your hearts must be f committed

2 Ch 16:9 whose hearts are f committed

Ps 119:4 that are to be f obeyed.

119:138 they are f trustworthy.

1 Co 15:58 Always give yourselves f


Ps 37:37 there is a f for the man of peace.

Pr 23:18 There is surely a f hope for you,

Ro 8:38 neither the present nor the f,



Angel who interpreted Daniel’s visions (Da 8:16–26; 9:20–27); announced births of John (Lk 1:11–20), Jesus (Lk 1:26–38).


Ps 60:12 With God we will g the victory,

Mk 8:36 it for a man to g the whole world,

1 Co 13:3 but have not love, I g nothing.

Php 1:21 to live is Christ and to die is g.

3:8 that I may g Christ and be found

1 Ti 6:6 with contentment is great g.


Ro 5:2 through whom we have g access


Isa 9:1 but in the future he will honor G


Mt 27:34 mixed with g; but after tasting it,


Eze 22:30 stand before me in the g on behalf


Jn 15:1 true vine, and my Father is the g.


Ps 102:26 they will all wear out like a g.

Mt 9:16 of unshrunk cloth on an old g,

Jn 19:23 This g was seamless, woven


Ge 3:21 The LORD God made g of skin

Isa 61:10 me with g of salvation

63:1 with his g stained crimson?

Jn 19:24 “They divided my g among them


Mt 7:13 For wide is the g and broad is

Jn 10:9 I am the g; whoever enters


Ps 100:4 Enter his g with thanksgiving

Mt 16:18 the g of Hades will not overcome it


Zec 14:2 I will g all the nations to Jerusalem

Mt 12:30 he who does not g with me scatters

23:37 longed to g your children together,


Isa 40:11 He g the lambs in his arms

Mt 23:37 a hen g her chicks under her wings,


Ezr 2:69 According to their ability they g

Job 1:21 LORD g and the LORD has taken

Jn 3:16 so loved the world that he g his one

2 Co 8:5 they g themselves first to the Lord

Gal 2:20 who loved me and g himself for me

1 Ti 2:6 who g himself as a ransom


Ps 27:4 to g upon the beauty of the LORD

Pr 4:25 fix your g directly before you.


1 Ti 1:4 themselves to myths and endless g.


Ps 22:30 future g will be told about the Lord

102:12 your renown endures through all g.

145:13 dominion endures through all g.

Lk 1:48 now on all g will call me blessed,

Eph 3:5 not made known to men in other g


Ps 112:5 Good will come to him who is g

Pr 22:9 A g man will himself be blessed,

2 Co 9:5 Then it will be ready as a g gift,

1 Ti 6:18 and to be g and willing to share.


Ro 1:16 first for the Jew, then for the G.

10:12 difference between Jew and G —


Isa 42:6 and a light for the G,

Ro 3:9 and G alike are all under sin.

11:13 as I am the apostle to the G,

1 Co 1:23 block to Jews and foolishness to G,


Pr 15:1 A g answer turns away wrath,

Zec 9:9 g and riding on a donkey,

Mt 11:29 for I am g and humble in heart,

21:5 g and riding on a donkey,

1 Co 4:21 or in love and with a g spirit?

1 Pe 3:4 the unfading beauty of a g


2 Co 10:1 By the meekness and g of Christ,

Gal 5:23 faithfulness, g and self-control.

Php 4:5 Let your g be evident to all.

Col 3:12 kindness, humility, g and patience.

1 Ti 6:11 faith, love, endurance and g.

1 Pe 3:15 But do this with g and respect,


Mt 26:36 disciples to a place called G,


Judge, also called Jerub-Baal; freed Israel from Midianites (Jdg 6–8; Heb 11:32). Given sign of fleece (Jdg 6:36–40).


Pr 21:14 A g given in secret soothes anger,

Mt 5:23 if you are offering your g

Ac 2:38 And you will receive the g

Ro 6:23 but the g of God is eternal life

1 Co 7:7 each man has his own g from God;

2 Co 8:12 the g is acceptable according

9:15 be to God for his indescribable g!

Eph 2:8 it is the g of God — not by works,

1 Ti 4:14 not neglect your g, which was

2 Ti 1:6 you to fan into flame the g of God,

Jas 1:17 and perfect g is from above,

1 Pe 4:10 should use whatever g he has


Ro 11:29 for God’s g and his call are

12:6 We have different g, according

1 Co 12:4 There are different kinds of g,

12:31 But eagerly desire the greater g.

14:1 and eagerly desire spiritual g,

14:12 excel in g that build up the church.


Jer 8:22 Is there no balm in G?


Nu 6:26 and g you peace.” ’

1 Sa 1:11 then I will g him to the LORD

2 Ch 15:7 be strong and do not g up,

Pr 21:26 but the righteous g without sparing

23:26 My son, g me your heart

30:8 but g me only my daily bread.

31:31 G her the reward she has earned,

Isa 42:8 I will not g my glory to another

Eze 36:26 I will g you a new heart

Mt 6:11 G us today our daily bread.

10:8 Freely you have received, freely g.

22:21 “G to Caesar what is Caesar’s,

Mk 8:37 Or what can a man g in exchange

Lk 6:38 G, and it will be given to you.

11:13 Father in heaven g the Holy Spirit

Jn 10:28 I g them eternal life, and they shall

13:34 “A new commandment I g you:

Ac 20:35 blessed to g than to receive.’ ”

Ro 12:8 let him g generously;

13:7 G everyone what you owe him:

14:12 each of us will g an account

2 Co 9:7 Each man should g what he has

Rev 14:7 “Fear God and g him glory,


Nu 8:16 are to be g wholly to me.

Ps 115:16 but the earth he has g to man.

Isa 9:6 to us a son is g,

Mt 6:33 and all these things will be g to you

7:7 “Ask and it will be g to you;

Lk 22:19 saying, “This is my body g for you;

Jn 3:27 man can receive only what is g him

Ro 5:5 the Holy Spirit, whom he has g us.

1 Co 4:2 those who have been g a trust must

12:13 we were all g the one Spirit to drink

Eph 4:7 to each one of us grace has been g


Pr 18:16 A gift opens the way for the g

2 Co 9:7 for God loves a cheerful g.


Ps 119:130 The unfolding of your words g light;

Pr 14:30 A heart at peace g life to the body,

15:30 good news g health to the bones.

28:27 He who g to the poor will lack

Isa 40:29 He g strength to the weary

Mt 10:42 if anyone g even a cup of cold water

Jn 6:63 The Spirit g life; the flesh counts

1 Co 15:57 He g us the victory

2 Co 3:6 the letter kills, but the Spirit g life.


Ne 8:8 g the meaning so that the people

Ps 19:8 g joy to the heart.

Mt 6:4 so that your g may be in secret.

2 Co 8:7 also excel in this grace of g.


Ps 31:7 I will be g and rejoice in your love,

46:4 whose streams make g the city

97:1 LORD reigns, let the earth be g;

118:24 let us rejoice and be g in it.

Pr 23:25 May your father and mother be g;

Zec 2:10 and be g, O Daughter of Zion.

Mt 5:12 be g, because great is your reward


Ps 45:15 They are led in with joy and g;

51:8 Let me hear joy and g;

100:2 Serve the LORD with g;

Jer 31:13 I will turn their mourning into g;


Jn 13:31 Son of Man g and God is g in him.

Ro 8:30 those he justified, he also g.

2 Th 1:10 comes to be g in his holy people


Ps 34:3 G the LORD with me;

86:12 I will g your name forever.

Jn 13:32 God will g the Son in himself,

17:1 G your Son, that your Son may


Ps 45:13 All g is the princess

111:3 G and majestic are his deeds,

145:5 of the g splendor of your majesty,

Isa 4:2 the LORD will be beautiful and g,

12:5 for he has done g things;

42:21 to make his law great and g.

63:15 from your lofty throne, holy and g.

Mt 19:28 the Son of Man sits on his g throne,

Lk 9:31 appeared in g splendor, talking

Ac 2:20 of the great and g day of the Lord.

2 Co 3:8 of the Spirit be even more g?

Php 3:21 so that they will be like his g body.

4:19 to his g riches in Christ Jesus.

Tit 2:13 the g appearing of our great God

Jude: 24 before his g presence without fault


Ex 15:11 awesome in g,

33:18 Moses said, “Now show me your g

1 Sa 4:21 “The g has departed from Israel” —

1 Ch 16:24 Declare his g among the nations,

16:28 ascribe to the LORD g

29:11 and the g and the majesty

Ps 8:5 and crowned him with g and honor

19:1 The heavens declare the g of God;

24:7 that the King of g may come in.

29:1 ascribe to the LORD g

72:19 the whole earth be filled with his g.

96:3 Declare his g among the nations,

Pr 19:11 it is to his g to overlook an offense.

25:2 It is the g of God to conceal

Isa 6:3 the whole earth is full of his g.”

48:11 I will not yield my g to another.

Eze 43:2 and the land was radiant with his g.

Mt 24:30 of the sky, with power and great g.

25:31 the Son of Man comes in his g,

Mk 8:38 in his Father’s g with the holy

13:26 in clouds with great power and g.

Lk 2:9 and the g of the Lord shone

2:14 saying, “G to God in the highest,

Jn 1:14 We have seen his g, the g of the One

17:5 presence with the g I had with you

17:24 to see my g, the g you have given

Ac 7:2 The God of g appeared

Ro 1:23 exchanged the g of the immortal

3:23 and fall short of the g of God,

8:18 with the g that will be revealed

9:4 theirs the divine g, the covenants,

1 Co 10:31 whatever you do, do it all for the g

11:7 but the woman is the g of man.

15:43 it is raised in g; it is sown

2 Co 3:10 comparison with the surpassing g.

3:18 faces all reflect the Lord’s g,

4:17 us an eternal g that far outweighs

Col 1:27 Christ in you, the hope of g.

3:4 also will appear with him in g.

1 Ti 3:16 was taken up in g.

Heb 1:3 The Son is the radiance of God’s g

2:7 you crowned him with g and honor

1 Pe 1:24 and all their g is like the flowers

Rev 4:11 to receive g and honor and power,

21:23 for the g of God gives it light,


Tit 1:12 always liars, evil brutes, lazy g.”


Mt 8:12 where there will be weeping and g


Mt 23:24 You strain out a g but swallow


2 Co 5:9 So we make it our g to please him,

Gal 3:3 to attain your g by human effort?

Php 3:14 on toward the g to win the prize


Isa 11:6 the leopard will lie down with the g


Nu 7:17 five male g and five male lambs


Ge 1:1 In the beginning G created

1:2 and the Spirit of G was hovering

1:26 Then G said, “Let us make man

1:27 So G created man in his own image

1:31 G saw all that he had made,

2:3 And G blessed the seventh day

2:22 Then the LORD G made a woman

3:21 The LORD G made garments

3:23 So the LORD G banished him

5:22 Enoch walked with G 300 years

6:2 sons of G saw that the daughters

9:16 everlasting covenant between G

17:1 “I am G Almighty; walk before me

21:33 name of the LORD, the Eternal G.

22:8 “G himself will provide the lamb

28:12 and the angels of G were ascending

32:28 because you have struggled with G

32:30 “It is because I saw G face to face,

35:10 G said to him, “Your name is Jacob

41:51 G has made me forget all my

50:20 but G intended it for good

Ex 2:24 G heard their groaning

3:6 because he was afraid to look at G.

6:7 own people, and I will be your G.

8:10 is no one like the LORD our G.

13:18 So G led the people

15:2 He is my G, and I will praise him,

17:9 with the staff of G in my hands.”

19:3 Then Moses went up to G,

20:2 the LORD your G, who brought

20:5 the LORD your G, am a jealous G,

20:19 But do not have G speak to us

22:28 “Do not blaspheme G

31:18 inscribed by the finger of G.

34:6 the compassionate and gracious G,

34:14 name is Jealous, is a jealous G.

Lev 18:21 not profane the name of your G.

19:2 the LORD your G, am holy.

26:12 walk among you and be your G,

Nu 22:38 I must speak only what G puts

23:19 G is not a man, that he should lie,

Dt 1:17 for judgment belongs to G.

3:22 LORD your G himself will fight

3:24 For what g is there in heaven

4:24 is a consuming fire, a jealous G.

4:31 the LORD your G is a merciful G;

4:39 heart this day that the LORD is G

5:11 the name of the LORD your G,

5:14 a Sabbath to the LORD your G.

5:26 of the living G speaking out of fire,

6:4 LORD our G, the LORD is one.

6:5 Love the LORD your G

6:13 the LORD your G, serve him only

6:16 Do not test the LORD your G

7:9 your G is G; he is the faithful G,

7:12 the LORD your G will keep his

7:21 is a great and awesome G.

8:5 the LORD your G disciplines you.

10:12 but to fear the LORD your G,

10:14 the LORD your G belong

10:17 For the LORD your G is G of gods

11:13 to love the LORD your G

13:3 The LORD your G is testing you

13:4 the LORD your G you must

15:6 the LORD your G will bless you

19:9 to love the LORD your G

25:16 the LORD your G detests anyone

29:29 belong to the LORD our G,

Dt 30:2 return to the LORD your G

30:16 today to love the LORD your G,

30:20 you may love the LORD your G,

31:6 for the LORD your G goes

32:3 Oh, praise the greatness of our G!

32:4 A faithful G who does no wrong,

33:27 The eternal G is your refuge,

Jos 1:9 for the LORD your G will be

14:8 the LORD my G wholeheartedly.

22:5 to love the LORD your G,

22:34 Between Us that the LORD is G.

23:11 careful to love the LORD your G.

23:14 the LORD your G gave you has

Jdg 16:28 O G, please strengthen me just

Ru 1:16 be my people and your G my G.

1 Sa 2:2 there is no Rock like our G.

2:3 for the LORD is a G who knows,

2:25 another man, G may mediate

10:26 men whose hearts G had touched.

12:12 the LORD your G was your king.

17:26 defy the armies of the living G?”

17:46 world will know that there is a G

30:6 strength in the LORD his G.

2 Sa 14:14 But G does not take away life;

22:3 my G is my rock, in whom I take

22:31 “As for G, his way is perfect;

1 Ki 4:29 G gave Solomon wisdom

8:23 there is no G like you in heaven

8:27 “But will G really dwell on earth?

8:61 committed to the LORD our G,

18:21 If the LORD is G, follow him;

18:37 are G, and that you are turning

20:28 a g of the hills and not a g

2 Ki 19:15 G of Israel, enthroned

1 Ch 16:35 Cry out, “Save us, O G our Savior;

28:2 for the footstool of our G,

28:9 acknowledge the G of your father,

29:10 G of our father Israel,

29:17 my G, that you test the heart

2 Ch 2:4 for the Name of the LORD my G

5:14 of the LORD filled the temple of G

6:18 “But will G really dwell on earth

18:13 I can tell him only what my G says

20:6 are you not the G who is in heaven?

25:8 for G has the power to help

30:9 for the LORD your G is gracious

33:12 the favor of the LORD his G

Ezr 8:22 “The good hand of our G is

9:6 “O my G, I am too ashamed

9:13 our G, you have punished us less

Ne 1:5 the great and awesome G,

8:8 from the Book of the Law of G,

9:17 But you are a forgiving G,

9:32 the great, mighty and awesome G,

Job 1:1 he feared G and shunned evil.

2:10 Shall we accept good from G,

4:17 a mortal be more righteous than G?

5:17 is the man whom G corrects;

11:7 Can you fathom the mysteries of G

19:26 yet in my flesh I will see G;

22:13 Yet you say, ‘What does G know?

25:4 can a man be righteous before G?

33:14 For G does speak — now one way,

34:12 is unthinkable that G would do

36:26 is G — beyond our understanding!

37:22 G comes in awesome majesty.

Ps 18:2 my G is my rock, in whom I take

18:28 my G turns my darkness into light.

19:1 The heavens declare the glory of G;

22:1 G, my G, why have you forsaken

29:3 the G of glory thunders,

Ps 31:14 I say, “You are my G.”

40:3 a hymn of praise to our G.

40:8 I desire to do your will, O my G;

42:2 thirsts for G, for the living G.

42:11 Put your hope in G,

45:6 O G, will last for ever and ever;

46:1 G is our refuge and strength,

46:10 “Be still, and know that I am G;

47:7 For G is the King of all the earth;

50:3 Our G comes and will not be silent;

51:1 Have mercy on me, O G,

51:10 Create in me a pure heart, O G,

51:17 O G, you will not despise.

62:7 my honor depend on G;

65:5 O G our Savior,

66:1 Shout with joy to G, all the earth!

66:16 listen, all you who fear G;

68:6 G sets the lonely in families,

71:17 my youth, O G, you have taught

71:19 reaches to the skies, O G,

71:22 harp for your faithfulness, O my G;

73:26 but G is the strength of my heart

77:13 What g is so great as our God?

78:19 Can G spread a table in the desert?

81:1 Sing for joy to G our strength;

84:2 out for the living G.

84:10 a doorkeeper in the house of my G

86:12 O Lord my G, with all my heart;

89:7 of the holy ones G is greatly feared;

90:2 to everlasting you are G.

91:2 my G, in whom I trust.”

95:7 for he is our G

100:3 Know that the LORD is G.

108:1 My heart is steadfast, O G;

113:5 Who is like the LORD our G,

139:23 Search me, O G, and know my

Pr 3:4 in the sight of G and man.

25:2 of G to conceal a matter;

30:5 “Every word of G is flawless;

Ecc 3:11 cannot fathom what G has done

11:5 cannot understand the work of G,

12:13 Fear G and keep his

Isa 9:6 Wonderful Counselor, Mighty G,

37:16 you alone are G over all

40:3 a highway for our G.

40:8 the word of our G stands forever.”

40:28 The LORD is the everlasting G,

41:10 not be dismayed, for I am your G.

44:6 apart from me there is no G.

52:7 “Your G reigns!”

55:7 to our G, for he will freely pardon.

57:21 says my G, “for the wicked.”

59:2 you from your G;

61:10 my soul rejoices in my G.

62:5 so will your G rejoice over you.

Jer 23:23 “Am I only a G nearby,”

31:33 I will be their G,

32:27 “I am the LORD, the G

Eze 28:13 the garden of G;

Da 3:17 the G we serve is able to save us

9:4 O Lord, the great and awesome G,

Hos 12:6 and wait for your G always.

Joel 2:13 Return to the LORD your G,

Am 4:12 prepare to meet your G, O Israel.”

Mic 6:8 and to walk humbly with your G.

Na 1:2 LORD is a jealous and avenging G;

Zec 14:5 Then the LORD my G will come,

Mal 3:8 Will a man rob G? Yet you rob me.

Mt 1:23 which means, “G with us.”

5:8 for they will see G.

6:24 You cannot serve both G

19:6 Therefore what G has joined

19:26 but with G all things are possible.”

Mt 22:21 and to G what is God’s.”

22:37 “ ‘Love the Lord your G

27:46 which means, “My G, my G,

Mk 12:29 the Lord our G, the Lord is one.

16:19 and he sat at the right hand of G.

Lk 1:37 For nothing is impossible with G.”

1:47 my spirit rejoices in G my Savior,

10:9 ‘The kingdom of G is near you.’

10:27 “ ‘Love the Lord your G

18:19 “No one is good — except G alone.

Jn 1:1 was with G, and the Word was G.

1:18 seen G, but G the One and Only,

3:16 “For G so loved the world that he

4:24 G is spirit, and his worshipers must

14:1 Trust in G; trust also in me.

20:28 “My Lord and my G!”

Ac 2:24 But G raised him from the dead,

5:4 You have not lied to men but to G

5:29 “We must obey G rather than men!

7:55 to heaven and saw the glory of G,


20:27 to you the whole will of G.

20:32 “Now I commit you to G

Ro 1:17 a righteousness from G is revealed,

2:11 For G does not show favoritism.

3:4 Let G be true, and every man a liar.

3:23 and fall short of the glory of G,

4:24 to whom G will credit

5:8 G demonstrates his own love for us

6:23 but the gift of G is eternal life

8:28 in all things G works for the good

11:22 the kindness and sternness of G:

14:12 give an account of himself to G.

1 Co 1:20 Has not G made foolish

2:9 what G has prepared

3:6 watered it, but G made it grow.

6:20 Therefore honor G with your body.

7:24 each man, as responsible to G,

8:8 food does not bring us near to G;

10:13 G is faithful; he will not let you be

10:31 do it all for the glory of G.

14:33 For G is not a G of disorder

15:28 so that G may be all in all.

2 Co 1:9 rely on ourselves but on G,

2:14 be to G, who always leads us

3:5 but our competence comes from G.

4:7 this all-surpassing power is from G

5:19 that G was reconciling the world

5:21 G made him who had no sin

6:16 we are the temple of the living G.

9:7 for G loves a cheerful giver.

9:8 G is able to make all grace abound

Gal 2:6 G does not judge by external

6:7 not be deceived: G cannot be

Eph 2:10 which G prepared in advance for us

4:6 one baptism; one G and Father

5:1 Be imitators of G, therefore,

Php 2:6 Who, being in very nature G,

4:19 And my G will meet all your needs

1 Th 2:4 trying to please men but G,

4:7 For G did not call us to be impure,

4:9 taught by G to love each other.

5:9 For G did not appoint us

1 Ti 2:5 one mediator between G and men,

4:4 For everything G created is good,

5:4 for this is pleasing to G.

Tit 2:13 glorious appearing of our great G

Heb 1:1 In the past G spoke

Heb 4:12 For the word of G is living

6:10 G is not unjust; he will not forget

10:31 to fall into the hands of the living G

11:6 faith it is impossible to please G,

12:10 but G disciplines us for our good,

12:29 for our “G is a consuming fire.”

13:15 offer to G a sacrifice of praise —

Jas 1:13 For G cannot be tempted by evil,

2:19 You believe that there is one G.

2:23 “Abraham believed G,

4:4 the world becomes an enemy of G.

4:8 Come near to G and he will come

1 Pe 4:11 it with the strength G provides,

2 Pe 1:21 but men spoke from G

1 Jn 1:5 G is light; in him there is no

3:20 For G is greater than our hearts,

4:7 for love comes from G.

4:9 This is how G showed his love

4:11 Dear friends, since G so loved us,

4:12 No one has ever seen G;

4:16 G is love.

Rev 4:8 holy is the Lord G Almighty,

7:17 G will wipe away every tear

19:6 For our Lord G Almighty reigns.


2 Ti 3:16 All Scripture is G and is useful


2 Ch 20:15 For the battle is not yours, but G.

Job 37:14 stop and consider G wonders.

Ps 52:8 I trust in G unfailing love

69:30 I will praise G name in song

Mk 3:35 Whoever does G will is my brother

Jn 7:17 If anyone chooses to do G will,

10:36 ‘I am G Son’? Do not believe me

Ro 2:3 think you will escape G judgment?

2:4 not realizing that G kindness leads

3:3 lack of faith nullify G faithfulness?

7:22 in my inner being I delight in G law

9:16 or effort, but on G mercy.

11:29 for G gifts and his call are

12:2 and approve what G will is —

12:13 Share with G people who are

13:6 for the authorities are G servants,

1 Co 7:19 Keeping G commands is what

2 Co 6:2 now is the time of G favor,

Eph 1:7 riches of G grace that he lavished

1 Th 4:3 It is G will that you should be

5:18 for this is G will for you

1 Ti 6:1 so that G name and our teaching

2 Ti 2:19 G solid foundation stands firm,

Tit 1:7 overseer is entrusted with G work,

Heb 1:3 The Son is the radiance of G glory

9:24 now to appear for us in G presence.

11:3 was formed at G command,

1 Pe 2:15 For it is G will that

3:4 which is of great worth in G sight.

1 Jn 2:5 G love is truly made complete


1 Ti 2:2 and quiet lives in all g and holiness.

4:8 but g has value for all things,

6:6 g with contentment is great gain.

6:11 and pursue righteousness, g, faith,


Ps 4:3 that the LORD has set apart the g

2 Co 7:10 G sorrow brings repentance that

11:2 jealous for you with a g jealousy.

2 Ti 3:12 everyone who wants to live a g life

2 Pe 3:11 You ought to live holy and g lives


Ex 20:3 “You shall have no other g

Ac 19:26 He says that man-made g are no g


Job 23:10 tested me, I will come forth as g.

Ps 19:10 They are more precious than g,

119:127 more than g, more than pure g,

Pr 22:1 esteemed is better than silver or g.


Jn 19:17 (which in Aramaic is called G).


Philistine giant killed by David (1 Sa 17; 21:9).


Ge 1:4 God saw that the light was g,

1:31 he had made, and it was very g.

2:18 “It is not g for the man to be alone.

50:20 but God intended it for g

Job 2:10 Shall we accept g from God,

Ps 14:1 there is no one who does g.

34:8 Taste and see that the LORD is g;

37:3 Trust in the LORD and do g;

84:11 no g thing does he withhold

86:5 You are forgiving and g, O Lord

103:5 satisfies your desires with g things,

119:68 You are g, and what you do is g;

133:1 How g and pleasant it is

147:1 How g it is to sing praises

Pr 3:4 you will win favor and a g name

11:27 He who seeks g finds g will,

17:22 A cheerful heart is g medicine,

18:22 He who finds a wife finds what is g

22:1 A g name is more desirable

31:12 She brings him g, not harm,

Isa 5:20 Woe to those who call evil g

52:7 the feet of those who bring g news,

Jer 6:16 ask where the g way is,

32:39 the g of their children after them.

Mic 6:8 has showed you, O man, what is g.

Mt 5:45 sun to rise on the evil and the g,

7:17 Likewise every g tree bears g fruit,

12:35 The g man brings g things out

19:17 “There is only One who is g.

25:21 ’Well done, g and faithful servant!

Mk 3:4 lawful on the Sabbath: to do g

8:36 What g is it for a man

Lk 6:27 do g to those who hate you,

Jn 10:11 “I am the g shepherd.

Ro 8:28 for the g of those who love him,

10:15 feet of those who bring g news!”

12:9 Hate what is evil; cling to what is g.

1 Co 10:24 should seek his own g, but the g

15:33 Bad company corrupts g character

2 Co 9:8 you will abound in every g work.

Gal 6:9 us not become weary in doing g,

6:10 as we have opportunity, let us do g

Eph 2:10 in Christ Jesus to do g works,

Php 1:6 that he who began a g work

1 Th 5:21 Hold on to the g.

1 Ti 3:7 have a g reputation with outsiders,

4:4 For everything God created is g,

6:12 Fight the g fight of the faith.

6:18 them to do g, to be rich in g deeds,

2 Ti 3:17 equipped for every g work.

4:7 I have fought the g fight, I have

Heb 12:10 but God disciplines us for our g,

1 Pe 2:3 you have tasted that the Lord is g.

2:12 Live such g lives among the pagans


Ro 1:16 I am not ashamed of the g,

Ro 15:16 duty of proclaiming the g of God,

1 Co 1:17 to preach the g — not with words

9:16 Woe to me if I do not preach the g!

15:1 you of the g I preached to you,

Gal 1:7 a different g — which is really no g

Php 1:27 in a manner worthy of the g


Pr 11:13 A g betrays a confidence,

16:28 and a g separates close friends.

18:8 of a g are like choice morsels;

26:20 without g a quarrel dies down.

2 Co 12:20 slander, g, arrogance and disorder.


Ps 45:2 lips have been anointed with g,

Jn 1:17 g and truth came through Jesus

Ac 20:32 to God and to the word of his g,

Ro 3:24 and are justified freely by his g

5:15 came by the g of the one man,

5:17 God’s abundant provision of g

5:20 where sin increased, g increased all

6:14 you are not under law, but under g.

11:6 if by g, then it is no longer by works

2 Co 6:1 not to receive God’s g in vain.

8:9 For you know the g

9:8 able to make all g abound to you,

12:9 “My g is sufficient for you,

Gal 2:21 I do not set aside the g of God,

5:4 you have fallen away from g.

Eph 1:7 riches of God’s g that he lavished

2:5 it is by g you have been saved.

2:7 the incomparable riches of his g,

2:8 For it is by g you have been saved,

Php 1:7 all of you share in God’s g with me.

Col 4:6 conversation be always full of g,

2 Th 2:16 and by his g gave us eternal

2 Ti 2:1 be strong in the g that is

Tit 2:11 For the g of God that brings

3:7 having been justified by his g,

Heb 2:9 that by the g of God he might taste

4:16 find g to help us in our time of need

4:16 the throne of g with confidence,

Jas 4:6 but gives g to the humble.”

2 Pe 3:18 But grow in the g and knowledge


Nu 6:25 and be g to you;

Pr 22:11 a pure heart and whose speech is g

Isa 30:18 Yet the LORD longs to be g to you


1 Co 9:9 ox while it is treading out the g.”


Php 1:29 For it has been g to you on behalf


Ps 103:15 As for man, his days are like g,

1 Pe 1:24 “All men are like g,


Pr 7:27 Her house is a highway to the g,

Hos 13:14 Where, O g, is your destruction?


Jn 5:28 are in their g will hear his voice

Ro 3:13 “Their throats are open g;


Ge 12:2 “I will make you into a g nation

Dt 10:17 the g God, mighty and awesome,

2 Sa 22:36 you stoop down to make me g.

Ps 19:11 in keeping them there is g reward.

89:1 of the LORD’s g love forever;

103:11 so g is his love for those who fear

107:43 consider the g love of the LORD.

Ps 108:4 For g is your love, higher

119:165 G peace have they who love your

145:3 G is the LORD and most worthy

Pr 23:24 of a righteous man has g joy;

Isa 42:21 to make his law g and glorious.

La 3:23 g is your faithfulness.

Mk 10:43 whoever wants to become g

Lk 21:27 in a cloud with power and g glory.

1 Ti 6:6 with contentment is g gain.

Tit 2:13 glorious appearing of our g God

Heb 2:3 if we ignore such a g salvation?

1 Jn 3:1 How g is the love the Father has


Mk 12:31 There is no commandment g

Jn 1:50 You shall see g things than that.”

15:13 G love has no one than this,

1 Co 12:31 But eagerly desire the g gifts.

Heb 11:26 as of g value than the treasures

1 Jn 3:20 For God is g than our hearts,

4:4 is in you is g than the one who is


Mt 22:38 is the first and g commandment.

Lk 9:48 least among you all — he is the g.”

1 Co 13:13 But the g of these is love.


Ps 145:3 his g no one can fathom.

150:2 praise him for his surpassing g.

Isa 63:1 forward in the g of his strength?

Php 3:8 compared to the surpassing g


Lk 12:15 on your guard against all kinds of g

Ro 1:29 kind of wickedness, evil, g

Eph 5:3 or of any kind of impurity, or of g,

Col 3:5 evil desires and g, which is idolatry

2 Pe 2:14 experts in g — an accursed brood!


Pr 15:27 A g man brings trouble

1 Co 6:10 nor thieves nor the g nor drunkards

Eph 5:5 No immoral, impure or g person —

1 Pe 5:2 not g for money, but eager to serve;


Ps 23:2 makes me lie down in g pastures,


Lk 2:52 And Jesus g in wisdom and stature,

Ac 16:5 in the faith and g daily in numbers.


Ps 10:14 O God, do see trouble and g;

Pr 14:13 and joy may end in g.

La 3:32 Though he brings g, he will show

Jn 16:20 but your g will turn to joy.

1 Pe 1:6 had to suffer g in all kinds of trials.


Eph 4:30 do not g the Holy Spirit of God,

1 Th 4:13 or to g like the rest of men,


Ge 3:17 “Cursed is the g because of you;

Ex 3:5 where you are standing is holy g.”

Eph 6:13 you may be able to stand your g,


Pr 13:11 by little makes it g.

1 Co 3:6 watered it, but God made it g.

2 Pe 3:18 But g in the grace and knowledge


1 Co 10:10 And do not g, as some of them did

Jas 5:9 Don’t g against each other,


Jn 6:43 “Stop g among yourselves,”

1 Pe 4:9 to one another without g.


Heb 7:22 Jesus has become the g


2 Co 1:22 as a deposit, g what is to come.

Eph 1:14 who is a deposit g our inheritance


Ps 141:3 Set a g over my mouth, O LORD;

Pr 4:23 Above all else, g your heart,

Isa 52:12 the God of Israel will be your rear g

Mk 13:33 Be on g! Be alert! You do not know

1 Co 16:13 Be on your g; stand firm in the faith

Php 4:7 will g your hearts and your minds

1 Ti 6:20 g what has been entrusted


Pr 13:3 He who g his lips g his life,

19:16 who obeys instructions g his life,

21:23 He who g his mouth and his tongue

22:5 he who g his soul stays far


Ex 13:21 of cloud to g them on their way

15:13 In your strength you will g them

Ne 9:19 cease to g them on their path,

Ps 25:5 g me in your truth and teach me,

43:3 let them g me;

48:14 he will be our g even to the end.

67:4 and g the nations of the earth.

73:24 You g me with your counsel,

139:10 even there your hand will g me,

Pr 4:11 I g you in the way of wisdom

6:22 When you walk, they will g you;

Isa 58:11 The LORD will g you always;

Jn 16:13 comes, he will g you into all truth.


Ex 34:7 does not leave the g unpunished;

Jn 8:46 Can any of you prove me g of sin?

Heb 10:22 to cleanse us from a g conscience

Jas 2:10 at just one point is g of breaking all



Mt 16:18 the gates of H will not overcome it.


Servant of Sarah, wife of Abraham, mother of Ishmael (Ge 16:1–6; 25:12). Driven away by Sarah while pregnant (Ge 16:5–16); after birth of Isaac (Ge 21:9–21; Gal 4:21–31).


Post-exilic prophet who encouraged rebuilding of the temple (Ezr 5:1; 6:14; Hag 1–2).


Lk 21:18 But not a h of your head will perish

1 Co 11:6 for a woman to have her h cut


Mt 10:30 even the very h of your head are all


Rev 19:1, 3, 4, 6


Mt 6:9 h be your name,


Ps 16:8 Because he is at my right h,

37:24 the LORD upholds him with his h.

139:10 even there your h will guide me,

Ecc 9:10 Whatever your h finds to do,

Mt 6:3 know what your right h is doing,

Jn 10:28 one can snatch them out of my h.

1 Co 12:15 I am not a h, I do not belong


Ps 22:16 they have pierced my h

24:4 He who has clean h and a pure

31:5 Into your h I commit my spirit;

31:15 My times are in your h;

Pr 10:4 Lazy h make a man poor,

31:20 and extends her h to the needy.

Isa 55:12 will clap their h.

65:2 All day long I have held out my h

Lk 23:46 into your h I commit my spirit.”

1 Th 4:11 and to work with your h,

1 Ti 2:8 to lift up holy h in prayer,

5:22 hasty in the laying on of h,


Wife of Elkanah, mother of Samuel (1 Sa 1). Prayer at dedication of Samuel (1 Sa 2:1–10). Blessed (1 Sa 2:18–21).


Ps 68:3 may they be h and joyful.

Pr 15:13 A h heart makes the face cheerful,

Ecc 3:12 better for men than to be h

Jas 5:13 Is anyone h? Let him sing songs


Ge 18:14 Is anything too h for the LORD?

Mt 19:23 it is h for a rich man

1 Co 4:12 We work h with our own hands.

1 Th 5:12 to respect those who work h


Ro 9:18 he hardens whom he wants to h.

Heb 3:8 do not h your hearts


Dt 15:7 do not be h or tightfisted


Ro 8:35 Shall trouble or h or persecution

2 Ti 2:3 Endure h with us like a good

4:5 endure h, do the work

Heb 12:7 Endure h as discipline; God is


Ps 121:6 the sun will not h you by day,

Pr 3:29 not plot h against your neighbor,

31:12 She brings him good, not h,

Ro 13:10 Love does no h to its neighbor.

1 Jn 5:18 and the evil one cannot h him.


Ro 12:16 Live in h with one another.

2 Co 6:15 What h is there between Christ

1 Pe 3:8 live in h with one another;


Mt 9:37 h is plentiful but the workers are

Jn 4:35 at the fields! They are ripe for h.

Gal 6:9 at the proper time we will reap a h

Heb 12:11 it produces a h of righteousness


Pr 21:5 as surely as h leads to poverty.

29:20 Do you see a man who speaks in h?


Pr 19:2 nor to be h and miss the way.

Ecc 5:2 do not be h in your heart

1 Ti 5:22 Do not be h in the laying


Lev 19:17 “ ‘Do not h your brother

Ps 5:5 you h all who do wrong.

45:7 righteousness and h wickedness;

97:10 those who love the LORD h evil,

139:21 Do I not h those who h you,

Pr 8:13 To fear the LORD is to h evil;

Am 5:15 H evil, love good;

Mal 2:16 “I h divorce,” says the LORD God

Mt 5:43 your neighbor and h your enemy.’

10:22 All men will h you because of me,

Lk 6:27 do good to those who h you,

Ro 12:9 H what is evil; cling to what is good


Ro 9:13 “Jacob I loved, but Esau I h.”

Eph 5:29 no one ever h his own body,

Heb 1:9 righteousness and h wickedness;


Pr 6:16 There are six things the LORD h,

13:24 He who spares the rod h his son,

Jn 3:20 Everyone who does evil h the light,

1 Jn 2:9 h his brother is still in the darkness.


Pr 10:12 H stirs up dissension,

Jas 4:4 with the world is h toward God?


Pr 16:18 a h spirit before a fall.


1 Co 3:12 costly stones, wood, h or straw,


Ge 3:15 he will crush your h,

Ps 23:5 You anoint my h with oil;

Pr 25:22 will heap burning coals on his h,

Isa 59:17 and the helmet of salvation on his h

Mt 8:20 of Man has no place to lay his h.”

Ro 12:20 will heap burning coals on his h.”

1 Co 11:3 and the h of Christ is God.

12:21 And the h cannot say to the feet,

Eph 5:23 For the husband is the h of the wife

2 Ti 4:5 keep your h in all situations,

Rev 19:12 and on his h are many crowns.


Lev 26:13 you to walk with h held high.

Isa 35:10 everlasting joy will crown their h.


2 Ch 7:14 their sin and will h their land.

Ps 41:4 h me, for I have sinned against you

Mt 10:8 H the sick, raise the dead,

Lk 4:23 to me: ‘Physician, h yourself!

5:17 present for him to h the sick.


Isa 53:5 and by his wounds we are h.

Mt 9:22 he said, “your faith has h you.”

14:36 and all who touched him were h.

Ac 4:10 this man stands before you h.

14:9 saw that he had faith to be h

Jas 5:16 for each other so that you may be h

1 Pe 2:24 by his wounds you have been h.


Eze 47:12 for food and their leaves for h.”

Mal 4:2 rise with h in its wings.

1 Co 12:9 to another gifts of h

12:30 Do all have gifts of h? Do all speak

Rev 22:2 are for the h of the nations.


Ex 15:26 for I am the LORD, who h you.”

Ps 103:3 and h all your diseases;

147:3 He h the brokenhearted


Pr 3:8 This will bring h to your body

15:30 and good news gives h to the bones


Mk 2:17 “It is not the h who need a doctor,


Dt 6:4 H, O Israel: The LORD our God,

31:13 must h it and learn

2 Ch 7:14 then will I h from heaven

Ps 94:9 he who implanted the ear not h?

Isa 29:18 that day the deaf will h the words

65:24 while they are still speaking I will h

Mt 11:15 He who has ears, let him h.

Jn 8:47 reason you do not h is that you do

2 Ti 4:3 what their itching ears want to h.


Job 42:5 My ears had h of you

Isa 66:8 Who has ever h of such a thing?

Mt 5:21 “You have h that it was said

5:27 “You have h that it was said,

5:33 you have h that it was said

Mt 5:38 “You have h that it was said,

5:43 “You have h that it was said,

1 Co 2:9 no ear has h,

1 Th 2:13 word of God, which you h from us,

2 Ti 1:13 What you h from me, keep

Jas 1:25 not forgetting what he has h,


Ro 10:17 faith comes from h the message,


Jn 5:24 whoever h my word and believes

1 Jn 5:14 according to his will, he h us.

Rev 3:20 If anyone h my voice and opens


Ex 25:2 each man whose h prompts him

Lev 19:17 Do not hate your brother in your h.

Dt 4:29 if you look for him with all your h

6:5 LORD your God with all your h

10:12 LORD your God with all your h

15:10 and do so without a grudging h;

30:6 you may love him with all your h

30:10 LORD your God with all your h

Jos 22:5 and to serve him with all your h

1 Sa 13:14 sought out a man after his own h

16:7 but the LORD looks at the h.”

2 Ki 23:3 with all his h and all his soul,

1 Ch 28:9 for the LORD searches every h

2 Ch 7:16 and my h will always be there.

Job 22:22 and lay up his words in your h.

37:1 “At this my h pounds

Ps 14:1 The fool says in his h,

19:14 and the meditation of my h

37:4 will give you the desires of your h.

45:1 My h is stirred by a noble theme

51:10 Create in me a pure h, O God,

51:17 a broken and contrite h,

66:18 If I had cherished sin in my h,

86:11 give me an undivided h,

119:11 I have hidden your word in my h

119:32 for you have set my h free.

139:23 Search me, O God, and know my h

Pr 3:5 Trust in the LORD with all your h

4:21 keep them within your h;

4:23 Above all else, guard your h,

7:3 write them on the tablet of your h.

13:12 Hope deferred makes the h sick,

14:13 Even in laughter the h may ache,

15:30 A cheerful look brings joy to the h,

17:22 A cheerful h is good medicine,

24:17 stumbles, do not let your h rejoice,

27:19 so a man’s h reflects the man.

Ecc 8:5 wise h will know the proper time

SS 4:9 You have stolen my h, my sister,

Isa 40:11 and carries them close to his h;

57:15 and to revive the h of the contrite.

Jer 17:9 The h is deceitful above all things

29:13 when you seek me with all your h.

Eze 36:26 I will give you a new h

Mt 5:8 Blessed are the pure in h,

6:21 treasure is, there your h will be

12:34 of the h the mouth speaks.

22:37 the Lord your God with all your h

Lk 6:45 overflow of his h his mouth speaks.

Ro 2:29 is circumcision of the h,

10:10 is with your h that you believe

1 Co 14:25 the secrets of his h will be laid bare.

Eph 5:19 make music in your h to the Lord,

6:6 doing the will of God from your h.

Col 3:23 work at it with all your h,

1 Pe 1:22 one another deeply, from the h.


Dt 11:18 Fix these words of mine in your h

1 Ki 8:39 for you alone know the h of all men

8:61 your h must be fully committed

Ps 62:8 pour out your h to him,

Ecc 3:11 also set eternity in the h of men;

Jer 31:33 and write it on their h.

Lk 16:15 of men, but God knows your h.

24:32 “Were not our h burning within us

Jn 14:1 “Do not let your h be troubled.

Ac 15:9 for he purified their h by faith.

Ro 2:15 of the law are written on their h,

2 Co 3:2 written on our h, known

3:3 but on tablets of human h.

4:6 shine in our h to give us the light

Eph 3:17 dwell in your h through faith.

Col 3:1 set your h on things above,

Heb 3:8 do not harden your h

10:16 I will put my laws in their h,

1 Jn 3:20 For God is greater than our h,


2 Pe 3:12 and the elements will melt in the h.


Ge 14:19 Creator of h and earth.

1 Ki 8:27 the highest h, cannot contain you.

2 Ki 2:1 up to h in a whirlwind,

2 Ch 7:14 then will I hear from h

Isa 14:12 How you have fallen from h,

66:1 “H is my throne,

Da 7:13 coming with the clouds of h.

Mt 6:9 “ ‘Our Father in h,

6:20 up for yourselves treasures in h,

16:19 bind on earth will be bound in h,

19:23 man to enter the kingdom of h.

24:35 H and earth will pass away,

26:64 and coming on the clouds of h.”

28:18 “All authority in h

Mk 16:19 he was taken up into h

Lk 15:7 in h over one sinner who repents

18:22 and you will have treasure in h.

Ro 10:6 ‘Who will ascend into h?’ ” (that is,

2 Co 5:1 an eternal house in h, not built

12:2 ago was caught up to the third h.

Php 2:10 h and on earth and under the earth,

3:20 But our citizenship is in h.

1 Th 1:10 and to wait for his Son from h,

Heb 8:5 and shadow of what is in h.

9:24 he entered h itself, now to appear

2 Pe 3:13 we are looking forward to a new h

Rev 21:1 Then I saw a new h and a new earth


Ps 8:5 him a little lower than the h beings

2 Co 5:2 to be clothed with our h dwelling,

Eph 1:3 in the h realms with every spiritual

1:20 at his right hand in the h realms,

2 Ti 4:18 bring me safely to his h kingdom.

Heb 12:22 to the h Jerusalem, the city


Ge 1:1 In the beginning God created the h

1 Ki 8:27 The h, even the highest heaven,

2 Ch 2:6 since the h, even the highest

Ps 8:3 When I consider your h,

19:1 The h declare the glory of God;

102:25 the h are the work of your hands.

108:4 is your love, higher than the h;

119:89 it stands firm in the h.

139:8 If I go up to the h, you are there;

Isa 51:6 Lift up your eyes to the h,

Isa 55:9 “As the h are higher than the earth,

65:17 new h and a new earth.

Joel 2:30 I will show wonders in the h

Eph 4:10 who ascended higher than all the h,

2 Pe 3:10 The h will disappear with a roar;


Ge 14:13 and reported this to Abram the H.


Pr 13:1 wise son h his father’s instruction,

13:18 whoever h correction is honored.

15:5 whoever h correction shows

15:32 whoever h correction gains


Ge 3:15 and you will strike his h.”


Ro 8:17 then we are h — h of God

Gal 3:29 and h according to the promise.

Eph 3:6 gospel the Gentiles are h together

1 Pe 3:7 as h with you of the gracious gift


Mt 5:22 will be in danger of the fire of h.

Lk 16:23 In h, where he was in torment,

2 Pe 2:4 but sent them to h, putting them


Isa 59:17 and the h of salvation on his head;

Eph 6:17 Take the h of salvation

1 Th 5:8 and the hope of salvation as a h.


Ps 18:6 I cried to my God for h.

30:2 my God, I called to you for h

46:1 an ever-present h in trouble.

79:9 H us, O God our Savior,

121:1 where does my h come from?

Isa 41:10 I will strengthen you and h you;

Jnh 2:2 depths of the grave I called for h,

Mk 9:24 h me overcome my unbelief!”

Ac 16:9 Come over to Macedonia and h us

1 Co 12:28 those able to h others, those


1 Sa 7:12 “Thus far has the LORD h us.”


Ge 2:18 I will make a h suitable for him.”

Ps 10:14 you are the h of the fatherless.

Heb 13:6 Lord is my h; I will not be afraid.


Ac 9:36 always doing good and h the poor.

1 Ti 5:10 h those in trouble and devoting


Ro 8:26 the Spirit h us in our weakness.


Mt 23:37 as a h gathers her chicks


Ps 127:3 Sons are a h from the LORD,


1. King of Judea who tried to kill Jesus (Mt 2; Lk 1:5).

2. Son of 1. Tetrarch of Galilee who arrested and beheaded John the Baptist (Mt 14:1–12; Mk 6:14–29; Lk 3:1, 19–20; 9:7–9); tried Jesus (Lk 23:6–15).

3. Grandson of 1. King of Judea who killed James (Ac 12:2); arrested Peter (Ac 12:3–19). Death (Ac 12:19–23).


Wife of Herod the Tetrarch who persuaded her daughter to ask for John the Baptist’s head (Mt 14:1–12; Mk 6:14–29).


King of Judah. Restored the temple and worship (2 Ch 29–31). Sought the LORD for help against Assyria (2 Ki 18–19; 2 Ch 32:1–23; Isa 36–37). Illness healed (2 Ki 20:1–11; 2 Ch 32:24–26; Isa 38). Judged for showing Babylonians his treasures (2 Ki 20:12–21; 2 Ch 32:31; Isa 39).


Ge 3:8 and they h from the LORD God

Ex 2:2 she h him for three months.

Jos 6:17 because she h the spies we sent.

Heb 11:23 By faith Moses’ parents h him


Ps 19:12 Forgive my h faults.

119:11 I have h your word in my heart

Pr 2:4 and search for it as for h treasure,

Isa 59:2 your sins have h his face from you,

Mt 5:14 A city on a hill cannot be h.

13:44 of heaven is like treasure h

Col 1:26 the mystery that has been kept h

2:3 in whom are h all the treasures

3:3 and your life is now h with Christ


Ps 17:8 h me in the shadow of your wings

143:9 for I h myself in you.


Mt 5:14 A city on a h cannot be hidden.


Ps 50:10 and the cattle on a thousand h.

121:1 I lift up my eyes to the h —


1 Sa 14:6 Nothing can h the LORD

Mt 19:14 come to me, and do not h them,

1 Co 9:12 anything rather than h the gospel

1 Pe 3:7 so that nothing will h your prayers.


Heb 12:1 let us throw off everything that h


Eph 5:3 even a h of sexual immorality,


Ex 20:7 LORD will not h anyone guiltless

Lev 19:13 “ ‘Do not h back the wages

Jos 22:5 to h fast to him and to serve him

Ps 73:23 you h me by my right hand.

Pr 4:4 “Lay h of my words

Isa 54:2 do not h back;