FOREWORD by Robert J. Moore Jr., PhD
1. Demanding Satisfaction: The Perilous Trial of
Ensign Meriwether Lewis
2. Lewis and Clark's Route Map:
James MacKay's Map of the Missouri River
by Thomas C. Danisi and W. Raymond Wood
3. Intrigue, Mayhem, Deception
4. The Missing Journal Entries: Fact or Fiction
6. Preserving the Legacy of Meriwether Lewis:
The Letters of Samuel Latham Mitchill
8. Meriwether Lewis's Land Warrant:
An Untimely Reward
9. Was Governor Lewis's Correspondence
Intentionally Delayed?
10. Governor Meriwether Lewis's Fiscal House of Cards:
A Closer Look
11. From Fort Pickering to Nashville, Tennessee:
The Final Chapter
12. The Gilbert Russell Statement
13. Dr. Antoine Saugrain's Treatment of
Governor Meriwether Lewis
14. Revisiting Meriwether Lewis's Death:
A New Perspective
by Thomas C. Danisi and John Danisi
APPENDIXES A–G: Supporting Documentation
Appendix A. Documents from, to, and about Meriwether Lewis, 1803–1813
1. Meriwether Lewis, Journal Entry, November 13, 1803
2. Meriwether Lewis, Journal Entry, November 14, 1803
3. Meriwether Lewis, Journal Entry, April 7, 1805
4. Meriwether Lewis, Journal Entry, August 18, 1805
5. Meriwether Lewis, Journal Entry, January 1, 1806
6. Meriwether Lewis to Auguste Chouteau, February 11, 1807
7. James Wilkinson to President Thomas Jefferson,
September 15, 1807
8. Meriwether Lewis to Mahlon Dickerson,
November 3, 1807, Albermarle
9. Meriwether Lewis to William Clark,
May 29,1808
10. Meriwether Lewis to William Preston,
July 25,1808, Saint Louis
11. Meriwether Lewis to Mrs. Lucy Marks,
December 1, 1808, Saint Louis
12. Pierre Chouteau to Secretary of War,
June 14, 1809, Saint Louis (penned by Frederick Bates)
13. Meriwether Lewis to War Department,
July 8, 1809, Saint Louis
14. William Simmons to Meriwether Lewis,
July 15, 1809, War Department
15. Meriwether Lewis to William Simmons,
August 18, 1809, Saint Louis
16. William Carr to Charles Carr,
August 25, 1809, Saint Louis (excerpt)
17. Meriwether Lewis to Pierre Chouteau,
September 2, 1809, Saint Louis
18. Will: September 11,1809, New Madrid
19. Meriwether Lewis to James Madison,
September 16, 1809, Fort Pickering, Chickasaw Bluffs
20. Meriwether Lewis to Amos Stoddard,
September 22, 1809, Fort Pickering, Chickasaw Bluffs
21. James Howe to Frederick Bates,
September 28, 1809, Nashville, Tennessee
22. Missouri Gazette, October 4, 1809, Wednesday
23. Maj. James Neelly to Thomas Jefferson,
October 18, 1809, Nashville, Tennessee
24. John Brahan to Thomas Jefferson,
October 18, 1809, Nashville, Tennessee
25. John Brahan to Secretary of War,
October 18, 1809, Nashville, Tennessee
26. Missouri Gazette, October 19, 1809
27. The Democratic Clarion, October 20, 1809, Nashville, Tennessee
28. James Madison to Thomas Jefferson,
October 30, 1809
29. John Breck Treat to Frederick Bates,
October 31,1809, Washington City
30. Missouri Gazette, November 2, 1809, Thursday
31. The Argus of Western America,
November 4, 1809, Frankfort, Kentucky
32. Frederick Bates to Richard Bates,
November 9, 1809, Saint Louis
33. Gilbert Russell to Thomas Jefferson,
January 4, 1810, Fort Pickering, Chickasaw Bluffs
34. Gilbert Russell to Thomas Jefferson,
January 31, 1810, Fort Pickering, Chickasaw Bluffs
35. Thomas Jefferson to Gilbert C. Russell, April 18, 1810
36. Alexander Wilson to Alexander Lawson, May 18, 1810
37. Statement of Gilbert Russell,
November 26, 1811, Fredericktown, Maryland
38. Alexander Wilson, Tribute to Meriwether Lewis,
circa 1810–1813
39. Thomas Jefferson to Paul Allen,
August 18, 1813, Late Gov. of Louisiana
Appendix B. Meriwether Lewis's Court-Martial Proceedings,
November 6–11, 1795
Appendix C. Excerpts from the Letters of
Samuel Latham Mitchill, 1801–1808
Appendix D. Notes on Meriwether Lewis's Real Estate
Transactions and Personal Debts
Appendix E. Notes on Warrants, Drafts, and Bills of Exchange
Issued from the Accountant's Office
Appendix F. Meriwether Lewis's Account Book, 1807–1809
APPENDIXES H–I: Fiction Weaved into Nonfiction
Appendix H. The Etiology of Thunderbolts/Thunderclappers
Appendix I. A Fictional Romance