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Page numbers in bold indicate tables; those in italics indicate figures.

A/360 calendar convention. See actual/360 (A/360) calendar convention

A/365 calendar convention, 30, 31

AA (actual/actual) calendar convention, single cash flow yield calculations, 28, 30, 31, 34, 37, 40–41

active portfolio management, xiv, 197–212

covered option writing strategy, 212

credit spread declines, four ETF approach (outperforming an index strategy), 199

currency (multiple) strategy, 212

exchange-traded funds (ETFs), 198, 199–200

four ETF approach (outperforming an index strategy), 198, 199–200

future credit quality strategy, 212

inflation risk and total return strategy, xiv, 205–6, 206, 208, 209

interest rate declines, four ETF approach (outperforming an index strategy), 199–200

interest rate risk and total return strategy, 203, 203, 203–4, 204, 205, 207, 208, 208, 209, 209, 210, 210, 211

interest rate volatility increases, four ETF approach (outperforming an index strategy), 199

liquidity approach (outperforming an index strategy), 198, 199

mortgages, 197, 198, 205–6

outperforming an index strategy, 197–200, 198

riding the yield curve (total return strategy), 200, 201, 201–5, 202, 202, 203, 203, 204, 205

three ETF approach (outperforming an index strategy), 198, 200

total return strategy, 197, 200–212, 201, 202, 202, 203, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211

US Corporates, 197, 198, 198, 200

US Treasuries, 197, 198, 198, 199–200

yield curve plays (total return strategy), 200, 205–11, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211

zero coupon bonds (ZCBs) example, 206–7

See also fixed income investments

actual/360 (A/360) calendar convention

multiple cash flows calculations, 51–52, 58–59, 63

single cash flow yield calculations, 29, 30, 33, 35, 36, 37–38, 40, 41

See also calendar conventions

actual/actual (A/A) calendar convention, single cash flow yield calculations, 28, 30, 31, 34, 37, 40–41

after-tax RCY, 76–80, 77, 78, 79, 80

agencies, 30, 187, 197, 198, 198, 200

AGG (iShares Core Total US Bond Market ETF), 187

airline example, 13, 13–14

alternative debt instruments and duration, 127–29

annual credit spread, pricing credit risk, 176–77, 176–77

asset allocation (automatic), convertibles, 20

automatic tactical asset allocation, convertibles, 20

bankers acceptances, 30

bank loans, debt market, 14–15

bankruptcy and bonds, pricing credit risk, 179, 179–84, 181, 182–83

barbell vs. bullets trade, 148, 148–49, 149

Barclays Aggregate Taxable Index, 197–98, 198

Barclays Capital US Aggregate Bond Index (Lehman Aggregate), 187

“base e,” multiple cash flows calculations, 60, 62

basic bond yield calculations. See bond yield calculations

basis point defined, 131–32

benchmark (outperforming), convertibles, 20–21

binomial trees, embedded options risk, 160, 160, 161, 162, 164, 168, 168, 169, 171, 172

“black box,” pricing credit risk, 179, 179–80

Bloomberg, 154

Bloomberg Single Factor Option-Adjusted Spread (OAS) Model, 159, 164–69, 166, 168, 169

BND (Vanguard Total Bond Market ETF), 187

bonds with different ratings, credit risk, 172

bond yield calculations, 64–81

after-tax RCY, 76–80, 77, 78, 79, 80

coupon yield, 64–65, 69, 70–71

current yield (cash-on-cash return), 65–66

embedded options, 72

eurobonds examples, 66–68, 70, 70, 76–77

IBM examples, 64, 65

inflation risk, xiv, 72, 75, 79, 80–81

interest on interest (IOI), 73, 74, 77–78, 78

interest rate risk and, 69, 71, 76

life insurance companies, 79

net-net realized compound yield (NNRCY), 80–81

net realized compound yield (NRCY), 76–80, 77, 78, 79, 80

realized compound yield (RCY), 72–76, 74–75, 76

reinvestment issue, 72–73, 75, 77, 79, 80

retired welder example, 65–66

tax-free vs. taxable investments, 76–78, 77

tax issue, 72, 75–76, 76–80, 77, 78, 79, 80

total return in dollars (T–R), 73–74, 74

yield-to-call, 72

yield to maturity (YTM), xiv, 66–71, 70–71, 72–73, 75, 76, 76, 80

yield-to-put, 72

yield-to-worst, 72

zero coupon bonds (ZCBs), 69, 70, 70–71, 74–75

See also investment math

bootstrapping the zero coupon curve, 82–85, 83, 84, 85

See also investment math

borrower (issuer), debt market, 1, 3

British government bonds (Gilts), 31

building example, 7

bullet bonds and positive convexity, 139, 141

Bullet Loan (fixed) debt, 6

bullet vs. barbell trade, 148, 148–49, 149

Bunds (German government bonds), 31

C. See convexity

calculations. See investment math

calendar conventions

A/365 calendar convention, 30, 31

actual/actual (A/A) calendar convention, single cash flow yield calculations, 28, 30, 31, 34, 37, 40–41

single cash flow yield calculations and, xiv, 28–31, 30, 31, 32, 33

See also actual/360 (A/360) calendar convention; investment math; 30/360 calendar convention

call options

convertibles, xiii, 18, 21–22

convexity (C), 140–41

debt market, 8–9

duration variables, 126–27

embedded options risk, 159

See also embedded options

capital expenditures (CapX), pricing credit risk, 180–81, 181

capital structure

bankruptcy, pricing credit risk, 182, 182, 183, 183

debt market, 12–16, 13

CapX (capital expenditures), pricing credit risk, 180–81, 181

cash flow and bankruptcy, pricing credit risk, 180–82, 181

cash flow calculations. See investment math

cash-on-cash return (current yield), 65–66

CMOs, 30


commercial paper, 30

common stock. See stocks

compounding frequencies, multiple cash flows calculations, xiv, 54–55, 55

compound interest, single cash flow yield calculations, 26

conditional probability of survival (CPS), pricing credit risk, 175, 175–76, 176–77

constant yield and convexity, 145–49, 146, 147, 148, 149

continuous compounding

multiple cash flows calculations, 60–63

single cash flow yield calculations, 26

See also investment math

conversion premium, convertibles, 18

conversion value, convertibles, 17

convertibles, 16–24

automatic tactical asset allocation, 20

call date/risk, xiii, 18, 21–22

conversion premium, 18

conversion value, 17

higher current income, 20

loss of accrued interest upon forced call, 22

lower liquidity, 22–23

outperforming a benchmark, 20–21

risk adjusted return, 20

senior security, 19

underperforming the common, 21

work-out period, 18–19

See also debt market; embedded options

convexity (C), xiv, 135–49

bullet bonds and positive convexity, 139, 141

bullet vs. barbell trade, 148, 148–49, 149

call options, 140–41

constant yield and coupon, 145, 147, 147–49, 148, 149

constant yield and maturity, 145–46, 146

constant yield and modified duration impact, 145, 147

definitions of convexity, 135, 149

derivative defined, 135–36, 149

embedded options and, 140–41

eurobonds example, 136–38, 137, 138, 141–42, 141–44

factors impacting, 145–49, 146, 147, 148, 149

higher derivatives and, 149

interest rate risk and, 136, 138, 139, 140–41, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148

location, speed, acceleration example, 135–36

modified convexity, 141–42, 141–42

modified duration (MD) and, 135, 136, 145, 147, 149

mortgages, 139–40, 140, 149

negative convexity, 139–40, 140, 140–41

positive convexity, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141

price yield function of a bond, 136–45, 137, 138, 140, 141–42

problems, 146, 146

zero coupon bonds (ZCBs), 144–45, 146, 146, 147, 147–49, 148, 149

See also fixed income investments

corporates. See US Corporates

cost of analysis risk, credit risk, 152, 155–56, 164

coupon and yield constant, convexity, 145, 147, 147–49, 148, 149

coupon (interest rate), debt market, 1, 3–6, 4, 5

coupon size, duration variables, 118–21, 120, 121

coupon yield, bond yield calculations, 64–65, 69, 70–71

covenants, debt market, 3

covered option writing strategy, active portfolio management, 212

CPS (conditional probability of survival), pricing credit risk, 175, 175–76, 176–77

credit convexity risk, 152, 158, 158, 164

credit drift risk, 152, 156–57, 157, 164

credit protection, 151

credit quality

active portfolio management and, 212

deterioration, credit risk, 150–51

passive fixed income portfolio management (ladder portfolios), 186

credit requirements (dedicated portfolios), passive fixed income portfolio management, 191

credit risk, xiv, 150–72

bonds with different ratings, 172

cost of analysis risk, 152, 155–56, 164

credit convexity risk, 152, 158, 158, 164

credit drift risk, 152, 156–57, 157, 164

credit protection, 151

debt market and, 11–12, 12

default risk, 150, 151

downgraded bonds, 150–51

industrial bonds example, 156–57, 157

liquidity risk, 152, 154–55, 164

quality of credit deterioration, 150–51

ratings (different), bonds with, 172

taxes and, 152, 153–54, 164

total spread, xiv, 151–52

uncertainty risk, 152, 158–59, 164

US Corporates, 153, 154, 155–56

US Treasuries, 152, 153, 154–55, 158, 158

See also embedded options risk; fixed income investments; pricing credit risk

credit spread, debt market, xiv, 4, 4–5

credit spread declines, four ETF approach (outperforming an index strategy), 199

currency (multiple) strategy, active portfolio management, 212

current income (higher), convertibles, 20

current yield (cash-on-cash return), 65–66

daily interest, single cash flow yield calculations, 38–39

debt load and bankruptcy, pricing credit risk, 182–83, 182–83

debt market, 1–24

airline example, 13, 13–14

bank loans, 14–15

building example, 7

call options, 8–9

capital structure, 12–16, 13

covenants, 3

credit risk and, 11–12, 12

credit spread, xiv, 4, 4–5

defined, 1

derivative obligations, 15

embedded options, 7–9

equity market vs., 1

extendable debt, 6–7

factory example, 10, 10–11

fixed (Bullet Loan) debt, 6

floating rate notes (FRNs), xiii, 4, 4–6, 5, 11, 128–29

global debt market, 1

“hard” put option, 8

income bonds, 24

interest payment frequency, 1, 2

interest rate (coupon), 1, 3–6, 4, 5

issuer (borrower), 1, 3

lender (investor), 1, 3

life of the option, 8

maturity of debt, 1, 2, 6–11, 10

off balance sheet financing structure, 13, 13–14

pari passu debt, 15, 16

principal, 1

put options, 7–8, 9

secured debt with recourse, 14

segmentation based on maturity, 2

senior debt with no recourse, 13, 13–14

senior unsecured debt, 15, 16

sinking funds, 9–11, 10

“soft” put option, 8

special purpose corporation (SPC), 13, 13–14

stocks vs., xiii, 1, 19–21

subordinated debt, 16, 182, 182, 183, 183–84

targeted redemption note (TARN), 11

trade obligations, 15–16

US Treasuries, 2, 13

See also convertibles; fixed income investments

dedicated portfolios (fund liabilities), passive fixed income portfolio management, 185, 188–92, 189, 190

default probability determination, pricing credit risk, 177–79, 178–79

default risk, 150, 151

derivative defined, 135–36, 149

derivative obligations, debt market, 15

derivative of modified duration, 213–18

differing compounding frequencies, multiple cash flows calculations, xiv, 54–59, 55, 57, 58, 59

discount instruments, 42–44

See also investment math

downgraded bonds, credit risk, 150–51

duration calculations, 102–17

definitions of duration, 102, 103–4

derivative of modified duration, 213–18

eurobonds example, 110

Excel example, 114–16, 115, 117, 117

HP-12C example, 219–20, 219–21

Macaulay’s duration, 113, 217–18

present value (PV), 111, 111–12, 112, 112, 114

problems (time discounting future cash flows), 113–17, 114, 115, 116, 117

problems (time-weighting future cash flows), 108–10, 110

risk and, 103–4, 104, 106

time discounting future cash flows, 111, 111–17, 112, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117

time-weighting future cash flows, 107–10, 110, 111, 113, 113

total return in dollars (T–R) and, 102, 102–3, 103, 104, 113

yield to maturity (YTM) and, 104, 104–6, 105, 106, 111, 114

zero coupon bonds (ZCBs), 116, 116–17

See also duration variables; interest rate risk vs. reinvestment risk; investment math; modified duration (MD)

duration variables, xiv, 118–29

alternative debt instruments and duration, 127–29

call options, 126–27

embedded options, 118, 126–27

eurobonds with various coupons, 121, 121

floating rate notes (FRNs), xiii, 4, 4–6, 5, 11, 128–29

high coupon bonds, 119–20, 120

interest rate swaps, 2, 30, 128–29

maturity of the bond, 118, 121–22, 122, 127

moving target, duration as a, 127

payment of interest, 118, 125, 125–26, 126

preferred stock and duration, 128, 129

put options, 126, 127

size of the coupon (coupon size), 118–21, 120, 121

taxes, 118, 123, 123–24, 127

US Corporates, 123

yield to maturity (YTM), 118, 122–23, 123, 127

zero coupon bonds (ZCBs), 120, 120, 124

See also duration calculations; fixed income investments; modified duration (MD)

Dutch government bonds (Guilders), 31

effective returns vs. stated returns, multiple cash flows calculations, 54

embedded options

bond yield calculations, 72

convexity (C), 140–41

debt market, 7–9

duration variables, 118, 126–27

passive fixed income portfolio management (dedicated portfolios), 192

See also call options; convertibles; embedded options risk; put options

embedded options risk, 127, 152, 159–72

binomial trees, 160, 160, 161, 162, 164, 168, 168, 169, 171, 172

Bloomberg Single Factor Option-Adjusted Spread (OAS) Model, 159, 164–69, 166, 168, 169

call options, 159

interest rate risk and, 169–71, 170

Interest Rate Swap curve, 164–65

simplified embedded option pricing model, 159–64, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164

US Corporates, 159, 164, 165

US Treasuries, 164, 164–65

valuing embedded options, 171, 171–72, 172

volatility impact on price, 169–71, 170

See also credit risk; embedded options

emerging markets, 31

equity market vs. debt market, 1

ETFs. See exchange-traded funds


calendar conventions and, 30

compounding frequencies, 54

interest payment frequency, 2

various coupons, duration variables, 121, 121

See also eurobonds examples

eurobonds examples

bond yield calculations, 66–68, 70, 70, 76–77

bootstrapping the zero coupon curve, 82–85, 83, 84, 85

convexity (C), 136–38, 137, 138, 141–42, 141–44

duration calculations, 110

nonparallel yield curve shifts, 95, 96

passive fixed income portfolio management, 189, 189–91, 190

See also eurobonds

Excel examples

duration calculations, 114–16, 115, 117, 117

single cash flow yield calculations, 31

valuing bonds using the zero curve, 89, 89, 89–90, 90

See also investment math

exchange-traded funds (ETFs)

active portfolio management, 198, 199–200

passive fixed income portfolio management, 187

exponent function, multiple cash flows calculations, 47, 48, 50

extendable debt, 6–7

factory example, 10, 10–11

Fed, 155, 205–6, 206, 208, 209, 209, 210, 210, 211

finite compounding, multiple cash flows calculations, 48–54, 53

5-year US Treasuries, 2

fixed (Bullet Loan) debt, 6

fixed income investments, xiii–xiv

speculative nature of, xiii

See also active portfolio management; capital structure; convexity (C); credit quality; credit risk; debt market; duration; embedded options; eurobonds; exchange-traded funds (ETFs); inflation risk; investment math; liquidity; maturity; mortgages; passive fixed income portfolio management; reinvestment; taxes; US Corporates; US Treasuries; zero coupon bonds (ZCBs)

fixed side of swaps, 30

floating rate notes (FRNs), xiii, 4, 4–6, 5, 11, 128–29

floating side of swaps, 30

forced call, convertibles, 22

formulas. See investment math

four ETF approach (outperforming an index strategy), 198, 199–200

French government bonds (OATS), 31

FRNs (floating rate notes), xiii, 4, 4–6, 5, 11, 128–29

fund liabilities, passive fixed income portfolio management, 185, 188–96, 189, 190, 193, 193, 194, 195, 196

future credit quality strategy, active portfolio management, 212

future value (FV)

multiple cash flows calculations, 45–46, 46–47, 48, 60–61

single cash flow yield calculations, 25–26, 27, 39–40

valuing bonds using the zero curve, 87

See also investment math

FV. See future value

German government bonds (Bunds), 31

Gilts (British government bonds), 31

global debt market, 1

Guilders (Dutch government bonds), 31

“hard” put option, 8

high coupon bonds, duration variables, 119–20, 120

higher current income, convertibles (current income (higher), convertibles), 20

higher derivatives and convexity (C), 149

HP-12C examples

duration calculations, 219–20, 219–21

multiple cash flows calculations, 47, 47, 48, 50, 56, 57, 58, 59

single cash flow yield calculations, 31–33

See also investment math

IBM examples, 64, 65

immunized portfolios (fund liabilities), passive fixed income portfolio management, 185, 192–96, 193, 193, 194, 195, 196

impact of nonparallel yield curve shifts. See nonparallel yield curve shifts

income bonds, debt market, 24

index matching (tie the market), passive fixed income portfolio management, 185, 187

industrial bonds example, 156–57, 157

inflation risk

bond yield calculations, xiv, 72, 75, 79, 80–81

total return strategy and, xiv, 205–6, 206, 208, 209

interest bearing equivalent, discount instruments, 42–44

interest loss (forced call), convertibles, 22

interest on interest (IOI)

bond yield calculations, 73, 74, 77–78, 78

interest rate risk vs. reinvestment risk, 97, 98, 100–107, 101, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106

single cash flow yield calculations, 26

See also investment math

interest payment frequency, debt market, 1, 2

interest rate (coupon), debt market, 1, 3–6, 4, 5

interest rate declines, four ETF approach (outperforming an index strategy), 199–200

interest rate risk and

bond yield calculations, 69, 71, 76

convexity (C), 136, 138, 139, 140–41, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148

embedded options risk, 169–71, 170

modified duration (MD), 130–31, 131, 133, 134, 136

nonparallel yield curve shifts, 95, 96

passive fixed income portfolio management, 187

total return strategy, 203, 203, 203–4, 204, 205, 207, 208, 208, 209, 209, 210, 210, 211

See also interest rate risk vs. reinvestment risk; investment math

interest rate risk vs. reinvestment risk, 97–117

interest on interest (IOI), 97, 98, 100–107, 101, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106

market value (MV), 97, 98, 99, 99–100, 100, 101, 101, 101, 102

total return in dollars (T–R), 97–98, 101–2, 113

US Corporates, 113–14, 114

US Treasuries, 116, 117, 117

See also duration calculations; interest rate risk; investment math

Interest Rate Swap curve, embedded options risk, 164–65

interest rate swaps, 2, 30, 128–29

interest rate volatility increases, four ETF approach (outperforming an index strategy), 199

investment math, 25

bootstrapping the zero coupon curve, 82–85, 83, 84, 85

discount instruments, 42–44

nonparallel yield curve shifts, 94–96, 96

See also bond yield calculations; calendar conventions; continuous compounding; duration calculations; Excel examples; fixed income investments; future value (FV); HP-12C examples; interest on interest (IOI); interest rate risk; multiple cash flows calculations; present value (PV); problems; single cash flow yield calculations; spot rates; total return in dollars (T–R); valuing bonds using the zero curve; yield to maturity (YTM)

investor (lender), debt market, 1, 3

IOI. See interest on interest

iShares Core Total US Bond Market ETF (AGG), 187

issuer (borrower), debt market, 1, 3

Japanese government bonds (JGBs), 31

key rate durations, modified duration (MD), 133–34, 134, 134

“knocked-in” put option, 7, 8

ladder portfolios (tie the market), passive fixed income portfolio management, 185, 186–87

LAG (SPDR Lehman Aggregate Bond ETF), 187

Lehman Aggregate (Barclays Capital US Aggregate Bond Index), 187

lender (investor), debt market, 1, 3

length variable (ladder portfolios), passive fixed income portfolio management, 186

LIBOR (London Interbank Offering Rate), 4, 4, 5, 5

life insurance companies, 79

life of the option, debt market, 8


convertibles and lower liquidity, 22–23

credit risk and, 152, 154–55, 164

outperforming an index strategy and, 198, 199

loans. See debt market

location, speed, acceleration example, 135–36

London Interbank Offering Rate (LIBOR), 4, 4, 5, 5

long-term returns, multiple cash flows calculations, 46–54

loss of accrued interest upon forced call, convertibles, 22

lower liquidity, convertibles (liquidity (lower), convertibles), 22–23

Macaulay, Frederick, 113

Macaulay’s duration, 113, 217–18

market value (MV), interest rate risk vs. reinvestment risk, 97, 98, 99, 99–100, 100, 101, 101, 101, 102

math. See investment math


debt market and, 1, 2, 6–11, 10

duration variables, 118, 121–22, 122, 127

mismatches (dedicated portfolios), passive fixed income portfolio management, 192

See also yield to maturity (YTM)

MD. See modified duration

microeconomic credit analysis, 155

mirror index (tie the market), passive fixed income portfolio management, 185, 187

modified convexity, 141–42, 141–42

modified duration (MD), xiv, 130–34

basis point defined, 131–32

convexity (C), 135, 136, 145, 147, 149

derivative of modified duration, 213–18

HP-12C example, 219–20, 219–21

interest rate risk and, 130–31, 131, 133, 134, 136

key rate durations, 133–34, 134, 134

problems, 132–33

See also duration

money market funds, 2

Moody’s, 11, 12, 156


active portfolio management, 197, 198, 205–6

calendar conventions, 30

compounding frequencies, 54

convexity (C), 139–40, 140, 149

interest payment frequency, 2

passive fixed income portfolio management, 187

moving target, duration as a, 127

multiple cash flows calculations, 45–63

actual/360 (A/360) calendar convention, 51–52, 58–59, 63

“base e,” 60, 62

compounding frequencies, xiv, 54–55, 55

continuous compounding, 60–63

differing compounding frequencies, xiv, 54–59, 55, 57, 58, 59

effective returns vs. stated returns, 54

exponent function, 47, 48, 50

finite compounding, 48–54, 53

future value (FV), 45–46, 46–47, 48, 60–61

HP-12C example, 47, 47, 48, 50, 56, 57, 58, 59

long-term returns, 46–54

natural log of base e raised to a power, 62

present value (PV), 46, 47, 60–61

problems (continuous compounding), 61–63

problems (differing compounding frequencies), 55–59, 57, 58, 59

problems (finite compounding), 48–54, 53

rate conversion, 55–56, 57

stated returns, 53, 53–54

30/360 calendar convention, 46–47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 57, 62–63

zero coupon bonds (ZCBs), 47, 55–56, 57, 58–59

See also investment math

multiple currency strategy, active portfolio management, 212

municipals, 30, 54, 198, 199, 200

MV (market value), interest rate risk vs. reinvestment risk, 97, 98, 99, 99–100, 100, 101, 101, 101, 102

natural log of base e raised to a power, multiple cash flows calculations, 62

negative convexity, 139–40, 140, 140–41

net-net realized compound yield (NNRCY), 80–81

net realized compound yield (NRCY, after-tax RCY), 76–80, 77, 78, 79, 80

NNRCY (net-net realized compound yield), 80–81

nonparallel yield curve shifts, 94–96, 96

See also investment math

notes. See debt market

NRCY (net realized compound yield), 76–80, 77, 78, 79, 80

OAS (Bloomberg Single Factor Option-Adjusted Spread) Model, 159, 164–69, 166, 168, 169

OATS (French government bonds), 31

off balance sheet financing structure, debt market, 13, 13–14

1-year US Treasuries, 113

Option-Adjusted Spread (OAS) Model, Bloomberg Single Factor, 159, 164–69, 166, 168, 169

outperforming a benchmark, convertibles, 20–21

outperforming an index strategy, active portfolio management, 197–200, 198

outperforming the market, 197

See also active portfolio management

parallel yield curve shift, 94, 94

pari passu debt, 15, 16

passive fixed income portfolio management, xiv, 185–96

credit quality (ladder portfolios), 186

credit requirements (dedicated portfolios), 191

dedicated portfolios (fund liabilities), 185, 188–92, 189, 190

embedded options (dedicated portfolios), 192

eurobonds example, 189, 189–91, 190

exchange-traded funds (ETFs), 187

fund liabilities, 185, 188–96, 189, 190, 193, 193, 194, 195, 196

immunized portfolios (fund liabilities), 185, 192–96, 193, 193, 194, 195, 196

index matching (tie the market), 185, 187

interest rate risk and, 187

ladder portfolios (tie the market), 185, 186–87

length variable (ladder portfolios), 186

maturity mismatches (dedicated portfolios), 192

mirror index (tie the market), 185, 187

mortgages, 187

problems, 189, 189–91, 190

rebalancing the hedge, 195–96, 196

rung spacing (ladder portfolios), 186

tie the market, 185, 186–87

US Corporates, 187

zero coupon bonds (ZCBs), fund liabilities, 185, 188

zero coupon bonds (ZCBs) example, 193, 193–96, 194, 195, 196

See also fixed income investments

payment of interest, duration variables, 118, 125, 125–26, 126

period of put protection, 7

positive convexity, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141

preferred stock and duration, 128, 129

present value (PV)

duration calculations, 111, 111–12, 112, 112, 114

multiple cash flows calculations, 46, 47, 60–61

nonparallel yield curve shifts, 95, 96

single cash flow yield calculations, 25–26, 27–28

valuing bonds using the zero curve, 86–87, 87

See also investment math

price yield function of a bond, 136–45, 137, 138, 140, 141–42

pricing credit risk, xiv, 173–84

annual credit spread, 176–77, 176–77

bankruptcy and bonds, 179, 179–84, 181, 182–83

“black box,” 179, 179–80

capital expenditures (CapX), 180–81, 181

capital structure and bankruptcy, 182, 182, 183, 183

cash flow and bankruptcy, 180–82, 181

conditional probability of survival (CPS), 175, 175–76, 176–77

debt load and bankruptcy, 182–83, 182–83

default probability determination, 177–79, 178–79

problems, 174–77, 175, 176–77, 181–84, 182–83

stock (buying) and bankruptcy, 184

subordinated debt, 16, 182, 182, 183, 183–84

US Corporates, 173, 174, 177, 178, 178–79

US Treasuries, 173, 177–78, 178–79

See also credit risk

Prime interest rate, 4

principal, debt market, 1

printing of money and debt of Western governments, xiii


convexity (C), 146, 146

discount instruments, 43–44

duration calculations (time discounting future cash flows), 113–17, 114, 115, 116, 117

duration calculations (time-weighting future cash flows), 108–10, 110

modified duration (MD), 132–33

multiple cash flows calculations (continuous compounding), 61–63

multiple cash flows calculations (differing compounding frequencies), 55–59, 57, 58, 59

multiple cash flows calculations (finite compounding), 48–54, 53

passive fixed income portfolio management, 189, 189–91, 190

pricing credit risk, 174–77, 175, 176–77, 181–84, 182–83

single cash flow yield calculations, 32–41

valuing bonds using the zero curve, 90–93, 91, 92, 93

See also investment math

put options

debt market, 7–8, 9

duration variables, 126, 127

See also embedded options

PV. See present value

rate conversion, multiple cash flows calculations, 55–56, 57

ratings (bonds with different), credit risk, 172

RCY (realized compound yield), 72–76, 74–75, 76

realized compound yield (RCY), 72–76, 74–75, 76

rebalancing the hedge, passive fixed income portfolio management, 195–96, 196


bond yield calculations and, 72–73, 75, 77, 79, 80

See also interest rate risk vs. reinvestment risk

repurchase agreements, 30

retired welder example, 65–66

riding the yield curve (total return strategy), 200, 201, 201–5, 202, 202, 203, 203, 204, 205

risk adjusted return, convertibles, 20

risk and duration calculations, 103–4, 104, 106

See also credit risk; embedded options risk; inflation risk; interest rate risk; taxes

rung spacing (ladder portfolios), passive fixed income portfolio management, 186

Schwab US Aggregate Bond ETF (SCHZ), 187

SCHZ (Schwab US Aggregate Bond ETF), 187

secured debt with recourse, 14

segmentation based on maturity, debt market, 2

senior debt with no recourse, 13, 13–14

senior security, convertibles, 19

senior unsecured debt, 15, 16

7-year US Treasuries, 2

simple interest, single cash flow yield calculations, 26

simplified embedded option pricing model, 159–64, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164

single cash flow yield calculations, 25–41

actual/360 (A/360) calendar convention, 29, 30, 33, 35, 36, 37–38, 40, 41

actual/actual (A/A) calendar convention, 28, 30, 31, 34, 37, 40–41

calendar convention and, xiv, 28–31, 30, 31, 32, 33

compound interest, 26

continuous compounding, 26

daily interest, 38–39

Excel example, 31

future value (FV), 25–26, 27, 39–40

HP-12C example, 31–33

interest on interest (IOI), 26

present value (PV), 25–26, 27–28

problems, 32–41

simple interest, 26

30/360 calendar convention, 28–29, 30, 31, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37–38, 41

time (T) component and, 28–31, 30, 31, 32, 33

US Treasuries, 30, 38–39

See also investment math

sinking funds, debt market, 9–11, 10

size of the coupon (coupon size), duration variables, 118–21, 120, 121

“soft” put option, 8

SPC (special purpose corporation), 13, 13–14

SPDR Lehman Aggregate Bond ETF (LAG), 187

special purpose corporation (SPC), 13, 13–14

speculative nature of fixed income investments, xiii

spot rates

bootstrapping the zero coupon curve, 82–85, 83, 84, 85

valuing bonds using the zero curve, 87, 88–89, 89, 89, 90

See also investment math

Standard & Poor’s, 11, 12, 156

stated returns, multiple cash flows calculations, 53, 53–54

stock (buying) and bankruptcy, pricing credit risk, 184

stocks (underperforming), convertibles, 21

stocks vs. debt market, xiii, 1, 19–21

subordinated debt, pricing credit risk, 16, 182, 182, 183, 183–84

swaps. See interest rate swaps

tactical asset allocation (automatic), convertibles, 20

targeted redemption note (TARN), debt market, 11


bond yield calculations and, 72, 75–76, 76–80, 77, 78, 79, 80

credit risk and, 152, 153–54, 164

duration variables, 118, 123, 123–24, 127

tax-free vs. taxable investments, 76–78, 77

T-bill rate, 4, 4, 5, 5

30/360 calendar convention

multiple cash flows calculations, 46–47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 57, 62–63

single cash flow yield calculations, 28–29, 30, 31, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37–38, 41

See also calendar conventions

three ETF approach (outperforming an index strategy), 198, 200

tie the market, passive fixed income portfolio management, 185, 186–87

time discounting future cash flows, duration calculations, 111, 111–17, 112, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117

time (T) component and single cash flow yield calculations, 28–31, 30, 31, 32, 33

time-weighting future cash flows, duration calculations, 107–10, 110, 111, 113, 113

total return in dollars (T–R)

bond yield calculations, 73–74, 74

duration calculations and, 102, 102–3, 103, 104, 113

interest rate risk vs. reinvestment risk, 97–98, 101–2, 113

See also investment math

total return strategy, active portfolio management, 197, 200–212, 201, 202, 202, 203, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211

total spread, credit risk, xiv, 151–52

T–R. See total return in dollars

trade obligations, debt market, 15–16

Treasuries. See US Treasuries

T (time) component and single cash flow yield calculations, 28–31, 30, 31, 32, 33

20-year US Treasuries, 2

uncertainty risk, credit risk, 152, 158–59, 164

underperforming the common, convertibles, 21

US agencies, 30, 187, 197, 198, 198, 200

US Corporates, xiv

active portfolio management, 197, 198, 198, 200

calendar conventions, 30

compounding frequencies, 54

credit risk, 153, 154, 155–56

duration variables, 123

embedded options risk, 159, 164, 165

interest rate risk vs. reinvestment risk, 113–14, 114

passive fixed income portfolio management, 187

pricing credit risk, 173, 174, 177, 178, 178–79

US Municipals, 30, 54, 198, 199, 200

US Treasuries, xiv

active portfolio management, 197, 198, 198, 199–200

calendar conventions, 30

compounding frequencies, 54

credit risk, 152, 153, 154–55, 158, 158

debt market, 2, 13

embedded options risk, 164, 164–65

interest rate risk vs. reinvestment risk, 116, 117, 117

pricing credit risk, 173, 177–78, 178–79

single cash flow yield calculations, 30, 38–39

valuing bonds using the zero curve, 86–93

Excel example, 89, 89, 89–90, 90

future value (FV), 87

present value (PV), 86–87, 87

problems, 90–93, 91, 92, 93

spot rates, 87, 88–89, 89, 89, 90

yield to maturity (YTM), xiv, 88, 88, 90–92, 91, 92

See also investment math

valuing embedded options, 171, 171–72, 172

Vanguard Total Bond Market ETF (BND), 187

variables that impact duration. See duration variables

volatility impact on price, embedded options risk, 169–71, 170

Wall Street Journal, 68, 154

work-out period, convertibles, 18–19

yield constant and convexity, 145–49, 146, 147, 148, 149

yield curve plays (total return strategy), 200, 205–11, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211

yield-to-call, 72

yield to maturity (YTM)

bond yield calculations, xiv, 66–71, 70–71, 72–73, 75, 76, 76, 80

duration calculations and, 104, 104–6, 105, 106, 111, 114

duration variables, 118, 122–23, 123, 127

valuing bonds using the zero curve, xiv, 88, 88, 90–92, 91, 92

See also investment math

yield-to-put, 72

yield-to-worst, 72

YTM. See yield to maturity

ZCBs. See zero coupon bonds

zero coupon bonds (ZCBs)

bond yield calculations, 69, 70, 70–71, 74–75

bootstrapping the zero coupon curve, 82–85, 83, 84, 85

convexity (C), 144–45, 146, 146, 147, 147–49, 148, 149

defined, 6

duration calculations, 116, 116–17

duration variables, 120, 120, 124

multiple cash flows calculations, 47, 55–56, 57, 58–59

nonparallel yield curve shifts, 95, 96

passive fixed income portfolio management (fund liabilities), 185, 188

See also valuing bonds using the zero curve; zero coupon bonds (ZCBs) examples

zero coupon bonds (ZCBs) examples

active portfolio management, 206–7

passive fixed income portfolio management, 193, 193–96, 194, 195, 196

See also zero coupon bonds (ZCBs)