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  1. Introduction
  2. Day 1: Looking to a Sovereign God
  3. The Gospel
    1. Day 2: Humbling Ourselves before God
    2. Day 3: The Foundation for Our Faith
    3. Day 4: The Gospel and Culture
  4. Poverty
    1. Day 5: How God Sees the Poor
    2. Day 6: How We Should Treat the Poor
  5. Abortion
    1. Day 7: How God Sees the Unborn
    2. Day 8: How We Should Respond to Abortion
  6. Orphans and Widows
    1. Day 9: God’s Concern for Orphans and Widows
    2. Day 10: Our Responsibility to Orphans and Widows
  7. Conviction
    1. Day 11: Standing for the Truth
  8. Sex Slavery
    1. Day 12: God’s Concern for Sex Slaves
    2. Day 13: Our Response to Sex Slavery
  9. Marriage
    1. Day 14: God’s Design for Marriage
    2. Day 15: Living Faithfully in Our Marriages
  10. Sexual Morality
    1. Day 16: Warnings against Sexual Immorality
    2. Day 17: Seeking God’s Grace in Response to Sexual Sin
  11. Compassion
    1. Day 18: A Compassionate Savior
  12. Ethnicity
    1. Day 19: How God Sees People of Different Ethnicities
    2. Day 20: How We Should Treat People of Different Ethnicities
  13. The Refugee Crisis
    1. Day 21: How God Sees Refugees
    2. Day 22: Our Responsibility to Refugees
  14. Religious Liberty
    1. Day 23: Our Obligation to Government
    2. Day 24: Responding to Persecution
  15. Courage
    1. Day 25: Seeking God’s Grace and Strength
  16. The Unreached
    1. Day 26: The Spiritual State of the Unreached
    2. Day 27: The Cost and Reward of Going to the Unreached
  17. The Church’s Witness
    1. Day 28: It’s Not Up to You
    2. Day 29: A Group Effort
    3. Day 30: Found Faithful
    4. Day 31: Closing Prayer
  18. Notes