

A Note on the Texts

Cuisson du pain

Baking Bread

En Hiver

In Winter

Aux Moines

To the Monks



Le Moulin

The Windmill


To Die

Le Gel

The Frost

Fleur fatale

Fatal Flower

Mes doigts

My Fingers

Le Glaive

The Blade

La Couronne

The Crown



La Révolte

The Revolt

Finale – La Morte

Finale – The Corpse

La Ville (extrait)

The Town (excerpt)

Les Mendiants

The Beggars

Chanson de fou

Madman’s Song

La Neige

The Snow

La Pluie

The Rain

Le Vent

The Wind

Le Silence

The Silence

Le Passeur d’eau

The Ferryman

La Plaine

The Plain

L’Âme de la ville

The Soul of the Town

Les Heures claires I

The Clear Hours I

Les Heures claires III

The Clear Hours III

Les Heures claires XVIII

The Clear Hours XVIII

Une Heure du soir

An Evening Hour

Un matin

One Morning

Sur les grèves

On the Shore

Les Heures d’après-midi X

The Afternoon Hours X

Les Heures d’après-midi XXIX

The Afternoon Hours XXIX


The Tree

Plus loin que les gares, le soir

Further than the Stations, the Evening

Temps gris

Grey Weather

Le Péril

The Danger



Le Port déchu

The Fallen Port

Au long du quai

Along the Quay

Le Navire

The Ship


The Darkness

Les Heures du soir VIII

The Evening Hours VIII

Les Heures du soir XXVI

The Evening Hours XXVI

Les Ombres

The Shadows


The Storm

Les Morts

The Dead

Quartier sinistre

Shady Quarter

Novembre est clair et froid

November is Clear and Cold

Biographical Notes


Frontispiece: Emile Verhaeren standing at the window of his cottage at Caillou-qui-bique (photo: Charles Bernier, 1914).

Vintage street sign located in the Borinage, Verhaeren Museum, Sint Amands (photo: Will Stone, 2011).

Tomb of Emile and Marthe Verhaeren, Sint Amands, re-landscaped in 2010 (photo: Will Stone, 2011).

Emile Verhaeren in coat, hat and scarf (date and photographer unknown).

Emile Verhaeren in his study at Caillou-qui-Bique (date and photographer unknown).

Emile Verhaeren and Marthe Massin outside their cottage at Caillou-qui-Bique (date and photographer unknown).

First edition of Les Villes tentaculaires, Deman, Bruxelles 1895.

‘The poet Emile Verhaeren walking on the beach’ (etching) by Théo van Rysselberghe (1862-1926), courtesy of Cabinet des Estampes, Brussels.

Verhaeren in a cloak, walking (etching by Charles Bernier, after a drawing by Constant Montald, 1909).

Period photographs by courtesy of the Archive et Musée de la Littérature, Bruxelles and the Museum Emile Verhaeren, Sint Amands.